Results for 'Søren Dupont'

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  1. Soren Kierkegaard's Geschichtsphilosophie.SOREN HOLM - 1956
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  2. Thomas Sören Hoffmann, "«La filosofía es, como el universo, circular en sí». Saber enciclopédico y autofundamentación de la filosofía en Hegel".Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2017 - In Hardy Neumann, Óscar Cubo & Agemir Bavaresco, Hegel y El Proyecto de Una Enciclopedia Filosófica: Comunicaciones Del II Congreso Germano-Latinoamericano Sobre la Filosofía de Hegel. Editora Fi. pp. 827-848.
  3. Problems Regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls.A. Dupont-Sommer & Elaine P. Halperin - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (22):75-102.
    Our knowledge of ancient history has been tremendously enlarged in the last hundred years. Ancient civilizations, formerly scarcely glimpsed or completely unknown, have emerged from the obscurity in which they were buried. In other domains, already more or less well known, the discovery of documents year after year has shed a clearer—sometimes even a harsh—light upon the great pages of the human past. These discoveries, which reveal to us what the man of earlier days was like and which enable us (...)
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    The Trust Triangle: Laws, Reputation, and Culture in Empirical Finance Research.Quentin Dupont & Jonathan M. Karpoff - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):217-238.
    We propose a construct, the Trust Triangle, that highlights three primary mechanisms that provide ex post accountability for opportunistic behavior and motivate ex ante trust in economic relationships. The mechanisms are a society’s legal and regulatory framework, market-based discipline and reputational capital, and culture, including individual ethics and social norms. The Trust Triangle provides a framework to conceptualize the relationships between trust, corporate accountability, legal liability, reputation, and culture. We use the Trust Triangle to summarize recent developments in the empirical (...)
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  5. Collected works of Soren Kierkegaard available in danish.Soren Kierkegaard - unknown
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    Does management experience change the ethical perceptions of retail professionals: A comparison of the ethical perceptions of current students with those of recent graduates? [REVIEW]Ann M. DuPont & Jane S. Craig - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (8):815 - 826.
    The purpose of this study was to extend the previous research on ethics in retailing. Prior research of Dornoff and Tankersley (1985–1976), Gifford and Norris (1987), Norris and Gifford (1988), and Burns and Rayman (1989) examined the ethics orientation of retail sales persons, sales managers, and business school students. These studies found the college students less ethically-oriented than retail sales people and retail managers. The present study attempts to extend the research on ethics formation to a geographically and academically diverse (...)
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  7. The Logic of Nonsense.Sören Halldén - 1949 - Uppsala, Sweden: Upsala Universitets Arsskrift.
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    A step in the right direction, or more of the same? A systematic review of the impact of human rights due diligence legislation.Vincent Dupont, Diana Pietrzak & Boris Verbrugge - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (2):131-154.
    Recently, there has been a strong push for binding human rights due diligence (HRDD) legislation, both at the national and European levels. As empirical evidence of such legislation's impact gradually emerges, it is time to take stock. In this article, we conduct a systematic literature review to assess available empirical evidence on (1) how HRDD legislation affects the policies and practices through which companies engage with human rights; (2) how these policies and practices, in turn, affect different actors in companies’ (...)
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  9. Er Rousseau moderne?Søren Dupont - 1985 - In Anders Molander & Arne Overrein, Det Moderna, från Rousseau till Habermas: texter från Nordiska sommaruniversitets studiekrets "Historia, historiefilosofi och historieskrivning". Aalborg: Nordiska sommaruniversitet.
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    Pantheismus und Pantheismuskritik in Schellings Freiheitsschrift.Sören Wulf - 2012 - SATS 13 (2):128-146.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrgang: 13 Heft: 2 Seiten: 128-146.
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  11. Natural Kinds and Natural Kind Terms: Myth and Reality.Sören Häggqvist & Åsa Wikforss - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (4):911-933.
    The article examines the role of natural kinds in semantic theorizing, which has largely been conducted in isolation from relevant work in science, metaphysics, and philosophy of science. We argue that the Kripke–Putnam account of natural kind terms, despite recent claims to the contrary, depends on a certain metaphysics of natural kinds; that the metaphysics usually assumed—micro-essentialism—is untenable even in a ‘placeholder’ version; and that the currently popular homeostatic property cluster theory of natural kinds is correct only to an extent (...)
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    (1 other version)Cybersemiotics : a new foundation for a transdisciplinary theory of consciousness, cognition, meaning and communication.Soren Brier - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 97--126.
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    Definable valuations induced by multiplicative subgroups and NIP fields.Katharina Dupont, Assaf Hasson & Salma Kuhlmann - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):819-839.
