Results for 'Stoics Early works to 1800.'

935 found
  1.  61
    Hierocles the Stoic: Elements of ethics, fragments, and excerpts.Ilaria Ramelli - 2009 - Leiden: Brill. Edited by David Konstan & Hierocles.
    Monographic essay, Greek texts and fragments, translation, full commentary, and bibliography. Introductory essay -- Hierocles, Elements of ethics -- Stobaeus's extracts from Hierocles, On appropriate acts -- Fragments of Hierocles in the Studa.
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  2. The stoic philosophy of Seneca.Lucius Annaeus Seneca - 1958 - Gloucester, Mass.,: P. Smith. Edited by Moses Hadas.
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    Filodemo, Storia Dei Filosofi: La Stoà da Zenone a Panezio . Edizione, Traduzione E Commento.Tiziano Dorandi - 1991 - New York: Brill. Edited by Tiziano Dorandi.
    Philodemus sketches in the _Stoicorum historia_ the lives and times of the main members of the Stoic movement from Zeno to Panaetius. This new edition contains a revised critical text of P.Herc. 1018, with an Italian translation and a commentary.
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  4. Storia dei filosofi. Philodemus - 1994 - New York: E.J. Brill. Edited by Tiziano Dorandi.
  5.  39
    One True Life: The Stoics and Early Christians as Rival Traditions.Christopher Kavin Rowe - 2016 - Yale University Press.
    In this groundbreaking, cross-disciplinary work of philosophy and biblical studies, New Testament scholar C. Kavin Rowe explores the promise and problems inherent in engaging rival philosophical claims to what is true. Juxtaposing the Roman Stoics Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius with the Christian saints Paul, Luke, and Justin Martyr, and incorporating the contemporary views of Jeffrey Stout, Alasdair McIntyre, Charles Taylor, Martha Nussbaum, Pierre Hadot, and others, the author suggests that in a world of religious pluralism there is negligible (...)
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  6. From Etymology to Ethnology. On the Development of Stoic Allegorism.Mikołaj Domaradzki - 2011 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 56.
    The purpose of the present article is to show that there is a clear line of continuity between the early Stoics’ and Cornutus’ works, as all of them assumed that the ancient mythmakers had transformed their original cosmological conceptions into anthropomorphic deities. Hence, the Stoics from Zeno to Cornutus believed that the names of the gods reflected the mode of perceiving the world that was characteristic of the people who named the gods in this way. Accordingly, (...)
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    Nathaniel Culverwell’s Stoic Theory of Common Notions.Mogens Laerke - 2023 - In C. Giglioni, C. Laursen & L. Simonutti (eds.), Mind, Life, and Time: Philosophy and Its Histories in Honour of Sarah Hutton. Springer.
    This chapter takes a closer look at the doctrine of common notions and universal consent developed by Nathaniel Culverwell (1619–51) in his Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature, a work based on lectures delivered at Cambridge in 1645–46, but only published posthumously in 1652. I study Culverwell’s doctrine of common notions and universal consent from the perspective of his critical discussion of two contemporary works, namely Descartes’s Discours de la méthode (1637) and Robert Greville’s The Nature (...)
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    Œuvre philosophique.Solensis Chrysippus - 2004 - Paris: Belles lettres. Edited by Richard Dufour.
    "Collection de fragments et de témoignages sur la logique et la physique de Chrysippe de Soles, en Cilicie, "second fondateur" du stoïcisme au IIIe siècle av. J.-C. Chrysippe rédigea environ 750 livres dont il ne subsiste que des citations dans les ouvrages d'auteurs postérieurs.
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    The Ethics of the Stoic Epictetus: an English Translation.Adolf Friedrich Bonhöffer & William O. Stephens - 1996 - New York, USA: Peter Lang. Edited by William O. Stephens.
    Born a slave, but later earning his freedom and founding a school for teaching Stoicism to the sons of Roman noblemen, Epictetus has been a popular source of Stoic philosophy for centuries. Originally published in 1894 by the German scholar Adolf Bonhoeffer and here translated into English for the first time, this work remains the most systematic and detailed study of Epictetus' ethics. The basis, content, and acquisition of virtue are methodically described, while important related points in Stoic ethics are (...)
