Results for 'Takahiro Sekiguchi'

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  1.  38
    The long-term effect of perspective change on the emotional intensity of autobiographical memories.Takahiro Sekiguchi & Saori Nonaka - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (2):375-383.
  2.  44
    Organic and dynamic tool for use with knowledge base of AI ethics for promoting engineers’ practice of ethical AI design.Kaira Sekiguchi & Koichi Hori - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):51-71.
    In recent years, ethical questions related to the development of artificial intelligence are being increasingly discussed. However, there has not been enough corresponding increase in the research and development associated with AI technology that incorporates with ethical discussion. We therefore implemented an organic and dynamic tool for use with knowledge base of AI ethics for engineers to promote engineers’ practice of ethical AI design to realize further social values. Here, “organic” means that the tool deals with complex relationships among different (...)
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    Aiding narrative generation in collaborative data utilization by humans and AI agents.Kaira Sekiguchi & Yukio Ohsawa - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-22.
    Narrative generation is growing in importance for data utilization, particularly in the context of co-creation with artificial intelligence (AI) agents. Narratives can, for example, bridge theoretical objects with social understanding and promote human actions. Furthermore, clarifying the narrative generation mechanism is essential for constructing effective relationships between humans and AI agents. However, the narrative generation mechanism in data utilization processes has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we developed a framework called the hierarchical narrative representation (HieNaR) to systematize the (...)
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  4. Is Western Marxism Western? The Cases of Gramsci and Tosaka.Takahiro Chino - 2017 - Journal of World Philosophies 2 (1):28-41.
    This paper aims to show that two eminent Marxists in the 1930s, the Italian Antonio Gramsci and the Japanese Tosaka Jun, shared three important characteristics of so-called Western Marxism: the methodological development of Marxism, the focus on the superstructure, and the pessimism about the impossibility of immediate revolution. Showing that Gramsci and Tosaka shared these characteristics enables us to revisit the framework of “Western Marxism,” which confusingly consists of both theoretical characteristics and geographical criteria. Looking at Gramsci and Tosaka on (...)
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    Halldén Completeness for Relevant Modal Logics.Takahiro Seki - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (2):333-350.
    Halldén completeness closely resembles the relevance property. To prove Halldén completeness in terms of Kripke-style semantics, the van Benthem–Humberstone theorem is often used. In relevant modal logics, the Halldén completeness of Meyer–Fuhrmann logics has been obtained using the van Benthem–Humberstone theorem. However, there remain a number of Halldén-incomplete relevant modal logics. This paper discusses the Halldén completeness of a wider class of relevant modal logics, namely, those with some Sahlqvist axioms.
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  6.  21
    Guest Editor’s Introduction.Nakajima Takahiro - 2023 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 9 (1):2-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Guest Editor’s IntroductionNakajima Takahiro 「東京学派」とは聞きなれない名称であろう。日本研究において「京都学派」は大変よく知られている。たとえ「京都学派」が、「無の論理は論理ではない」と述べた上で、戸坂潤が発明した批判的な概念であったとしても 、現在ではそれは西田幾多郎や田辺元を中心とした一大哲学運動として世界的に認知されている。ところが、西田にしても田辺にしてももともとは東京帝国大学で学んだ学生であった。また、戦前においては、井上哲次郎か ら桑木厳翼へと続く東京帝国大学哲学科の流れは、当時の社会状況と相互に影響しあって、一定の意義を示していたのである。また、大森荘蔵、廣松渉、坂部恵といった戦後の東京大学の哲学者たちは、「京都学派」の問題 系を乗り越えることを重視していた。 この特別号では、発見的概念として「東京学派」を用いて、戦前・戦後におけるその意義と広がりを探究することにした。それは東京大学もしくは東京帝国大学に限定されたものではなく、それ以外の東京圏の大学との相互 交流も含まれるものである。「京都学派」に対しては、政治との距離をどう測るかがしばしば議論されてきたが、「東京学派」は政治により密着したものである。日本の近代の哲学の有している政治性そして倫理性を考える のであれば、やはり「東京学派」の議論は避けて通る ことのできないものである。 無論、「学派」というほどのまとまりを「東京学派」が有しているわけではないことも確かである。西田幾多郎が「京都学派」で果たした中心性は、「東京学派」にはない。そこで、トマス・カスリスが示唆するように、「 学派」の代わりに「サークル」や「スタイル」という言葉を使った方がより正確かもしれない。それでも、あえて「東京学派」と呼ぶのは、「京都学派」に比べて関心を持たれることの少ない、しかし当時は圧倒的な影響力 を有し、戦後決定的に忘却されていった東京の哲学者たちに光をあて、近代日本の哲学の総体を明らかにしたいからである。「東京学派」の研究は緒についたばかりである。今後、国際的な研究の高まりを期待しながら擱筆 する。The “Tokyo School” may be an unfamiliar term to readers. The Kyoto School is very well known in Japanese studies. Even if the Kyoto School is a critical concept invented by Tosaka Jun, who stated [End Page 2] that “the logic of nothingness is not logic,” it is now recognized worldwide as a major philosophical movement led by Nishida Kitarō and (...)
