Results for 'Ted Melcer'

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  1.  24
    Effects of novel chemical cues on predatory responses of rodent-specializing rattlesnakes.Ted Melcer, Karl Kandler & David Chiszar - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):580-582.
  2.  65
    Ted’s excellent adventure.Ted Honderich - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 13:11-13.
  3.  51
    Hallucinating Ted Serios: the impossibility of failed performativity.Ted Hiebert - 2005 - Technoetic Arts 3 (3):135-153.
    Hallucination: the perception of an impossible image. That which can never appear suddenly does so anyways - a private world that appears only to the eye of the one imagining it... until now. Ted Serios, psychic photographer, claimed he could project images directly from his mind onto photographic film. Under the sign of the psychic photograph, “Hallucinating Ted Serios” is a theorization of the dominant forms of uncertainty that persist in postmodern evaluations of representation, interpretation and identity. The central thesis (...)
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    Serious Larks: The Philosophy of Ted Cohen.Ted Cohen - 2018 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Daniel Alan Herwitz.
    North by Northwest -- Metaphor and the cultivation of intimacy -- Notes on metaphor -- What's special about photography? -- Sports and art -- Clay for contemplation -- There are no ties at first base -- A driving examination -- Objects of appreciation -- And what if they don't laugh? -- Liking what's good: why should we? -- Language games -- Ethics class -- Kings and salesmen -- One way to think about popular art -- Caring -- The idea of (...)
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    After the Terror.Ted Honderich - 2002 - Edinburgh University Press.
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  6. Two Approaches to Belief Revision.Ted Shear & Branden Fitelson - 2018 - Erkenntnis 84 (3):487-518.
    In this paper, we compare and contrast two methods for the revision of qualitative beliefs. The first method is generated by a simplistic diachronic Lockean thesis requiring coherence with the agent’s posterior credences after conditionalization. The second method is the orthodox AGM approach to belief revision. Our primary aim is to determine when the two methods may disagree in their recommendations and when they must agree. We establish a number of novel results about their relative behavior. Our most notable finding (...)
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  7. (1 other version)How Free Are You?: The Determinism Problem.Ted Honderich - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    'Review from previous edition 'the arguments for free will and determinism are lucidly laid out... A primer that is serviceable, enjoyable and rather mischievous.'' - The Observer 1993 ''refreshing, provocative and original work'' - Times Literary Supplement 1994 ''a readable and engaging introduction to the determinism controversy... Honderich's book is well worth reading... the view he presents is provocative and he has written a very challenging and enlightening introduction to 'the determinism problem' that should be widely read.'' - Times Educational (...)
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    Playing God?: Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom.Ted Peters - 1997 - Psychology Press.
    In this book, Ted Peters explores the fallacies of the "gene myth" and presents a resounding array of arguments against this kind of all-encompassing genetic determinism. On the scientific side, he correctly points out that genetic influences on behavior are in most instances relatively modest. Does anyone deny that identical twins are still able to practice individual free will? After dispatching some of the sweepingly deterministic conclusions of the "science" of evolutionary psychology with a particularly effective set of rebuttals, Peters (...)
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  9. Curriculum in a New Key: The Collected Works of Ted T. Aoki.Ted T. Aoki - 2005 - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. Edited by William Pinar & Rita L. Irwin.
    Ted T. Aoki, the most prominent curriculum scholar of his generation in Canada, has influenced numerous scholars around the world. Curriculum in a New Key brings together his work, over a 30-year span, gathered here under the themes of reconceptualizing curriculum; language, culture, and curriculum; and narrative. Aoki's oeuvre is utterly unique--a complex interdisciplinary configuration of phenomenology, post-structuralism, and multiculturalism that is both theoretically and pedagogically sophisticated and speaks directly to teachers, practicing and prospective. Curriculum in a New Key: The (...)
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    A correction by Ted Cohen.Ted Cohen - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (3):303.
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  11. Metaphor and the Cultivation of Intimacy.Ted Cohen - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (1):3-12.
