Results for 'Sports Social aspects.'

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  1.  7
    Social theory, sport, leisure.Kenneth Roberts - 2016 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Introduction -- The classical theories -- Emile Durkheim -- Talcott Parsons and structural functionalism -- Karl Marx and marxism -- Max Weber -- The successors -- Norbert Elias -- Critical theory, the Frankfurt school and Jurgen Habermas -- Herbert Blumer and symbolic interactionism -- Michel Foucault -- Pierre Bourdieu -- The present -- The latest modern age -- Modernisation theory -- Conclusions.
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  2. (1 other version)Sports ethics: an anthology.Jan Boxill (ed.) - 2003 - [Malden, MA]: Blackwell.
    Representing the thinking of philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, coaches, and sports writers, these essays bring together a wide range of approaches to ...
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    Sport, je t'aime moi non plus.Robert Redeker - 2022 - Paris: INSEP. Edited by François L'Yvonnet.
    "Quoi de plus dérisoire au regard de l'histoire du monde, des causes premières et des fins dernières, de la destinée post mortem de l'âme, de la lutte cosmique entre le Bien et le Mal, de la guerre entre les empires, que la course folle d'un ailier de football le long de la ligne de touche, que la percée serpentine d'un demi de mêlée de rugby dans la forêt effrayante des avants adverses? Les noms de Platini, de Pelé, de Coppi, ne (...)
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    Social Identity Complexity, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Brand Love of Multiple Leagues in Professional Sport.Chanwook Do, Natasha T. Brison, Juho Park & Hyun-Woo Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    How can corporate social responsibility initiatives influence brand love? Based on the theory of social identity complexity, we examined whether greater complexity of a sport fan’s multiple identifications with sport leagues led to higher multicultural tolerance and more positive perceptions of leagues’ corporate social responsibility activities. Further, brand authenticity was tested as a variable intervening between perceived corporate social responsibility and brand love. We analyzed this serial mediation effect impacting sport fans’ brand love for their multiple, (...)
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    Sporting boundaries, sporting events and commodification.Dikaia Chatziefstathiou & Andrea Kathryn Talentino (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    This book addresses cross-cutting aspects of sport that engage important foundational questions. Who benefits from sport? How does commodification drive sport development and meanings? What boundaries determine fan and participant? The contributors to this volume are interested in sport's social, political, and economic influences and roles, and show that the answers have many layers. Sport encompasses far more than the elite and professional levels that generate mass passions and large bank accounts, and impacts individuals in varying ways. The boundaries (...)
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    Sport: eine Soziologie und Philosophie des Leistungsprinzips.Christian Graf von Krockow - 1974 - Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe.
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    Sport Philosophy Now: The Culture of Sports After the Lance Armstrong Scandal.Matthew James McNees - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Sport Philosophy Now examines the current sports philosophy available and updates it in the “post-Lance Armstrong” age. While many sports philosophers have turned a blind eye to the reality of sport by focusing on ideologically-driven abstract ideals, this book offers an engaging alternative. Examining the field primarily through the competitive world of cycling, Matthew James McNees explores such issues as authenticity in sport, our tendency to create superficial high-minded meaning from the actions of athletes, and American capitalism in (...)
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    Sport and work.Bero Rigauer - 1981 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    His argument rests on several premises: that achievement in sport has become a model for achievement in the workplace; that the two worlds share the same ...
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    Marxism, cultural studies and sport.Ben Carrington & Ian McDonald (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    Marxism, Cultural Studies and Sport assesses the contemporary relevance of Marxist approaches and offers a unique and diverse examination of modern sports ...
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    A Qualitative Exploration of Sport and Social Pressures on Elite Athletes in Relation to Disordered Eating.Hannah Stoyel, Russell Delderfield, Vaithehy Shanmuganathan-Felton, Alex Stoyel & Lucy Serpell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction:Athletes are at increased risk of disordered eating compared to non-athletes. Inspired by previous investigation into quantitative work on an etiological model of disordered eating in athletes, the current study aimed to explore a problematic aspect of the model: athletes' lived experiences of social and sport pressures in relation to the onset of disordered eating and differing eating behaviors.Methods:Nine (N= 9) male and female athletes representing a range of endurance sports took part in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was (...)
