Results for 'Steven Trac'

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  1. Relativism and the Foundations of Philosophy.Steven D. Hales - 2006 - MIT Press.
    The grand and sweeping claims of many relativists might seem to amount to the argument that everything is relative--except the thesis of relativism. In this book, Steven Hales defends relativism, but in a more circumscribed form that applies specifically to philosophical propositions. His claim is that philosophical propositions are relatively true--true in some perspectives and false in others. Hales defends this argument first by examining rational intuition as the method by which philosophers come to have the beliefs they do. (...)
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  2. Reinflating the semantic approach.Steven French & James Ladyman - 1999 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 13 (2):103 – 121.
    The semantic, or model-theoretic, approach to theories has recently come under criticism on two fronts: (i) it is claimed that it cannot account for the wide diversity of models employed in scientific practice—a claim which has led some to propose a “deflationary” account of models; (ii) it is further contended that the sense of “model” used by the approach differs from that given in model theory. Our aim in the present work is to articulate a possible response to these claims, (...)
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    Meaning.Steven M. Cahn - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 35 (1):89-90.
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  4. On the withering away of physical objects.Steven French - 1998 - In Elena Castellani, Interpreting Bodies: Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics. Princeton University Press. pp. 93--113.
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    Husserl, Heidegger, and the Space of Meaning: Paths Toward Trancendental Phenomenology.Steven Galt Crowell - 2001 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Winner of 2002 Edward Goodwin Ballard Prize In a penetrating and lucid discussion of the enigmatic relationship between the work of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, Steven Galt Crowell proposes that the distinguishing feature of twentieth-century philosophy is not so much its emphasis on language as its concern with meaning. Arguing that transcendental phenomenology is indispensable to the philosophical explanation of the space of meaning, Crowell shows how a proper understanding of both Husserl and Heidegger reveals the distinctive contributions (...)
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  6. The interdependence of structure, objects and dependence.Steven French - 2010 - Synthese 175 (S1):89 - 109.
    According to 'Ontic Structural Realism' (OSR), physical objects—qua metaphysical entities—should be reconceptualised, or, more strongly, eliminated in favour of the relevant structures. In this paper I shall attempt to articulate the relationship between these putative objects and structures in terms of certain accounts of metaphysical dependence currently available. This will allow me to articulate the differences between the different forms of OSR and to argue in favour of the 'eliminativist' version. A useful context is provided by Floridi's account of the (...)
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    Motive and Rightness.Steven Sverdlik - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Motive and Rightness is the first book-length attempt to answer the question, Does the motive of an action ever make a difference in whether that action is morally right or wrong? Steven Sverdlik argues that the answer is yes. His book examines the major theories now being discussed by moral philosophers to see if they can provide a plausible account of the relevance of motives to rightness and wrongness. Sverdlik argues that consequentialism gives a better account of these matters (...)
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  8. Models, Theories, and Structures: Thirty Years on.Steven French - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (S1):S116 - S127.
    Thirty years after the conference that gave rise to The Structure of Scientific Theories, there is renewed interest in the nature of theories and models. However, certain crucial issues from thirty years ago are reprised in current discussions; specifically: whether the diversity of models in the science can be captured by some unitary account; and whether the temporal dimension of scientific practice can be represented by such an account. After reviewing recent developments we suggest that these issues can be accommodated (...)
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  9. Metaphysical underdetermination: why worry?Steven French - 2011 - Synthese 180 (2):205 - 221.
    Various forms of underdetermination that might threaten the realist stance are examined. That which holds between different 'formulations' of a theory (such as the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulations of classical mechanics) is considered in some detail, as is the 'metaphysical' underdetermination invoked to support 'ontic structural realism'. The problematic roles of heuristic fruitfulness and surplus structure in attempts to break these forms of underdetermination are discussed and an approach emphasizing the relevant structural commonalities is defended.
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    Mysticism and philosophical analysis.Steven T. Katz (ed.) - 1978 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Molecules and minds: essays on biology and the social order.Steven Peter Russell Rose - 1987 - Philadelphia: Open University Press.
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    Against Nature: The Concept of Nature in Critical Theory.Steven Vogel (ed.) - 1996 - SUNY Press.
    Argues that the tradition of critical theory has had significant problems dealing with the concept of nature and that their solutions require taking seriously the idea of nature as socially constructed.