    We study the algebraic implications of the non-independence property and variants thereof on infinite fields, motivated by the conjecture that all such fields which are neither real closed nor separably closed admit a henselian valuation. Our results mainly focus on Hahn fields and build up on Will Johnson’s “The canonical topology on dp-minimal fields” :1850007, 2018).
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  14. Blockchain Identities: Notational Technologies for Control and Management of Abstracted Entities.Quinn Dupont - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (5):634-653.
    This paper argues that many so-called digital technologies can be construed as notational technologies, explored through the example of Monegraph, an art and digital asset management platform built on top of the blockchain system originally developed for the cryptocurrency bitcoin. As the paper characterizes it, a notational technology is the performance of syntactic notation within a field of reference, a technologized version of what Nelson Goodman called a “notational system.” Notational technologies produce abstracted entities through positive and reliable, or constitutive, (...)
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    (1 other version)On the semantic non-completeness of certain Lewis calculi.Sören Halldén - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):127 - 129.
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    Wilhelm His and mechanistic approaches to development at the time of Entwicklungsmechanik.Jean-Claude Dupont - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (3):21.
    At the end of the nineteenth century, approaches from experimental physiology made inroads into embryological research. A new generation of embryologists felt urged to study the mechanisms of organ formation. This new program, most prominently defended by Wilhelm Roux, was called Entwicklungsmechanik. Named variously as “causal embryology”, “physiological embryology” or “developmental mechanics”, it catalyzed the movement of embryology from a descriptive science to one exploring causal mechanisms. This article examines the specific scientific and epistemological meaning of the mechanistic approaches of (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology.Soren Overgaard & Giuseppina D'Oro (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology offers clear and comprehensive coverage of the main methodological debates and approaches within philosophy. The chapters in this volume approach the question of how to do philosophy from a wide range of perspectives, including conceptual analysis, critical theory, deconstruction, experimental philosophy, hermeneutics, Kantianism, methodological naturalism, phenomenology, and pragmatism. They explore general conceptions of philosophy, centred on the question of what the point of philosophising might be; the method of conceptual analysis and its recent naturalistic (...)
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  18. Human brain function (biological and philosophical considerations).J. C. Dupont - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de L Etranger 129 (3):307-313.
  19. Thought Experiments in Philosophy.Soren Haggqvist - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (3):480.
    Philosophy and science employ abstract hypothetical scenarios- thought experiments - to illustrate, defend, and dispute theoretical claims. Since thought experiments furnish no new empirical observations, the method prompts two epistemological questions: whether anything may be learnt from the merely hypothetical, and, if so, how. Various sceptical arguments against the use of thought experiments in philosophy are discussed and criticized. The thesis that thought experiments in science provide a priori knowledge through non-sensory grasping of abstract entities is discussed and rejected. The (...)
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    No, water (still) doesn’t have a microstructural essence.Sören Häggqvist - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (2):1-13.
    Häggqvist and Wikforss argued that in the case of so-called natural kind terms, semantic externalism relies on an untenable metaphysics of kinds: microessentialism. They further claimed that this metaphysics fails, for largely empirical reasons. Focussing on the case of water, Hoefer and Martí European Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 9, rejoin that suitably construed, microessentialism is correct. I argue that their defence of microessentialism fails.
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  21. A model for thought experiments.Sören Häggqvist - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):pp. 55-76.
    Philosophical interest in thought experiments has grown over the last couple of decades. Several positions have emerged, defined largely by their differing responses to a perceived epistemological challenge: how do thought experiments yield justified belief revision, even in science, when they provide no new empirical data? Attitudes towards this supposed explanandum differ. Many philosophers accept that it poses a genuine puzzle and hence seek to provide a substantive explanation. Others reject or deflate the epistemic claims made for thought experiments.In this (...)
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    (1 other version)Continuity or Discontinuity in Augustine? Is There an 'Early Augustine'and What Is his View of Grace?, Review Article of: Carol Harrison, Rethinking Augustine's Early Theology: An Argument for Continuity, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006.Anthony Dupont - 2008 - Ars Disputandi: The Online Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8:67-79.
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    The study of semantic alignment.Soren Wichmann - 2008 - In Mark Donohue & Søren Wichmann, The typology of semantic alignment. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3--23.
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  24. Kinds, Projectibility and Explanation.Sören Häggqvist - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):71-87.
    Two ways of characterizing natural kinds are currently popular: the Kripke-Putnam appeal to microstructure and Boyd’s appeal to causal homeostasis. I argue that these conceptions are more divergent than is often acknowledged, that they give no credence to essentialism, and that they are both faulty. In their place, I sketch an alternative view of natural kinds, which I call “bare projectibilism”. This conception avoids the appeal to explanation common to microstructuralism and the causal homeostasis view, but is still compatible with (...)
