Results for 'Syntactic Deviance'

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  1. Thomas E. Patton.Syntactic Deviance - forthcoming - Foundations of Language.
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    Syntactic Deviance.Thomas E. Patton - 1968 - Foundations of Language 4 (2):138-153.
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    The Significance of Behaviour-Related Criteria for Textual Exegesis—and Their Neglect in Indian Studies.Claus Oetke - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (4):359-437.
    Against the background of the fact that speakers not seldom intend to convey imports which deviate from the linguistically expressed meanings of linguistic items, the present article addresses some consequences of this phenomenon which appear to still be neglected in textual studies. It is suggested that understanding behaviour is in some respect a primary objective of exegesis and that due attention must be attributed to the high diversity of behaviour-related criteria by which interpretations of linguistic items are to be evaluated. (...)
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    A Study in.Modal Deviance - 2002 - In Tamar Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), Conceivability and Possibility. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 283.
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  5. Ronald R. Butters.Dialect Variants & Linguistic Deviance - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7:239.
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  6. Edward R. hope.Non-Syntactic Constraints On Lisu & Noun Phrase Order - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10:79.
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    Syntactic Complexity Effects in Sentence Production.Gregory Scontras, William Badecker, Lisa Shank, Eunice Lim & Evelina Fedorenko - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (3):559-583.
    Syntactic complexity effects have been investigated extensively with respect to comprehension . According to one prominent class of accounts , certain structures cause comprehension difficulty due to their scarcity in the language. But why are some structures less frequent than others? In two elicited-production experiments we investigated syntactic complexity effects in relative clauses and wh-questions varying in whether or not they contained non-local dependencies. In both experiments, we found reliable durational differences between subject-extracted structures and object-extracted structures : (...)
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  8. Syntactic Structures.Noam Chomsky - 1957 - Mouton.
    Noam Chomsky's book on syntactic structures is a serious attempts on the part of a linguist to construct within the tradition of scientific theory-construction ...
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    Deviance and the literal-metaphorical distinction revisited.Chris Genovesi & Jacob Hesse - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-25.
    Classical deviance theories about metaphor argue that the metaphorical sense of a word or expression, w, deviates from the sense of the word or expression interpreted literally. Developments in lexical pragmatics challenge these theories by claiming that deviance pervades (nearly) all aspects of linguistic communication. If deviance is the norm, then classical explanans offer little to no insight. In fact, many theorists have abandoned the idea of the literal-metaphorical distinction. This move carries significant consequences for theories of (...)
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    Holy Deviance: Christianity, Race, and Class in the Opioid Crisis.Todd Whitmore - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 40 (1):145-162.
    In recent years, public discourse has largely embraced the idea that persons with addictions have a “brain disease,” and ought to be treated medically rather than judicially. This article first argues that this social shift is mostly the result of middle- and upper-class whites being among the addicted. The medical language is deployed so that such persons avoid the stigma of “deviance” commonly linked to addiction. Second, this article argues for a Christian “holy deviance,” whereby Christians become deviant (...)
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    Interpersonal Deviance and Abusive Supervision: The Mediating Role of Supervisor Negative Emotions and the Moderating Role of Subordinate Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Gabi Eissa, Scott W. Lester & Ritu Gupta - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):577-594.
    We build on the emerging research that shows aversive subordinate workplace behaviors are likely related to abusive supervision in the workplace. Specifically, we develop and test a moderated-mediation model outlining the process of abusive supervision based on the stressor-emotion model of counterproductive work behavior. We argue that subordinate interpersonal deviance prompts supervisor negative emotions, which then leads supervisors to engage in abusive supervision. We also argue that subordinate organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is likely to play a crucial role in (...)
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    Conceptual Framework on Workplace Deviance Behaviour: A Review.Kanimozhi Narayanan & Susan E. Murphy - 2017 - Journal of Human Values 23 (3):218-233.
