Results for 'Tadeusz Boruta'

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  1. Zło w sztuce.Tadeusz Boruta - 2006 - Estetyka I Krytyka 2 (11):107-120.
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    Stanowisko etyczne Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego (Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Studia z zakresu filozofii, etyk i nauk społecznych).Tadeusz Pszczołowski - 1971 - Etyka 9:227-231.
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    Tadeusz Czezowski-our knowledge, though uncertain, is probable.I. Tadeusz Czezowski - 2001 - In Władysław Krajewski, Polish philosophers of science and nature in the 20th century. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 3--65.
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  4. The Independent Ethics of Tadeusz Kotarbiński.Tadeusz Czeżowski & James Leech - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (1):47-52.
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    Zarys etyki ogólnej [Outline of General Ethics].Tadeusz Biesaga - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8 (1):286-288.
    This is a new edition of the manual published in 1974 and 1984. Compared with those earlier editions it is revised, enlarged and more precise in its argumentation. In its beginnings the manual aimed at meeting the didactic needs to present students of the Faculty of Christian Philosophy at the ATK a complete handling of Christian ethics. The author, who wrote his manual in difficult times of communist ideology, decided to include in one work, besides a positive exposition of Christian (...)
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    Mindshaping: A New Framework for Understanding Human Social Cognition.Tadeusz Wieslaw Zawidzki - 2013 - Bradford.
    Argues that the key distinction between human and nonhuman social cognition consists in our complex, diverse and flexible capacities to shape each other's minds in ways that make them easier to interpret.
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    Mindshaping: A New Framework for Understanding Human Social Cognition.Tadeusz Wies aw Zawidzki - 2013 - Bradford.
    Argues that the key distinction between human and nonhuman social cognition consists in our complex, diverse and flexible capacities to shape each other's minds in ways that make them easier to interpret.
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    Tadeusz Kotarbinski-reism and science.I. Tadeusz Kotarbinski - 2001 - In Władysław Krajewski, Polish philosophers of science and nature in the 20th century. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 3--47.
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  9. Etyczne aspekty edukacji obronnej.Tadeusz Berliński - 2005 - Prakseologia 145 (145):183-192.
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    Fundamental Principles of the Philosophical Sciences.Tadeusz Czezowski - 1947 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):26-26.
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    Homo Homini Res Sacra.Tadeusz Tołłoczko - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (7-8):107-121.
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    Infinite Populations, Choice and Determinacy.Tadeusz Litak - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (5):969-999.
    This paper criticizes non-constructive uses of set theory in formal economics. The main focus is on results on preference aggregation and Arrow’s theorem for infinite electorates, but the present analysis would apply as well, e.g., to analogous results in intergenerational social choice. To separate justified and unjustified uses of infinite populations in social choice, I suggest a principle which may be called the Hildenbrand criterion and argue that results based on unrestricted axiom of choice do not meet this criterion. The (...)
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  13. On certain peculiarities of singular propositions.Tadeusz Czeżowski - 1955 - Mind 64 (255):392-395.
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    An algebraic characterization of the notion of structural completeness.Tadeusz Prucnal & Andrzej Wronski - 1974 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 3 (1):30-33.
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    Analytic Philosophy at the Beginning of the New Millenium.Tadeusz Szubka - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 68:5-23.
    Analytic philosophy is a still alive and progressively developing current of thought. Although it would be difficult to justify singling out two decades from the beginning of the new millennium as its distinct period of development, one can try to give an account of the main transformations that took place during that time and some of the ideas most vividly present in it. The paper first briefly describes the generational and organizational changes that have taken place in the analytic tradition (...)
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    Theology of science: Its collocation and critical role for understanding of limits of theological and scientific investigations.Tadeusz Sierotowicz - 2023 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 75:211-231.
