Results for 'Teachers In-service training.'

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  1.  12
    University Credits as a Measure of Teachers’ Pre-service and In-Service Training: A Longitudinal Approach Using Swedish Data.Stefan Johansson, Åse Hansson & Tarja Alatalo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this study, we accessed information about the university credits of all teachers born after 1971 in Sweden as a means of ascertaining the development of their subject knowledge. We examined the university credits they earned during pre-service and in-service training. Data comes from registers Gothenburg Educational Longitudinal Database and the teacher register. We linked GOLD to the teacher register in order to describe the knowledge development of teachers in compulsory school 1998–2014. Special focus was on (...)
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  2.  55
    The Evaluation of In-Service Teacher Training.E. S. Henderson - 1980 - British Journal of Educational Studies 28 (1):75-76.
  3.  30
    Pretend play and in-service teacher training: Analysis of reflective writing.Isabelle Truffer-Moreau, Anne Clerc-Georgy & Béatrice Maire-Sardi - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (2):83.
    Cet article présente le dispositif de formation et ses objectifs ainsi que l’analyse d’écrits réflexifs produits dans le cadre des travaux certificatifs et dans lesquels les participantes décrivent quelques-uns des effets de la formation sur leurs pratiques professionnelles.
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    Pre- and In-Service Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Students With Learning Difficulties and Challenging Behavior.Mireille Krischler & Ineke M. Pit-ten Cate - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The implementation of inclusive policies is largely dependent on teachers´ willingness to accommodate students with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream classrooms, which is affected by their perceived competence and attitudes. This study investigated attitudes of pre- and in-service teachers toward students with two types of SEN: challenging behavior and learning difficulties. The three components of attitude (affective, cognitive, and behavioral) were assessed using indirect and direct measures. Results revealed that teachers held negative implicit attitudes toward (...)
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  5. Digital tools for oral evaluation. Views of Cycle 2 teachers in the Canton of Vaud.Delphine Schifferli & Solenn Petrucci - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (1):138-157.
    Following in-service training on the use of digital tools to teach and evaluate oral language, four primary school teachers in the canton of Vaud were interviewed about their practices. The interviews made it possible to identify the digital tools used to teach and evaluate oral language, as well as the objectives pursued by the teachers with this use of digital technology. The results of the analysis of the teachers' comments help to better target training needs in (...)
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    Being novice school teachers in China: concerns and development in knowledge, skills, and ethics.Qiqiang Xie - 2023 - New York: Peter Lang. Edited by Yulong Li.
    This book adopted a qualitative research methodology to explore novice teachers' professional development (TPD) under the background of the New Curriculum Reform in mainland China. With a purposeful sampling strategy, in-depth semi-structured interviews were employed to collect data from twelve novice primary school teachers. As the specific design of the qualitative method and research procedures have been demonstrated, this book could be the reading material for the courses such as Qualitative Research Methodology. Undergraduate and postgraduate students who would (...)
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  7. How much do art teachers in Slovenia follow art? analysis by age and length of service.Katja Kozjek Varl & Jerneja Herzog - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 31 (1):309-327.
    High-quality art pedagogical work requires continuous further training for teachers and the observation of art practice and art exhibitions. As art changes, so does society and therefore schools. If the teacher wants to refresh the content and bring it closer to the students, he or she must follow the changes. In this article, we present part of a broader study in which we were interested in teachers' personal interest in monitoring art practice. The research was conducted on a (...)
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    Closeness, Conflict, and Culturally Inclusive Pedagogy: Finnish Pre- and In-service Early Education Teachers’ Perceptions.Wenwen Yang, Eero Laakkonen & Maarit Silvén - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explored the factorial and concurrent validity of a scale developed for assessing teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in engaging with diversity in early childhood education settings. According to tests of measurement invariance, the conceptualization of the constructs varied to some extent between Finnish student teachers and qualified teachers. Qualified teachers reported, at the item level, higher confidence in engaging with diversity in mainstream early childhood classrooms than student teachers. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that for both (...)