    I want to suggest a point in metaphor which is independent of the question of its cognitivity and which has nothing to do with its aesthetical character. I think of this point as the achievement of intimacy. There is a unique way in which the maker and the appreciator of a metaphor are drawn closer to one another. Three aspects are involved: the speaker issues a kind of concealed invitation; the hearer expends a special effort to accept the invitation; and (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Donald Melcer, Frederick B. Davis, Dennis J. Hocevar, Francis J. Kelly, Joseph L. Braga, Verne Keenan, Joseph C. English, Douglas K. Stevenson, James C. Moore, Paul G. Liberty, Thebon Alexander, Jebe E. Brophy, Ronald M. Brown, W. D. Halls, Frederick M. Binder, Jacob L. Susskind, David B. Ripley, Martin Laforse, Bernard Spodek, V. Robert Agostino, R. Mclaren Sawyer, Joseph Kirschner, Franklin Parker & Hilary E. Bender - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):212-225.
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    Comment peut-on être laïque?, ou, L'esprit de la laïcité.Jean-François Melcer - 2024 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La laïcité est enthousiasmante. On finirait par en douter à force de confondre la neutralité ouverte de l'État avec une culture du consensus minimal, le désaccord avec l'offense, l'impartialité avec une tolérance trop convenue pour ne pas finir par être affligeante. Il suffit, pour s'en convaincre, de réanimer les débats qui ont vu s'opposer ses glorieux fondateurs : les Ferdinand Buisson et autres Jean Jaurès. Cet art exige que nous puissions prendre du recul par rapport aux polémiques qui défraient la (...)
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    L'Éloquence de la raison.Jean-François Melcer - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    volume 1. Justice et rhétorique selon Chaïm Perelman, ou, comment dire le juste? -- volume 2. Éthique et rhétorique (d')après Chaïm Perelman, ou, la raison hospitalière -- 3. Logique et rhétorique selon Chaïm Perelman, ou, Le jugement partagé.
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    Les enjeux philosophiques de la topique juridique selon Perelman.Alain Melcer - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (2):195-212.
    Juriste de formation logicienne, longtemps influencé par le positivisme logique, Chaim Perelman a d ’ abord pensé qu ’ il était possible d ’ étendre l ’ analyse du raisonnement formel à l ’ argumentation pratique, juridique et morale. L ’ abandon de ce projet est ce qui l ’ a conduit à redécouvrir la topique juridique et à proposer, sous le titre de « nouvelle rhétorique », un retour à la Rhétorique et aux Topiques d ’ Aristote.
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    Truth in Editing.Ted Peters - 2003 - Theology and Science 1 (1):5-8.
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  17. Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters.Ted Cohen - 1999 - University of Chicago Press.
    Abe and his friend Sol are out for a walk together in a part of town they haven't been in before. Passing a Christian church, they notice a curious sign in front that says "$1,000 to anyone who will convert." "I wonder what that's about," says Abe. "I think I'll go in and have a look. I'll be back in a minute; just wait for me." Sol sits on the sidewalk bench and waits patiently for nearly half an hour. Finally, (...)
  18. God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life.Ted Peters - 1993
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  19. When epistemic closure does and does not fail: a lesson from the history of epistemology.Ted A. Warfield - 2004 - Analysis 64 (1):35-41.
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    Rules, Roles and Relations.Ted Honderich - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (75):182-183.
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  21.  26
    Natural Relations: Ecology, Animal Rights and Social Justice.Ted Benton - 1993 - Verso.
    In this challenging book, Ted Benton takes recent debates about the moral status of animals as a basis for reviewing the discourse of “human rights.” Liberal-individualist views of human rights and advocates of animal rights tend to think of individuals, whether human or animals, in isolation from their social position. This makes them vulnerable to criticisms from the left which emphasize the importance of social relationships to individual well-being. Benton’s argument supports the important assumption, underpinning the cause for human rights, (...)
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  22. Knowledge from falsehood.Ted A. Warfield - 2005 - Philosophical Perspectives 19 (1):405–416.
  23. Externalism, privileged self-knowledge, and the irrelevance of slow switching.Ted A. Warfield - 1997 - Analysis 57 (4):282-284.
  24.  15
    Merleau-Ponty.Ted Toadvine (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Routledge.

    Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) has been hailed by many as the greatest French thinker of the twentieth century. As one of the founding members of the existentialist movement in the 1940s, he played a key role in introducing the work of Husserl and Heidegger into French thought and collaborated with Jean-Paul Sartre in the founding of Les Temps Modernes. His later work laid the foundation for the development of French thought in the direction of post-structuralism and post-modernism.

    Merleau-Ponty: Critical (...) gathers together the best critical writing on Merleau-Ponty’s work from the last half century. The collection includes early reviews of his work and the reactions of his contemporaries both during and after his life. Also covered are examinations of his relationship with Husserl, Sartre and the phenomenological tradition, investigations of key themes from his work on ontology, expression and politics, and the ongoing application of his thinking to such contemporary areas of interest as feminist theory, psychology and child development, environmental philosophy and cognitive science.

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  25. Hell, Vagueness, and Justice.Ted Poston - 2008 - Faith and Philosophy 25 (3):322-328.
    Ted Sider’s paper “Hell and Vagueness” challenges a certain conception of Hell by arguing that it is inconsistent with God’s justice. Sider’s inconsistencyargument works only when supplemented by additional premises. Key to Sider’s case is a premise that the properties upon which eternal destinies superveneare “a smear,” i.e., they are distributed continuously among individuals in the world. We question this premise and provide reasons to doubt it. The doubts come from two sources. The first is based on evidential considerations borrowed (...)
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  26.  90
    An Interview with A. J. Ayer.Ted Honderich - 1991 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 30:209-226.
    Ted Honderich: Professor Ayer, you wrote Language, Truth and Logic when you were only twenty-four, in 1935, and achieved fame by way of it. Tell us a bit about the writing.A. J. Ayer: After I'd taken my Schools at Oxford—I read Greats—my tutor Gilbert Ryle suggested that I go away for a couple of terms. I had already been appointed Lecturer at Christ Church, and I wanted to go to Cambridge to study under Wittgenstein, but Gilbert said no, don't do (...)
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  27. (1 other version)The Rise and Fall of Structural Marxism.Ted Benton - 1987 - Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (1):121-123.
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  28.  14
    Punishment.Ted Honderich - 1991 - Polity.
    Punishment is a persvasive feature of social life. Individuals who break laws in our societies may be imprisoned or, in some contexts, put to death. But why should individuals be punished? Are there good reasons for punishment? Or does the practice of punishment merely gratify feelings of revenge? If we regard punishment as a deterrent, are we committed to victimizing the innocent in order to deter? In this classic and recently enlarged book, Ted Honderich offers a wide-ranging analysis of the (...)
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  29.  50
    David Bohm, postmodernism, and the divine.Ted Peters - 1985 - Zygon 20 (2):193-217.
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    Science, theology, and ethics.Ted Peters - 2003 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Introduction It is exciting to live in revolutionary times. I had the privilege of rinding myself on the firing line of one revolution, the dramatic renewal ...
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  31. The argument for anomalous monism.Ted Honderich - 1982 - Analysis 42 (January):59-64.
  32. Know How to Transmit Knowledge?Ted Poston - 2015 - Noûs 50 (4):865-878.
    Intellectualism about knowledge-how is the view that practical knowledge is a species of propositional knowledge. I argue that this view is undermined by a difference in properties between knowledge-how and both knowledge-that and knowledge-wh. More specifically, I argue that both knowledge-that and knowledge-wh are easily transmitted via testimony while knowledge-how is not easily transmitted by testimony. This points to a crucial difference in states of knowledge. I also consider Jason Stanley's attempt to subsume knowledge-how under an account of de se (...)
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  33.  56
    ‘Illocutions and Perlocutions.Ted Cohen - 1973 - Foundations of Language 9 (4):492-503.
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  34.  89
    Aesthetics and the Limits of the Extended Mind.Ted Nannicelli - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (1):81-94.
