Results for 'Steven Perron'

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  1.  53
    Examining fragments of the quantified propositional calculus.Steven Perron - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):1051-1080.
    When restricted to proving $\Sigma _{i}^{q}$ formulas, the quantified propositional proof system $G_{i}^{\ast}$ is closely related to the $\Sigma _{i}^{b}$ theorems of Buss's theory $S_{2}^{i}$ . Namely, $G_{i}^{\ast}$ has polynomial-size proofs of the translations of theorems of $S_{2}^{i}$ , and $S_{2}^{i}$ proves that $G_{i}^{\ast}$ is sound. However, little is known about $G_{i}^{\ast}$ when proving more complex formulas. In this paper, we prove a witnessing theorem for $G_{i}^{\ast}$ similar in style to the KPT witnessing theorem for $T_{2}^{i}$ . This witnessing theorem (...)
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    The green case: a sociology of environmental issues, arguments, and politics.Steven Yearley - 1991 - [Boston]: HarperCollinsAcademic.
    What are the forces shaping the future of international green politics? This book provides an objective account of the basis of green arguments and their social and political implications. It offers a clear overview of the most pressing environmental threats.
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    The Neglect of Experiment.Steven French - 1990 - Noûs 24 (4):631-634.
    What role have experiments played, and should they play, in physics? How does one come to believe rationally in experimental results? The Neglect of Experiment attempts to provide answers to both of these questions. Professor Franklin's approach combines the detailed study of four episodes in the history of twentieth century physics with an examination of some of the philosophical issues involved. The episodes are the discovery of parity nonconservation in the 1950s; the nondiscovery of parity nonconservation in the 1930s, when (...)
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    The Elm and the Expert.Steven Horst - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (183):243-246.
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  5. The Postmodern Turn.Steven Best & Douglas Kellner - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (4):515-518.
  6.  7
    Mutual recognition across generations.Steven L. Winter - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (10):1450-1463.
    ‘Sovereignty’, Arendt says, ‘is contradictory to’ the human condition. It is not, in any event, the kind of thing that can be shared across generations. Subsequent generations lack sovereignty to the precise degree that they are bound by the decisions of their predecessors. It is no answer to say that contemporary citizens participate in the sovereignty of a whole, transgenerational people. To paraphrase de Tocqueville, later generations are not free because they are not entirely equal, and they are not equal (...)
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    Is there a universal need for positive self-regard?Steven J. Heine, Darrin R. Lehman, Hazel Rose Markus & Shinobu Kitayama - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (4):766-794.
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  8. The Reasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics: Partial Structures and the Application of Group Theory to Physics.Steven French - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1-2):103-120.
    Wigner famously referred to the `unreasonable effectiveness' of mathematics in its application to science. Using Wigner's own application of group theory to nuclear physics, I hope to indicate that this effectiveness can be seen to be not so unreasonable if attention is paid to the various idealising moves undertaken. The overall framework for analysing this relationship between mathematics and physics is that of da Costa's partial structures programme.
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    The Ambition to Rule: Alcibiades and the Politics of Imperialism.Steven Forde - 2019 - Cornell University Press.
    This book is a fresh examination of Thucydides' treatment of Alcibiades in his History of the Peloponnesian War, Alcibiades' significance in the History, and his relation to Thucydides' political themes.
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    Merleau-Ponty's Ontology.Steven Laycock - 19992 - Noûs 26 (3):365-368.
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    So It Is, So It Shall Be: Group Regularities License Children's Prescriptive Judgments.Steven O. Roberts, Susan A. Gelman & Arnold K. Ho - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S3):576-600.
    When do descriptive regularities become prescriptive norms? We examined children's and adults' use of group regularities to make prescriptive judgments, employing novel groups that engaged in morally neutral behaviors. Participants were introduced to conforming or non-conforming individuals. Children negatively evaluated non-conformity, with negative evaluations declining with age. These effects were replicable across competitive and cooperative intergroup contexts and stemmed from reasoning about group regularities rather than reasoning about individual regularities. These data provide new insights into children's group concepts and have (...)
