Results for 'Sveinung Legard'

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  1.  10
    Laurence Cox og Alf Gunvald Nilsen: We Make Our Own History. Marxism and Social Movements in the Twilight of Neoliberalism.Sveinung Legard - 2017 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 34 (2-3):244-248.
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    Et forsvar for en allmuens statsmaktCamila Vergara,Systemic Corruption. Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic.Princeton: Princeton University Press 2020. [REVIEW]Sveinung Legard - 2022 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (3):263-269.
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    Knowledge and support for AI in the public sector: a deliberative poll experiment.Sveinung Arnesen, Troy Saghaug Broderstad, James S. Fishkin, Mikael Poul Johannesson & Alice Siu - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-17.
    We are on the verge of a revolution in public sector decision-making processes, where computers will take over many of the governance tasks previously assigned to human bureaucrats. Governance decisions based on algorithmic information processing are increasing in numbers and scope, contributing to decisions that impact the lives of individual citizens. While significant attention in the recent few years has been devoted to normative discussions on fairness, accountability, and transparency related to algorithmic decision-making based on artificial intelligence, less is known (...)
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    “I’m Not One of Those Girls”: Boundary-Work and the Sexual Double Standard in a Liberal Hookup Context.Sveinung Sandberg, Willy Pedersen & Eivind Grip Fjær - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):960-981.
    Sexual morality is not keeping up with the new sexual practices of young people, even in cultures oriented toward gender equality. The Norwegian high school graduation celebration constitutes an exceptionally liberal context for sexual practices. Many of the 18-year-old participants in this three-week-long celebration engage in “hookup” activities, involving kissing, fondling, and sexual intercourse. Through an analysis of qualitative interviews with 25 women and 16 men, we argue that while they avoided overt slut-shaming, the morally abject position of the “slut” (...)
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    How to be a Good Sentimentalist.Sveinung Sundfør Sivertsen - 2019 - Dissertation, The University of Bergen
    How can one be a good person? That, in essence, is the question I ask in this dissertation. More specifically, I ask how we, in general, can best go about the complex and never-ending task of trying to figure out what we should do and then do it. I answer that question in four articles, each dealing with an aspect of the model of morality presented by Adam Smith in The Theory of Moral Sentiments. The title of the dissertation, ‘How (...)
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    Moral Tuning.JillHalstead Sveinung SundførSivertsen - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (4):435-458.
    Can a set of musical metaphors in a treatise on ethics reveal something about the nature and source of moral autonomy? This article argues that it can. It shows how metaphorical usage of words like tone, pitch, and concord in Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments can be understood as elements of an analogical model for morality. What this model tells us about morality depends on how we conceptualise music. In contrast to earlier interpretations of Smith's metaphors that have seen (...)
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  7. Love Redirected: On Adam Smith's Love of Praiseworthiness.Sveinung Sundfør Sivertsen - 2017 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 15 (1):101-123.
    Why be moral? Why, in the language of Adam Smith, act on what you think is praiseworthy even when it does not get you praise from other people? Because, answers Smith, you love praiseworthiness. But what is this love of praiseworthiness, and where does it come from? In this article, 1) I argue that we start to love praiseworthiness when we redirect our love of praise away from other people toward the ‘impartial spectator’-aspect of ourselves, and 2) show how this (...)
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  8. On the Practical Impossibility of Being Both Well-Informed and Impartial.Sveinung Sundfør Sivertsen - 2019 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 12 (1):52-72.
    Adam Smith argued that the ideal moral judge is both well-informed and impartial. As non-ideal moral agents, we tend only to be truly well-informed about those with whom we frequently interact. These are also those with whom we tend to have the closest affective bonds. Hence, those who are well-informed, like our friends, tend to make for partial judges, while those who are impartial, like strangers, tend to make for ill-informed ones. Combining these two traits in one person seems far (...)
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  9. Moral Tuning.Sveinung Sundfør Sivertsen, Jill Halstead & Rasmus T. Slaattelid - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (4):435-458.
    Can a set of musical metaphors in a treatise on ethics reveal something about the nature and source of moral autonomy? This article argues that it can. It shows how metaphorical usage of words like tone, pitch, and concord in Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments can be understood as elements of an analogical model for morality. What this model tells us about morality depends on how we conceptualise music. In contrast to earlier interpretations of Smith's metaphors that have seen (...)
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    Partially Impartial Spectator.Sveinung Sundfør Sivertsen - 2023 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 16 (2):aa–aa.
    According to Adam Smith, we appeal to the imagined reactions of an ‘impartial spectator’ when justifying moral judgements of others and aspire to be impartial spectators when making judgements of ourselves. However, psychological research has shown that trying to be impartial will often have the paradoxical effect of reinforcing other-directed prejudice and self-serving bias. I argue that we can get around this problem by aspiring to be ‘partially impartial spectators’ instead.
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    Introduksjon.Espen Gamlund & Sveinung Sundfør Sivertsen - 2017 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 52 (3):77-80.
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    Not your problem? Exploring the relationship between problem formulation and social responsibility.Sveinung Jørgensen & Lars Jacob Tynes - 2011 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):31-50.
    This article explores the relationship between organizationalproblem formulation and social responsibility. Thepurpose of the article is to illuminate how organizationalproblem formulations determine the manner in whichthe organization attempts to solve the problem and involve the ascription of significance to a group of stakeholdersseen as relevant for the organization. This has implicationsfor the degree to which they assume responsibilityfor those stakeholders. We discuss three dimensions ofresponsible decision making – rationality in goal attainment,reverence for ethical norms, and respect for stakeholders.Thereby, we arrive (...)
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  13. Julia Annas, Darcia Narvaez and Nancy Snow : Developing the Virtues. Integrating Perspectives: New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Hardcover €56. 309 + xii pp. [REVIEW]Sveinung Sundfør Sivertsen - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (3):701-704.
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    When is Sustainability a Liability, and When Is It an Asset? Quality Inferences for Core and Peripheral Attributes.Siv Skard, Sveinung Jørgensen & Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (1):109-132.
    Sustainable products offered in today’s marketplace are labelled with product-related green attributes or non-product-related green attributes. The current research investigates consumers’ inferences about a product’s functional quality when its core attributes are green and when its peripheral attributes are green. Four experimental studies and an internal meta-analysis show that there is a sustainability liability effect in strength-dependent categories, and a sustainability asset effect in gentleness-dependent categories. Our research contributes to the current understanding of how consumers make inferences about product quality (...)
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    Conventional Necessity and the Contingency of Convention.Neil Tennant - 1987 - Dialectica 41 (1‐2):79-95.
    SummaryI defend a conventionalist view of logical and mathematical truths against the criticisms of Quine and Stroud. Conventionalism is best formulated by appealing to sense‐conferring rules governing important logical and mathematical expressions. Conventional necessity can be understood as arising from these rules in a way that is immune to Quine's and Stroud's criticisms of the earlier formulation of conventionalism, in which stress was incorrectly laid on axiomatic systems of logic.RésuméJe soutiens, en dépit des critiques de Quine et de Stroud, une (...)
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