    This paper seeks to establish closer connections and spur dialogue between philosophers working on 4E cognition and aestheticians. In part, the aim is to offer a critical overview of the ways 4E research might inform our understandings of the arts. Yet it is also partly to flag some potential art-specific challenges to some of the theses found within the 4E literature. I start by examining the strongest extant claims regarding art and active externalism, and argue that it is hard to (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Causal determinism and human freedom are incompatible: A new argument for incompatibilism.Ted A. Warfield - 2000 - Philosophical Perspectives 14:167-180.
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  36. Natural Relations: Ecology, Animal Rights and Social Justice.Ted Benton - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (2):161-172.
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    Mind and Brain: A Theory of Determinism, Volume 1.Ted Honderich - 1990 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Mind and Brain was originally published as the first two parts of a single-volume hardback edition. In this volume, Ted Honderich sets a new agenda for thinking about determinism. He expounds in detail a distinctive philosophy of mind, then defends it on the basis of contemporary neuroscience. He advances the proposition that philosophy cannot deal effectively with freewill if it stands aside from science.
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  38. Taking aim at the heart of education : critical theory and the future of learning.Ted Fleming & Mark Murphy - 2010 - In Mark T. F. Murphy & Ted Fleming (eds.), Habermas, critical theory and education. New York: Routledge.
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    The Two Deaths of Lady Macduff.Ted H. Miller - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (6):856-882.
    Stephen White and Gianni Vattimo have argued in favor of weak ontological thought. Particularly for White, weak ontology's contestable fundamentals are a superior response to strong ontologies, including the violence linked to them. I make a historically comparative evaluation of their arguments. The evaluation draws on William Davenant's Restoration revision of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Davenant's play defends Charles II's sovereignty against the strong ontological claims of orthodox Anglicans. Lady Macduff's much expanded role and the death she suffers, in contrast to her (...)
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  40. Why we are „Challenging the Chip“: The Challenges of Sustainability in Electronics.Ted Smith - 2009 - International Review of Information Ethics 11:9-15.
    Ted Smith, co-founder of some of the first organizing efforts in the field of electronics activism, recounts the transformation of Silicon Valley from an agricultural center into the first hub of a global electronics industry and the rise of electronics activism in response to growing evidence of the industry's environmental and occupational health hazards. From their original focus on Silicon Valley, activists have broadened their effort to focus on end-of-life issues, especially through the demand for extended producer responsibility. They also (...)
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    Anthropocene Time and the Memory of the World.Ted Toadvine - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:171-190.
    Although the Anthropocene is a problematic concept in both its popular reception and its scientific deployment, it nevertheless makes salient the challenge of understanding the relation between human time and “deep” geological time. For postcolonial historian Dipesh Chakrabarty, the Anthropocene marks the breaching of these two distinct temporal registers: “The geologic now of the Anthropocene has become entangled with the now of human history.” Following the lead of speculative realism, Chakrabarty denies that phenomenology can offer any insights into deep time (...)
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  42.  21
    Actual Consciousness.Ted Honderich - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    What is it for you to be conscious? There is no consensus in philosophy or science: it has remained a mystery. Ted Honderich develops a brand new theory of consciousness, according to which perceptual consciousness is external to the perceiver. It exists in a subjective physical world dependent on both you and the objective physical world.
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  43. Why Are Sociologists Naturephobes?Ted Benton - unknown
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    (1 other version)A Priori Knowledge of the World: Knowing the World by Knowing Our Minds.Ted A. Warfield - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 92 (1/2):127 - 147.
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    The Nature and Role of Presupposition: An Inquiry into Contemporary Hermeneutics.Ted Peters - 1974 - International Philosophical Quarterly 14 (2):209-222.
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  46. Metaphor, feeling, and narrative.Ted Cohen - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (2):223-244.
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  47. Animals and us: relations or ciphers ?Ted Benton - 1992 - History of the Human Sciences 5 (2):123-130.
  48. Smith and the champion of mauve.Ted Honderich - 1984 - Analysis 44 (2):86-89.
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    Notes on metaphor.Ted Cohen - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (3):249-259.
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    Coherence relations in a cognitive theory of discourse representation.Ted J. M. Sanders, Wilbert P. M. Spooren & Leo G. M. Noordman - 1993 - Cognitive Linguistics 4 (2):93-134.
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