Results for 'Tania Iglesias'

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    Proprioceptive Indicators of Personality and Individual Differences in Behavior in Children With ADHD.Liudmila Liutsko, Tania Iglesias, Josep Maria Tous Ral & Alexander Veraksa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  2. Causal-explanatory pluralism: how intentions, functions, and mechanisms influence causal ascriptions.Tania Lombrozo - 2010 - Cognitive Psychology 61 (4):303-332.
    Both philosophers and psychologists have argued for the existence of distinct kinds of explanations, including teleological explanations that cite functions or goals, and mechanistic explanations that cite causal mechanisms. Theories of causation, in contrast, have generally been unitary, with dominant theories focusing either on counterfactual dependence or on physical connections. This paper argues that both approaches to causation are psychologically real, with different modes of explanation promoting judgments more or less consistent with each approach. Two sets of experiments isolate the (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume Two.Tania Lombrozo, Joshua Knobe & Shaun Nichols (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
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    L'ABC di Alberto Manzi maestro degli italiani.Tania Convertini - 2024 - Roma: Anicia.
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    Das Phänomen einer positiven Unbestimmtheit.Tania Eden - 2017 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Unscharfe Grenzen und fließende Übergänge kommen in allen Registern der Erfahrung vor. Von einer positiven Unbestimmtheit kann indes nur dort die Rede sein, wo diese gleichsam zur Sache selbst gehört und nicht nur unserem begrenzten Erkenntnisstand oder mangelnden Realisierungsmöglichkeiten zuzu-rechnen ist. Die gewachsene technologische Verfügungsmacht des Menschen, die sich mittlerweile auf die menschliche Lebenssubstanz selbst erstreckt, hat zu tiefgreifenden Veränderungen des Naturbegriffs geführt, in deren Verlauf die Grenzen zwischen Naturprodukten und Artefakten ständig verschoben werden. Damit tauchen neue Formen von Unbestimmtheit (...)
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  6. Por trás da cena : produção de espetáculos com cenários interativos.Tania Fraga - 2016 - In Iliana Hernández García (ed.), Estética de los mundos posibles: inmersión en la vida artificial, las artes y las prácticas urbanas. Bogotá, D. C.: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana-Bogotá.
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  7. (1 other version)Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, vol 4.Tania Lombrozo, Joshua Knobe & Shaun Nichols (eds.) - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
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  8. La logica como gramatica profunda de lo racional La logique, grammaire profonde du rationnel.Iglesias Mt - 1977 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):89-95.
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    A travessia de Riobaldo Rosa, no Grande sertão: veredas, como um processo de individuação.Tania Rebelo Costa Serra - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:69-80.
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    Difficult secularity: Talmud as symbolic resource.Tania Zittoun - 2006 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 8 (2):59-75.
    Religious systems are organised semiotic structures providing people with values and rules, identities, regularity, and meaning. Consequently, a person moving out of a religious system might be exposed to meaning-ruptures. The paper presents the situation of young people who have been in Yeshiva, a rabbinic high-school, and who have to join secular university life. It analyses the changes to which they are exposed. On the bases of this case study, the paper examines the following questions: can the religious symbolic system (...)
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    Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy Volume 3.Tania Lombrozo, Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    The new interdisciplinary field of experimental philosophy has emerged as the methods of psychological science have been brought to bear on traditional philosophical issues. Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy is the place to go to see outstanding new work in the field, by both philosophers and psychologists.
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  12. Medicine and the individual: is phenomenology the answer?Tania L. Gergel - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (5):1102-1109.
    The issue of how to incorporate the individual's first‐hand experience of illness into broader medical understanding is a major question in medical theory and practice. In a philosophical context, phenomenology, with its emphasis on the subject's perception of phenomena as the basis for knowledge and its questioning of naturalism, seems an obvious candidate for addressing these issues. This is a review of current phenomenological approaches to medicine, looking at what has motivated this philosophical approach, the main problems it faces and (...)
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  13. Imitation and animality : on the relationship between nature and history in chapter XVIII of The prince.Tania Rispoli - 2015 - In Filippo Del Lucchese, Fabio Frosini & Vittorio Morfino (eds.), The radical Machiavelli: politics, philosophy and language. Boston: Brill.
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    Toward a dialogical understanding of objects in subjective experience and social practices.Tania Zittoun - 2023 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 43 (3):178-183.
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  15. Cirilo y Metodio y la cristianización de los eslavos.Tania Láleva - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:75-90.
