Results for 'Tamara Weinfeld'

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  1. Filters and natural extensions of closure systems.Roman Suszko & Tamara Weinfeld - 1979 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 8 (3):130-132.
    This note calls attention to the fact that the natural extensions of standard logics appear to be an application of the method of inductive generation of logics . One can generalize our observations beyond the range of algebraic logics under suitable conditions on cardinals of certain involved sets.
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  2. Quiet Resistance: The Value of Personal Defiance.Tamara Fakhoury - 2021 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (3):403-422.
    What reason does one have to resist oppression? The reasons that most easily come to mind are those having to do with justice—reasons that arise from commitments to human equality and the common good. In this paper, I argue that there are also reasons of love—reasons that arise from personal attachments to specific people, projects, or activities. I defend a distinctive form of resistance that is characteristically undertaken for reasons of love, which I call Quiet Resistance. Contrary to theories that (...)
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    Visiones desde la tradición estética y filosófica para el mundo global –Diálogo entre Rafael Argullol y Tamara Djermanovic–.Tamara Djermanovic & Rafael Argullol Murgadas - 2014 - Universitas Philosophica 31 (62).
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    Opinions of nurses regarding Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide.Tamara Raquel Velasco Sanz, Ana María Cabrejas Casero, Yolanda Rodríguez González, José Antonio Barbado Albaladejo, Lydia Frances Mower Hanlon & María Isabel Guerra Llamas - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1721-1738.
    Background Safeguarding the right to die according to the principles of autonomy and freedom of each person has become more important in the last decade, therefore increasing regulation of Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide (MAS). Aims To learn the opinions that the nurses of the autonomous region of Madrid have regarding Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide. Research design Cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants and research context All registered nurses in Madrid. The study was done by means of a self-completed anonymous questionnaire. (...)
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    Retrofitting Frontier Masculinity for Alaska's War Against Wolves.Tamara L. Mix & Sine Anahita - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (3):332-353.
    The state of Alaska has a complex historical relationship with its wild wolf packs. The authors expand Connell's concept of frontier masculinity to interpret articles from the Anchorage Daily News as an alternative way to understand Alaska's shifting wolf policies. Originally, state policies were shaped by frontier masculinity and characterized by claims of sportsmen's rights to kill wolves. With the reinstitution of an aggressive wolf-eradication project, Alaska policy makers retooled frontier masculinity. This altered form of masculinity, retro frontier masculinity, is (...)
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    Soviet social philosophy: escape from the frame of historical materialism. Part I.Tamara Yashchuk & Vsevolod Khoma - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (3):186-196.
    Interview of Vsevolod Khoma with Professor Tamara Yashchuk within the framework of the research program “Ukrainian Philosophy of the 60s-80s of the 20th Century” of the Student Society of Oral History of Philosophy.
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  7. Thought Experiments in Science and Philosophy.Tamara Horowitz & Gerald J. Massey (eds.) - 1991 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Despite their centrality and importance to both science and philosophy, relatively little has been written about thought experiments. This volume brings together a series of extremely interesting studies of the history, mechanics, and applications of this important intellectual resource. A distinguished list of philosophers and scientists consider the role of thought experiments in their various disciplines, and argue that an examination of thought experimentation goes to the heart of both science and philosophy.
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  8. Pädagogischer Dualismus als architektonische Grundmauer der Pädagogik? : Überlegungen zu Kontinuitäten und Wandel in pädagogischen Diskussionen.Tamara Deluigi - 2013 - In Sakralität, Demokratie und Erziehung: Auseinandersetzungen mit der historischen Pädagogik Fritz Osterwalders. Zürich: Lit.
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    Ernest Gellner in the Soviet East.Tamara Dragadze - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 48:65-70.
  10. Other issues in statistics I (missing data, intention-to-treat analysis and covariate adjustment).Tamara Jorquiera & Hang Lee - 2018 - In Felipe Fregni & Ben M. W. Illigens (eds.), Critical thinking in clinical research: applied theory and practice using case studies. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  11. Books etcetera-the neurocognition of language.Tamara Swaab - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (12):487.
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    La libertà difficile.Tamara Tagliacozzo - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem e il linguaggio.Tamara Tagliacozzo, Sami R. Khatib & Massimo Palma (eds.) - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  14. Deuteronomy 1–11: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.Moshe Weinfeld - 1991
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    Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments.Moshe Weinfeld, R. Borger, W. C. Delsman, M. Dietrich, V. Kaplony-Heckel, H. M. Kümmel, O. Loretz, W. W. Müller, W. H. Ph, Otto Kaiser, E. Edel, O. Rössler, E. von Schuler, H. M. Kummel, W. W. Muller & O. Rossler - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):335.
