Results for 'Stefano Giaimo'

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  1.  15
    Medawar and Hamilton on the selective forces in the evolution of ageing.Stefano Giaimo - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (4):1-23.
    Both Medawar and Hamilton contributed key ideas to the modern evolutionary theory of ageing. In particular, they both suggested that, in populations with overlapping generations, the force with which selection acts on traits declines with the age at which traits are expressed. This decline would eventually cause ageing to evolve. However, the biological literature diverges on the relationship between Medawar’s analysis of the force of selection and Hamilton’s. Some authors appear to believe that Hamilton perfected Medawar’s insightful, yet ultimately erroneous (...)
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    On Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic: Axiomatisation and Algebraic Analysis.Stefano Bonzio, José Gil-Férez, Francesco Paoli & Luisa Peruzzi - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):253-297.
    Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic is the 3-valued logic with two designated values defined through the weak Kleene tables. This paper is a first attempt to investigate PWK within the perspective and methods of abstract algebraic logic. We give a Hilbert-style system for PWK and prove a normal form theorem. We examine some algebraic structures for PWK, called involutive bisemilattices, showing that they are distributive as bisemilattices and that they form a variety, \, generated by the 3-element algebra WK; we also (...)
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  3. What Is New about the Exposome? Exploring Scientific Change in Contemporary Epidemiology.Stefano Canali - 2020 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2879 (17).
    In this commentary, I discuss the scientific changes brought by the exposome, asking what is new about this approach and line of research. I place the exposome in a historical perspective, by analyzing the conditions under which the exposome has been conceived, developed and established in the context of contemporary epidemiological research. I argue that the exposome has been developed by transferring approaches, methods and conceptualizations from other lines of research in the life and health sciences. I thus discuss the (...)
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  4. (1 other version)"Ein Bewußtsein, das selbst Pflicht ist": Fichtes unkantische Auffassung des Gewissens und ihr philosophischer Kontext.Stefano Bacin - 2017 - Fichte-Studien 44:306-325.
    Aim of the paper is contributing to a context-informed understanding of Fichte’s theory of conscience. This crucial element in his moral philosophy (and, in fact, in his whole philosophy) represents the last of the many significant accounts of conscience in the 18th century, before in the following century the role of conscience in moral life was repeatedly put into question. Accordingly, in my paper I argue that: (1) Fichte puts forward an un-Kantian account of conscience, following, instead, a quite different (...)
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    (1 other version)Pairing and sharing: The birth of the sense of us.Stefano Vincini - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-24.
    The goal of this paper is to show that a particular view of emotion sharing and a specific hypothesis on infant social perception strengthen each other. The view of emotion sharing is called “the straightforward view.” The hypothesis on infant social perception is called “the pairing account.” The straightforward view suggests that participants in emotion sharing undergo one and the same overarching emotion. The pairing account posits that infants perceive others’ embodied experiences as belonging to someone other than the self (...)
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    Corporate Scandals and Capital Structure.Stefano Bonini & Diana Boraschi - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (S2):241 - 269.
    We analyze whether companies involved in a security class action suit (SCAS) exhibit differential capital structure decisions, and if the information revealed by a corporate scandal affects the security issuances and stock prices of industry peers. Our findings show that before a SCAS is filed, companies involved in a scandal show a greater amount of security offerings than their peers and, due to equity mispricing, are more likely to use equity as a financing mechanism. Following a SCAS filling, these companies (...)
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  7. Philosophical Games.Stefano Gualeni - 2022 - The Encyclopedia of Ludic Terms.
    Philosophical games are games designed to invite players to think philosophically within (and about) their gameworlds. They are interactive fictions allowing players to engage with philosophical themes in ways that often set them apart from non-interactive kinds of speculative fictions (such as philosophical novels or thought experiments). To better understand philosophical games, this entry proposes to distinguish two primary ways in which a philosophical game can approach its themes: dialectically or rhetorically.
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    Representing quantum structures as near semirings.Stefano Bonzio, Ivan Chajda & Antonio Ledda - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (5).
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    Meritocracy in Singapore.Stefano Harney - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (11):1139-1148.
    This article considers the role of meritocracy in the ruling ideology of Singapore. It argues that meritocracy, far from being a system for the management of scarce resources, is in fact the imposi...
