Results for 'Stephen Fortescue'

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  1. Pravit li Rossiiei Oligarhiia?Stephen Fortescue - 2002 - Polis 5 (8):64-73.
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    The Russian Academy of sciences and the Soviet Academy of sciences: Continuity or disjunction? [REVIEW]Stephen Fortescue - 1992 - Minerva 30 (4):459-478.
    Although the Russian Academy has not been operating long enough to permit a categorical statement that it will act exactly as the Soviet Academy did, there is now enough information to justify stating that in its structure and stated functions it differs in no significant way from the Soviet Academy which it replaced. While it might well have been weakened, through a decline in its own prestige and through the weakening of the government under which it operates, it is unlikely (...)
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    John Fortescue.Stephen E. Lahey - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 619--621.
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    Science Policy in the Soviet Union. Stephen Fortescue.Harley Balzer - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):174-174.
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    Making 20th century science: how theories became knowledge.Stephen G. Brush - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Ariel Segal.
    Historically, the scientific method has been said to require proposing a theory, making a prediction of something not already known, testing the prediction, and giving up the theory (or substantially changing it) if it fails the test. A theory that leads to several successful predictions is more likely to be accepted than one that only explains what is already known but not understood. This process is widely treated as the conventional method of achieving scientific progress, and was used throughout the (...)
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    Radical Critiques of the Law.Stephen M. Griffin & Robert C. L. Moffat - 1997 - Amintaphil.
    The past two decades have seen an outpouring of work in legal theory that is self-consciously critical of aspects of American law and the institutions of the liberal state. In this lively volume, eminent scholars in philosophy, law, and political science respond to this recent scholarship by exploring what constitutes a "radical" critique of the law, examining such theories as critical legal studies, feminist theory and theories of "difference," and critical race theory. The authors consider whether the critiques advanced in (...)
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  7. Style and sense in Aristotle's Rhetoric bk. 3.Stephen Halliwell - 1993 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 47 (184):50-69.
  8. The English Utilitarians: Volume 3, John Stuart Mill.Leslie Stephen - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Leslie Stephen, author, literary critic, social commentator and the first editor of the Dictionary of National Biography, published his two-volume History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century in 1876. This led him to further investigation and study of utilitarianism, whose proponents believed that human action should be guided by the principle of ensuring the happiness of the greatest number of people. While working on many other projects, especially the Dictionary, and haunted by domestic tragedy in the sudden death (...)
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    1965.Stephen M. Krason - 2016 - Catholic Social Science Review 21:191-194.
    This was one of SCSS President Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appeared during 2015 in and The Wanderer and at his blog site. It discusses the seminal year 1965, when so many of our current social, cultural, and political problems and our difficulties in the Church began to take shape. It discusses the nature of the “new direction” that became evident that year, how crucial trends took shape, and how the developments of (...)
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    The Charlie Gard Case.Stephen M. Krason - 2018 - Catholic Social Science Review 23:367-370.
    This was one of SCSS President Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appear monthly in Crisis and The Wanderer. It discusses the tragic case of Charlie Gard, the baby who a U.K. hospital would not discharge so his parents could take him to the U.S. for experimental treatment for a rare, normally terminal DNA disorder that might have saved his life. Krason says that the case illustrated a number of dangerous current trends in Western (...)
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    The Supreme Court’s Same-Sex “Marriage” Decision.Stephen M. Krason - 2016 - Catholic Social Science Review 21:199-204.
    This was one of SCSS President Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appeared during 2015 in and The Wanderer and at his blog site. It discusses the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 2015 decision on same-sex “marriage,” Obergefell v. Hodges, and its likely implications for religious liberty, true marriage, and children. He says it is the latest expression of concocted rights under the Court’s “substantive-due-process” doctrine. He suggests ways to respond to the decision politically (...)
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    Frie, Roger, ed. (2003). Understanding Experience: Psychotherapy and Postmodernism. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2003, xii + 234 pp. Paper (ISBN 1-58391-900-7) $18.99 (paper).Stephen Rojcewicz - 2006 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 37 (1):156.
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    Body Images.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:55-106.
    Now let us imagine, if you please, a tiny worm living in the blood, . . . . The worm would be living in the blood as we are living in our part of the universe, and it would regard each individual particle as a whole, not a part, and it would have no idea as to how all the parts are controlled by the overall nature of the blood and compelled to mutual adaptation as the overall nature of the (...)
