Results for 'Terence Morgan'

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  1.  17
    Challenges: Cell transplantation and gene therapy in muscular dystrophy.Jennifer E. Morgan & Terence A. Partridge - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (9):641-645.
    Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (DMD), which affects 1/3500 live male births, involves a progressive degeneration of skeletal and cardiac muscle, leading to early death. The protein dystrophin is lacking in DMD and present, but defective, in the allelic, less severe, Becker muscular dystrophy and is also missing in the mdx mouse. Experiments on the mdx mouse have suggested two possible therapies for these myopathies. Implantation of normal muscle precursor cells (mpc) into mdx skeletal muscle leads to the conversion of dystrophin‐negative fibres (...)
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    Intending and Acting. [REVIEW]Terence Morgan - 1987 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 29 (1):171-180.
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  3. Between Text and Community: The “Writings” in Canonical Interpretation.Donn F. Morgan - 1990
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  4. Beyond tribalism: an attempted solution to the kalela dance paradox.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I propose a solution to the paradox of the kalela dance, as presented by Richard Werbner, based on a variety of liberalism I once identified.
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    Ritualized Faith: Essays on the Philosophy of Liturgy.Terence Cuneo - 2016 - oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Central to the lives of the religiously committed are not simply religious convictions but also religious practices. The religiously committed, for example, regularly assemble to engage in religious rites, including corporate liturgical worship. Although the participation in liturgy is central to the religious lives of many, few philosophers have given it attention. In this collection of essays, Terence Cuneo turns his attention to liturgy, contending that the topic proves itself to be philosophically rich and rewarding. Taking the liturgical practices (...)
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  6. Can expressivism have it all?Terence Cuneo - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (1):219-241.
    Quasi-realist expressivists set themselves the task of developing a metaethical theory that at once captures what they call the “realist-sounding” elements of ordinary moral thought and discourse but is also distinctively antirealist. Its critics have long suspected that the position cannot have what it wants. In this essay, I develop this suspicion. I do so by distinguishing two paradigmatic versions of the view—what I call Thin and Thick expressivism respectively. I contend that there is a metaethical datum regarding our epistemic (...)
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    Innovation, ethics, and entrepreneurship.Morgan P. Miles, Linda S. Munilla & Jeffrey G. Covin - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (1):97-101.
    This paper is a response to Ray's recent proposal that the intellectual property rights attached to potentially life saving/life sustaining innovations should become public goods in cases where markets are either unable or unwilling to pay for the creation of the intellectual property. Using a free market approach to innovation based on Western moral philosophy, we suggest that treating intellectually protected life saving/life sustaining innovations as public goods will likely reduce social welfare over the long term.
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    Book Symposium. Steffen Borge, The Philosophy of Football.Steffen Borge, William J. Morgan, Murray Smith & Brian Weatherson - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (3):333-396.
    This is a book symposium on Steffen Borge’s The Philosophy of Football. It has contributions from William Morgan, Murray Smith and Brian Weatherson with replies from Borge.
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    The pandemic in Britain: COVID-19, British exceptionalism and neoliberalism.Jamie Morgan - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (2):237-242.
    Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 237-242.
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  10. Five counterexamples to a definition of dirt.Terence Rajivan Edward - 2023 - IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 28 (12):73-74.
    This paper considers five counterexamples to Mary Douglas's definition of dirt, one of which is extracted from a scene from George Eliot's novel Middlemarch and another from Marilyn Strathern's essay on anthropology at home.
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  11. What are the varieties of liberalism? Don’t forget backdoor liberal perfectionism.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Jonathan Quong classifies varieties of liberalism based on two yes-or-no questions. I show that there is a kind of perfectionist liberalism that cannot be located on his map. I call it backdoor liberal perfectionism.
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  12. Max Gluckman’s objections to Sir James Frazer.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This is a one page handout presenting objections from Gluckman's book Politics, Law, and Ritual in Tribal Society.
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    Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from Lukács to Habermas.Terence Ball - 1984 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
  14. On racist discourse in Max Beerbohm’s “The Feast”.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I interpret Max Beerbohm as entering the dispute between Christina Rossetti and George Eliot on how English parishioners talk, in his imitative fiction “The Feast.”.
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  15. The first meditation again: a hidden source of doubt?Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I raise the question of whether there is a hidden source of doubt in Descartes’ first meditation, if one adopts the perspective of some people he describes as insane.
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  16. How did the arts originate? The group demarcation and the scientific account.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Why did human beings first begin making art? In this paper, I present two accounts of its origins, one of which connects the arts to the desire for group demarcation and another to scientific impulses.
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  17. The varieties of cleverness again: Rosamond and rational actor economics.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper tries to distinguish MIddlemarch's Rosamond from a rational actor economist.
