Results for 'Spiritual healing. '

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  1.  12
    Spiritual Healing on the Border: Lessons in Art, Culture, and Education.Christopher D. Tirres - 2023 - Education and Culture 38 (2):91-126.
    Abstract:Ninety years ago, John Dewey’s discussion of “the religious”—as distinct from traditional “religion”—opened new ways of thinking about the connection between spirituality and everyday forms of human action. But in what ways does our contemporary religious landscape invite us to reimagine and reconstruct Deweyan approaches to religion? This essay addresses this question by focusing on how the community of El Paso, Texas came together to respond to one of the worst racially motivated mass shootings in recent history. This community’s use (...)
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  2. Frederick Osborn.Hj Eysenck, Cp Blacker, Ln Jackson & Spiritual Healing - 1957 - The Eugenics Review 52:1.
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    (1 other version) Spiritual Healing: Science, Meaning, and Discernment . [REVIEW]Jocelyn Bryan - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (2):373-375.
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    Sarah Coakley, ed., Spiritual Healing: Science, Meaning, and Discernment.Rik Peels - 2022 - Philosophia Reformata 87 (1):101-104.
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    Philosophical Counseling and Whole ‘Spiritual Healing’ for a Happy Life. 홍경자 - 2017 - The Catholic Philosophy 28:177-208.
    본 논문은 ‘행복의 역설’을 강조하는 철학상담적 관점에서 인간 의 고통을 치유하고 행복한 삶을 지향하는 ‘전인적 영성치유’에 대 해 논의에 초점을 맞추고자 한다. 얼마 전부터 다양한 분야의 연구 자들이 많은 관심을 가지고 연구에 매진하고 있는 신흥학문이자 융복합 학문인 ‘행복학’(Bonheurologie)은 행복에 대한 정의를 새 로운 관점과 다양한 방식으로 정립시키고자 시도하고 있다. 이러 한 시도와 무관하지 않는 본 논문은 이성적 사유를 넘어서는 전인 적 ‘영성’개념을 행복과 연결시켜 기존에 진행 중인 행복학의 논의 를 좀 더 확장하여 진전시켜 보고자 한다. 특히 본 논문은 다양한 층위를 (...)
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    Spiritual harm and spiritual healing in cases of sexual abuse.Geoffrey Robinson - 2000 - The Australasian Catholic Record 77 (1):76.
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  7. Book Review: Spiritual Healing: Science, Meaning, and Discernment by Sarah Coakley. [REVIEW]Dr Jocelyn Bryan - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (2):373-375.
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    Healing Makes Our Hearts Happy: Spirituality and Cultural Transformation among the Kalahari Ju/'hoansi.Barry P. Michrina - 1998 - Anthropology of Consciousness 9 (4):80-81.
    Healing Makes Our Hearts Happy: Spirituality and Cultural Transformation among the Kalaharilu/'hoansi Richard Katz Megan Biesele and Verna St Denis Rochester Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1997. 214pp. $29.95.
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    Healing and coping with life within challenges of spiritual insecurity: Juxtaposed consideration of Christ’s sinlessness and African ancestors in pastoral guidance.Vhumani Magezi & Christopher Magezi - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-12.
    Spiritual insecurity among African Christians is a huge challenge. The insecurity among other things arises from African people’s former traditional African ancestral world view of ancestral veneration. The ancestors promote or hinder African Christians’ reliance on Christ because they have presupposedly acquired the supernatural power that enables them to provide diagnoses and solutions to life challenges. The inherent problem in the ancestral world view, however, is that the ancestors are both respected and feared by their descendants because they can (...)
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    Spirituality and Healing - Groundwork of the Concept of Spirituality for ‘the Philosophy of Healing’ -. 박병준 & 윤유석 - 2015 - The Catholic Philosophy 25:63-96.
    영성이란 다층적인 의미를 지니고 있다. 어원적으로 영혼과 관련하여 생명의 원리로서, 특히 ‘지성혼(rational souls, anima rationalis)’과 관련하여 사물의 이치를 분별하는 로고스의 원리로서 이해된다. 그러나 내용적으로 보면 영성의 본질은 무엇보다도 정신의 초월성과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 본고는 전통 사상에 입각하여 영성의 기본 개념을 생명, 로고스, 초월의 원리로 규정하고, 이를 현대적 사유 안에서 이해 가능한 방법을 모색한다. 인간은 정신적 존재로서 ‘근본 물음(Grundfrage)’ 안에 놓여 있다. 물음 안에서 자기 존재의 궁극 의미를 향해 끊임없이 자기를 넘어서는 존재가 바로 인간이다. 이러한 철학적 인간학적 통찰에 근거하여 논의를 전개시키고 (...)
