Results for 'Stephen Metz'

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  1.  28
    Portrayal of the History of the Photoelectric Effect in Laboratory Instructions.Stephen Klassen, Mansoor Niaz, Don Metz, Barbara McMillan & Sarah Dietrich - 2012 - Science & Education 21 (5):729-743.
  2.  20
    The Protestant ethic effect in a multichoice environment.Ronald M. Stephens, Leroy P. Metze & James R. Craig - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (2):137-139.
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    Leon Cooper’s Perspective on Teaching Science: An Interview Study.Mansoor Niaz, Stephen Klassen, Barbara McMillan & Don Metz - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (1):39-54.
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    A psychophysical study of the perception of consonance and dissonance.Stephen Metz, Anne D. Pick & Marsha G. Unze - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (2):89-92.
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    The renewal of case studies in science education.Arthur Stinner, Barbara A. McMillan, Don Metz, Jana M. Jilek & Stephen Klassen - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (7):617-643.
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  6. JILEK; Jana M. and KLASSEN, Stephen. Wow and what can we learn from replicating historical experiments? A case study.Arthur Stinner, Barbara A. Mcmillan & Don Metz - 2003 - Science & Education 12:617-663.
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  7. Film language: a semiotics of the cinema.Christian Metz - 1968/1991 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A pioneer in the field, Christian Metz applies insights of structural linguistics to the language of film. "The semiology of film . . . can be held to date from the publication in 1964 of the famous essay by Christian Metz, 'Le cinema: langue ou langage?'"--Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, Times Literary Supplement "Modern film theory begins with Metz."--Constance Penley, coeditor of Camera Obscura "Any consideration of semiology in relation to the particular field signifying practice of film passes inevitably through (...)
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  8. Meaning as a Distinct and Fundamental Value: Reply to Kershnar.Thaddeus Metz - 2014 - Science, Religion and Culture 1 (2):101-106.
    In this article, I reply to a critical notice of my book, Meaning in Life: An Analytic Study, that Stephen Kershnar has published elsewhere in this issue of Science, Religion & Culture. Beyond expounding the central conclusions of the book, Kershnar advances two major criticisms of it, namely, first, that I did not provide enough evidence that meaning in life is a genuine value-theoretic category as something distinct from and competing with, say, objective well-being, and, second, that, even if (...)
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  9. The Liberating Power of Symbols: Philosophical Essays. [REVIEW]S. J. Stephen Fields - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (3):650-650.
    Most of these eight essays on contemporary figures were given as lectures or speeches between 1990 and 1996. A piece on Ernst Cassirer’s humanistic legacy gives the collection its title, but the other subjects treated are far-ranging: Karl Jaspers on the clash of religious cultures, Georg Henrik von Wright’s noncognitive ethics, Gershom Scholem’s magisterial biography of the kabbalist Sabbatai Sevi, Karl-Otto Apel’s hermeneutics, Johann Baptist Metz on the Jewish element in Christianity, Michael Theunissen on the relation of negative theology (...)
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    Peter Heering, Stephen Klassen and Don Metz : Enabling Scientific Understanding Through Historical Instruments and Experiments in Formal and Non-formal Learning Environments. Flensburg Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science in Science Education. [REVIEW]Katharine Anderson - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (3):339-341.
    These proceedings of the International Conference for the History of Science in Science Education (ICHSSE) 2012 offer a snapshot of the work and conversations at an increasingly busy intersection: history of science, museum and science center staff, and science educators.
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  11. Spinoza on Action and Immanent Causation.Stephen Zylstra - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (1):29-55.
    I address an apparent conflict between Spinoza’s concepts of immanent causation and acting/doing [agere]. Spinoza apparently holds that an immanent cause undergoes [patitur] whatever it does. Yet according to his stated definition of acting and undergoing in the Ethics, this is impossible; to act is to be an adequate cause, while to undergo is to be merely a partial cause. Spinoza also seems committed to God’s being the adequate cause of all things, and, in a well-known passage, appears to deny (...)
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  12. Dispositions.Stephen Mumford - 1998 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Stephen Mumford puts forward a new theory of dispositions, showing how central their role is in metaphysics and philosophy of science. Much of our understanding of the physical and psychological world is expressed in terms of dispositional properties--from the solubility of sugar to the belief that zebras have stripes. Mumford discusses what it means to say that something has a property of this kind, and how dispositions can possibly be real things in the world. His clear, straightforward, realist account (...)
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    Has Medicaid Managed Care Affected Beneficiary Access and Use?Stephen Zuckerman, Niall Brennan & Alshadye Yemane - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (3):221-242.
