Results for 'Tamar Shultz'

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  1.  25
    (1 other version)Beyond justice: introducing personal moral philosophies to ethical evaluations of human resource practices.Tamar Shultz & Yael Brender-Ilan - 2004 - Business Ethics: A European Review 13 (4):302-316.
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  2. I—Tamar Szabó Gendler: The Third Horse: On Unendorsed Association and Human Behaviour.Tamar Szabó Gendler - 2014 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 88 (1):185-218.
    On one standard reading, Plato's works contain at least two distinct views about the structure of the human soul. According to the first, there is a crucial unity to human psychology: there is a dominant faculty that is capable of controlling attention and behaviour in a way that not only produces right action, but also ‘silences’ inclinations to the contrary—at least in idealized circumstances. According to the second, the human soul contains multiple autonomous parts, and although one of them, reason, (...)
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    Expanding the Palace of Torah: Orthodoxy and Feminism.Tamar Ross - 2021 - Waltham, Massachusetts: Brandeis University Press.
    Expanding the Palace of Torah offers a broad philosophical overview of the challenges the women’s revolution poses to Orthodox Judaism, as well as Orthodox Judaism’s response to those challenges. Writing as an insider—herself an Orthodox Jew—Tamar Ross confronts the radical feminist critique of Judaism as a religion deeply entrenched in patriarchy. Surprisingly, very little work has been done in this area, beyond exploring the leeway for ad hoc solutions to practical problems as they arise on the halakhic plane. In (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Alief and Belief.Tamar Gendler - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (10):634-663.
  5.  49
    The holobiont self: understanding immunity in context.Tamar Schneider - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-23.
    Both concepts of the holobiont and the immune system are at the heart of an ongoing scientific and philosophical examination concerning questions of the organism’s individuality and identity as well as the relations between organisms and their environment. Examining the holobiont, the question of boundaries and individuality is challenging because it is both an assemblage of organisms with physiological cohesive aspects. I discuss the concept of immunity and the immune system function from the holobiont perspective. Because of the host-microbial close (...)
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    Ruaḥ ḥadashah ba-armon ha-Torah: sefer yovel li-khevod Prof. Tamar Ros ʻim hagiʻah li-gevurot = A new spirit in the palace of Torah: jubilee volume in honor of Professor Tamar Ross on the occasion of her eightieth birthday.Tamar Ross, Ronit ʻIr-Shai & Dov Schwartz (eds.) - 2018 - Ramat-Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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  7. The Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance.Tamar Gendler - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy 97 (2):55.
  8. Introduction.Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne - 2002 - In Tamar Gendler & John Hawthorne, Conceivability and Possibility. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  9. The Human Animal.Tamar Szabo Gendler & Eric T. Olson - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (1):112.
    The Human Animal is an extended defense of what its author calls the Biological Approach to personal identity: that you and I are human animals, and that the identity conditions under which we endure are those which apply to us as biological organisms. The somewhat surprising corollary of this view is that no sort of psychological continuity is either necessary or sufficient for a human animal—and thus for us—to persist through time. In challenging the hegemony of Psychological Approaches to personal (...)
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  10. Imaginative contagion.Tamar Szabó Gendler - 2006 - Metaphilosophy 37 (2):183-203.
    The aim of this article is to expand the diet of examples considered in philosophical discussions of imagination and pretense, and to offer some preliminary observations about what we might learn about the nature of imagination as a result. The article presents a number of cases involving imaginative contagion: cases where merely imagining or pretending that P has effects that we would expect only perceiving or believing that P to have. Examples are offered that involve visual imagery, motor imagery, fictional (...)
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  11. The nature of inclination.Tamar Schapiro - 2009 - Ethics 119 (2):229–256.
    There is a puzzle in the very notion of passive motivation ("passion" or "inclination"). To be motivated is not simply to be moved from the outside. Motivation is in some sense self-movement. But how can an agent be passive with respect to her own motivation? How is passive motivation possible? In this paper I defend the ancient view that inclination stems from a motivational source independent of reason, a motivational source that is both agential and nonrational.
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    Human Nature in an Age of Biotechnology: The Case for Mediated Posthumanism.Tamar Sharon - 2013 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    New biotechnologies have propelled the question of what it means to be human - or posthuman - to the forefront of societal and scientific consideration. This volume provides an accessible, critical overview of the main approaches in the debate on posthumanism, and argues that they do not adequately address the question of what it means to be human in an age of biotechnology. Not because they belong to rival political camps, but because they are grounded in a humanist ontology that (...)
