Results for 'Steffen Christensen'

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  1. The Turing Ratio: A Framework for Open-Ended Task Metrics.Hassan Masum & Steffen Christensen - 2003 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 13 (2).
    The Turing Test is of limited use for entities differing substantially from human performance levels. We suggest an extension of Turing’s idea to a more differentiated measure - the "Turing Ratio" - which provides a framework for comparing human and algorithmic task performance, up to and beyond human performance levels. Games and talent levels derived from pairwise comparisons provide examples of the concept. We also discuss the related notions of intelligence amplification and task breadth. Intelligence amplification measures total computational efficiency (...)
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  2. Huge variation in obtaining ethical permission for a non-interventional observational study in Europe.Dylan W. de Lange, Bertrand Guidet, Finn H. Andersen, Antonio Artigas, Guidio Bertolini, Rui Moreno, Steffen Christensen, Maurizio Cecconi, Christina Agvald-Ohman, Primoz Gradisek, Christian Jung, Brian J. Marsh, Sandra Oeyen, Bernardo Bollen Pinto, Wojciech Szczeklik, Ximena Watson, Tilemachos Zafeiridis & Hans Flaatten - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):39.
    Ethical approval must be obtained before medical research can start. We describe the differences in EA for an pseudonymous, non-interventional, observational European study. Sixteen European national coordinators of the international study on very old intensive care patients answered an online questionnaire concerning their experience getting EA. N = 8/16 of the NCs could apply at one single national ethical committee, while the others had to apply to various regional ECs and/or individual hospital institutional research boards. The time between applying for (...)
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    Scientists Still Behaving Badly? A Survey Within Industry and Universities.Simon Godecharle, Steffen Fieuws, Ben Nemery & Kris Dierickx - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (6):1697-1717.
    Little is known about research misconduct within industry and how it compares to universities, even though a lot of biomedical research is performed by–or in collaboration with–commercial entities. Therefore, we sent an e-mail invitation to participate in an anonymous computer-based survey to all university researchers having received a biomedical research grant or scholarship from one of the two national academic research funders of Belgium between 2010 and 2014, and to researchers working in large biomedical companies or spin-offs in Belgium. The (...)
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    Natural sources of normativity.Wayne Christensen - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):104-112.
  5. On Digital Bildung: Raising a Critical Awareness of Digital Matters.Bo Allesøe Christensen - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (3):303-322.
    The aim of the article is to theoretically develop a notion of digital _Bildung_ that accepts the “world” of today as characterised by the entanglement of humans and technology. I draw on Adorno’s critical notion of _Bildung_, Luciano Floridi’s and Katherine Hayles’ respective understandings of the human-technology entanglement, and the social philosophy of the American philosopher Robert Brandom to understand _Bildung_ as a piecemeal process. Nevertheless, _Bildung_ is a rational process of making explicit the implicit connections to which we commit (...)
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  6. The Decoupled Representation Theory of the Evolution of Cognition—A Critical Assessment.Wayne Christensen - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (2):361 - 405.
    Sterelny's Thought in a Hostile World ([2003]) presents a complex, systematically structured theory of the evolution of cognition centered on a concept of decoupled representation. Taking Godfrey-Smith's ([1996]) analysis of the evolution of behavioral flexibility as a framework, the theory describes increasingly complex grades of representation beginning with simple detection and culminating with decoupled representation, said to be belief-like, and it characterizes selection forces that drive evolutionary transformations in these forms of representation. Sterelny's ultimate explanatory target is the evolution of (...)
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    12 The Evolutionary Origins of Volition.Wayne Christensen - 2007 - In David Spurrett, Don Ross, Harold Kincaid & Lynn Stephens, Distributed Cognition and the Will: Individual Volition and Social Context. MIT Press. pp. 255.
  8.  44
    The Decline of Iranshahr: Irrigation and Environments in the History of the Middle East, 500 B. C. to A. D. 1500.Elton L. Daniel, Peter Christensen & Steven Sampson - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):336.
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    A decomposition of the Rogers semilattice of a family of d.c.e. sets.Serikzhan A. Badaev & Steffen Lempp - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (2):618-640.
    Khutoretskii's Theorem states that the Rogers semilattice of any family of c.e. sets has either at most one or infinitely many elements. A lemma in the inductive step of the proof shows that no Rogers semilattice can be partitioned into a principal ideal and a principal filter. We show that such a partitioning is possible for some family of d.c.e. sets. In fact, we construct a family of c.e. sets which, when viewed as a family of d.c.e. sets, has (up (...)
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  10. The Decoupled Representation Theory of the Evolution of Cognition--A Critical Assessment.Dr Wayne Christensen - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (2):361-405.