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    Lifelines: Biology, Freedom, Determinism.Steven Rose - 1997
    A discussion of Rose's new theory which argues that life depends on the interactions within cells, organisms and ecosystems and is not wholly dependent on DNA.
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  14. Dostoevsky's Religion.Steven Cassedy - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (1):163-165.
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  15. Three versions of an ethics of care.Steven D. Edwards - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (4):231-240.
    The ethics of care still appeals to many in spite of penetrating criticisms of it which have been presented over the past 15 years or so. This paper tries to offer an explanation for this, and then to critically engage with three versions of an ethics of care. The explanation consists firstly in the close affinities between nursing and care. The three versions identified below are by Gilligan (1982 ), a second by Tronto (1993 ), and a third by Gastmans (...)
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    So It Is, So It Shall Be: Group Regularities License Children's Prescriptive Judgments.Steven O. Roberts, Susan A. Gelman & Arnold K. Ho - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S3):576-600.
    When do descriptive regularities become prescriptive norms? We examined children's and adults' use of group regularities to make prescriptive judgments, employing novel groups that engaged in morally neutral behaviors. Participants were introduced to conforming or non-conforming individuals. Children negatively evaluated non-conformity, with negative evaluations declining with age. These effects were replicable across competitive and cooperative intergroup contexts and stemmed from reasoning about group regularities rather than reasoning about individual regularities. These data provide new insights into children's group concepts and have (...)
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    Mind-brain; Puccetti & Dykes' non-solution to a non-problem.Steven P. R. Rose - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):363-364.
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    Synchronizing Karma: The Internalization and Externalization of a Shared, Personal Belief.Steven G. Carlisle - 2008 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 36 (2):194-219.
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  19. Sokal's Hoax.Steven Weinberg - 1996 - New York Review of Books 13:11-15.
    Like many other scientists, I was amused by news of the prank played by the NYU mathematical physicist Alan Sokal. Late in 1994 he submitted a sham article to the cultural studies journal Social Text, in which he reviewed some current topics in physics and mathematics, and with tongue in cheek drew various cultural, philosophical and political morals that he felt would appeal to fashionable academic commentators on science who question the claims of science to objectivity.
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  20. A consistent relativism.Steven D. Hales - 1997 - Mind 106 (421):33-52.
    Relativism is one of the most tenacious theories about truth, with a pedigree as old as philosophy itself. Nearly as ancient is the chief criticism of relativism, namely the charge that the theory is self-refuting. This paper develops a logic of relativism that (1) illuminates the classic self-refutation charge and shows how to escape it; (2) makes rigorous the ideas of truth as relative and truth as absolute, and shows the relations between them; (3) develops an intensional logic for relativism; (...)
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  21. Here and Everywhere - Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.Steven Shapin - 1995 - Annual Review of Sociology 21:289-321.
    The sociology of scientific knowledge is one of the profession’s most marginal specialties, yet its objects of inquiry, its modes of inquiry, and certain of its findings have very substantial bearing upon the nature and scope of the sociological enterprise in general. While traditional sociology of knowledge asked how, and to what extent, "social factors" might influence the products of the mind, SSK sought to show that knowledge was constitutively social, and in so doing, it raised fundamental questions about taken-for-granted (...)
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  22. Time in the special theory of relativity.Steven Savitt & Roberto Torretti - 2011 - In Craig Callender, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time. Oxford University Press. pp. 546--570.
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    The pure theory of public justification.Steven Wall - 2016 - Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (2):204-226.
    :The ideal of public justification holds, at a minimum, that the most fundamental political and legal institutions of a society must be publicly justified to each of its members. This essay proposes and defends a new account of this ideal. The account defended construes public justification as an ideal of rational justification, one that is grounded in the moral requirement to respect the rational agency of persons. The essay distinguishes two kinds of justifying reasons that bear on politics and shows (...)
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  24. The Relationship between Intense Media Exposure and Change in Corporate Reputation.Steven L. Wartick - 1992 - Business and Society 31 (1):33-49.
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    The Conscious Brain.Steven Peter Russell Rose - 1973 - Paragon House.
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    Original Position Models, Trade-offs and Continuity.Steven Daskal - 2016 - Utilitas 28 (3):254-287.
    John Harsanyi has offered an argument grounded in Bayesian decision theory that purports to show that John Rawls's original position analysis leads directly to utilitarian conclusions. After explaining why a prominent Rawlsian line of response to Harsanyi's argument fails, I argue that a seemingly innocuous Bayesian rationality assumption, the continuity axiom, is at the heart of a fundamental disagreement between Harsanyi and Rawls. The most natural way for a Rawlsian to respond to Harsanyi's line of analysis, I argue, is to (...)