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  14. Richard Rorty, feminism, and the annoyances of pragmatism.Stephen R. Yarbrough - 2010 - In Marianne Janack, Feminist Interpretations of Richard Rorty. Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Becoming a citizen of the world: Deleuze between Allan Kaprow and Adrian Piper.Stephen Zepke - 2009 - In Laura Cull, Deleuze and performance. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 109--25.
    This chapter examines the relevance of the thoughts of Gilles Deleuze to the works of Allan Kaprow and Adrian Piper. It argues that Kaprow had made a shift akin to Deleuze's move from expressionism to constructivism and addresses the politics of Kaprow's practice in relation to Deleuze's concept of counter-actualisation. It describes the alternative of Piper's practice as one that creates performance events capable of catalysing new social territories in and as life.
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  16. World hypotheses.Stephen Coburn Pepper - 1942 - Berkeley and Los Angeles,: University of California press.
    This book was written primarily as a contribution to the field, but its plan excellently suits it for use as a text in courses in metaphysics, types of ...
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    Film theory: rational reconstructions.Warren Buckland - 2012 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Introduction -- An improbable alliance : Peter Wollen's "The auteur theory" -- Visual stylometry : Barry Salt's "Statistical style analysis of motion pictures" -- Between Shakespeare and Sirk : Thomas Elsaesser's "Tales of sound and fury: observations on the family melodrama" -- From iconicity to semiotic articulation : Christian Metz's "cinema: language or language system?" and language and cinema -- Film as a specific signifying practice : Stephen Heath's "On screen, in frame: film and ideology" -- Against theories (...)
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    The Probabilistic Revolution, Volume 1.Lorenz Krüger, Lorraine J. Daston & Michael Heidelberger (eds.) - 1987 - Mit Press: Cambridge.
    Preface to Volumes 1 and 2 Lorenz Krüger xv Introduction to Volume 1 Lorraine J. Daston 1 I Revolution 1 What Are Scientific Revolutions? Thomas S. Kuhn 7 2 Scientific Revolutions, Revolutions in Science, and a Probabilistic Revolution 1800-1930 I. Bernard Cohen 23 3 Was There a Probabilistic Revolution 1800-1930? Ian Hacking 45 II Concepts 4 The Slow Rise of Probabilism: Philosophical Arguments in the Nineteenth Century Lorenz Krüger 59 5 The Decline of the Laplacian Theory of Probability: A Study (...)
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  19. Afro-Communitarianism and the Role of Traditional African Healers in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Thaddeus Metz - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):59-71.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant challenges to healthcare systems worldwide, and in Africa, given the lack of resources, they are likely to be even more acute. The usefulness of Traditional African Healers in helping to mitigate the effects of pandemic has been neglected. We argue from an ethical perspective that these healers can and should have an important role in informing and guiding local communities in Africa on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Particularly, we argue not only (...)
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    Measure theory and weak König's lemma.Xiaokang Yu & Stephen G. Simpson - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (3):171-180.
    We develop measure theory in the context of subsystems of second order arithmetic with restricted induction. We introduce a combinatorial principleWWKL (weak-weak König's lemma) and prove that it is strictly weaker thanWKL (weak König's lemma). We show thatWWKL is equivalent to a formal version of the statement that Lebesgue measure is countably additive on open sets. We also show thatWWKL is equivalent to a formal version of the statement that any Borel measure on a compact metric space is countably additive (...)
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  21. Confucianism and Ubuntu: Reflections on a Dialogue Between Chinese and African Traditions.Daniel A. Bell & Thaddeus Metz - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (s1):78-95.
    In this article we focus on three key precepts shared by Confucianism and the African ethic of Ubuntu: the central value of community, the desirability of ethical partiality, and the idea that we tend to become morally better as we grow older. For each of these broad similarities, there are key differences underlying them, and we discuss those as well as speculate about the reasons for them. Our aim is not to take sides, but we do suggest ways that Ubuntu (...)
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    Review of J udgement and Justification.Stephen Stich - 1993 - Noûs 27 (3):380-383.
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    (1 other version)Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience.Stephen Maitzen & William P. Alston - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (3):430.
  24.  12
    Eight Little Piggies: Reflections in Natural History.Stephen Jay Gould - 2010 - W. W. Norton & Company.
    "There is no scientist today whose books I look forward to reading with greater anticipation of enjoyment and enlightenment than Stephen Jay Gould."—Martin Gardner Among scientists who write, no one illuminates as well as Stephen Jay Gould doesthe wonderful workings of the natural world. Now in a new volume of collected essays—his sixth since Ever Since Darwin—Gould speaks of the importance of unbroken connections within our own lives and to our ancestralgenerations. Along with way, he opens to us (...)