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    An Exploratory Study of Human Rights Knowledge: a Sample of Kindergarten and Elementary School Pre-service Teachers in Spain. [REVIEW]Claudia Messina & Liliana Jacott - 2013 - Human Rights Review 14 (3):213-230.
    This study aims to explore the level of information and knowledge 150 Spanish kindergarten and elementary school teachers in pre-service training have about human rights. We compared two groups of students: students with no specific training and students with specific training (the students with specific training study with the new training teaching programme that includes a compulsory subject related to citizenship education). The contents are organized around three thematic areas. Human rights are included in the first area ‘Basic (...)
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  10.  32
    The Neuromyths of Pre-service Teachers in Korea. 박보람, 추가람 & 추병완 - 2017 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (113):1-23.
    Neuroscience is revealing the mysteries of human brain. It is a natural phenomenon that pre-service teachers have great interest in neuroscience.The reason is that such concepts as memory, motivation, curiosity, intelligence and emotion basedon recent neuroscientific researches are highly important in education. However neuroscience is a kind of complex and difficult discipline that pre-service teachers are not fully able to understand. As a result, a variety of neuromyths are pervasive among pre-service teachers. Unfortunately, many (...)
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  11.  28
    An examination of the effects of a short course aimed at enabling teachers in infant, junior and secondary schools to alter the verbal feedback given to their pupils.Jeremy Swinson & Alex Harrop - 2005 - Educational Studies 31 (2):115-129.
    Nineteen teachers took part in a brief, one session, in?service course in which they were trained in behavioural techniques with the main aim of helping them increase their rates of approval contingent upon required behaviours from their pupils and to decrease their rates of disapproval. Subsidiary aims were that the teachers would be enabled to alter the balance of approval/disapproval given to academic and social behaviours, to increase the rate of approval given to group behaviours, to increase (...)
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  12.  2
    Teacher education and its discontents: politics, knowledge, and ethics.Gunnlaugur Magnússon, Anne M. Phelan, Stephen Heimans & Ruth Unsworth (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    This unique collection of essays from researchers and teacher educators from around the world presents innovative approaches to education theory, critical policy analyses, de-colonializing reformulations of teacher education, and a "standard of dissensus" for teacher education. This first volume from the International Teacher Education Research Collective (ITERC), illustrates common themes and problems in politics of education, in particular, standardization, marketization, governance of and policy in education with both country specific cases and generally formulated theoretical discussions. The book has three primary (...)
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  13.  24
    The Impact of Evidence-Based Dialogic Training of Special Education Teachers on the Creation of More Inclusive and Interactive Learning Environments.Alfonso Rodríguez-Oramas, Pilar Alvarez, Mimar Ramis-Salas & Laura Ruiz-Eugenio - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In the international context of a progress toward more inclusive educational systems and practices, the role of Special Education teachers is being transformed. From an inclusive perspective, these professionals increasingly support students and their teachers in the mainstream classroom, avoiding segregation. However, Special Education teachers often struggle to reach and support all students with special needs and their teachers to provide quality inclusive education. For this reason, more research is still needed on in-service training strategies (...)
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  14.  22
    The Role of Emotions in Classroom Conflict Management. Case Studies Geared Towards Improving Teacher Training.Ibis M. Alvarez, Montserrat González-Parera & Borja Manero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:818431.
    The purpose of this paper is twofold: firstly, to explore the emotional aspects underlying classroom conflict management, and secondly, to apply these notions to the contrasted analysis of two case studies. Our findings underscore the importance of examining teachers’ emotional regulation to better understand their performance when dealing with conflicts that affect classroom climate. In the final section, we make suggestions for introducing this perspective into initial teacher training through the use of Virtual Reality, a scenario that would allow (...)
