Results for 'Taran Thune'

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  1.  52
    The Training of “Triple Helix Workers”? Doctoral Students in University–Industry–Government Collaborations.Taran Thune - 2010 - Minerva 48 (4):463-483.
    Changes in knowledge production, increasing interaction between government, universities and industry, and changes in labor markets for doctoral degree holders are forces that have spurred a debate about the organization of doctoral education and the competencies graduates need to master to work as scientists and researchers in a triple helix research context. Recent policy also has supported a redefinition of researcher training with increasing focus on broader skills and relevance for careers outside the university sector. Consequently, it is pertinent to (...)
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  2. Becoming Similar, but Drifting Apart: Partnerships Between Universities and Public Research Organizations.Taran Thune & Siri Brorstad Borlaug - forthcoming - Minerva:1-26.
    Many national research and innovation systems include higher education institutions and public research organizations (PRO) with different mandates and tasks. This paper investigates what happens to the relationship between a university and a PRO when they are increasingly pushed towards fulfilling similar tasks and functions. We investigate this through a historical case study of the relationship between a university and a PRO within the field of science and technology and draw on concepts from the institutional logics and institutional complexity literatures (...)
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  3. 'Partial defeaters' and the epistemology of disagreement.Michael Thune - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (239):355-372.
    Can known disagreement with our epistemic peers undermine or defeat the justification our beliefs enjoy? Much of the current literature argues for one of two extreme positions on this topic, either that the justification of each person's belief is (fully) defeated by the awareness of disagreement, or that no belief is defeated by this awareness. I steer a middle course and defend a principle describing when a disagreement yields a partial defeater, which results in a loss of some, but not (...)
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  4. Speusippus and Aristotle on Homonymy and Synonymy.Leonardo Tarán - 1978 - Hermes 106 (1):73-99.
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  5. The creation myth in Plato's Timaeus.Leonardo Taran - 1971 - In John P. Anton & George L. Kustas, Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy I. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 1--372.
  6.  93
    Perpetual Duration and Atemporal Eternity in Parmenides and Plato.Leonardo Tarán - 1979 - The Monist 62 (1):43-53.
    The purpose of this paper is less ambitious than its title might suggest, since it does not deal with everything that Plato has said on time and on eternity. Rather, it attempts to clarify some issues which have arisen in the controversy as to whether Parmenides or Plato was the first Western philosopher to grasp the notion of atemporal eternity. It is particularly concerned with some publications on the subject that have appeared within the last twelve years or so. G. (...)
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  7. Det fuldkomne liv.Thune Jacobsen & Otto Ludvig - 1947 - København,: A. Frost-Hansen.
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    Aristotele. Della Filosofia.Leonardo Taran & Mario Untersteiner - 1966 - American Journal of Philology 87 (4):464.
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  9. El concepto de lo divino en Jenófanes.Leonardo Tarán - 1959 - Philosophia (Misc.) 22:10.
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  10. Monism and Presocratic Philosophy.Leonardo Taran - 2003 - In Andreas Bächli & Klaus Petrus, Monism. Frankfurt: Ontos. pp. 9--11.
  11. Fra sandhed til virkelighed.Jacobsen Thune - 1942 - Kjøbenhavn,: Nyt Nordisk forlag.
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  12. Introduction to the Diversity of Models of Ultimate Realities.Mike Thune - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher, Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 877-883.
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  13.  36
    Plantinga Untouched.Michael Thune - 2005 - Philosophia Christi 7 (1):157-167.
    In my "Plantinga Untouched: A Response to Beilby on the Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism" (Philosophia Christi 7:1 [2005], pp. 157-67), I argue that James Beilby's (2003) objection to Alvin Plantinga's "Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism" (EAAN) is unsuccessful. Along the way, I argue that the move to grant Plantinga's 'inscrutability thesis' - namely, that the probability that our cognitive faculties are reliable, given naturalism and evolutionary theory [P(R/N&E)], is low or inscrutable - presents significant problems for the one who accepts N&E.
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    Making Sense of the Diversity of Ethical Decision Making in Business: An Illustration of the Indian Context.Taran Patel & Anja Schaefer - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):171-186.
    In this conceptual article, we look at the impact of culture on ethical decision making from a Douglasian Cultural Theory (CT) perspective. We aim to show how CT can be used to explain the diversity and dynamicity of ethical beliefs and behaviours found in every social system, be it a corporation, a nation or even an individual. We introduce CT in the context of ethical decision making and then use it to discuss examples of business ethics in the Indian business (...)
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  15. A Molinist-Style Response to Schellenberg.Michael Thune - 2006 - Southwest Philosophy Review 22 (1):33-41.
  16.  32
    The ethical challenges of teaching business ethics: ethical sensemaking through the Goffmanian lens.Taran Patel, Rose Bote & Jovana Stanisljevic - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (1):23-40.
