Results for 'Spectrum Exchangeability'

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  1.  59
    The theory of spectrum exchangeability.E. Howarth & J. B. Paris - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):108-130.
    Spectrum Exchangeability, Sx, is an irrelevance principle of Pure Inductive Logic, and arguably the most natural extension of Atom Exchangeability to polyadic languages. It has been shown1that all probability functions which satisfy Sx are comprised of a mixture of two essential types of probability functions; heterogeneous and homogeneous functions. We determine the theory of Spectrum Exchangeability, which for a fixed languageLis the set of sentences ofLwhich must be assigned probability 1 by every probability function satisfying (...)
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  2. A survey of some recent results on Spectrum Exchangeability in Polyadic Inductive Logic.J. Landes, J. B. Paris & A. Vencovská - 2011 - Synthese 181 (S1):19 - 47.
    We give a unified account of some results in the development of Polyadic Inductive Logic in the last decade with particular reference to the Principle of Spectrum Exchangeability, its consequences for Instantial Relevance, Language Invariance and Johnson's Sufficientness Principle, and the corresponding de Finetti style representation theorems.
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    A characterization of the language invariant families satisfying spectrum exchangeability in polyadic inductive logic.Jürgen Landes, Jeff B. Paris & Alena Vencovská - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (6):800-811.
    A necessary and sufficient condition in terms of a de Finetti style representation is given for a probability function in Polyadic Inductive Logic to satisfy being part of a Language Invariant family satisfying Spectrum Exchangeability. This theorem is then considered in relation to the unary Carnap and Nix–Paris Continua.
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    Scambaiting on the Spectrum of Digilantism.Tom Sorell - 2019 - Criminal Justice Ethics 38 (3):153-175.
    Digilantism is punishment through online exposure of supposed wrongdoing. Paedophile hunting is one example, and the practice is open to many of the classical objections to vigilantism. But it lies on a spectrum that contains many other kinds of digilantism. Scambaiting is among the other kinds. It consists of attracting online approaches from perpetrators of different kinds of online advance-fee fraud. Characteristically, it takes the form of protracted email exchanges between scammers and scambaiters. These exchanges are mainly down-to-earth and (...)
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    The Spectrum of Aesthetic Issues in the Modern Development of the Joseon Literati Genre Gagok.Mikyung Park - 2022 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):58-75.
    To Korean people by the end of the 19th century who had previously enjoyed only traditional music genres, the music introduced by the hands of the missionaries must have been very new and unfamiliar. One hundred and a few decades since the meagre beginning of the meeting between the two has now passed, Korea has transformed into a modernized society where all kinds of music are performed and enjoyed, among which Western classical and popular music exist with considerable weight. In (...)
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    Reconfiguration of Brain Network Dynamics in Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Hidden Markov Model.Pingting Lin, Shiyi Zang, Yi Bai & Haixian Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Autism spectrum disorder is a group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by altered brain connectivity. However, the majority of neuroimaging studies for ASD focus on the static pattern of brain function and largely neglect brain activity dynamics, which might provide deeper insight into the underlying mechanism of brain functions for ASD. Therefore, we proposed a framework with Hidden Markov Model analysis for resting-state functional MRI from a large multicenter dataset of 507 male subjects. Specifically, the 507 subjects included 209 (...)
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  7.  49
    Multifractal Early Warning Signals about Sudden Changes in the Stock Exchange States.Andrey Dmitriev, Andrey Lebedev, Vasily Kornilov & Victor Dmitriev - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    Critical phenomena in stock exchange are regularly occurring and difficult to predict events, often leading to disastrous consequences. The presented paper is devoted to the search and research of early warning signals of critical transitions in stock exchange based on the results of a multifractal analysis of a series of transactions in shares of public companies. We have proposed and justified the use of certain features of behavior of multifractal spectrum shape parameters such as signals. As model time series, (...)
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  8.  83
    Some Aspects of Polyadic Inductive Logic.Jürgen Landes, Jeff Paris & Alena Vencovská - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (1):3-16.
    We give a brief account of some de Finetti style representation theorems for probability functions satisfying Spectrum Exchangeability in Polyadic Inductive Logic, together with applications to Non-splitting, Language Invariance, extensions with Equality and Instantial Relevance.
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  9.  5
    On the Strongest Principles of Rational Belief Assignment.J. B. Paris & A. Vencovská - forthcoming - Journal of Logic, Language and Information:1-26.