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  11. Sports, Virtues and Vices: Morality Plays.Mike J. McNamee - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Sports have long played an important role in society. By exploring the evolving link between sporting behaviour and the prevailing ethics of the time this comprehensive and wide-ranging study illuminates our understanding of the wider social significance of sport. The primary aim of _Sports, Virtues and Vices_ is to situate ethics at the heart of sports via ‘virtue ethical’ considerations that can be traced back to the gymnasia of ancient Greece. The central theme running through the book (...)
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  12. The Paradise Lost? Mythological Aspects of Modern Sport.Raphaël Massarelli & Thierry Terret - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (4):396 - 413.
    Sport, in modern times, finds its roots in the mythological sources of ancient Greece, where it was born as a sacred game to be performed in the honour of Zeus in Olympia or of other gods elsewhere during the Panhellenic games. Since the beginning of the twentieth century and until the 1970s sport was mythogenic (Barthes 1975). But is sport still mythogenic in the twenty-first century? Our analysis attempts to answer two questions: (i) what has been the influence of doping (...)
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    Le sport contre la société.Clément Hamel, Simon Maillard & Patrick Vassort (eds.) - 2012 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Chapitre 1. Sport et domination capitaliste (Patrick Vassort) -- Chapitre 2. Sport, anthropofacture et conformisme généralisé (Clément Hamel) -- Chapitre 3. Le sport contre les femmes (Ronan David) -- Chapitre 4. Le sport ou la fin de l'espace vécu (Simon Maillard) -- Chapitre 5. Propagande sportive et colonisation du quotidien (Fabien Lebrun) -- Chapitre 6. Le sport: une entreprise d'uniformisation et de déculturation. L'exemple des JO de Pékin (Bernard Allain) -- Chapitre 7. Le sport contre la culture et l'éducation (Camille (...)
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    Le sport, l'émotion, l'espace: essai sur la classification des sports et ses rapports avec la pensée mythique.Bernard Jeu - 1977 - Paris: Vigot.
    Création collective, instinctive, continue, dynamique grandiose de l'imaginaire, le sport traverse avec assurance l'histoire des peuples et n'a pas été inventé, au cours des âges, sur décision des princes ou recommandation des philosophes. Il est vivant, populaire, spontané. Il est émotion. Il est passion. C'est par là d'ailleurs qu'il échappe. Les bonnes raisons ne le touchent qu'en surface...
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    Die Würde des Sports ist unantastbar: zur Auseinandersetzung mit Mythen des Sports.Sven Güldenpfennig - 2010 - Sankt Augustin: Academia-Verlag.
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    Philosophy, Sport and the Pandemic.Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on every aspect of our social, cultural and commercial lives, including the world of sport. This book examines the ethical and philosophical dimensions of the intersection of COVID-19 and sport. The book goes beyond simple description of the impact of the pandemic on sport to offer normative judgments about how the sporting world responded to challenges posed by COVID-19, as well as philosophical speculation as to how COVID-19 will change our understanding and (...)
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    Mental Health and Social Connectedness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Sports and E-Sports Players.Ana Karla Silva Soares, Maria Celina Ferreira Goedert & Adriano Ferreira Vargas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recently, the pandemic context in which the world finds itself has inspired studies that sought to evaluate to mental health and the way people are relating to the purpose of understanding and promoting improvements psychological health. The epidemiological and public health literature shows that social connection protects and promotes mental health, being an important clinical tool for reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. Thinking in the broad sense of connection, that is, feeling and perceiving oneself connected with the environment, applied (...)
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    Sports, ethics and education.Peter James Arnold - 1997 - Herndon, VA: Cassell.
    Examines the relationship between sport and education from both social and moral points of view. The text argues that sport has such a vital role to play in society that it should be an integral part of the curriculum. It presents guidelines for an effective teaching of sports in schools.