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    The mind beyond our immediate awareness: Freudian, Jungian, and cognitive models of the unconscious.Soren R. Ekstrom - 2004 - Journal of Analytical Psychology 49 (5):657-682.
  26. Opt-Out to the Rescue: Organ Donation and Samaritan Duties.Sören Flinch Midtgaard & Andreas Albertsen - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (2):191-201.
    Deceased organ donation is widely considered as a case of easy rescue―that is, a case in which A may bestow considerable benefits on B while incurring negligent costs herself. Yet, the policy implications of this observation remain unclear. Drawing on Christopher H. Wellman’s samaritan account of political obligations, the paper develops a case for a so-called opt-out system, i.e., a scheme in which people are defaulted into being donors. The proposal’s key idea is that we may arrange people’s options in (...)
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    La matrone, la louve et le soldat : pourquoi des prostitué(e)s « ingénues » à Rome?Florence Dupont - 2003 - Clio 17:21-44.
    Le problème historique majeur posé par l’étude de la prostitution à Rome est celui de l’existence de prostitué(e)s libres dans une société esclavagiste. Puisque des corps serviles, ou affranchis, masculins et féminins étaient disponibles en grand nombre, aussi bien dans les demeures des hommes libres que dans les maisons de prostitution, comment se fait-il que des femmes nées libres aient renoncé à leurs privilèges et statut de matrones? Comment se fait-il aussi que la société ait institutionnalisé ce renoncement en prévoyant (...)
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    Musicalités Anciennes et Contemporaines.Maÿlis Dupont, Thomas Dommange, Monique Desroches, Marie-Hélène Benoit-Otis, Makis Solomos, Hélène Cao, André Charrak & Djemaa Maazouzi - 2008 - Revue de Synthèse 129 (3):461-480.
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    Recht en politiek in de klimaatzaken.Vincent Dupont - 2020 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 49 (1):79-94.
    Recht en politiek in de klimaatzaken: Een sleutelrol voor het internationaal recht in de argumentatie van de nationale rechter Ever since it was published in 2015, the judgment of the The Hague court in the so-called Urgenda-case, and the subsequent decisions of the appellate and cassation courts confirming it, have been met with repeated and vivid critiques. By recognizing the necessity of the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and furthermore imposing a certain reduction level on the Dutch state, the judgments (...)
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  30. Works of Love: Some Christian Reflections in the Form of Discourses.Soren Kierkegaard, Howard & Edna Hong - 1962
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    On the Origin of Symbolic Mathematics and Its Significance for Wittgenstein’s Thought.Sören Stenlund - 2015 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 4 (1):7-92.
    The main topic of this essay is symbolic mathematics or the method of symbolic construction, which I trace to the end of the sixteenth century when Franciscus Vieta invented the algebraic symbolism and started to use the word ‘symbolic’ in the relevant, non-ontological sense. This approach has played an important role for many of the great inventions in modern mathematics such as the introduction of the decimal place-value system of numeration, Descartes’ analytic geometry, and Leibniz’s infinitesimal calculus. It was also (...)
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    Repetition and Philosophical Crumbs.Soren Kierkegaard & Edward F. Mooney - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    These two complementary works give the reader a unique insight into the breadth and substance of Kierkegaard's thought. One reads like a novel and the other a Platonic dialogue but both concern the nature of love, faith, and happiness. These are the first translations to convey the literary quality and philosophical precision of the originals.
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    Thought Experiments, Formalization, and Disagreement.Sören Häggqvist - 2019 - Topoi 38 (4):801-810.
    In the last decade, philosophers have offered a number of proposals concerning the logical form of hypothetical cases, or thought experiments, as these are used for purposes of testing philosophical claims. In this paper, I discuss what the desiderata for a formal proposal are. Employing a comparison with general philosophy of science, I suggest that one important desideratum is to highlight recurrent patterns of disagreement surrounding cases. I advocate a proposal in propositional modal logic which, I argue, better meets this (...)
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  34. Equipoise, standard of care and consent: responding to the authorisation of new COVID-19 treatments in randomised controlled trials.Soren Holm, Jonathan Lewis & Rafael Dal-Ré - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):465-470.
    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, large-scale research and pharmaceutical regulatory processes have proceeded at a dramatically increased pace with new and effective, evidence-based COVID-19 interventions rapidly making their way into the clinic. However, the swift generation of high-quality evidence and the efficient processing of regulatory authorisation have given rise to more specific and complex versions of well-known research ethics issues. In this paper, we identify three such issues by focusing on the authorisation of molnupiravir, a novel antiviral medicine aimed (...)
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    The Treatment of Anxiety: Realistic Expectations and Risks Posed by Controlled Substances.Robert L. DuPont & Caroline M. DuPont - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (3):206-214.