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  18. Artefacts as Mere Illustrations of a Worldview.Terence Rajivan Edward - 2017 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 4 (2):241-244.
    This paper responds to an argument against a kind of anthropology. According to the argument, if the aim of anthropology is to describe the different worldviews of different groups, then anthropologists should only refer to material artefacts in order to illustrate a worldview; but the interest of artefacts to anthropology goes beyond mere illustration. This argument has been endorsed by key members of the ontological movement in anthropology, who found at least one of its premises in Marilyn Strathern’s writing.
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  19. Experts in Failure II: explaining underrepresentation in philosophy.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    In this paper, I respond to a list of explanations for why female students leave philosophy, or why a number of them leave English-speaking philosophy departments, which can also be adapted for various other underrepresented groups. I distinguish between an explanation according to which departures are because of poor talent management skills and another explanation, which I call the experts in failure explanation.
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  20. Who endorses the community first model in Elmdon? Two solutions.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper responds to a paradox Marilyn Strathern raises concerning who endorses a community first model of the village of Elmdon, according to which it is a community and the good of the community should take priority over individual interests. It is middle-class newcomers, whose peripheral position requires greatest sacrifice from them, if the model is to be implemented. I propose two solutions to the puzzle.
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  21. An idiotic definition of an idiot.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper rejects an attempt to define what an idiot is for when Henry Sidgwick tries to clarify the doctrine that each individual should be given as much freedom from interference as possible.
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  22. Abundant Truth in an Austere World.Terence Horgan & Matjaz Potrc - 2006 - In Patrick Greenough & Michael Patrick Lynch (eds.), Truth and realism. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Gender differences in human single neuron responses to male emotional faces.Morgan Newhoff, David M. Treiman, Kris A. Smith & Peter N. Steinmetz - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:151354.
    Well-documented differences in the psychology and behavior of men and women have spurred extensive exploration of gender's role within the brain, particularly regarding emotional processing. While neuroanatomical studies clearly show differences between the sexes, the functional effects of these differences are less understood. Neuroimaging studies have shown inconsistent locations and magnitudes of gender differences in brain hemodynamic responses to emotion. To better understand the neurophysiology of these gender differences, we analyzed recordings of single neuron activity in the human brain as (...)
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  24. Milan Kundera and crowds again.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Influenced by Martha Kuhlman, I am disposed to read Milan Kundera as personally disliking crowds. But I speculate that there is a practical reason for his writing against crowds, if we see him as part of a system of novelists.
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    Social Enterprises and the Performance Advantages of a Vincentian Marketing Orientation.Morgan P. Miles, Martie-Louise Verreynne & Belinda Luke - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (4):549-556.
    This study focuses on the managerial issue of should social enterprises become more marketing oriented. It adapts the Kohli et al. MARKOR marketing orientation scale to measure the adoption of marketing by SEs. The items capture Vincentian-based values to leverage business in service to the poor as a measure of a Vincentian marketing orientation. A VMO is an organisational wide value-driven philosophy of management that focuses a SE on meeting its objectives by adopting a more marketing orientated approach to serve (...)
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  26. The social organism analogy in British anthropology and analytic political philosophy.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This is a one page handout, which specifies four uses of the social organism analogy in British structural-functionalist anthropology and contrasts these uses with uses in analytic political philosophy.
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  27. Sorites arguments, a myth of genius, and overpopulation.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper responds to Theron Pummer’s distinction between Sorites arguments and repugnant conclusion arguments by presenting a Sorites overpopulation argument. Also I present a Sorites argument in favour of myths of genius.
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  28. Victorian anthropology paradox: another solution.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Parts of the Victorian middle class were troubled by how Victorian society was both highly evolved and contained savage parts. I propose a solution to the paradox they faced.
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  29. Frazer and the social function of gift exchange norms.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Why is there a norm of reciprocity in certain societies – the recipient of a gift should give a gift in return? Or what is its function? Sir James Frazer provides an unobvious answer to the function of such a norm in one society: it serves to establish who is alive.
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    The challenges of being a female pastor: A case of the Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe.Terence Mupangwa & Sophia Chirongoma - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2).
    The focus of this article is to highlight some of the inherent gender injustices experienced by the female pastors within the Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe. Drawing insights from the field research conducted in pursuance of a doctoral programme, the study foregrounds some of the barriers that women have had to endure when it comes to the issue of being ordained as a pastor. The article also interrogates the reasons used as a basis to exclude female pastors from the key (...)
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  31. On the chaste world of Milan Kundera*.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Milan Kundera is now perhaps the greatest living philosopher, but he suffers from logical problems. One might propose that since he is a person who works primarily in the medium of fiction, one should not be too harsh on him, rather find ways to make him more logical. The result may be rather chaste.
