Results for 'Stanislav Synek'

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  1.  12
    Marian Kuna: Etika a politika v perspektíve Alasdaira MacIntyra.Stanislav Synek - 2012 - Filosofie Dnes 4 (2):81-90.
    Studie nejprve stručně rekapituluje obsah knihy Mariana Kuny (Etika a politika v perspektivě Alasdaira MacIntyra) a snaží se ji kriticky zhodnotit. Poté se krátce věnuje dvěma tématům, klíčovým jak pro MacIntyra, tak pro jmenovanou knihu: otázce „univerzálních ctností“ a otázce pravdy. Zdá se totiž, že právě tyto dvě oblasti nejsou ani u jednoho ze zmiňovaných autorů uspokojivě řešeny.The study summarizes the book by Marian Kuna (Etika a politika v perspektivě Alasdaira MacIntyra) and aims to critically evaluate it. Then it gives (...)
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    Psychology of the Future: Lessons From Modern Consciousness Research.Stanislav Grof - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
    This accessible and comprehensive overview of the work of Stanislav Grof, one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, was specifically written to acquaint...
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    The Consciousness Revolution: A Transatlantic Dialogue: Two Days with Stanislav Grof, Ervin Laszlo, and Peter Russell.Stanislav Grof - 1999 - Element. Edited by Ervin Laszlo & Peter Russell.
    Discusses current global conditions including peace, changes in society, education, religion, spirituality, and consciousness.
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  4. Materialistické pojetí dejín a dialektika výrobních sil.Stanislav Adam - 1979 - Filozofia 34:70.
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    The Principles of the Scientific Description.Stanislav Bondarenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 43:225-231.
    Scientists need that scientific descriptions meet request methodological principles. Science knowledge is independent. Methodological principles guarantee autonomic regime of scientific investigations. Methodological principles are requirements the process of descriptive knowledge receiving as result of methodological analysis on best samples of scientific investigations, or methodological standards in history of science. There are mane principles in methodology of science: autonomic scientific investigation, competence, objectivity, expedience, systemness, verification, coherence, unity of methods, integration, differentiation, many-variation of formulizations, modernizations, diversity of chosen types of descriptions, (...)
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  6. The Return of Russian Philosophy.Stanislav Dzhimbinov - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 32 (2):7-20.
    In order to understand what happened to Russian philosophy in our country, let us perform a thought experiment: let us imagine that the same thing happened to Russian literature. That is, that we were left with only "revolutionary democrats" and the writers in agreement with them—the materialist atheists. To keep the experiment pure and simple, let us take only the greatest names. Thus we will publish, esteem, and study only "progressive" writers in the above sense. Only two writers would perhaps (...)
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    Musikästhetik.Stanislav Adolʹfovich Markus - 1967 - Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag für Musik.
    T. 1. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Nachahmungsästhetik und Affektenlehre sowie der idealistischen Musikästhetik in Deutschland.--T. 2. Die Romantik und der Kampf ästhetische Richtungen.
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    Severin Boetsii: A Logical Interpretation of the Trinitarian Problem.Stanislav S. Pkhydenko - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 38:20-31.
    Among the many outstanding personalities of the Middle Ages, Severin Boethius, a brilliant representative of early Christian culture, stands out. The great connoisseur, sympathizer and popularizer of Aristotle Boethius' classical antique logic culture was, in fact, the first and last thinker of his time to understand so deeply the role and importance of his father's work of logic. He translated into Latin almost all his logical works, which, unfortunately, medieval theology and philosophy could not properly use.
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    Studien zur ugaritischen Lexikographie, mit kultur- und religionsgeschichtlichen Parallelen, PT. I: Bäume, Tiere, Gerüche, Götterepitheta, Götternamen, VerbalbegriffeStudien zur ugaritischen Lexikographie, mit kultur- und religionsgeschichtlichen Parallelen, PT. I: Baume, Tiere, Geruche, Gotterepitheta, Gotternamen, Verbalbegriffe.Stanislav Segert & Kjell Aartun - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):134.
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    The Targum to Job from Qumran Cave XI.Stanislav Segert & Michael Sokoloff - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (2):145.
