Results for 'Suç'

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  1.  5
    Khwāmlap khō̜ng čhakkrawān thāng hǣng nipphān.Som Sučhīrā - 2011 - Krung Thēp: Post Books.
    Laws of the universe in comparison to the concepts in Buddhism.
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    Qualitatively faithful quantitative prediction.Dorian Šuc, Daniel Vladušič & Ivan Bratko - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 158 (2):189-214.
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    Les paléoenvironnements du site préhistorique de Dikili Tash (Macédoine orientale, Grèce).Laurent Lespez, Rémi Dalongeville, Claudine Noirel-Schutz, Jean Pierre Suc, Haïdo Koukouli-Chryssanthaki & René Treuil - 2000 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 124 (2):413-434.
    Οι γεωμορφολογικές και παλυνολογικές έρευνες γύρω από την τούμπα Ντικιλί Τας βοηθούν στην καλύτερη κατανόηση των χαρακτηριστικών της χωροθέτησης του προϊστορικού οικισμού και της εξέλιξης των παλαιοπεριβαλλοντων από τη Νεότερη Νεολιθική έως το τέλος της Εποχής του Χαλκού. Ο οικισμός βρίσκεται μεταξύ των παρυφών της οροσειράς της Λεκάνης και του παλαιού έλους των Φιλίππων. Σε μεγάλη κλίμακα, η γεωμορφολογική κατάσταση εμφανίζεται πολυσύνθετη : ο σχηματισμός μιας γλώσσας στο περίγραμμα του παλαιού έλους και ένα μικρό κοίλωμα του εδάφους στους πρόποδες της (...)
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    Suç, Sosyal Sapma Ve Din Suça Karışan Kadınların Dini Bağlılık Düzeyleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma.Fatma Kenevir - 2015 - Dini Araştırmalar 18 (46):233-249.
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    Ercan Çelik. Çocuk, Suç ve Din İlişkisi.Murat Kaya - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):789-795.
    Ercan Çelik, Çocuk, Suç ve Din İlişkisi isimli kitabında sosyolojik bir olgu olarak tanımladığı “suç olgusu” ile toplumun bir parçası olan çocuk ögesi arasındaki ilişkiyi incelerken dinin muhtemel fonksiyonlarına odaklanmaktadır. Yazar bunu gerçekleştirirken “suç” ve “suçluluk” kavramlarının muhtevasına değindikten sonra “suç ve suç olgusuna dair muhtelif teorileri okuyucunun bilgisine sunmaktadır. Ardından, suç olgusunun toplumsal çerçevesini irdeleyip özellikle “çocuk suçlular” veya “suça sürüklenen çocuklar” özelinde çocukların “suçlu mu” yoksa “suça itilmiş/sürüklenmiş mi” oldukları sorgulanmaktadır. Cezaevinde çocuk suçlular ile yapmış olduğu mülakatlara yer (...)
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    "Suç ve Ceza"nın Yazıldığı Dönem Bakımından Bir Raskolnikov Analizi.Ataol Behramoğlu - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):2413-2413.
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    Öznenin Öteki Kişilik Problemi, Aslı Erdoğan'da Suç Ve Suç Ortaklığı Kavramı.İmran GÜR - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):967-967.
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    A New Suggestion On The First Line Of The Sucı Inscription.Erhan Aydin - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:309-314.
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  9. of variable Important to teaching performance. He wanted to get a list of meas-able variables; he wanted variables for which he could obtain evidence. He suc-ceeded well in doing this. Another example of a skill, evaluated in a different set of studies, was skill of the practitioner in leaving a patient. The skilled practitioner (1) gives. [REVIEW]Evidence Of Skill Ffirtohmlmde & Anecdotal Records - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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    Books Et Al.Laurel Brown - unknown
    Science, Richard Holmes suc- ISBN 9780375422225. Paper, Harper, ceeds admirably in pursing the London, 2009. £9.99, C$21.95. ISBN latter meaning, though he has 9780007149537. Vintage, New York, ambitions also to explore the 2010. $17.95. ISBN 9781400031870. former. Holmes, a biographer of Shelley, Coleridge, and Dr. Johnson, has woven together several tales of English scientists who ventured to exotic lands, flung themselves into love affairs, and wrote sonnets to science. The likes of Joseph Banks, William and Caroline Herschel, Mungo Park, and (...)
