Results for 'Teaching resources'

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    Teaching Resources in Bioethics Update.Martina Darragh - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (2):211-218.
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    UNESCO Core Curriculum and Teaching Resources.Darryl Macer - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 2 (1):5-6.
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    The Roehampton Campus Project: Using campus, collections and memories of the university as a learning and teaching resource for Humanities students.Charlotte Behr & Sonya Nevin - 2018 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 18 (4):395-415.
    In this article, we present a newly developed undergraduate module that is taught in the Humanities Department of the University of Roehampton. Campus and university themselves are the topics of th...
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  4. Teaching the Evolution of Morality: Status and Resources.Douglas Allchin - 2009 - Evolution 2 (4):629-635.
    Recent studies now provide a relatively robust explanation of how moral behavior evolved, perhaps not just in humans. An analysis of current biology textbooks shows that they fail to address this critical topic fully. Here, I survey resources—books, images, and videos—that can guide educators in meeting the challenge of teaching the biology of morality.
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    Specifics in the application of teaching resources and specific teaching aids for students with motor impairments.Olivera Rašić - Canevska & Natasha Chichevska-Jovanova - 2021 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 74:639-650.
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    Teaching a foreign language using authentic web resources at the middle stage.Natalia Anatolievna Oshchepkova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):308-311.
    The availability of modern web resources has a significant impact on the effectiveness of education, since it allows the teacher to use and implement new teaching methods that provide several advantages in organizing the educational process. The article demonstrates the possibilities of online resources when teaching foreign language.
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  7. Teaching and Learning: VELS/VCE - Old Treasury Building Exhibitions and Education Resources.Dianne Gardiner - 2010 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 18 (4):31.
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    Peacebuilding in Community Colleges: A Teaching Resource; David J. Smith (Ed.). [REVIEW]A. Marco Turk - 2014 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 24 (2):104-107.
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    Educational resources of the museum "Losev's House" and their use in teaching philosophy.Якушкина Н.В Саенко Н.Р. - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 6:227-235.
    The subject of the article, which is based on the concept and practical methodology of using the space of the museum exposition as an educational one, is the activities of the Moscow Memorial Museum "Losev's House". Particular attention is paid to the analysis of such educational resources of a new type offered by the Losev House as the Scientific Library, Online Lecture and Study Day at the Museum; within the framework of each of these forms, its general educational potential (...)
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    Teaching medical students about fair distribution of healthcare resources.C. Leget & R. Hoedemaekers - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (12):737-741.
    Healthcare package decisions are complex. Different judgements about effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and disease burden influence the decision-making process. Moreover, different concepts of justice generate different ideas about fair distribution of healthcare resources. This paper presents a decision model that is used in medical school in order to familiarise medical students with the different concepts of justice and the ethical dimension of making concrete choices. The model is based on the four-stage decision model developed in the Netherlands by the Dunning Committee (...)
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    Catholic social teaching and the employment relationship: A model for managing human resources in accordance with Vatican doctrine.Michael A. Zigarelli - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1):75-82.
    Using relevant encyclicals issued over the last 100 years, the author extracts those principles that constitute the underpinnings of Catholic Social Teaching about the employment relationship and contemplates implications of their incorporation into human resource policy. Respect for worker dignity, for his or her family's economic security, and for the common good of society clearly emerge as the primary guidelines for responsible human resource management. Dovetailing these three Church mandates with the economic objectives of the firm could, in essence, (...)
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    The Teaching of Ethics in Higher Education: A Report by The Hastings Center; K. Danner Clouser, Teaching Bioethics: Strategies, Problems, and Resources.D. Ost - 1981 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 6 (3):335-340.
  13.  24
    Resources for teaching media management ethics.Donald L. McBride - 1986 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 2 (1):48 – 49.
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    Teaching dissent: Epistemic resources from Indian philosophical systems.Meera Baindur - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (6):696-706.
    How does one teach dissent in a classroom which is a disciplinary space? As a pedagogue whose work is to instil philosophical and critical thinking in students, in this article I reflect on the modalities of teaching dissent versus teaching about dissent. While it is very possible that teaching about dissent may create a model for students to emulate, teaching dissent must involve a proactive learning process within the classroom that may depend on the ethical and (...)