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  10. Full mereogeometries.Stefano Borgo & Claudio Masolo - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (4):521-567.
    We analyze and compare geometrical theories based on mereology (mereogeometries). Most theories in this area lack in formalization, and this prevents any systematic logical analysis. To overcome this problem, we concentrate on specific interpretations for the primitives and use them to isolate comparable models for each theory. Relying on the chosen interpretations, we introduce the notion of environment structure, that is, a minimal structure that contains a (sub)structure for each theory. In particular, in the case of mereogeometries, the domain of (...)
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    Artifact and Artifact Categorization: Comparing Humans and Capuchin Monkeys.Stefano Borgo, Noemi Spagnoletti, Laure Vieu & Elisabetta Visalberghi - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (3):375-389.
    We aim to show that far-related primates like humans and the capuchin monkeys show interesting correspondences in terms of artifact characterization and categorization. We investigate this issue by using a philosophically-inspired definition of physical artifact which, developed for human artifacts, turns out to be applicable for cross-species comparison. In this approach an artifact is created when an entity is intentionally selected and some capacities attributed to it (often characterizing a purpose). Behavioral studies suggest that this notion of artifact is not (...)
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    Zone di turbolenza: intrecci, somiglianze, conflitti.Stefano Levi Della Torre - 2003 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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    L'autonomie de l'élève et l'intégration des règles en éducation physique.Jacques-André Méard & Stefano Bertone - 1998 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Stefano Bertone.
    Face aux attitudes passives et violentes de certains jeunes scolarisés, les enseignants expriment de façon permanente la volonté de " rendre les élèves autonomes ". Mais la démarche qui mène à cet objectif est parsemée de pièges. Loin de présupposés non-directifs, cet ouvrage cherche à recenser et à présenter de façon simple l'ensemble des modèles théoriques capables de faire comprendre les processus de modifications d'attitudes de l'élève dans la classe. D'abord vis-à-vis des contenus d'apprentissage, puis vis-à-vis des personnes (le professeur, (...)
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  14. Il filosofo tra le righe: Retorica, scetticismo ed ateismo in un libro su Bayle.Stefano Brogi - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (1):140-150.
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  15. Ricettario di scrittura creativa.Giulio Mozzi & Stefano Brugnolo - 2000 - In Bernard Elevitch, Theoria. Charlottesville: Philosophy Doc Ctr.
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    La presenza dell'aristotelismo padovano nella filosofia della prima modernità.Claudio Fiocchi & Stefano Simonetta - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  17. La Misura Dell’Uomo. Filosofia, Teologia E Scienza Nel Dibattito Antropologico in Germania (1760-1915).Massimo Mori & Stefano Poggi (eds.) - 2005 - Il Mulino.
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  18. La filosofia marxista della prassi.Stefano Vagovĭc - 1981 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    El buen vivir: miradas desde adentro de Chiapas.Stefano Claudio Sartorello, Ávila Romero, León Enrique, Agustín Ávila & Miguel Sánchez Álvarez (eds.) - 2012 - [Chiapas]: IESALC-UNESCO.
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    On the borderline between Science and Philosophy: A debate on determinism in France around 1880.Stefano Bordoni - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49 (C):27-35.
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    A Contribution to a Corpus of Anglo-Norman Chiromancies.Stefano Rapisarda - 2019 - Quaestio 19:129-148.
    In the middle of the 12th century the traditional core of divination techniques receives some innovation. New techniques appear, one of them particularly successful: chiromancy. It emerges almost simultaneously in Spain and in Plantagenet England, in association with the less fortunate spatulomancy. All six of the vernacular chiromantical texts prior to the 15th century so far recorded are in the langue d’oil and five of the six come specifically from the Anglo-Norman domain. This confirms the Anglo-Norman area as one of (...)
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    Colores rethorici: Réflexions sur la rhétorique de la couleur dans les mosaïques de Rome du xiie siècle.Stefano Riccioni - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):18-35.
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    Le letture della "fine" dell'uomo in Derrida e Foucault.Stefano Righetti - 2011 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 24 (1):145-160.
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    Apul. Met. 10, 18, 3: Ancora sulla correzione raedarum per il tradito praedarum.Stefano Rocchi - 2010 - Hermes 138 (3):381-381.