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    Phenomenology and the extreme sport experience.Eric Brymer - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Robert Schweitzer.
    Understanding the motivations behind those who partake in extreme sports can be difficult for some. If the popular conception holds that the incentive behind extreme sports participation is entirely to do with risking one's life, then this confusion will continue to exist. However, an in-depth examination of the phenomenology of the extreme sport experience yields a much more complex picture. This book revisits the definition of extreme sports as those activities where a mismanaged mistake or accident would (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Fair Play: The Ethics of Sport.Robert L. Simon - 2010 - Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
    Addressing both collegiate and professional sports, the updated edition of Fair Play explores the ethical presuppositions of competitive athletics and their ...
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  21.  7
    Sports, peacebuilding and ethics.Linda M. Johnston (ed.) - 2014 - New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.
    As this latest volume in the Peace & Policy series shows, sports can be an effective mechanism for peacebuilding, especially when incorporated into conflict-resolution programs. Such programs have been designed to bring children together in post-conflict situations with an ultimate goal of reducing future violence. In examining such programs, the volume's contributors ask key questions: "What are the programs achieving?" and "How are they measuring success?" Although such programs have by and large been successful, some issues need to be (...)
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    Sport, ethics and leadership.Jack Bowen - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge, an Informa Business.
    Everybody involved in sport, from the bleachers to the boardroom, should develop an understanding of ethics. Sport ethics prompt discussion of the central principles and ideals by which we all live our lives, and effective leadership in sport is invariably ethical leadership. This fascinating new introduction to sport ethics outlines key ethical theories in the context of sport as well as the fundamentals of moral reasoning. It explores all the central ethical issues in contemporary sport: from violence, hazing, and gambling (...)
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    Playing Nostalgic Language Games in Sport Research: Conceptual Considerations and Methodological Musings.Geoffery Z. Kohe, Laura G. Purdy & Chris Hughes - unknown
    As researchers interested in social aspects of sport, we enmesh ourselves in the work of memory, (re)membering and forms of ‘capturing’ sport and sport experiences. While nostalgia is at play in these social constructions of sport, for researchers we contend that the concept of nostalgia can prove devious. In this paper, we illustrate the social significance afforded to nostalgic experiences or events, and consider their representation in social sciences sport research. We develop and apply arguments concerning (...)
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    More than a marginal phenomenon: Relevance and content-related aspects of mediated sport scandals.Inga Oelrichs & Mark Ludwig - 2020 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 17 (2):185-209.
    SummaryThe salience of mediated scandals today is deeply linked with the formation of norms and values in our society. This is a particular challenge for the field of sport as the compliance with norms and values is of particular relevance in this social area. The paper shows the extent of scandalization in sport reporting and discusses possible implications for sport. Therefore, it offers a definition and typology for sport scandals. It indicates why sport scandals might have a fundamental share (...)
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  25.  18
    The Ethics of Sport: Essential Readings.Arthur L. Caplan & Brendan Parent (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Sports are more than just "games". They can unite countries, start wars, and revolutionize views on race, class, and gender. Through works from philosophy, sociology, medicine, and law, this collection explores intersections of sports and ethics, and identifies the immense role of sports in shaping and reflecting social values.
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    Soziale Einflüsse im Sport.Dorothee Alfermann (ed.) - 1976 - Darmstadt: Steinkopff.
    Sportsoziologie, Sozialpsychologie, Methodologie, Leistungsmotivation, Interaktion, Wettkampfsport, Unterricht, Soziales-lernen, Lernziel, Koedukation, DDR, Spitzensport, Sozialismus.
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    Il senso dello sport: valori, agonismo, inclusione.Luca Grion (ed.) - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Leftist Theories of Sport: A Critique and Reconstruction.William J. Morgan & William John Morgan - 1994 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    The degradation of modern sport--its commercialization, trivialization, widespread cheating, cult of athletic stars and celebrities, and manipulation by the media--has led to calls for its transformation. William J. Morgan constructs a critical theory of sport that shores up the weak arguments of past attempts and points a way forward to making sport more humane, compelling, and substantive. Drawing on the work of social theorists, Morgan challenges scholars and fans alike to explore new spaces in sport culture and imagine the (...)