    This article aims to highlight the importance of organizational climate with both destructive and constructive deviance behaviour in different cultural setting with workplace as a common ground. First, we discuss the need for research in workplace deviance especially destructive and constructive deviance behaviour with the review of previous studies from deviance literature. Next, we present the importance of climate and culture with both destructive and constructive deviance by proposing relationship among them with the help of (...)
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  13. Action, Deviance, and Guidance.Ezio Di Nucci - 2013 - Abstracta (2):41-59.
    I argue that we should give up the fight to rescue causal theories of action from fundamental challenges such as the problem of deviant causal chains; and that we should rather pursue an account of action based on the basic intuition that control identifies agency. In Section 1 I introduce causalism about action explanation. In Section 2 I present an alternative, Frankfurt’s idea of guidance. In Section 3 I argue that the problem of deviant causal chains challenges causalism in two (...)
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    Deviance as Inauthenticity: an Ontological Perspective.Mortaza Zare - 2016 - Philosophy of Management 15 (2):151-159.
    While organizational deviance has become a popular research topic in the past two decades, deviant behavior remains a contested concept, with several research studies being done to better define the term. As a result, researchers have introduced various definitions and constructs which seem to overlap one another. Such proliferation might backfire and could lead to more confusion. Looking at deviance from an ontological aspect, therefore, will help to decrease such confusion among researchers. Another advantage to ontologically viewing (...) is that it provides a better understanding of the concept. To prevent deviance occurring within an organization, the first step is learning more about it. This study therefore aims to discover how researchers can use ontological view to provide a better understanding of deviance, thus creating a deviance-free climate within an organization. This study looks at the role of storytelling in sharing norms within an organization to provide such a deviance-free climate. (shrink)
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  15. (1 other version)Basic deviance reconsidered.Markus E. Schlosser - 2007 - Analysis 67 (3):186–194.
    Most contemporary philosophers of action agree on the following claims. Firstly, the possibility of deviant or wayward causal chains poses a serious problem for the standard-causal theory of action. Secondly, we can distinguish between different kinds of deviant causal chains in the theory of action. In particular, we can distinguish between cases of basic and cases of consequential deviance. Thirdly, the problem of consequential deviance admits of a fairly straightforward solution, whereas the possibility of basic deviance constitutes (...)
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  16. A Syntactic Proof Of A Conjecture Of Andrzej Wronski.Tomasz Kowalski - 1994 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:81-86.
    A syntactic derivation of Cornish identity from the axioms of HBCK is presented which amounts to a syntactic proof of Wronski's conjecture that naturally ordered BCK-algebras form a variety.
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    Elementary Syntactic Structures: Prospects of a Feature-Free Syntax.Cedric Boeckx - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Most syntacticians, no matter their theoretical persuasion, agree that features are the most important units of analysis. Within Chomskyan generative grammar, the importance of features has grown steadily and within minimalism, it can be said that everything depends on features. They are obstacles in any interdisciplinary investigation concerning the nature of language and it is hard to imagine a syntactic description that does not explore them. For the first time, this book turns grammar upside down and proposes a new (...)
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  18. Causal deviance and the attribution of moral responsibility.Paul Bloom - manuscript
    Are current theories of moral responsibility missing a factor in the attribution of blame and praise? Four studies demonstrated that even when cause, intention, and outcome (factors generally assumed to be sufficient for the ascription of moral responsibility) are all present, blame and praise are discounted when the factors are not linked together in the usual manner (i.e., cases of ‘‘causal deviance’’). Experiment 4 further demonstrates that this effect of causal deviance is driven by intuitive gut feelings of (...)
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  19. A study in modal deviance.Gideon Rosen - 2002 - In Tamar Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), Conceivability and Possibility. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 283--307.
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    Deviance and causalism.Lilian O'brien - 2012 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2):175-196.
