Results for 'Terushi Hara'

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  1. Daigaku kaikaku no senkusha Tachibana Seiji: gyō wa isogu ni yabure, okotaru ni susamu--.Terushi Hara - 1984 - Tōkyō: Kōjinsha. Edited by Seiji Tachibana.
  2. Ōhara Yūgaku zenshū.Yūgaku Ōhara - 1943
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    Population thinking and tree thinking in systematics.Robert J. O'Hara - 1997 - Zoologica Scripta 26 (4): 323–329.
    Two new modes of thinking have spread through systematics in the twentieth century. Both have deep historical roots, but they have been widely accepted only during this century. Population thinking overtook the field in the early part of the century, culminating in the full development of population systematics in the 1930s and 1940s, and the subsequent growth of the entire field of population biology. Population thinking rejects the idea that each species has a natural type (as the earlier essentialist view (...)
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    On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after StructuralismRoland Barthes.Dan O'Hara & Jonathan Culler - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 42 (3):323.
  5. Telling the tree: narrative representation and the study of evolutionary history.Robert J. O'Hara - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (2): 135–160.
    Accounts of the evolutionary past have as much in common with works of narrative history as they do with works of science. Awareness of the narrative character of evolutionary writing leads to the discovery of a host of fascinating and hitherto unrecognized problems in the representation of evolutionary history, problems associated with the writing of narrative. These problems include selective attention, narrative perspective, foregrounding and backgrounding, differential resolution, and the establishment of a canon of important events. The narrative aspects of (...)
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    Representations of the Natural System in the Nineteenth Century.Robert J. O' Hara - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (2):255.
    ‘The Natural System’ is the abstract notion of the order in living diversity. The richness and complexity of this notion is revealed by the diversity of representations of the Natural System drawn by ornithologists in the Nineteenth Century. These representations varied in overall form from stars, to circles, to maps, to evolutionary trees and cross-sections through trees. They differed in their depiction of affinity, analogy, continuity, directionality, symmetry, reticulation and branching, evolution, and morphological convergence and divergence. Some representations were two-dimensional, (...)
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    Homage to Clio, or, toward an historical philosophy for evolutionary biology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1988 - Systematic Zoology 37 (2): 142–155.
    Discussions of the theory and practice of systematics and evolutionary biology have heretofore revolved around the views of philosophers of science. I reexamine these issues from the different perspective of the philosophy of history. Just as philosophers of history distinguish between chronicle (non-interpretive or non-explanatory writing) and narrative history (interpretive or explanatory writing), I distinguish between evolutionary chronicle (cladograms, broadly construed) and narrative evolutionary history. Systematics is the discipline which estimates the evolutionary chronicle. ¶ Explanations of the events described in (...)
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    An Ecological Theory of Rational Interpretation.Saku Hara - 2005 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 13 (2):87-104.
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  9. Chūgoku shisō genryū no kōsatsu.Tomio Hara - 1979 - Tōkyō: Asahi Shuppansha.
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    The New Gallus and the Alternae Voces of Propertius 1.10.10.James J. O'hara - 1989 - Classical Quarterly 39 (02):561-.
    In CQ 34 , 167–74, Janet Fairweather makes the interesting suggestion that the elegiacs by Gallus on the Qasr Ibrim papyrus should be understood as ‘a fragment of an amoebaean song-contest’. This hypothesis, as she notes, might explain why the papyrus' quatrains are set apart by spaces and by an odd type of symbol, and treat ‘separate, indeed discrepant, topics’, yet show ‘unmistakable verbal and thematic connections’. Fairweather's discussion is thorough, but overlooks one small piece of evidence for Gallan amoebaean (...)
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    Conservatism, Epistemology, and Value.Kieron O’Hara - 2016 - The Monist 99 (4):423-440.
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    Trees of history in systematics and philology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1996 - Memorie Della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali E Del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 27 (1): 81–88.
    "The Natural System" is the name given to the underlying arrangement present in the diversity of life. Unlike a classification, which is made up of classes and members, a system or arrangement is an integrated whole made up of connected parts. In the pre-evolutionary period a variety of forms were proposed for the Natural System, including maps, circles, stars, and abstract multidimensional objects. The trees sketched by Darwin in the 1830s should probably be considered the first genuine evolutionary diagrams of (...)
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  13.  13
    Thinking Through Art: Aesthetic Agency and Global Modernity.Daniel T. O'Hara & Alan Singer - 1998 - Duke University Press.
    In the eighteenth century the category of the aesthetic sought to bridge the gap between the prevalent dualities of Cartesian thought: art and science, history and science, prejudice and truth. This special issue of _boundary 2_ addresses current debates about the status of art in the context of global modernity. The range of arguments represented here cover a broad historical scope—from Cartesianism to present-day global modernity—of cultural discourse on the aesthetic to bring a focus to contemporary discussions of the corollary (...)
