Results for 'Swami Digambar'

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    Yoga kośa: yoga terms explained with reference to context.Swami Digambar & Mahajot Sahai - 1972 - Lonavla, Dist. Poona: Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti. Edited by Mahajot Sahai.
    Sanskrit-English dictionary of Hindu yogic terms.
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    The universe as audience: metaphor and community among the Jains of North India.Ravindra K. Jain - 1999 - Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
    This Is A Concise Narrative Of The Beginnings, History, Schisms, Social Organization And Cosmology Of The Living Jain Tradition. The Study Is Covered In 7 Chapters - Atheistic Jainism? - Textual Sources And Ethnographic Literature - The Grand Transition In Jainism: Digambar And Shvetambar As Continuity And Change - The Shvetambar `Church` - The Digambar Case Reconsidered: Contemporary Period - The Digambar Jains Of North India: Society And Religion In Baraut, Uttar Pradesh - The Kanji Swami (...)
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  3. Swami Vivekananda's Vedāntic Cosmopolitanism.Swami Medhananda - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    "Swami Vivekananda, the nineteenth-century Hindu monk who introduced Vedåanta to the West, is undoubtedly one of modern India's most influential philosophers. Unfortunately, his philosophy has too often been interpreted through reductive hermeneutic lenses. Typically, scholars have viewed him either as a modern-day exponent of âSaçnkara's Advaita Vedåanta or as a "Neo-Vedåantin" influenced more by Western ideas than indigenous Indian traditions. In Swami Vivekananda's Vedåantic Cosmopolitanism, Swami Medhananda rejects both of these prevailing approaches to offer a new interpretation (...)
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    The philosophical ideas of Swami Abhedananda: a critical study; a guide to the complete works of Swami Abhedananda.Swami Prajnanananda - 1971 - Calcutta,: Ramakrishna Vedanta Math.
    On the philosophy of the Hindu spiritual leader Swami Abhedananda, 1866-1939, disciple of Ramakrishna, 1836-1886.
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    (1 other version)Swami Vivekananda on universal ethics and moral conduct.Swami Vivekananda - 1965 - [Delhi]: Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. Edited by Ranganathananda.
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    Was Swami Vivekananda a Hindu Supremacist? Revisiting a Long-Standing Debate.Swami Medhananda - 2020 - Religions 11 (7).
    In the past several decades, numerous scholars have contended that Swami Vivekananda was a Hindu supremacist in the guise of a liberal preacher of the harmony of all religions. Jyotirmaya Sharma follows their lead in his provocative book, A Restatement of Religion: Swami Vivekananda and the Making of Hindu Nationalism (2013). According to Sharma, Vivekananda was “the father and preceptor of Hindutva,” a Hindu chauvinist who favored the existing caste system, denigrated non-Hindu religions, and deviated from his guru (...)
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    Teachings of Swami Vivekananda.Swami Vivekananda - 1964 - Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Edited by Christopher Isherwood.
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    The complete works of Swami Ramakrishnananda: a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.Swami Ramakrishnananda - 2012 - Chennai: Sri Ramakrishna Math.
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    Complete works of Swami Abhedananda.Swami Abhedānanda - 1924 - Calcutta,: Ramakrishna Vedanta Math.
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    Spiritual teachings of Swami Abhedananda.Swami Abhedānanda - 1962 - Calcutta,: Ramakrishna Vedanta Math.
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    From Colombo to Almora: being a record of the Swami Vivekananda's return to India after his mission to the West: including reports of seventeen lectures.Swami Vivekananda - 1897 - Madras: Vyjayanti Press.
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    Vivekananda for you: selected lectures, writings, letters & conversations of Swami Vivekananda.Swami Vivekananda - 2012 - Kolkata: Deep Prakashan. Edited by Satyam Roychowdhury.
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    Paramartha katha prasang: spiritual conversations with Swami Muktananda, 1962-1966.Swami Muktananda - 1981 - Ganeshpuri: Gurudev Siddha Peeth.
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    The complete works of the Swami Vivekananda, comprising all his lectures, addresses and discourses delivered in Europe, America and India: all his writings in prose and poetry, together with translations of those written in Bengali and Sanskrit: reports of his interviews and his replies to the various addresses of welcome: his sayings and epistles,--private and public--original and translated: with an index, carefully revised & edited.Swami Vivekananda - 1924 - Mayavati, Almora: Advaita Ashrama.
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    What religion is in the words of Swami Vivekananda.Swami Vivekananda - 1962 - New York: The Julian Press. Edited by John Yale.
    The ideal of a universal religion -- Principles and practices of Vedanta -- Self-realization through knowledge -- Self-realization through control of mind -- Self-realization through selfless work -- Self-realization through love of God -- Great teachers of the world.
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    Introduction.Swami Medhananda - 2022 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 25 (3):193-198.
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  17. Unpublished Lecture of Swami Vivekananda at the Barber’s—Vedanta The Soul.Swami Narasimhananda - 2015 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 120 (7):477-484.