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  10.  35
    Aristotle and the Stoics[REVIEW]Dominic J. O'Meara - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (3):585-586.
    Sandbach, who has given us a very useful introduction to early Stoicism, examines here a problem of more interest to specialists, that concerning the possible influence of Aristotle on the first Stoic philosophers. It is his view that Aristotle's influence, if any, was of little importance, and that if the development of Stoic philosophy is to be understood, it should be seen in relation rather to ideas to be found in Plato, in the Academy and in other thinkers such (...)
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  11.  10
    The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.George Marcus Aurelius & Long - 1993 - Boston: Shambhala Publications. Edited by George Long.
    The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (a.d. 121--180) embodied in his person that deeply cherished, ideal figure of antiquity, the philosopher-king. His "Meditations "are not only one of the most important expressions of the Stoic philosophy of his time but also an enduringly inspiring guide to living a good and just life. Written in moments snatched from military campaigns and the rigors of politics, these ethical and spiritual reflections reveal a mind of exceptional clarity and originality, and a spirit attuned (...)
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  12.  14
    The Making of Fornication: Eros, Ethics, and Political Reform in Greek Philosophy and Early Christianity.Kathy L. Gaca - 2017 - Univ of California Press.
    This provocative work provides a radical reassessment of the emergence and nature of Christian sexual morality, the dominant moral paradigm in Western society since late antiquity. While many scholars, including Michel Foucault, have found the basis of early Christian sexual restrictions in Greek ethics and political philosophy, Kathy L. Gaca demonstrates on compelling new grounds that it is misguided to regard Greek ethics and political theory—with their proposed reforms of eroticism, the family, and civic order—as the foundation of Christian (...)
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  13.  72
    Emotion and peace of mind: From stoic agitation to Christian temptation. Richard Sorabji oxford: Oxford university press, 2000. Pp. XI, 499. [REVIEW]Bonnie Kent - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (1):245–247.
    The last decade has witnessed a dramatic revival of interest in Hellenistic philosophy. No longer can one complain that scholars pitch their tents on Aristotelian turf and refuse to move beyond it. Indeed, the burgeoning literature on Hellenistic philosophy might now raise doubts about whether an author breaks any new ground. Sorabji's latest book analyzes many of the same texts and issues explored in Martha Nussbaum's The Therapy of Desire ; and he, too, argues that ancient philosophical therapy can be (...)
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  14. Stoic Warriors: The Ancient Philosophy Behind the Military Mind.Nancy Sherman - 2005 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    While few soldiers may have read the works of Epictetus or Marcus Aurelius, it is undoubtedly true that the ancient philosophy known as Stoicism guides the actions of many in the military. Soldiers and seamen learn early in their training “to suck it up,” to endure, to put aside their feelings and to get on with the mission. This book explores what the Stoic philosophy actually is, the role it plays in the character of the military (both ancient (...)
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  15. Cosmic Spiritualism among the Pythagoreans, Stoics, Jews, and Early Christians.Phillip Sidney Horky - 2019 - In Cosmos in the Ancient World. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 270-94.
    This paper traces how the dualism of body and soul, cosmic and human, is bridged in philosophical and religious traditions through appeal to the notion of ‘breath’ (πνεῦμα). It pursues this project by way of a genealogy of pneumatic cosmology and anthropology, covering a wide range of sources, including the Pythagoreans of the fifth century BCE (in particular, Philolaus of Croton); the Stoics of the third and second centuries BCE (especially Posidonius); the Jews writing in Hellenistic Alexandria in the (...)
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  16.  9
    A se stesso: pensieri.Marcus Aurelius - 1993 - Milano: Garzanti. Edited by Enrico V. Maltese.
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  17. The Stoic Theory of Natural Law.Paul A. Vander Waerdt - 1989 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    This work reconstructs the original theory of natural law as developed by the early Stoic scholarchs, explains its fundamental differences from our traditional conception of natural law, and considers the philosophical motivation for this transformation of the original theory. For the nearly Stoics, natural law corresponds not to a determinate code of laws or precepts, as in Aquinas, but to a certain mental disposition, namely the perfectly rational and consistent conduct of the wise man. The content of the (...)