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    O adoecer como ruptura: insuficiência renal crônica em crianças; Sickness as rupture: chronic renal failure in children.Tânia Martins de Barros, Ana Lúcia Saldanha Duarte & Cláudia Simone Santos - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 11:111-116.
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  17. Teatro Estudantil: As Tecnologias do Eu ea Constituição Ética de Si.Tânia Cristina dos Santos Boy - 2007 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 9 (2).
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  18. Ktitor: Le sens du Don Des panneaux votifs dans le monde byzantin.Tania Kambourova - 2008 - Byzantion 78:261-287.
    Le terme ktitor accompagne souvent la représentation d'un acte de don dans la peinture murale byzantines et post-byzantines. Même si le terme "ktitor" a été traduit le plus souvent par "fondateur", sémantiquement et historiquement, on retrouve dans le mot le sens de possession. Les ktitores - des propriétaires modaux, offrent leurs dons, dont le destinataire final est Dieu. Les panneaux votifs de Théodore Métochite , du sebastokrator Kalojan , de Stefan Uroš III , de Mircea l'Ancien témoignent des droits, des (...)
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    Desigualdad, injusticia ambiental y racismo: una lucha que transciende el color de la piel.Tania Pacheco - 2007 - Polis 16.
    Este artículo propone una mirada más incluyente en relación al concepto de Racismo Ambiental, combatido tanto por marxistas ortodoxos -que ven en él la negación de la lucha de clases- como por gran parte de los movimientos negros -que identifican en él una tentativa de minimizar el combate al racismo en sí. Partiendo de ejemplos ligados a la realidad brasileña, muestra que racismo y prejuicio transcienden el color de nuestras pieles y están incuestionablemente ligados a un modelo de desarrollo que (...)
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    Transcultural Perspective on Consciousness: a bridge between Anthropology, Medicine and Physics.Tania Re & Ventura - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (2):228-241.
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    Immediacy, Mediation, and Feminist Logistics. Rethinking the Question of “Functional Sustainability”.Tania Rispoli - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  22. Trabalho E educação na perspectiva ontológica: Algumas reflexões acerca da (re)produção ampliada do capital E a crise da escola.Tânia Regina Braga Torreão Sá, Marcelo Torreão Sá & Viviane Meira Lima - 2013 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 3 (5):11-21.
    A questão que se coloca nesse texto é refletir sobre as contribuições que Marx formula para pensar a respeito da educação, a escola e a luta trabalhadora. Nosso intuito é, pois, a partir do “beber da fonte” da filosofia de práxis, pensar em que medida, o projeto de emancipação social, tal como propôs Marx, se realiza numa escola em crise, aonde muita coisa, aliás, muda na aparência para manter a essência íntegra. Nossas reflexões se voltam para compreender também, como por (...)
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  23. Too similar, too different? The paradoxical dualism of psychiatric stigma.Tania Gergel - 2014 - The Psychiatric Bulletin 38 (4):148-151.
    Challenges to psychiatric stigma fall between a rock and a hard place. Decreasing one prejudice may inadvertently increase another. Emphasising similarities between mental illness and ‘ordinary’ experience to escape the fear-related prejudices associated with the imagined ‘otherness’ of persons with mental illness risks conclusions that mental illness indicates moral weakness and the loss of any benefits of a medical model. An emphasis on illness and difference from normal experience risks a response of fear of the alien. Thus, a ‘likeness-based’ and (...)
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  24. Reasons for endorsing or rejecting ‘self-binding directives’ in bipolar disorder: a qualitative study of survey responses from UK service users.Tania Gergel, Preety Das, Lucy Stephenson, Gareth Owen, Larry Rifkin, John Dawson, Alex Ruck Keene & Guy Hindley - 2021 - The Lancet Psychiatry 8.
    Summary Background Self-binding directives instruct clinicians to overrule treatment refusal during future severe episodes of illness. These directives are promoted as having potential to increase autonomy for individuals with severe episodic mental illness. Although lived experience is central to their creation, service users’ views on self-binding directives have not been investigated substantially. This study aimed to explore whether reasons for endorsement, ambivalence, or rejection given by service users with bipolar disorder can address concerns regarding self-binding directives, decision-making capacity, and human (...)
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    Explanation and inference: mechanistic and functional explanations guide property generalization.Tania Lombrozo & Nicholas Z. Gwynne - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:102987.
    The ability to generalize from the known to the unknown is central to learning and inference. Two experiments explore the relationship between how a property is explained and how that property is generalized to novel species and artifacts. The experiments contrast the consequences of explaining a property mechanistically, by appeal to parts and processes, with the consequences of explaining the property functionally, by appeal to functions and goals. The findings suggest that properties that are explained functionally are more likely to (...)
