Results for 'Stunts'

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  1.  3
    Addressing Stunting Through Local Strategies: A Study of Social Phenomena in Various Regions of Indonesia.Komang Ayu Henny Achjar, Wayan Surasta, Agus Sri Lestari, Ni Komang Wiardani, Nyoman Ribek & Wigati - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:508-524.
    Purpose - This study examines local strategies for stunting prevention across various Indonesian regions, emphasizing the role of social phenomena in shaping these efforts. Design/methodology/approach - Thematic analysis, supported by NVivo software, was used to analyze the data, focusing on the interplay of social, cultural, and economic factors. Findings - The study revealed significant regional disparities in stunting rates and the effectiveness of prevention strategies. Community-driven initiatives, such as Gotong Royong, were particularly effective in fostering collective action and improving nutritional (...)
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    Magnitude of Stunting and Associated Factors Among 6-59 Months Old Children in Hossana Town, Southern Ethiopia.Beminet Moges Amsalu Feleke - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (1).
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  3. Social forces in personality stunting.Arnold H. Kamiat - 1945 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 50 (4):310-311.
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    Nugget Based on Ke-Kame-Tu Formula for Supplementary Feeding (PMT) at Posyandu as an Efforts to Prevent Stunting.I. Komang Agusjaya Mataram, Ni Putu Agustini, Anak Agung Nanak Antarini & Yuli Laraeni - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1621-1627.
    The specific objectives of the study were 1) To create a “ke-kame-tu” formula (15-60-25), 2) To create nuggets as a PMT product based on the ke-kame-tu formula, 3) To analyze the proximate content, amino acids, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium of PMT products, 4) To determine the preferred PMT product based on the acceptance test by toddlers. The making of the “ke-kame-tu” formula (15-60-25) used a randomized block design (RAK) with one treatment and three replications. The PMT product was made (...)
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    A case of stunted development? Existential reasoning is contingent on a developing theory of mind.E. Margaret Evans & Henry M. Wellman - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (5):471-472.
    Missing from Bering's account of the evolutionary origins of existential reasoning is an explicit developmental framework, one that takes into account community input. If Bering's selectionist explanation was on target then one might predict a unique and relatively robust developmental trajectory, regardless of input. Evidence suggests instead that children's existential reasoning is contingent on their developing theory of mind.
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    The Contribution of Government Expenditure in improving the Human Development Index and Reducing Stunting Prevalence: An Indonesian Perspective.M. Irwan Tahir, Tumpak H. Simanjuntak & Komaedi Maisondra - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:680-691.
    In South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia, stunting poses a significant challenge, with minimal reduction observed in recent years according to BPS data. Despite a notable increase in government spending to address stunting, this research aims to analyze the impact of government expenditures (DAK, Regional Expenditures, Village Funds) on the Human Development Index (HDI) and the prevalence of stunting in 2022. This quantitative study involves 21 districts and 3 cities in South Sulawesi Province. Quantitative analysis using Eviews 13 reveals that DAK, (...)
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    The Future of Work: Augmentation or Stunting?Markus Furendal & Karim Jebari - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology (2):1-22.
    The last decade has seen significant improvements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, including robotics, machine vision, speech recognition and text generation. Increasing automation will undoubtedly affect the future of work, and discussions on how the development of AI in the workplace will impact labor markets often include two scenarios: (1) labor replacement and (2) labor enabling. The former involves replacing workers with machines, while the latter assumes that human-machine cooperation can significantly improve worker productivity. In this context, it is often (...)
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    Exploring the Role of Gut Microbiota Diversity in Early Childhood Stunting: A Multi-Center Longitudinal Study.Loso Judijanto, Indah Budiastutik, Sugiatmi Sugiatmi, Marlenywati Marlenywati, Elly Trisnawati, Jiarti Kusbandiyah & Andiyan Andiyan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:681-690.
    Early childhood stunting is a significant global health issue with profound implications for children's physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development. While factors like nutrition, environment, and genetics have been extensively studied, the role of gut microbiota diversity in the mechanisms underlying stunting remains not well understood. This multi-center longitudinal study aimed to evaluate the relationship between gut microbiota diversity and the incidence of stunting in early childhood. The analysis of stool samples revealed that stunted children exhibited lower gut microbiota diversity compared (...)
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    Social Forces in Personality Stunting. [REVIEW]H. A. L. - 1939 - Journal of Philosophy 36 (18):501-501.