    We can think about the use of controlled substances in the treatment of anxiety disorders in two simple but diametrically opposed ways. First, we can say that anxiety disorders are trivial and require only acts of willpower, or, if anxiety disorders do require treatment, they are better treated without the use of benzodiazepines. When BZs are used to treat anxiety, they pose grave risks of addiction to the patients to whom these medicines are prescribed; they relieve patients’ symptoms, but are (...)
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  36. Les Problèmes de la Philosophie et leur Enchaînement scientifique.Paul Dupont - 1921 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 28 (4):6-7.
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    Philosophy and Contemporary Science.Sören Stenlund - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 6:249-254.
    This paper is concerned with some of the differences between philosophy and contemporary science, and with the significance of these differences for the question of the nature of philosophy. Differences of particular interest here are ones that tend to be concealed and ignored through the influence of the professionalist attitudes of contemporary science, an influence that manifests itself in the prevailing normative attitude to the vocabularies and linguistic practices of professional philosophy. It is argued that this normative attitude is questionable (...)
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  38. Externalism and a Posteriori Semantics.Sören Häggqvist & Åsa Wikforss - 2007 - Erkenntnis 67 (3):373 - 386.
    It is widely held that the meaning of certain types of terms, such as natural kind terms, is individuated externalistically, in terms of the individual's external environment. Recently a more radical thesis has emerged, a thesis we dub 'a posteriori semantics.' The suggestion is that not only does a term's meaning depend on the external environment, but so does its semantics. One motivation for this is the aim to account for cases where a putative natural kind term fails to pick (...)
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    Legitimacy as the right to function.Sören Hilbrich - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (5):786-807.
    Traditional concepts of legitimacy that often focus on a right to exercise coercion or a right to create moral obligations are not applicable to many political institutions. In particular, many global governance institutions rely on ways of providing governance that do not involve coercion or the creation of moral obligations. That is why this paper develops a novel concept of legitimacy as the right to function. This more general concept of legitimacy is able to help us make sense of many (...)
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    Results concerning the decision problem of Lewis's calculi s3 and S.Sören Halldén - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):230 - 236.
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  41. Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Symposium on the Centennial of his Birth.Soren Teghrarian, Anthony Serafini & Edward M. Cook (eds.) - 1989 - Longwood Academic.
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    Miscevic and the Stages Defence.Sören Häggqvist - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (3):615-622.
    This contribution examines Miscevic’s defence against restrictionist X-phi, based on his view that thought experiments exhibit a large number of typical stages. On Miscevic’s view, the epistemic threats identified by proponents of the negative program in X-phi may be countered or ameliorated in various ways at various stages. I argue that the defence he offers is insufficient to counter the arguments by in particular Machery.
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  43. Emotional awareness in Scheler's axiology and the queerness-argument.Soren Engelsen - 2011 - Appraisal 8 (3).
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    Jean Héring and the Introduction of Husserl’s Phenomenology to France.Christian Y. Dupont - 2015 - Studia Phaenomenologica 15:129-153.
    The contributions of Alsatian philosopher and theologian Jean Héring to the early reception of Husserl’s phenomenology in France have been recognized by Spiegelberg, Monseu, and others. This essay probes and elucidates certain historical details to a greater degree than previous studies and also calls attention to the philosophical influences that Héring transmitted to his contemporaries, focusing in particular on his encounters with Emmanuel Levinas and Lev Shestov. It argues that while Héring’s role in facilitating the introduction of Levinas and others (...)
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  45. Du cogito tacite au cogito vertical.Pascal Dupont - 2000 - Chiasmi International 2:281-299.
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    Ethical Principles as a Basis for Disciplinary Responsibility.Soren Birkeland - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 5 (4).
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    Thomas Sebeok and the Biosemiotic Legacy.Soren Brier (ed.) - 2004 - Imprint Academic.
    Dedicated to the life and work of Thomas Sebeok, this is an issue of the journal "Cybernetics and Human Knowing".
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    Preference logic and theory choice.Sören Halldén - 1966 - Synthese 16 (3-4):307 - 320.
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    Engineering understanding.Sören Törnkvist, Jean Armstrong & Helen Armstrong - 1998 - Metascience 7 (3):432-442.
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    Grotius’s Impact on the Scandinavian Theory of Contract Law.Sören Koch - 2020 - Grotiana 41 (1):59-87.
    This article discusses to what extent the widely accepted hypotheses of Hugo Grotius’s crucial impact on the theory of contract law – also in Scandinavia – may be maintained or even positively confirmed. Although few direct references to the works of Grotius can be found in Scandinavian legal literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth century, it would be premature to draw a negative conclusion. An impact of Grotius’s thoughts may rather be demonstrated by thoroughly analysing patterns of argumentation concerning specific (...)
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