Results for 'Sylvia Pont'

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  1. Human Participants in Engineering Research: Notes from a Fledgling Ethics Committee.David Koepsell, Willem-Paul Brinkman & Sylvia Pont - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):1033-1048.
    For the past half-century, issues relating to the ethical conduct of human research have focused largely on the domain of medical, and more recently social–psychological research. The modern regime of applied ethics, emerging as it has from the Nuremberg trials and certain other historical antecedents, applies the key principles of: autonomy, respect for persons, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice to human beings who enter trials of experimental drugs and devices :168–175, 2001). Institutions such as Institutional Review Boards and Ethics Committees oversee (...)
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  2. Human Research Ethics Committees in Technical Universities.David Koepsell, Willem-Paul Brinkman & Sylvia Pont - 2014 - Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 9 (3):67-73.
    Human research ethics has developed in both theory and practice mostly from experiences in medical research. Human participants, however, are used in a much broader range of research than ethics committees oversee, including both basic and applied research at technical universities. Although mandated in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, non-medical research involving humans need not receive ethics review in much of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Our survey of the top 50 technical universities in the (...)
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  3. Light direction from shad (ow) ed random Gaussian surfaces.Jan J. Koenderink, Andrea J. van Doorn & Sylvia C. Pont - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 1405-1420.
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    Naturalizing Power Sylvia Yanagisako and Carol Delaney.Sylvia Yanagisako - 1995 - In Sylvia Junko Yanagisako & Carol Lowery Delaney, Naturalizing power: essays in feminist cultural analysis. New York: Routledge. pp. 1.
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    Defending Robustness: The Bacterial Mesosome as a Test Case.Sylvia Culp - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:46 - 57.
    Rasmussen (1993) argues that, because electron microscopists did not use robustness and would not have been warranted in using it as a criterion for the reality or the artifactuality of mesosomes, the bacterial mesosome serves as a test case for robustness that it fails. I respond by arguing that a more complete reading of the research literature on the mesosome shows that ultimately the more robust body of data did not support the mesosome and that electron microscopists used and were (...)
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    Naturalizing power: essays in feminist cultural analysis.Sylvia Junko Yanagisako & Carol Lowery Delaney (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection of essays analyzes relations of social inequality that appear to be logical extensions of a "natural order," and in the process demonstrates that a revitalized feminist anthropology of the 1990s has much to offer the field of feminist theory. Fashioned as a response to the lack of cultural analysis in feminist scholarship, the contributors question the category of gender within the inclusive context of the structural dynamics of inequality. They also examine how cultural identities, domains and institutions affect (...)
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    Critical Pragmatics: Nine Misconceptions.María de Ponte, Kepa Korta & John Perry - 2023 - Topoi 42 (4):913-923.
    In this paper, we focus on some misconceptions about Critical Pragmatics, what it is, what it assumes and what it proposes. Doubtless, some of these misconceptions are due to clumsy writing on our part; perhaps others are due to inattentive reading. And some may be due to an effort to shield us from the apparent implausibility of what we said—and in fact meant. It does not matter much. We focus on those misunderstandings that most matter to us, either because, by (...)
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  8. Fair infinite lotteries.Sylvia Wenmackers & Leon Horsten - 2013 - Synthese 190 (1):37-61.
    This article discusses how the concept of a fair finite lottery can best be extended to denumerably infinite lotteries. Techniques and ideas from non-standard analysis are brought to bear on the problem.
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    Closeness and distance in the nurse-patient relation. The relevance of Edith Stein's concept of empathy.Sylvia M. Määttä - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (1):3-10.
    This paper emanates from the concept of empathy as understood by the German philosopher Edith Stein. It begins by highlighting different interpretations of empathy. According to the German philosopher Martin Buber, empathy cannot be achieved as an act of will. In contrast, the psychologist Carl Rogers believes that empathy is identical with dialogue and is the outcome of a cognitive act of active listening. The empathy concept of Edith Stein, philosopher and follower of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology, goes beyond these conflicting (...)
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    Reconciling Corporate Citizenship and Competitive Strategy: Insights from Economic Theory.Sylvia Maxfield - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):367-377.