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  18.  65
    The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics[REVIEW]John Sellars - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (3):337-338.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cambridge Companion to the StoicsJohn SellarsBrad Inwood, editor. The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Pp. ix + 438. Cloth, $70.00. Paper, $26.00.No doubt everyone will be familiar with the format and rationale of the Cambridge Companion series, each volume being designed to function as a "reference work for students and nonspecialists." Brad Inwood's Cambridge Companion to The Stoics follows (...)
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  19.  29
    Moral and political essays.Lucius Annaeus Seneca - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by John M. Cooper & J. F. Procopé.
    This volume offers clear and forceful contemporary translations of the most important of Seneca's 'Moral Essays': On Anger, On Mercy, On the Private Life and the first four books of On Favours. They give an attractive, full picture of the social and moral outlook of an ancient Stoic thinker intimately involved in the governance of the Roman empire in the mid first century of the Christian era. A general introduction describes Seneca's life and career and explains the fundamental ideas underlying (...)
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  20.  18
    L'éthique du stoïcien Hiéroclès.Jean-Baptiste Gourinat (ed.) - 2016 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France: Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
    Hiéroclès est un philosophe stoïcien méconnu de l'époque impériale. Combinant éthique appliquée et réflexion sur les fondements naturels de la morale, les longs fragments que l'on conserve de lui offrent une image originale du stoïcisme en prise avec bien des débats contemporains. Ils sont tous analysés en profondeur dans cet ouvrage...
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  21.  35
    Barlaam of Seminara on Stoic Ethics.John Sellars & Charles Hogg - 2022 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    This volume contains the first critical edition and translation of Barlaam of Seminara's fourteenth century treatise Ethics According to the Stoics , along with a series of interpretative essays explaining its content and context. Barlaam's text is the earliest interpretative work written on Stoic ethics, a product of the burgeoning Italian Renaissance but also drawing on Barlaam's experience in the Byzantine intellectual world of Constantinople. Intriguingly, it offers a radically different account of the Stoic theory of emotions to the (...)
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  22.  2
    Seneca's morals by way of abstract.Lucius Annaeus Seneca - 1917 - New York,: Harper. Edited by Roger L'Estrange.
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    The Nature of Man in Early Stoic Philosophy. [REVIEW]Josiah B. Gould - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (2):429-430.
    In this compact work consisting of ten chapters and two appendixes Reesor reconstructs and represents the early Stoic doctrine concerning the nature of the human being, that is, the view of man set forth in the writings of Stoic philosophers from Zeno, who came to Athens in 312 B.C., to Antipater of Tarsus, who was in Rome before 133 B.C.
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  24.  94
    Adam Smith and the Stoic principle of suicide.Getty L. Lustila - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):350-363.
    A substantial portion of Adam Smith's discussion of Stoicism in TMS VII is dedicated to the Stoic “principle of suicide,” according to which suicide is sometimes morally required. While scholars agree that Stoicism exercised considerable influence over Smith, no recent work has explored his views on suicide, despite the central role it plays in his treatment of Stoicism. I argue that Smith opposes the principle of suicide on both epistemic and moral grounds, providing an important critique of Stoicism. I also (...)
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  25.  52
    Stoics and Daoists on Freedom as Doing Necessary Things.David Machek - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 68 (1):174-200.
    Comparisons between early Chinese Daoism and ancient Greco-Roman Stoicism have recently become quite popular with scholars working in Sino-Western comparative philosophy. It has been pointed out that there are fundamental similarities between the two schools in their commitment to the ideal of "following nature" or in their views about emotional detachment. In this comparative article, I would like to suggest that these similarities are even deeper than has so far been acknowledged, and that the existing differences between the two (...)
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  26.  35
    (1 other version)The early works, 1882-1898.John Dewey - 1967 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Volume 4 of’ “The Early Works” series covers the period of Dewey’s last year and one-half at the University of Michigan and his first half-year at the University of Chicago. In addition to sixteen articles the present volume contains Dewey’s reviews of six books and three articles, verbatim reports of three oral statements made by Dewey, and a full-length book, The Study of Ethics. Like its predecessors in this series, this volume presents a “clear text,” free of interpretive (...)
