Results for 'Sophie Paricard'

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  1.  17
    La filiation de l’enfant né d’une gestation pour autrui : une autre voie possible pour la Cour de cassation.Sophie Paricard - 2014 - Médecine et Droit 2014 (125):52-55.
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    Micro/macro viability analysis of individual-based models: Investigation into the viability of a stylized agricultural cooperative.Sophie Martin, Isabelle Alvarez & Jean-Daniel Kant - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):276-296.
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  3. Expecting the Unexpected.Tom Dougherty, Sophie Horowitz & Paulina Sliwa - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (2):301-321.
    In an influential paper, L. A. Paul argues that one cannot rationally decide whether to have children. In particular, she argues that such a decision is intractable for standard decision theory. Paul's central argument in this paper rests on the claim that becoming a parent is ``epistemically transformative''---prior to becoming a parent, it is impossible to know what being a parent is like. Paul argues that because parenting is epistemically transformative, one cannot estimate the values of the various outcomes of (...)
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    Vindicating Lineage Eliminativism.Javier Suárez & Sophie Veigl - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-15.
    This article defends a selective eliminativist position with respect to the concept of “biological lineage” as used in certain areas of contemporary evolutionary biology. We argue that its primary epistemic roles in these contexts—explaining social evolution and cumulative selection—clash with empirical evidence, and that enforcing the concept of “lineage” even obstructs fruitful research avenues in several biological research fields, including phylogenetic research. Drawing on this, we suggest that, in many instances, it would be best to get rid of the concept (...)
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    Le point de vue du clinicien-expert judiciaire face aux infections nosocomiales.Fabrice Pierre, Roland Quentin & Sophie Marchand - 1995 - Médecine et Droit 1995 (11):5-7.
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    Le cycle de la conjoncture chez Schumpeter : éternel retour du même?André Lapied & Sophie Swaton - 2014 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 15 (1):17-47.
    Cet article s’inscrit dans la lignée de précédents travaux visant à rapprocher l’entrepreneur schumpétérien et le surhumain nietzschéen. Les deux partagent une créativité pouvant s’interpréter comme l’extériorisation d’un surcroît de force qui, dans l’optique nietzschéenne, s’assimile à la source extra-morale de l’accroissement de la vie. Reste à savoir si le cadre dans lequel ils évoluent est le même. Au-delà d’une approche historique du cycle de la conjoncture, notre hypothèse est que l’approche philosophique d’un cycle du devenir s’avère être féconde pour (...)
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    Moral emotions and the envisaging of mitigating circumstances for wrongdoing.Jared Piazza, Pascale Sophie Russell & Paulo Sousa - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (4):707-722.
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    Self-referential memory in autism spectrum disorder and typical development: Exploring the ownership effect.Emma Grisdale, Sophie E. Lind, Madeline J. Eacott & David M. Williams - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:133-141.
  9.  49
    Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescence as a Generalization of Disorganized Attachment.Raphaële Miljkovitch, Anne-Sophie Deborde, Annie Bernier, Maurice Corcos, Mario Speranza & Alexandra Pham-Scottez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:373745.
    Several researchers point to disorganized attachment as a core feature of borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, recent studies suggest that specific internal working models (IWMs) of each parent combine to account for child outcomes and that a secure relationship with one parent can protect against the deleterious effects of an insecure relationship with the other parent. It was thus hypothesized that adolescents with BPD are more likely to be disorganized with both their parents, whereas non-clinical controls are more secure with (...)
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  10. Conscious experience of time: Its significance and interpretation in neuroscience and philosophy.Michał Klincewicz & Sophie Herbst - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38:151-154.
  11.  53
    Discriminating Non-native Vowels on the Basis of Multimodal, Auditory or Visual Information: Effects on Infants’ Looking Patterns and Discrimination.Sophie Ter Schure, Caroline Junge & Paul Boersma - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    University Students' Satisfaction with their Academic Studies: Personality and Motivation Matter.F. -Sophie Wach, Julia Karbach, Stephanie Ruffing, Roland Brünken & Frank M. Spinath - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    (3 other versions)Ethics briefings.Martin Davies, Sophie Brannan, Elanor Chrispin, Samuel Mason & Rebecca Mussell - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):716-718.
    In August, Amnesty International and the World Medical Association expressed concern at reports that a judge in Saudi Arabia had asked several hospitals in the country whether they could perform an operation to damage a man's spinal cord as punishment for attacking another man and leaving him paralysed. The man had already been sentenced to seven months imprisonment for the crime, the injured victim requested the further sentence under Sharia Law, which is strictly enforced across Saudi Arabia. According to reports, (...)
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  14. Philosophical Psychology would like to thank our reviewers for their generous contributions to the journal in 2010. Jonathan Adler Kenneth Aizawa.Kathleen Akins, Pignocchi Alessandro, Joshua Alexander, Anna Alexandrova, Keith Allen, Sophie Allen, Colin Allen, Maria Alvarez, Santiago Amaya & Ben Ambridge - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (6):845-848.