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    Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) Versus Explaining for the Best Inference.Tania Lombrozo & Daniel Wilkenfeld - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (9-10):1059-1077.
    In pedagogical contexts and in everyday life, we often come to believe something because it would best explain the data. What is it about the explanatory endeavor that makes it essential to everyday learning and to scientific progress? There are at least two plausible answers. On one view, there is something special about having true explanations. This view is highly intuitive: it’s clear why true explanations might improve one’s epistemic position. However, there is another possibility—it could be that the process (...)
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  27. Weich wie ein Säugling, stark wie ein Holzfäller und weise wie ein alter Mann. Die Anwendung der Philosophie des klassischen Daoismus auf die Prinzipien des Taiji.Tania Becker - 2009 - Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1):167-179.
    Taiji – Sport, Meditation, Kampfkunst , Gesundheitserhaltung, Lebensphilosophie und der Weg zur Erleuchtung – ist eines der bekanntesten „Markenzeichen” des chinesischen Daoismus. Der folgende Artikel stellt die Grundbegriffe des philosophischen Daoismus, wie dao , qi und wuwei vor, und verbindet sie mit den Prinzipien des Taiji. Entstanden in der Tradition des philosophischen Daoismus stehen diese Begriffe im Zentrum von Schriften wie Daodejing und Zhuangzi, und dienen als Bausteine der daoistischen Philosophie, die sich gerade durch die Beständigkeit dieser Axiome während einer (...)
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    Étude sur la phénoménologie de Heidegger: l'être et le phénomène.Tania Basque - 2008 - Paris: Harmattan.
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  29. De Babel y el Sinaí: en torno a la ley, la traducción y la escucha.Tania Checchi - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 39 (120):87-104.
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    Ciencia, técnica y tecnología: reflexiones críticas.Tania Mendes de Oxilia Dâavalos (ed.) - 2002 - Asunción del Paraguay: Fondo Editorial UAA.
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    Cartografias e devires: a construção do presente.Tania Mara Galli Fonseca, Patrícia Gomes Kirst & Angela Peña Ghisleni (eds.) - 2003 - Porto Alegre: UFRGS.
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    Reseña de "Lugar común la muerte, de Tomás Eloy Martínez: una invención a manera de la realidad" de Coddou, Marcelo.Tania Ganitsky - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (147):277-280.
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  33. De la imagen a la gramática: algunos apuntes sobre Parménides, Platón, 'Parménides' y el alfabeto de la tragedia.Tania Checchi González - 1999 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 32 (94):60-79.
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    Maternidade e colapso: consultas terapêuticas na gestação e pós-parto.Tania Mara Marques Granato & Tania Maria José Aiello-Vaisberg - 2009 - Paideia (Misc) 19 (44):395-401.
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  35. Fundamental Rights in the Eu Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.Sara Iglesias & Maribel González Pascual (eds.) - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    The development of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice has transformed the European Union and placed fundamental rights at the core of EU integration and its principles of mutual recognition and trust. The impact of the AFSJ in the development of an EU standard of fundamental rights, which has come to the fore since the Treaty of Lisbon, is a topic of great theoretical and practical importance. This is the first systematic academic study of the AFSJ and its implications (...)
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  36. Imagining peace(s) in Colombia. Between negotiations, policies, and resisting narratives.Ana Isabel Rodríguez Iglesias - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    This paper maps and systematizes the different discourses around peace in the public sphere in Colombia during the context of the latest peace negotiations between the government and the guerrilla group FARC-EP. The analysis of the discourses of peace is boiled down to four main approaches: a. Peace is understood as a relational dynamic that allows for the deconstruction of the binary friend-enemy and the recognition of the other; b. peace is seen as a condition that enables security and the (...)
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  37. La internalización de las externalidades ambientales: técnicas y opciones para el diseño de políticas públicas ambientales.Tania García López - 2011 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:1 - 22.
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    Narrando el miedo y la esperanza: las hiperescrituras del yo y la producción de memorias en la pandemia.Tania Lucía Maddalena & Leonardo Nolasco Silva - 2021 - Voces de la Educación:206-224.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal presentar y discutir el concepto de las hiperescrituras del yo como prácticas de producción de memorias. A partir de estas escrituras, practicadas y compartidas en la pandemia, se pretende pensar la ficción como táctica de (re)existencia. Finalmente se presenta una experiencia en la plataforma Moodle, diseñada con estudiantes durante el 2020, que tuvo la ficción como punto de partida de la propuesta didáctica.