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    Territorial Rights.Tamar Meisels - 2005 - Law and Philosophy 72 (1):1-11.
    Liberal defences of nationalism have become prevalent since the mid-1980 s. Curiously, they have largely neglected the fact that nationalism is primarily about land. Should liberals throw up their hands in despair when confronting conflicting claims stemming from incommensurable national narratives and holy texts? Should they dismiss conflicting demands that stem solely from particular cultures, religions and mythologies in favour of a supposedly neutral set of guidelines? Does history matter? Should ancient injustices interest us today? Should we care who reached (...)
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  14.  28
    Environmental Ethics of War: Jus ad Bellum, Jus in Bello, and the Natural Environment.Tamar Meisels - 2023 - Conatus 8 (2):399-429.
    The conduct of hostilities is very bad for the environment, yet relatively little attention has been focused on environmental military ethics by just war theorists and revisionist philosophers of war. Contemporary ecological concerns pose significant challenges to jus in bello. I begin by briefly surveying existing literature on environmental justice during wartime. While these jus in bello environmental issues have been addressed only sparsely by just war theorists, environmental jus ad bellum has rarely been tackled within JWT or the morality (...)
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    Beyond disruption: technology's challenge to governance.George Pratt Shultz, Jim Hoagland & James Timbie (eds.) - 2018 - Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University.
    In Beyond Disruption: Technology's Challenge to Governance, experts from academia, media, government, and the military wrestle with understanding the nature of these technologies' threats to our societies and their great potential for our economies. In a series of vivid analyses and colorful commentary from a conference as Stanford University's Hoover Institution, the authors expand upon their first-hand interpretations of what's at stake for the global operating system in the midst of turbulent change. In the dynamic game of world order, it's (...)
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    Perceptual attenuation of an irrelevant auditory verbal input as measured by an involuntary verbal response in a selective-attention task.Tamar Zelniker - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 (1):52.
  17. Coincidence and Common Cause.Tamar Lando - 2017 - Noûs 51 (1):132-151.
    According to the traditional view of the causal structure of a coincidence, the several parts of a coincidence are produced by independent causes. I argue that the traditional view is mistaken; even the several parts of a coincidence may have a common cause. This has important implications for how we think about the relationship between causation and causal explanation—and in particular, for why coincidences cannot be explained.
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    Contemporary Just War: Theory and Practice.Tamar Meisels - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    -This book offers a renewed defense of traditional just war theory and considers its application to certain highly controversial contemporary cases, particularly in the Middle East. The first part of the book addresses and responds to the central theoretical criticisms levelled at traditional just war theory. It offers a detailed defense of civilian immunity, the moral equality of soldiers and the related dichotomy between jus ad bellum and jus in bello, and argues that these principles taken together amount to a (...)
  19.  12
    A hinge of history: governance in an emerging new world.George P. Shultz - 2020 - Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University. Edited by James Timbie.
    The world is at an inflection point. Advancing technologies are creating new opportunities and challenges. Great demographic changes are occurring rapidly, with significant consequences. Governance everywhere is in disarray. A new world is emerging. These are some of the key insights to emerge from a series of interdisciplinary roundtables and global expert contributions hosted by the Hoover Institution. In these pages, George P. Shultz and James Timbie examine a range of issues shaping our present and future, region by region. (...)
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    Divine omiscience and future contingents in gersonides.Tamar Rudavsky - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (4):513-536.
  21. Compliance, Complicity, and the Nature of Nonideal Conditions.Tamar Schapiro - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (7):329-355.
  22. (1 other version)What is a child?Tamar Schapiro - 1999 - Ethics 109 (4):715–738.
  23. Genuine Rational Fictional Emotions.Tamar Szabó Gendler & Karson Kovakovich - 2005 - In Mathew Kieran, Contemporary Debates in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 241-253.
    The “paradox of fictional emotions” involves a trio of claims that are jointly inconsistent but individually plausible. Resolution of the paradox thus requires that we deny at least one of these plausible claims. The paradox has been formulated in various ways, but for the purposes of this chapter, we will focus on the following three claims, which we will refer to respectively as the Response Condition, the Belief Condition and the Coordination Condition.
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  24. The Problem of Imaginative Resistance.Tamar Szabó Gendler & Shen-yi Liao - 2015 - In Noël Carroll & John Gibson, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature. New York: Routledge. pp. 405-418.