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    Spiritual Formation and Sexual Abuse: Embodiment, Community, and Healing.Andrew J. Schmutzer - 2009 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 2 (1):67-86.
    As a distortion of God's created designs, sexual abuse carries a unique devastation-factor. Abuse that is sexual in nature damages a spectrum of internal and external aspects of personhood. In particular, the core realities of: self-identity, community, and spiritual communion with God can be deeply fractured through SA. In light of the significance of the image of God, movement toward healing includes strengthening personal agency, processing profound boundary ruptures, and managing disillusionment with God. Due to the multi-faceted trauma of (...)
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    Spiritual transformation, healing, and altruism: Introduction to the symposium.Joan D. Koss-Chioino - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4):869-876.
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    Spirituality and Healing: Results of a Ten-Year Study of Spiritual Healers.Russell J. Sawa - 2020 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 37 (3-4):142-157.
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    Healing the western soul: a spiritual homecoming for today's seeker.Judith S. Miller - 2015 - St. Paul, Minnesota: Paragon House.
    The West has lost its traditional spiritual anchors following the rise of science and the social revolution of the sixties. Healing and wholeness begins with reclaiming the spiritual forms that gave rise to Western culture to provide grounding to meet the challenges of meaning in the era global cultural interchange.
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    Spiritual transformation, ritual healing, and altruism.Joan D. Koss-Chioino - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4):877-892.
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    Healing Breath: Zen Spirituality for a Wounded World.Taitetsu Unno & Ruben L. F. Habito - 1996 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 16:233.
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    Sacred Spaces, Healing Places: Therapeutic Landscapes of Spiritual Significance.Geraldine Perriam - 2015 - Journal of Medical Humanities 36 (1):19-33.
    Understandings of the relationship between space, culture and belief are formative in the experience of seeking healing. This paper examines the relationship between place, healing and spirituality in the context of interdisciplinary perspectives (particularly those of the medical humanities) on healing and well-being. The paper examines places of spiritual significance and their relationship to healing in the ‘uncertain’ quest for alleviation or cure, exploring these thematics in the context of the work on the geographies of ‘therapeutic landscapes.’ Through a (...)
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    Spiritual Dimensions of Healing:From Native Shamanism to Contemporary Health Care:Spiritual Dimensions of Healing: From Native Shamanism to Contemporary Health Care.William S. Lyon - 1993 - Anthropology of Consciousness 4 (4):17-18.
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    A Spirituality of Healing and the New CHA Code of Ethical Standards.David Ranson - 2003 - The Australasian Catholic Record 80 (1):70.
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    Religion and medicine or the spiritual dimension of healing.Dima-Cozma Corina & Cozma Sebastian - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):31-48.
    This paper analyses the relationship between religion and the field of medicine and health care in light of other recent studies. Generally, religion and spirituality have a positive impact on disease. For patients diagnosed with malignancies and chronic diseases, religion is an important dimension of healing. From ancient times, God has been considered an inspiration for the physician's knowledge and healing resources. Some authors have proposed a brief history of spiritual and religious states that the doctor can apply to (...)
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    Unintegrated Suffering: Healing Disconnections between the Emotional, the Rational, and the Spiritual through Lament.Kathleen M. Rochester - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (2):270-281.
    Childhood sexual, physical, or emotional abuse can result in splitting many aspects of the emotional and rational sides of a person. Commonly the emotions become confused and difficult to name, and the rational side dominates as a survival mechanism. This can be exacerbated by simplistic teaching that suggests people need to choose to act in certain ways and ignore their emotions. Examples of biblical lament provide helpful models of integration between the rational and emotional sides, encouraging the naming of negative (...)
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    Heal Thyself: Spirituality, Medicine, and the Distortion of Christianity.Aaron L. Mackler - 2006 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 26 (1):198-199.
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    Spiritual Transformation and Healing: Anthropological, Theological, Neuroscientific, and Clinical Perspectives. Joan D. Koss‐Chioino and Philip Hefner, eds. New York: Altamira Press. 2006. xvii + 300pp. [REVIEW]Elelwani Ramugondo - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (1):1-4.
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  24. Africa's healing wisdom : spiritual and ethical values of traditional African healthcare practices.Lucinda Domoko Manda - 2008 - In Ronald Nicolson (ed.), Persons in community: African ethics in a global culture. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
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  25. Medicine – Religion – Spirituality. Global Perspectives on Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Healing.Dorothea Lüddeckens & Monika Schrimpf - 2018
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    The Gift of Life: Female Spirituality and Healing in Northern Peru.Ana Mariella Bacigalupo - 1999 - Anthropology of Consciousness 10 (1):60-62.
    The Gift of Life: Female Spirituality and Healing in Northern Peru. Bonnie GlassCoffin. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1998. 246 pp. $50.00 (cloth); $15.95 (paper).