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    Withdrawal of ECMO Support over the Objections of a Capacitated Patient can be Appropriate.Alexander A. Kon - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):30-32.
    Unfortunately, there is broad confusion regarding the justification for healthcare professionals unilaterally limiting or withdrawing life-prolonging interventions. Many mistakenly believe that suc...
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  12. Scientific Revolutions and the Explosion of Scientific Evidence.Ludwig Fahrbach - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):5039-5072.
    Scientific realism, the position that successful theories are likely to be approximately true, is threatened by the pessimistic induction according to which the history of science is full of suc- cessful, but false theories. I aim to defend scientific realism against the pessimistic induction. My main thesis is that our current best theories each enjoy a very high degree of predictive success, far higher than was enjoyed by any of the refuted theories. I support this thesis by showing that both (...)
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  13. Nonlinear brain dynamics and intention according to Aquinas.Walter Freeman - 2008 - Mind and Matter 6 (2):207-234.
    We humans and other animals continuously construct and main- tain our grasp of the world by using astonishingly small snippets of sensory information. Recent studies in nonlinear brain dynamics have shown how this occurs: brains imagine possible futures and seek and use sensory stimulation to select among them as guides for chosen actions. On the one hand the scientific explanation of the dynamics is inaccessible to most of us. On the other hand the philosophical foundation from which the sciences grew (...)
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    Transitive Logics of Finite Width with Respect to Proper-Successor-Equivalence.Ming Xu - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (6):1177-1200.
    This paper presents a generalization of Fine’s completeness theorem for transitive logics of finite width, and proves the Kripke completeness of transitive logics of finite “suc-eq-width”. The frame condition for each finite suc-eq-width axiom requires, in rooted transitive frames, a finite upper bound of cardinality for antichains of points with different proper successors. The paper also presents a generalization of Rybakov’s completeness theorem for transitive logics of prefinite width, and proves the Kripke completeness of transitive logics of prefinite “suc-eq-width”. The (...)
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    The Birth of Tragedy? Extremely Premature Births and Shared Decision-Making.Joseph W. Kaempf & Kevin M. Dirksen - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):59-66.
    British philosopher Philippa Foot devoted her life explicating the utility of virtue ethics, aptly summed up as “my attempt to connect good reasoning to goodness.” Shared decision-making is one suc...
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    Mountaineering, Myth and the Meaning of Life: psychoanalysing alpinism.Rufus Duits - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (1):33-48.
    I attempt to provide a new answer to the enduring question of why people take the acute risks of climbing mountains. In so doing, I aim to explain, but not necessarily justify, participation in suc...
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  17. The Manifestation of Theories Explaining the Purpose of Punishment in Islamic Criminal Law.Abdulmuid Aykul - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (58):13-24.
    Modern ceza hukukunda cezalandırmanın amacına dair birbirinden farklı teoriler bulunmaktadır. Ceza hukukçuları bu teorileri genelde mutlak ve faydacı/nispi teori olmak üzere iki ana başlık altında incelemişlerdir. Mutlak teorilerde ceza, başlı başına bir amaç olup, başka bir amaç için araç olarak kabul edilmez. Mutlak teorilerin aksine faydacı teorilerde ceza, başka bir amacın gerçekleşmesi için bir araçtır. İslâm ceza hukukunda cezalandırmanın amacını konu edinen bu çalışmanın giriş kısmında modern ceza hukukunda cezalandırmanın amacını izah eden teoriler genel hatlarıyla verilmiş, akabinde cezalandırmanın amacının İslâm (...)
