Results for 'Tatang Bisri'

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  1.  6
    The Effect of sCOX-2 inhibitor on S100B Protein Level, Cognitive Dysfunction and Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) in Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. [REVIEW]Dewi Yulianti Bisri, Tatang Bisri & Haekyu Kim - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1803-1810.
    The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the protein S100B level, cognitive dysfunction, and Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) in moderate traumatic brain injury patients. Thirty patients suffering from head injuries undergoing neurosurgery in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia, and who were considered eligible based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria participated in this double-blind experimental Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). The treatment groups (COX-2) were assigned as COX2-I, COX2II, and COX3-IV, six patients in each group. (...)
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  2.  20
    Inclusivism and exclusivism: Responses of prospective Islamic religious teachers towards Islamic sects.Husni Husni & Hasan Bisri - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    This article employs the notions of exclusivism and inclusivism to categorise the responses of prospective Islamic religion teachers towards various Islamic religious sects. Despite the prevalent criticism surrounding the perceived oversimplification and a lack of insight provided by the two typologies, we have found them to be valuable tools for elucidating the phenomena under investigation. Quantitative data were collected from 154 respondents using questionnaires containing multiple-choice questions. Data frequency, cross-tabulation and gamma values are statistical techniques employed to analyse and characterise (...)
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  3.  23
    The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Organizational Learning on Manufacturing Industry Performance.Francisca Sestri Goestjahjanti, Sahala Benny Pasaribu, Tatang Iman Sadewo, Srinita Srinita, Isyak Meirobie & Agustinus Purna Irawan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  4. Memetakan Kembali Struktur Keilmuan Islam dalam Fuaduddin dan Cik Hasan Bisri (ed.) Dinamika Pemikiran Islam di Perguruan Tingg: Wacana tentang Pendidikan Agama Islam. Jakarta.Komaruddin Hidayat - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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  5. Teori kajian strukturlisme sastra, model Greimas dalam drama Sang kuriang karya Ututy Tatang Sontani.M. Hum Lina Meilinawati Rahayu - 2021 - In Suwardi Endraswara, Teori sastra sepanjang zaman: tokoh, konsep, dan aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
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  6.  10
    Mereguk mata air kebijaksanaan Gus Mus: hikmah dan nasihat.Imam Muhtar - 2019 - Banguntapan, Yogyakarta: Noktah.
    On actualization of Islam based on thoughts of A. Mustofa Bisri, a prominent ulama and muslim scholar In Indonesia; collected articles.
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