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    Teaching the Vietnam War: Approaches and resources.James Fiford - 2013 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 48 (1):30.
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    Teaching the nature of science: An authoritative and insightful but non-empirical approach: Douglas Allchin: Teaching the nature of science: Perspectives and resources. Saint Paul, MN: SHiPS Education Press, 2013, xiii+310pp, $40.00 PB.Kostas Kampourakis - 2014 - Metascience 23 (3):589-592.
    Teaching about Nature of Science (hereafter NOS) has been considered an important element of science education for the past 20 years, at least at the academic level—what teachers actually teach in classrooms is, unfortunately, another story. Generally speaking, science educators have come to a consensus that the history and philosophy of science (hereafter HPS) can provide useful insights, under certain conditions, for this purpose. This does not mean that any HPS teaching necessarily contributes to understanding NOS. However, an (...)
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    Information Resources for the Problem of Access in Turkish Teaching and Information Sharing and Electronic Environment.Buran Ahmet - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:467-474.
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    Additional Resources for Experiential Teaching.Randi Warne, Christine Gudorf, James Nelson, Marvin L. Krier Mich & Elly Haney - 1987 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 7:219-227.
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  19. Can alignment of digital resources with needs produce a new curriculum theory for teaching?Simon Bheki Khoza & Kehdinga George Fomunyam - 2021 - In Kehdinga George Fomunyam & Simon Bheki Khoza (eds.), Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and the Theoriser: The African Theorising Perspective. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    The Use of Online Resources for Teaching Business Ethics.Hans-Jörg Schlierer & Johannes Brinkmann - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 14:261-284.
    The constant growth of online learning and of online tools for teaching over the past two decades comes with opportunities and risks, with an oversupply of contents, but also with easily accessible enrichment of learning and teaching. Departing from an own learning by doing pilot project, the paper reviews studies of online tools and web-based learning environments in business ethics, using Bloom’s taxonomy as a primary reference. As an open ending, we formulate suggestions for future work and action (...)
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    Teaching about good work by preparing well: Designing online resources for ethics educators: Commentary on “Moral pedagogy and practical ethics”.Betsy Campbell - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (3):409-411.
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    Best Practices for Teaching Public Health Law: Two Online Resource Libraries.Stacie P. Kershner - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (s1):93-96.
    Georgia State University College of Law, through the Center for Law, Health & Society, developed a pair of online libraries for faculty teaching public health law in schools of law or public health. Development of these libraries was funded by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as part of The Future of Public Health Law Education: Faculty Fellowship Program. This article describes the goals of the program addressed by the libraries, the development process, the resources included, (...)
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  23. Annotated Bibliography of Resources for Teaching Plato.J. Robert Loftis & Andrew P. Mills - 2016 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 2:167-185.
    This is the annotated bibliography that accompanied Volume 2 of American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy, a special issue on teaching Plato. It includes sections covering teaching several specific dialogues: Republic, Meno, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Lysis, as well as sections on "Socrates as Teacher" and general articles on teaching Plato.
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    Informed consent practices for surgical care at university teaching hospitals: a case in a low resource setting.Joseph Ochieng, Charles Ibingira, William Buwembo, Ian Munabi, Haruna Kiryowa, David Kitara, Paul Bukuluki, Gabriel Nzarubara & Erisa Mwaka - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):40.
    Informed consent in medical practice is essential and a global standard that should be sought at all the times doctors interact with patients. Its intensity would vary depending on the invasiveness and risks associated with the anticipated treatment. To our knowledge there has not been any systematic review of consent practices to document best practices and identify areas that need improvement in our setting. The objective of the study was to evaluate the informed consent practices of surgeons at University (...) Hospitals in a low resource setting. (shrink)
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    World Wide Web URLs for Resources for Teaching Reasoning and Critical Thinking.William Peirce - 1999 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 19 (1):28-29.