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    Tragedy. Theory and Political Education.Stephen G. Salkever - 1991 - Polis 10 (1-2):162-168.
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    Duns Scot: de la métaphyisique à l'éthique.Stephen D. Dumont - 1999
    L'importance de Duns Scot (1265?-1308) pour l'histoire de la métaphysique et de l'éthique n'est plus à démontrer. En demandant à Olivier Boulnois de recueillir ces études, Philosophie tente de se faire l'écho de la floraison récente de travaux consacrés à cet auteur, aussi bien à l'étranger qu'en France. L'article de Stephen Dumont souligne la place fondamentale de Scot dans l'histoire de la métaphysique. Mais au lieu de se centrer sur la tradition moderne de la métaphysique transcendantale (de Suarez à (...)
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    An Essay on the Essay.Stephen C. Pepper - 1967 - New Scholasticism 41 (3):295-311.
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    Aesthetic quality.Stephen C. Pepper - 1965 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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    Some remarks on wall's "a fact is a fact is a fact".Stephen C. Pepper - 1973 - Zygon 8 (2):133-134.
  19.  26
    Love and the Will in Dietrich von Hildebrand’s The Nature of Love.Stephen Phelan - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (2):161-169.
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    Weyl on sets and abstraction.Stephen Pollard - 1988 - Philosophical Studies 53 (1):131 - 140.
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    "Commentary on" Sexuality and intimacy in the nursing home".Stephen G. Post - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (4):314-317.
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    Inheritance.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:277-301.
    How does one desire forgetting? How does one desire not to keep?How does one desire mourning (assuming that to mourn, to work at mourning does not amount to keeping . . .)? (Derrida, GT, 36)Jacques Derrida died Friday night, October 8–9, 2004.
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    Literature & Philosophy.Stephen David Ross - 1969 - New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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    Moral decision.Stephen David Ross - 1972 - San Francisco,: Freeman, Cooper.
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    Self and WorId.Stephen David Ross - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:193-205.
    Man, in the analytic of finitude, is a strange empirico-transcendental doublet, since he is a being such that knowledge will be attained in him of what renders all knowledge possible. (Foucault, OT, 318)Man is a mode of being which accommodates that dimension-always open, never finally delimited, yet constantly traversed-which extends from a part of himself not reflected in a cogito to the act of thought by which he apprehends that part; and which, in the inverse direction, extends from that pure (...)
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    Demos rising: democracy and the popular construction of public power in France, 1800-1850.Stephen W. Sawyer - 2025 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A political history exploring the concept of demos in the French government during the period of 1800 to 1850. In his previous book, Demos Assembled, historian Stephen W. Sawyer offered a transatlantic account of the birth and transformation of the modern democratic state. In Demos Rising, he presents readers of political history with a prequel whose ambitious claim is that a genuine demos became possible in France only with the development of government regulation and administration. Focusing on democracy as (...)
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    Kierkegaard: a single life.Stephen Backhouse - 2016 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
    A controversial life -- School life -- Family life -- Public life/private life -- Love life -- Writing life -- Pirate life -- An armed and neutral life -- A life concluded -- A life continued -- Afterword -- Overviews of the works of Søren Kierkegaard.
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  28. Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 125, 2003 Lectures.Banfield Stephen - 2004
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    De-monstration and the Sens of Art.Stephen Barker - 2012 - In Peter Gratton & Marie-Eve Morin, Jean-Luc Nancy and Plural Thinking: Expositions of World, Ontology, Politics, and Sense. State University of New York Press. pp. 175-190.
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  30. Guido Terrena and the Unity of the Concept of Being.Stephen Brown - 1992 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 3 (2):599-631.
    Sulla base del ms. Vat. Borg. 39 viene edita la quaestio I del Quodlibet IV. Nell'introduzione l'A. ricorda le posizioni espresse da Enrico di Gand, Duns Scoto, Gerardo da Bologna e Erveo Natale sul tema in questione. La posizione di Guido sull'analogia dell'essere, per quanto originale, si costituisce come una valida alternativa alla opinio communis rappresentata da Gerardo da Bologna, Erveo Natale e da molti altri autori attivi tra la fine del XIII sec. e gli inizi del XIV.
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  31. Towards the realization of God.Stephen J. M. Brown - 1944 - Dublin: Browne & Nolan.