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    (1 other version)The First Person: An Essay on Reference and Intentionality.Steven E. Boer - 1981 - Philosophy 58 (225):403-405.
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  13.  46
    What nursing chooses not to know: Practices of epistemic silence/silencing.Jessica Dillard-Wright, Claire Valderama-Wallace, Lucinda Canty, Amélie Perron, Ismalia De Sousa & Janice Gullick - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12443.
    Drawing from a keynote panel held at the hybrid 25th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference, this discussion paper examines the question of epistemic silence in nursing from five different perspectives. Contributors include US‐based scholar Claire Valderama‐Wallace, who meditated on ecosystems of settler colonial logics of nursing; American scholar Lucinda Canty discussed the epistemic silencing of nurses of colour; Canadian scholar Amelie Perron interrogated the use of disobedience and parrhesia in and for nursing; Canada‐based scholar Ismalia De Sousa considered what (...)
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  14.  81
    Political Morality and the Authority of Tradition.Steven Wall - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (2):137-161.
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  15.  11
    Cognitive Representations and Institutional Hybridity in Agrofood Innovation.Steven A. Wolf & Gilles Allaire - 2004 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 29 (4):431-458.
    Product differentiation has emerged as a central dynamic in contemporary agrofood systems. Departure from the mode of standardization emblematic of agrofood modernization raises questions about future technical trajectories and the ways in which learning will be sustained. This article examines two innovation trajectories: the rapid coupling of biotechnologies and information technologies to yield products differentiated by constituent components—a model based on a cognitive logic of decomposition/ recomposition—and the proliferation of product networks that mobilize distinctive, localized resources to create complete identities—a (...)
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    The Care of Our Hybrid Selves: Ethics in Times of Technical Mediation.Steven Dorrestijn - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):311-321.
    What can the art of living after Foucault contribute to ethics in relation to the mediation of human existence by technology? To develop the relation between technical mediation and ethics, firstly the theme of technical mediation is elaborated in line with Foucault’s notion of ethical problematization. Every view of what technology does to us at the same time expresses an ethical concern about technology. The contemporary conception of technical mediation tends towards the acknowledgement of ongoing hybridization, not ultimately good or (...)
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    The Sun Dance: Wiwayang Wacipi.Steven H. Wong - 1997 - In Donald Sandner & Steven H. Wong (eds.), The sacred heritage: the influence of shamanism on analytical psychology. New York: Routledge. pp. 207.
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    Postmodern Creation Myth?Steven Yates - 1997 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1-2):91-104.
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    From One Dependency to Another: The Political Economy of Science Policy in the Irish Republic in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.Steven Yearley - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (2):171-196.
    The literature on the politics of science and on science policy is dominated by information about large and highly industrialized countries. For example, models of the different forms of science policy administration and management tend to derive from French, U.S., and British exemplars. Yet in the mid-1990s there is a growing number of small nations, all of which are seeking to harness research communities to the cause of socioeconomic development, while still extracting "value for money" from science budgets. This article (...)
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    The primordiality of representation.Steven Bonta - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (250):191-233.
    The ontological implications of the Peircean Categories, as set forth most clearly in Peirce’s summative architectonic statement, “New Elements,” and referenced elsewhere in Peirce’s body of writings, are examined with reference to the existent or physical universe. The Peircean universal ontological Categories Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness are shown to give rise to a cosmos that is triadic and representational in essence. This immanently representational cosmos, denominated the “Book Universe,” is shown to be evidenced by the representational contours of both the (...)
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  21. Responsibility, autonomy, affectivity: A Heideggerian approach.Steven Crowell - 2014 - In Denis McManus (ed.), Heidegger, Authenticity, and the Self: Themes From Division Two of Being and Time. New York: Routledge. pp. 215-242.