    We show that in Polyadic Pure Inductive Logic the Invariance Principle, based on consideration of symmetry with respect to automorphisms, has only a trivial solution, namely the polyadic equivalent of Carnap’s $$c_0$$ c 0. (This extends a result proved earlier in the unary case.) We then consider the Exchangeable Invariance Principle, a symmetry principle which is a weakening of the Invariance Principle and has been proven to be strictly stronger than the Permutation Invariance Principle. We show that the Exchangeable Invariance (...)
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    Symmetry in Polyadic Inductive Logic.J. B. Paris & A. Vencovská - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (2):189-216.
    A family of symmetries of polyadic inductive logic are described which in turn give rise to the purportedly rational Permutation Invariance Principle stating that a rational assignment of probabilities should respect these symmetries. An equivalent, and more practical, version of this principle is then derived.
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  11. Evolving resolve.Walter Veit & David Spurrett - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    The broad spectrum revolution brought greater dependence on skill and knowledge, and more demanding, often social, choices. We adopt Sterelny's account of how cooperative foraging paid the costs associated with longer dependency, and transformed the problem of skill learning. Scaffolded learning can facilitate cognitive control including suppression, whereas scaffolded exchange and trade, including inter-temporal exchange, can help develop resolve.
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  12.  17
    Temporal Coordination in Mother–Infant Vocal Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.Lama K. Farran, Hyunjoo Yoo, Chia-Cheng Lee, Dale D. Bowman & D. Kimbrough Oller - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:471596.
    Temporal coordination of vocal exchanges between mothers and their infants emerges from a developmental process that relies on the ability of communication partners to co-coordinate and predict each other’s turns. Consequently, the partners engage in communicative niche construction that forms a foundation for language in human infancy. While robust universals in vocal turn-taking have been found, differences in the timing of maternal and infant vocalizations have also been reported across cultures. In this study, we examine the temporal structure of vocal (...)
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  13.  29
    Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church by Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, and: Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination by Amy Levad.Dana Scopatz - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):214-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church by Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, and: Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination by Amy LevadDana ScopatzReview of Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church DARRIN W. SNYDER BELOUSEK Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012. 668 pp. $55.00Review of Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of (...)
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  14.  13
    Consciousness dialogues: from beginner's mind through enlightenment: 150 conversations with Peter Ralston.Peter Ralston - 2018 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.
    Peter Ralston responds to 150 questions about consciousness from a global spectrum of people striving to grasp the nature of their own selves This illuminating collection of 150 questions and responses between Peter Ralston and a global spectrum of seekers provides a rare and nuanced look at the nature of consciousness and the path to understanding our true selves. Ralston is the author of the groundbreaking trilogy on the existential foundations of the human condition—The Book of Not Knowing, (...)
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  15. Reviewing Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games.Simon Ferrari & Ian Bogost - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):50-52.
    Nick Dyer-Witheford and Greig de Peuter. Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2009. 320pp. pbk. $19.95 ISBN-13: 978-0816666119. In Games of Empire , Nick Dyer-Witheford and Greig de Peuter expand an earlier study of “the video game industry as an aspect of an emerging postindustrial, post-Fordist capitalism” (xxix) to argue that videogames are “exemplary media of Empire” (xxix). Their notion of “Empire” is based on Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s Empire (2000), which (...)
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  16.  19
    Science and islands in Indo-Pacific worlds.Sebestian Kroupa, Stephanie J. Mawson & Dorit Brixius - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (4):541-558.
    This Introduction offers a conceptualization of the Indo-Pacific, its islands and their place within the history of science. We argue that Indo-Pacific islands present a remarkable combination of social, political and spatial circumstances, which speak to themes that are central to the history of science. Having driven movements of people and represented staging grounds for explorations, expansions and cross-cultural exchanges, these spaces have been at the forefront of historical change. The historiographies of the two oceans have traditionally emphasized indigenous agency (...)
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  17. Schizophrenia and Moral Responsibility: A Kantian Essay.Matthé Scholten - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (1):205-225.
    In this paper, I give a Kantian answer to the question whether and why it would be inappropriate to blame people suffering from mental disorders that fall within the schizophrenia spectrum. I answer this question by reconstructing Kant’s account of mental disorder, in particular his explanation of psychotic symptoms. Kant explains these symptoms in terms of various types of cognitive impairment. I show that this explanation is plausible and discuss Kant’s claim that the unifying feature of the symptoms is (...)
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  18.  62
    (1 other version)Science along the Railroad: Expanding Field Work in the US Central West.Jeremy Vetter - 2004 - Annals of Science 61 (2):187-211.