    A new finding of lecture by Swami Vivekananda.
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  18. The power of the word.Swami Adbhutananda - 1945 - In Christopher Isherwood, Vedanta for the Western world. Hollywood: The Marcel Rodd Co..
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    Talks on Sankara's Vivekachoodamani.Swami Chinmayananda - 1970 - Bombay,: Central Chinmaya Mission Trust. Edited by Śaṅkarācārya.
    An Intellectual Exploration into the Infinite and the Eternal.
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  20. Vasiṣṭha saṁhitā, Yoga kānḍạ.Digambar, Pītāmbara Jhā & Gyan Shankar Sahay (eds.) - 1984 - Lonavla, Poona: Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti.
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    Sarvatantrasvatantra-Śrījagadīśatarkālaṅkāraviracit ā Avacchedakatvaniruktiḥ.Swami Divyananda - 1968 - Edited by Dharmanand Giri, Jagadīśa Tarkālaṅkāra, Tattvacintāmalaṅkāra Taghunātha Śiromaṇi & Divyananda.
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    Yogeśvara Guru Gaṅgeśvara, lekha tathā pravacana =.Swami Gaṅgeśvarānanda - 2009 - Amadāvāda: Saṃskr̥ta Sevā Samiti. Edited by Śaṅkarānanda & Gautama Vā Paṭela.
    Writings and discourses on spiritual life and Hindu philosophy; translated into Gujarati.
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  23. Vasiṣṭha saṁhitā: yoga-kāṇḍa. Kuvalayananda, Digambar, Raghunāthaśāstrī Kokaje, C. T. Kenghe, G. K. Pai & Vasiṣṭha (eds.) - 1969 - Lonavla: Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti.
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    The Goal and the Way: The Vedantic Approach to Life's Problems.Swami Satprakashananda & R. Balasubramanian - 1979 - Philosophy East and West 29 (2):247-249.
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  25. The Playful Self-Involution of Divine Consciousness: Sri Aurobindo’s Evolutionary Cosmopsychism and His Response to the Individuation Problem.Swami Medhananda - 2022 - The Monist 105 (1):92-109.
    This article argues that the Indian philosopher-mystic Sri Aurobindo espoused a sophisticated form of cosmopsychism that has great contemporary relevance. After first discussing Aurobindo’s prescient reflections on the “central problem of consciousness” and his arguments against materialist reductionism, I explain how he developed a panentheistic philosophy of “realistic Adwaita” on the basis of his own spiritual experiences and his intensive study of the Vedāntic scriptures. He derived from this realistic Advaita philosophy a highly original doctrine of evolutionary cosmopsychism, according to (...)
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    The First Usa & Canada Lecture Tour of Swami Ranganathananda.Swami Ranganathananda - 2004 - Advaita Ashrama.
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    The spiritual heritage of India.Swami Prabhavananda - 1963 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
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  28. “A Great Adventure of the Soul”: Sri Aurobindo’s Vedāntic Theodicy of Spiritual Evolution.Swami Medhananda - 2022 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 25 (3):229-257.
    This article reexamines Sri Aurobindo’s multifaceted response to the problem of evil in The Life Divine. According to my reconstruction, his response has three key dimensions: first, a skeptical theist refutation of arguments from evil against God’s existence; second, a theodicy of “spiritual evolution,” according to which the experience of suffering is necessary for the soul’s spiritual growth; and third, a panentheistic conception of the Divine Saccidānanda as the sole reality which playfully manifests as everything and everyone in the universe. (...)
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    Eternal Dharma: how to find spiritual evolution through surrender and embrace your life's true purpose.Vishnu Swami - 2016 - Wayne, NJ: New Page Books.
    We often feel powerless in our lives. We have many desires but are limited in our ability to transform those wishes into tangible results. We are confused and unsure about what will really make us happy. In Eternal Dharma, Vishnu Swami guides you on a journey to align yourself with the natural flow of existence through the ancient Eastern knowledge of Veda. Eternal Dharma distills 5,000 years of spiritual wisdom so you can learn to live an enlightened, effective, and (...)
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    Human Being in Depth: A Scientific Approach to Religion.Swami Ranganathananda - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (2):351-351.
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    Swami vivekananda centenary.Swami Nikhilananda - 1964 - Philosophy East and West 14 (1):73-75.
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    The philosophical verses of Yogavāsishtha: an English translation of Yogavāsishtha-sāra with commentary and Sanskrit text.Swami Bhaskarananda (ed.) - 2006 - Seattle, WA: Viveka Press.
    English translation and commentary on the selected, highly philosophical verses from the Yogavasishtha, a famous scripture of Hinduism. It deals with the monistic concept of God. In Hindu tradition Monism is called Advaita. Advaita is one of the principal Vedantic schools. It asserts that Brahman alone exists, and because of illusion resulting from ignorance, Brahman appears as this world.Along with the English translation and commentary, the Sanskrit text is included in Devanagary script.
