Results for 'Stefano Tomassini'

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  1. Configurations of Masculinity: A Feminist Perspective on Modern.Christine di Stefano - forthcoming - Political Theory.
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    A Defence of Robust Idealism in Political Philosophy.Stefano Bertea - 2023 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 10 (2):249-266.
    In this contribution, I defend a robust model of political idealism, making the case for such an approach to both the theory and practice of politics. On this view, not only in framing a political philosophy but also in putting forward policy proposals and institutional designs, we need not think about feasibility as an overriding, make-or-break criterion for evaluating the soundness of that theory or proposal, neither of which loses its point simply because it is deemed to be unlikely to (...)
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Stefano Caldoro - 2009 - In Nationaler Kulturgüterschutz Und Freizügigkeit der Unionsbürgernational Cultural Asset Protection and Free Movement of Union Citizens. De Gruyter Recht.
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  4. Oresme on motion (questiones super physicam, III, 2-7).Stefano Caroti - 1993 - Vivarium 31 (1):8-36.
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    Arsinoe divinizzata al fianco del re vivente Tolemeo II: Uno studio di propaganda greco-egiziana.Stefano G. Caneva - 2013 - História 62 (3):280-322.
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    Given to a Deity? Religious and Social Reappraisal of Human Consecrations in the Hellenistic and Roman East.Stefano G. Caneva & Aurian Delli Pizzi - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):167-191.
    The adjective ἱερός is a central term in Greek religion and is used in various contexts. Generally translated ‘sacred’, it indicates that an object has been conceded to the gods and is now in relation with them (relation of belonging, protection, etc.). It appears frequently in Greek inscriptions in the expression τὰ ἱερά, to designate sacred objects or, in a more abstract meaning, sacred matters.
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    La Nouvelle physique du XIVe siècle.Stefano Caroti & P. Souffrin (eds.) - 1997 - Firenze: Olschki.
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    Paura, speranza, risentimento e grazia Per una fenomenologia dell'abbandono.Stefano Cardini - 2015 - Società Degli Individui 51:61-74.
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    DesignArt. Ibridazioni creative tra arte e oggetti d’uso.Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 61:65-76.
    Oggi il mondo dell’arte si apre a un’ibridizzazione di forme e generi. La bellezza e la creatività, categorie fondamentali dell’arte secondo la tradizione idealistica e romantica, trovano nella vita quotidiana nuovi territori da colonizzare. In questo panorama di esteticità diffusa un fenomeno acquista particolare interesse: la DesignArt. La DesignArt costituisce un’intersezione tra due ambiti della creatività storicamente volti l’uno a progettare per l’industria oggetti seriali, utili ed esteticamente gradevoli, l’altro a ideare opere uniche e belle, ma senza scopo. Il luogo (...)
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  10. Legge etica e legge giuridica.Rodolfo De Stefano - 1955 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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    A Brief Inquiry into the History of Everyday Aesthetic Ideas. Care of the Home in the Thought of Socrates and Xenophon.Elisabetta Di-Stefano - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:77-98.
    Emerged as a new philosophical trend, Everyday Aesthetics shifts focus from Arts to daily practices and objects. However, its historical dimension remains relatively unexplored. Adopting a historical approach inspired by Tatarkiewicz, this paper addresses this gap by examining the notions of home care in the thoughts of Greek philosophers Socrates and Xenophon. Analyzing Xenophon’s works reveals how ancient concepts of order and beauty apply to daily life, enriching contemporary Everyday Aesthetics discussions on cleanliness and domestic care.
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    Introduzione.Nicola Di Stefano & Stefano Oliva - 2020 - Itinera - Rivista di Filosofia E di Teoria Delle Arti 20.