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  7.  27
    The Modern State and Future Society: Gramsci’s Two Conceptions of the “Ethical State”.Takahiro Chino - 2021 - The European Legacy 27 (2):125-142.
    Gramsci’s concept of the “ethical state” has been interpreted as a synonym for the “regulated society”—a future society in which everybody participates in governance following the rationalization o...
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  8.  11
    Ukita kazutami monogatari: ichi jiyū shugisha no kiseki.Takahiro Eida - 2015 - Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha.
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  9.  53
    Opinion of Japanese rheumatology physicians on methods of assessing the quality of rheumatoid arthritis care.Takahiro Higashi, Shunichi Fukuhara & Takeo Nakayama - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):290-295.
  10.  20
    Formal Verification of Security Proofs of Cryptographic Schemes Using Probabilistic Hoare Logic.Takahiro Kubota - 2012 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 45 (2):15-27.
  11. Le diabolique et le mal spirituel chez Barbey d'Aurevilly.Takahiro Kunieda - 2003 - Iris 25:25-31.
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  12.  28
    Quidditistic Qualia).Takahiro Maeda - 2009 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 37 (1):29-38.
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  13.  17
    What Should Families Consider when Deciding for an Incompetent Patient?Takahiro Nakayama & Hitoshi Arima - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (2):147-148.
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  14.  20
    Multi-modal Mapping of the Face Selective Ventral Temporal Cortex–A Group Study With Clinical Implications for ECS, ECoG, and fMRI.Takahiro Sanada, Christoph Kapeller, Michael Jordan, Johannes Grünwald, Takumi Mitsuhashi, Hiroshi Ogawa, Ryogo Anei & Christoph Guger - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Face recognition is impaired in patients with prosopagnosia, which may occur as a side effect of neurosurgical procedures. Face selective regions on the ventral temporal cortex have been localized with electrical cortical stimulation, electrocorticography, and functional magnetic resonance imagining. This is the first group study using within-patient comparisons to validate face selective regions mapping, utilizing the aforementioned modalities. Five patients underwent surgical treatment of intractable epilepsy and joined the study. Subdural grid electrodes were implanted on their ventral temporal cortices to (...)
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  15.  17
    Aristocratic liberalism: The social and political thought of Jacob Burckhardt, John Stuart Mill and Alexis de Tocqueville.Masashi Sekiguchi - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (5):825-826.
  16. Jugaku no katachi.Jun Sekiguchi - 2003 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  17.  78
    Metacompleteness of Substructural Logics.Takahiro Seki - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (6):1175-1199.
    Metacompleteness is used to prove properties such as the disjunction property and the existence property in the area of relevant logics. On the other hand, the disjunction property of several basic propositional substructural logics over FL has been proved using the cut elimination theorem of sequent calculi and algebraic characterization. The present paper shows that Meyer’s metavaluational technique and Slaney’s metavaluational technique can be applied to basic predicate intuitionistic substructural logics and basic predicate involutive substructural logics, respectively. As a corollary (...)
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  18. Nobārisu no kami.Takahiro Shibata - 1975
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  19. Keiei rinri no riron to jissen: iryō hōjin ni okeru tōgō apurōchi.Takahiro Suzuki - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Bunshindō.
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  20. Sabotage-proof social ranking solutions.Takahiro Suzuki & Masahide Horita - 2025 - Theory and Decision 98 (2):205-224.
    Robustness against strategic manipulation is a crucial topic in social choice theory. Under some social ranking solutions (SRSs), namely mappings that yield candidates’ ranking from their coalitions’ ranking, candidates can sometimes improve their own social ranking by strategically degrading the coalitions to which they belong (e.g., sabotaging the coalitions to which the candidates and their competitors both belong could damage their competitors’ social rankings). This study investigates SRSs that can prevent such sabotage and promote sincere cooperation between candidates. To this (...)
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  21.  28
    Designing ethical artifacts has resulted in creative design.Kaira Sekiguchi & Koichi Hori - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):101-148.
