Results for 'Spotify'

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  1.  15
    Spotify, un ejemplo de la convergencia en la música digital y su incidencia en los gustos. Una revisión integrativa.Juan Sebastián Beltrán Peña - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-7.
    Spotify, Música Digital y su Impacto en los Gustos Musicales” nace de la curiosidad que gira en torno a la música y sus diferentes formatos, con el objetivo de exponer que la profundización de literatura académica sobre Spotify y la música digital está dando sus primeros pasos, basado en la pregunta “¿Qué tan estudiada se encuentra la literatura académica en torno a la convergencia de la música digital y el impacto de Spotify en la actualidad?”, bajo el (...)
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  2. Is Spotify Bad for Democracy? Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Democracy, and Law.Jonathan Gingerich - 2022 - Yale Journal of Law and Technology 24:227-316.
    Much scholarly attention has recently been devoted to ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) might weaken formal political democracy, but little attention has been devoted to the effect of AI on “cultural democracy”—that is, democratic control over the forms of life, aesthetic values, and conceptions of the good that circulate in a society. This work is the first to consider in detail the dangers that AI-driven cultural recommendations pose to cultural democracy. This Article argues that AI threatens to weaken cultural (...)
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    Folk theories of algorithmic recommendations on Spotify: Enacting data assemblages in the global South.Mónica Sancho, Ricardo Solís, Andrés Segura-Castillo & Ignacio Siles - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    This paper examines folk theories of algorithmic recommendations on Spotify in order to make visible the cultural specificities of data assemblages in the global South. The study was conducted in Costa Rica and draws on triangulated data from 30 interviews, 4 focus groups with 22 users, and the study of “rich pictures” made by individuals to graphically represent their understanding of algorithmic recommendations. We found two main folk theories: one that personifies Spotify and another one that envisions it (...)
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    An architecture governance approach for Agile development by tailoring the Spotify model.Abdallah Salameh & Julian M. Bass - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):761-780.
    The role of software architecture in large-scale Agile development is important because several teams need to work together to release a single software product while helping to maximise teams’ autonomy. Governing and aligning Agile architecture across autonomous squads, when using the Spotify model, is a challenge because the Spotify model lacks practices for addressing Agile architecture governance. To explore how software architecture can be governed and aligned by scaling the Spotify model, we conducted a longitudinal embedded case (...)
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  5. III. Medien- und Kulturtheoretische Zugänge. Versuch über Spotify, oder: Musikstreaming als Arbeit am Subjekt / Maximilian Haberer ; Cyborg Voice : der Auto-Tune-Effekt als Klangästhetik des Humanoiden : ein medienarchäologisches Statement.David Friedrich - 2020 - In José Gálvez, Jonas Reichert & Elizaveta Willert (eds.), Wissen im Klang: Neue Wege der Musikästhetik. Bielefeld: Transcript.
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  6.  42
    Cheques or dating scams? Online fraud themes in hip-hop songs across popular music apps.Suleman Lazarus, Olaigbe Olaigbe, Ayo Adeduntan, Tochukwu Dibiana, Edward & Uzoma OKolorie, Geoffrey - 2023 - Journal of Economic Criminology 2:1-17.
    How do hip-hop songs produced from 2017 to 2023 depict and rationalize online fraud? This study examines the depiction of online fraudsters in thirty-three Nigerian hip-hop songs on nine popular streaming platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, iTunes, SoundCloud, Apple Music, and YouTube. Using a directed approach to qualitative content analysis, we coded lyrics based on the moral disengagement mechanism and core themes derived from existing literature. Our findings shed light on how songs (a) justify the fraudulent actions of online (...)
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  7. Will big data algorithms dismantle the foundations of liberalism?Daniel First - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (4):545-556.
    In Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari argues that technological advances of the twenty-first century will usher in a significant shift in how humans make important life decisions. Instead of turning to the Bible or the Quran, to the heart or to our therapists, parents, and mentors, people will turn to Big Data recommendation algorithms to make these choices for them. Much as we rely on Spotify to recommend music to us, we will soon rely on algorithms to decide our (...)
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  8.  16
    Desmaterialização documental e vácuo informacional.Alexandre Valdevino da Silva, Májory Karoline Fernandes de Oliveira Miranda & Murilo Artur Araújo da Silveira - 2020 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (1):87-106.
    Este artigo reflete sobre a desmaterialização de um tipo documental e seus arranjos no contexto digital, observando que a desmaterialização do álbum sonoro é marcada por um fenômeno nomeado de vácuo informacional no contexto do serviço de música digital Spotify. A desmaterialização de tipos documentais mostra-se uma realidade consolidada em tempos de informação digital. Com as inovações tecnológicas, mudanças culturais, comportamentais e todo um arcabouço conceitual e epistémico atrelado a essas inovações floresce e se desenvolve num curto espaço de (...)
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  9.  17
    Shifting Listening Niches: Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Emily Rose Hurwitz & Carol Lynne Krumhansl - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The term “listening niche” refers to the contexts in which people listen to music including what music they are listening to, with whom, when, where, and with what media. The first experiment investigates undergraduate students’ music listening niches in the initial COVID-19 lockdown period, 4 weeks immediately after the campus shut down abruptly. The second experiment explores how returning to a hybrid semester, the “new normal,” further affected these listening habits. In both experiments, the participants provided a list of their (...)
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  10. Wij, robots: een filosofische blik op technologie en artificiële intelligentie.Lode Lauwaert - 2021 - Tielt: LannooCampus.
    Technologie is (bijna) zo oud als de mens en bepaalt al eeuwenlang mee ons bestaan. Met de komst van intelligente machines raakt die wisselwerking tussen mens en machine in een stroomversnelling. Drones, algoritmes van Spotify en zelfrijdende wagens zijn vandaag zo alomtegenwoordig dat ze vragen oproepen over de menselijke natuur, en hoezeer wij worden bepaald en bedreigd door technologie. Zijn robots waardegeladen of waardevrij? Waarin verschilt Mark Zuckerberg van Martin Heidegger? En is het effectief zo dat technologie onze samenleving (...)
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  11.  14
    Music on-demand: A commentary on the changing relationship between music taste, consumption and class in the streaming age.Jack Webster - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    From providing on-demand access to vast catalogues of recorded music at little or no cost to the use of Big Data to personalise the experience of consuming music, music streaming platforms, such as Spotify and Apple Music, have the potential to disrupt the part that music taste plays in the performance of class identities and the reproduction of class privilege in ways not previously encountered. The influential sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu, demonstrated that cultural taste – what and how people consume (...)
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  12.  6
    You may also like: taste in an age of endless choice.Tom Vanderbilt - 2016 - New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
    From the best-selling author of Traffic, a brilliant and entertaining exploration of our personal tastes--why we like the things we like, and what it says about us. Everyone knows his or her favorite color, the foods we most enjoy, and which season of House of Cards deserves the most stars on Netflix. But what does it really mean when we like something? How do we decide what's good? Is it something biological? What is the role of our personal experiences in (...)
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  13.  19
    Computing taste: algorithms and the makers of music recommendation.Nick Seaver - 2022 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    For the people who make them, music recommender systems hold a utopian promise: they can broaden listeners' horizons and help obscure musicians find audiences, taking advantage of the enormous catalogs offered by companies like Spotify, Apple Music, and their kin. But for critics, recommender systems have come to epitomize the potential harms of algorithms: they seem to reduce expressive culture to numbers, they normalize ever-broadening data collection, and they profile their users for commercial ends, tearing the social fabric into (...)
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