Results for 'Specimina Philosophiae'

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  1.  10
    Texts and Editions: Descartes.Specimina Philosophiae & Passiones Animae - 2003 - In Roger Ariew, Dennis Des Chene, Douglas Michael Jesseph, Tad M. Schmaltz & Theo Verbeek (eds.), Historical Dictionary of Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 265.
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    Renati Descartes Specimina philosophiae : seu Dissertatio de methodo recte regendae rationis, & veritatis in scientiis investigandae : dioptrice, et meteora.René Descartes & Daniel Elzevir - 1664 - Apud Danielem Elsevirium.
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    A. specimina physica, 1. -; 3.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 2006 - In Philosophische Schriften Band 3: Band 3: 1672-1676. Akademie Verlag. pp. 1-93.
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    A. specimina physica, 4. -; 6.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 2006 - In Philosophische Schriften Band 3: Band 3: 1672-1676. Akademie Verlag. pp. 94-112.
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    Specimina humana.Wolfgang Ritzel - 1993 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 19:89-128.
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    Specimina notationum antiquiorum edenda curavit O. Strunk.R. Schlötterer - 1967 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 60 (2):328-330.
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    Philosophia: the thought of Rosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, and Hannah Arendt.Andrea Nye - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophia brings together, for the first time, the work of three major women thinkers of this century, producing a developing commentary on the human condition as an alternative to the mainstream, masculine, philosophical tradition.
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    Commercii epistolici Leibnitiani... selecta specimina.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & Johann Georg H. Feder - 1805
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    Rediscovering Philosophia: The PhD as a path to enhancing knowledge, wisdom and creating a better world.Ali Intezari, David Pauleen & David Rooney - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 13:147-168.
    With the excessive emphasis that modern PhD training places on the epistemological contribution of the thesis, a question that arises is: do PhD programmes help PhD students achieve philosophia – “love of wisdom”, or do the programmes just facilitate deepening and developing students’ knowledge? This paper challenges the modern approach to PhD training and by extension all academic research, and considers phronesiology, a wisdom-based approach to research design, to add value to traditional epistemic methodologies. In illustration, we use phronesiology and (...)
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    Philosophia e phrónêsis sob o olhar de Epicuro.Marcos Zmijewski - 2024 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 16 (46).
    Este artigo se ocupa com a relação e interconexão entre philosophia e phrónêsis na doutrina de Epicuro. O estudo tem como objetivo, primeiro, evidenciar o significado e a função que cada uma das sabedorias assume no pensamento epicureu e, segundo, inserir-se e contribuir com o debate científico acerca de uma suposta hierarquia existente entre elas, conforme afirmação feita pelo filósofo na Carta a Meneceu. Argumentamos em favor da hierarquia (da primazia da phrónêsis) e apresentamos algumas razões que sustentam essa interpretação.
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    Elementa philosophiae Aristotelico-Thomisticae: Metaphysica. Ethica.Joseph Gredt & Euchario Zenzen - 1909 - Friburgi Brisgoviae [etc.]: sumptibus Herder.
    I. Logica. Philosophia naturalis.--II. Metaphysica. Ethica.
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    Elementa philosophiae Aristotelico-Thomisticae.Joseph Gredt - 1937 - Friburgi Brisgoviae,: Herder & co..
    I. Logica. Philosophia naturalis.--II. Metaphysica. Ethica.
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    Philosophia.Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak - 1997 - Faith and Philosophy 14 (3):321-333.
    Since the modern faith in Reason has died, the way is reopened for a thorough discussion of the relations between philosophy and theology. Being metaphilosophical as well as meta theological, such a discussion presupposes solid acquaintance with the concrete praxis of philosophy and theology as existentially rooted enterprises developed in the history of particular cultures and individual persons. This article defends the thesis that philosophy in the modern sense of the word never has been and cannot be autarkic because it (...)
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    Elementorum Philosophiae sectio prima de corpore, authore Thoma Hobbes Malmesburiensi.Thomas Hobbes, John Pape & Johan Berggren - 1655 - Excusum Sumptibus A. Crook.