    Ethical aspects in engineering design have become increasingly important in recent years. A typical example is the recent rise of artificial intelligence (AI) ethics. This paper applies user studies of a design support tool to empirically verify that our ethical framework improves the creativity of an engineer’s design activity. The design support tool provides an environment for the promotion of ethical design perspectives and description. The experiments focus on two functionalities: semi-automatic generation and scenario path recommendation. These functions are designed (...)
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  22.  44
    Inferring sense of agency from the quantitative aspect of action outcome.Takahiro Kawabe - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):407-412.
    The sense of agency refers to an experience in which one’s own action causes a change in environment. It is strongly modulated by both the contingency between action and its outcome and the consistency between predicted and actual action outcomes. Recent studies have suggested that the action outcome can retrospectively modulate action awareness. We suspect that the sense of agency can also be retrospectively modulated. This study examined whether the quantity of action outcome could influence the sense of agency. The (...)
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  23. General Frames for Relevant Modal Logics.Takahiro Seki - 2003 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 44 (2):93-109.
    General frames are often used in classical modal logic. Since they are duals of modal algebras, completeness follows automatically as with algebras but the intuitiveness of Kripke frames is also retained. This paper develops basics of general frames for relevant modal logics by showing that they share many important properties with general frames for classical modal logic.
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  24.  28
    Event-Related Alpha-Band Power Changes During Self-reflection and Working Memory Tasks in Healthy Individuals.Takahiro Matsuoka, Takaki Shimode, Toshio Ota & Koji Matsuo - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Dysfunctional attentional control is observed in patients with mental disorders. However, there is no established neurophysiological method to assess attention in such patients. We showed a discrepancy in alpha-band power in the tasks that evoked internal and external attention event-related alpha-band power changes in healthy subjects during self-reflection and working memory tasks in a preliminary study. In this study, we aimed at elucidating event-related alpha-band power changes in healthy subjects during the tasks, addressing the shortcomings of the previous study. Sixteen (...)
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  25.  69
    The γ-admissibility of Relevant Modal Logics I — The Method of Normal Models.Takahiro Seki - 2011 - Studia Logica 97 (2):199-231.
    The admissibility of Ackermann’s rule γ is one of the most important problems in relevant logic. While the γ-admissibility of normal modal logics based on the relevant logic R has been previously discussed, the case for weaker relevant modal logics has not yet been considered. The method of normal models has often been used to prove the γ-admissibility. This paper discusses which relevant modal logics admit γ from the viewpoint of the method of normal models.
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  26.  19
    The Effects of Computer-Based and Motor-Imagery Training on Scoring Ability in Lacrosse.Takahiro Hirao & Hiroaki Masaki - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:529374.
    Previous studies have confirmed that the temporal attentional control created by the repetition of stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) tasks was transferred to shooting skills in lacrosse players. In the current study, we investigated whether combining motor imagery training with SRC tasks could enhance the scoring ability of lacrosse players. We grouped 33 male lacrosse players into three groups: an SRC task and motor imagery group (referred as to SRC+Image), an SRC task group, and a control group. Players in the first two (...)
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  27.  26
    Hand Recognition Obtained by Simulation of Hand Regard.Takahiro Homma - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  28.  67
    Perceptual Experience as a Cross-Time Relation.Takahiro Maeda - 2007 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 35 (1):29-38.
  29.  18
    Preferences over procedures and outcomes in judgment aggregation: an experimental study.Takuya Sekiguchi - 2019 - Theory and Decision 86 (2):239-258.
    The aggregation of individual judgments on logically connected issues often leads to collective inconsistency. This study examines two collective decision-making procedures designed to avoid such inconsistency—one premise-based and the other conclusion-based. While the relative desirability of the two procedures has been studied extensively from a theoretical perspective, the preference of individuals regarding the two procedures has been less studied empirically. In the present study, a scenario-based questionnaire survey of participant preferences for the two procedures was conducted, taking into consideration prevailing (...)
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  30.  34
    アバタとエージェントを利用した仮想対話インタフェースによる Soft Interaction.Ozawa Jun Kudo Takahiro - 2004 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19 (4):351-359.
    A virtual dialogue interface for soft interaction between a system and a user is proposed. It enables the information acquisition as a sub task without hindering the user main task during the main task execution. A virtual dialogue is performed with suitable timing between the two characters used in this interface: the user avatar with a model obtained by observing the interaction of the user and the environment, and an agent having the knowledge about the environment. The user is usually (...)