    Neoclassical and Austrian/evolutionary economic paradigms have different implications for integrating corporate social responsibility (corporate citizenship) and competitive strategy. porter's "Five Forces" model implicitly rests on neoclassical theory of the firm and is not easily reconciled with corporate social responsibility. Resource-based models of competitive strategy do not explicitly embrace a particular economic paradigm, but to the extent their conceptualization rests on neoclassical assumptions such as imperfect factor markets and profits as rents, these models also imply a trade-off between competitive advantage and (...)
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  11. Complexity theory, systems theory, and multiple intersecting social inequalities.Sylvia Walby - 2007 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 37 (4):449-470.
    This article contributes to the revision of the concept of system in social theory using complexity theory. The old concept of social system is widely discredited; a new concept of social system can more adequately constitute an explanatory framework. Complexity theory offers the toolkit needed for this paradigm shift in social theory. The route taken is not via Luhmann, but rather the insights of complexity theorists in the sciences are applied to the tradition of social theory inspired by Marx, Weber, (...)
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    Transforming orientalism: Gender, nationality, and class in Asian American studies.Sylvia Yanagisako - 1995 - In Sylvia Junko Yanagisako & Carol Lowery Delaney, Naturalizing power: essays in feminist cultural analysis. New York: Routledge. pp. 275--98.
  13. Verbal Sparring and Apologetic Points: Politeness in Gendered Argumentation Contexts.Sylvia Burrow - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (3):235-262.
    This essay argues that ideals of cooperation or adversariality in argumentation are not equally attainable for women. Women in argumentation contexts face oppressive limitations undermining argument success because their authority is undermined by gendered norms of politeness. Women endorsing or, alternatively, transgressing feminine norms of politeness typically defend their authority in argumentation contexts. And yet, defending authority renders it less legitimate. My argument focuses on women in philosophy but bears the implication that other masculine dis- course contexts present similar double (...)
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  14. Truth Without Reference: The Use of Fictional Names.María de Ponte, Kepa Korta & John Perry - 2020 - Topoi 39 (2):389-399.
    Singular terms without referents are called empty or vacuous terms. But not all of them are equally empty. In particular, not all proper names that fail to name an existing object fail in the same way: although they are all empty, they are not all equally vacuous. “Vulcan,” “Jacob Horn,” “Odysseus,” and “Sherlock Holmes,” for instance, are all empty. They have no referents. But they are not entirely vacuous or useless. Sometimes they are used in statements that are true or (...)
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  15.  63
    When Does It Pay to be Good? Moderators and Mediators in the Corporate Sustainability–Corporate Financial Performance Relationship: A Critical Review.Sylvia Grewatsch & Ingo Kleindienst - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (2):383-416.
    In this paper, we review the literature on moderators and mediators in the corporate sustainability –corporate financial performance relationship. We provide some clarity on what has been learned so far by taking a contingency perspective on this much-researched relationship. Overall, we find that this research has made some progress in the past. However, we also find this research stream to be characterized by three major shortcomings, namely low degree of novelty, missing investment in theory building, and a lack of research (...)
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    Schwarz und Weiß im analytischen Raum.Sylvia Schulze - 2018 - Psyche 72 (1):24-49.
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  17. Hugo Grocio y el derecho natural.Juan Mario Du Pont López - 1947 - México,:
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  18. Ancient Automata and Mechanical Explanation.Sylvia Berryman - 2003 - Phronesis 48 (4):344 - 369.
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    Democritus.Sylvia Berryman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  20.  35
    The Culture of Physician Autonomy; 1900 to the Present.Edward A. Pont - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (1):98-113.
    The physician of fifty years ago is barely recognizable today. Rural, autonomous, and isolated, he did everything from mending broken bones to pronouncing people dead. He was responsible for a well-circumscribed community, who came to him for all their medical needs, regardless of the hour.
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    Ancestralidade africana na Europa : O legado feminino na saúde psíquica da diáspora negra no mundo.Sylvia Serbin & Regina Marques De Souza Oliveira - 2017 - Odeere 4:15.
    Entrevista realizada durante a conferência proferida por Sylvia Serbin nas atividades do “Congresso Internacional Territorialidade e Saude: desigualdades raciais e sociais em contextos locais e globais”, organizado e coordenado pelo Nucleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Psicanalise, Identidade, Negritude e Sociedade, ocorrido de 03 a 7 de setembro de 2014, no Centro de Ciências da Saude da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, em Santo Antonio de Jesus/BA.