  10.  80
    The Control Problem. Excerpts from Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies.Nick Bostrom - 2009 - In Susan Schneider (ed.), Science Fiction and Philosophy: From Time Travel to Superintelligence. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 308–330.
    This chapter analyzes the control problem, the unique principal‐agent problem that arises with the creation of an artificial superintelligent agent. It distinguishes two broad classes of potential methods for addressing this problem, capability control and motivation selection, and examines several specific techniques within each class. It also alludes to the esoteric possibility of “anthropic capture”. Capability control methods seek to prevent undesirable outcomes by limiting what the superintelligence can do. This might involve boxing methods or incentive methods, stunting method. In (...)
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  11. Contempt as a moral attitude.Michelle Mason - 2003 - Ethics 113 (2):234-272.
    Despite contemporary moral philosophers' renewed attention to the moral significance of emotions, the attitudinal repertoire with which they equip the mature moral agent remains stunted. One attitude moral philosophers neglect (if not disown) is contempt. While acknowledging the nastiness of contempt, I here correct the neglect by providing an account of the moral psychology of contempt. In the process, I defend the moral propriety of certain tokens of properly person-focused contempt against some prominent objections -- among them, objections stemming from (...)
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    Happiness and well‐being: Is it all in your head? Evidence from the folk.Markus Kneer & Daniel M. Haybron - forthcoming - Noûs.
    Despite a voluminous literature on happiness and well‐being, debates have been stunted by persistent dissensus on what exactly the subject matter is. Commentators frequently appeal to intuitions about the nature of happiness or well‐being, raising the question of how representative those intuitions are. In a series of studies, we examined lay intuitions involving happiness‐ and well‐being‐related terms to assess their sensitivity to internal (psychological) versus external conditions. We found that all terms, including ‘happy’, ‘doing well’ and ‘good life’, were far (...)
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    Towards Neuroecosociality: Mental Health in Adversity.Nikolas Rose, Rasmus Birk & Nick Manning - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):121-144.
    Social theory has much to gain from taking up the challenges of conceptualizing ‘mental health’. Such an approach to the stunting of human mental life in conditions of adversity requires us to open up the black box of ‘environment’, and to develop a vitalist biosocial science, informed by and in conversation with the life sciences and the neurosciences. In this paper we draw on both classical and contemporary social theory to begin this task. We explore human inhabitation – how humans (...)
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  14. I: The Philosophy and Psychology of Personal Identity.Jonathan Glover - 1988 - New York, N.Y., USA: Penguin Books.
    This book relates work in neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry to questions about what a person is and the nature of a persons unity across a lifetime. The neuropsychiatry is now dated. The philosophy has three themes still perhaps of interest. The first is a response to Derek Parfits powerful and influential work on personal identity, which, like many other people, I discussed with him as he worked it out. I accept his view that there is no ego that owns the (...)
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    A Right to Health Care.Pavlos Eleftheriadis - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):268-285.
    Do we have a legal and moral right to health care against others? There are international conventions and institutions that say emphatically yes, and they summarize this in the expression of “the right to health,” which is an established part of the international human rights canon. The International Covenant on Social and Economic Rights outlines this as “the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health,” but declarations such as this remain tragically (...)
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  16.  21
    Against Posthumanism: Notes towards an Ethopolitics of Personhood.Thomas Osborne & Nikolas Rose - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (1):3-21.
    Are we humans destined to become ‘posthuman’? In this paper, we question the claims of posthumanism, accepting some of its broader insights whilst proposing a more empirically and ethically appropriate ‘vitalist’ response. We argue that despite recent changes in styles of thought that question the uniqueness of ‘the human’, and despite novel technological developments for augmenting human bodies, we remain – fundamentally – persons. Humans, as persons, are constitutively embedded in and scaffolded by the material, social, semantic and cultural niches (...)
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  17.  26
    On Being Free.Frithjof Bergmann - 1977 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    With extraordinary elegance and philosophic power, Frithjof Bergmann presents a genuine rethinking of freedom. By changing the focus from outside to inside the person, Bergmann shows how freedom can be a reality in self-growth, parenting, education, and in shaping a society that stimulates rather than stunts the self.
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    Giving and Social Transformation.Dave Elder-Vass - 2014 - Journal of Critical Realism 13 (3):261-285.
    Giving plays an important role in the contemporary economy, but this has been obscured by the perspectives of both mainstream economics and Marxist political economy. This paper draws on the work of J. K. Gibson-Graham to argue that this stunts our imagination about alternative futures, and on the work of Erik Olin Wright to suggest that gift-oriented economic practices could play a significant part in such futures. The most promising alternative economic futures involve not the replacement of a monolithic (...)