    The relationship between music and language is one of the main axes of Western philosophy of music. In particular, the link between music and literature has fostered an intense debate that resulted in a plurality of different solutions. The present issue of "Itinera” aims at analyzing some of the fundamental questions that emerge from Azio Corghi's use of literary sources in composition. The complexity of the themes that characterize Corghi's work, across musicology, aesthetics and literature, leads the reader to deal (...)
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    Meaningfulness and Meaninglessness of Work in Charles Bukowski.Giovanni Di Stefano - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):271-284.
    In psychological and managerial literature, the meaning of work boasts a long tradition; in this topic, scholars and researchers have explored sources of meaning and meaningfulness of the working activity in workers' motivations, values, and beliefs. Less attention, however, is given to the function work has in terms of signifier of each individual's personal identity. This article aims at deeply examining the relationship between identity construction and meaning of work, focusing on this theme through the exploration of Charles Bukowski's narrative (...)
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    Storicismo, spiritualismo, ermeneutica.Anna Escher Di Stefano - 1999 - Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane.
    vol. 1. Storicismo metodologico e storicismo speculativo.
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    Who's afraid of theoscientography? An interpretative hypothesis on Harun Yahya.Stefano Bigliardi - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):66-80.
    I scrutinize the ideas and works of the Turkish religious leader and author Adnan Oktar/Harun Yahya. I argue for a new definition of Yahya as the representative of what I call theoscientography, proposing to study his work according to such a model rather than in the light of his “Islamic creationism”.
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    O pássaro Selvagem.Stefano Busellato - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (2).
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    One but not the Same.Stefano Caputo - 2023 - Phenomenology and Mind 24:64-74.
    The paper aims at identifying similarities and differences between two different ways of using the word “true”, on the one hand when it is used to refer to a property of what we say or believe, here called “words’ truth”, on the other when it is used to refer to a feature of things in general (as when we say “he is a true friend”), here called “things’ truth”. I will point out how such similarities and differences may be usefully (...)
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  18. Nietzsche after the first world war.Stefano Busellato - 2009 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 5 (3):657-663.
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    Abkürzungsverzeichnis.Stefano Caldoro - 2009 - In Nationaler Kulturgüterschutz Und Freizügigkeit der Unionsbürgernational Cultural Asset Protection and Free Movement of Union Citizens. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Einleitung.Stefano Caldoro - 2009 - In Nationaler Kulturgüterschutz Und Freizügigkeit der Unionsbürgernational Cultural Asset Protection and Free Movement of Union Citizens. De Gruyter Recht.
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    2. Teil: Einschränkung der Freizügigkeit durch den Kulturgüterschutz.Stefano Caldoro - 2009 - In Nationaler Kulturgüterschutz Und Freizügigkeit der Unionsbürgernational Cultural Asset Protection and Free Movement of Union Citizens. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Verzeichnis übernationaler und nationaler Quellen.Stefano Caldoro - 2009 - In Nationaler Kulturgüterschutz Und Freizügigkeit der Unionsbürgernational Cultural Asset Protection and Free Movement of Union Citizens. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Broca's aphasia, broca's area, and syntax: A complex relationship.Stefano F. Cappa, Andrea Moro, Daniela Perani & Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):27-28.
    Three types of problems are raised in this commentary: On the linguistic side, we emphasize the importance of an appropriate definition of the different domains of linguistics. This is needed to define the domains (lexicon-syntax-semantics) to which transformational relations apply. We then question the concept of Broca's aphasia as a “functional” syndrome, associated with a specific lesion. Finally, we discuss evidence from functional brain imaging. The breadth and potential impact of such evidence has grown considerably in the last few years, (...)
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  24. Frege e Husserl: Due ontologie del significato.Stefano Caputo - 2001 - Rivista di Estetica 41 (17):37-67.
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    Teorie Della verità– by Giorgio Volpe.Stefano Caputo - 2009 - Dialectica 63 (1):106-110.
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    Verità.Stefano Caputo - 2015 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
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    Individuazione, individualità, identità personale: le ragioni del singolo.Stefano Caroti & Maria Franca Spallanzani (eds.) - 2014 - Firenze: Le Lettere.