    The building of the transcontinental railroad in the US Central West in the late 1860s greatly improved access to this region and led to the expansion of scientific field work. The relationships between science and the railroad spanned a diverse spectrum, ranging from its practical advantages to more complex interactions such as the transformation of nature along railway corridors and the reciprocal exchange of favours between scientists and railway companies. The dominance of science along the railroad in the second (...)
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  19.  22
    Being and Making the Olfactory Self. Lessons from Contemporary Artistic Practices.Madalina Diaconu - 2021 - In Nicola Di Stefano & Maria Teresa Russo, Olfaction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective From Philosophy to Life Sciences. Springer Verlag. pp. 55-73.
    Contemporary smelly artworks, installations and “scent sculptures” endorse philosophical and anthropological theories about the construction of identity as a relation to oneself and the others through consciousness and memory, as a multi-staged process of social exchange, as a game of risk and trust in making one’s own identity, and as a dialectics of agency and passivity. It is well-known that topophilic emplacement contributes to identity; olfactory site-specific installations and practices “present” specific smellscapes and reflect on their changes. Also olfactory artists (...)
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  20.  25
    Lessons from Law About Incomplete Commodification in the Egg Market.Kimberly D. Krawiec - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (2):160-177.
    This article seeks to illustrate egg donation's incompletely commodified status through an analysis of two cases of first impression, highlighting the tensions that arise from attempts to reconcile egg donation's reality as a robust commercial industry with the nonmarket norms that traditionally underlie reproduction. Antitrust and taxation litigation may seem unlikely sources for guidance in navigating the tensions in egg donation's uncertain place between the worlds of gift and market exchange. Nonetheless, this litigation forces an explicit consideration of how egg (...)
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  21.  28
    Religion, Off-Line Cognition and the Extended Mind.Matthew Day - 2004 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 4 (1):101-121.
    This essay argues that the "classical" or "standard" computation model of an enviroment of thought may hamstring the nascent cognitive science of religion by masking the ways in which the bare biological brain is prosthetically extended and embedded in the surrounding landscape. The motivation for distinsuishing between the problem-solving profiles of the basic brain and the brain-plus-scaffolding is that in many domains non-biological artifacts support and augment biological modes of computation - often allowing us to overcome some of the brain's (...)
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  22.  28
    Morality and Social Justice: Point/counterpoint.James P. Sterba, Alison M. Jaggar, Carol C. Gould, Robert C. Solomon, Tibor R. Machan, William Galston & Milton Fisk - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    These original essays by seven leading contemporary political philosophers spanning the political spectrum explore the possibility of achieving agreement in political theory. Each philosopher defends in a principal essay his or her own view of social justice and also comments on two or more of the other essays. The result is a lively exchange that leaves the reader to judge to what degree the contributors achieve agreement or reconciliation.
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  23.  56
    Networks, Social Norms and Knowledge Sub-Networks.Carla C. J. M. Millar & Chong Ju Choi - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S4):565 - 574.
    Networks and the World Wide Web seem to provide an answer to efficiently creating and disseminating knowledge resources. Knowledge, however, is ambiguous in character, and contains both explicit (information) and tacit dimensions - the latter being difficult to value as well as to transfer. Participant identity, commitment and behaviour within the network also affect the sharing of knowledge. Hence, existing laws and norms (including property rights) which have been established on the basis of discrete transactions and monetary value-oriented exchange may (...)
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  24.  42
    Model-based and Qualitative Reasoning in Biomedicine.Peter Lucas - unknown
    These are the working notes of the workshop on Model-based and Qualitative Reasoning in Biomedicine, which was held during the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME’03, on 19th October, 2003, in Protaras, Cyprus. The workshop brought together various researchers involved in the development and use of model-based and qualitative reasoning methods in tackling biomedical problems. Much of the biomedical knowledge is essentially model-based, as it is the understanding of the structure and function of biomedical systems that researchers wish (...)
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    Sexualism and the Citizen of the World: Wycherley, Sterne, and Male Homosocial Desire.Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (2):226-245.
    Surprisingly, when Laurence Sterne’s Yorick sets his head toward Dover, it is with no developed motive of connoisseurship or curiosity: the gentleman dandy ups with his portmanteau at the merest glance of “civil triumph” from a male servant. Perhaps we are in the world of P. G. Wodehouse, with a gentleman’s gentleman who happens, like Jeeves, to be the embodiment of all the prescriptive and opportunistic shrewdness necessary to maintain his master’s innocent privileges—but it is impossible to tell; the servant (...)