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  14. Ethical Response to Climate Change.Dennis Patrick O'Hara & Alan Abelsohn - 2011 - Ethics and the Environment 16 (1):25-50.
    The same attitudes that allowed a significant increase in the anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations that are causing climate change are the same attitudes that are retarding an adequate ethical response to the impact that climate change is having on both human populations and the rest of the planet. The industrialized nations of the West paid little attention during the past three centuries to the impacts that their economies and cultures were having on the environment, both locally and globally. There (...)
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  15.  68
    Consensus, Difference and Sexuality: Que(e)rying the European Court of Human Rights’ Concept of‘ European Consensus’.Claerwen O’Hara - 2021 - Law and Critique 32 (1):91-114.
    This paper provides a queer critique of the European Court of Human Rights’ use of ‘European consensus’ as a method of interpretation in cases concerning sexuality rights. It argues that by routinely invoking the notion of ‘consensus’ in such cases, the Court (re)produces discourses and induces performances of sexuality and Europeanness that emphasise sameness and agreement, while simultaneously suppressing expressions of difference and dissent. As a result, this paper contends that the Court’s use of European consensus has ultimately functioned to (...)
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  16. Reflection: space, vision, and faith: linear perspective in Renaissance art and architecture.Mari Yoko Hara - 2020 - In Andrew Janiak (ed.), Space: a history. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  17. Tetsugaku nyūmon.Kazunari Kōhara - 1948
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  18.  23
    American higher education and the "collegiate way of living" (美国高等教育和 "学院制生活").Robert J. O'Hara - 2011 - Community Design (Tsinghua University) 30 (2):10–21.
    Institutions of higher education in the United States are remarkably diverse in their educational purposes, their organizational structure, and their architectural styles. But underlying all this diversity are two distinct historical models: the decentralized British "collegiate" model of university education, and the centralized Germanic university model. Early American higher education grew out of the British collegiate tradition and emphasized the comprehensive development of students' intellect and character, while the Germanic university tradition, introduced in the late 1800s, shifted the focus to (...)
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  19. A therapeutics of the image.Michael O'Hara - 2021 - In Noel Fitzpatrick, Néill O’Dwyer & Michael O’Hara (eds.), Aesthetics, digital studies and Bernard Stiegler. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Edward W. Said and Jacques Derrida: Reconstellating Humanism and the Global Hybrid (review).Daniel T. O’Hara - 2008 - Symploke 16 (1-2):384-387.
  21.  39
    French Canada and the Council.J. Martin O’Hara - 1962 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 37 (3):325-329.
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    Making their presence known: Tv's ghost-hunter phenomenon in a "post-" world.Jessica O'Hara - 2010 - In Thomas Richard Fahy (ed.), The philosophy of horror. Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky. pp. 72.
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    Peirce, Plato and miracles: On the mature Peirce's re-discovery of Plato and the overcoming of nominalistic prejudice in history.David L. O'Hara - 2008 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 44 (1):pp. 26-39.
    Twenty-three years ago Robert Ayers noticed several brief and intriguing comments on miracles in the Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Working with just those scraps of information from the CP, he stitched together a rough but helpful starting point for understanding this aspect of Peirce's religious and scientific thought. In the last few years several more articles on this subject have been written, each filling in a gap left by the others: Ayers' is a theological view, based solely on (...)
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  24.  15
    The Psychology of Gestalt.Charles M. O'Hara - 1929 - Modern Schoolman 5 (4):6-9.
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  25. Pragmatism as Transition: Historicity and Hope in James, Dewey, and Rorty.David O’Hara - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (2):70-74.
    This book is an extended and provocative exercise in describing pragmatism’s past and in attempting to chart a course for its future. This description is not merely a history of philosophy or paean to American thought. It is rather a re-description that draws attention to a neglected and potentially fruitful theme in pragmatism, one that Koopman has termed “transitionalism” for its focus on historicity and temporality. One of the enduring features of pragmatism is its commitment to the revisability of truth (...)
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  26. True Names: Vergil and the Alexandrian Tradition of Etymological Wordplay (Pamela R. Bleisch).J. J. O'Hara - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119:300-303.
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  27.  20
    Telling the tree: Narrative representation and the study of evolutionary history.Robert J. O' Hara - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (2):135-160.
    Accounts of the evolutionary past have as much in common with works of narrative history as they do with works of science. Awareness of the narrative character of evolutionary writing leads to the discovery of a host of fascinating and hitherto unrecognized problems in the representation of evolutionary history, problems associated with the writing of narrative. These problems include selective attention, narrative perspective, foregrounding and backgrounding, differential resolution, and the establishment of a canon of important events. The narrative aspects of (...)
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  28.  31
    A Note on the Sanskrit Word ní-tya-A Note on the Sanskrit Word ni-tya-.Minoru Hara - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (2):90.
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  29. Gendai no yukue.Tasuku Hara - 1955
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  30. Kōa no dōhō.Shigeharu Hara - 1940 - Edited by Confucius.