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  27. Descartes and occasional causation.Steven Nadler - 1994 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 2 (1):35 – 54.
    After a brief analysis of the nature of occasional causation, distinguishing it from both efficient causation and the doctrine of occasionalism, it is argued that this model of causation informs Descartes' account of the generation of sensory ideas in the mind. It is further argued that, consequently, Descartes is not an occasionalist on this matter.
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    toward a science of metatheory.Steven E. Wallis - 2010 - Integral Review 6 (3):73-120.
    In this article, I explore the field of metatheory with two goals. My first goal is to present a clear understanding of what metatheory “is” based on a collection of over twenty definitions of the term. My second goal is to present a preliminary investigation into how metatheory might be understood as a science. From that perspective, I present some strengths and weaknesses of our field and suggest steps to make metatheory more rigorous, more scientific, and so make more of (...)
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  29. Superluminal Signaling and Relativity.Steven Weinstein - 2006 - Synthese 148 (2):381-399.
    Special relativity is said to prohibit faster-than-light (superluminal) signaling, yet controversy regularly arises as to whether this or that physical phenomenon violates the prohibition. I argue that the controversy is a result of a lack of clarity as to what it means to ‘signal’, and I propose a criterion. I show that according to this criterion, superluminal signaling is not prohibited by special relativity.
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    Subjectivity in gradable adjectives: The case of tall and heavy.Steven Verheyen, Sabrina Dewil & Paul Égré - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (5):460-479.
    We present an investigation of the ways in which speakers' subjective perspectives are likely to affect the meaning of gradable adjectives like tall or heavy. We present the results of a study showing that people tend to use themselves as a yardstick when ascribing these adjectives to human figures of varied measurements: subjects' height and weight requirements for applying tall and heavy are found to be positively correlated with their personal measurements. We draw more general lessons regarding the definition of (...)
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  31. Self-ownership and paternalism.Steven Wall - 2009 - Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (4):399-417.
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  32. Introduction.Steven Schwartz - 1977 - In Stephen P. Schwartz, Naming, necessity, and natural kinds. Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press. pp. 13-41.
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  33. Spinoza on Lying and Suicide.Steven Nadler - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):257-278.
    Spinoza is often taken to claim that suicide is never a rational act, that a ‘free’ person acting by the guidance of reason will never terminate his/her own existence. Spinoza also defends the prima facie counterintuitive claim that the rational person will never act dishonestly. This second claim can, in fact, be justified when Spinoza's moral psychology and account of motivation are properly understood. Moreover, making sense of the free man's exception-less honesty in this way also helps to clarify how (...)
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    Relative Interpretations.Steven Orey - 1961 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 7 (7-10):146-153.
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    Adaptationism.Steven Hecht Orzack - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  36. Is there a right to privacy?Steven Davis - 2009 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 90 (4):450-475.
    It is widely held that there is a legal right to privacy that plays such a central role in a number of important US Supreme Court decisions. There is however a great deal of dispute about whether there is a moral right to privacy and if there is, what grounds the right. Before this can be determined, we must be clear about the nature of privacy, something that is not clearly understood and that, as we shall see, is often confused (...)
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  37. Neutralism for perfectionists: The case of restricted state neutrality.Steven Wall - 2010 - Ethics 120 (2):232-256.
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    Science, Paradox, and the Moebius Principle: The Evolution of a "Transcultural" Approach to Wholeness.Steven M. Rosen - 1994 - State University of New York Press; Series in Science, Technology, and Society.
    This book confronts basic anomalies in the foundations of contemporary science and philosophy. It deals with paradoxes that call into question our conventional way of thinking about space, time, and the nature of human experience.
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    Temporal Points of View: Subjective and Objective Aspects.Steven Hales (ed.) - 2015 - Springer.
    This book seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the relationships between the objective and subjective aspects of time. It discusses the existence of fluent time, a controversial concept in many areas, from philosophy to physics. Fluent time is understood as directional time with a past, a present and a future. We experience fluent time in our lives and we adopt a temporal perspective in our ways of knowing and acting. Nevertheless, the existence of fluent time has been debated (...)
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  40. Nonlocality Without Nonlocality.Steven Weinstein - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (8):921-936.