    Drawing on the problem of deviance, I present a novel line of argumentation against causal theories of action. The causalist faces a dilemma: either she adopts a simple account of the causal route between intention and outcome, at the cost of failing to rule out deviance cases, or she adopts a more sophisticated account, at the cost of ruling out cases of intentional action in which the causal route is merely unusual. Underlying this dilemma, I argue, is that (...)
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    Artificial syntactic violations activate Broca's region.K. Petersson - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (3):383-407.
    In the present study, using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated a group of participants on a grammaticality classification task after they had been exposed to well-formed consonant strings generated from an artificial regular grammar. We used an implicit acquisition paradigm in which the participants were exposed to positive examples. The objective of this studywas to investigate whether brain regions related to language processing overlap with the brain regions activated by the grammaticality classification task used in the present study. (...)
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  22. The Syntactic Priority Thesis and Ontological Disputes.George Duke - 2012 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 (2):149-164.
    The syntactic priority thesis (henceforth SP) asserts that the truth of appropriate sentential contexts containing what are, by syntactic criteria, singular terms, is sufficient to justify the attribution of objectual reference to such terms (Wright, 1983, 24). One consequence that the neo-Fregean draws from SP is that it is through an analysis of the syntactic structure of true statements that 'ontological questions are to be understood and settled' (Wright, 1983, 25). Despite the significant literature on SP, little (...)
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    Syntactic Complexity Effects in Sentence Production: A Reply to MacDonald, Montag, and Gennari.Gregory Scontras, William Badecker & Evelina Fedorenko - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (8):2280-2287.
    In our article, “Syntactic complexity effects in sentence production”, we reported two elicited production experiments and argued that there is a cost associated with planning and uttering syntactically complex, object-extracted structures that contain a non-local syntactic dependency. MacDonald et al. () have argued that the results of our investigation provide little new information on the topic. We disagree. Examining the production of subject versus object extractions in two constructions across two experimental paradigms—relative clauses in Experiment 1 and wh-questions (...)
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    Syntactic Preservation Theorems for Intuitionistic Predicate Logic.Jonathan Fleischmann - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (2):225-245.
    We define notions of homomorphism, submodel, and sandwich of Kripke models, and we define two syntactic operators analogous to universal and existential closure. Then we prove an intuitionistic analogue of the generalized (dual of the) Lyndon-Łoś-Tarski Theorem, which characterizes the sentences preserved under inverse images of homomorphisms of Kripke models, an intuitionistic analogue of the generalized Łoś-Tarski Theorem, which characterizes the sentences preserved under submodels of Kripke models, and an intuitionistic analogue of the generalized Keisler Sandwich Theorem, which characterizes (...)
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  25.  12
    Syntactic Creativity Errors in Children's Wh‐Questions.C. Jane Lutken, Géraldine Legendre & Akira Omaki - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12849.
    Previous work has reported that children creatively make syntactic errors that are ungrammatical in their target language, but are grammatical in another language. One of the most well‐known examples is medial wh‐question errors in English‐speaking children's wh‐questions (e.g., What do you think who the cat chased? from Thornton, 1990). The evidence for this non‐target‐like structure in both production and comprehension has been taken to support the existence of innate, syntactic parameters that define all possible grammatical variation, which serve (...)
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    A Syntactic Approach to Closure Operation.Marek Nowak - 2017 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 46 (3/4).
    In the paper, tracing the traditional Hilbert-style syntactic account of logics, a syntactic characteristic of a closure operation defined on a complete lattice follows. The approach is based on observation that the role of rule of inference for a given consequence operation may be played by an ordinary binary relation on the complete lattice on which the closure operation is defined.
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    Individual differences in workplace deviance and integrity as predictors of academic dishonesty.Gale M. Lucas & James Friedrich - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (1):15 – 35.
    Meta-analytic findings have suggested that individual differences are relatively weaker predictors of academic dishonesty than are situational factors. A robust literature on deviance correlates and workplace integrity testing, however, demonstrates that individual difference variables can be relatively strong predictors of a range of counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). To the extent that academic cheating represents a kind of counterproductive behavior in the work role of "student", employment-type integrity measures should be strong predictors of academic dishonesty. Our results with a college (...)