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    Philosophiae portus e arx philosophiae: apropriação e superação agostiniana da tradição filosófica Grego-Romana em relação à felicidade.Marcos Roberto Nunes Costa - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (3):131-142.
    Mantendo-se na linha de São Justino, o qual, apesar de valorizar a Filosofia Grego-Romana, defende ser o Cristianismo a "verdadeira filosofia", Agostinho fundamenta ou alicerça seu conceito de felicidade na tradição filosófica que o antecedeu, a qual é concebida por ele como um philosophiae portus . Entretanto, como pensador cristão, buscando superar o eudaimonismo grego-romano, ao distinguir sabedoria e Verdade, sendo esta última identificada com Deus, faz da Fé Cristã o arx philosophiae , a que chama de "nossa (...)
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    "Philosophia augustini qualis sit?". Alle origini dell'immagine storico-filosofica di S. Agostino.Gregorio Piaia - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:759-773.
    The author reconstructs the most significant aspects in the first steps towards a historical-philosophical interpretation of Saint Augustine from the 17th to the early 18th century, referring in particular to Jacob Brucker's Historia critica philosophiae. This interpretation is based above all on an intellectual biography of Augustine and is interwoven with some much debated questions of the time, such as Manicheism and the relation between Platonism and Christianity.
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    Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.Isaac Newton - 1726 - Filozofia 56 (5):341-354.
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    Specimina codicum Latinorum Vaticanorum collegerunt Franciscus Ehrle S.J. et Paulus Liebaert. Vol. I. Large 8vo. Pp. xxxvi + 8. Fifty photographs. Bonnae: A. Marcus et E. Weber, 1912. [REVIEW]E. O. Winstedt - 1912 - The Classical Review 26 (07):233-.
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    De philosophiae Kantianae habitu ad theologiam, sectio I.Johann Heinrich Abicht - 1788 - Bruxelles,: Culture et civilisation.
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    (2 other versions)PHILOSOPHIA January 2019 Cover.Jove Jim Aguas - 2019 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 20 (1).
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    Philosophia moralis in usum scholarum.Victor Cathrein - 1945 - Barcelona: Herder. Edited by Johann Baptist Schuster.
    Excerpt from Philosophia Moralis: In Usum Scholarum About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, (...)
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    Philosophia vetus et nova.Jean-Baptiste Du Hamel - 1682 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Jean Ecole.
    t. 1. Logica, metaphysica, philosophia moralis -- t. 2. Physica generalis et specialis tripartita.
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    Philosophia prima como repraesentatio na filosofia natural de hobbes: exame de fundamentos metafÍsico-cognitivos como complementos teÓricos de seu materialismo mecanicista.Cláudio Leivas - 2011 - Manuscrito 34 (2):575-616.
    O ponto de partida da Philosophia prima de Hobbes tem como referência a Física e a Metafísica de Aristóteles. O desenvolvimento posterior de sua Philosophia prima, porém, põe em marcha uma crítica da metafísica aristotélica que conduzirá a um remanejamento teórico de uma série de princípios e conceitos herdados da tradição. Considerada em seu conjunto, a filosofia primeira hobbesiana é constituída por uma definição ampla, isto é, a metafísica definida como ciência do ente enquanto ente , sobre a qual duas (...)
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    (1 other version)PHILOSOPHIA June 2019 Cover.Jove Jim Aguas - 2019 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 20 (2).
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    La philosophia perennis: De la continuité et du progrès en philosophie.Jean-Louis Allard - 1994 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 10:5-10.
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    Philosophia Perennis and Scientia Sacra in a Postmodern World.Mehdi Aminrazavi - 2001 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Randall E. Auxier & Lucian W. Stone (eds.), The Philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Open Court.
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    Philosophia perennis, eine Zusammenfassung.Paul Häberlin - 1952 - Berlin,: Springer.