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    Transcultual Perspective on Consciousness: Traditional Use of Ayahuasca in Psychiatry in the 21st Century in the Western World.Tania Re & Palma - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (2):237-249.
  40. Cavell, Stanley and melodramas of unknown women.Tania Modleski - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 17 (1):237-238.
  41. Learning Through Simulation.Sara Aronowitz & Tania Lombrozo - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20.
    Mental simulation — such as imagining tilting a glass to figure out the angle at which water would spill — can be a way of coming to know the answer to an internally or externally posed query. Is this form of learning a species of inference or a form of observation? We argue that it is neither: learning through simulation is a genuinely distinct form of learning. On our account, simulation can provide knowledge of the answer to a query even (...)
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  42. Gender Medicine and Phenomenological Embodiment.Tania Gergel - 2016 - In James A. Marcum (ed.), Bloomsbury Companion to Contemporary Philosophy of Medicine. New York: Bloomsbury.
  43. Coercion in community health care-an ethical analysis.Tania Gergel & George Szmukler - 2016 - In A. Molodynski, J. Rugkasa & T. Burns (eds.), Coercion in Community Mental Health Care: International Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
    A book chapter exploring the potential consquences and ethical ramifications of using coercive measures within community mental healthcare. We argue that, althogh the move towards 'care in the community' may have had liberalising motivations, the subsequent reduction in inpatient or other supported residential provision, means that there has been an increasing move towards coercive measures outside of formal inpatient detention. We consider measures such as Community Treatment Orders, inducements, and other forms of leverage, explaining the underlying concepts, aims, and exploring (...)
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  44. La visión pragmatista de C.S. Peirce sobre la aserción.Jaime Alfaro Iglesias - 2017 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 71:123-136.
    C.S. Peirce defended a pragmatist view of assertion in terms of its normative effect. This paper has two goals. First, to reconstruct and assess Peirce’s argument for the thesis that to assert a proposition is to make oneself responsible for its truth. Second, to argue that Peirce interpreted “responsibility for truth” as the acquisition of a dialogical commitment, namely, the duty to defend the proposition asserted by giving reasons upon challenge.
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  45. Fluctuating capacity and advanced decision making – self-binding directives and self-determination’.Tania Gergel & Gareth Owen - 2015 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 105 (40):92-101.
    For people with Bipolar Affective Disorder, a self-binding (advance) directive (SBD), by which they commit themselves to treatment during future episodes of mania, even if unwilling, can seem the most rational way to deal with an imperfect predicament. Knowing that mania will almost certainly cause enormous damage to themselves, their preferred solution may well be to allow trusted others to enforce treatment and constraint, traumatic though this may be. No adequate provision exists for drafting a truly effective SBD and efforts (...)
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  46. Faisons mieux les choses : représentation publique de la science sur la COVID-19.Tania Bubela, Timothy Caulfield, Jonathan Kimmelman & Vardit Ravitsky - 2020 - Ottawa, Canada:
    Les recherches scientifiques sur la COVID-19 sont à la fois menées et diffusées à une cadence effrénée. Bien qu’il soit inspirant de voir la communauté de la recherche répondre avec autant de vigueur à la crise causée par la pandémie, toute cette activité a par ailleurs engendré un chaos de mauvaises données, de résultats contradictoires et de manchettes exagérées. Alors que la polarisation, la déformation et la médiatisation des résultats scientifiques s’intensifient chaque jour, les inquiétudes se font de plus en (...)
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  47. Let’s Do Better: Public Representations of COVID-19 Science.Tania Bubela, Timothy Caulfield, Jonathan Kimmelman & Vardit Ravitsky - 2020 - Ottawa, Canada:
    COVID science is being both done and circulated at a furious pace. While it is inspiring to see the research community responding so vigorously to the pandemic crisis, all this activity has also created a churning sea of bad data, conflicting results, and exaggerated headlines. With representations of science becoming increasingly polarized, twisted and hyped, there is growing concern that the relevant science is being represented to the public in a manner that may cause confusion, inappropriate expectations, and the erosion (...)
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  48. Eros y ethos en el espejo: un reto para hoy.Tania Chechi González - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 37 (114):151-159.
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    Jean Piaget: epistemología matemática y psicología.Severo Iglesias - 1972 - Monterrey ;: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon.
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    The role of the written script in shaping mirror-image discrimination: Evidence from illiterate, Tamil literate, and Tamil-Latin-alphabet bi-literate adults.Tânia Fernandes, Mrudula Arunkumar & Falk Huettig - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104493.
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