    Sterelny’s Thought in a Hostile World ([ 2003 ]) presents a complex, systematically structured theory of the evolution of cognition centered on a concept of decoupled representation. Taking Godfrey-Smith’s ([ 1996 ]) analysis of the evolution of behavioral flexibility as a framework, the theory describes increasingly complex grades of representation beginning with simple detection and culminating with decoupled representation, said to be belief-like, and it characterizes selection forces that drive evolutionary transformations in these forms of representation. Sterelny’s ultimate explanatory target (...)
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  11.  64
    Contiguity and Distributivity in the Enumerable Turing Degrees.Rodney G. Downey & Steffen Lempp - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1215-1240.
    We prove that a enumerable degree is contiguous iff it is locally distributive. This settles a twenty-year old question going back to Ladner and Sasso. We also prove that strong contiguity and contiguity coincide, settling a question of the first author, and prove that no $m$-topped degree is contiguous, settling a question of the first author and Carl Jockusch [11]. Finally, we prove some results concerning local distributivity and relativized weak truth table reducibility.
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    Aufklärung oder Gruseleffekt?Klaus-Steffen Saternus - 1998 - Ethik in der Medizin 10 (1):40-42.
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    There is no plus-capping degree.Rodney G. Downey & Steffen Lempp - 1994 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 33 (2):109-119.
    Answering a question of Per Lindström, we show that there is no “plus-capping” degree, i.e. that for any incomplete r.e. degreew, there is an incomplete r.e. degreea>w such that there is no r.e. degreev>w witha∩v=w.
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    Exercício aquático para osteoartrite.E. M. Bartels, H. Lund, K. B. Hagen, H. Dagfinrud, R. Christensen & B. Danneskiold-Samsøe - forthcoming - Tópicos.
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    Comportamiento a la cizalladura de vigas encoladas laminadas de guadua angustifolia kunth.B. González, Héctor Alvaro, Jorge Augusto Montoya Arango & Civil Steffen Hellwig - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  16. Liste des lettres.David Smith, Alan Dainard, Marie-Therese Inguenaud, Jonas Steffen, Jean Orsoni & Peter Allan - 2004 - In David Smith, Alan Dainard, Marie-Therese Inguenaud, Jonas Steffen, Jean Orsoni & Peter Allan, Correspondance Générale D'Helvétius: Index. University of Toronto Press. pp. 127-206.
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  17. Laat ons niet ernstig blijven, Huldeboek voor Jean Paul Van Bendegem.Bart Van Kerkhove, Karen François, Steffen Ducheyne & Patrick Allo (eds.) - 2018 - Academia Press.
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  18. Innovative Dialogue. Probing the Boundaries: Re-Imagining Death and Dying.Dennis Cooley & Lloyd Steffen (eds.) - 2009
  19. Methods in Analytic Philosophy: A Primer and Guide.Joachim Horvath, Steffen Koch & Michael G. Titelbaum (eds.) - forthcoming - London, ON: PhilPapers Foundation.
    Forthcoming guide with brief introductions on methods in analytic philosophy by experts on the relevant topics. With sections on: formal methods, argumentation, inferential methods, thought experiments, intuition, ordinary language philosophy, conceptual analysis, conceptual engineering, naturalism, analytic feminism, experimental philosophy, and progress and disagreement in philosophy.
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    What makes a difference? Symmetry as a sociological concept.Jean-Sébastien Guy & Steffen Roth - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-18.
    This article discusses symmetry as an analytical tool for sociological analysis. Symmetry is presented as a property of social formations and a way to generate information about them through their mutual comparisons. The concept thus displaces the old dichotomy between individual and society. The latter forces to think in terms of wholes and parts, unduly limiting the possibilities at hand by keeping individuals as prisoners of societies, as it were. Symmetry opens the door for more alternatives by making room for (...)
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  21. Philoponus on De A nima II. 5, Physics III. 3, and the Propagation of Light.Jean Christensen De Groot - 1983 - Phronesis 28 (2):177-196.
  22.  11
    Polemik Und Argumentation in der Wissenschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts: Eine Pragmalinguistische Untersuchung der Auseinandersetzung Zwischen Carl Vogt Und Rudolph Wagner Um Die ‚Seele‘.Steffen Haßlauer - 2010 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Carl Vogt’s quarrel with Rudolph Wagner is considered to be a culmination of the materialism dispute in the 19th century. Out of this basically academic issue on the nature of human mental functions, a personal dispute quickly developed which was unrivalled in thematic incisiveness and expression. The aim of this study is the detailed linguistic analysis of the polemics and argumentation in this dispute based on extensive text excerpts, in which for the first time detailed linguistic studies on Vogt and (...)
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    Erasmia Basmanole, Οι αντιδάνειες λέξεις στη Ν Еλληνιϰή, διδ. διατϱιβή.[Πανεπιστήμιο Аθηνών, Φιλοσοφιϰή Σχολή, Тμήμα Φιλολογίας, Тομέας Гλωσσολογίας].Günther Steffen Henrich - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):573-574.