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    Verschiebungen: von "Radikalen" in der Philosophie, "Aussenseitern" in der Kunst-- und umgekehrt.Jean Weinfeld - 1997 - Berlin: J. Weinfeld.
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    How Sex Selection Undermines Reproductive Autonomy.Tamara Kayali Browne - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (2):195-204.
    Non-medical sex selection is premised on the notion that the sexes are not interchangeable. Studies of individuals who undergo sex selection for non-medical reasons, or who have a preference for a son or daughter, show that they assume their child will conform to the stereotypical roles and norms associated with their sex. However, the evidence currently available has not succeeded in showing that the gender traits and inclinations sought are caused by a “male brain” or a “female brain”. Therefore, as (...)
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    Democracies and the Power to Revoke Citizenship.Patti Tamara Lenard - 2016 - Ethics and International Affairs 30 (1):73-91.
    Citizenship status is meant to be secure, that is, inviolable. Recently, however, several democratic states have adopted or are considering adopting laws that allow them the power to revoke citizenship. This claimed right forces us to consider whether citizenship can be treated as a “conditional” status, in particular whether it can be treated as conditional on the right sort of behavior. Those who defend such a view argue that citizenship is a privilege rather than a right, and thus in principle (...)
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  19. Enhancing justice?Tamara Garcia & Ronald Sandler - 2008 - NanoEthics 2 (3):277-287.
    This article focuses on the follow question: Are human enhancement technologies likely to be justice impairing or justice promoting? We argue that human enhancement technologies may not be inherently just or unjust, but when situated within obtaining social contexts they are likely to exacerbate rather than alleviate social injustices.
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    Systemic domination as ground of justice.Jugov Tamara - 2020 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (1).
    This paper develops a domination-based practice-dependent approach to justice, according to which it is practices of systemic domination which can be said to ground demands from justice. The domination-based approach developed overcomes the two most important objections levelled to alternative practice-dependent approaches. First, it eschews conservative implications and hence is immune to the status quo objection. Second, it is immune to the redundancy objection, which doubts whether empirical facts and practices can really play an irreducible role in grounding justice. In (...)
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    Patti Tamara Lenard Replies.Patti Tamara Lenard - 2016 - Ethics and International Affairs 30 (2):271-273.
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    Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Reference Norm Orientation and Cheating in the Classroom.Tamara Marksteiner, Anna K. Nishen & Oliver Dickhäuser - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Students’ cheating is a serious problem: It undermines the chance to adequately promote, support, and evaluate them. To explain cheating behavior, research seldom focuses on perceived teachers’ characteristics. Thus, we investigate the relationship between students’ cheating behavior and an important teacher characteristic, individual reference norm orientation. We examined cheating on written exams, on homework, and in oral exams among N = 601 students in N = 31 language classes. Results from doubly manifest multi-level analyses showed that, on the classroom level, (...)
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    Buy Baby: The European Union and Regulation of Human Reproduction.Tamara K. Hervey - 1998 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 18 (2):207-233.
    In its decision in ex parte Blood the Court of Appeal relied on European Community (EC) law to hold that the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority had acted unlawfully in taking its decision to prevent Mrs Blood from exporting sperm taken from her dying husband without his written consent. The Blood case raises the issue of the extent to which EC law may affect the regulation of human reproduction in the Member States. Responding to fears that such national regulation might (...)
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    Mapping Ethics Education in Accounting Research: A Bibliometric Analysis.Tamara Poje & Maja Zaman Groff - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (2):451-472.
    The attention being paid to ethics education in accounting has been increasing, especially after the corporate accounting scandals at the turn of the century. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the existing research in the field of ethics education in accounting. To synthesize past research, a bibliometric analysis that references 134 primary studies is performed and three bibliometric methods are applied. First, we visualize the historical evolution of ethics education in accounting research through historiography. Second, we use bibliographic coupling (...)
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    Esperienza e compito infinito nella filosofia del primo Benjamin.Tamara Tagliacozzo - 2013 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    (1 other version)The horizon of another world: Foucault’s Cynics and the birth of radical cosmopolitics.Tamara Caraus - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (2):245-267.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 2, Page 245-267, February 2022. The ancient Cynic Diogenes was the first to declare ‘I am a citizen of the world ’ and the other Cynics followed him. In The Courage of the Truth, Michel Foucault analyses the Cynic mode of parrhēsia and living in truth, however, his text expands the cosmopolitical amplitude of Cynics since the Cynics’ true life contains an inherent cosmopolitan logic. Identifying the core of the Cynic true life in (...)
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  27. Structural Injustice, Epistemic Opacity, and the Responsibilities of the Oppressed.Tamara Jugov & Lea Ypi - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 50 (1):7-27.
