Results for 'Ṭalāl ibn Khālid Ṭarīfī'

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  1.  20
    Translation of an Unpublished Arabic Ris'lehTranslation of an Unpublished Arabic Risaleh.Khâlid Ibn Zeid El-Ju'fy, Edward E. Salisbury & Khalid Ibn Zeid El-Ju'fy - 1853 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 3:165.
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    The End of the jihād state: The Reign of Hishām ibn ʿAbd al-Malik and the Collapse of the UmayyadsThe End of the jihad state: The Reign of Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik and the Collapse of the Umayyads.Matthew S. Gordon & Khalid Yahya Blankinship - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):795.
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    A Testament of Alchemy, Being the Revelations of Morienus, Ancient Adept and Hermit of Jerusalem to Khālid Ibn Yazīd ibn Mu'awiyya, King of the Arabs, of the Divine Secrets of the Magisterium and Accomplishment of the Alchemical ArtLee Stavenhagen.Barbara Kaplan - 1976 - Isis 67 (1):119-121.
  4. The arabic original of liber de compositione alchemiae the epistle of maryanus, the hermit and philosopher, to Prince khalid Ibn yazid.Ahmad Y. Al-Hassan - 2004 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 14 (2):213-231.
    The Liber de compositione alchemiae or the The Book of the Composition of Alchemy is believed to have been the first book on alchemy that was translated from Arabic into Latin. The translator was the Englishman Robert of Chester who was one of the earliest translators to flock to Spain to learn Arabic and to translate some of the Arabic works. He completed his translation on 11 February, 1144.
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    Arabic Science A Testament of Alchemy. Being the Revelations of Morienus to Khālid ibn Yazīd. Ed. and trans, by Lee Stavenhagen. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, for the Brandeis University Press, 1974. Pp. 76. No price stated. [REVIEW]H. J. J. Winter - 1975 - British Journal for the History of Science 8 (3):255-256.
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    Narrations on the Sufyānī Revealed by Political and Sectarian Events.Yusuf Oktan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1135-1156.
    The Sufyānī narration, which is also referred in some studies carried out today, is mentioned in the early Shiite and Sunnī sources. The anticipated savior perception of the period has an important place in understanding the Sufyānī narrations in the emergence process of which political and sectarian events were effective. Narrations stating that the Mahdī named Muḥammad, one of the descendants of the Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh), would appear in the end of times and establish justice by bringing order to the (...)
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    Iravani Hadith Narrators.Tarlan Seyfullayev - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (2):59-78.
    Some of the Hadith narrators who narrated Hadiths from Ahl al-Bayt (p) lived in historical Azerbaijani territories. Those narrators who lived in Azerbaijani territories were mainly the disciples of imams such as Imam al-Sadiq (p), Imam al-Kadhim (p), Imam al-Rida (p), Imam al-Jawad (p), Imam al-Hadi (p), and Imam Hasan al-Askari (p), and they were spreading these imams’ teachings throughout the Caucasus. They continued their activities until the Minor and Major Occultation of the Twelfth Imam (p). During the Minor Occultation (...)
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    İslam Hukukunda Çocukluk ve Çocuk Evliliği.Oğuzhan Tan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):783-805.
    Çocuk evliliği, tarih boyunca farklı toplumlarda bilinen ve uygulanan sosyal bir olgu olsa da son zamanlarda, modern duyarlılıkları giderek daha fazla rahatsız eden bir hal almıştır. Son iki asır öncesine kadar, Avrupa hukuki düşüncesinde çocuklar yargı önünde farklı bir muamele görmelerine imkan veren istisnai bir statüye sahip değildi. Diğer taraftan, İslam hukukunun çocuklara, özel bir hukuki statü kazandırma konusunda bazı öncü adımlar attığını söyleyebiliriz. Nitekim, en eski İslam hukuku kitaplarının bile, insanın fiziksel ve zihinsel gelişim aşamalarına ve her bir aşamada (...)
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    La transferencia del conocimiento secreto: tres diálogos árabes de alquimia.Regula Forster - 2016 - Al-Qantara 37 (2):399-422.