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    (1 other version)Social Issues in Iraqi Newspapers Al-Sabah Newspaper as a Model: An Analytical Social Study.Russell Saad Khalifa & Muqdad Hadi Khudhair - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1216-1232.
    It is no longer hidden that the press plays a prominent role in political, economic, and sports fields, while it has taken a limited role in social aspects in some weekly and monthly magazines. Social journalism does not occupy enough space in our Iraqi society. However, it is considered one of the most major areas that should receive sufficient attention considering the developments and changes that Iraqi society is experiencing. Since social journalism concerns the community in (...)
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    Behavior feature extraction method of college students’ social network in sports field based on clustering algorithm.Haiou Sun & Yonggang Wang - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):477-488.
    In order to improve the integrity of the social network behavior feature extraction results for sports college students, this study proposes to be based on the clustering algorithm. This study analyzes the social network information dissemination mechanism in the field of college students’ sports, obtains the real-time social behavior data in the network environment combined with the analysis results, and processes the obtained social network behavior data from two aspects of data cleaning and de-duplication. (...)
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    Beyond the white shadow: philosophy, sports, and the African American experience.John H. McClendon - 2012 - Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. Edited by Stephen C. Ferguson.
    Introduction : Philosophy of sports and the African American experience : perceptual observations and conceptual considerations -- What's philosophy got to do with it? : on the meaning of sports and the African American experience -- The emergence of the African American athlete in slavery : a materialist philosophical interpretation -- Who's on first? : the concept of African American firsts and the legacy of the "color line" -- The Black athlete and the 'white shadow' : the matter (...)
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    Ethics and governance in sport: the future of sport imagined.Yves Vanden Auweele, Elaine Cook & S. J. Parry (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
    What is, or what should be, the function of sport in a globalized, commercialized world? Why does sport matter in the 21st century? In Ethics and Governance in Sport: the future of sport imagined, an ensemble of leading international experts from across the fields of sport management and ethics calls for a new model of sport that goes beyond the traditional view that sport automatically encourages positive physical, psychological, social, moral and political values. Acknowledging that sport is beset by (...)
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Gender in Sports.Paul Davis & Charlene Weaving (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    There are a broad variety of sex and gender resonances in sport, from the clash of traditional ideas of femininity and athleticism represented by female athletes, to the culture of homophobia in mainstream male sport. Despite the many sociological and cultural volumes addressing these subjects, this collection is the first to focus on the philosophical writings that they have inspired. The editors have selected twelve of the most thought-provoking philosophical articles on these subjects from the past thirty years, to create (...)
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    The competitive Buddha: how to up your game in sports, leadership and life.Jerry Lynch - 2021 - Coral Gables: Mango Media.
    The Competitive Buddha is about mastery, leadership, and spirituality. Learn what you need to keep, what you need to discard, and what you need to add to your mental, emotional, and spiritual skill set as an athlete, coach, leader, parent, CEO, or any other performer in life. Understand how Buddhism can help you to be better prepared for sports and life, and how sports and life can teach you about Buddhism. Discover how people from all parts of the (...)
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    Discipline, Sport, and the Religion of Winners: Paul on Running to Win the Prize, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.Brian Brock - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (1):4-19.
    In 1 Cor. 9:25 Paul exhorts the Corinthian believers to strive like athletes for an eternal prize. This paper elucidates the communal horizon of the self-disciplining he enjoins, which overturns popular modern conceptions of individual fitness and performance training. Paul likewise defines the rewards of spiritual labour as aspects of participation in the communion of saints gathered by the gospel, disallowing a wholly post-temporal construal of the eternal reward which motivates Christian discipline. The paper concludes by raising questions about the (...)