  28. Crisis and certainty of knowledge in al-ghazali (1058-1111) and Descartes (1596-1650).Tamara Albertini - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (1):1-14.
    : In his autobiographical account, the Munqidh min al-Dalāl, al-Ghazālī reflects on his conversion from skepticism to faith. Previous scholarship has interpreted this text as an anticipation of Cartesian positions regarding epistemic certainty. Although the existing similarities between al-Ghazālī and Descartes are striking, the focus of the present essay lies on the different philosophical aims pursued by the two thinkers. It is thus argued that al-Ghazālī operates with a broader notion of the Self than Descartes, because it is inclusive of (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism without foundations?Tamara Carauș & Dan Lazea (eds.) - 2015 - [Bucharest]: Zeta Books.
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    Militant cosmopolitics: another world horizon.Tamara Carauș - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book explores cosmopolitanism's radical dynamic as expressed in the struggles from below, all over the world, against exclusion and domination, pointing to the horizon of another world that appears possible. It shows that cosmopolitanism emerges negatively through disaffiliation from the given forms of belonging and by questioning of the existing meanings and unjust practices. Through a radical critique, cosmopolitanism goes to the roots of the existing world order based on the nation-state, exposes its exclusionary structure, and brings instead the (...)
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  31. In an Age of Prose: A Literary Approach to Ezrah-Nehemiah.Tamara Cohn Eskenazi & Paul R. House - 1988
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  32. Nie wiesz o nim tego, co najważniejsze. Korespondencja.Tamara Fuchs & Jacob Taubes - 2015 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (32).
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  33. Synchronizing individual time, family time, and historical time.Tamara K. Hareven - 1991 - In John B. Bender & David E. Wellbery (eds.), Chronotypes: the construction of time. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 167-182.
    This chapter examines the impact of new concepts of time on the social clocks that individuals and families followed in the context of changing historical time. The type of "time" addressed here is not chronological in the strict sense. Its essence is timing—meaning coincidence, sequencing, coordination, and synchronization of various time clocks, those being individual, collective, and social structural. The chapter defines the concept of "timing" from a life-course and historical perspective. It compares the patterns and perceptions of timing of (...)
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  34. The past, present and future of EU health law.Tamara Hervey - 2015 - In Catherine Stanton, Sarah Devaney, Anne-Maree Farrell & Alexandra Mullock (eds.), Pioneering Healthcare Law: Essays in Honour of Margaret Brazier. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  35. Computability as a Physical Modality.Tamara Horowitz - forthcoming - Unpublished Ms Held in the Casimir Lewy Library, Cambridge.
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    Scientific Failure.Tamara Horowitz & Allen Ira Janis - 1994 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    Philosophers and scientists discuss how failure has influenced the development of science, and how current failures might influence its course in the future. Among the modern examples are nonequilibrium statistical physics, and neoclassical consumer theory; early examples include Aristotelian psychology and molecular biology. Some of the eight articles were presented at an April 1988 workshop at the University of Pittsburgh. No index. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Współczesne formy wyobcowania. Tożsamość w ruchu: migrant i nomada.Tamara Nehrub - 2019 - Etyka 58 (1):100-123.
    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie analizy funkcjonowania współczesnej narracjidomu na przykładzie dwóch narodów: Tatarów krymskich i Romów. Są oni bliscy terytorialniei żyją wśród nas od stuleci, ale pozostają nadal nieznani. Pierwsi są rozpatrywanijako migranci lub wygnańcy, którzy znajdują się na pograniczu bezdomności i wciąż walcząo dom. Drudzy stanowią przykład niezakorzenionej przynależności – tożsamości nomadycznej,ponieważ sami zdecydowali się na życie bez zapuszczania korzeni. Prezentowane w artykulezagadnienia odzwierciedlają różne spojrzenia na kwestię współczesnej tożsamości i jejrelacje do dwóch typów przestrzeni: absolutnej i relatywnej, (...)
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  38. Zachodnioeuropejski personalizm federalistyczny.Tamara Łopuska - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 287 (10).
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    Archaeology and the public: Exploring popular misconceptions.Tamara Rakestraw & Amy Reynolds - 2001 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 2.
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    Barbara Weber (Germany) Ethical Learning in Times of Value Pluralism: The Desire for Wisdom as a Red Thread in the Postmodern Labyrinth of Values.Tamara Ralis & Hellster Verlierbarer Ort - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber (eds.), Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. pp. 89.
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    Basic Jewish ethics and freedom of will.Abraham Chaim Weinfeld - 1968 - New York,: Block Pub. Co..