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  27.  5
    (2 other versions)The Early Works of John Dewey, Volume 1, 1882 - 1898: Early Essays and Leibniz's New Essays, 1882-1888.Jo Ann Boydston & George E. Axetell (eds.) - 1969 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Volume 1 of The Early Works of John Dewey, 1882-1898 is entitled Early Essays and Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding, 1882-1888. Included here are all Dewey's earliest writings, from his first published article through his book on Leibniz. The materials in this volume provide a chronological record of Dewey's early development--beginning with the article he sent to the Journal of Speculative Philosophy in 1881 while he was a high-school teacher in Oil City, Pennsylvania, and (...)
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  28.  7
    Meditaciones: enseñanzas para una conducta moral.Marcus Aurelius - 1994 - Madrid: Ediciones Temas de Hoy. Edited by Díez Fernández, José Ignacio, Aguirre de Cárcer & Luisa Fernanda.
  29.  22
    Ilkka Niiniluoto Carnap on truth.I. Carnap'S. Early Work - 2003 - In Thomas Bonk (ed.), Language, Truth and Knowledge: Contributions to the Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 2--1.
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  30.  33
    Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism. [REVIEW]Gerard Verbeke - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (3):566-568.
    In this book the author intends to present a careful analysis of the Stoic teaching on human action and to apply it to the moral doctrine of mainly Zeno and Chrysippus. The work is divided into two parts: the first deals with the structure of human action, whereas the second applies the result of the performed analysis to the moral theory, especially to the teaching on passions and the ethical evolution of an individual from a pre-moral to a moral stage. (...)
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  31. Science in Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology: from the early work to the later philosophy.Komarine Romdenh-Romluc - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    The "Meditations": And a Selection from /The Letters of Marcus and Fronto.A. S. L. Marcus Aurelius, R. B. Farquharson & Rutherford - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by A. S. L. Farquharson, R. B. Rutherford, Marcus Aurelius & Marcus Cornelius Fronto.
    This new edition brings Farquharson's authoritative 1944 translation up to date and includes a helpful introduction and notes for the student and general reader. Rutherford includes a selection of letters from Marcus to his tutor Fronto--most of which date from his earlier years--that offer personal detail and help to fill out the somber portrait of the emperor that is found in the Meditations.
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  33. The Derveni Papyrus and Early Stoicism.Gábor Betegh - 2007 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 1:133-152.
    Recent works by Fabienne Jourdan, Luc Brisson and Francesc Casadesús emphasize the importance of the similarities between the Derveni papyrus and early Stoicism. The paper examines the se parallelisms – focusing on the method of allegorical interpretation, the cosmological roles of air, fire and pneuma and cosmic teleology – and argues that the similarities, although non-negligible, are not such that would require us to re-interpret the Derveni papyrus against the background of Stoicism. Moreover, the relevant features of the (...)
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  34. Reading Seneca: Stoic Philosophy at Rome (review).Julia Annas - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 36 (3):449-456.
    Students of Stoicism often bewail the state of our sources. Of the works of Zeno and Chrysippus, the two major early Stoics, we have only fragments and later accounts whose distance from the original we can only guess. Our sources for early Stoic ethics are in better shape than our sources for Stoic metaphysics or logic, but they are still gappy and have the frustating feature that almost none of them are concerned to reveal the argumentative (...)
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  35. On the Teaching of Ethics from Polemo to Arcesilaus.Charles E. Snyder - 2018 - Études Platoniciennes 14.
    Less than a century after Plato’s death, the Academy’s scholarch Arcesilaus of Pitane inaugurates a peculiar oral phase of Academic philosophy, deciding not to write philosophical works or openly teach his own doctrines. Scholars often attribute a radical change of direction to the school under his headship, taking early Stoic epistemology to be the primary target of the New Academy’s attack on Stoic philosophy. This paper defends a rival view of Arcesilaus’ Academic revolution. Shifting the focus of that (...)