    Arabo-Islamic alchemy enjoyed considerable popularity until well into the 19th and 20th centuries. It can be considered both as a predecessor of modern chemistry and as a natural philosophy whose purpose is to explain the world. Yet one of the unresolved questions concerning alchemy is how one was supposed to learn it, since it was an art that was meant to be kept secret and only revealed to a few select individuals. While the practicalities of the learning experience remain obscure, (...)
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    Egypt: Revolution 2011/2025. Dystopia, Utopia, and Political Fiction in Mustafa Al- Husayni’s Novel 2025 An-Nida Al-Akhir. [REVIEW]Marek M. Dziekan - 2018 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 21 (1):99-111.
    The article discusses the novel 2025. An-Nida al-Akhir [2025. The Last Call] written by a young Egyptian journalist and writer born in 1982 - Mustafa al-Husayni. The novel was published in early 2011, between the fall of Zayn al-Abidin Ibn Ali in Tunisia and of Husni Mubarak in Egypt. It describes a revolution against the regime of Jamal al-Mubarak, son of Husni, spurred by a group of young Egyptians. The story takes place in 2025 and anticipates the development of the (...)
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    Beiträge zur islamischen Atomenlehre.Shlomo Pines & Abu Bakr Al-Razi Muhammad Ibn Zakariya - 1936 - Berlin: [Gräfenhainischen, Gedruckt bei A. Heine gmbh].
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    (1 other version)Honor.Talal Asad & Frank Henderson Stewart - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):308.
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    al-Insān al-ākhar... falsafat al-ākhar: al-tashakkul al-siyāsī.Ṣāliḥ ibn Ibrāhīm Sakākir - 2018 - al-Riyāḍ: Dār Madārik lil-Nashr.
    إن هذا المبحث ما هو إلا دراسة لذلك الشيء الغامض الذي دائما ما يناقشنا ويجادلنا ويحاورنا بل أحيانا يخاصمنا, هذا الشعور المتولد في داخلنا هو ما نسميه الإنسان الآخر.. هل ذلك الشعور هو حقيقة ثابتة أم جزء من الخيال نصنعه في محيطنا الذاتي لنجد صيقا نثق به, فنحاوره ونجادله, أعني هل هذا المتكون داخلنا هو جزء من الذات أم جزء من الخيال الذي نخترعه لنجد الصديق الحقيقي الذي كثيرا ما نحتاجه, فلن يوجد أحد صادق كصدق ذلك الآخر المتولد والمتشكل داخلنا (...)
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    Objectivity, invariance, and convention: symmetry in physical science.Talal A. Debs & Michael L. G. Redhead - 2007 - Harvard University Press.
    Most observers agree that modern physical theory attempts to provide objective representations of reality. However, the claim that these representations are based on conventional choices is viewed by many as a denial of their objectivity. As a result, objectivity and conventionality in representation are often framed as polar opposites. Offering a new appraisal of symmetry in modern physics, employing detailed case studies from relativity theory and quantum mechanics, Objectivity, Invariance, and Convention contends that the physical sciences, though dependent on convention, (...)
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  15. Reflections on Violence, Law, and Humanitarianism.Talal Asad - 2015 - Critical Inquiry 41 (2):390-427.
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  16. Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yaqzan: A Philosophical Tale.Ibn Tufayl & Lenn Evan Goodman (eds.) - 2009 - University of Chicago Press.
    The Arabic philosophical fable _Hayy Ibn Yaqzan _is a classic of medieval Islamic philosophy. Ibn Tufayl, the Andalusian philosopher, tells of a child raised by a doe on an equatorial island who grows up to discover the truth about the world and his own place in it, unaided—but also unimpeded—by society, language, or tradition. Hayy’s discoveries about God, nature, and man challenge the values of the culture in which the tale was written as well as those of every contemporary society. (...)
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  17. Chapter four Ibn Ezra, a maimonidean authority: The evidence of the early Ibn Ezra supercommentaries Tamas visi.Ibn Ezra - 2009 - In James T. Robinson (ed.), The cultures of Maimonideanism: new approaches to the history of Jewish thought. Boston: Brill. pp. 9--89.