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    Hostile Attribution Bias and Negative Reciprocity Beliefs Exacerbate Incivility’s Effects on Interpersonal Deviance.Long-Zeng Wu, Haina Zhang, Randy K. Chiu, Ho Kwong Kwan & Xiaogang He - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (2):189-199.
    The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating roles of hostile attribution bias and negative reciprocity beliefs in the relationship between workplace incivility, as perceived by employees, and their interpersonal deviance. Data were collected using a three-wave survey research design. Participants included 233 employees from a large manufacturing company in China. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to test the hypothesized relationships. Our study revealed that hostile attribution bias and negative reciprocity beliefs strengthened the positive relationship between workplace (...)
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    Fostering Constructive Deviance by Leader Moral Humility: The Mediating Role of Employee Moral Identity and Moderating Role of Normative Conflict.Lianying Zhang, Xiaocan Li & Ziqing Liu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):731-746.
    Constructive deviance, rule-breaking to benefit the organization, is an emerging topic in the scholarly research and is considered to be an ethical decision. Despite the value of guiding constructive deviance in organizations, the effect of ethics-oriented leadership on employees’ constructive deviance remains unclear. This research identifies leader moral humility as a new antecedent of constructive deviance and examines how and when leader moral humility influences employee constructive deviance. Drawing on social–cognitive theory, we propose that leader (...)
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    Workplace deviance among healthcare professionals: the role of destructive leadership behaviors and citizenship pressure.Shahbaz Haider & Tan Fee Yean - 2023 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):193-218.
    Workplace deviance has long been a subject of discussion in various industries, including the healthcare sector. The poor working conditions in the nursing profession have made nurses feel pressured to perform more than their contractual tasks, resulting in job dissatisfaction, which has prompted them to engage in workplace deviance, which may jeopardize the hospital’s well-being and wealth. The negative behaviors exhibited by the nurses had a significant impact on hospital function, which may also endanger the lives of patients, (...)
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    A syntactic characterization of Morita equivalence.Dimitris Tsementzis - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (4):1181-1198.
    We characterize Morita equivalence of theories in the sense of Johnstone in terms of a new syntactic notion of a common definitional extension developed by Barrett and Halvorson for cartesian, regular, coherent, geometric and first-order theories. This provides a purely syntactic characterization of the relation between two theories that have equivalent categories of models naturally in any Grothendieck topos.
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    Plagiarism, Integrity, and Workplace Deviance: A Criterion Study.Daniel E. Martin - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (1):36-50.
    Plagiarism is increasingly evident in business and academia. Though links between demographic, personality, and situational factors have been found, previous research has not used actual plagiarism behavior as a criterion variable. Previous research on academic dishonesty has consistently used self-report measures to establish prevalence of dishonest behavior. In this study we use actual plagiarism behavior to establish its prevalence, as well as relationships between integrity-related personal selection and workplace deviance measures. This research covers new ground in two respects: (a) (...)
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    A syntactical approach to modality.Paul Schweizer - 1992 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 21 (1):1 - 31.
    The systems T N and T M show that necessity can be consistently construed as a predicate of syntactical objects, if the expressive/deductive power of the system is deliberately engineered to reflect the power of the original object language operator. The system T N relies on salient limitations on the expressive power of the language L N through the construction of a quotational hierarchy, while the system T Mrelies on limiting the scope of the modal axioms schemas to the sublanguage (...)
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    The visual gamut and syntactic abstraction.Steven Skaggs - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (244):1-25.
    Charles S. Peirce’s second trichotomy, which introduces the concepts of iconicity, indexicality, and symbolicity, is probably the only piece of his semiotic that is familiar to visual artists and designers. Although the concepts have found their way into the academy, their utility in the field has been reduced for a couple of reasons. First, as with all of Peirce’s philosophy, his second trichotomy is a concept that is subtle, fluid, and difficult to fully grasp in a sound bite. Second, there (...)