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    K jednému pokusu o evolučné vysvetlenie morálky.Stanislav Spodniak - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (7):584-595.
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    The Limits of Religious Tolerance – a European Perspective.Eva M. Synek - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):39-51.
    The paper deals with the question of religious tolerance in Europe’s past and present. Tolerance within Christianity (and within the other so called “Abrahamitic” or “Biblical” Religions) is one of the main points. However, the reader is also invited to take a brief look at Europe’s pre-christian past. To some extent, the religious situation of the Roman Empire in particular rather seems to resemble our own experiences with pluralistic societies in today’s Europe than medieval and early modern circumstances would do. (...)
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  13. Women and Worship from the Perspectives of Christian Churches and Canon Law.Eva M. Synek - 2001 - Journal of Dharma 26 (2):157-196.
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    Problemi nove estetike: Bergsonovo učenje o ritmu na Bergsonovom času.Stanislav Vinaver - 2002 - Beograd: Narodna knjiga/Alfa.
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    Historical epistemology.Stanislav Gavrilenko - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 52 (2):20-28.
    This article attempts to define a historical epistemology not as separate place in disciplinary space, but as rather specific area, which unstable configuration and “stuff" are determined by quite different from philosophy ways of talking and investigation of knowledge, especially in social sciences. More significant than emergence of competitors of philosophy in production of knowledge about knowledge (sociology, history, anthropology) was that they introduce a new regime of this production. This regime became empirical. Within that regime knowledge is objectified not (...)
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    Ještě k problematice existence.Stanislav Sousedík - 2010 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 17 (1):81-84.
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    Kripke completeness of strictly positive modal logics over meet-semilattices with operators.Stanislav Kikot, Agi Kurucz, Yoshihito Tanaka, Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (2):533-588.
    Our concern is the completeness problem for spi-logics, that is, sets of implications between strictly positive formulas built from propositional variables, conjunction and modal diamond operators. Originated in logic, algebra and computer science, spi-logics have two natural semantics: meet-semilattices with monotone operators providing Birkhoff-style calculi and first-order relational structures (aka Kripke frames) often used as the intended structures in applications. Here we lay foundations for a completeness theory that aims to answer the question whether the two semantics define the same (...)
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  18. Niche and scale in organizational evolution: a unified empirical model of automobile manufacturers in the US 1885-1981.Stanislav D. Dobrev, Tai-Young Kim & Glenn R. Carroll - 2000 - Sociological Theory 24.
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  19. Ján Bayer.Stanislav Felber - 1953 - Bratislava,: Vydavatel'stvo Slovenskej akadémie vied.
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    Technoscience, Biopolitics and Biobanking.Stanislav M. Gavrilenko - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (1):38-44.
    The author considers two additions to analysis of technoscience, suggested by Olga Koshovets and Igor Frolov. First, technoscience is not just regime of knowledge production, which brings into play enormous technological and organizational resources, but is a regime, regulated by mandatory requirement to produce knowledge, which should be transformed into endowed with market value goods and services (technoobjects). Second, technoscience is an ever-faster colonization of natural and social worlds by technoobjects. In the author's view, the main problem with technoscience is (...)
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  21. Ervin Laszlo's akashic field and the dilemmas of modern consciousness research.Stanislav Grof - 2006 - World Futures 62 (1 & 2):86 – 102.
    Ervin Laszlo's revolutionary concept of the Akashic Field and his connectivity hypothesis offer elegant solutions for the baffling paradoxes associated with "anomalous phenomena" - otherwise unexplainable observations which many scientific disciplines encountered in the course of the 20th century. This article explores the ground-breaking contributions that Laszlo's work has made to psychology by providing a plausible conceptual framework for a large number of observations and experiences amassed by modern consciousness research, which challenge the most fundamental assumptions of the traditional scientific (...)
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    Vladimír Úlehla.Stanislav Hubík - 1994 - Boskovice: Albert.
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  23. Sur les fondements de la mathématique. Fragments.Stanisłav Leśniewski, Georges Kalinowski & Denis Miéville - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):701-703.