    The problem of imaginative resistance holds interest for aestheticians, literary theorists, ethicists, philosophers of mind, and epistemologists. We present a somewhat opinionated overview of the philosophical discussion to date. We begin by introducing the phenomenon of imaginative resistance. We then review existing responses to the problem, giving special attention to recent research directions. Finally, we consider the philosophical significance that imaginative resistance has—or, at least, is alleged to have—for issues in moral psychology, theories of cognitive architecture, and modal epistemology.
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  25. (1 other version)Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence in Medieval Philosophy. Islamic, Jewish and Christian Perspectives.Tamar Rudavsky - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (1):148-149.
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    Developing intuitions about free will between ages four and six.Tamar Kushnir, Alison Gopnik, Nadia Chernyak, Elizabeth Seiver & Henry M. Wellman - 2015 - Cognition 138 (C):79-101.
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  27. Conceivability and Possibility.Tamar Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The capacity to represent things to ourselves as possible plays a crucial role both in everyday thinking and in philosophical reasoning; this volume offers much-needed philosophical illumination of conceivability, possibility, and the relations between them.
  28. Self-Tracking for Health and the Quantified Self: Re-Articulating Autonomy, Solidarity, and Authenticity in an Age of Personalized Healthcare.Tamar Sharon - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (1):93-121.
    Self-tracking devices point to a future in which individuals will be more involved in the management of their health and will generate data that will benefit clinical decision making and research. They have thus attracted enthusiasm from medical and public health professionals as key players in the move toward participatory and personalized healthcare. Critics, however, have begun to articulate a number of broader societal and ethical concerns regarding self-tracking, foregrounding their disciplining, and disempowering effects. This paper has two aims: first, (...)
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  29. On the epistemic costs of implicit bias.Tamar Szabó Gendler - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 156 (1):33-63.
  30. Perception and the Fall From Eden.Tamar Szabó Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.) - 2006 - Clarendon Press, Oxford.
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  31. Thought Experiment: On the Powers and Limits of Imaginary Cases.Tamar Gendler - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers a novel analysis of the widely-used but ill-understood technique of thought experiment. The author argues that the powers and limits of this methodology can be traced to the fact that when the contemplation of an imaginary scenario brings us to new knowledge, it does so by forcing us to make sense of exceptional cases.
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  32. Is Dumbledore gay?Tamar Szabó Gendler - 2011 - The Philosophers' Magazine 52 (52):94-97.
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  33.  41
    Creation, time and infinity in gersonides.Tamar Rudavsky - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (1):25-44.
  34.  30
    Microbial activities are dependent on background conditions.Tamar Schneider - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1-5.
    Taking the case of H. pylori and ulcer, Lynch et al., demonstrate how framing Koch’s postulate by an interventionist account clarifies the latter’s explanatory strength in proportionality with the weaknesses in specificity and stability due to the influence of background conditions. They suggest this approach as an efficient way to bypass the enigma of background conditions and microbial activity in the microbiome’s causal relations. However, it is the background conditions and the microbial interactions in the stomach that determine whether the (...)
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    The Microbiome Function in a Host Organism: A Medical Puzzle or an Essential Ecological Environment?Tamar Schneider - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (1):44-55.
    The dual role of microbial communities as either beneficial/functional or harmful/pathogenic involves two issues concerning causality in physiology and medicine, etiology of disease, and the notion of function in biology. Causal explanation formulated by the germ theory of disease and the Koch postulates connects the existence of a specifically identified microbe to disease by the isolation and identification of a pathogen from an organism with the disease and the successful infection of a healthy individual. Similarly, microbiome research in medicine centers (...)
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  36. Thought Experiments.Tamar Szabó Gendler - 2002 - Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science.
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    A Calculus of Regions Respecting Both Measure and Topology.Tamar Lando & Dana Scott - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (5):825-850.
    Say that space is ‘gunky’ if every part of space has a proper part. Traditional theories of gunk, dating back to the work of Whitehead in the early part of last century, modeled space in the Boolean algebra of regular closed subsets of Euclidean space. More recently a complaint was brought against that tradition in Arntzenius and Russell : Lebesgue measure is not even finitely additive over the algebra, and there is no countably additive measure on the algebra. Arntzenius advocated (...)
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    Cognitive dissonance reduction as constraint satisfaction.Thomas R. Shultz & Mark R. Lepper - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (2):219-240.
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    Requesting an Autopsy of the Dead Donor Rule: Improving, Not Abandoning, the Guiding Rule in Organ Donation.Tamar Schiff & Arthur Caplan - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):48-50.
    Use of normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) for organ recovery in donation after circulatory death (DCD) raises two crucial, and intertwined, ethical questions. The first is whether the use of NRP...