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    The Mechanical Hypothesis in Ancient Greek Natural Philosophy.Sylvia Berryman - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    It has long been thought that the ancient Greeks did not take mechanics seriously as part of the workings of nature, and that therefore their natural philosophy was both primitive and marginal. In this book Sylvia Berryman challenges that assumption, arguing that the idea that the world works 'like a machine' can be found in ancient Greek thought, predating the early modern philosophy with which it is most closely associated. Her discussion ranges over topics including balancing and equilibrium, lifting (...)
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    Structure and development of phenomenal reality.Sylvia Hazelton MacColl - 1965 - New York,: Exposition Press.
  24.  67
    Hidden variables and bell inequalities on quantum logics.Pulmannova Sylvia - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (2).
    In the quantum logic approach, Bell inequalities in the sense of Pitowski are related with quasi hidden variables in the sense of Deliyannis. Some properties of hidden variables on effect algebras are discussed.
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    Aristotle on the Sources of the Ethical Life.Sylvia Berryman - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Sylvia Berryman offers a fresh understanding of Aristotle's ethical theory, challenging the common belief that he aimed to give it a biological foundation in human nature. Berryman reinterprets Aristotle's views as a 'middle way' between the metaphysical grounding offered by Platonists and sceptical or subjectivist alternatives.
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    Unsichtbar? »Race« in Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie.Sylvia Schulze - 2023 - Psyche 77 (2):124-151.
    Der Begriff »Race«, aus den universitären Kulturwissenschaften stammend, will unbewusste Rassifizierungsprozesse beschreiben, die wir unweigerlich vornähmen und denen wir zugleich ausgesetzt seien. Der vorliegende Beitrag will diesen Begriff für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie fruchtbar machen. Zwei Fallvignetten illustrieren, welche Fallstricke für Psychoanalytiker und Patienten bereit lägen, wenn »Race« in Übertragung und Gegenübertragung verleugnet werden müsse. Tauchen negativ konnotierte »racial« Phantasien auf, könne die Angst, rassistisch zu denken oder zu agieren, zum Stillstand und sogar Scheitern einer Behandlung führen. Da rassifizierte Projektionen nach (...)
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    How web tracking changes user agency in the age of Big Data: The used user.Sylvia E. Peacock - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    Big Data enhances the possibilities for storing personal data extracted from social media and web search on an unprecedented scale. This paper draws on the political economy of information which explains why the online industry fails to self-regulate, resulting in increasingly insidious web-tracking technologies. Content analysis of historical blogs and request for comments on HTTP cookies published by the Internet Engineering Task Force illustrates how cookie technology was introduced in the mid-1990s, amid stark warnings about increased system vulnerabilities and deceptive (...)
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  28. Philosophy of Probability: Foundations, Epistemology, and Computation.Sylvia Wenmackers - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Groningen
    This dissertation is a contribution to formal and computational philosophy. -/- In the first part, we show that by exploiting the parallels between large, yet finite lotteries on the one hand and countably infinite lotteries on the other, we gain insights in the foundations of probability theory as well as in epistemology. Case 1: Infinite lotteries. We discuss how the concept of a fair finite lottery can best be extended to denumerably infinite lotteries. The solution boils down to the introduction (...)
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    To be an immigrant: A risk factor for developing overweight and obesity during childhood and adolescence?Sylvia Kirchengast & Edith Schober - 2006 - Journal of Biosocial Science 38 (5):695-705.
    Childhood overweight and obesity, especially among migrant children, are current health problems in several European countries. In the present study the prevalence of overweight and obesity among migrant children from Turkey and the former Yugoslavia was documented and compared with that of Austrian children in Vienna. Anthropometric data from 1786 children were collected at the ages of 6, 10 and 15 years. Body mass was estimated by means of the body mass index and percentile curves were used to determine weight (...)
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  30. El Banquete de Lacan: una puntuación de la primera parte del seminario sobre la Transferencia.Ricardo Rodriguez Ponte - 2003 - Princípios 10 (13):235-253.