    Diese unter der Leitung der Proff. Dres. Theophanopúlu-Kontú, Magulás und Charalampákés angefertigte, fleißige und umsichtige Diss. einer Gymnasiallehrerin, die sich dafür vier Jahre unbezahlten Urlaub genommen hatte, ist – nach zwei alten Arbeiten Maidhofs (1920 und 1931) – die erste systematische Behandlung der Rückwanderer im neugriechischen Wortschatz (im Folg.: RW). Die Verfasserin (Verf.) hat sich bestens in die internationale Literatur zu den aus einer Sprache A stammenden, in eine oder mehrere andere Sprachen (B, evtl. C usw.) entlehnten und schließlich in (...)
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    E. TRAPP u.a., Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität.Günther Steffen Henrich - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (1):226-228.
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    University of California, San Diego, March 20–23, 1999.Julia F. Knight, Steffen Lempp, Toniann Pitassi, Hans Schoutens, Simon Thomas, Victor Vianu & Jindrich Zapletal - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (3).
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    Cut-Elimination in the Strict Intersection Type Assignment System is Strongly Normalizing.Steffen van Bakel - 2004 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 45 (1):35-63.
    This paper defines reduction on derivations (cut-elimination) in the Strict Intersection Type Assignment System of an earlier paper and shows a strong normalization result for this reduction. Using this result, new proofs are given for the approximation theorem and the characterization of normalizability of terms using intersection types.
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  27. Physicians and managed care: employees or professionals?Kate T. Christensen - forthcoming - Bioethics Forum.
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    Corrigendum: ``Contiguity and distributivity in the enumerable Turing degrees''.Rodney G. Downey & Steffen Lempp - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (4):1579-1580.
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    On the isomorphism problem for some classes of computable algebraic structures.Valentina S. Harizanov, Steffen Lempp, Charles F. D. McCoy, Andrei S. Morozov & Reed Solomon - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (5):813-825.
    We establish that the isomorphism problem for the classes of computable nilpotent rings, distributive lattices, nilpotent groups, and nilpotent semigroups is \-complete, which is as complicated as possible. The method we use is based on uniform effective interpretations of computable binary relations into computable structures from the corresponding algebraic classes.
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    Die Verfassungsmäßigkeit des Verbots der geschäftsmäßigen Suizidassistenz.Simone Szczerbak & Steffen Augsberg - 2017 - In Franz-Josef Bormann, Lebensbeendende Handlungen: Ethik, Medizin Und Recht Zur Grenze von ‚Töten‘ Und ‚Sterbenlassen‘. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 725-740.
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    Bibliographie Renate Reschkes: Auswahl zusammengestellt von Claudia Terne.Claudia Terne & Steffen Dietzsch - 2014 - In Steffen Dietzsch & Claudia Terne, Nietzsches Perspektiven: Denken Und Dichten in der Moderne. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 407-416.
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    Zu den Autoren.Claudia Terne & Steffen Dietzsch - 2014 - In Steffen Dietzsch & Claudia Terne, Nietzsches Perspektiven: Denken Und Dichten in der Moderne. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 417-418.
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  33. Neuroscience in context: The new flagship of the cognitive sciences.Wayne D. Christensen & Luca Tomassi - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (1):78-83.
    © 2006 Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research.
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    On an apparent circularity in some definitions of logical truth.Niels E. Christensen - 1957 - Mind 66 (263):395-397.
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    Ordinary Language Philosophy in Aarhus.Martin Ejsing Christensen & Thomas Bohl - 2020 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 53 (1):61-83.
    This paper examines the way in which Ordinary Language Philosophy came to exert an important influence on the work done at Aarhus University’s department of philosophy in the latter half of the 20th century. The first section depicts the rise of Ordinary Language Philosophy as an international movement centered around Oxford in the wake of World War ii. The second section goes on to describe how it was brought to Aarhus by Professor Justus Hartnack, who had been deeply influenced by (...)
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    Philosophy and choice: selected readings from around the world.Kit Richard Christensen (ed.) - 2001 - Boston: McGraw Hill.
    This anthology of 78 readings includes historically diverse writings by men and women working within Asian, African, Latin American, and native North American cultural traditions, as well as classic and contemporary readings from Western sources. The aim is to present students with a more global, multicultural, and gender-conscious picture of philosophical inquiry and the range of issues it confronts.
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    Former Right-Wing Extremists' Continued Struggle for Self-transformation After an Exit Program.Tina Wilchen Christensen - 2019 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 20 (1):04-25.