    The paper presents a brief outline of Michał Heller’s programme of theology of science, with specific attention to its collocation and critical role with respect to both theology and science. The former consideration is based on a third domain of truths (Hans Urs von Balthasar), while the latter is inspired by Józef Tischner’s presentation of religious thinking. Theology of science as such will be described with reference to Larry Laudan’s approach, considered here as a very useful and pragmatic tool for (...)
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    Hegel And The Modern State.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2008 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2008 (1):176-185.
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    Freedom as Reconciliation: The Essence of the Individual's Freedom in the Philosophy of Hegel.Tadeusz Gadacz - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (1):175-175.
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    Metaphysics and the Null Class.Tadeusz Gierymski & Michael P. Slattery - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (2):112-113.
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    Platonism in Positivism.Tadeusz Gierymski - 1960 - Modern Schoolman 38 (1):25-35.
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    Słownik filozofii marksistowskiej.Tadeusz M. Jaroszewski (ed.) - 1982 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Wiedza Powszechna.
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    Medycyna sądowa dla prawników.Tadeusz Marcinkowski - 1982 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Prawnicze.
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  23. Między Chrystusem a Maurasem (Ostatnie numery \'\'Itineraires\'\'.Tadeusz Mrówczyński - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (1):121-129.
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    Literature, Theatre, Cinema: "Comparisons Are Odious".Tadeusz Kowzan & Jeanne Ferguson - 1982 - Diogenes 30 (120):58-74.
    It is a truism that the relationships between literature and visual entertainment are multiple, complex and variable, especially if we consider literature in the broad sense and keep in mind the enormous variety in the forms of spectacle. Actually, several dangers lie in wait for the one who, on the comparative level, deals with the problem of the relationships between a literary work and a work intended to be viewed as visual entertainment.
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    Tadeusz Pawłowski, Metodologiczne zagadnienia humanistyki (Methodological Problems in the Humanities). [REVIEW]Tadeusz Pawłowski - 1975 - Dialectics and Humanism 2 (4):167-169.
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  26. O miłości i Erosie rozmawiają Tadeusz Gadacz, Małgorzata Grzegorzewska i Piotr Nowak.Tadeusz Gadacz, Małgorzata Grzegorzewska & Piotr Nowak - 2012 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (22).
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    Kubiński Tadeusz. O pewnej metodzie tworzenia logik modalnych . Polish, with English and Russian summaries. Studia logica, vol. 4 , pp. 213–240. [REVIEW]Tadeusz Czeżowski - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (3):348-349.
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  28. Rozprawy Filozoficzne.Tadeusz Czezowski, Zofia Abramowicz, Wieslw Mincer & Leon Guma Nski - 1969
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  29. O pojęciu sądu logicznego.Tadeusz Ciecierski - 2003 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 48 (4):125-144.
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    On the structural completeness of some pure implicational propositional calculi.Tadeusz Prucnal - 1972 - Studia Logica 30 (1):45 - 52.
  31. The function of folk psychology: Mind reading or mind shaping?Tadeusz W. Zawidzki - 2008 - Philosophical Explorations 11 (3):193 – 210.
    I argue for two claims. First I argue against the consensus view that accurate behavioral prediction based on accurate representation of cognitive states, i.e. mind reading , is the sustaining function of propositional attitude ascription. This practice cannot have been selected in evolution and cannot persist, in virtue of its predictive utility, because there are principled reasons why it is inadequate as a tool for behavioral prediction. Second I give reasons that favor an alternative account of the sustaining function of (...)
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    A Not-so-Simple Rule for ‘I’.Tadeusz Ciecierski & Jakub Rudnicki - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4):1100-1119.
    Maximilian de Gaynesford has argued against the standard view that the reference of the first-person pronoun ‘I’ is determined by a rule linking the referent to some feature of the context of use. In this paper, we argue that de Gaynesford's arguments are inconclusive. Our main aim, however, is to formulate a novel version of the reference rule for ‘I’. We argue that this version can deal with several problematic cases. Our strategy involves analysing the so-called agent of the context (...)