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  15. Teachers, professional associates, and secondary school principals on the effectiveness of implementing inclusive education for students with disabilities.Koraljka Bakota, Katarina Pavičić Dokoza & Marija Žagmešter Kemfelja - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 31 (1):225-254.
    Inclusive education is an educational approach that advocates the inclusion of all students in the education system, regardless of their different abilities. Since the main stakeholders of inclusive education are teachers, professional associates, and school principals, their opinion is crucial for the successful implementation of this complicated process. The aim of this study was to investigate the views of teachers, professional associates and principals in secondary schools (N=517) on the effectiveness of inclusive education implementation in secondary schools in (...)
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  16.  7
    Relationship to the reform of pre-service teacher training in National Higher Institutes for Teaching and Education: Teacher trainers under tension(s)?.Christine Françoise & Thérèse Perez-Roux - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (3):176-197.
    This article looks at the tensions experienced by teacher trainers in National Higher Institutes for Teaching and Education (Instituts nationaux supérieurs du professorat et de l'éducation ; INSPE), following the implementation of the reform of pre-service teacher training (beginning of the 2021 academic year). Thus, the positioning of competitive examinations at the end of the master's degree has led to the reorganization of training content. A questionnaire survey (n = 725) was conducted in spring 2022. Having defined the place (...)
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  17.  12
    A Preliminary Study Comparing Pre-service and In-service School Principals’ Self-Perception of Distributed Leadership Competencies in Relation to Teaching and Managerial Experience.Gisela Cebrián, Álvaro Moraleda, Diego Galán-Casado & Olvido Andújar-Molina - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    So far little are the studies that have focussed on exploring school principals’ self-conception of their distributed leadership competencies in relation to their managerial and teaching experience. To do so, an exploratory research was carried out with a sample of 163 pre-service and in-service school principals studying a Master’s programme in School Management, Innovation and Leadership at a Spanish University. Data were obtained by using an Ad hoc questionnaire of 7 units of competence and 5 proficiency levels for (...)
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  18.  28
    The effect of formal teacher education on reading achievement of 3rd‐grade students in public and independent schools in Sweden.Eva Myrberg - 2007 - Educational Studies 33 (2):145-162.
    This study investigates the influence of teacher competence on 3rd?grade students? reading achievement in public and independent schools in Sweden. The data come from the Swedish participation in PIRLS 2001 (Progress in Reading Literacy Study 2001) and comprise some 10,000 students. Students in independent schools achieved better on the reading test than did students in public schools, but when parents? education was controlled for, the effect on students? achievement of school type disappeared. Teacher certification for teaching in the early grades (...)
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  19.  17
    Preservice mathematics teachers’ perceptions of mathematical problem solving and its teaching: A case from China.Peijie Jiang, Yong Zhang, Yanyun Jiang & Bin Xiong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:998586.
    Preservice mathematics teachers’ accurate understanding of mathematical problem solving and its teaching is key to the performance of their professional quality. This study aims to investigate preservice mathematics teachers’ understanding of problem solving and its teaching and compares it with the understanding of in-service mathematics teachers. After surveying 326 in-service mathematics teachers, this study constructs a reliable and valid tool for the cognition of mathematical problem solving and its teaching and conducts a questionnaire survey (...)
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  20.  12
    Autobiography and teacher development in China: subjectivity and culture in curriculum reform.Hua Zhang & William F. Pinar (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Autobiography and Teacher Development in China investigates the roles of autobiography in teacher education, as several scholars in China recontextualize Western conceptions of teacher development, combining them with uniquely Chinese cultural conceptions to articulate a reconceptualization of teacher development that holds worldwide significance. Framed by the work of Zhang Hua and William F. Pinar, these theoretical and practical essays point to an internationally inflected reconceptualization of teachers' professional development, pre-service and in-service. This volume addresses multiple movements of (...)
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  21.  9
    Intentional teaching in early childhood: ignite your passion for learning and improve outcomes for young children.Sandra Heidemann - 2019 - Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing. Edited by Beth Menninga & Claire Chang.