    This article discusses the identity formation process former right wing extremists go through, during and especially after being involved in an exit program for those leaving right wing extremist environments. Based on an ethnographic investigation (and practice theoretical approach), the article argues that participation in culturally defined worlds – such as the extremist right – develops sensitivities and sensibilities that endure. This enables them to engage in social actions, gain a position and develop a correlated identity, but it is also (...)
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  38.  15
    Truth determinants. Another theory of meaning for propositional connectives.Niels Egmont Christensen - 1977 - Philosophica 19 (1):11-32.
  39.  69
    Book Symposium. Steffen Borge, The Philosophy of Football.Steffen Borge, William J. Morgan, Murray Smith & Brian Weatherson - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (3):333-396.
    This is a book symposium on Steffen Borge’s The Philosophy of Football. It has contributions from William Morgan, Murray Smith and Brian Weatherson with replies from Borge.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Harriet B. Morrison, John H. Chilcott, Ezrl Atzmon, John T. Zepper, Milton K. Reimer, Gillian Elliott Smith, James E. Christensen, Albert E. Bender, Nancy R. King, W. Sherman Rush, Ann H. Hastings, Kenneth V. Lottich, J. Theodore Klein, Sally H. Wertheim, Bernard J. Kohlbrenner, William T. Lowe, Beverly Lindsay, Ronald E. Butchart, E. Dean Butler, Jon M. Fennell & Eleanor Kallman Roemer - 1981 - Educational Studies 11 (4):403-435.
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    Nicholas Coureas and Christopher Schabel, eds., The Cartulary of the Cathedral of Holy Wisdom of Nicosia.(Texts and Studies in the History of Cyprus, 25.) Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, 1997. Pp. 347; black-and-white figures and 1 table. [REVIEW]Katherine Christensen - 1999 - Speculum 74 (4):1050-1051.
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    Ontologie und Relationen. [REVIEW]Darrel E. Christensen - 1988 - International Studies in Philosophy 20 (3):123-124.
  43.  63
    Sasaki Takeshi, Seiji Kaikaku: 1800 nichi no Shinjitsu (Political Reform: The Record of the 1800 Days), Tokyo: Kodansha, 1999. Gerald Curtis, The Logic of Japanese Politics, Leaders, Institutions, and the Limits of Change, New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. T. J. Pempel, Regime Shift, Comparative Dynamics of the Japanese Political Economy, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998. [REVIEW]Ray Christensen - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 1 (2):345-357.
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    The figure of menelaus - (A.R.) Stelow menelaus in the archaic period. Not quite the best of the achaeans. Pp. XVI + 359, ills. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2020. Cased, £85, us$110. Isbn: 978-0-19-968592-9. [REVIEW]Joel P. Christensen - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):288-290.
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  45. Steffen, W.Oliver Steffen - unknown
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  46. Conciliation, Uniqueness, and Rational Toxicity.David Christensen - 2014 - Noûs 50 (3):584-603.
    Conciliationism holds that disagreement of apparent epistemic peers often substantially undermines rational confidence in our opinions. Uniqueness principles say that there is at most one maximally rational doxastic response to any given batch of total evidence. The two views are often thought to be tightly connected. This paper distinguishes two ways of motivating conciliationism, and two ways that conciliationism may be undermined by permissive accounts of rationality. It shows how conciliationism can flourish under certain strongly permissive accounts of rationality. This (...)
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  47. The Letters of Lincoln Steffens.Lincoln Steffens, Ella Winter & Granville Hicks - 1939 - Science and Society 3 (1):113-115.
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  48. Disagreement, Drugs, etc.: from Accuracy to Akrasia.David Christensen - 2016 - Episteme 13 (4):397-422.
    We often get evidence concerning the reliability of our own thinking about some particular matter. This “higher-order evidence” can come from the disagreement of others, or from information about our being subject to the effects of drugs, fatigue, emotional ties, implicit biases, etc. This paper examines some pros and cons of two fairly general models for accommodating higher-order evidence. The one that currently seems most promising also turns out to have the consequence that epistemic akrasia should occur more frequently than (...)
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  49.  80
    Kate Christensen Speaks with Pat Matheny, a Recipient of Lethal Medication under Oregon's Death with Dignity Act.Kate Christensen - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (4):564-568.
    Oregon is the only state in the United States where a physician may legally prescribe a lethal dose of barbiturate for a patient intending suicide. The Oregon Death with Dignity Act was passed by voters in 1994 and came into effect after much legal wrangling in October of 1997. At the same time, a cabinetmaker named Pat Matheny was struggling with progressive weakness from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. I met with Pat and his family for a lengthy interview in (...)
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    Das Daedalus-Prinzip: ein Diskurs zur Montage und Demontage von Ideologien ; Steffen Dietzsch zum 65. Geburtstag.Steffen Dietzsch & Leila Kais (eds.) - 2009 - Berlin: Parerga.
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