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  26.  2
    SHS Web of Conferences, 2024 International Conference on Language Research and Communication (ICLRC 2024).M. F. Mohd Sharif (ed.) - 2024 - Les Ulis: EDP Sciences.
    2024 International Conference on Language Research and Communication (ICLRC 2024) held September 20-22, 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is a tremendous honor for the CambridgeInnovation Center (Singapore) to serve as the collaborative institution to enhance collaboration and mutually develop for being an international platform. ICLRC 2024 focuses on high quality presentations and papers that address contemporary issues on fundamental research leading to new methods, or adaptation of existing methods for new applications related to the topics of language studies and (...)
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    Violent Memes and Suspicious Minds: Girard's Scapegoat Mechanism in the Light of Evolution and Memetics.Guðmundur Ingi Markússon - 2004 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 11 (1):88-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:VIOLENT MEMES AND SUSPICIOUS MINDS: GIRARD'S SCAPEGOAT MECHANISM IN THE LIGHT OF EVOLUTION AND MEMETICS Guömundur Ingi Markússon Reykjavik, Iceland The present article is an attempt to bring mimetic theory into dialogue with certain evolutionary approaches to human culture, i.e., evolutionarypsychology and memetics. That which immediately suggests a consonance between these approaches is a shared concern for the fundamental aspects ofhuman culture, or "fundamental anthropology." My discussion aims at (...)
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    Global Health Careers: Serving the Navajo Community.Maricruz Merino, Jonathan Iralu & Sonya Shin - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):86-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Global Health Careers:Serving the Navajo CommunityMaricruz Merino, Jonathan Iralu, and Sonya ShinGallup Indian Medical Center (GIMC) sits on a hilltop in Gallup, New Mexico, a town of 20,000 in the four corners region of the Southwestern United States. From its third story windows one can see the red cliffs of the nearby Navajo Nation, a 27,000 square mile reservation that reaches into Arizona, northern New Mexico, and the southern (...)
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  29.  12
    Fair Trade Sex: Reflections on God, Sex, and Economics.Thia Cooper - 2011 - Feminist Theology 19 (2):194-207.
    God, sex, and economics are all intertwined. The trafficking of people for sex intensifies each year. The sex trade crosses a spectrum from ‘high class’ escorts to sex slaves. The sex industry includes toys, pornography, and the exchange of sex between buyers, sellers, and managers. In this market exists sexual poverty caused by injustice, the imbalance of sexual power between individuals and within structures. Poverty pushes people into the market to sell, to be sold. Theologically there is a harmful, (...)
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    The Racialization of Killer Whales: An Application of Gene-Culture Coevolutionary Theory.David Golding - 2024 - Perspectives on Science 32 (6):729-769.
    An expanding body of research aims to identify culture in cetaceans, often positing killer whales as an exemplar species. To this end, gene-culture coevolutionary theory provides a conceptual language with which whales are discussed in raciological terms. It renders killer whale ecotypes as discrete cultures that are intrinsically xenophobic and evolutionarily divergent. Such research on whale culture intends to substantiate theories of divergent natural selection between human cultures as well. This effort furthers the essentialism, simultaneously biological and cultural, that has (...)
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  31. Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, XV: NeutroNexus.Florentin Smarandache - 2025 - Gallup, NM, USA: NSIA Publishing.
    In this volume, I delve into a wide spectrum of topics, spanning mathematics, physics, philosophy, artificial intelligence, and social dynamics. A significant portion of the book is dedicated to neutrosophy and its extensions, including refined and quadripartitioned neutrosophic sets, neutrosophic determinants, and their applications in decision-making, evolutionary biology, and algebraic structures. The plithogenic approach, with its focus on multi-valued, multi-attributed frameworks, is also examined through concepts such as plithogenic derivatives and constants. Additionally, this volume explores the Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) (...)
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  32.  21
    The material culture and politics of artifacts in nuclear diplomacy.Maria Rentetzi & Kenji Ito - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (2):233-243.
    This special issue stresses the importance of material culture in diplomatic studies of science and technology. In our studies, objects are considered powerful tokens of complexity in diplomatic encounters and of asymmetry in international relations. The contributors are committed to theorizing about the role of objects in diplomatic exchanges during the postwar period and, at the same time, the role of diplomacy in constituting the materiality of nuclear things. Our approach combines attention to the political and diplomatic nuclear history with (...)