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    Deleuze and the physically active body.Pirkko Markula - 2019 - London ; New York ;: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
    This volume examines Gilles Deleuze's philosophy as it relates to the study of the physically active body. It explores theoretical and practical examples of how the physically active body can be examined as a material, social, political, and cultural entity using a Deleuzian perspective. Examining topics such as, the formation of thought within a capitalist system; sport, exercise, and dance as cultural arrangements; researching the physically active body from a Deleuzian perspective; and Deleuze on Foucault, this book shows ways (...)
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Gender in Sport and Phyiscal Activity.Paul Davis & Charlene Weaving (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    A useful resource for students as well as a thought-provoking source of debate, this collection is the first of its kind.
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    Stanisław Kowalczyk. Elementy filozofii i teologii sportu [The elements of philosophy and theology of sport].Stanisław Kowalczyk & Jan Kłos - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8 (1):293-294.
    Sport plays today an eminent role in man's life and in societies. Various sciences have made it the subject-matter of their reflection, i.e. psychology, sociology, the natural and humanistic sciences, art, philosophy, and theology. The present work seeks to answer some fundamental questions connected with the phenomenon of sport: what is it for man? whether and when does it serve the social integration of a community? what are the premises and principles of the ethics of sportive activity? what is (...)
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    Reclaiming Leisure: Art, Sport and Philosophy.Hayden Ramsay - 2005 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Leisure activities account for much of our time - and money. But are contemporary forms of leisure good for us? Are they really leisure? And how much does (and should) leisure matter? Classical philosophers paid attention to these questions. Increasingly, modern philosophers too are realizing the importance of leisure, and of a good leisure / work balance. Hayden Ramsay looks at the meaning of leisure, and the links between recreation, relaxation, virtue, and happiness. By focusing on leisure activities such as (...)
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    Bewegungskulturen: Ansätze zu einer kritischen Anthropologie des Körpers.Eugen König & Ronald Lutz (eds.) - 1995 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
    Die Spurensuche nach dem Körper schafft Momentaufnahmen, aus denen heraus neue Suchbewegungen erst möglich werden. Diese Momentaufnahmen zeigen die historische Variabilität des gesellschaftlichen Körpers, sie zeigen seine Relativität und Veränderlichkeit, sie ermöglichen aber auch spontane Blicke auf den Kern dessen, was der Körper im Kontext von Menschen gestalteter Kulturentfaltung und Kulturzerstörung "bedeutet". In diesem Spannungsverhältnis ist der Band zu sehen, so sind die hier versammelten Texte entstanden. Der Band ist ein Versuch, Fächergrenzen zu überschreiten, die in der Fokussierung auf den (...)
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    The Ethics of Sports Fandom.Adam Kadlac - 2021 - Routledge.
    "Fans largely regard sports as an escapist pursuit-something that provides distraction from the cares and concerns of "real life". This book pushes back against the fully escapist account of sports fandom and argues that we understand the value of fandom in terms of the ability of sports to prompt fans to reflect meaningfully on the notion of the good life. Even if we are not engaged in high-level athletics ourselves, it is possible to learn a great deal (...)
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    Introducing Temporal Theory to the Field of Sport Psychology: Toward a Conceptual Model of Time Perspectives in Athletes’ Functioning.Maciej Stolarski, Wojciech Waleriańczyk & Dominika Pruszczak - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:413060.
    Time perspective theory provides a robust conceptual framework for analyzing human behavior in the context of time. So far, the concept has been studied and applied in multiple life domains, such as education, health, social relationships, environmental behavior, or financial behavior; however its explanatory potential has been completely neglected within the domain of sport. In the present paper we provide a deepened theoretical analysis of the potential role of temporal framing of human experience for sport-related attitudes, emotions, and athletic (...)
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    Concussion and brain injuries in sport: conceptual, ethical and legal perspectives.Francisco Javier López Frías & Mike McNamee - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):259-266.