    Professional development resource providing advice for early childhood teachers navigating demands and changes in their careers, helping them see challenges as growth opportunities. Through self-assessment and reflection, educators reexamine their teaching philosophy, integrate new knowledge and strategies into their practice, and strengthen the impact of their teaching. Includes digital content.
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  22.  12
    Developing and validating a scale for measuring pre-service Chinese as an additional language teacher beliefs.Chili Li, Ting Yi, Shuang Zhang, Chunyan Ma & Honggang Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teacher beliefs are a pivotal psychological quality for sustainable teacher development. Previous studies have mainly focused on the beliefs of English-as-a-second/foreign-language teachers, while little attention has been paid to those of Chinese-as-an-additional-language teachers. Particularly, there is a paucity of effort made to develop and validate instrument for measuring pre-service CAL teacher beliefs. Therefore, to further quantify the beliefs of CAL teachers is increasingly called for as an essential means to help teachers sensitize their beliefs system (...)
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  23.  15
    Teachers' In-Service Education.D. J. Johnston - 1972 - British Journal of Educational Studies 20 (3):341-342.
  24.  6
    Re-exploring play and playfulness in early childhood teacher education: narratives, reflections, and practices.Melanie K. Felton & Diana H. Cortez-Castro (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    This book explores early childhood teacher educators' lived experiences in designing and implementing intentional play-based approaches in teaching pre-service teachers. Chapters cover action research, teaching stories about playful classroom practices, and diverse narratives about developing preservice teachers' positive views toward play. Early childhood teacher educators will be encouraged to (re) explore their beliefs about the roles of play and playfulness in higher education. Readers will learn playful strategies to actively engage pre-service teachers in building meaningful (...)
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  25.  9
    Professional behaviours.Colin Howard - 2022 - St Albans: Critical Publishing. Edited by Rachael Paige & Emma Hollis.
    How to develop the personal and professional skills and behaviours you need to be the best early career teacher you can be.
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    Perpetuating gender stereotypes in the classroom: a teacher perspective.Colette Gray & Helen Leith - 2004 - Educational Studies 30 (1):3-17.
    This paper discusses findings from a study funded by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (NI) to explore the promotion of gender equity in the classroom and the extent to which initial teacher training and in-service courses address gender issues. Data from a questionnaire survey of 344 teachers and the qualitative dimensions of the study suggest that teachers are generally aware of gender stereotypes in the classroom and that, despite their lack of training in gender issues, where (...)
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  27.  28
    A Theater-Based Device for Training Teachers on the Nature of Science.Énery Melo & Manuel Bächtold - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (9-10):963-986.
    This article presents and discusses an innovative pedagogical device designed for training pre-service teachers on the nature of science. We endorse an approach according to which aspects of the nature of science should be explicitly discussed in order to be understood by learners. We identified quantum physics, and more precisely the principles of uncertainty and complementarity, as a rich topic suitable for such a discussion. Our training device consists in preparing and staging a new type of theater, the (...)
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  28.  70
    Teachers’ Ways of Talking About Nature of Science and Its Teaching.Malin Ideland, Andreas Redfors, Lena Hansson & Lotta Leden - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (9-10):1141-1172.
    Nature of science has for a long time been regarded as a key component in science teaching. Much research has focused on students’ and teachers’ views of NOS, while less attention has been paid to teachers’ perspectives on NOS teaching. This article focuses on in-service science teachers’ ways of talking about NOS and NOS teaching, e.g. what they talk about as possible and valuable to address in the science classroom, in Swedish compulsory school. These teachers (...)
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  29.  53
    Teachers or learning leaders?: where have all the teachers gone? gone to be leaders, everyone.Kevin Brain, LouiseComerford Boyes & Ivan Reid * - 2004 - Educational Studies 30 (3):251-264.