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  18. Hayy ibn Yaqian.Hayy ibn Yaqian - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi (eds.), An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 260.
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  19. The idea of an anthropology of Islam.Talal Asad - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 48:381-406.
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    Can Platform Leadership Drive Twin Transitions in Greening SMEs? Exploring the Nexus Between AI Infrastructure Flexibility, Information Effects, and Green Sustainable Practices.Khalid Mehmood, Ataullah Kiani, Hina Rehman, Safiya Mukhtar Alshibani & Patrice Piccardi - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Ethnographic Representation, Statistics, and Modern Power.Talal Asad - 1994 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 61:55-88.
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  22. La "Tawriya" ou la poésie comme acte culturel.Khalid Chakor Alami - 1995 - Al-Qantara 16 (2):259-272.
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    An investigation of multicultural personality traits of EFL learners in English as a medium of instruction setting: The case of Saudi Arabia.Talal Musaed Alghizzi & Tahani Munahi Alshahrani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Many studies have investigated the effect of multilingualism on improving personality traits, namely cultural empathy, open-mindedness, flexibility, emotional stability, and social initiative of international students, or students in an international degree program. However, few studies have examined such an issue for EFL learners as they further their academic levels in English as a medium of instruction setting. The main tool used in this exploratory descriptive study was the short version of the multicultural personality questionnaire that was developed by Van der (...)
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    al-Muhlikāt al-kubrá: al-ghaḍab, al-ḥiqd, al-ḥasad, al-riyāʼ, al-kibr, al-jāh, al-ʻujb, al-ghurūr.Fayḍ al-Kāshī & Muḥammad ibn Murtaḍá - 2005 - Qum: Dhawī al-Qurbá.
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  25. Mā baʻda al-ṭabīʻah.Bahmanyār ibn al-Marzubān - 1911 - In Bahmanyār ibn al-Marzubān & Abū al-Ḥasan (eds.), Mā baʻda al-ṭabīʻah. Miṣr: Maṭbaʻat Kurdistān.
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    al-ʻIqd al-farīd lil-Malik al-Saʻīd.Abū Sālim al-Naṣībī & Muḥammad ibn Ṭalḥah - 2013 - [Beirut]: Markaz Ibn al-Azraq li-Dirāsāt al-Turāth al-Siyāsī. Edited by Yūsuf ibn ʻUthmān ibn Muḥammad Ḥuzaym.
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  27. Risālat al-ittiṣā al-Ṣāyigh - 1985 - In Averroës (ed.), Talkhīṣ Kitāb al-nafs. Madrīd: al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Buḥūth al-ʻIlmīyah, Maʻhad Mighayl Asīn, al-Maʻhad al-Isbānī al-ʻArabī lil-Thaqāfah.
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    Religion, État-Nation, sécularisme.Talal Asad & Mohamed Amer Meziane - 2018 - Actuel Marx 64 (2):86-100.
    L’islamisme est-il une forme religieuse de nationalisme? Asad répond en montrant que l’islamisme et le nationalisme partagent un même souci de l’État moderne. Ils se différencient néanmoins profondément dès que l’on envisage les modalités de ce rapport. L’islamisme résulte d’une traduction de la tradition qu’il investit dans une situation dominée par l’État moderne et par une politisation des sphères sociales qu’il régule. Il entre ainsi en concurrence avec le marxisme sur le terrain de l’antiétatisme.
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    Image Compression Based on Block SVD Power Method.Khalid El Asnaoui - 2019 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 29 (1):1345-1359.
    In recent years, the important and fast growth in the development and demand of multimedia products is contributing to an insufficiency in the bandwidth of devices and network storage memory. Consequently, the theory of data compression becomes more significant for reducing data redundancy in order to allow more transfer and storage of data. In this context, this paper addresses the problem of lossy image compression. Indeed, this new proposed method is based on the block singular value decomposition (SVD) power method (...)