    A selective compilation of 24 useful websites likely to interest a practicing teacher of thinking; it is not directed at scholar-researchers in any particular discipline. Hence, Web resources in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science are not included. Also excluded are well-known general Internet comprehensive lists of resomces in the various disciplines and the many sites helpful to students writing researched persuasive arguments which can be found in any recent writing handbook. Included are general comprehensive resources in higher education, (...)
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    Teaching Environmental Literature: Materials, Methods, Resources[REVIEW]Allen Carlson - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 23 (3):119.
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    Teachers’ assessment literacy improves teaching efficacy: A view from conservation of resources theory.Hongxi Wang, Wenwen Sun, Yue Zhou, Tingting Li & Peiling Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent revisions to the Conservation of Resources theory have not only reclassified categories of resources, but have also acknowledged the conceptual importance of “gain spirals” and “resource caravans” in enriching the theoretical understanding of resources. Given that teachers’ assessment literacy is a prominent yet underexplored personal constructive resource in teaching, this paper examines its role in teaching efficacy. In addition, personal energy resources are studied as antecedents to teaching efficacy. To this end, a (...)
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    Managing and teaching ethics in higher education: policy, skills and resources: International Conference report 2018.Ignace Haaz (ed.) - 2019 - Geneva:
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    Catholic social teaching and the allocation of scarce resources.John Langan - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):401-405.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Catholic Social Teaching and the Allocation of Scarce ResourcesJohn Langan S.J. (bio)I shall approach the issue of justice in the allocation of scarce resources from the viewpoint of Catholic social teaching, as developed over the last century. This teaching is found primarily in the social encyclicals issued by popes from Leo XIII (1878–1903) to John Paul II (1978- ), but also in the pastoral letters (...)
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    Corporate Sustainability: Toward a Theoretical Integration of Catholic Social Teaching and the Natural-Resource-Based View of the Firm.Horacio E. Rousseau - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):725-737.
    Even though management scholars have offered several views on the process of corporate sustainability, these efforts have focused mainly on the technical aspects of sustainability while omitting the fundamental role played by individual moral competences. Therefore, previous work offers an incomplete and somewhat reductionist view of corporate sustainability. In this article, we develop a holistic framework of corporate sustainability in which both the moral and technical aspects of sustainability are considered. We do so by integrating the ethical, normative perspective of (...)
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    Thucydides as a Resource for Teaching Ethics and Leadership in Military Education Environments.Martin Cook - 2006 - Journal of Military Ethics 5 (4):353-362.
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    Better learning through history: using archival resources to teach healthcare ethics to science students.Julia R. S. Bursten & Matthew Strandmark - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-14.
    While the use of archives is common as a research methodology in the history and philosophy of science, training in archival methods is more often encountered as part of graduate-level training than in the undergraduate curriculum. Because many HPS instructors are likely to have encountered archival methods during their own research training, they are uniquely positioned to make effective pedagogical use of archives in classes comprised of undergraduate science students. Further, because doing this may require changing the way HPS instructors (...)
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    Douglas Allchin: Teaching the Nature of Science: Perspectives and Resources.Peter Heering - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (4):477-479.
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    Impact of Artificial Intelligence as an Educational Resource in Teaching-Learning Processes in the Area of Biology: Significant Experiences with Eighth Grade Students of the CEA Cámbulos Adventist School.Leonardo Alberto Mauris De la Ossa, Mónica Liseth Susatama Esguerra, Samuel Andrés Saavedra Duque & Daniel Euclides Sánchez Moya - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2209-2222.
    Artificial intelligence is a current tool that is used in different areas of the human life with the purpose of facilitating and directing the processes in distinct sceneries of society. This research aimed to use AI as an educational resource in teaching and learning process in the area of biology for students at the Adventist School CEA Cambulos in the city of Cali. A qualitative research methodology was used, with data collection techniques such as observation and interviews, presenting an (...)
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    Curiosita teaching: integrating creative thinking into your 21st century classroom.Patti Garrett Shade - 2011 - Marion, IL: Printed by McNaughton and Gunn. Edited by Richard A. Shade.