    Business ethics (BE) professors play a crucial role in sensitizing business students toward their future ethical responsibilities. Yet, there are few papers exploring the ethical challenges these professors themselves face while teaching BE. In this qualitative paper, we rely on the lenses of ethical sensemaking and dramaturgical performance, and draw from 29 semi-structured interview conducted with BE professors from various countries and field notes from 17 h of observation of BE classes. We identify four kinds of rationalities that professors rely (...)
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  17. Religious belief and the epistemology of disagreement.Michael Thune - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (8):712-724.
    Consider two people who disagree about some important claim (e.g. the future moral and political consequences of current U.S. economic policy are X). They each believe the other person is in possession of relevant evidence, is roughly equally competent to evaluate that evidence, etc. From the epistemic point of view, how should such recognized disagreement affect their doxastic attitude toward the original claim? Recent research on the epistemology of disagreement has converged upon three general ways of answering this question. The (...)
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  18.  18
    A cultural appreciation of diversity of ethical strategies.Taran Patel - forthcoming - Business Ethics: A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World.
  19.  21
    Toward a Unified Framework of Perceived Negative Leader Behaviors Insights from French and British Educational Sectors.Taran Patel & Robert G. Hamlin - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (1):157-182.
    In this paper, we challenge the commonly held assumption that actors in the education sector are largely ethical, and that there is therefore little need to scrutinize leader behaviors in this sector. We also overcome past scholars’ tendencies to either focus selectively on positive leader behaviors, or to stay content with categorizing leader behaviors into effective and ineffective. Using data from three case studies previously conducted in eight British and French academic establishments, we show that not only do negative leader (...)
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  20. Ideas, Numbers, and Magnitudes: Remarks on Plato, Speusippus, and Aristotle.L. Tarán - 1991 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 9 (2):199-231.
  21. Selected Philosophical Papers by Ludwig Edelstein.Leonardo Tarán (ed.) - 1987 - Routledge.
    Ludwig Edelstein is well-known for his work on the history of anceint medicine and ancient philosophy, and to both of these areas he made contributions of primary importance. This collection, originally published in 1987, makes avaialable Edelstein’s main papers to scholars and students, and includes papers from 1931-1965.
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    Retroactive inhibition as a function of degree of interpolated learning.L. E. Thune & B. J. Underwood - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 32 (3):185.
  23.  23
    The effect of different types of preliminary activities on subsequent learning of paired-associate material.Leland E. Thune - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (4):423.
  24. Heraclitus: the river-fragments and their implications.Leonardo Taran - 1999 - Elenchos 20 (1):9-52.
  25.  20
    Parmenides.L. M. Palmer & Leonardo Taran - 1968 - American Journal of Philology 89 (3):364.
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  26.  19
    Escape from Saṃsāra: Schopenhauer’s Opposition to the Philosophy of History.Taran Kang - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (5):484-504.
    ABSTRACT As has long been recognized, Arthur Schopenhauer’s intellectual encounter with the Orient represents a departure from previous Western philosophers’ approaches to it. What has been less appreciated, however, is that this encounter also marks a pivotal moment in the modern critique of systematic philosophies of history. Since Schopenhauer doubted that there was any logic in history, either in the form of a providential plan or a rationally intelligible structure, he impugned both history’s scientific status and its significance for an (...)
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  27.  57
    Origin and Essence: The Problem of History in Hannah Arendt.Taran Kang - 2013 - Journal of the History of Ideas 74 (1):139-160.
    Problems pertaining to origins and beginnings are integral to Hannah Arendt's reflections on politics and history. From The Origins of Totalitarianism to The Life of the Mind, Arendt sought to understand the nature of beginnings and the novelty of historical phenomena. This paper explores the relationship between Arendt's approach to history and her understanding of origins, which it juxtaposes with conceptions of the origin in the thought of Charles Darwin, Martin Heidegger, and Karl Jaspers. It also examines her ideas on (...)
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  28. Parmenides: A Text with Translation, Commentary, and Critical Essays.Leonardo Taran - 1962 - Dissertation, Princeton University
  29.  22
    Aristotle Poetics : Editio Maior of the Greek Text with Historical Introductions and Philological Commentaries.Leonardo Tarán & Dimitri Gutas - 2012 - Brill.
    This important new editio maior of Aristotle's Poetics is based on all the primary sources and is accompanied by a details critical apparatus. The introductory chapters provide important new insights about the transmission of the text to the present day and especially the significance of the Syro-Arabic tradition.
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    Nietzsche's Posthumanism.Michael Thune - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
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    Core Elements of Philosophy.Michael Thune & Jeffrey Wisdom (eds.) - 2015 - Kendall-Hunt.
  32.  31
    God, Science, and Religious Diversity: A Defense of Theism, by Robert T. Lehe.Michael Thune - 2019 - Faith and Philosophy 36 (3):407-413.