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  18. Two (or three) conceptions of intentionality.Jocelyn Benoist - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (1):79-103.
    Except for some eliminativists, the notion of intentionality is considered to be oneof the common goods of 20th century philosophy of mind. However, this rather general label may hide deeper differences. In his 'Husserl Memorial Lecture' Jocelyn Benoist investigates the different possible conceptions of intentionality and the problem of its nature. To examine this question he concurs with Wilfrid Sellars and John McDowell by positing an alternative between two conceptions of intentionality, taken either as a relation or not. From this (...)
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    The two of me: the rational outer me and the emotional inner me.John Birtchnell - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    This book attempts to answer the question: How much of what we do is the result of conscious and deliberate decisions and how much originates in unconscious, unthought out, automatic directives? The answer is that far more than what we might imagine falls into the second category. We tend to assume responsibility for our unconsciously determined thoughts and actions, and even though we do not know why we think and act the way we do, we make up reasons for it, (...)
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    Cardanus Comforte.Girolamo Cardano - 1576 - New York,: Da Capo Press.
    ^770^. ^ »e</e/r/^ k/^e / ^nolp ,^ « co« ^// «ot </oe sm/^/e tt ^<k«/e /ome /><k ^/ 0/ Cs^n«, ^^// /o /'S« /e//e //^««^ /«^e /«c^suc/^o«^ ^»o^/e^ei« ^/'e^^?, ...
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    Developing Emotion Research: Insights From Emotional Development.Eric A. Walle - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (4):209-211.
    A full understanding of emotion necessitates the bridging of disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches. This special section uses emotional development as a foil to illustrate how suc...
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  22. Về vai trò của nghiên cứu trong giáo dục Việt Nam thời đại 4.0.Vương Quân Hoàng - 2019 - Trang Thông Tin Điện Tử Hội Đồng Lý Luận Trung Ương 2019 (8):1-15.
    Cách mạng 4.0 đã và đang mang đến sự thay đổi lớn trong đời sống của người dân Việt Nam. Sự tiện dụng của Grab, khả năng cập nhật 24/24 của Facebook, hay sự đa dạng về nội dung của YouTube thúc đẩy xã hội tiến tới thời đại mới của khởi nghiệp điện toán (Vuong, 2019). Ở đó, mỗi cá nhân đều có cơ hội để khởi nghiệp thông qua sự kết nối đến khắp mọi nơi trên thế giới (...)
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  23. All the time in the world.Alex Malpass - 2022 - Mind 131 (523):786-804.
    The second premise of the Kalām cosmological argument, as defended by William Lane Craig, has two supporting arguments; the Hilbert’s Hotel argument and the suc.
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    Correspondence Principle and Growth of Science.W. Krajewski & Władysław Krajewski - 1977 - Springer.
    This book is devoted to the problems of the growth of science. These prob lems, neglected for a long time by the philosophers of science, have become in the 60's and 70's a subject of vivid discussion. There are philosophers who stress only the dependence of science upon various sociological, psycho logical and other factors and deny any internal laws of the development of knowledge, like approaching the truth. The majority rejects such nihilism and searches for the laws of the (...)
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  25. A Bio-Logical Theory of Animal Learning.David Guez - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (2):148-158.
    This article provides the foundation for a new predictive theory of animal learning that is based upon a simple logical model. The knowledge of experimental subjects at a given time is described using logical equations. These logical equations are then used to predict a subject’s response when presented with a known or a previously unknown situation. This new theory suc- cessfully anticipates phenomena that existing theories predict, as well as phenomena that they cannot. It provides a theoretical account for phenomena (...)
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    Proof only.Andy Clark - manuscript
    Beer’s (2003) paper is a tour de force of detailed comments on the more general notion of “situated- dynamical modeling, and provides a concrete sample ness”, Beer suggests that “on this view, situated action of the kinds of understanding dynamicists may realis- is the fundamental concern and cognition is … one tically hope to achieve. The analysis is thus, as Beer resource among many that can be brought to bear as an states, a “tool for building intuition”, and in this (...)