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    The Ethics of Belief [review of Timothy J. Madigan, W.K. Clifford and “The Ethics of Belief” ].Sylvia Nickerson - 2009 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 29 (2):188-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:April 3, 2010 (11:17 am) C:\Users\Milt\Desktop\backup copy of Ken's G\WPData\TYPE2902\russell 29,2 050 red.wpd 188 Reviews 1 A.yW. Brown, The Metaphysical Society (New York: Octagon, 1973), pp. 180–1. THE ETHICS OF BELIEF Sylvia Nickerson History & Philosophy of Science & Technology / U. of Toronto Toronto, on, Canada m5s 1k1 Timothy J. Madigan. W.yK. CliVord and “The Ethics of Beliefz”. Newcastle, uk: CambridgeScholars Publishing, 2009. Pp. [x], 202. (...)
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    Will There Ever Be a Drug with No or Negligible Side Effects? Evidence from Neuroscience.Sylvia Terbeck & Laurence Paul Chesterman - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (2):189-194.
    Arguments in the neuroenhancement debate are sometimes based upon idealistic scenarios involving the assumption of using a drug that has no or negligible side effects. At least it is often implicitly assumed – as technology and scientific knowledge advances - that there soon will be a drug with no or negligible side effects. We will review evidence from neuroscience, complex network research and evolution theory and demonstrate that - at least in terms of psychopharmacological intervention – on the basis of (...)
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  33. Objectivity in experimental inquiry: Breaking data-technique circles.Sylvia Culp - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (3):438-458.
    I respond to H. M. Collins's claim (1985, 1990, 1993) that experimental inquiry cannot be objective because the only criterium experimentalists have for determining whether a technique is "working" is the production of "correct" (i.e., the expected) data. Collins claims that the "experimenters' regress," the name he gives to this data-technique circle, cannot be broken using the resources of experiment alone. I argue that the data-technique circle, can be broken even though any interpretation of the raw data produced by techniques (...)
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    Beta adrenergic blockade reduces utilitarian judgement.Sylvia Terbeck, Guy Kahane, Sarah McTavish, Julian Savulescu, Neil Levy, Miles Hewstone & Philip Cowen - 2013 - Biological Psychology 92 (2):323-328.
    Noradrenergic pathways are involved in mediating the central and peripheral effects of physiological arousal. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of noradrenergic transmission in moral decision-making. We studied the effects in healthy volunteers of propranolol (a noradrenergic beta-adrenoceptor antagonist) on moral judgement in a set of moral dilemmas pitting utilitarian outcomes (e.g., saving five lives) against highly aversive harmful actions (e.g., killing an innocent person) in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group design. Propranolol (40 mg orally) (...)
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    Kierkegaard: Thinking Christianly in an Existential Mode.Sylvia Walsh - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    Sylvia Walsh explores Kierkegaard's understanding of Christianity and the existential mode of thinking theologically appropriate to it in the context of the ...
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    Ancient atomism.Sylvia Berryman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Trampled Autonomy: Women, Athleticism, and Health.Sylvia Burrow - 2016 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9 (2):67-91.
    Sport is recognized both in sport studies and in the social sciences as a social institution forming, reinforcing, and perpetuating male hegemony. They recognize the constraints, barriers, and harms to women arising from current gendered social structures but cannot be expected to advance philosophical implications. Yet, the latter requires attention since sport not only mirrors but appears to magnify oppressive gendered practices. This article hopes to meet that need through a feminist philosophical analysis that reveals significant barriers, frustrations, and...
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  38. The Three Marks of Existence.Sylvia Boorstein - 2013 - In Melvin McLeod, The best Buddhist writing 2013. Boston: Shambhala.
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    Aesthetic Notes on the End of Romanticism.Sylvia Borissova - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (1):9-25.
    The article aims to present, in a comparative analysis between the romanticist value subjectivity and the postmodern one (which for Lyotard is no less “tribute to romanticism”), the metamorphosis of the most reflective, or borderline aesthetic categories-values (the sublime, the ironic, the tragic as a “tragedy of existence” in the sense of Losev; the absurd in its aesthetic interpretation, etc.): how, after the “verticals of the Spirit” have been torn out and in the conditions of “a thousand plateaus”, these values (...)