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  33. (1 other version)Paul K. Moser. The Elusive God: Reorienting Religious Epistemology. Cambridge University Press, 2008.Michael Thune - 2010 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2 (2):242--247.
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  34.  17
    Academica--Plato, Philip of Opus, and the pseudo-Platonic Epinomis.Leonardo Tarán - 1975 - Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. Edited by Plato.
    Includes Greek text of Epinomis (p. 182-202).
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  35.  15
    Plato, Phaedo, 62 A.Leonardo Taran - 1966 - American Journal of Philology 87 (3):326.
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  36.  12
    Amelius-Amerius: Porphyry Vita Plotini 7 and Eunapius Vitae Soph. 4.2.Leonardo Taran - 1984 - American Journal of Philology 105 (4):476.
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    Platonis Epinomis Commentariis Illustrata.Leonardo Taran & F. Novotny - 1962 - American Journal of Philology 83 (3):313.
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  38. Śrī Mamalapāhuḍa grantha: bhāṣāṭīkā sārtha.Tāraṇa Taraṇa - 1993 - Jilā-Gunā, Ma. Pra.: Śrī Tāraṇa Taraṇa Jaina Tīrtha Kṣetra Nisāī Jī Ṭrasṭa. Edited by Sital Prasad.
    Verse work on Jaina doctrines and philosophy; translation in Hindi with explanation.
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    Parmenides: A Text with Translation, Commentary, and Critical Essays.Alexander P. D. Mourelatos & Leonardo Taran - 1967 - Philosophical Review 76 (4):526.
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    Naturalism, Hope, and Alethic Rationality.Michael Thune - 2006 - Philo 9 (1):5-11.
    In my “Plantinga Untouched,” I argued that James Beilby’s recent objection to Plantinga’s EAAN was unsuccessful. Beilby has sincereplied that a naturalist can grant the Inscrutability Thesis and yet be alethically rational in hoping for a high P(R/N and future developments of E) and, therefore, needn’t accept the alethic defeater for R. I argue that this is impossible, since a naturalist cannot consistently grant that thesis and meet Beilby’s own criteria for alethic hope. Consequently, Plantinga is (still) right in maintaining (...)
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    Reproductive interference following "appropriate" and "inappropriate" warm-up activities.Leland E. Thune - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (6):535.
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    Warm-up effect as a function of level of practice in verbal learning.Leland E. Thune - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (4):250.
  43.  14
    Syrianus and Pseudo- Alexander’s commentary on Metaph. E-N.Leonardo Tarán - 1985 - In Vivian Nutton, Jutta Kolesh, H. J. Lulofs & Jürgen Wiesner, Kommentierung, Überlieferung, Nachleben. De Gruyter. pp. 215-232.
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  44.  21
    Anonymous commentary on Aristotle's De interpretatione: (Codex Parisinus Graecus 2064).Leonardo Tarán (ed.) - 1978 - Meisenheim am Glan: A. Hain.
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    Aristotle, Metaphysics Z. 2, 1028 B 13-19.Leonardo Tarán - 1979 - Mnemosyne 32 (1-2):167-170.
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  46. A Text with Translation, Commentary, and Critical Essays.Leonardo Tarán - 1967 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 22 (1):107-107.
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  47.  29
    Place and response learning in the white rat under simplified and mutually isolated conditions.Charles W. Hill & Leland E. Thune - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (4):289.
  48. The epistemological limits of experience-based exclusive religious belief.Erik Baldwin & Michael Thune - 2008 - Religious Studies 44 (4):445-455.
    Alvin Plantinga and other philosophers have argued that exclusive religious belief can be rationally held in response to certain experiences – independently of inference to other beliefs, evidence, arguments, and the like – and thus can be 'properly basic'. We think that this is possible only until the believer acquires the defeater we develop in this paper, a defeater which arises from an awareness of certain salient features of religious pluralism. We argue that, as a consequence of this defeater, continued (...)
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  49.  6
    Le conseiller d'Estat, ou, Recueil général de la politique moderne.Philippe de Béthune - 2012 - Paris: Economica. Edited by François Monnier.
    Le Conseiller d'Etat ou Recueil général de la politique moderne est l'un des grands traités politiques du XVIIe siècle. Son auteur, Philippe de Béthune, diplomate réputé et fin connaisseur de la vie publique, a écrit un livre étonnant de philosophie politique, de stratégie, d'économie et d'urbanisme. Œuvre d 'un homme de cour, habitué à côtoyer les princes, il est le produit de la réflexion et de l'expérience d'un personnage singulier, mais aussi d'une époque insolite de mutation entre deux mondes, - (...)
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  50.  30
    Academica: Plato, Philip of Opus and the Pseudo-Platonic Epinomis.John Dillon & Leonardo Taran - 1980 - American Journal of Philology 101 (4):486.
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