    This paper traces the dramatic proliferation of leadership roles in English primary and secondar schools, due mainly to central government education policy of the past two decades. This has transformed schools from relatively simple to highly complex organizations and has impacted on the working conditions of, and demands on, teachers, together with many aspects of schooling. These changes are illustrated with typical examples of schools' leadership structures and their functioning. Interview data provide teachers' views on, and reactions to, (...)
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  30.  13
    L’articulation des croyances et des pratiques dans l’enseignement des sciences humaines et sociales au secondaire : quelles pistes pour l’accompagnement des enseignants débutants?Sébastien Boucher, Anderson Araújo-Oliveira & Geneviève Therriault - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):65-85.
    The study presents partial results from a larger project aimed at supporting the professional development of beginning teachers with respect to their personal epistemology. Based on a thematic analysis of data from explanatory interviews, the article focuses on the articulation between beliefs (epistemological and pedagogical) and stated practices of ten beginning teachers of social sciences and humanities (SHS) in secondary schools. The results highlight the high degree of sophistication of the participants’ epistemological beliefs and the constructivist tendency of (...)
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  31.  21
    Chinese Pre-service Music Teachers’ Perceptions of Augmented Reality-Assisted Musical Instrument Learning.Bing Mei & Shuxia Yang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Given the rapid growth of music technology, this study reports Chinese pre-service music teachers’ perceptions of musical instrument learning assisted by augmented reality. In this study, we conducted a small-scale case study with six pre-service teachers enrolled in a music teacher training programme at a comprehensive university in China. Participants engaged in semi-structured, face-to-face interviews after hands-on experiences with an AR-based piano learning app. Thematic analysis revealed that the participants were generally aware of the potential of (...)
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  32.  12
    Queer inclusion in teacher education: bridging theory, research, and practice.Olivia Jo Murray - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Queer Inclusion in Teacher Education explores the challenges and promises of building queer inclusive pedagogy and curriculum into teacher education. Weaving together theory, research findings, and practical "how-to" strategies and materials, it fills an important gap by offering a clear roadmap and resources for influencing the knowledge, beliefs, and actions of faculty working with pre-service teachers. While the book has implications for policy change, most immediately, readers will feel empowered with ideas for faculty development they can implement in (...)
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  33.  35
    Poetry in the Curriculum: a crisis of confidence.Barrie Wade & Sue Sidaway - 1990 - Educational Studies 16 (1):75-83.
    Summary Attitudes to poetry teaching in schools are investigated and relevant studies are shown to highlight reluctance to teach poetry. The study reports an exploratory questionnaire of middle school teachers which reaffirms teachers? lack of confidence in encouraging classroom work on poetry. A sample of 100 middle school pupils, on the other hand, indicate interest and receptiveness towards poetry despite its neglect by their schools. Implications are raised for in?service training and for the implementation of National Curriculum (...)
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    Black Board Usage Cases Of Religious Culture And Moral Knowledge Teachers.Tuncay Ceylan & Eyüp Şi̇mşek - 2023 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 11 (18):7-26.
    The aim of this study is to determine the use of the blackboard by teachers of Islamic Culture and Ethics. For this purpose, the views and practices of the teachers regarding the use of the blackboard were examined. The study is important as it was conducted through a combination of interviews and observations and contributes to the literature on the subject. A case study design, which is one of the qualitative methods, was used in the study. The study (...)
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  35.  14
    The Enactment of Classroom Justice Through Explicit Instruction: Deciphering the Changes in English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices.Masoomeh Estaji & Kiyana Zhaleh - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This mixed methods research study investigated if explicit instruction could affect EFL teachers’ perceptions and practices of classroom justice considering its three-dimensional conceptualization based on the social psychology theories of justice, encompassing the distributive, interactional, and procedural justice. To this end, 77 Iranian English as a Foreign Language teachers, chosen through maximum variation sampling, attended a four-session online justice-training course. The data were collected both before and after the course intervention through close- and open-ended questionnaires. Quantitative data analysis (...)