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    Wars and wonders: the inter-island information networks of Georg Everhard Rumphius.Genie Yoo - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (4):559-584.
    How did one man living on an island come to acquire information about the rest of the vast archipelago? This article traces the inter-island information networks of Georg Everhard Rumphius (1627–1702), an employee of the Dutch East India Company, who was able to explore the natural world of the wider archipelago without ever leaving the Moluccan island of Ambon. This article demonstrates the complexities of Rumphius's inter-island networks, as he collected information about plants and objects from islands near and far. (...)
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  34.  33
    Self-determined Sex Work as Care Work Between Experiences of Integrity and Vulnerability.Sarah Jäger - 2023 - De Ethica 7 (3):61-74.
    Sex work or prostitution marks a controversial topic for Protestant sexual ethics. It is also a multifaceted phenomenon because it can occur in very different forms: the spectrum ranges from poverty, emergency and procurement prostitution to the self-determined and insured sex worker with all imaginable shades in between. In the current economic system, goods and services are exchanged, traded, sold, acquired and paid for, so sex work can also be understood as work. For the purposes of this article, we (...)
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  35.  11
    Fellini's Crowds and the Remains of Religion.Andrew Mckenna - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):159-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fellini's Crowds and the Remains of ReligionAndrew Mckenna (bio)The fascist parade in Federico Fellini's Amarcord enables us to take the measure of the director's analytic and inteve genius. It begins amid swirls of dust and smoke emanating from the town train station, as if attributing the successful spread of Italian fascism to a failure of perception. The party is, as the saying goes, blowing smoke in our face, producing (...)
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    Human nature and the feasibility of inclusivist moral progress.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar - 2022 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    The study of social, ethical, and political issues from a naturalistic perspective has been pervasive in social sciences and the humanities in the last decades. This articulation of empirical research with philosophical and normative reflection is increasingly getting attention in academic circles and the public spheres, given the prevalence of urgent needs and challenges that society is facing on a global scale. The contemporary world is full of challenges or what some philosophers have called ‘existential risks’ to humanity. Nuclear wars, (...)
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  37. Proceedings of the International Conference on Neutrosophy and Plithogeny: Fundamentals and Applications, Lima, Peru, 8-9 July 2024.Florentin Smarandache, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vazquez & Said Broumi (eds.) - 2024
    A special issue of the International Journal in Information Science and Engineering “Neutrosophic Sets and Systems” (vol. 69/2024) is dedicated to the Neutrosophic approaches in research, on the occasion of the international and multidisciplinary conference held at the Universidad César Vallejo in Lima, Peru, on July 8 and 9. This event marks a significant milestone, as it is the first time that the Andean region and Latin America host scholars and researchers dedicated to studying various theoretical and applicative issues in (...)
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  38. Technical Difficulties.Dustin Gray - 2020 - Dissertation,
    The advent and widespread adoption of modern technology has impacted our society in a significant and ubiquitous manner. I argue that our dependence on modern technology, specifically, has prompted a loss of human autonomy that corresponds directly to its advancement. I argue that this anti-reciprocal phenomenon is self-instituted. In this sense, autonomy is not lost like ones wallet or car keys, but rather handed over to modern technology in exchange for the streamlined processes and conveniences it promises. -/- I arrive (...)
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    Nietzsche on Memory and History: The Re-Encountered Shadow.Anthony K. Jensen & Carlotta Santini (eds.) - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    History and memory rank as central themes in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. As one of the last philosophers of the 19th century, Nietzsche naturally belongs to the so-called ‘historical century’. The contentious exchange with the past and with antiquity – as much as the mechanisms, the dangers, and the lessons of memory and tradition – are continually examined and stand in close relationship with Nietzsche’s vision of life and his project of human development. As Jacob Burckhardt once wrote of (...)
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    Greater Social Competence Is Associated With Higher Interpersonal Neural Synchrony in Adolescents With Autism.Alexandra P. Key, Yan Yan, Mary Metelko, Catie Chang, Hakmook Kang, Jennifer Pilkington & Blythe A. Corbett - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Difficulty engaging in reciprocal social interactions is a core characteristic of autism spectrum disorder. The mechanisms supporting effective dynamic real-time social exchanges are not yet well understood. This proof-of-concept hyperscanning electroencephalography study examined neural synchrony as the mechanism supporting interpersonal social interaction in 34 adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, age 10–16 years, paired with neurotypical confederates of similar age. The degree of brain-to-brain neural synchrony was quantified at temporo-parietal scalp locations as the circular correlation of oscillatory amplitudes in (...)