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    Paternalism, Individualism, and the Politics of Maturity.Steven Bilakovics - 2020 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 32 (4):381-406.
    ABSTRACT We must, Isaiah Berlin argues, make tragic tradeoffs as we navigate the clash of incommensurable and irreconcilable values and ends of modernity. To deny this is to succumb to a politics of immaturity, and to the totalitarian temptation. The twentieth century taught that to resist final-solution fantasies, we must resist the allure, if not reject the value, of positive liberty, the liberty of self-mastery and self-rule. Two decades in, has the twenty-first century taught a different lesson? Have we learned (...)
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  23. Neutrality and Responsibility.Steven Wall - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy 98 (8):389-410.
  24.  12
    (1 other version)‘Who’ or ‘what’ is the rule of law?Steven L. Winter - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (5):655-673.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 5, Page 655-673, June 2022. The standard account of the relation between democracy and the rule of law focuses on law’s liberty-enhancing role in constraining official action. This is a faint echo of the complex, constitutive relation between the two. The Greeks used one word – isonomia – to describe both. If democracy is the system in which people have an equal say in determining the rules that govern social life, then the rule (...)
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    Derrida and Asian Thought.Steven Burik - 2020 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 12 (1):2-4.
    ABSTRACTThis paper draws a comparison between Derrida’s “trace” and the idea of dao in classical Daoism. It is argued that if dao is read in a non-metaphysical way, then the Derridean idea of “trace” will show large overlaps with dao. I then show how, despite some obvious differences, a “trace” reading of dao enables a clearer understanding of dao that would see it not as a metaphysical principle, ineffable but transcendent nonetheless, but rather as an immanent working of the patterned (...)
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  26. Louis de la Forge and the development of occasionalism: Continuous creation and the activity of the soul.Steven M. Nadler - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (2):215-231.
    Louis de La Forge and the Development of Occasionalism: Continuous Creation and the Activity of the Soul STEVEN NADLER THE DOCTRINE OF DIVINE CONSERVATION is a dangerous one. It is not theologi- cally dangerous, at least not in itself. From the thirteenth century onwards, and particularly with the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas, the notion of the continuous divine sustenance of the world of created things was, if not univer- sally accepted, a nonetheless common feature of theological orthodoxy, Chris- (...)
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    Husserl, Derrida, and the Phenenology of Expression.Steven Galt Crowell - 1996 - Philosophy Today 40 (1):61-70.
    This article examines the presuppositions underlying Derrida's criticisms of Husserl's theory of expression, and philosophy of language generally. I argue that Derrida's claim that indication (and so the sign-function) is present at the heart of phenomenological "expression" is based on an unwarranted substitution of a Hegelian structure of reflection for Husserl's own phenomenological concept of reflection and evidence. I then criticize a different sort of unclarity in Husserl's analysis of the noetic and noematic relations between "expressive" (linguistic) and "preexpressive" sense. (...)
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    Partisanship and the Boundaries of the Political Liberal Project.Steven Wall - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  29. Metaphysics, metontology, and the end of being and time.Steven Galt Crowell - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (2):307-331.
    In 1928 Heidegger argued that the transcendental philosophy he had pursued in Being and Time needed to be completed by what he called “metontology.” This paper analyzes what this notion amounts to. Far from being merely a curiosity of Heidegger scholarship, the place occupied by “metontology” opens onto a general issue concerning the relation between transcendental philosophy and metaphysics, and also between both of these and naturalistic empiricism. I pursue these issues in terms of an ambiguity in the notion of (...)
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  30. Hypnosis and neuroscience: Implications for the altered state debate.Steven Jay Lynn, Irving Kirsch, Josh Knox, Oliver Fassler & Scott O. Lilienfeld - 2007 - In Graham A. Jamieson (ed.), Hypnosis and Conscious States: The Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 145-165.
  31.  37
    Michel Serres.Steven D. Brown - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (3):1-27.