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  32. Enlarging the community: Companion animals.Stephen Rl Clark - 1995 - In Brenda Almond, Introducing Applied Ethics. Cambridge, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  33. The Old Testament: its Background, Growth, and Content.Stephen L. McKenzie & John Kaltner - 2007
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  34. Triage education: from experience to practice standards.Stephen McNally - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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  35. Using the Human Body as a Paradigm for the Structure of Time: Some Reflections on Time’s URAM.Stephen M. Modell - 1994 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 17 (3):197-221.
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    Reflecting on the Political Economy of Academic Medicine in the Wake of COVID-19.Stephen Molldrem - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):155-158.
    The COVID-19 pandemic coincided with a transition in my scholarly life. Specifically, I shifted from being a postdoctoral fellow in an anthropology department at a traditional university to a tenure track position as an assistant professor at an institute for bioethics and health humanities within an academic health center. This development has been instructive, partly because I have begun learning about how the political economies of academic medicine and the traditional university differ, align, and respectively shape institutional research cultures. My (...)
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  37. Teaching comparative political thought : joys, pitfalls, strategies, significance.Stephen Salkever - 2020 - In Melissa S. Williams, Deparochializing Political Theory. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Connecting the Dots: Mott for Emulsions, Collapse Models, Colored Noise, Frame Dependence of Measurements, Evasion of the “Free Will Theorem”.Stephen L. Adler - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (11):1557-1567.
    We review the argument that latent image formation is a measurement in which the state vector collapses, requiring an enhanced noise parameter in objective reduction models. Tentative observation of a residual noise at this level, plus several experimental bounds, imply that the noise must be colored, and hence frame dependent and non-relativistic. Thus a relativistic objective reduction model, even if achievable in principle, would be incompatible with experiment; the best one can do is the non-relativistic CSL model. This negative conclusion (...)
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    Moral Psychology: Heartmind (Xin), Nature (Xing), and Emotions (Qing).Stephen C. Angle & Justin Tiwald - 2020 - In Kai-Chiu Ng & Yong Huang, Dao Companion to Zhu Xi’s Philosophy. Springer. pp. 361-387.
    An overview of Zhu Xi's moral psychology, with a special focus on the metaphysical underpinnings and the relations between heartmind (xin), emotions (qing), and nature (xing). The authors explain how Zhu uses his account to balance the demand for independent standards of assessment with his commitment to ethical norms that virtuous agents can embrace wholeheartedly.
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  40. The Family In Theological Perspective.Stephen C. Barton - 1996
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    Mathematical Studies.Stephen Bedding, Mal Coad, Jane Forrest, Beryl Fussey & Paula Waldman de Tokman - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    This book has been designed specifically to support the student through the IB Diploma Programme in Mathematical Studies. It includes worked examples and numerous opportunities for practice. In addition the book will provide students with features integrated with study and learning approaches, TOK and the IB learner profile. Examples and activities drawn from around the world will encourage students to develop an international perspective.
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    Apa student ethics writing prize: Introduction to the special section.Stephen H. Behnke - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (4):289-290.
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    Teaching.Stephen I. Brown - 1982 - Teaching Philosophy 5 (2):125-133.
  44. Transcending the Kpelle Nightmare: Personal Evolution and Excavations.Stephen Brown - 2007 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 22.
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    Beyond the Humanism/Posthumanism Debate: The Educational Implications of Said's Critical, Humane Praxis.Stephen Chatelier - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (6):657-672.
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    Trauma, Dislocation, and Lived Fear in the Postsecular World: Towards a First Methodological Checklist.Stephen Chan - 2013 - Culture and Dialogue 3 (1):95-107.
    This paper is a response to isolated but increasingly frequent efforts within the International Relations profession to approach questions of a postsecular world. However, such approaches are based on certain assumptions, chiefly that a mode of reasoning analogous to that of Critical thought can be transposed to the study of religions and spirituality; and that high normative thought is embedded in all religious thought. This paper cautions against such assumptions, and sets out a series of indicative pitfalls in what may (...)
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    Wary shift or risky shift?Stephen L. Cohen & Carol Beth Ruis - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (3):214-216.
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    (1 other version)Is subjective idealism a necessary point of view for psychology?Stephen S. Colvin - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 2 (9):225-231.
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    Bioretoorika.Stephen Pain - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):772-772.
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  50. Gaṅgeśa Upādhyāya's Jewel of Reflection on the Truth.Stephen Phillips - 2020 - In Malcolm Keating, Controversial Reasoning in Indian Philosophy: Major Texts and Arguments on Arthâpatti. London: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing.
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