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    Le « prophète des crises ». Économie politique et religion chez Clément Juglar.Muriel Dal-Pont Legrand & Ludovic Frobert - 2010 - Astérion 7 (7).
    Cet article étudie les évolutions significatives de la théorie des crises économiques « à retour périodique » chez Juglar entre ses premières formulations, peu avant 1860, et les toutes dernières versions quelque quarante ans plus tard. Les progrès analytiques et empiriques sont soulignés et l’article signale la montée en généralité de la vision du cycle chez Juglar qui, à la fin de sa vie, décelait dans ce phénomène régulier la « clé de tout le mouvement social ». Des raisons économiques, (...)
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    La critique sceptique de la causalité dans les Essais de Montaigne.Sylvia Giocanti - 2008 - Cahiers Philosophiques 2:9-26.
    La critique sceptique de la causalité donne cohérence à l’épistémologie négative du scepticisme ancien (Sextus Empiricus) et moderne (Montaigne). Le fait que cette critique porte à la fois sur l’ontologie causale et sur la logique causale produit un double effet : la critique de l’ontologie causale établit que l’on ne peut pas rendre raison des choses à partir de leurs fondements absolus, ce qui contraint à distinguer l’objectivité scientifique de l’essence métaphysique. Ce premier aspect accompagne donc la science moderne émergente. (...)
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    The Impact of Morphological Awareness on Word Reading and Dictation in Chinese Early Adolescent Readers With and Without Dyslexia.Sylvia Chanda Kalindi & Kevin Kien Hoa Chung - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    ¿Por qué importa la filosofía en el curriculum escolar? ¿Por qué importa la filosofía en la educación escolar del siglo XXI?Sylvia Eyzaguirre Tafra - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 76:257-261.
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  44. (1 other version)Aristotle on pneuma and animal self-motion.Sylvia Berryman - 2002 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 23:85-97.
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    The effects of learning two languages on levels of metalinguistic awareness.Sylvia Joseph Galambos & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 1990 - Cognition 34 (1):1-56.
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    Les empreintes du temps : calendriers et rythmes sociaux.Sylvia Chiffoleau - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est l'introduction d'un dossier remarquable de la Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée, n° 136, 2014, p. 13-183, entièrement disponible ici. Nous remercions Sylvia Chiffoleau de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire sur RHUTHMOS. Les contributions de ce numéro se proposent d'explorer quelques-unes des multiples facettes du temps. Lorsqu'on aborde la question du temps, il est convenu de rappeler la difficulté à appréhender celui-ci, en s'appuyant sur le célèbre aphorisme de Saint - Histoire – Nouvel (...)
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    François Georgeon et Frédéric Hitzel (dir.), Les Ottomans et le temps. Brill, Leiden – Boston, 2012.Sylvia Chiffoleau - 2013 - Temporalités (15).
    Dans le silence qui entoure la question du temps et des temporalités dans l’espace oriental, l’ouvrage Les Ottomans et le temps constitue une contribution novatrice et précieuse. On ne peut que regretter qu’il ait fallu attendre près de dix ans pour prendre connaissance des résultats de travaux commencés dès 2003-2004 dans le cadre d’un séminaire de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, inscrit dans la continuité du travail fondateur de Louis Bazin sur Les systèmes chronologiques d..
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    The Effectiveness of Bank Governance Reforms in the Wake of the Financial Crisis: A Stakeholder Approach.Sylvia Maxfield, Liu Wang & Mariana Magaldi de Sousa - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):485-503.
    This study examines the impact of bank corporate governance reforms in the wake of the financial crisis. These reforms correspond to criticism of shareholder-focused agency-based corporate governance practices and a renewed focus on the stakeholder impact of corporate governance lapses in the financial sector. This study differs from previous studies of corporate governance in the financial sector in using performance indicators that proxy the interests of customers and the community. Drawing on data from 134 countries over an eight-year period from (...)
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  49. An Hebraic Alternative to Mind-Body Dualism.Sylvia Olney - 2024 - In Colleen Greer & Debra F. Peterson, Perspectives on social and material fractures in care. Hershey, PA: IGiGlobal.
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    Y a-t-il une réponse juive?Sylvia Ostrowetsky - 1996 - Actuel Marx 20 (2):193.
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