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  27. Suffering and spirituality: The path to illness healing.[author unknown] - 2017
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    Nursing: a spiritual perspective.Ann Long - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (6):496-510.
    This article explores and examines the fundamental need for nurses to include the promotion of the spiritual dimension of the health of human beings as well as the physical, mental and social facets if they truly wish to engage in holistic care. The author attempts to define the phenomenon of spirituality, aware of the dilemma that many individuals face when thinking and reflecting on this very personal and intangible issue.To be spiritual is to become fully human, the article (...)
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  29. Enlarging the interdisciplinary circle: Joan Koss-chioino's and Philip Hefner's approach to spiritual transformation and healing.K. Helmut Reich - 2007 - Zygon 42 (2):553-560.
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    Types of prayer, heart rate variability, and innate healing.Ruth Stanley - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):825-846.
    Spiritual practices such as prayer have been shown to improve health and quality of life for those facing chronic or terminal illness. The early Christian healing tradition distinguished between types of prayer and their role in healing, placing great emphasis on the healing power of more integrated relational forms of prayer such as prayers of gratitude and contemplative prayer. Because autonomic tone is impaired in most disease states, autonomic homeostasis may provide insight into the healing effects of prayer. I (...)
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    Healing Powers and Modernity: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian Societies (review).Eugene Newton Anderson - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):702-703.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Healing Powers and Modernity: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian SocietiesE. N. AndersonHealing Powers and Modernity: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian Societies. Edited by Linda H. Connor and Geoffrey Samuel. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey, 2001. Pp. xiii + 283. Hardcover.Healing Powers and Modernity: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian Societies, edited by Linda H. Connor and Geoffrey Samuel, consists of an Introduction, by (...)
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    A Balm for Gilead: Spirituality and the Healing Arts. By Daniel Sulmasy.Glenn Morrison - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (3):501-501.
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    An Account of Healing Depression Using Ayahuasca Plant Teacher Medicine in a Santo Daime Ritual.Jean-Francois Sobiecki - 2013 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 13 (1):1-10.
    Ayahuasca is a psychoactive traditional plant medicine preparation used by the indigenous tribes of the Upper Amazon in their shamanic traditions. Its use has become popular amongst Westerners seeking alternative means of healing, and the medicine has now spread across the globe via syncretic spiritual healing traditions such as the Santo Daime Church. Despite the increased use of the medicine, little research exists on its effectiveness for healing depression. The existing literature does not contain a detailed self-reported phenomenological account (...)
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    Mentally Healthy and Healing Church: Spiritual Formation and Soul Care as Ecclesiology.Steven L. Porter - 2022 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 15 (1):3-5.
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    Grace and Grit: Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber, by Ken Wilber.John Wren-Lewis - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (4):514-522.
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    Spiritual Relationships as an Analytical Instrument in Psychotherapy With Religious Patients.Agneta Schreurs - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (3):185-196.
    This article offers a relational approach for understanding and dealing with a patient's spiritual concerns. Insight into the relational structure of a particular patient's spirituality may help to (1) analyze in what way psychological and spiritual factors are interconnected and in what way the patient's "spiritual relationship" influences his mental health problems either positively or negatively, and (2) identify the latent opportunities for therapeutic and spiritual healing that are present within their spiritually minded patients' own religious (...)
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  37. Jesus' Baptism and Jesus' Healing: His Personal Practice of Spirituality.Bruce Chilton - 1998
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    Natural and Supernatural: Intersections Between the Spiritual and Natural Worlds in African Witchcraft and Healing with Reference to Southern Africa.T. S. Petrus & D. L. Bogopa - 2007 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 7 (1):1-10.
    For generations, African beliefs and practices regarding witchcraft and traditional healing have been located at the intersection between the natural world and the supernatural world. Despite the impact of both colonialism and, in the contemporary context, modernization, the complex interplay between these worlds has not been reduced. The interaction between nature and religion, as a facet of culture, has long been a subject of inquiry in anthropology, and nowhere is this more evident than in the study of African witchcraft and (...)
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    Spirituality and survivorship: Dealing with COVID-19.Arikhah Arikhah & Imam Taufiq - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    Spiritual awareness can help survivors be free from the shackles of COVID-19 by offering effective and efficient solutions while still adhering to health protocols. This qualitative research article aims to reveal the spiritual experiences of COVID-19 survivors and the role of spirituality in the healing process. The data were randomly collected from 10 COVID-19 survivors as primary sources from Java, Indonesia, who vary in age (30+), gender and profession. In contrast, secondary data were taken from the survivors whose (...)
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  40. Spirituality and Its Discontents: Practices in Jonathan Edwards's Charity and Its Fruits.William C. Spohn - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (2):253 - 276.