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  36.  43
    The Philosophy Behind Gandhi’s Practise: A review discussion of Richard Sorabji, Gandhi and the Stoics: Modern Experiments on Ancient Values, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, ISBN: 978-0199644339, hb, 240pp.; and Ramachandra Guha, Gandhi Before India, New Delhi, Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 2013, ISBN: 9780670083879, hb, x+673 pp.Bindu Puri - 2015 - Sophia 54 (3):385-390.
    This review discussion examines two recent works on Gandhi, Richard Sorabji’s Gandhi and the Stoics: Modern Experiments on Ancient Values, and Ram Guha’s Gandhi Before India. The review makes the point that we can see Gandhi’s unusual philosophical method at work if the two books are read together. Sorabji has argued that it is essential to understand Gandhi’s philosophy before we can assess the consistency between what he thought, believed and did. Guha has recorded events in Gandhi’s (...) years that can provide readers with details of Gandhi’s practise and experiments. (shrink)
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  37.  9
    (2 other versions)Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.Marcus Aurelius - 1900 - New York,: D. Appleton and Company. Edited by George Long & John Lancaster Spalding.
    A personal account of a great Roman Emperor's life lessons.
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  38.  18
    Bricolage and the purity of traditions: Engaging the stoics for contemporary Christian ethics.Elizabeth Agnew Cochran - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (4):720-729.
    ABSTRACTThis essay is a response to C. Kavin Rowe's critique of my 2011 argument that certain dimensions of Roman Stoic ethics are at work in Jonathan Edwards's moral thought. Rowe raises questions about the act of selectively retrieving ideas from a philosophical tradition to support constructive work in another tradition. I argue for the importance of acknowledging how Christian thought has been shaped by what Jeffrey Stout describes as moral bricolage, the selective retrieval of ideas from various traditions, and I (...)
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  39.  42
    The Cambridge Companion to Augustine (review).Blake D. Dutton - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (1):118-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.1 (2002) 118-119 [Access article in PDF] Book Review The Cambridge Companion to Augustine Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann, editors. The Cambridge Companion to Augustine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. xv + 307. Cloth, $59.95. Paper, $21.95. Given the immeasurable influence of Augustine upon the Western tradition, a volume devoted to him in the Cambridge Companion Series has been long overdue. Fortunately, (...)
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  40.  51
    Early responses to Hume's writings on religion.James Fieser (ed.) - 2001 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
    In the past 250 years, David Hume probably had a greater impact on the field of philosophy of religion than any other single philosopher. He relentlessly attacked the standard proofs for God's existence, traditional notions of God's nature and divine governance, the connection between morality and religion, and the rationality of belief in miracles. He also advanced radical theories of the origin of religious ideas, grounding such notions in human psychology rather than in divine reality. In the last decade of (...)
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  41.  70
    Jan Lukasiewicz. Selected Works[REVIEW]G. N. T. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (1):164-165.
    This volume offers to the English-speaking world a collection of important works by the eminent twentieth century logician, Jan Lukasiewicz, many of which are here translated into English for the first time. This edition differs significantly from the Polish edition which appeared in 1961—containing ten logic papers not appearing there and omitting articles primarily of interest to the Polish reader. In addition to writing in Polish, Lukasiewicz also published works in French, English, and notably in German, and sometimes (...)
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  42.  4
    The 17th Century Legacy of Neo-Stoic Ethics.James Mackey - unknown
    Justus Lipsius was a 16th -century renaissance humanist and literary scholar who, crucially for the history of philosophy, was involved in the publication and reinterpretation of Stoic thought, primarily focusing on the works of Seneca. Despite a fair amount of scholarship on Lipsius’s contribution to the history of philosophy, the role of Stoicism in the early to mid-17th century is still not well understood. In this thesis I show, through close examination of Lipsius’s work, that Neo-Stoic ethics in (...)