    Bell’s theorem is purported to demonstrate the impossibility of a local “hidden variable” theory underpinning quantum mechanics. It relies on the well-known assumption of ‘locality’, and also on a little-examined assumption called ‘statistical independence’ (SI). Violations of this assumption have variously been thought to suggest “backward causation”, a “conspiracy” on the part of nature, or the denial of “free will”. It will be shown here that these are spurious worries, and that denial of SI simply implies nonlocal correlation between spacelike (...)
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  41. The Problem of Intuition.Steven D. Hales - 2000 - American Philosophical Quarterly 37 (2):135-147.
    Traditional philosophy relies heavily on the use of rational intuition to establish theses and conclusions. This essay takes up the matter of intuition and argues for a stunning conclusion: appeal to rational intuition is epistemically justified only if a form of foundationalism is true. This type of foundationalism is the thesis that there is at least one proposition whose justification depends on nothing other than itself. The article also argues that unless we can establish that some intuitions are justified, philosophy (...)
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  42. Reasons: External and Internal.Steven Arkonovich - 2021 - In Hugh LaFollette, International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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    Fate, logic, and time.Steven M. Cahn - 1967 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
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    Why "nature" has no place in environmental philosophy.Steven Vogel - 2011 - In Gregory E. Kaebnick, The ideal of nature: debates about biotechnology and the environment. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 84.
  45. Rawlsian Perfectionism.Steven Wall - 2013 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (5):573-1.
    This paper presents and defends a Rawlsian argument for perfectionist state policies. The argument draws on Rawls’s discussion of the “Aristotelian Principle,” highlighting the complex relationship between this principle and the social bases of self-respect. The paper explains how Rawls’s discussion and endorsement of this principle has significant and unappreciated implications for his account of the human good and the state’s role in promoting it in a well-ordered society. Although Rawls explicitly rejected state perfectionism, the paper shows how his conception (...)
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    Kaci Hickox: Public Health and the Politics of Fear.Steven H. Miles - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (4):17-19.
    Kaci Hickox was a nurse who worked with persons who were infected with Ebola in West Africa. When she returned to the United States, the governors of New Jersey and Maine intervened to confine her to inpatient quarantine despite the fact that she was asymptomatic and had no serological evidence of infection. She defied the quarantine which resulted in enormous public attention and discussion of quarantine and public fear. This article summarizes the case discussing the history of the case, the (...)
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    Contested Knowledge: Social Theory Today.Steven Seidman - 2016 - Wiley.
    In the sixth edition of Contested Knowledge, social theorist Steven Seidman presents the latest topics in social theory and addresses the current shift of 'universalist theorists' to networks of clustered debates. Responds to current issues, debates, and new social movements Reviews sociological theory from a contemporary perspective Reveals how the universal theorist and the era of rival schools has been replaced by networks of clustered debates that are relatively 'autonomous' and interdisciplinary Features updates and in-depth discussions of the newest (...)
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  48. A Critique of FAWC’s Five Freedoms as a Framework for the Analysis of Animal Welfare.Steven P. McCulloch - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (5):959-975.
    The Brambell Report of 1965 recommended that animals should have the freedom to stand up, lie down, turn around, groom themselves and stretch their limbs. The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) developed these into the Five Freedoms, which are a framework for the analysis of animal welfare. The Five Freedoms are well known in farming, policy making and academic circles. They form the basis of much animal welfare legislation, codes of recommendations and farm animal welfare accreditation schemes, and are the (...)
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    Swinburne on Atonement.Steven S. Aspenson - 1996 - Religious Studies 32 (2):187 - 204.
    I criticize Richard Swinburne's account of the need for and means of atonement in his "Responsibility and Atonement." I offer objections to his understanding and use of the notion of 'the gift of life' in his account of the need for atonement; and closely related to that, I show that his conclusions about duties to God as a benefactor do not follow from his reasons. Furthermore, when examined closely, these conclusions seem false. In relation to his account of the means (...)
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    Mortal Objects: Identity and Persistence Through Life and Death.Steven Luper - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    How might we change ourselves without ending our existence? What could we become, if we had access to an advanced form of bioengineering that allowed us dramatically to alter our genome? Could we remain in existence after ceasing to be alive? What is it to be human? Might we still exist after changing ourselves into something that is not human? What is the significance of human extinction? Steven Luper addresses these questions and more in this thought-provoking study. He defends (...)
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