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    Syntactic characterization of closure under connected limits.Michel Hébert - 1991 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (2):133-143.
    We give a syntactic characterization of (finitary) theories whose categories of models are closed under the formation of connected limits (respectively the formation of pullbacks and substructures) in the category of all structures. They are also those theories whose consistent extensions by new atomic facts admit in each component an initial structure (respectively an initial term structure), and also thoseT for whichM(T) is locally finitely multi-presentable in a canonical way. We also show that these two properties of theories are (...)
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    Syntactic characterizations of closure under pullbacks and of locally polypresentable categories.Michel Hébert - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 84 (1):73-95.
    We give syntactic characterizations of1. the theories whose categories of models are closed under the formation of pullbacks, and of2. the locally ω-polypresentable categories.A somewhat typical example is the category of algebraically closed fields. Case is proved by classical model-theoretic methods; it solves a problem raised by H. Volger . The solution of case is in the spirit of the ones for the locally ω-presentable and ω-multipresentable cases found by M. Coste and P.T. Johnstone respectively. The problem was raised (...)
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    A Syntactic Embedding of Predicate Logic into Second-Order Propositional Logic.Morten H. Sørensen & Paweł Urzyczyn - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (4):457-473.
    We give a syntactic translation from first-order intuitionistic predicate logic into second-order intuitionistic propositional logic IPC2. The translation covers the full set of logical connectives ∧, ∨, →, ⊥, ∀, and ∃, extending our previous work, which studied the significantly simpler case of the universal-implicational fragment of predicate logic. As corollaries of our approach, we obtain simple proofs of nondefinability of ∃ from the propositional connectives and nondefinability of ∀ from ∃ in the second-order intuitionistic propositional logic. We also (...)
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    The Relationship between Syntactic Satiation and Syntactic Priming: A First Look.Monica L. Do & Elsi Kaiser - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:281505.
    Syntactic satiation is the phenomenon where some sentences that initially seem ungrammatical appear more acceptable after repeated exposures (Snyder 2000). We investigated satiation by manipulating two factors known to affect syntactic priming, a phenomenon where recent exposure to a grammatical structure facilitates subsequent processing of that structure (Bock 1986). Specifically, we manipulated (i) Proximity of exposure (number of sentences between primes and targets) and (ii) Lexical repetition (type of phrase repeated across primes and targets). Experiment 1 investigated whether (...)
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    Syntactic cut-elimination for a fragment of the modal mu-calculus.Kai Brünnler & Thomas Studer - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (12):1838-1853.
    For some modal fixed point logics, there are deductive systems that enjoy syntactic cut-elimination. An early example is the system in Pliuskevicius [15] for LTL. More recent examples are the systems by the authors of this paper for the logic of common knowledge [5] and by Hill and Poggiolesi for PDL[8], which are based on a form of deep inference. These logics can be seen as fragments of the modal mu-calculus. Here we are interested in how far this approach (...)
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    Predicting syntactic choice in Mandarin Chinese: a corpus-based analysis of ba sentences and SVO sentences.Haitao Liu & Yu Fang - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (2):219-250.
    This paper investigates the effects of 10 factors on the choice between alternative ba sentences and SVO sentences in Mandarin Chinese. These factors are givenness, definiteness, animacy and pronominality of NP2s, NP2 length, VP length, verb sense, syntactic parallelism, dependency distance, and surprisal. Using corpus data and mixed-effects logistic regression modeling, we find that on the one hand, givenness, syntactic parallelism, and the log-transformed ratio of NP2 length and VP length are significant predictors of the choice between ba (...)
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  41. Negotiating deviance and normativity : performance art, boundary transgressions and social change.Britta B. Wheeler - 1999 - In Marilyn Corsianos & Kelly Amanda Train (eds.), Interrogating social justice: politics, culture, and identity. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
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    Relating Lexical and Syntactic Knowledge to Academic English Listening: The Importance of Construct Representation.Hongwen Cai - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:512839.