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  28. La formazione di Boiardo. Modelli e letture di un giovane umanista.Stefano Carrai - 1998 - Rinascimento. Ns 38:345-404.
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    Ritorno ad Aristotele.Stefano Casarino & Amedeo Alessandro Raschieri (eds.) - 2017 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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  30. Sergio Cremaschi, L'Etica del Novecento: Dopo Nietzsche.Stefano Cavagnetto - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16:154-157.
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    Il divino Platone: filosofia e misticismo.Stefano Cazzato - 2022 - Bergamo: Moretti & Vitali.
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    L'Heidegger di Marion: dalla Seinsfrage all'Ereignis.Stefano Cazzanelli - 2009 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 47:149-164.
    Este artículo recorre críticamente el análisis del pensamiento heideggeriano sobre el Ser proporcionado por Jean-Luc Marion. Partiendo de Sein und Zeit y llegando a Was ist Metaphysik? se delinea un profundo cambio en el horizonte de sentido en el cual se desarrolla la búsqueda del ser: abandonada la analítica existencial, parece posible una revelación del ser al Dasein sin necesidad de mediaciones ónticas. El artículo intenta sondear las razones y la viabilidad de este pasaje que, según Marion, abre a la (...)
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    La lógica trascendental de Emil Lask entre Platón y Kant. Teoría de los dos mundos y revolución copernicana.Stefano Cazzanelli - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (2):219-235.
    En el presente artículo presentamos la filosofía trascendental de Emil Lask como el resultado de una mediación entre la teoría de los dos mundos de Platón y la revolución copernicana de Kant. Aprovechando el descubrimiento de Lotze según el cual los significados no son, sino valen, y ampliando el horizonte de la lógica más allá del ámbito del juicio, Lask elabora un platonismo (o aristotelismo) trascendental que le ubica en un punto medio entre el neokantismo y la fenomenología. Su filosofía (...)
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    Pagine di critica filosofica.Anna Escher di Stefano - 1967 - Bari,: Editoriale universitaria.
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  35. Existential Ludology and Peter Wessel Zapffe.Stefano Gualeni & Daniel Vella - 2021 - In Victor Navarro-Remesal & Oliver Perez-Latorre (eds.), Perspectives on the European Videogame. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 175-192.
    A relatively common approach in game studies understands gameworlds as constituting an existential situation for the player. Taking that stance, which is rooted in the European philosophical tradition of Existentialism, in this chapter we investigate the relationships and similarities between our existence within and without gameworlds. To do so, we first provide a review of existing literature in ‘existential ludology’ - work in game studies which considers our engagement with gameworlds from an existential perspective. In the second part of the (...)
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  36. A Theodicy for Artificial Universes: Moral Considerations on Simulation Hypotheses.Stefano Gualeni - 2021 - International Journal of Technoethics 12 (1):21-31.
    ‘Simulation Hypotheses’ are imaginative scenarios that are typically employed in philosophy to speculate on how likely it is that we are currently living within a simulated universe as well as on our possibility for ever discerning whether we do in fact inhabit one. These philosophical questions in particular overshadowed other aspects and potential uses of simulation hypotheses, some of which are foregrounded in this article. More specifically, “A Theodicy for Artificial Universes” focuses on the moral implications of simulation hypotheses with (...)
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  37. Ludic Unreliability and Deceptive Game Design.Stefano Gualeni & Nele Van de Mosselaer - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Games 3 (1):1-22.
    Drawing from narratology and design studies, this article makes use of the notions of the ‘implied designer’ and ‘ludic unreliability’ to understand deceptive game design as a specific sub-set of transgressive game design. More specifically, in this text we present deceptive game design as the deliberate attempt to misguide players’ inferences about the designers’ intentions. Furthermore, we argue that deceptive design should not merely be taken as a set of design choices aimed at misleading players in their efforts to understand (...)