  32.  21
    The Economist's View of the World: And the Quest for Well-Being.Steven E. Rhoads - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Released in 1984, Steven E. Rhoads' classic was considered by many to be among the best introductions to the economic way of thinking and its applications. This anniversary edition has been updated to account for political and economic developments - from the greater interest in redistributing income and the ascendancy of behaviorism to the Trump presidency. Rhoads explores opportunity cost, marginalism, and economic incentives and explains why mainstream economists - even those well to the left - still value free (...)
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  33.  22
    Locally modular theories of finite rank.Steven Buechler - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30 (1):83-94.
  34.  40
    Problems of somatic mutation and cancer.Steven A. Frank & Martin A. Nowak - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (3):291-299.
    Somatic mutation plays a key role in transforming normal cells into cancerous cells. The analysis of cancer progression therefore requires the study of how point mutations and chromosomal mutations accumulate in cellular lineages. The spread of somatic mutations depends on the mutation rate, the number of cell divisions in the history of a cellular lineage, and the nature of competition between different cellular lineages. We consider how various aspects of tissue architecture and cellular competition affect the pace of mutation accumulation. (...)
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    Governing the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Introduction to Special Issue.Steven J. Hoffman, Julian Savulescu, Alberto Giubilini, Claas Kirchhelle, Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Isaac Weldon, Brooke Campus, Mark Harrison, Hannah Maslen & Angela McLean - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (1):1-8.
    Antimicrobial resistance is one of the greatest public health crises of our time. The natural biological process that causes microbes to become resistant to antimicrobial drugs presents a complex social challenge requiring more effective and sustainable management of the global antimicrobial commons—the common pool of effective antimicrobials. This special issue of Health Care Analysis explores the potential of two legal approaches—one long-term and one short-term—for managing the antimicrobial commons. The first article explores the lessons for antimicrobial resistance that can be (...)
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    John Dewey is a Tool: Lessons from Rorty and Brandom on the History of Pragmatism.Steven A. Miller - 2014 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 50 (2):246.
    Richard Rorty’s writings have long frustrated scholars of classical American philosophy. Robert Brandom’s recent engagements with the history of pragmatism have been met with similar disdain. This essay draws on Larry A. Hickman’s theory of technology and tool-use to find a productive framework for thinking through these interpretations. Foregrounding the purposes that guide their readings, we may find value where many readers have seen only ignorance. This strategy does not embrace interpretive relativism, nor does it preclude all scholarly criticism, but (...)
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    Manipulations of distractor frequency do not mitigate emotion-induced blindness.Jenna L. Zhao & Steven B. Most - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):442-451.
    ABSTRACTEmotional distractors can impair perception of subsequently presented targets, a phenomenon called emotion-induced blindness. Do emotional distractors lose their power to disrupt perception when appearing with increased frequency, perhaps due to desensitisation or enhanced recruitment of proactive control? Non-emotional tasks, such as the Stroop, have revealed that high frequency distractors or conflict lead to reduced interference, and distractor frequency appears to modulate attentional capture by emotional distractors in spatial attention tasks. But emotion-induced blindness is thought to reflect perceptual competition between (...)
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  38.  42
    Black nurse in white space? Rethinking the in/visibility of race within the Australian nursing workplace.Virginia Mapedzahama, Trudy Rudge, Sandra West & Amelie Perron - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (2):153-164.
    MAPEDZAHAMA V, RUDGE T, WEST S and PERRON A. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 153–164 [Epub ahead of print]Black nurse in white space? Rethinking the in/visibility of race within the Australian nursing workplaceThis article presents an analysis of data from a critical qualitative study with 14 skilled black African migrant nurses, which document their experiences of nurse‐to‐nurse racism and racial prejudice in Australian nursing workplaces. Racism generally and nurse‐to‐nurse racism specifically, continues to be under‐researched in explorations of these workplaces; when (...)