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    al-Iʻtidāl al-fikrī wa-atharuhu fī ḥimāyat al-basharīyah: dirāsah taʼṣīlīyah fī ḍawʼ al-nuṣūṣ al-sharʻīyah.Bū ʻAṣṣāb & Saʻīd ibn Aḥmad - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Salām lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ wa-al-Tarjamah.
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    Tahdīm al-arkān min laysa fī al-imkān abdaʻ mimmā kān: wa-yalīhi Tathbīt qawāʻid al-arkān bi-an laysa fī al-imkān abdaʻ mimmā kān, wa-huwa min awthaq al-masāʻī fī al-radd ʻalá al-Biqāʻī.Ibrāhīm ibn ʻUmar Biqāʻī - 2019 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah.
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    Kitāb al-Mabāḥith wa-al-shukūk: nukhustīn taʻlīqah bar al-Ishārāt wa-al-tanbīhāt.Muḥammad ibn Masʻūd Masʻūdī - 2011 - Tihrān: Mīrās̲-i Maktūb. Edited by Muḥammad Barakāt, Fārābī & Kindī.
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  33. Der ṭoyer tsum lebn: Sefer Ḥovot ha-levavot, Shaʻar ha-beḥinah: miṭn peyresh Or Avigdor..Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda & Avigdor Miller (eds.) - 2015 - Monsi, N.Y.: Hotsaʼat sefarim Shibole ha-leḳeṭ.
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    Mirʼāt al-ḥaqq.Majz̲ūb ʻAlī Shāh & Muḥammad Jaʻfar ibn Ṣafar - 2004 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Ḥaqīqat. Edited by Ḥāmid Nājī Iṣfahānī.
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    Rededication of Chevra Lomdei Mishnayot Synagogue: An Address Delivered in Auschwitz.Prince El Hassan bin Talal - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (1):7-9.
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    Hâşiye ʻalâ Şerhi'l-Keşşâf li'l-Cürcânî =.Aḥmad ibn Muṣṭafá Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah - 2016 - İstanbul: İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Yayınları. Edited by M. Taha Boyalık & İhsan Fazlıoğlu.
    This book includes a critical edition, Turkish translation and study of Tasköprüzade's gloss on Jurjani's commentary on Zamakhsharī's al-Kashshaf by Jurjani.
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    Mind and Society: From Indian Studies to General Sociology.Khalid Tyabji (ed.) - 2019 - Oxford University Press India.
    This book is at once unique, strikingly bold and far-ranging. It is unique in being the only Indian approach to academic scholarship that has seriously attempted to undertake the swarajist programme of considering modern Western civilization in its entirety from an independent, decolonized Indian perspective.
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  38. al-Qiyam al-akhlāqīyah fī al-ṣirāʻ al-ḥaḍārī bayna al-Islām wa-al-Gharb: abḥāth fī, mashrūʻinā al-ḥaḍārī bayna al-naẓarīyah wa-al-taṭbīq..Saʻīd ibn ʻAṭīyah Zahrānī - 2003 - Bayrūt: Dār Ibn Ḥazm.
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  39. Secular Translations: Nation-State, Modern Self, and Calculative Reason.Asad Talal - unknown
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    Role of Social Media Marketing Activities in Influencing Customer Intentions: A Perspective of a New Emerging Era.Khalid Jamil, Liu Dunnan, Rana Faizan Gul, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Syed Hussain Mustafa Gillani & Fazal Hussain Awan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this study is to explore social media marketing activities and their impact on consumer intentions. This study also analyzes the mediating roles of social identification and satisfaction. The participants in this study were experienced users of two social media platforms Facebook and Instagram in Pakistan. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. We used an online community to invite Facebook and Instagram users to complete the questionnaire in the designated online questionnaire system. Data were (...)
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    An algorithm for distributing coalitional value calculations among cooperating agents.Talal Rahwan & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (8-9):535-567.
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    Energizing Ethical Recycling Intention Through Information Publicity: Insights from an Emerging Market Economy.Khalid Mehmood, Yaser Iftikhar, Fauzia Jabeen, Ali Nawaz Khan & Hina Rehman - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-27.