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  25.  99
    On the Moral Objection to Coercion.Stephen J. White - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 45 (3):199-231.
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    Transmission Failures.Stephen J. White - 2017 - Ethics 127 (3):719-732.
    According to a natural view of instrumental normativity, if you ought to do φ, and doing ψ is a necessary means for you to do φ, then you ought to do ψ. In “Instrumental Normativity: In Defense of the Transmission Principle,” Benjamin Kiesewetter defends this principle against certain actualist-inspired counterexamples. In this article I argue that Kiesewetter’s defense of the transmission principle fails. His arguments rely on certain principles—Joint Satisfiability and Reason Transmission—which we should not accept in the unqualified forms (...)
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    Kant's Critical Religion.Stephen Palmquist - 2000 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Applying the new perspectival method of interpreting Kant he expounded in earlier works, Palmquist examine a broad range of Kant's philosophical writings to present a fresh view of his thought on theology, religion, and religious experience. He defends a number of innovative theses, including how re.
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  28. Punishing 'Dirty Hands'—Three Justifications.Stephen Wijze - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (4):879-897.
    Should those who get dirty hands be punished? There is strong disagreement among even those who support the existence of such scenarios. The problem arises because the paradoxical nature of dirty hands - doing wrong to do right - renders the standard normative justifications for punishment unfit for purpose. The Consequentialist, Retributivist and Communicative approaches cannot accommodate the idea that an action can be right, all things considered, but nevertheless also a categorical wrong. This paper argues that punishment is indeed (...)
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    Tragic-Remorse–The Anguish of Dirty Hands.Stephen Wijze - 2005 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (5):453-471.
    This paper outlines and defends a notion of ‘tragic-remorse’. This moral emotion properly accompanies those actions that involve unavoidable moral wrongdoing in general and dirty hands scenarios in particular. Tragic-remorse differs both phenomenologically and conceptually from regret, agent-regret and remorse. By recognising the existence of tragic-remorse, we are better able to account for our complex moral reality which at times makes it necessary for good persons to act in ways that although justified leave the agent with a moral stain and (...)
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    Conscious identification: Where do you draw the line?Stephen J. Lupker - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):37-38.
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    Science and the end of ethics.Stephen G. Morris - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Science and the End of Ethics examines some of the most important positive and negative implications that science has for ethics. Addressing the negative implications first, author Stephen Morris discusses how contemporary science provides significant challenges to moral realism. One threat against moral realism comes from evolutionary theory, which suggests that our moral beliefs are unconnected to any facts that would make them true. Ironically, many of the same areas of science (e.g. evolutionary biology, neuroscience, psychology) that present difficulties (...)
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  32. Metapsychological Relativism and the Self.Stephen L. White - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (6):298-323.
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  33. Narrative, apparatus, ideology: a film theory reader.Philip Rosen (ed.) - 1986 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The book includes many seminal articles by film scholars such as Christian Metz, Jean-Louis Baudry, Stephen Heath, Peter Wollen, Laura Mulvey, and Noel Burch, and by the era's leading cultural thinkers as well: Roland Barthes, Julia ...
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    Foucault and Education.Stephen Ball - 1991 - British Journal of Educational Studies 39 (2):229-230.
  35. Against fairness.Stephen T. Asma - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    From the school yard to the workplace, there’s no charge more damning than “you’re being unfair!” Born out of democracy and raised in open markets, fairness has become our de facto modern creed. The very symbol of American ethics—Lady Justice—wears a blindfold as she weighs the law on her impartial scale. In our zealous pursuit of fairness, we have banished our urges to like one person more than another, one thing over another, hiding them away as dirty secrets of our (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Analysis of Perceptual Expertise in Radiology – Current Knowledge and a New Perspective.Stephen Waite, Arkadij Grigorian, Robert G. Alexander, Stephen L. Macknik, Marisa Carrasco, David J. Heeger & Susana Martinez-Conde - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Transformative Constitutionalism and the Case of Religion.Stephen Macedo - 1998 - Political Theory 26 (1):56-80.
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    The Noetic Effects of Sin: An Historical and Contemporary Exploration of How Sin Affects Our Thinking.Stephen K. Moroney - 1999 - Lexington Books.
    Stephen Moroney's fascinating study examines the frequently neglected topic of the noetic effects of sin, a phenomenon in which sin distorts human thinking. Drawing on the detailed models formulated by John Calvin, Abraham Kuyper, and Emil Brunner, Moroney sets forth a more contemporary model of the subject. He extends beyond all previous views by relating the noetic effects of sin to the complex and unpredictable interaction between the object of knowledge and the knowing subject. Moroney also futher examines some (...)