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  39.  28
    A Do-It-Yourself Dystopia: The Americanization of Big Brother.Steven Carter - 2002 - Upa.
    The essence of life in an oligarchy like George Orwell presents in '1984' is that freedom of choice is virtually non-existent. But what happens when so many trivial and meaningless choices inundate a culture such as our own and freedom itself becomes devalued? In 'A Do-It-Yourself Dystopia', through a variety of essays, Steven Carter addresses this and other issues in a wide-ranging search for hidden oligarchies of the American self.
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    Little House of Imaginary Distinctions.Steven Carter - 2011 - Upa.
    Look around you. The world is more homogenous than you think. Far too often, distinctions among people, places, and things are matters of degree rather than kind. Many are illusory. As satire, Little House of Imaginary Distinctions is meant to complement Steven Carter's previous book, Little House of Oxymorons, published by Hamilton Books in 2010.
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    Happiness and Goodness: Philosophical Refl ections on Living Well.Steven M. Cahn, Christine Vitrano & Robert Talisse - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How should we evaluate the success of each person's life? Countering the prevalent philosophical perspective on the subject, Steven M. Cahn and Christine Vitrano defend the view that our well-being is dependent not on particular activities, accomplishments, or awards but on finding personal satisfaction while treating others with due concern. The authors suggest that moral behavior is not necessary for happiness and does not ensure it. Yet they also argue that morality and happiness are needed for living well, and (...)
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  42.  53
    Perfectionism, Public Reason, and Religious Accommodation.Steven Wall - 2005 - Social Theory and Practice 31 (2):281-304.
  43.  14
    Postmodernism.Steven Best & Douglas Kellner - 2003 - In Robert Solomon & David Sherman (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 285–308.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Modern Theory and Kierkegaard's Assault on Reason Nietzsche and the Postmodern Nietzsche's Progeny and the Postmodern Turn: From Heidegger through Derrida Foucault's Critique of Rationality and Modernity Lyotard's “Postmodern Condition”: Polemics and Aporia Richard Rorty, the Attack on Theory, and Renunciation of Radical Politics For Theory and Politics.
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    A cognitive process shell.Steven A. Vere - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):460-461.
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    The Health Humanities and Camus’s the Plague, Edited by Woods Nash, Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2019.Steven Wilson - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (1):115-116.
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  46. Pseudoprojective strongly minimal sets are locally projective.Steven Buechler - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1184-1194.
    Let D be a strongly minimal set in the language L, and $D' \supset D$ an elementary extension with infinite dimension over D. Add to L a unary predicate symbol D and let T' be the theory of the structure (D', D), where D interprets the predicate D. It is known that T' is ω-stable. We prove Theorem A. If D is not locally modular, then T' has Morley rank ω. We say that a strongly minimal set D is pseudoprojective (...)
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    Vaught’s conjecture for superstable theories of finite rank.Steven Buechler - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (3):135-172.
    In [R. Vaught, Denumerable models of complete theories, in: Infinitistic Methods, Pregamon, London, 1961, pp. 303–321] Vaught conjectured that a countable first order theory has countably many or 20 many countable models. Here, the following special case is proved.
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  48. Propositional attitudes and compositional semantics.Steven E. Boer - 1995 - Philosophical Perspectives 9:341-380.
  49. Prejudice is free, but discrimination has costs.Steven Farron - 2000 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 14 (2):179-245.
  50.  73
    Autonomy and History: How a Desire Becomes One's Own.Steven Weimer - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (3):265-293.
    A common view among autonomy theorists is that a desire is autonomous only if it has the right sort of history. Usually, an autonomy-compatible history is taken to consist in the desire’s having had proper origins. In a recent article in this journal, Mikhail Valdman has proposed an alternative historical theory on which a desire’s origins are irrelevant. On Valdman’s “agent-engagement” theory, a desire is autonomous if and only if the agent has made it her own by deliberatively deciding it (...)
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