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  36.  17
    Developing Teaching Practice in Computational Thinking in Palestine.Abdel Ghani, David Griffiths, Soheil Salha, Saida Affouneh, Fakher Khalili, Zuheir N. Khlaif & Daniel Burgos - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sporadic efforts have been made to introduce computational thinking methods into K-12 education in Palestine, but these have been held back by the challenging educational environment. However, a recent in-service training initiative, funded and organized by the Ministry or Education of Palestine, constitutes a significant effort to embed computational thinking in K-12 practice. The middle school teachers who participated in the training course were invited to participate in the present study, and 38 did so. A qualitative approach involving (...)
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  37.  23
    The Application of Entrepreneurial Elements in Mathematics Teaching: Challenges for Primary School Mathematics Teachers.Muhammad Sofwan Mahmud, Siti Mistima Maat, Roslinda Rosli, Nur Ainil Sulaiman & Shahrul Badriyah Mohamed - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The entrepreneurial element is one of the aspects emphasized in the primary school mathematics education curriculum in Malaysia. However, previous studies have found that application of entrepreneurial elements in mathematics teaching is still lacking. This study was therefore conducted to identify the real challenges that mathematics teachers face in applying the entrepreneurial element in mathematics teaching. This study is qualitative case study which involved six primary school mathematics teachers. Semi-structured interviews, observation, document analysis and field notes were used (...)
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  38.  64
    The Effects of Teacher-Student Relationships on Academic Achievement – a College Survey.Lucian Mocrei Rebrean - 2017 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 1 (1):39-51.
    An attitude of support in the learning environment can positively affect academic outcomes. Educational risks associated with the absence of a positive relationship between teachers and students include: high rates of college dropout, low self-efficacy, and low self-confidence. The vast majority of sociological research concerning the relationship between teachers and students deals with secondary school and high school years. The present study concentrates on the academic trajectory of college students. The first objective of the present study is assessing (...)
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    The future of educational research in the context of the social sciences: A special case?Rosemary Deem - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (2):143-158.
    The paper examines the future prospects for educational research as conducted in UK universities and colleges of higher education in the light of current general changes in the organisation, funding and culture of higher education, and in respect of specific changes in the initial and in service training of teachers. It includes a critical examination of the claim made by some educational researchers that their research constitutes a special case, differentiated from other social science and humanities disciplines, both (...)
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    The Role of Edify in Promoting Christ-centred Education Through Low-fee Independent Schools.Makonen Getu - 2018 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 35 (3):167-178.
    Free universal primary education has been promoted globally since the declaration of Education for All in 1990. As a result, the number of school-going children in the developing world has increased at an unprecedented scale and governments have run short of educational facilities and qualified teachers. Millions of children have been left without access to school and those who enrolled received poor quality education. Low-fee independent schools, which charge small fees, have mushroomed everywhere in response to parental demand for (...)
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    Educators’ and teachers’ perceptions of outdoor education in Modena.Calogero Francesco Pipero - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (70):1-17.
    Outdoor education is a pedagogical orientation that has been present for years in the educational institutions of the municipality of Modena; the latter, through research, monitors the trend in order to identify and resolve problems. Examining the professionalism of the staff in the outdoor education field and the limitations in implementing the practice, this contribution highlights how various factors constitute an obstacle to carrying out the activities, even in the presence of adequate training; the constraints that emerged concern relationships with (...)
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  42.  31
    Common Religious Education Activities and Mosques in Kyrgyzstan after Independency.Bakıt Murzarai̇mov & Mustafa Köylü - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):193-211.
    Kyrgyz people lived under the control of Soviet Union for about 70 years. During this time, they were forbidden to practice any kinds of religious duties. Their religious schools and mosques were closed or used for other aims rather than religious needs. In short, all kinds of religious freedom and practices were forbidden strictly. The aim was to bring up an atheistic people during the days of Soviet Union. However, when Kyrgyz people won their independence and established a new country, (...)