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    Harun Yahya's Influence in Muslim Minority Contexts: Implications for Research in Britain, Europe, and Beyond.Glen Moran - 2019 - Zygon 54 (4):837-856.
    Abstract In 2006, the Turkish Harun Yahya Enterprise published and distributed thousands of copies of its anti‐evolutionary text Atlas of Creation to educational institutes in the West. Although this was little more than a publicity stunt, it resulted in Harun Yahya becoming a mainstay in discussions about creationism in Europe. Although Yahya is often presented as the “go to” representative of European Muslim perceptions of evolution, one would be hard pressed to find the literature about Islamic creationism in Europe that (...)
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    The Medical Nonnecessity of In Vitro Fertilization.Carolyn McLeod - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (1):78-102.
    Debate has raged in Canada recently over whether in vitro fertilization should be funded through public health insurance. Such a move would require that the provinces classify IVF as a medically necessary service. In this paper, I defend the position I have taken publicly—especially in Ontario, my own province—that IVF is not medically necessary. I contend that, by funding IVF on grounds of medical necessity, governments like Ontario's violate their commitments to equality and fairness, and cause harm. They do the (...)
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  21. Must We Worry About Epistemic Shirkers?Daniele Bruno - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-26.
    It is commonly assumed that blameworthiness is epistemically constrained. If one lacks sufficient epistemic access to the fact that some action harms another, then one cannot be blamed for harming. Acceptance of an epistemic condition for blameworthiness can give rise to a worry, however: could agents ever successfully evade blameworthiness by deliberately stunting their epistemic position? I discuss a particularly worrisome version of such epistemic shirking, in which agents pre-emptively seek to avoid access to potentially morally relevant facts. As Roy (...)
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    The argument from Evel (Knievel): daredevils and the free energy principle.Sidney Carls-Diamante - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (5):1-17.
    Much of the literature on the free energy principle has focused on how organisms maintain homeostasis amidst a constantly changing environment. A fundamental feature of the FEP is that biological entities are “hard-wired” towards self-preservation.However, contrary to this notion, there do exist organisms that appear to seek out rather than avoid conditions that pose an elevated risk of serious injury or death, thereby jeopardizing their physiological integrity. Borrowing a term used in 1990s popular culture to refer to stunt performers like (...)
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  23.  38
    Aristotle’s conception of practical wisdom and what it means for moral education in schools.Atli Harðarson - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (14):1518-1527.
    Aristotle took practical wisdom to include cleverness, and something more. The hard question, that he does not explicitly answer, is what this something more is. On my interpretation, the practically wise are not merely more knowledgeable about what is good for people. They are also better able to discern all the values at stake, in whatever circumstances they find themselves. This is an ability that good people develop, typically rather late in life, provided they are masters of their own affairs. (...)
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    Fosterage as a System of Dispersed Cooperative Breeding.Brooke A. Scelza & Joan B. Silk - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (4):448-464.
    Humans are obligate cooperative breeders, relying heavily on support from kin to raise children. To date, most studies of cooperative breeding have focused on help that supplements rather than replaces parental care. Here we propose that fosterage can act as a form of dispersed cooperative breeding, one that enhances women’s fitness by allowing them to disinvest in some children and reallocate effort to others. We test this hypothesis through a series of predictions about the costs and benefits of fosterage for (...)
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    Advancing Medicine Ethically: Important Considerations for Innovative Practice.Sarah Haines, Michael Savic & Adrian Carter - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):38-40.
    Earl (2019) argues that the current uniform restriction of innovative practice limits clinicians’ ability to provide optimal treatment and stunts progress in medicine. We agree that it is important...
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  26.  16
    Transforming Free Speech: The Ambiguous Legacy of Civil Libertarianism.Mark A. Graber - 1991 - University of California Press.
    Contemporary civil libertarians claim that their works preserve a worthy American tradition of defending free-speech rights dating back to the framing of the First Amendment. _Transforming Free Speech_ challenges the worthiness, and indeed the very existence of one uninterrupted libertarian tradition. Mark A. Graber asserts that in the past, broader political visions inspired libertarian interpretations of the First Amendment. In reexamining the philosophical and jurisprudential foundations of the defense of expression rights from the Civil War to the present, he exposes (...)