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    Byāsadarśama.Swami Bidyāraṇya - 1988 - [Bardhamāna]: Bardhamāna Biśvabidyālaẏa.
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    Path to blessedness: quintessence of the ashtanga yoga of sage.Swami Chidananda - 1973 - Shivanandanagar, U.P.,: Divine life Society.
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    Talks on Jnanayoga.Swami Iswarananda - 1953 - Trichur,: Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama.
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    Wonders of the time-space.Swami Madhavtirtha - 1950 - Medra: [Ahmedabad District] Vedant Ashram.
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    Sangeeta lila yoga.Swami Sivananda - 1944 - Ananda Kutir,: Rikhikesh, Sivananda Publication League.
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    Students' success in life.Swami Sivananda - 1945 - Ananda Kutir,: Rikhikesh, S[ivananda] P[ublication] League.
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    The yoga of light.Swami Svātmārāma & Hans Ulrich Rieker - 1972 - London,: Allen & Urwin. Edited by Hans Ulrich Rieker.
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  40. Letters.Swami Vivekânada & Swami Pavitrananda - 1944 - Mayavati, Almora, Himalayas,: Advaita Ashrama. Edited by Pavitrananda.
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    Les yogas pratiques (Karma, Bhakti, Râja).Swami Vivekananda - 1970 - [Paris]: A Michel.
    Né à Calcutta, Swâmi Vivekânanda (1863-1902) fut fasciné dans sa jeunesse par la modernité occidentale. Sa rencontre avec le grand mystique Râmakrishna changea le cours de sa vie. Il devint son principal disciple et après la mort du maître, il renonça au monde pour parcourir l'Inde en ermite errant. Sa participation au premier Congrès mondial des religions fut pour lui le départ d'une intense activité missionnaire qui introduisit la philosophie védantique en Amérique. Dans cet ouvrage de référence, il décrit et (...)
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  42. Svarajya Siddhih of Gangadharendra Sarasvati—Attaining Self-dominion 1.Swami Narasimhananda - 2012 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 117 (3):161-3.
    Translation and Annotation of 'Svarajya Siddhi' of Gangadharendra Sarasvati from the nineteenth century. This text is considered one of the five Siddhi texts, the other four being Naishkarmya Siddhi, Advaita Siddhi, Ishta Siddhi, and Brahma Siddhi. These texts have a very great value in Advaita Vedanta.
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    Approaches to the Upanisads: Swami Nikhilananda's "The Upanishads"The Upanisads.Hajime Nakamura & Swami Nikhilananda - 1962 - Philosophy East and West 11 (4):245.
  44. Svarajya Siddhih of Gangadharendra Sarasvati—Attaining Self-Dominion 3.Swami Narasimhananda - 2012 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 117 (5):281-3.
    Translation and Annotation of 'Svarajya Siddhi' of Gangadharendra Sarasvati from the nineteenth century. This text is considered one of the five Siddhi texts, the other four being Naishkarmya Siddhi, Advaita Siddhi, Ishta Siddhi, and Brahma Siddhi. These texts have a very great value in Advaita Vedanta.
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    Hindu Psychology: Its Meaning for the West.Swami Akhilananda - 1999 - Psychology Press.
    This six volume set from the International Library of Psychology explores the interface between pschology and religion looking at a number of areas. The relevance of Hindu belief systems and thier perception are also looked at.
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    Realization of Brahmavidya: Swaminarayan theology.Swami Brahmadarśanadāsa - 2015 - Ahmedabad: Swaminarayan Aksharpith.
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    Saṃkshipta Yogavāsishṭha: Svāmī Veṅkeṭeśānanda kr̥ta Suprīma Yoga kā Hindī anuvāda.Swami Venkatesananda - 2016 - Dillī: Pratibhā Prakāśana. Edited by Veena Sharma.
    Classical work expounding early Vedantic approach in Hindu philosophy; Hindi translation of Supreme Yoga, an abridged English translation by Swami Venkatesananda.
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    Can Consciousness Have Blind Spots? : A Renewed Defence of Sri Aurobindo's Opaque Cosmopsychism.Swami Medhananda - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (9):113-131.
    This article defends the cosmopsychist doctrine of the Indian philosopher-mystic Sri Aurobindo, arguing that it has distinct advantages over rival panpsychist positions. After tracing the dialectical trajectory of recent philosophical debates about panpsychism up to the present, I bring Aurobindo into dialogue with Miri Albahari, who has defended a form of panpsychist idealism based on the classical Advaita Vedānta philosophy of Śankara. I critique Albahari's panpsychist idealism from an Aurobindonian standpoint, arguing that its Śankaran metaphysical commitments and eliminativist implications make (...)
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  49. Brahman and Maya.Swami Adbhutananda - 1945 - In Christopher Isherwood, Vedanta for the Western world. Hollywood: The Marcel Rodd Co..
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    Hindu View of Christ.Swami Akhilananda - 1949 - Philosophy East and West 2 (2):172-173.
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