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  32. Max Gluckman versus the structureless again: what did he actually say?Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    What did Max Gluckman actually say about apparently structureless societies? I introduce a fictional example to make sense of what he says regarding the Tonga.
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  33. A book of prefaces.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    In this paper, I present a little puzzle to do with a book of prefaces.
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  34. Its many varieties: does liberalism merely alternate between ethics and economics?Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I am not sure who said that liberalism merely alternates between ethics and economics – was it Karl Kraus? – but at first glance the claim is plausible. In this paper I argue that there are varieties of liberalism which do not. Some depend on a nature-culture distinction and some appeal to simplicity in a way that seems aesthetic. In the appendix I introduce a problem for utilitarianism.
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  35. A gain from “faux specialization,” from Flora Nwapa’s Efuru.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper begins with Adam Smith’s advice to specialize and draws attention to an advantage from a misleading appearance of fixed specialization, identified in Flora Nwapa’s novel Efuru.
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    Learning to Treat Our Natural World Realistically Through Unlearning Mainstream Economics? A Commentary on the Recent Work of Peter Soderbaum.Jamie Morgan - 2021 - Economic Thought 10 (1):14.
  37. English village studies: criteria for counting as real Elmdon.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This is a one page handout summarizing some information on how people in the village of Elmdon use the concept of being real Elmdon.
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  38. Propositions, the paradox of analysis, and Milan Kundera's author's note.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I present a literary solution to the paradox of analysis in light of The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, and also raise a question of whether sentences across languages are expressing the same proposition, owing to differences in informativeness.
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  39. Elmdoners and the structure of other villages.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    In her book on the English village of Elmdon, the anthropologist Marilyn Strathern identifies an assumption made by villagers: that much as Elmdon has a set of real Elmdon families, long associated with the place, so other villages also have their real families. I present an argument in favour of the assumption; the argument is an informal model.
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    "Is kinship insignificant in Western liberal societies?": an underpopulation response.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper argues for the significance of kinship because of government policies to deal with declining populations.
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  41. Farewell to arms? The all-or-nothing problem again.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Joe Horton’s all-or-nothing problem concerns a situation in which it is morally permissible to do nothing and to save two people but not to save only one. This description seems to entail that we should do nothing rather than save only one. I object to Horton’s solution and challenge a principle he draws attention to, which is required to generate the problem but which Horton regards as beyond dispute.
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  42. Do anthropologists use rational actor models? The case of Marilyn Strathern.Terence Rajivan Edward - 2022 - IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 7 (3).
    Economics uses rational actor models, but what about anthropology? I present an interpretation of the influential anthropologist Marilyn Strathern according to which she engages in a kind of rational actor modelling, but a kind that is different from economic modelling.
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  43. (2 other versions)Literary Girls, by K*thleen St*ck: chapter 2, the low-high culture divide.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper is a response to Kathleen Stock’s book Material Girls, by way of imitation. I have attempted to write a faux chapter in the book’s style, identifying four moments in overcoming the low-high culture divide in responses to the arts.
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    Introductory Remarks: Malcolm and Theory.Terence Cave - 2009 - Paragraph 32 (2):125-128.
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    Godly Learning. Puritan Attitudes Towards Reason, Learning and Education 1560-1640.John Morgan - 1987 - British Journal of Educational Studies 35 (1):80-81.
  46. The importance of self-identity.Terence Penelhum - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (October):667-78.
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    Natural belief and religious belief in Hume's philosophy.Terence Penelhum - 1983 - Philosophical Quarterly 33 (131):166-181.
    This is a re-Examination of hume's intentions in the final part of the "dialogues". It is here, If anywhere, That we find the resolution of the conflict between his naturalistic acceptance that belief has non-Rational causes, And his wish to expose religious belief as irrational. The paper amends its author's previous view that hume is shown to have accepted, At least verbally, That such a theism is a result of cleanthes' arguments, But to have maintained his secularism by showing it (...)
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  48. When is it morally acceptable to lie?Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Kant thought that one should never lie. Modern philosophers disagree, admitting its acceptability in various situations. I argue that one would have to admit it in many more.
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  49. Notes from Underground versus underdeterminism.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    On one natural interpretation of what the narrator from Notes from Underground is saying, “People are rebels.” If you give them evidence that this is the career path for them, say, they do something else. But underdeterminism entails one objection to this theory.
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  50. Why was The Golden Bough so popular?Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I presume numerous readers would have reacted as later critics famously did: we lack the sources to pursue Frazer’s goal of explaining why there was this rite of succession. Consequently, I find the popularity of his book puzzling. I cast doubt on Marilyn Strathern’s explanation and offer a wild conjecture.
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