    Plastic consumption is an important aspect of contemporary living, and studies that systematically examine consumers’ plastic waste recycling intentions from an ethical perspective are scarce. Considering the severity of plastic waste recycling problems globally based on the stimulus-organism-response paradigm, this study analyses how the information publicity influences consumers’ plastic waste recycling intentions from an ethical perspective in an emerging market economy. We investigate this link by focusing on the indirect effect of perceived social pressure and the moderating role of media (...)
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  43. On Torture, or Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment.Talal Asad - 1996 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 63.
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    De la visite médiatisée. Étude clinique.Khalid Boudarse & Martine Dodelin - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 193 (3):139-152.
    La visite médiatisée fait partie des outils utilisés par les professionnels du champ médico-social afin de permettre des contacts entre parent(s) et enfant(s). Contrairement à l’entretien et à l’observation, elle n’a pas de cadre de référence théorique et clinique précis. Comment donc concevoir un protocole et un cadre à la visite médiatisée? Sur quelle conception de la relation d’aide pouvons-nous nous appuyer pour penser nos manières d’être et de travailler, pour penser les différents niveaux d’interactions qu’engagent les bénéficiaires des visites (...)
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    Vulnérabilité des professionnels, vulnérabilité des familles. Éthique et responsabilité en protection de l’enfance.Khalid Boudarse - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 241 (3):79-94.
    En visant une modélisation conceptuelle, cet écrit théorique aborde la vulnérabilité du professionnel de la protection de l’enfance à travers le prisme de son éthique. Dans une dynamique socioculturelle parfois trouble, ce professionnel fait face à la vulnérabilité des familles mais aussi à la sienne propre. Nous soutenons qu’il est fragilisé par un contexte qui altère fortement le déploiement du triptyque qui forme la base de ses actions socio-psycho-éducatives – orientation scolaire spécialisée/soins psychiques/placement. Comment alors s’estimer soi-même comme personne et (...)
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    Context Matters.Zain Khalid & Rebecca Brendel - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):1-5.
    Hempeler et al.’s (2024) focus on informal coercion in mental health treatment in this issue’s target article is critically important for multiple reasons, several of which warrant explicit recogni...
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    Film Review: Celebrating Old Age in Music - Quartet, directed by Dustin Hoffman, 2012.Khalid Ali - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (3):353-354.
    This is an excerpt from the contentRecently older people have been the target of filmmakers and marketing campaigns; the concept of the “grey pound” has become a potentially significant attraction encouraging filmmakers to explore issues relating to age and ageing in mainstream films. The recent success of films such as Mamma Mia and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel have made a significant impact on the box office, and Amour securing the 2013 Palm D’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, proved that (...)
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    Penser le sécularisme.Talal Asad & Mohamed Amer Meziane - 2015 - Multitudes 59 (2):69-82.
    Ce texte, écrit à la suite des attentats du 11 septembre 2001, tente de redéfinir les notions de laïcité et de sécularisme en marge des grands récits de sécularisation. La modernité laïque n’est ni la simple séparation du politique et du religieux, ni ce qui reste lorsque la religion décline ou s’efface. Dès lors que le concept de « religion » renvoie lui-même à une construction historique qui diffère selon les espaces politiques, l’on doit affirmer que la modernité laïque est (...)
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    Dessin d’enfant en consultation familiale, traumatisme et narrativité. Éléments de méthode.Khalid Boudarse - 2020 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 228 (2):121-139.
    Dans une perspective psychanalytique familiale, l’article s’attache à montrer comment l’utilisation du dessin spontané de l’enfant en consultation familiale permet de saisir les articulations entre les espaces psychiques – subjectif et intersubjectif –, soutient le processus créatif et favorise l’élaboration du traumatisme psychique. Il précise les fondements théoriques et les règles techniques à respecter dans le maniement des médiateurs spontanés dont ce type de dessin fait partie, aux côtés du récit de rêve et du jeu, en consultation familiale. Une situation (...)
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    La phénoménologie vue comme méthodologie ultime des sciences déductives.Khalid Bouzoubaâ Fennane - 1996 - Philosophia Scientiae 1 (2):71-86.
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