    Meine bisherigen Veroffentlichungen entsprechen nach Reihenfolge und Inhalt meiner eigenen Entwicklung. Nun, da dieser ProzeB voraussichtlich abgeschlossen ist, mOchte ich in einer Art philosophischen Testamentes zusam menfassen, was mir am wichtigsten scheint. Die friiheren Schriften sollen dadurch nicht ersetzt werden; vielmehr hoffe ich, daB diese konzentrierte und systematische Darstellung dazu helfen werde, sie besser zu verstehen. Der Titel des Buches konnte demgegeniiber unangemessen, ja anmaBend erscheinen; er ist aber weder das eine noch das andere. Es handelt sich in der Tat (...)
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    Elementa philosophiae recentioris: usibus iuventutis scholasticae accommodata.Friedrich Christian Baumeister - 1747 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Elementorum philosophiae sectio prima: De corpore.Thomas Hobbes & Andrew Crooke - 1665 - Excusum Sumptibus Andreæcrook Sub Signo Draconis Viridis in Cœeterio B. Pauli.
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    Philosophy, philosophia, and zhe-Xue.Wu Xiao-Ming - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (3):406-452.
    If philosophy is the only discourse that has ever intended to receive its name from itself, and to leave nothing outside itself, what would be (Western) philosophy's relation to its (Chinese) other? This question is rethought through a rereading of three major Western philosophers, Hegel, Husserl, and Heidegger, and a Chinese philosopher, Feng Youlan. Philosophy is seen, on the one hand, to dialecticize its other but necessarily to fall short of its aim and, on the other, to claim for itself (...)
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    Aristotle on Philosophia.Christopher Moore - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (3):339-360.
    Aristotle uses philosophia (and philosophos, philosophein, philosophôs, sumphilosophein, philosophêteon) in at least ten senses across his oeuvre, as this first study of every instance in his writings reveals. Irrespective of the specific approaches of its practitioners, philosophia may be, for example, an exercise of cleverness; or leisurely study; or the desire to know; or the pursuit of fundamental explanation; or a historically extended discipline. This variety allows us to go some way in reconstructing the complex attitude Aristotle had toward a (...)
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  32. Philosophia mundi: Ausgabe des. 1. Buchs von Wilhelm von Conches' Philosophia mit Anhang, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen. William - 1974 - Pretoria: University of South Africa. Edited by Gregor Maurach.
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    Philosophia perennis – die „Schule von Athen“ des Raffaello Santi aus Urbino: Mnemosyne unter der Privilegierung des Augensinns oder: Memoriam ante oculos ponere.Norbert Winkler - 1992 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 40 (4):349-363.
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  34.  17
    Platon’un Mektupları ile Philosophia Anlayışı Arasındaki İlişki.Bingöl Baran - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi:null null.
    Bu makale, Platon’un mektupları arasında “felsefî” içeriği bulunan 2. 7. ve 10. Mektup’un diyaloglar ile arasındaki ilişkiyi açığa çıkarma çabasıdır. Literatürde hem Platon’un mektuplarının Türkçe çevirisi hem de mektuplar ile diyaloglar arasındaki tutarlılık veya tutarsızlık meselesi hakkında ciddi bir eksiklik mevcuttur. Dolayısıyla, bahsi geçen mektupların en azından “felsefi” olarak kabul edilen kısımlarının Türkçeye çevrilmesi ve diyaloglar ile tutarlı olup olmadığının açığa çıkarılması gerekmektedir. Makalenin ilk kısmında, diyaloglar ile mektuplar arasında ciddiye alınması gereken ölçüde tutarlılık olduğu savunulmaktadır. Özellikle 2. 7. 10. (...)
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    Philosophia tēs historias.Vasō Kintē - 2021 - Athēna: Polis.
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    Specimina eines Lexicon Augustinianum [SLA]: erstellt auf Grund sämtlicher Editionen des Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. [REVIEW]Michael Winterbottom - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (2):450-451.
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    Philosophia scholastica secundum "rationem, doctrinam et principia" S. Thomae Aquinatis ad usum seminariorum.Francesco Saverio Calcagno - 1956 - Neopoli,: M. D'Auria. Edited by Carlo Ferraris.