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    Law & Bioethics: From Values to Violence.Susan M. Wolf - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (2):293-306.
    Debate over the relationship of law and bioethics is growing - what the relationship has been and what it should be in the future. While George Annas has praised law and rights-talk for creating modern bioethics, Carl Schneider has instead blamed law for hijacking bioethics and stunting moral reflection. Indeed, as modern bioethics approaches the 40-year mark, historians of bioethics are presenting divergent accounts. In one account, typified by Albert Jonsen, bioethics largely grew out of philosophy and theology, not law. (...)
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  28. Forgery and the Corruption of Aesthetic Understanding.Sherri Irvin - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 37 (2):283-304.
    Prominent philosophical accounts of artistic forgery have neglected a central aspect of the aesthetic harm it perpetrates. To be properly understood, forgery must be seen in the context of our ongoing attempts to augment our aesthetic understanding in conditions of uncertainty. The bootstrapping necessary under these conditions requires a highly refined comprehension of historical context. By creating artificial associations among aesthetically relevant qualities and misrepresenting historical relationships, undetected forgeries stunt or distort aesthetic understanding. The effect of this may be quite (...)
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    Konstantin Krylov’s Ethical Theory and What It Reveals about the Propensity for Conflict between Russia and the West.Paul Grenier - 2022 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2022 (201):109-125.
    The Decline of LiberalismFrom the perspective of the Russian political philosopher Konstantin Krylov, Russia’s civilizational order is not liberal—in most respects, it is the very opposite of liberal. At the same time, Russia has, over the course of centuries, failed to properly come into its own as its own civilizational type. From Peter the Great to Vladimir Putin, Russia has lingered in a stunted, oversimplified version of its own “Northern” national idea even as it has repeatedly taken up, like children (...)
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  30.  14
    Speak of the devil: how the Satanic Temple is changing the way we talk about religion.Joseph Laycock - 2020 - New York, New York: Oxford University Press.
    In 2013, when the state of Oklahoma erected a statue of the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the state capitol, a group calling themselves The Satanic Temple applied to erect a statue of Baphomet alongside the Judeo-Christian tablets. Since that time, The Satanic Temple has become a regular voice in national conversations about religious freedom, disestablishment, and government overreach. In addition to petitioning for Baphomet to appear alongside another monument of the Ten Commandments in Arkansas, the group has launched (...)
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    Moral Priorities for International Human Rights NGOs.Thomas Pogge - unknown
    We inhabit this world with large numbers of people who are very badly off through no fault of their own. The statistics are overwhelming: “Two out of five children in the developing world are stunted, one in three is underweight and one in ten is wasted.”1 Some 250 million children between 5 and 14 do wage work outside their family — often under harsh or cruel conditions: as soldiers, prostitutes, or domestic servants, or in agriculture, construction, textile or carpet production.2 (...)
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    The History of Ethnicised Politics in Kenya and its Impact on the Management of the Country’s Public Affairs.Reginald M. J. Oduor - 2023 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 8 (2):29-62.
    This paper deploys historical analysis, conceptual analysis and critical reflection to examine the history of ethnicised politics in Kenya and its negative impact on the management of the country’s public affairs. It sets out with a conceptualisation of ‘ethnicised politics’. It then traces the growth of ethnicised politics in Kenya from the dawn of British colonialism to the present. Thereafter, it reflects on the five-pronged negative impact of ethnicised politics on the country, namely, the gross disparities in economic development along (...)
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    At the Beginning, There was the Mask.Françoise Vergès - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):54-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:At the Beginning, There was the MaskFrançoise Vergès (bio)There is a long history to be told about the links between the economy of extractivism and exhaustion, between colonialism, race, capitalism, imperialism, and breathing, which could be summarized as the "struggle against suffocation and for life." Colonialism (slavery and post-slavery), race, and capitalism are all about un-breathing, about the toxicity of social, cultural, sexual and "natural" environments, about silencing, erasing (...)
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    The Marxist Ethic of Self-realization: Individuality and Community.David Archard - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 22:19-34.
    If, for Marx and Marxists, communism would be the most ideal of human societies, this is because it would make possible the maximum use of human and natural resources to the equal benefit of all. This means that, under communism, human beings would ‘realize themselves’. In direct and pointed contrast to capitalism wherein all individuals lead alienated, stunted, and fragmented lives, communism for Marx would provide the preconditions for a flowering, a full and final development of all human potentialities.
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    On caretakers, rebels and enforcers: The gender politics of Euro 2012.Jonah Bury & Cerelia Athanassiou - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (2):148-164.