  42. Philosophical intuitions and psychological theory.Tamara Horowitz - 1998 - Ethics 108 (2):367-385.
    To what extent can philosophical thought experiments reveal norms? Some ethicists have argued that certain thought experiments reveal that people draw a morally significant distinction between "doing" and "allowing". I examine one such thought experiment in detail and argue that the intuitions it elicits can be explained by "prospect theory", a psychological theory about the way people reason. The extent to which such alternative explanations of the results of thought experiments in philosophy are generally available is an empirical question.
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    Soviet social philosophy: escape from the frame of historical materialism. Part ІI.Tamara Yashchuk & Vsevolod Khoma - 2023 - Sententiae 42 (1):209-224.
    Interview of Vsevolod Khoma with Professor Tamara Yashchuk within the framework of the research program “Ukrainian Philosophy of the 60s–80s of the 20th Century” of the Student Society of Oral History of Philosophy.
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    Are Jurors Intuitive Statisticians? Bayesian Causal Reasoning in Legal Contexts.Tamara Shengelia & David Lagnado - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In criminal trials, evidence often involves a degree of uncertainty and decision-making includes moving from the initial presumption of innocence to inference about guilt based on that evidence. The jurors’ ability to combine evidence and make accurate intuitive probabilistic judgments underpins this process. Previous research has shown that errors in probabilistic reasoning can be explained by a misalignment of the evidence presented with the intuitive causal models that people construct. This has been explored in abstract and context-free situations. However, less (...)
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    Moral Values and Attitudes Toward Dutch Sow Husbandry.Tamara J. Bergstra, Bart Gremmen & Elsbeth N. Stassen - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):375-401.
    Attitudes toward sow husbandry differ between citizens and conventional pig farmers. Research showed that moral values could only predict the judgment of people in case of culling healthy animals in the course of a disease epidemic to a certain extent. Therefore, we hypothesized that attitudes of citizens and pig farmers cannot be predicted one-on-one by moral values. Furthermore, we were interested in getting insight in whether moral values can be useful in bridging the gap between attitudes toward sow husbandry of (...)
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  46. Feminist Philosophy and Film: The Conditions of Sexual Violence in Marilyn Frye's Politics of Reality and Joyce Chopra's Smooth Talk.Tamara Fakhoury & Philip Bold - forthcoming - Visions of Peace and Nonviolence in Pop Culture Ed. Kling.
    Eliminating sexual violence requires understanding where it comes from and why it happens. We must learn to detect when the grounds for violence are being built up so that we can promptly take them down. How can we improve our ability to notice the subtle practices of sexism and make them a matter of critical reflection? The aim of this paper is to show how film can enhance critical perception of the social conditions that give rise to sexual violence in (...)
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    The epistemology of a priori knowledge.Tamara Horowitz (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume collects four published articles by the late Tamara Horowitz and two unpublished papers on decision theory: "Making Rational Decisions When Preferences Cycle" and the monograph-length "The Backtracking Fallacy." An introduction is provided by editor Joseph Camp. Horowitz preferred to recognize the diversity of rationality, both practical and theoretical rationality. She resisted the temptation to accept simple theories of rationality that are quick to characterize ordinary reasoning as fallacious. This broadly humanist approach to philosophy is exemplified by the (...)
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    The Occasion-Sensitivity of Thought.Tamara Dobler - 2020 - Topoi 39 (2):487-497.
    On the most common interpretation of occasion-sensitivity what varies cross-contextually is the truth-conditional content of representations. Jerry Fodor argues that when extended to mental representation this view has some problematic consequences. In this paper I outline an approach to occasion-sensitivity which circumvents Fodor’s objections but still maintains that the aspect of thought that guides deliberation and action is occasion-sensitive. On the proposed view, what varies cross-contextually are not truth conditions but rather the conditions for accepting a representation as true relative (...)
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    Vernadsky meets Yulgok: A non-Western dialog on sustainability.Tamara Savelyeva - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (5):501-520.
    This article starts by noting the general lack of acknowledgment of alternative traditions in the dominant western sustainability discourse in education. After critically analyzing the western human–nature relationship in the context of Enlightenment, modernity and colonial expansion, this article introduces two non-western ecological discourses from Eurasia and Asia, Noöspherism and Neo-Confucianism, which offer clear contrasts to the western sustainability framework. Using theoretical argumentations, the article goes on to examine the cosmological and ontological categories expounded by Vladimir Vernadsky of Russia and (...)
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  50. Is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Really a Disorder?Tamara Kayali Browne - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (2):313-330.
    Premenstrual dysphoric disorder was recently moved to a full category in the DSM-5 . It also appears set for inclusion as a separate disorder in the ICD-11 . This paper argues that PMDD should not be listed in the DSM or the ICD at all, adding to the call to recognise PMDD as a socially constructed disorder. I first present the argument that PMDD pathologises understandable anger/distress and that to do so is potentially dangerous. I then present evidence that PMDD (...)
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