    This study aims to resolve contradictory conclusions on the relative importance of lexical and syntactic knowledge in second language (L2) listening with evidence from academic English. It was hypothesized that when lexical and syntactic knowledge is measured in auditory receptive tasks contextualized in natural discourse, the measures will be more relevant to L2 listening, so that both lexical and syntactic knowledge will have unique contributions to L2 listening. To test this hypothesis, a quantitative study was designed, in (...)
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    Syntactic Variation in Reduced Registers Through the Lens of the Parallel Architecture.Anastasia Smirnova - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Diversion from the syntactic norm, as manifested in the absence of otherwise expected lexical and syntactic material, has been extensively studied in theoretical syntax. Such modifications are observed in headlines, telegrams, labels, and other specialized contexts, collectively referred to as “reduced” registers. Focusing on search queries, a type of reduced register, I propose that they are generated by a simpler grammar that lacks a full-fledged syntactic component. The analysis is couched in the Parallel Architecture framework, whose assumption (...)
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    Becoming syntactic.Franklin Chang, Gary S. Dell & Kathryn Bock - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (2):234-272.
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    A Syntactic Proof of the Decidability of First-Order Monadic Logic.Eugenio Orlandelli & Matteo Tesi - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (2):223-244.
    Decidability of monadic first-order classical logic was established by Löwenheim in 1915. The proof made use of a semantic argument and a purely syntactic proof has never been provided. In the present paper we introduce a syntactic proof of decidability of monadic first-order logic in innex normal form which exploits G3-style sequent calculi. In particular, we introduce a cut- and contraction-free calculus having a (complexity-optimal) terminating proof-search procedure. We also show that this logic can be faithfully embedded in (...)
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  46. Justice, deviance, and the dark ghetto.Tommie Shelby - 2007 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 35 (2):126–160.
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    The Persistence of Organizational Deviance: When Informal Sanctioning Systems Undermine Formal Sanctioning Systems.Danielle E. Warren - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (1):55-84.
    ABSTRACT:Organizations adopt formal sanctioning systems to deter ethical violations, but the formal systems’ effectiveness may be undermined by informal sanctioning systems which promote violations. I conducted an ethnographic study of six trading crowds on two financial exchanges to understand how informal and formal sanctioning systems, which are grounded in different interpretations of equity, interact to affect trader deviance from rules established by the financial exchange (exchange deviance). To deter informal trader norms that conflict with exchange rules, the exchanges (...)
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    Syntactic representations and the L2 acquisition device.William O'Grady - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):737-738.
    Epstein et al.'s theory of SLA is heavily dependent on assumptions about both the nature of the acquisition device and the grammar that it produces. This commentary briefly explores the consequences of an alternative set of assumptions, focusing on the possibility that the acquisition device does not include UG and that syntactic representations do not contain functional projections.
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    On Syntactical Coherence.Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz & P. T. Geach - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (4):635 - 647.
    So, e.g., this arrangement of terms "John loves Anne" is syntactically built up in a coherent way out of terms that make sense in the English language and is itself an expression that makes sense in the English language. On the other hand "Perhaps a horse if to shine however" is indeed an arrangement of words that make sense in the English language, but it lacks syntactical coherence and is not itself an expression that makes sense in the English language.
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    Relation of General Deviance to Academic Dishonesty.Bernard E. Whitley & Kevin L. Blankenship - 2000 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (1):1-12.
    This study investigated the relations of cheating on an exam and using a false excuse to avoid taking an exam as scheduled to various forms of minor deviance. College students completed measures of cheating, false excuse making, and minor deviance. A factor analysis identified clusters of deviance behaviors. Cheaters scored higher than noncheaters on measures of unreliability and risky driving behaviors, and false excuse makers scored higher than other students on measures of substance use, risky driving, illegal (...)
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