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  24. Dialektika otrazhenii︠a︡ i vzaimodeistvii︠a︡ v evoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii materii.Stanislav Nikolaevich Smirnov - 1974 - Moskva: "Nauka,".
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    Co je přesně vzato předmětem naší diskuse o existenci.Stanislav Sousedík - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (4):518-523.
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    (3) Ke stati Petra Dvořáka.Stanislav Sousedík - 2005 - Studia Neoaristotelica 2 (1):124-125.
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    Sharpening complexity results in quantified probability logic.Stanislav O. Speranski - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    We shall be concerned with two natural expansions of the quantifier-free ‘polynomial’ probability logic of Fagin et al. (A logic for reasoning about probabilities, Inform Comput, 1990; 87:78–128). One of these, denoted by ${\textsf{QPL}}^{\textrm{e}}$, is obtained by adding quantifiers over arbitrary events, and the other, denoted by $\underline{{\textsf{QPL}}}^{\textrm{e}}$, uses quantifiers over propositional formulas—or equivalently, over events expressible by such formulas. The earlier proofs of the complexity lower bound results for ${\textsf{QPL}}^{\textrm{e}}$ and $\underline{{\textsf{QPL}}}^{\textrm{e}}$ relied heavily on multiplication, and therefore on the (...)
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  28. Insider and the Academia: the Past and the Future of “Going Native in Reverse” in the Study of Esotericism.Stanislav Panin - 2015 - Aliter (5):3-9.
    The concept of “going native in reverse” reflects the fact that nowadays more and more people involved in new religious movements and esoteric groups participate in academic activities related to the study of religion in general and particularly in the study of their movements. On the one hand, these people bring insider’s perspective in the academia. On the other hand, they bring academic knowledge and critical mind in esoteric community and change it. This situation seems to be a positive tendency (...)
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    Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science.Stanislav Grof & Marjorie Livingston Valier (eds.) - 1984 - Albany: Suny Press.
    Recent advances in a variety of scientific disciplines have revealed the limitations of the Newtonian-Cartesian model of the universe. One of the interesting aspects of this development is the increasing convergence of science and the "perennial philosophy." The new research has led to a critical revaluation of ancient spiritual systems long ignored or rejected because of their assumed incompatibility with science. Here are Swami Muktananda on the mind. Swami Prajnananda on Karma. Swami Kripananda on the Kundalini. Ajit Mookerjee on the (...)
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    K příspěvku prof. Cmoreje.Stanislav Sousedík - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (2):239-244.
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    The philosophical and theological content, the symbolism of the Holy Cross in Ancient Rus and the Sacred History.Stanislav V. Bondar - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:28-40.
    Each professional researcher of the religious and philosophical tradition of Ukraine XI-XIV centuries. convinced of the glow of theoretical understanding of the manuscript corpus of texts of a certain period, realizes that 90% of the monuments of that time are waiting for study, knows that the subject-based, scientific sources are aimed at reconstructing how the beginning and the end were presented, stages, goals, the factors, essence and meaning of world history in the culture of are still in the embryonic phase, (...)
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    Through the eyes of the West and the world.Stanislav Borzih - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Researchжурнал Философских Исследований 2 (2):2-2.
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  33. Some remarks on the origin of πpoσkυnhσiσ at the late antique imperial court.Stanislav Doležal - 2009 - Byzantion 79:136-149.
    The institution of the proskynesis at the Roman imperial court seems to have its roots in the world of Iranian peoples, be it the Parthian Empire or Sassanid Persia. Many hints in our sources point eastwards when we consider the origin of this custom. The contacts between the Graeco-Roman and Persian world had a long tradition by the time of Diocletian. For several reasons, it is hard to imagine that the proskynesis, as an act of obeisance before the late antique (...)
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    Filozofia matematiky.Stanislav Felber - 1959 - Bratislava,: Vydavatelʹstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied.
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  35. Implicaciones en la consciencia holotrópica: investigaciones para la psiquiatría.Stanislav Grof - forthcoming - Krisis.