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    Philosophia de arte (synthese positiva e notas á margem).Vicente Licínio Cardoso - 1935 - Rio [de Janeiro]: J. Olympio. Edited by Azevedo do Amaral & Ignacio M. [From Old Catalog].
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  39. Philosophia moralis.Victor Cathrein - 1940 - Friburgi Brisgoviae,: Herder & Co.. Edited by Johann Baptist Schuster.
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    Philosophia electiva; transcripción del original del siglo XVIII.José Agustín Caballero - 1944 - [Habana]: Universidad de la Habana. Edited by Jenaro Artiles Rodríguez, Francisco González del Valle, Agramonte Y. Pichardo & Roberto Daniel.
  41. Historia Philosophiae.S. J. Caminero & N. González - 1965 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 21 (2):222-222.
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    Philosophia Rationis Magistra Vitae.Krzysztof Głowacki & Mateusz Ignacik - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):292-294.
    The Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy in Cracow has existed since 1934, when it was erected by the Congregation for Seminaries and Universities. For the first 55 years it educated only the Jesuits, but since 1989 it has been opened to the laity as well. A memorial book Philosophia Rationis Magistra Vitae was published to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Faculty of Philosophy with special dedication to its Professors: Fr. Roman Darowski SJ, Fr. Piotr Lenartowicz SJ, and Fr. Stanislaw Ziemiański (...)
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    Die Philosophia Pauperum und ihr Verfasser Albert von Orlamünde.Martin Grabmann - 2016 - Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    "Diese Untersuchung ist aus meinem Seminar des Wintersemesters 1916/17 an der Wiener Universitat hervorgewachsen, in dem ich die methodischen Grundsatze einer: Einfuhrung in das scholastische Quellen- und Handschriftenstudium" eben an der Autorfrage der Philosophia pauperum veranschaulichte. Ein Nebenergebnis dieser Studie ist ein Einblick in den philosophischen Unterricht an den deutschen Universitaten und besonders Stadtschulen des ausgehenden Mittelalters." Der Verlag der Wissenschaften verlegt historische Literatur bekannter und unbekannter wissenschaftlicher Autoren. Dem interessierten Leser werden so teilweise langst nicht mehr verlegte Werke wieder (...)
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    Metavyzantinē philosophia, 17os-19os aiōnas: ereuna stis pēges.Linos G. Benakēs - 2001 - Athēna: Parousia.
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  45.  5
    A philosophia na phase colonial.Alcides Bezerra - 1935 - Rio de Janeiro,: Officinas graphicas do Archivo nacional.
  46.  50
    Philosophia togata.Jonathan Barnes & Miriam T. Griffin (eds.) - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The mutual interaction of philosophy and Roman political and cultural life has aroused more and more interest in recent years among students of classical literature, Roman history, and ancient philosophy. In this volume, which gathers together some of the papers originally delivered at a series of seminars in the University of Oxford, scholars from all three disciplines explore the role of Platonism and Aristotelianism in Roman intellectual, cultural, and political life from the second century BC to the third century AD.
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    Philosophia Perennis.Marvin Farber - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44 (3):293.
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  48. Hē philosophia tēs historias kai hē historia tēs: apo ton Ēsiodo hōs ton Toynbee.Lykourgos Aretaios - 1985 - Athēna: Diogenēs.
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  49.  7
    Philosophia Wolfiana contracta.Johann Friedrich Stiebritz - 1745 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Jean École.
    T. 1. Logicam ontologiam et cosmologiam generalem complectens. pars 1. Discursus praeliminaris de philosophia in genere logica. pars 2. Ontologia cosmologia generalis -- T. 2. Psychologias, empiricam atqve rationalem, nec non theologiam natvralem complectens. pars 1. Psychologia empirica, psychologia rationalis. pars 2. Theologia naturalis.
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    Philosophia.Arthur Liebert & Gerhard Kropp - 1948 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 2 (2/3):403 - 410.
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