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    Questioni di bioetica.Stefano Rodotà, Margherita Pelaja & Gabriella M. Bonacchi (eds.) - 1993 - Roma: Laterza.
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  26. Religione e libertà nel pensiero di Tocqueville: Nel bicentenario della nascita.Stefano Rossano - 2005 - Studium 101 (6):867-878.
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    Definición de verdad y criterios de verdad en Kant.Stéfano Straulino Torre - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (11):132-159.
    En las pocas ocasiones en que Kant aborda el tema de la verdad, lo suele hacer en función de los problemas implicados en la definición nominal de verdad y en la búsqueda de un criterio de verdad. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una visión sinóptica del modo en que Kant plantea estas dos cuestiones. En la primera sección del trabajo se aborda el tema de la definición de la verdad. Primero explico qué es una definición y qué implica (...)
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    The Epistemological Contribution of the Transcendental Reduction.Stefano Vincini - 2020 - Husserl Studies 37 (1):39-66.
    In order to appreciate the rich implications of the transcendental reduction, one has to distinguish the different contexts where it acquires different meanings. The present paper focuses on a particular epistemological context and clarifies the contribution of the reduction within this context. The contribution consists in the formulation and solution of the problem of exhibiting the evidence supporting the belief in the world’s existence. In a nutshell, world-experience grounds the world-belief and world-experience entails a bedrock of experience legitimizing the positing (...)
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  29. Preface.Fred Moten & Stefano Harney - 2018 - In Tyson E. Lewis, Inoperative learning: a radical rewriting of educational potentialities. New York, NY: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Business.
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    Preface.Steffen van Bakel, Stefano Berardi & Ulrich Berger - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (6):589-590.
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    Preface.Steffen van Bakel & Stefano Berardi - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 153 (1-3):1-2.
  32.  32
    Simulation, computation and dynamics in economics.K. Vela Velupillai & Stefano Zambelli - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (1):1-27.
    Computation and Simulation have always played a role in economics – whether it be pure economic theory or any variant of applied, especially policy-oriented, macro- and microeconomics or what has increasingly come to be called empirical or experimental economics. Computations and simulations are also intrinsically dynamic. This triptych – computation, simulation and dynamic – is given natural foundations, mainly as a result of developments in the mathematics underpinnings in the potentials of computing, using digital technology. A running theme in this (...)
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  33. Existential Ludology and Peter Wessel Zapffe.Stefano Gualeni & Daniel Vella - 2021 - In Victor Navarro-Remesal & Oliver Perez-Latorre, Perspectives on the European Videogame. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 175-192.
    A relatively common approach in game studies understands gameworlds as constituting an existential situation for the player. Taking that stance, which is rooted in the European philosophical tradition of Existentialism, in this chapter we investigate the relationships and similarities between our existence within and without gameworlds. To do so, we first provide a review of existing literature in ‘existential ludology’ - work in game studies which considers our engagement with gameworlds from an existential perspective. In the second part of the (...)
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  34. Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2016 at 9th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems.Stefano Borgo, Loris Bozzato, Chiara Del Vescovo & Martin Homola (eds.) - 2016 - CEUR.
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    Filosofia analitica e materialismo storico: individualismo metodologico, spiegazione funzionale e teoria dei giochi nel marxismo analitico anglosassone.Stefano Bracaletti - 2005 - Milano: Mimesis.
  36.  13
    Un ignorato adespotum poetico in Esichio.Stefano Vecchiato - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (1):166-170.
    Journal Name: Philologus Issue: Ahead of print.
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  37. Selvicoltura: produzioni forestali, certificazione e filiera legno.Piermaria Corona & Stefano Berti - 2010 - L'italia Forestale E Montana 65 (2):149 - 155.
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  38. A evolução da noção de sistema axiomático [l'évolution de la notion de système axiomatique].Andres Raggio & Stefano Domingues Stival - 2003 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 8 (1).
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    L'" Anti-Kant" di Franz Příhonsky´ e la critica bolzaniana alla teoria kantiana del giudizio.Stefano Di Bella - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (2):233-250.
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    Introduction. Thinking with Badiou.Giorgio Bertolotti & Stefano Pippa - 2022 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 5 (2):1-7.
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  41. Paradeigmata voluntatis: all'origine della concezione moderna di volontà.Elisabetta Cattanei & Stefano Maso (eds.) - 2021 - Venezia: Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing.