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    Filosofii︠a︡: uchebnoe posobie dli︠a︡ postupai︠u︡shchikh v aspiranturu.Stanislav Sergeevich Gusev (ed.) - 2015 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo RKhGA.
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    Technický obraz a logická stavba : Flusser a Wittgenstein.Stanislav Hubik - 2007 - Flusser Studies 5 (1).
    Both Wittgenstein and Flusser tried to find an answer to the question: how are media possible? Although Wittgenstein does not ask this question explicitly it can be detected in his Tractatus. Because of this fundamental similarity between both thinkers, it is possible to read Wittgenstein's theory of logical form from the point of view of Flusser's concept of techno-image and to interpret Flusser's notion of medium from the point of view articulated in Wittgenstein's Tractatus. At the same time, it is (...)
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    Franciscan Scientific Efforts in Ljubljana.Stanislav Južnič - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:491-507.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:1. IntroductionThe scientific efforts of Jesuits were the hot topics of the history of science. It was said that you could find a Jesuit behind most of the scientific accomplishments of the seventeenth or eighteenth centuries. The idea was not far from the truth because Athanasius Kircher of Rudjer Josip Bošković proved to be among the best. But Jesuit studies seem to have passed their peak and it is (...)
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  39. Krytyka filosofiï dribnorburz︠h︡uaznoho anarkhizmu Herberta Markuze.Stanislav Mykolaĭovych Kruhlov - 1974
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    Pensamento parcial e total.Stanislavs Ladusãns (ed.) - 1977 - São Paulo: Edições Loyola.
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  41. Slavery and the form it takes in Plato's philosophy.Stanislav Mysicka - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58 (4):527-548.
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    Philosophy of Inclusive Education and Current Problems in the Implementation of Activities for General and Additional Support for Personal Development of Children and Students.Stanislav Pandin & Gencho Valchev - 2022 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 31 (4):374-384.
    The article focuses on some issues of a practical nature related to the implementation of activities for general and additional support for personal development of children and students in kindergartens and schools in Bulgaria. The authors hereby express their personal position based on discussion comments by deputy principals, teachers and other pedagogical specialists, during trainings on inclusive education in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Emphasis is placed on the modern dimensions of inclusive education, as well as on specific (...)
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    Dvě věty znuděné jeptišky.Stanislav Reinis - 1999 - Praha: Faun.
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    Hydroxylamine interferes with the behavioral response to morphine dependence in mice.Stanislav Reinis - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (6):387-389.
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    Bohemia Jesuitica 1556–2006 Oznámení o konání mezinárodní vědecké konference v Praze.Stanislav Sousedík - 2005 - Studia Neoaristotelica 2 (2):270-270.
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    Dějiny jako factum brutum. Dvě poznámky ke glose Ondřeje Švece o filosofii dějin.Stanislav Sousedík - 2022 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2022 (62):159-164.
    Discussion on Two Remarks on Ondřej Švec’s Note regarding Philosophy of History.
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    G. Frege.Stanislav Sousedík & Karel Šprunk - 2008 - Studia Neoaristotelica 5 (1):51-80.
    This paper is a Czech translation and critical interpretation of 'Dialog s Pünjerem' by G. Frege.
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    Odpověď mým kritikům.Stanislav Sousedík - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (1):62-68.
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    Valerianus Magni, 1586-1661: Versuch einer Erneuerung der christlichen Philosophie im 17. Jahrhundert.Stanislav Sousedík - 1982 - Sankt Augustin: H. Richarz.
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    An ‘elementary’ perspective on reasoning about probability spaces.Stanislav O. Speranski - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper is concerned with a two-sorted probabilistic language, denoted by $\textsf{QPL}$, which contains quantifiers over events and over reals, and can be viewed as an elementary language for reasoning about probability spaces. The fragment of $\textsf{QPL}$ containing only quantifiers over reals is a variant of the well-known ‘polynomial’ language from Fagin et al. (1990, Inform. Comput., 87, 78–128). We shall prove that the $\textsf{QPL}$-theory of the Lebesgue measure on $\left [ 0, 1 \right ]$ is decidable, and moreover, all (...)
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