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    Using Literature as a Strategy for Nation Building: A Case Study from Nigeria.Csilla Czimbalmos - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):78-93.
    What my article attempts to articulate is the role of literature in constructing, ́inventinga national identities that are the base for the claims of a nationís existence. To achieve this, I first provide a short definition of the concepts of nation-building and na- tional identity. I argue that literature is an important tool in the process of building a nation and creating a national identity. I further focus on the writings of Chinua Achebe, a 20th Century Nigerian author, in an (...)
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    Defending, Improving, Expanding, and Applying a Moral-Metaphysical Proceduralism for Secular Clinical Ethics.Abram L. Brummett - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):6-9.
    A paradox has always lingered at the heart of secular clinical ethics: How are ethicists to provide moral guidance in a pluralistic society? I want to thank all the commentary authors for being suc...
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    Uyuşturucu İle Mücadele’ Haberci̇Li̇Ği̇Nde Çerçeveleme: Fi̇Li̇Pi̇Nler Örneği̇.Ekmel Geçer & Krizza Janica Mahinay - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (1):199-226.
    Filipinler devlet başkanı Rodrigo Duterte uyuşturucu ile mücadele yöntemlerindeki tartışmalar nedeniyle ulusal ve uluslararası boyutta nam kazanmıştır. Bu nedenle, elinizdeki çalışma uyuşturucu ile mücadele haberciliğinde kullanılan çerçeveleri belirlemeyi amaç edinmiştir. Genelde içerik analizi kullanılarak, Filipinler’deki üç temel gazetedeki (Manila Bulletin, Philippine Daily Inquirer, and The Philippine Star), uyuşturucu ile mücadele haberlerinde öne çıkan aktörlerin temsili ve haber çerçeveleri incelenmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonucunda, gazetelerin temel olarak, kanun ve nizam, suç ve adalet, güvenlik ve savunma, çatışma ve son olarak sorumluluk çerçevelerini kullandığı (...)
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  30. Relativism and Two Kinds of Branching Time.Dilip Ninan - 2023 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 104 (2):465-492.
    This essay examines the case for relativism about future contingents in light of a distinction between two ways of interpreting the ‘branching time’ framework. Focussing on MacFarlane (2014), we break the argument for relativism down into two steps. The first step is an argument for something MacFarlane calls the "Non-Determination Thesis", which is essentially the view that there is no unique actual future. The second step is an argument from the Non-Determination Thesis to relativism. I first argue that first step (...)
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    História e Escatologia em Padre António Vieira.Paulo Alexandre Esteves Borges - 1989 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 45 (1):97 - 124.
    O estudo visa apresentar os supostos teóricos e as tensões essenciais da tematização da ideia de Quinto Império na Defesa Perante o Tribunal do Santo Ofício, do P.e António Vieira. A visão profética de Vieira assume o contraste entre um tempo de inautenticidade na relação teândrica, subsidiário da Queda adâmica e objectivado na sucessão dos quatro impérios (cf. Daniel, 2, 27-45), e a novidade absoluta do acontecimento de Cristo, que se espera vir a manifestar-se na pacificação terrena do processo histórico (...)
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    Biological Medicine and the Survival of the Person.Henri Atlan - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (1):265-277.
    The ArgumentThe status of the person is analyzed as represented by the life sciences under the influence of modern physico–chemical and molecular biology.At the same time the linguistic structure of reality as seen through formalized scientific discourse is not that of a language, but rather that of operational symbolisms, so that the judeo–Greek tradition of Verb as creating and Logos as procreating — which is probably at the origin of the surprising confidence in the possibility of dominating nature through words (...)
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    Bare Particulars and Acquaintance: A Reply to Mr. Trentman.Kenneth Barber - 1967 - Dialogue 5 (4):580-583.