  42.  15
    Transhumanismo y Gnosis: Un Paralelismo.Stefano Abbate - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (1):197-217.
    Transhumanism and Gnosis: A Parallelism The aim of this paper is to draw a parallel between the phenomenon of gnosis and transhumanism together with its ultimate version, posthumanism. After some methodological clarifications, the paper focuses on four confrontational axes: self-recognition, cosmic and anthropological dualism, the meaning of morality, death and suffering, and finally the promise of salvation. Finally, the two doctrines are framed within the context of the Gnostic revolution, emphasizing the sense of uprootedness and post-modernity to explain the resurgence (...)
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  43.  25
    Das hurritische Epos der Freilassung, I: Untersuchungen zu einem hurritisch-hethitischen Textensemble aus ḪattušaDas hurritische Epos der Freilassung, I: Untersuchungen zu einem hurritisch-hethitischen Textensemble aus Hattusa.Stefano de Martino & Erich Neu - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):339.
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  44. ”scientia Generalis”: Il IV volume delle “ Philosophische Schriften” di Leibniz nella Akademie-Ausgabe.Stefano di Bella - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (3).
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    Olfaction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective From Philosophy to Life Sciences.Nicola Di Stefano & Maria Teresa Russo (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a broad and timely perspective on research on olfaction and its current technological challenges. It specifically emphasizes the interdisciplinary context in which olfaction is investigated in contemporary research. From aesthetics to sociology, from bioengineering to anthropology, the different chapters discuss a wide variety of issues arising from olfaction research and its application in different contexts. By highlighting the overlaps between different areas of research, the book fosters a better communication between disciplines and leads towards a better understanding (...)
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  46.  14
    The pathos of Ridicule in Plato’s Dialogues.Martina Di Stefano - 2021 - In Paola Giacomoni, Nicolò Valentini & Sara Dellantonio, The Dark Side: Philosophical Reflections on the “Negative Emotions”. Springer Verlag. pp. 49-63.
    This paper aims to discuss ridicule in Plato. Often neglected in modern accounts of emotions, ridicule is in fact considered a pathos by Plato and extensively deployed in his dialogues. I will analyse ridicule from a descriptive, a normative, and a “practical” perspective, paying attention to how Plato understands its basic functioning, how he thinks that it should be regulated, and how he uses it in his dialogues. More generally, this paper will be an opportunity to explore some issues related (...)
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  47.  17
    Risky Tradeoffs in The Expanse.Claire Field & Stefano Lo Re - 2021 - In Jeffery L. Nicholas, The Expanse and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 179–185.
    The Expanse does not provide an easy answer to the vexing question on making a decision when competing, but considering conflicts of values on the show can help us reason about tough choices in real life. Sometimes, scientific progress conflicts with the prudential value of self‐preservation. This chapter explains three ways of understanding value conflicts: as situations in which every option is forbidden, situations in which every option is permissible, or situations in which some options are obligatory and some options (...)
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  48. Ob rogatum meorum sociorum: studi in memoria di Lorenzo Pozzi.Lorenzo Pozzi, Stefano Caroti & Roberto Pinzani (eds.) - 2000 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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  49. wuppertaler studien. Subjectivität und intersubjektivität in der phänomenologie / Inga Römer and László Tengelyi ; Monadische subjektivität bei Husserl / Andrea Altobrando ; Die performative Grundbestimmung der menschlichen subjektivität / Antonio Cimino ; Beispiel und Vorbild in der Ethik. Kant und Scheler / Inga Römer ; Subjektivität bei Levinas / Thuy Vu ; Nichts passiert. Phänomenologie der melancholie. [REVIEW]Stefano Micali - 2011 - In Gert-Jan van der Heiden, Karel Novotny, Inga Römer & Laszlo Tengelyi, Investigating Subjectivity: Classical and New Perspectives. Boston: Brill.
  50.  15
    J.SCHAFER, Ars didactica. Seneca's 94thand 95thLetters(''Hypomnemata. Untersuchungen zur Antike und zu ihren Nachleben"), Vandenhoeck& Ruprecht, Göttingen 2009. [REVIEW]Stefano Maso - 2011 - Elenchos 32 (1):178-182.
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