    The contemporary interest in spiritual experience has some theological and ethical ambiguity. To what extent does it reflect genuine engagement with the sacred, to what extent is it dabbling in experience without adequate interpretation or moral commitment? Jonathan Edwards faced similar challenges in his sermons on 1 Cor 13, "Charity and Its Fruits". Alasdair Maclntyre and Pierre Hadot have explored the constitutive role of practices in forming of virtues and transmitting a way of life. Their writings help show the (...)
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    Religious hydro-healing and medical hydrotherapy: Links, benefits, contrasts and challenges.Daniel O. Orogun - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):7.
    here seems to be some recognition of the relevance of dihydrogen oxide (water) in many spheres. Among others, literature in poetry, religious texts and medical science, address the value of water in emotional, physical and psychological healings. To understudy how religion, spirituality and medical science connect and contrast in domesticating water for healing purposes, this article undertook literary research on religious and medical hydro-healings in Christianity, African and Native American traditional religions, and medical science. It presented links, benefits, challenges and (...)
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  42. Child welfare versus parental autonomy: Medical ethics, the law, and faith-based healing.Kenneth Hickey & Laurie Lyckholm - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (4):265-276.
    Over the past three decades more than 200 children have died in the U.S. of treatable illnesses as a result of their parents relying on spiritual healing rather than conventional medical treatment. Thirty-nine states have laws that protect parents from criminal prosecution when their children die as a result of not receiving medical care. As physicians and citizens, we must choose between protecting the welfare of children and maintaining respect for the rights of parents to practice the religion of (...)
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    Spiritual health conceptual, philosophical and practical aspects of Īmān restoration therapy.Abdul Latif Abdul Razak - 2019 - Gombak: IIUM Press.
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  44. (1 other version)Healing emotions: conversations with the Dalai Lama on mindfulness, emotions, and health.Daniel Goleman (ed.) - 1997 - Boston: Shambhala.
    The bestselling author of "Emotional Intelligence" presents a spiritual-scientific dialogue between Buddhist teachers and Western psychologists, physicians, and scientists on the mind's uncanny ability to heal the body.
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    Interfaith Spirituality: Toward Universal Faith beyond Dogmas.Ramesh N. Patel - 2021 - Beavercreek, OH, USA: Lok Sangrah Prakashan.
    Deep and universal spirituality is evident in the life and teachings of all the founders of great world faiths. Over time, however, it gets clouded under the institutional and doctrinal structure of the religion that surrounds it. This book, Interfaith Spirituality: Toward Universal Faith beyond Dogmas, by Ramesh N. Patel, stands out by emphasizing and articulating the noble and inspirational spirituality of world faiths, Eastern and Western. The faiths chosen for narration are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and Hinduism. (...)
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    Global Healing and Reconciliation: The Gift and Task of Religion, a Buddhist-Christian Perspective.Peter C. Phan - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):89-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Global Healing and Reconciliation:The Gift and Task of Religion, a Buddhist-Christian PerspectivePeter C. Phan"No peace among nations without peace among the religions. No peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions. No dialogue between the religions without investigation of the foundation of the religions." Hans Küng's oft-quoted dictum proves even more apposite in the current international situation. Whether or not the September 11, 2001, tragedy and its aftermath (...)
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    Healing the inner child: The psychotherapeutic trope and the anthropology of emotional religiosity.Ekaterina Khonineva - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (4):85-121.
    The article is devoted to an anthropological study of psychotherapeutic discourse adaptation by religious specialists within the Catholic practice of spiritual exercises. Grounded in the therapeutic culture's notion that an individual's roots lie deeply within their family history and childhood experiences, this article examines how issues related to family relationships may surface during the development of psychotherapeutic techniques by religious groups. It also investigates the childhood images upon which these "syncretic" projects might be based. Considering the Catholic practice of (...)
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    Sacred legacies: healing your past and creating a positive future.Denise Linn - 1999 - New York: Ballantine Wellspring.
    "Healing the past helps restructure the present, which then becomes the hope for the future." As we approach a new millennium, many of us are fearing for the future while hungering for a vision of our place in a sacred whole. The immense changes of the last hundred years have severed our sense of connection to a spiritual lineage that gave past generations the strength to meet life's challenges and bequeath wisdom to their descendants. In this inspirational yet down-to-earth (...)
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    The 'Witch-Doctor Illness', or A Spiritual Quest for Wholeness and Healing.Angeline Ruiter - 1994 - Feminist Theology 3 (7):39-61.
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    World View and Belief, and Rites of Healing in a Spiritual Church in Los Angeles.Jo Anne Combs - 1990 - Anthropology of Consciousness 1 (1-2):6-9.
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