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  31.  36
    Pre-specified Anxiety Predicts Future Decision-Making Performances Under Different Temporally Constrained Conditions.Takahiro Soshi, Mitsue Nagamine, Emiko Fukuda & Ai Takeuchi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  32.  46
    Wright’s Strict Finitistic Logic in the Classical Metatheory: The Propositional Case.Takahiro Yamada - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (4).
    Crispin Wright in his 1982 paper argues for strict finitism, a constructive standpoint that is more restrictive than intuitionism. In its appendix, he proposes models of strict finitistic arithmetic. They are tree-like structures, formed in his strict finitistic metatheory, of equations between numerals on which concrete arithmetical sentences are evaluated. As a first step towards classical formalisation of strict finitism, we propose their counterparts in the classical metatheory with one additional assumption, and then extract the propositional part of ‘strict finitistic (...)
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  33.  45
    Modulation of Spatial Attentional Allocation by Computer-Based Cognitive Training during Lacrosse Shooting Performance.Takahiro Hirao & Hiroaki Masaki - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  34.  41
    How an abrupt onset cue can release motion-induced blindness.Takahiro Kawabe, Yuki Yamada & Kayo Miura - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):374-380.
    In motion-induced blindness , a target within rotating random dots is occasionally hidden from observers’ consciousness during observation. In the present study, a red ring-like cue was centered on a target and presented immediately after observers reported subjective disappearance of the target in MIB . The radius of the cue was systematically modulated. Observers quickly regained awareness of the disappeared object only after they were provided with a pinpoint cue of its location. We also found that a flickering cue at (...)
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  35.  16
    The Relationship Between Illusory Heaviness Sensation and the Motion Speed of Visual Feedback in Gesture-Based Touchless Inputs.Takahiro Kawabe, Yusuke Ujitoko & Takumi Yokosaka - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Interaction systems with gesture-based touchless inputs are becoming more common. Nevertheless, perceptual properties of the visual feedback used in the system have not been well documented. We investigated whether the speed of motion shown in visual feedback used in gesture-based touchless inputs could be a cue for the heaviness sensation of an object even when other incidental cues, such as changes in object size and spatial consistencies in direction between gestures and feedback, were eliminated from the stimuli. Participants were asked (...)
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  36.  13
    La parole épuise-t-elle le sens?Takahiro Nakajima - 2010 - Diogène 3:92-105.
    Pour dominer le langage, la philosophie chinoise a découvert des moyens autres que la « rectification des noms ». Il s’agit d’une part de l’annihilation totale de la langue, et d’autre part d’une clarification de la langue plus grande que celle opérée par la « rectification de la langue ». Pour mieux comprendre cette situation, il est nécessaire à remonter la généalogie à partir de la controverse sur la théorie de « la parole épuise le sens » et celle de (...)
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  37.  40
    (1 other version)From justification to modulation.Takahiro Otsu - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (2):337-362.
    The English discourse marker after all and the Japanese discourse marker datte have been commonly claimed to give a reason or justification to the preceding utterance, and therefore, these two expressions are regarded as the equivalent translation counterparts to each other. This paper first attempts to propose that such an equated account is motivated by these two discourse markers constructing a similar inferential schema involved in the interpretation of the utterance including them. In fact, datte and after all make manifest (...)
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  38.  19
    Effect of Walking Adaptability on an Uneven Surface by a Stepping Pattern on Walking Activity After Stroke.Yusuke Sekiguchi, Keita Honda & Shin-Ichi Izumi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Real-world walking activity is important for poststroke patients because it leads to their participation in the community and physical activity. Walking activity may be related to adaptability to different surface conditions of the ground. The purpose of this study was to clarify whether walking adaptability on an uneven surface by step is related to daily walking activity in patients after stroke. We involved 14 patients who had hemiparesis after stroke and 12 healthy controls. The poststroke patients were categorized as least (...)
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  39.  13
    Kindai Nippon kokutairon no kenkyū: Aizawa Seishisai to kōshōgaku.Naosuke Sekiguchi - 2019 - Tōkyō-to Itabashi-ku: Kokusho Kankōkai.
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  40. Yoga gyōhō chūden.Nobara Sekiguchi - 1969
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  41.  30
    セマンティック Web サービスマッチメーカーの公開実験に基づく評価.Hasegawa Tetsuo Kawamura Takahiro - 2005 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 20:426-436.