    This article examines the gender politics of Euro 2012, an international men’s football tournament that took place in Poland and Ukraine, through two cases of female protest. Informed by Cynthia Enloe’s question ‘Where are the women?’, the case studies focus on Polish football fan and model Natalia Siwiec and Ukrainian women’s organisation FEMEN in order to render visible the heteromasculine nation–sport nexus underpinning Euro 2012. The analysis demonstrates how Siwiec emerges as the ‘caretaker’ of the Polish nation-state during the event (...)
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    Freeing Up the Mind.Michael Corballis - 2022 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 6 (1):79-92.
    Psychology has generally had a rather stunted view of the mind. In the behaviorist era it essentially denied the existence of mind altogether, and even the cognitive revolution seemed to promote a rigid view of the mind as tied to specific inputs. This began to change when Endel Tulving proposed episodic memory as the conscious replaying of past events-a conception that was later broadened into the more general concept of mental time travel: the ability to travel mentally backward and forward (...)
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    L'idéologie chez Marx : de la « vie étriquée » aux représentations « imaginaires ».Franck Fischbach - 2008 - Actuel Marx 43 (1):12-28.
    The aim of the article is to define the meaning of the concept of ideology which is proper to Marx. To do so, it examines the writings of the young Marx, earlier than German ideology, bringing together those elements in the 1844 Manuscripts which were to lead to the establishment of the concept of ideology. The article thus shows how the concept of ideology presumes a certain “parallelism” between social life and the life of consciousness, between the process of the (...)
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    Infant feeding practices and child health in bolivia.Renata Forste - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (1):107-125.
    The effects of breast-feeding and supplementation practices on recent diarrhoea occurrence and stunted growth are modelled using logistic regression techniques. Data from the Demographic and Health Survey of Bolivia, 1989, show that, among children aged 3-36 months at the date of interview, the benefits of breast-feeding to child health were most pronounced among children living in rural poverty. Reduced breast-feeding among these children increased the likelihood of diarrhoea and stunted growth. In addition, the introduction of solid foods to currently lactating (...)
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    Autonomy and Duplicity: Reply to DeCanio.Benjamin Ginsberg - 2007 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 19 (1):165-180.
    ABSTRACT While Samuel DeCanio is correct to maintain that the state has considerable autonomy due to the public’s vast ignorance of the government’s affairs, he neglects to consider that the public’s ignorance also stems from the deceptions of the politically powerful, who withhold and distort information in a variety of ways. This can take the form of outright lies; anonymous leaks; press and video releases that don’t mention the originating group or its interests; giving reporters access to otherwise inaccessible information, (...)
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    Should Health Care Providers Be Forced to Apologise After Things Go Wrong?Stuart McLennan, Simon Walker & Leigh E. Rich - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (4):431-435.
    The issue of apologising to patients harmed by adverse events has been a subject of interest and debate within medicine, politics, and the law since the early 1980s. Although apology serves several important social roles, including recognising the victims of harm, providing an opportunity for redress, and repairing relationships, compelled apologies ring hollow and ultimately undermine these goals. Apologies that stem from external authorities’ edicts rather than an offender’s own self-criticism and moral reflection are inauthentic and contribute to a “moral (...)
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  41. Utopian Neuroscience.David Pearce - unknown
    Transhumanists are ambitious. We want unlimited lifespan, unlimited intelligence, unlimited computer power. But this doesn't mean that we're ambitious about everything, for example height. Perhaps we want to be a bit taller, and we want to ensure that e.g. midgets have the opportunity to reach "normal" stature. Yet even in Second Life, or in tomorrow's immersive virtual realities, we don't for the most part want to be 1000 metres tall - despite freedom from the constraints of gravity. Of course, there (...)
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    Is sex worth dying for? Sentimental-homicidal-suicidal violence in theological discourse of sexuality.Geoffrey Rees - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (2):261-285.
    In theological discourse of sexuality, queer theory has often been regarded as an extension of the project of gay and lesbian liberation, when it actually challenges an organizing value of the entire discourse, because it challenges any ascription of ultimate value to "sex," an imaginative formation of power relations. Rather than appeal to God to authorize the privileged status of sex, queer commentary suggests that theological writers should refuse assertions of the absolute importance of any particular formation of human imagination (...)
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    Embodied Reimagining of Pedagogical Places/Spaces.Shilpi Sinha & Lyudmila Bryzzheva - 2012 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 48 (4):347-365.