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    The Education of Qur’ān Recitation (Qirā’āt) in Turkey.Yaşar Akaslan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1081-1107.
    Qur’ān Recitation (qirā’āt) activities constitute a good part of the Qur’ān education history starting with the revealation of the Qur’ān. In Prophet Muḥammad’s era and after his death, education and teaching activities for spreading the Qur’ān recitations were maintained by muslims. Several institutions were built for this purpose, and many works are written for qirā’ātscience education and methods developed made a big contribution to the spreading of qur’ān recitation science. An Interregnum period for qirā’ātscience has happened at the last period (...)
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    Professional Development and Training.Gilbert Burgh - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 27:5-13.
    The task of teaching students how to think well rests formally with schools and the classroom teachers who work within them. The education system has a responsibility to fulfil the need for relevance in the school curriculum. A corollary is that the teaching profession, through collective efforts, needs to transform the ways in which curriculum and teaching are conceived. This is not to say that teachers cannot or should not work with existing curriculum, but rather that we need (...)
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    L’accompagnement : un élément clé pour l’apprentissage en stage et pour le développement professionnel continu des enseignants.Marc Boutet & Rémy Villemin - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):81-89.
    This article explores a training need common to every stage of a teacher’s career : the need to be accompanied. It takes an integrative perspective on the process of the situated learning of teaching, throughout the career, from the pre-service practicums to the period of entrance in the profession then to the in-service training. Providing a reflexive accompaniment of the teachers’ practical experiences is here presented as a central factor for linking the training and the work environments. (...)
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    La qualité de l’éducation inclusive en Italie.Alessio Covelli & Lucia de Anna - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-3 (14-3):175-188.
    The evaluation of the quality of the processes of educational and social inclusion of people with disabilities is considered a key element in the improvement of their living conditions. The research presented here is part of the analyses carried out in Italy and abroad on the identification of indicators and categories able to provide a representative picture of the processes of school inclusion by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the system in local contexts. Assessing the quality of inclusive education (...)
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    Welcoming the stranger: a qualitative analysis of teachers' views regarding the integration of refugee pupils into schools in Newcastle upon Tyne.Ruth Whiteman - 2005 - Educational Studies 31 (4):375-391.
    The arrival of refugee pupils in UK schools has presented significant challenges to staff, pupils and families. The aim of this study was to record and analyse the views of teaching staff regarding their experiences of integrating these pupils into schools in Newcastle upon Tyne. A questionnaire was sent to 53 schools in the city known to have pupils who are refugees or asylum seekers. Questions focused on key issues identified by the Local Education Authority Working Group for Refugees and (...)
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  48.  33
    Towards a conversational culture? How participants establish strategies for co-ordinating chat postings in the context of in-service training.Åsa Mäkitalo & Mona Nilsen - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (1):90-105.
    Within the research field of computer-mediated communication, extensive attention has been paid to the differences between CMC and spoken conversation, particularly in terms of sequential structure. In this study, the aim is to analyse how participants maintain continuity and handle discontinuities in institutionally arranged, computer-mediated communication. The empirical material consists of chat log files from in-service training courses for professionals in the food production industry. In the chat sessions we analysed, participants initially had some problems in co-ordinating their postings, (...)
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    A Case Study of In-Service and Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Instruction for Moral Dilemma Discussion.Kim Hang-In - 2010 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (76):1-32.
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    Enhancing Teachers’ Awareness About Relations Between Science and Religion.Cibelle Silva & Alexandre Bagdonas - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (9-10):1173-1199.
    Educators advocate that science education can help the development of more responsible worldviews when students learn not only scientific concepts, but also about science, or “nature of science”. Cosmology can help the formation of worldviews because this topic is embedded in socio-cultural and religious issues. Indeed, during the Cold War period, the cosmological controversy between Big Bang and Steady State theory was tied up with political and religious arguments. The present paper discusses a didactic sequence developed for and applied in (...)
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