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  39. Our errant epistemic aim.Stephen Maitzen - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (4):869-876.
    Often the first issue addressed by a theory of justified belief is the aim, goal, purpose, or objective of epistemic justification. What, in short, is the point of epistemic justification? Or, to put it a bit differently, why value justification: why is it worth having or pursuing? Prominent epistemologists, including both externalists and internalists, have proposed the following answer: the ultimate aim of epistemic justification is to maximize true belief and minimize false belief. This answer specifies what I’ll call the (...)
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  40. Commodification Arguments for the Legal Prohibition of Organ Sale.Stephen Wilkinson - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (2):189-201.
    The commercial trading of human organs, along withvarious related activities (for example, advertising)was criminalised throughout Great Britain under theHuman Organ Transplants Act 1989.This paper critically assesses one type of argumentfor this, and similar, legal prohibitions:commodification arguments.Firstly, the term `commodification' is analysed. Thiscan be used to refer to either social practices or toattitudes. Commodification arguments rely on thesecond sense and are based on the idea that having acommodifying attitude to certain classes of thing(e.g. bodies or persons) is wrong. The commodifyingattitude consists (...)
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  41. Evolution, explanation, and the fact/value distinction.Stephen W. Ball - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (3):317-348.
    Though modern non-cognitivists in ethics characteristically believe that values are irreducible to facts, they nevertheless believe that values are determined by facts, viz., those specified in functionalist, explanatory theories of the evolutionary origin of morality. The present paper probes the consistency of this position. The conventionalist theories of Hume and Harman are examined, and are seen not to establish a tight determinative reduction of values to facts. This result is illustrated by reference to recent theories of the sociobiological mechanisms involved (...)
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  42. Why We Need Religion.Stephen T. Asma - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    How we feel is as vital to our survival as how we think. This claim, based on the premise that emotions are largely adaptive, serves as the organizing theme of Why We Need Religion. This book is a novel pathway in a well-trodden field of religious studies and philosophy of religion. Stephen Asma argues that, like art, religion has direct access to our emotional lives in ways that science does not. Yes, science can give us emotional feelings of wonder (...)
  43. Weak Ontology and Liberal Political Reflection.Stephen K. White - 1997 - Political Theory 25 (4):502-523.
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    Grammatical aspect and event recognition in children’s online sentence comprehension.Peng Zhou, Stephen Crain & Likan Zhan - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):262-276.
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    Human Dignity as a Sui Generis Principle.Stephen Riley - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (4):439-454.
    This paper argues that human dignity is a sui generis status principle whose function lies in unifying our normative orders. More fully, human dignity denotes a basic status to be preserved in any institution or process; it is a principle demanding determination in different contexts; and it has its most characteristic application where the legal, moral, and political place competing obligations on individuals. The implication of this account is that we should not seek to reduce human dignity to either a (...)
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  46.  18
    What Is Global Media Ethics?Stephen J. A. Ward - 2021 - In Handbook of Global Media Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 5-21.
    This chapter provide an introductory portrait of global media ethics as an evolving discipline in broad strokes—its motivating questions, its distinct concerns and methods, how the discipline is related to other forms of ethics, and why we need a global media ethics. Since our global world is linked by many forms of media, the chapter argues that we need an accompanying global media ethics that challenges the use of media to promote racism, xenophobia, extreme nationalism, and the denial of human (...)
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    Semantic redintegration: Ecological invariance.Stephen E. Robbins - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):726-727.
    In proposing that their model can operate in the concrete, perceptual world, Rogers & McClelland (R&M) have not done justice to the complexities of the ecological sphere and its invariance laws. The structure of concrete events forces a different framework, both for retrieval of events and concepts defined across events, than that upon which the proposed model, rooted in essence in the verbal learning tradition, implicitly rests.
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    CAHOST: An Excel Workbook for Facilitating the Johnson-Neyman Technique for Two-Way Interactions in Multiple Regression.Stephen W. Carden, Nicholas S. Holtzman & Michael J. Strube - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The discourse of control.Stephen Maguire - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 19 (1):109-114.
    I challenge the appropriateness of the discourse of managerial control of employees in four ways. First, I question arguments which suggest that employees are always subject to organizational control. Second, I contrast workplace conditions which support employee self-determination and autonomy with conditions which permit control of employees. Third, I provide an ethical assessment of the normative use of control talk and fourth, I suggest an alternative discourse, a discourse of accountability which appropriately highlights the reciprocity necessary to build ethical organizations.
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    The sorites fallacy: What difference does a peanut make?Stephen E. Weiss - 1976 - Synthese 33 (2-4):253 - 272.
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