    Consider two red disks having the same non-relational properties. That they are two and not one, it is claimed by some philosophers, can only be accounted for by claiming that each disk contains an individuator, i.e., a bare particular, which is merely numerically different from the particular in the other disk. While sucli a claim is clearly dialectical, one need not rest the case for bare particulars solely on the dialectical argument. One can, by giving an accurate phenomenological description of (...)
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  34. The Methodological Approach to Argument Evaluation: Rules of Defining as Applied to Assessing Arguments.Marcin Koszowy - 2013 - Filozofia Nauki 21 (1).
    The main thesis underlying the methodological approach to argument evaluation holds that some arguments which employ knowledge-gaining procedures can be suc-cessfully evaluated by applying tools elaborated by the methodology of science, such as the rules for reasoning, classifying objects, defining, and questioning. The applica-tion of those rules to argument evaluation consists in comparing them with proce-dures employed in the case of argumentative practices performed either in scientific inquiry or in everyday life. In order to show how building the methodological ap-proach (...)
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  35. Enlightenment and Formal Romanticism - Carnap’s Account of Philosophy as Explication.Thomas Mormann - 2010 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 14:263 - 329.
    Carnap and Twentieth-Century Thought: Explication as En lighten ment is the first book in the English language that seeks to place Carnap's philosophy in a broad cultural, political and intellectual context. According to the author, Carnap synthesized many different cur rents of thought and thereby arrived at a novel philosophical perspective that remains strik ing ly relevant today. Whether the reader agrees with Carus's bold theses on Carnap's place in the landscape of twentieth-century philosophy, and his even bolder claims concerning (...)
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    El futuro del liberalismo feminista.Martha Nussbaum - 2001 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 13 (1):59-101.
    Los feministas han sostenido algunas veces que las teorías filosóficas de la justicia que provienen de la tradición liberal no pueden tratar adecuadamente las preocupaciones de las mujeres. Yo sostengo que de muchas maneras este argumento está errado: las mejores teorías liberales de la justicia proporcionan una base muy fuerte para pensar acerca de lo que requiere el respeto por la dignidad humana. Sin embargo, hay dos áreas pertinentes a la igualdad sexual en las cuales incluso las teorías liberales más (...)
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    Destiny and Fatalism in Convicts.Ahmet Albayrak & Beyza Akdümbek Atan - 2019 - Kader 17 (1):124-152.
    Divine providence is one of the most intriguing topics of today. Despite the scientific progress, individuals are aware that they cannot lead a life isolated from destiny. It is explained by social scientists from different perspectives. This study focuses on the knowledge of destiny and fatalism tendencies of people who are convicted of different crimes. The research has been conducted on 114 people who are convicted of different crimes at the General Directorate Probation in Bursa. Knowledge of destiny and fatalism (...)
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    The Copenhagen Spirit of Science and Birth of the Nuclear Atom.Richard Peterson - 2009 - In Melville Y. Stewart, Science and Religion in Dialogue. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 411--419.
    This chapter contains sections titled: * 1 Background * 2 A Motivating Mentorship during a Paradigm Shift – Rutherford and Bohr (1911–16) * 3 Complementarity Rises from a Maturing Quantum Mechanics (1926–8) * 4 Basic to Applied Physics: A Conversation in the Kungälv Woods (1938) * References.
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    Finite Axiomatizability of Transitive Modal Logics of Finite Depth and Width with Respect to Proper-Successor-Equivalence.Yan Zhang & X. U. Ming - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):951-964.
    This paper proves the finite axiomatizability of transitive modal logics of finite depth and finite width w.r.t. proper-successor-equivalence. The frame condition of the latter requires, in a rooted transitive frame, a finite upper bound of cardinality for antichains of points with different sets of proper successors. The result generalizes Rybakov’s result of the finite axiomatizability of extensions of $\mathbf {S4}$ of finite depth and finite width.
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