    Curiosita Teaching is the narrative that supports you as you teach creativity and teach creatively. The authors focus on bridging the gap between research, theory, and practical application. Under the umbrella of creativity this engaging resource provides the flexibility and structure to integrate creativity into your curriculum at your comfort level as well as provide for differentiation, multiple intelligences, backward planning, and brain-engaging strategies. The practical, step-by-step approach in The Handbook provides tools, activities, and an organizational plan to develop (...)
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    Teaching Critical Thinking Virtues and Vices.Stuart Hanscomb - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (3):173-195.
    In the film and play Twelve Angry Men, Juror 8 confronts the prejudices and poor reasoning of his fellow jurors, exhibiting an unwavering capacity not just to formulate and challenge arguments, but to be open-minded, stay calm, tolerate uncertainty, and negotiate in the face of considerable group pressures. In a perceptive and detailed portrayal of a group deliberation a ‘wheel of virtue’ is presented by the characters of Twelve Angry Men that allows for critical thinking virtues and vices to be (...)
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    Teaching Ethics to Engineers: A Socratic Experience.Gonzalo Génova & M. Rosario González - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):567-580.
    In this paper we present the authors’ experience of teaching a course in Ethics for Engineers, which has been delivered four times in three different universities in Spain and Chile. We begin by presenting the material context of the course, and especially the intellectual background of the participating students, in terms of their previous understanding of philosophy in general, and of ethics in particular. Next we set out the objectives of the course and the main topics addressed, as well (...)
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    Concepts of Nature and God: Resources for College and University Teaching : Philosophy Curriculum Workshop Papers Developed at the 1987 NEH Summer Institute on Concepts of Nature and God.Frederick Ferré - 1989
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    Approaches to Teaching.Gary D. Fenstermacher, Jonas F. Soltis & Matthew N. Sanger - 2009 - Thinking about Education.
    This popular text continues using the format of the three approaches—The Executive, The Facilitator, and The Liberationist. For the Fifth Edition, the authors add four new case studies: “Scripted Teaching,” “Accountability and Merit,” “What Is the Value of Caring Relationships?” and “School Funding.” Using these and other realistic case studies, they explore the strengths and weaknesses of each approach so that teachers can critically assess their own philosophical positions on teaching. Teachers are urged to ask themselves such questions (...)
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    Mindfulness as Moderator Against Emotional Exhaustion Due to Online Teaching During COVID-19 Pandemic: An Investigation Using Job Demands-Resources Model and Conservation of Resource Theory.Chuan-Chung Hsieh, Sophia Shi-Huei Ho, Hui-Chieh Li & Jyun-Kai Liang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    On the basis of the Conservation of Resource theory and using the Job Demands-Resources model, this study examines the relationships among job demands and job resources of online teaching, perceived instructional efficacy of OT, mindfulness in teaching, and emotional exhaustion to understand the psychological stress experienced by teachers engaged in OT and how mindfulness has moderating effects on relieving anxiety and preventing burnout. A total of 476 teachers with OT experience completed online a self-report survey with (...)
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  41. Using Multimedia Resources in Teaching the Bible.Kathleen A. Farmer & Russell W. Dalton - 2002 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 56 (4):387-397.
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    Teaching for Intellectual Virtue in Logic and Critical Thinking Classes.T. Ryan Byerly - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (1):1-27.
    Introductory-level undergraduate classes in Logic or Critical Thinking are a staple in the portfolio of many Philosophy programs. A standard approach to these classes is to include teaching and learning activities focused on formal deductive and inductive logic, sometimes accompanied by teaching and learning activities focused on informal fallacies or argument construction. In this article, I discuss a proposal to include an additional element within these classes—namely, teaching and learning activities focused on intellectual virtues. After clarifying the (...)
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  43. Learning from the Pine and the Bamboo: Bashō as a Resource in Teaching Japanese Philosophy.Stephen Leach - 2018 - Netsol 3 (1):1-15.
    In American universities, even Asian Philosophy is still often taught following methods adapted from European universities of the nineteenth century. Whether or not this approach is well-suited to philosophy as it was conceived in that era, it is inadequate if the aim is to develop a deep appreciation of Japanese philosophy. To limit what we consider Japanese philosophy to only what bears a distinct resemblance to academic Western philosophy, and accordingly to approach Japanese philosophy purely theoretically, is to risk missing (...)