    Experiment with public deployment of the semantic service matchmaker to a UDDI registry for a year is described in this paper. UDDI is a standard registry for Web Services, but, its search functionality has been limited to a keyword search. Therefore, we propose an enhancement of UDDI, called Matchmaker, that supports semantic service capability discovery. Since September 2003, we have deployed the Matchmaker in one of four official UDDI registries operated by NTT-Communications. In this paper, we first introduce the Matchmaker, (...)
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  42.  85
    A Sahlqvist theorem for relevant modal logics.Takahiro Seki - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (3):383-411.
    Kripke-completeness of every classical modal logic with Sahlqvist formulas is one of the basic general results on completeness of classical modal logics. This paper shows a Sahlqvist theorem for modal logic over the relevant logic Bin terms of Routley- Meyer semantics. It is shown that usual Sahlqvist theorem for classical modal logics can be obtained as a special case of our theorem.
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  43.  20
    Wright’s First-Order Logic of Strict Finitism.Takahiro Yamada - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-54.
    A classical reconstruction of Wright’s first-order logic of strict finitism is presented. Strict finitism is a constructive standpoint of mathematics that is more restrictive than intuitionism. Wright sketched the semantics of said logic in Wright (Realism, Meaning and Truth, chap 4, 2nd edition in 1993. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, Cambridge, pp.107–75, 1982), in his strict finitistic metatheory. Yamada (J Philos Log., 2023) proposed, as its classical reconstruction, a propositional logic of strict finitism under an auxiliary condition that makes the logic (...)
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  44.  25
    The Relationship Between Head Motion Synchronization and Empathy in Unidirectional Face-to-Face Communication.Takahiro Yokozuka, Eisuke Ono, Yuki Inoue, Ken-Ichiro Ogawa & Yoshihiro Miyake - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  45.  24
    Gramsci’s critique of Croce on the Catholic Church.Takahiro Chino - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (2):175-189.
    Antonio Gramsci rigorously analysed the modern transformation of the Catholic Church and its strategy to spread its worldview to the Italian masses through secular means. His critique of the Church largely drew on his examination of the grounds that ensured Croce’s critique was doomed to failure. Despite its harshness, Croce’s critique failed because he did not grasp that the main target of the Church’s strategy was the common sense of the masses, while Croce pursued his critique in a highly idealist (...)
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  46. Kokumin dōtoku to jendā: Fukuzawa Yukichi, Inoue Tetsujirō, Watsuji Tetsurō.Sumiko Sekiguchi - 2007 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
  47.  56
    Some Metacomplete Relevant Modal Logics.Takahiro Seki - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (5):1115-1141.
    A logic is called metacomplete if formulas that are true in a certain preferred interpretation of that logic are theorems in its metalogic. In the area of relevant logics, metacompleteness is used to prove primeness, consistency, the admissibility of γ and so on. This paper discusses metacompleteness and its applications to a wider class of modal logics based on contractionless relevant logics and their neighbours using Slaney’s metavaluational technique.
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    The γ-admissibility of Relevant Modal Logics II — The Method using Metavaluations.Takahiro Seki - 2011 - Studia Logica 97 (3):351-383.
    The?-admissibility is one of the most important problems in the realm of relevant logics. To prove the 7-admissibility, either the method of normal models or the method using metavaluations may be employed. The?-admissibility of a wide class of relevant modal logics has been discussed in Part I based on a former method, but the?-admissibility based on metavaluations has not hitherto been fully considered. Sahlqvist axioms are well known as a means of expressing generalized forms of formulas with modal operators. This (...)
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  49.  19
    Perceptual Properties of the Poisson Effect.Takahiro Kawabe - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    When an elastic material is horizontally stretched, the material is compressed vertically – so-called the Poisson effect. In the different case of the Poisson effect, when an elastic material is vertically squashed, the material is horizontally extended. In both cases, the visual system receives image deformations involving horizontal expansion and vertical compression. How does the brain disentangle the two cases and accurately distinguish stretching from squashing events? Manipulating the relative magnitude of the deformation of a square between horizontal and vertical (...)
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  50.  14
    Sense of Resistance for a Cursor Moved by User’s Keystrokes.Takahiro Kawabe, Yusuke Ujitoko, Takumi Yokosaka & Scinob Kuroki - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Haptic sensation of a material can be modulated by its visual appearance. A technique that utilizes this visual-haptic interaction is called as pseudo-haptic feedback. Conventional studies have investigated pseudo-haptic feedback in situations, wherein a user manipulated a virtual object using a computer mouse, a force-feedback device, etc. The present study investigated whether and how it was possible to offer pseudo-haptic feedback to a user who manipulated a virtual object using keystrokes. Participants moved a cursor toward a destination by pressing a (...)
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