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  33. Wybrane aspekty podejowania decyzji w stanach nadzwyczajnych.Tadeusz Berliński - 2006 - Prakseologia 146 (146):147-158.
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  34. Filozofia i filozofowie w jezuickim teatrze szkolnym w Polsce.Tadeusz Bieńkowski - 1993 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 38.
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    Filozoficzne i pragmatyczne ograniczenia etyki biznesu.Tadeusz Borkowski - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):107-116.
    There are three working theses formulated and proved in the paper. First, business ethics as a science not wishful thinking, encounters the following, impossible to overcome, difficulties: Lack of a precise definition of business ethics, Ethical relativism, Strong competition on national, international, and global market, Shareholders’ interests vs. social responsibility of a company, Objective (based on scientific laws) limitations of business ethics, Ethical codes vs. the rules of a company, labour and employment legislation. Second, the author claims that a company (...)
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  36. Z problemów współczesnej filozofii.Tadeusz Buksiński, Marek Sikora & Lidia Godek - 2015 - Filo-Sofija 15 (29):9-10.
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  37. A problem with structured propositions.Tadeusz Ciecierski - 2011 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Philosophical and Formal Approaches to Linguistic Analysis. Ontos. pp. 81.
    The paper shows that the paradox of the totality of propositions rest on assumptions characteristic of some theories of structured contents (like Jeffrey King's "new account of structured propositions").
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  38. Argument Sticha a przyczynowe teorie nazw.Tadeusz Ciecierski & Katarzyna Kuś - 2010 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 75.
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  39. Pragmatyka Roberta Stalnakera.Tadeusz Ciecierski - 2001 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 39 (3):157-174.
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    G.E. Moore on logical possibility.Tadeusz Czarnecki - 2002 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 10:7.
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    On Certainty in Empirical Sciences.Tadeusz Czeżowski - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 6:126-129.
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  42. Bóg w filozofii Franza Rosenzweiga.Tadeusz Gadacz - 1999 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 30 (2):91-104.
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  43. Edith Stein: Thomist or Augustinist?Tadeusz Gadacz - 2012 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 57.
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  44. Metody i praktyka badań prognostycznych dotyczących kierunków rozwoju nauki i techniki.Tadeusz Galanc (ed.) - 1988 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Politechniki Wrocławskiej.
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  45. Jan Paweł II i sprawa Galileusza - \"rehabilitacja\" Galileusza?Tadeusz Sierotowicz - 2009 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 45.
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    Bibliografia prac Prof. Dra Stefana Kunowskiego.Tadeusz Witkowski - 1979 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 27 (4):31-51.
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    Investigations on the moral sensitivity of subnormal children.Tadeusz Witkowski - forthcoming - Roczniki Filozoficzne: Annales de Philosophie.
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  48. Introduction to Evolving (Proto)Language/s.Nathalie Gontier, Monika Boruta Zywiczyńska, Sverker Johansson & Lorraine McCune - 2024 - Lingua 305 (June):103740.
    Scholarly opinions vary on what language is, how it evolved, and from where or what it evolved. Long considered uniquely human, today scholars argue for evolutionary continuity between human language and animal communication systems. But while it is generally recognized that language is an evolving communication system, scholars continue to debate from which species language evolved, and what behavioral and cognitive features are the precursors to human language. To understand the nature of protolanguage, some look for homologs in gene functionality, (...)
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    On two problems of Harvey Friedman.Tadeusz Prucnal - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (3):247 - 262.
    The paper considers certain properties of intermediate and moda propositional logics.The first part contains a proof of the theorem stating that each intermediate logic is closed under the Kreisel-Putnam rule xyz/(xy)(xz).
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  50. Dietricha von Hildebranda epistemologiczno-ontologiczne podstawy etyki.Tadeusz Biesaga - 1989 - Lublin: Tow. Nauk. Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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