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    Is it good for the jews? A response to Brian Klug's ‘a plea for distinctions: Disentangling anti-americanism from anti-semitism’: Meisels is it good for the jews?Tamar Meisels - 2008 - Think 7 (20):85-90.
    Tamar Meisels responds to the preceding article.
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  41. Feeling Like It: A Theory of Inclination and Will.Tamar Schapiro - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Feeling like doing something is not the same as deciding to do it. When you feel like doing something, you are still free to decide to do it or not. You are having an inclination to do it, but you are not thereby determined to do it. I call this the moment of drama. This book is about what you are faced with, in this moment. How should you relate to the inclinations you “have,” given that you are free to (...)
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    Debating Targeted Killing: Counter-Terrorism or Extrajudicial Execution?Tamar Meisels & Jeremy Waldron - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Known terrorists are often targeted for death by the governments of Israel and the United States. Several thousand have been killed by drones or by operatives on the ground in the last twenty years. Is this form of killing justified? Is there anything about it that should disturb us? In this for-and-against book, political theorists Jeremy Waldron and Tamar Meisels engage in extended debate to illuminate these issues. They consider the actions of targeting and hunting down named individuals, and (...)
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    Towards a Phenomenology of Technologically Mediated Moral Change: Or, What Could Mark Zuckerberg Learn from Caregivers in the Southern Netherlands?Tamar Sharon - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):425-428.
    Kamphof offers an illuminating depiction of the technological mediation of morality. Her case serves as the basis for a plea for modesty up and against the somewhat heroic conceptualizations of techno-moral change to date—less logos, less autos, more practice, more relationality. Rather than a displacement of these conceptualizations, I question whether Kamphof’s art of living offers only a different perspective: in scale, and in unit of analysis. As a supplement and not an alternative, this modest art has nonetheless audacious implications (...)
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  44. Thought experiments rethought—and reperceived.Tamar Szabó Gendler - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):1152-1163.
    Contemplating imaginary scenarios that evoke certain sorts of quasi‐sensory intuitions may bring us to new beliefs about contingent features of the natural world. These beliefs may be produced quasi‐observationally; the presence of a mental image may play a crucial cognitive role in the formation of the belief in question. And this albeit fallible quasi‐observational belief‐forming mechanism may, in certain contexts, be sufficiently reliable to count as a source of justification. This sheds light on the central puzzle surrounding scientific thought experiment, (...)
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  45. Alief in Action (and Reaction).Tamar Szabó Gendler - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (5):552--585.
    I introduce and argue for the importance of a cognitive state that I call alief. An alief is, to a reasonable approximation, an innate or habitual propensity to respond to an apparent stimulus in a particular way. Recognizing the role that alief plays in our cognitive repertoire provides a framework for understanding reactions that are governed by nonconscious or automatic mechanisms, which in turn brings into proper relief the role played by reactions that are subject to conscious regulation and deliberate (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Imagination.Tamar Szabó Gendler - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  47.  59
    Antibiotic Resistance Spreads Internationally across Borders.Tamar F. Barlam & Kalpana Gupta - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (s3):12-16.
    Antibiotic resistance poses an urgent public health risk. High rates of ABR have been noted in all regions of the globe by the World Health Organization. ABR develops when bacteria are exposed to antibiotics either during treatments in humans or animals or through environmental sources contaminated with antibiotic residues. Spread beyond those administered antibiotics occurs through direct contact with the infected or colonized person or animal, through contact or ingestion of retail meat or agricultural products contaminated with ABR organisms, or (...)
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    First order S4 and its measure-theoretic semantics.Tamar Lando - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (2):187-218.
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  49. Quarantining and contagion, mirroring and disparity: On the relation between pretense and belief.Tamar Gendler - 2003 - In Matthew Kieran & Dominic McIver Lopes, Imagination, Philosophy and the Arts. New York: Routledge.
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    Understanding the Role of Law in Reducing Firearm Injury through Clinical Interventions.Blake N. Shultz, Carolyn T. Lye, Gail D'Onofrio, Abbe R. Gluck, Jonathan Miller, Katherine L. Kraschel & Megan L. Ranney - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):146-154.
    Firearm injury in the United States is a public health crisis in which physicians are uniquely situated to intervene. However, their ability to mitigate harm is limited by a complex array of laws and regulations that shape their role in firearm injury prevention. This piece uses four clinical scenarios to illustrate how these laws and regulations impact physician practice, including patient counseling, injury reporting, and the use of court orders and involuntary holds. Unintended consequences on clinical practice of laws intended (...)
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