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    The Ethics of the Stoic Epictetus: An English Translation, and: Discourses Book 1 (review). [REVIEW]Eric Brown - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):671-673.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Ethics of the Stoic Epictetus: An English Translation by Bonhöffer, Adolf Friedrich, Discourses Book I by EpictetusEric BrownBonhöffer, Adolf Friedrich. The Ethics of the Stoic Epictetus: An English Translation. Translated by William O. Stephens. Revisioning Philosophy, Vol. 2. New York: Peter Lang, 1996. Pp. xix + 335. Cloth, $56.95.Epictetus. Discourses Book I. Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Robert F. Dobbin. Clarendon Later Ancient Philosophers. New (...)
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    Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy (review).Christopher S. Celenza - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2):207-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hellenistic and Early Modern PhilosophyChristopher S. CelenzaJon Miller and Brad Inwood, editors. Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Pp. xii + 330. Cloth, $60.00.There are at least two ways of writing the history of philosophy: the first and most common among those self-identified as "philosophers" treats philosophers of the past as if they were in live dialogue with the present. Only (...)
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  45.  8
    Plato's Soul-Book Simile and Stoic Epistemology.Paolo Togni - 2013 - Méthexis 26 (1):163-185.
    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to shed some light on the early Stoics' practice of managing platonic suggestions to construct their epistemology. Instances of such a practice, which scholars have recently focussed on, are the Stoic reassessment of the account of phantasia Plato offers in the Sophist and the image of the wax block as discussed in the Theaetetus. In this work I put forward a comparison between the simile of the soul-book, as presented by (...)
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    Wild, Unforgettable Philosophy: In Early Works of Walter Benjamin.Monad Rrenban - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Through reading the early work of Walter Benjamin—up to and including the Trauerspiel, author Monad Rrenban elicits a cohesive conception of the wild, inforgettable form, philosophy, as inherent in everything. This book, distinct in its analysis and depth of analysis, elaborates the wild, unforgettable form—philosophy in relation to language, the discipline and the practice of philosophy, criticism, and the politics of death.
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  47. Augustine's Debt to Stoicism in the Confessions.Sarah Catherine Byers - 2015 - In John Sellars (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Stoic Tradition. New York: Routledge. pp. 56-69.
    Seneca asserts in Letter 121 that we mature by exercising self-care as we pass through successive psychosomatic “constitutions.” These are babyhood (infantia), childhood (pueritia), adolescence (adulescentia), and young adulthood (iuventus). The self-care described by Seneca is 'self-affiliation' (oikeiōsis, conciliatio) the linchpin of the Stoic ethical system, which defines living well as living in harmony with nature, posits that altruism develops from self-interest, and allows that pleasure and pain are indicators of well-being while denying that happiness consists in pleasure and that (...)
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  48.  10
    Letters, Notes, and Comments.C. Kavin Rowe & Elizabeth Agnew Cochran - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (4):705 - 729.
    This essay argues that retrieving insights from the ancient Stoic philosophers for Christian ethics is much more difficult than is often assumed and, further, that the "ethics of retrieval" is itself something worth prolonged reflection. The central problem is that in their ancient sense both Christianity and Stoicism are practically dense patterns of reasoning and mutually incompatible forms of life. Coming to see this clearly requires the realization that the encounter between Stoicism and Christianity is a conflict of lived traditions. (...)
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  49. Deleuze's Rethinking of the Notion of Sense.Daniela Voss - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (1):1-25.
    Drawing on Deleuze's early works of the 1960s, this article investigates the ways in which Deleuze challenges our traditional linguistic notion of sense and notion of truth. Using Frege's account of sense and truth, this article presents our common understanding of sense and truth as two separate dimensions of the proposition where sense subsists only in a formal relation to the other. It then goes on to examine the Kantian account, which makes sense the superior transcendental condition of (...)
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  50.  24
    Moral transformation in Greco-Roman philosophy of mind: mapping the moral milieu of the Apostle Paul and his Diaspora Jewish contemporaries.Max J. Lee - 2020 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Max J. Lee examines the philosophies of Platonism and Stoicism during the Greco-Roman era and their rivals including Diaspora Judaism and Pauline Christianity on how to transform a person's character from vice to virtue. He describes each philosophical school's respective teachings on diverse moral topoi such as emotional control, ethical action and habit, character formation, training, mentorship, and deity." --provided by publisher.
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