    Students often find themselves disconnected from foundations courses such as Philosophy of Education, citing the abstract nature of some of the ideas studied and a perceived disconnect from practical issues. Moreover, the place/space of the university classroom itself can be seen to contribute to students? disengagement and stunting of their critical capacities. In this article, we present two intertwined narratives. In one strand, we describe our attempt to secure our students? engagement in our course, Introduction to Philosophy of Education, as (...)
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    The Book of Ralph.Christopher Steinsvold (ed.) - 2016 - Aurora, IL USA: Medallion Press.
    A message appears on the moon. It is legible from Earth, and almost no one knows how it was created. Markus West leads the government’s investigation to find the creator. -/- The message is simple and familiar. But those three words, written in blazing crimson letters on the lunar surface, will foster the strangest revolution humankind has ever endured and make Markus West wish he was never involved. -/- The message is ‘Drink Diet Coke.’ -/- When Coca-Cola denies responsibility, global (...)
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    The Future is Feminine: Capitalism and the Masculine Disorder.Ciara Cremin - unknown
    Carnage in the classroom, misogynists in high office, sociopaths in uniform, masculinity is a killer. From styles of dress to the stunted capacity for expressing a diversity of emotions, becoming a man involves killing off and repudiating anything that in our society is held as feminine. When a person is unable to show compassion and tenderness, or when exposed for their frailties, feels angry and humiliated, they have problems. Problems that none of us are immune to. Masculinity, Cremin provocatively declares, (...)
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    Asian Religions in America: A Documentary History (review).Joseph Waligore - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):299-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 299-303 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Asian Religions in America: A Documentary History Asian Religions in America: A Documentary History. Edited by Thomas A. Tweed and Stephen Prothero. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. 416 pp. Although this book is not about interreligious dialogue per se, it makes several important contributions to it. Two of the necessities for successful interreligious dialogue are a knowledge (...)
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  47. Psychopathy: Morally Incapacitated Persons.Heidi Maibom - 2017 - In Thomas Schramme & Steven Edwards (eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine. Springer. pp. 1109-1129.
    After describing the disorder of psychopathy, I examine the theories and the evidence concerning the psychopaths’ deficient moral capacities. I first examine whether or not psychopaths can pass tests of moral knowledge. Most of the evidence suggests that they can. If there is a lack of moral understanding, then it has to be due to an incapacity that affects not their declarative knowledge of moral norms, but their deeper understanding of them. I then examine two suggestions: it is their deficient (...)
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  48. Neonatal Diagnostics: Toward Dynamic Growth Charts of Neuromotor Control.Elizabeth B. Torres, Beth Smith, Sejal Mistry, Maria Brincker & Caroline Whyatt - 2016 - Frontiers in Pediatrics 4:121.
    The current rise of neurodevelopmental disorders poses a critical need to detect risk early in order to rapidly intervene. One of the tools pediatricians use to track development is the standard growth chart. The growth charts are somewhat limited in predicting possible neurodevelopmental issues. They rely on linear models and assumptions of normality for physical growth data – obscuring key statistical information about possible neurodevelopmental risk in growth data that actually has accelerated, non-linear rates-of-change and variability encompassing skewed distributions. Here, (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Kizel, A. (2016). “Pedagogy out of Fear of Philosophy as a Way of Pathologizing Children”. Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning, Vol. 10, No. 20, pp. 28 – 47.Kizel Arie - 2016 - Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning 10 (20):28 – 47.
    The article conceptualizes the term Pedagogy of Fear as the master narrative of educational systems around the world. Pedagogy of Fear stunts the active and vital educational growth of the young person, making him/her passive and dependent upon external disciplinary sources. It is motivated by fear that prevents young students—as well as teachers—from dealing with the great existential questions that relate to the essence of human beings. One of the techniques of the Pedagogy of Fear is the internalization of (...)
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    Nutritional status of under-five children in bangladesh: A multilevel analysis.Jahangir Alom, Md Abdul Quddus & Mohammad Amirul Islam - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (5):525-535.
    SummaryThe nutritional status of under-five children is a sensitive sign of a country's health status as well as economic condition. This study investigated the differential impact of some demographic, socioeconomic, environmental and health-related factors on the nutritional status among under-five children in Bangladesh using Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2007 data. Two-level random intercept binary logistic regression models were used to identify the determinants of under-five malnutrition. The analyses revealed that 16% of the children were severely stunted and 25% were (...)
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