    This special issue examines critical ethical, legal, and policy debates surrounding brain trauma in sport, focusing on challenges in concussion management practices and protocols. Brain injury concerns extend beyond traditional contact sports like boxing, encompassing sporting activities involving rapid acceleration, deceleration, and surface impacts, such as cycling and equestrian sports. Among such problems are the identification and management of brain injuries, the roles of officials and healthcare professionals, and the broader implications for sport integrity and athlete careers. The (...)
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    Subjekt v ideologiji (športa).Roman Vodeb - 2002 - Trbovlje: FIT.
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    Football, Culture, Skill Development and Sport Coaching: Extending Ecological Approaches in Athlete Development Using the Skilled Intentionality Framework.James Vaughan, Clifford J. Mallett, Paul Potrac, Maurici A. López-Felip & Keith Davids - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this manuscript, we extend ecological approaches and suggest ideas for enhancing athlete development by utilizing the Skilled Intentionality Framework. A broad aim is to illustrate the extent to which social, cultural and historical aspects of life are embodied in the way football is played and the skills young footballers develop during learning. Here, we contend that certain aspects of the world are “weighted” with social and cultural significance, “standing out” to be more readily perceived and simultaneously acted (...)
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    Social Media Hedonism and the Case of ’Fitspiration’: A Nietzschean Critique.Aurélien Daudi - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (2):127-142.
    Though the rise of social media has provided countless advantages and possibilities, both within and without the domain of sports, recent years have also seen some more detrimental aspects of these technologies come to light. In particular, the widespread social media culture surrounding fitness – ‘fitspiration’ – warrants attention for the way it encourages self-sexualization and -objectification, thereby epitomizing a wider issue with photo-based social media in general. Though the negative impact of fitspiration has been well (...)
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    Philosophy of sport in Belgium and the Netherlands: history and characteristics.Ivo Van Hilvoorde, Jan Vorstenbosch & Ignaas Devisch - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (2):225-236.
    The Low Countries (Belgium and the Netherlands) have their own traditions when it comes down to sports. Sports such as football, cycling (Belgium) or skating (the Netherlands) take center stage with the sports-minded public, and are a central element in popular culture, somewhat similar to the way cricket is part of the British culture. Since many years now, social scientists and philosophers in this countries have started to think about the impact of sports on everyday (...)
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    Dual Career Development Perspective: Factors Affecting Quality of Post-sport Career Transition of Employed Olympic Athletes.Petra Robnik, Edvard Kolar, Boro Štrumbelj & Marko Ferjan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:800031.
    Although Olympic athletes are celebrated for their sports achievements, they often face serious difficulties in their post-sport career employment. Factors of development that are affecting the quality of post-sport career transition of Olympic athletes are important to acknowledge in the dual career (DC) development perspective. Due to the side lining of academic activities, athletes are often not well prepared for the labor market. If they do not gain sufficient financial background in their careers, it can lead to a lack (...)
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    Sexual attractions and boundary crossings among sport psychology graduate students and professionals.Macey L. Arnold, Tess M. Palmateer & Trent Petrie - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (2):115-129.
    The training relationship between sport psychology professionals (SPPs) and their students is a critical aspect of graduate training. Maintaining ethical, appropriate boundaries within training relationships is imperative, as boundary crossings can have deleterious effects on students. SPPs (N = 152) and Sport Psychology graduate students (N = 165) completed The Survey of Applied Sport Psychologists to explore their experiences and perceptions of sexual attractions and boundary crossings within training relationships. Nearly 30% of SPPs acknowledged sexual attractions toward their students, yet (...)
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    The CrossFit Sensorium: Visuality, Affect and Immersive Sport.Leslie Heywood - 2015 - Paragraph 38 (1):20-36.
    By contrast to the competitive and participatory models of sport, the immersive model shows greater potentiality as a healthful practice more distant from transcendent, technocratic aspects of other models, instead accepting the body's immanence as part of evolutionary history and the natural world. Because of the largely unconscious, evolutionarily based responses to one's environment, the environment in which a sporting activity takes place has a tangible impact on performance. As our most evolutionarily recent sense system, visuality is linked to the (...)
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