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    How water quality improvement efforts influence urban–agricultural relationships. [REVIEW]Sarah P. Church, Kristin M. Floress, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Chloe B. Wardropper, Pranay Ranjan, Weston M. Eaton, Stephen Gasteyer & Adena Rissman - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):481-498.
    Urban and agricultural communities are interdependent but often differ on approaches for improving water quality impaired by nutrient runoff waterbodies worldwide. Current water quality governance involves an overlapping array of policy tools implemented by governments, civil society organizations, and corporate supply chains. The choice of regulatory and voluntary tools is likely to influence many dimensions of the relationship between urban and agricultural actors. These relationships then influence future conditions for collective decision-making since many actors participate for multiple years in water (...)
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    Sakura imagery and cosmetics: Colour symbolism, aesthetics and cultural significance in an Australian context.Mio Bryce, Kelsey E. Scholes & Jane Simon - forthcoming - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication.
    This article examines contemporary representations of sakura (cherry blossom) in cosmetics marketing. Since the Heian period, sakura has been loved and regarded as having tangible and metaphorical significance in Japan. Imagery of sakura is rich in ambiguity and has a complex history as evident in its use in the militaristic promotion of heroism, especially related to the Second World War. However, in recent decades, sakura imagery has proliferated across a range of popular culture both inside and out of Japan. In (...)
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    Free exchange and ethical decisions.Autarchic Exchange - 2003 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 17 (2):1-9.
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  44. List of Contents: Volume 11, Number 5, October 1998.S. Fujita, D. Nguyen, E. S. Nam, Phonon-Exchange Attraction, Type I. I. Superconductivity, Wave Cooper & Infinite Well - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (1).
  45.  33
    Postscript to Richard Jeffrey’s “Conditioning, Kinematics, and Exchangeability”.Carl G. Wagner - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (3):631-643.
    Richard Jeffrey’s “Conditioning, Kinematics, and Exchangeability” is one of the foundational documents of probability kinematics. However, the section entitled “Successive Updating” contains a subtle error regarding the applicability of updating by so-called relevance quotients in order to ensure the commutativity of successive probability kinematical revisions. Upon becoming aware of this error, Jeffrey formulated the appropriate remedy, but he never discussed the issue in print. To head off any confusion, it seems worthwhile to alert readers of Jeffrey’s “Conditioning, Kinematics, and (...)
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    Statistics without probability: Significance testing as typicality and exchangeability in data analysis.John R. Vokey - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):225-226.
    Statistical significance is almost universally equated with the attribution to some population of nonchance influences as the source of structure in the data. But statistical significance can be divorced from both parameter estimation and probability as, instead, a statement about the atypicality or lack of exchangeability over some distinction of the data relative to some set. From this perspective, the criticisms of significance tests evaporate.
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    On the condition of partial exchangeability.Bruno de Finetti - 1971 - In Richard C. Jeffrey, Studies in Inductive Logic and Probability. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 193-205.
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  48.  50
    De Finetti's generalizations of exchangeability.Persi Diaconis & David Freedman - 1971 - In Richard C. Jeffrey, Studies in Inductive Logic and Probability. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 2--233.
  49. Psychiatry beyond the brain: externalism, mental health, and autistic spectrum disorder.Tom Roberts, Joel Krueger & Shane Glackin - 2019 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 26 (3):E-51-E68.
    Externalist theories hold that a comprehensive understanding of mental disorder cannot be achieved unless we attend to factors that lie outside of the head: neural explanations alone will not fully capture the complex dependencies that exist between an individual’s psychiatric condition and her social, cultural, and material environment. Here, we firstly offer a taxonomy of ways in which the externalist viewpoint can be understood, and unpack its commitments concerning the nature and physical realization of mental disorder. Secondly, we apply a (...)
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    To Be a Frequentist or Bayesian? Five Positions in a Spectrum.Hanti Lin - 2024 - Harvard Data Science Review (6.3).
    When thinking about the debate between frequentists and Bayesians on scientific methodology, it is unproductive and misleading to choose from two dichotomized, oversimplified positions. A spectrum is developed here to make explicit some remarkable options, organized by two dimensions---or two questions. First, ask what kinds of probabilities exist. Only frequencies? Or only degrees of belief? Or both? Then ask what standards should be used to assess inference procedures. Only frequentist standards? Or just Bayesian ones? Or both? Or something else? (...)
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