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  31. Nihon Minzoku shinnen.Fusataka Hara - 1938
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  32.  27
    Transnational theatrical representation of the aging: Velina hasu houston’s calligraphy.Eriko Hara - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):93-102.
    Velina Hasu Houston’s theatrical representations focus on exploring cultural collision and coalescence in transnational communities. With her biographical and cultural background deeply influenced by her Japanese mother’s way of life and sense of values, Houston has been open-minded in creating a new viewpoint through which to look at Japan, the United States and the world. Calligraphy is quite challenging in that it looks at her mother’s aging from both Japanese and American perspectives. It sheds new light on not only understanding (...)
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  33.  15
    Gauß‘ Method for Measuring the Terrestrial Magnetic Force in Absolute Measure: Its Invention and Introduction in Geomagnetic Research.James G. O'Hara - 1984 - Centaurus 27 (2):121-147.
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  34.  46
    Mapping the space of time: temporal representation in the historical sciences.Robert J. O'Hara - 1996 - Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences 20: 7–17.
    William Whewell (1794–1866), polymathic Victorian scientist, philosopher, historian, and educator, was one of the great neologists of the nineteenth century. Although Whewell's name is little remembered today except by professional historians and philosophers of science, researchers in many scientific fields work each day in a world that Whewell named. "Miocene" and "Pliocene," "uniformitarian" and "catastrophist," "anode" and "cathode," even the word "scientist" itself—all of these were Whewell coinages. Whewell is particularly important to students of the historical sciences for another word (...)
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  35.  34
    The technology of collective memory and the normativity of truth.Kieron O'Hara - unknown
    Neither our evolutionary past, nor our pre-literate culture, has prepared humanity for the use of technology to provide records of the past, records which in many context become normative for memory. The demand that memory be true, rather than useful or pleasurable, has changed our social and psychological under-standing of ourselves and our fellows. The current vogue for lifelogging, and the rapid proliferation of digital memory-supporting technologies, may accelerate this change, and create dilemmas for policymakers, designers and social thinkers.
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    Measuring man's needs.Jane O'Hara-May - 1971 - Journal of the History of Biology 4 (2):249-273.
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    Representations of the natural system in the nineteenth century.Robert J. O'Hara - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (2): 255–274.
    "The Natural System" is the abstract notion of the order in living diversity. The richness and complexity of this notion is revealed by the diversity of representations of the Natural System drawn by ornithologists in the Nineteenth Century. These representations varied in overall form from stars, to circles, to maps, to evolutionary trees and cross-sections through trees. They differed in their depiction of affinity, analogy, continuity, directionality, symmetry, reticulation and branching, evolution, and morphological convergence and divergence. Some representations were two-dimensional, (...)
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  38.  10
    Kage no jiryoku.Takeshi Hara - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Genki Shobō.
    Shōwashi e no renketsu -- Higashi Ajia kara no me -- Tennō to iu jiba -- Watashi no kaikōki -- Jikokuhyō katate ni ekisoba o.
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  39. Shinʾōdōshugi.Shigeharu Hara - 1933
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  40. (1 other version)Sentetsuzōden.Tokusai Hara - 1844 - Tōkyō: Yumani Shobō. Edited by Hakashi[From Old Catalog] Tanaka.
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  41.  19
    Democracy and the Internet.Kieron O'Hara - 2000 - Ends and Means 4 (3).
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    Person in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel.Sister M. Kevin O'Hara - 1964 - Philosophy Today 8 (3):147-154.
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  43. How neuroscience might advance the law.Erin O'Hara - 2006 - In Semir Zeki & Oliver Goodenough (eds.), Law and the Brain. Oxford University Press.
  44.  97
    3.3 Web Science and Reflective Practice.Kieron O'Hara & Wendy Hall - forthcoming - Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity.
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    Some anecdotes about Wittgenstein.Neil O'Hara - 2023 - Philosophical Investigations 46 (4):411-413.
    This brief notice records anecdotes about Wittgenstein gathered from Br. Herbert Kaden OSB.
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    Gendered Emotional Support and Women’s Well-Being in a Low-Income Urban African Setting.Yuko Hara, Shelley Clark & Sangeetha Madhavan - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (6):837-859.
    In most contexts, emotional support is crucial for the well-being of low-income single women and their children. Support from women may be especially important for single mothers because of precarious ties to their children’s fathers, the prevalence of extended matrifocal living arrangements, and gendered norms that place men as providers of financial rather than emotional support. However, in contexts marked by economic insecurity, spatial dispersion of families, and changing gender norms and kinship obligations, such an expectation may be problematic. Applying (...)
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  47. Jitsusonshugi no shisōka tachi.Tasuku Hara - 1962
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  48. Shūsei dōtokuron taikei.Tomio Hara - 1981
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  49. Shinbun kisha.Toshio Hara - 1979
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  50. Senshin shoshi hyakka sōmei jidai kō.Tomio Hara - 1981
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