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    E-learning During the Coronavirus Pandemic – Creating Educational Resources for Teaching Medical Students.Magdalena Roszak, Marta Jokiel, Kacper Nijakowski, Ewelina Swora-Cwynar, Barbara Zwoździak, Izabela Chudzicka-Strugała & Małgorzata Grześkowiak - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 64 (1):77-97.
    As a result of the epidemiological situation in Poland that occurred as a consequence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, all classroom study was suspended in March 2020 and schools were required to deliver online education. There number of teachers who create educational resources for medical e-education, also those including interactive elements, is still insufficient. Teachers’ IT skills must be continuously improved and they have to take part in e-learning course design training programmes, taking into account the characteristics of the (...) process in medical sciences and health studies. The existing examples of effective e-classes, particularly for medical training, are important sources of knowledge on how to build e-learning courses for beginners and an inspiration for others in subsequent implementations. This knowledge is needed immediately, and the time available for acquiring it is shorter than previously, as the epidemic does not allow for full-range training schemes. This paper presents such results, collected from the period from March to June 2020 at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences by teachers who had started working on e-learning resources in 2019 and are successfully implementing these in the educational offer made available to their students as part of various curricula. (shrink)
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  45. Teaching and learning ethics: Medical ethics and law for doctors of tomorrow: the 1998 Consensus Statement updated.G. M. Stirrat, C. Johnston, R. Gillon & K. Boyd - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1):55-60.
    Knowledge of the ethical and legal basis of medicine is as essential to clinical practice as an understanding of basic medical sciences. In the UK, the General Medical Council requires that medical graduates behave according to ethical and legal principles and must know about and comply with the GMC’s ethical guidance and standards. We suggest that these standards can only be achieved when the teaching and learning of medical ethics, law and professionalism are fundamental to, and thoroughly integrated both (...)
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    Integrating ethics content into the core business curriculum: Do core teaching materials do the job? [REVIEW]Mark C. Baetz & David J. Sharp - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (1):53-62.
    Some business schools have integrated business ethics issues into their core functional courses rather than simply offering a separate ethics course. To accommodate such a strategy, functional faculty members usually teach ethical issues, a task for which they are rarely trained. However, learning materials are available: some core course textbooks provide additional coverage of ethics, and case studies (and accompanying teaching notes for instructors) are also available which cover ethical issues.This paper reports on an analysis of these materials. We (...)
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    Teaching from an ethical center: practical wisdom for daily instruction.Cara E. Furman - 2024 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Education Press.
    A methodology for using philosophy to guide teaching preparation and practice. In Teaching from an Ethical Center, Cara E. Furman proposes a process for bringing philosophical inquiry into teacher education and adopting it as a centering tool to enrich teaching practice and help teachers act justly. Under Furman's thoughtful guidance, both experienced and preservice teachers will find that engagement with philosophy can be a useful means of clarifying for themselves the educational ethics, values, and pedagogy that guide (...)
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    Learning in the presence of others: Using the body as a resource for teaching.Neil Harrison - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (9):941-950.
    Many great cultures of the world have recognised the impossibility of teaching. Governments in various colonial countries continue to spend huge sums of money on ‘closing the gap’ in Indigenous education, yet national assessment figures would support the claim that teaching is indeed an impossibility. This paper draws on some of Biesta’s recent theorisation to highlight the double impossibility of teaching in Indigenous education. While representation and miscommunication surely make teaching an impossible profession, I nevertheless return (...)
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    Teaching yourself social theory.David Harris - 2003 - Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
    `Social theory is a very difficult subject to teach and it is one that students generally find hard to get to grips with. Teaching Yourself Social Theory offers a highly original and comprehensive resource that will be welcomed by students and teachers alike' - Barry Smart, University of Portsmouth `I have no hesitation in recommending Harris' text to students and teachers of social theory' - Sociology This refreshing and accessible text demonstrates how social theory can be made into an (...)
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    Teaching Collection (Economics: The futurity problem.Ernest Partridge - 1981
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