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  38. De-Roling from Experiences and Identities in Virtual Worlds.Stefano Gualeni - 2017 - Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 10 (2).
    Within dramatherapy and psychodrama, the term ‘de-roling’ indicates a set of activities that assist the subjects of therapy in ‘disrobing’ themselves from their fictional characters. Starting from the psychological needs and the therapeutic goals that ‘de-roling’ techniques address in dramatherapy and psychodrama, this text provides a broader understanding of procedures and exercises that define and ease transitional experiences across cultural practices such as religious rituals and spatial design. After this introductory section, we propose a tentative answer as to why game (...)
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    Recent Developments in Hittite Archaeology and History: Papers in Memory of Hans G. Guterbock.Stefano de Martino, K. Aslihan Yener, Harry A. Hoffner Jr & Simrit Dhesi - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):922.
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    Infrangere le norme: vita, scienza e tecnica nel pensiero di Georges Canguilhem.Fiorenza Lupi & Stefano Pilotto (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    A concurrent language for modelling agents arguing on a shared argumentation space.Stefano Bistarelli & Carlo Taticchi - 2024 - Argument and Computation 15 (1):21-48.
    While agent-based modelling languages naturally implement concurrency, the currently available languages for argumentation do not allow to explicitly model this type of interaction. In this paper we introduce a concurrent language for handling agents arguing and communicating using a shared argumentation space. We also show how to perform high-level operations like persuasion and negotiation through basic belief revision constructs, and present a working implementation of the language and the associated web interface.
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    Contemporary Perspectives on Legal Obligation.Stefano Bertea - 2020 - Routledge.
    Bringing together world-class scholars who have devoted themselves to the study of legal obligation, this book addresses key dimensions of the current debate: providing novel insights and perspectives, as well as critically discussing the leading theories of legal obligation. The notion of legal obligation is widely regarded as fundamental by both legal practitioners and legal theorists. For the language that explicitly refers to obligation is pervasive insofar as paradigmatic legal materials make reference to obligation either directly, by specifying what a (...)
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    Epigoni di Nietzsche: sei modelli del Novecento.Stefano Berni - 2009 - Firenze: Pagnini.
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    Etiche del sé: Foucault e i Greci.Stefano Berni - 2021 - Firenze: Le Cáriti editore.
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    Foucault e la dialettica.Stefano Berni - 2006 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 19 (2):367-376.
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    May There be a Legal Obligation to Engage in Principled Disobedience?Stefano Bertea - 2023 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 31 (1):75-92.
    Mit diesem Text möchte ich zu der Debatte über den Status und die Legitimität prinzipientreuen Ungehorsams in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft beitragen. Nach der Einführung dieses Begriffs argumentiere ich dafür, dass sich prinzipientreuer Ungehorsam nicht nur als moralische und politische Haltung, sondern auch als rechtliche Verpflichtung darstellen lässt. Im Ergebnis vertrete ich, dass wir nicht nur prinzipientreu gegen das Gesetz verstoßen können, ohne notwendigerweise unsere rechtlichen Verpflichtungen zu verletzen, sondern dass rechtliche Verpflichtungen prinzipientreuen Ungehorsam sogar vorschreiben können. Mit dieser Rahmung des (...)
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  47. Carl Stumpf e la strutturazione plurale dell’esperienza.Stefano Besoli - 2001 - Discipline Filosofiche 11 (2).
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    Conoscenza, valori e cultura: orizzonti e problemi del neocriticismo.Stefano Besoli & Luca Guidetti - 1997
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    Forma categoriale e struttura del giudizio: sull'incompiutezza del sistema di pensiero di Emil Lask.Stefano Besoli - 2019 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Il senso della realtà: l'orizzonte della fenomenologia nello studio del mondo sociale.Stefano Besoli & Letizia Caronia (eds.) - 2018 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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