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    Breast cancer and metabolic syndrome linked through the plasminogen activator inhibitor‐1 cycle.Lea M. Beaulieu, Brandi R. Whitley, Theodore F. Wiesner, Sophie M. Rehault, Diane Palmieri, Abdel G. Elkahloun & Frank C. Church - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (10):1029-1038.
    Plasminogen activator inhibitor‐1 (PAI‐1) is a physiological inhibitor of urokinase (uPA), a serine protease known to promote cell migration and invasion. Intuitively, increased levels of PAI‐1 should be beneficial in downregulating uPA activity, particularly in cancer. By contrast, in vivo, increased levels of PAI‐1 are associated with a poor prognosis in breast cancer. This phenomenon is termed the “PAI‐1 paradox”. Many factors are responsible for the upregulation of PAI‐1 in the tumor microenvironment. We hypothesize that there is a breast cancer (...)
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  16. Les brocarts appliqués: la Nativité.Sylvie Colinart & Sophie Guillot de Suduiraut - 1998 - Techne 7:61-62.
  17.  32
    Keeping in touch with the visual system: spatial alignment and multisensory integration of visual-somatosensory inputs.Jeannette R. Mahoney, Sophie Molholm, John S. Butler, Pejman Sehatpour, Manuel Gomez-Ramirez, Walter Ritter & John J. Foxe - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Can singular examples change implicit attitudes in the real-world?Leslie E. Roos, Sophie Lebrecht, James W. Tanaka & Michael J. Tarr - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Corrigendum: Topological Modification of Brain Networks Organization in Children With High Intelligence Quotient: A Resting-State fMRI Study.Ilaria Suprano, Chantal Delon-Martin, Gabriel Kocevar, Claudio Stamile, Salem Hannoun, Sophie Achard, Amanpreet Badhwar, Pierre Fourneret, Olivier Revol, Fanny Nusbaum & Dominique Sappey-Marinier - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  20.  30
    When Lying Feels the Right Thing to Do.Sophie Van Der Zee, Ross Anderson & Ronald Poppe - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:169277.
    Fraud is a pervasive and challenging problem that costs society large amounts of money. By no means all fraud is committed by ‘professional criminals’: much is done by ordinary people who indulge in small-scale opportunistic deception. In this paper, we set out to investigate when people behave dishonestly, for example by committing fraud, in an online context. We conducted three studies to investigate how the rejection of one’s efforts, operationalized in different ways, affected the amount of cheating and information falsification. (...)
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    (1 other version)Intersectionality and discriminatory practices within mental health care.Mirjam Faissner, Anne-Sophie Gaillard, Georg Juckel, Amma Yeboah & Jakov Gather - 2024 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 19 (1):1-3.
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    Rethinking the Socialist Intellectual in the British First New Left.Sophie Scott-Brown - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (5):591-608.
    The first British New Left formed in response to a crisis in international and British socialism. Although never a formal movement, its associated members set themselves the tasks of, first, confronting the rapid change transforming social life at both global and national scales, and second, articulating a new political culture able to accommodate the good and resist the bad of it. As part of this process, a series of intense debates took place on the role of the socialist intellectual in (...)
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  23.  14
    Listeners are sensitive to the speech breathing time series: Evidence from a gap detection task.Alexis Deighton MacIntyre & Sophie K. Scott - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105171.
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  24. Rationale et rationabile dans le De ordine de saint augustin. Ou comment augustin fait d'une distinction lexicale un outil à la fois philosophique et pédagogique.Sophie Van der Meeren - 2005 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 25:359-360.
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  25. Philosophy of Science: A User's Guide.Adrian Currie & Sophie Veigl (eds.) - forthcoming - MIT Press.
    Thought experiments play a role in science and in some central parts of contemporary philosophy. They used to play a larger role in philosophy of science, but have been largely abandoned as part of the field’s “practice turn”. This chapter discusses possible roles for thought experimentation within a practice-oriented philosophy of science. Some of these roles are uncontroversial, such as exemplification and aiding discovery. A more controversial role is the reliance on thought experiments to justify philosophical claims. It is proposed (...)
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  26.  13
    A Video Corpus of SMS-Calls for Emergency. To Build Benchmarks for Textual Interactions.Sophie Dalle-Nazebi - 2020 - Corpus 21.
    La politique d'accessibilité par le numérique a ouvert aux personnes sourdes un service national d'écoute et de secours, par fax et SMS depuis 2011, par e-mail, texte en temps réel (TTR) et vidéo depuis 2019. Cet article analyse comment les spécificités des interactions textuelles, numériques, et du « français sourd » sont prises en compte dans les appels d'urgence par SMS, et quelles « prises », ou indices, sont mobilisés par les agents pour percevoir le niveau de détresse ou la (...)
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  27.  29
    Europudding or Europaradise? A performance evaluation of the Eurimages co-production film fund, twenty years after its inception.Sophie De Vinck - 2009 - Communications 34 (3):257-285.
    This article focuses on Eurimages, the Council of Europe fund for the co-production, distribution and exhibition of European films. The core investigation of this paper relates to the benefits this public fund has had for the European film sector. Reflecting on the fund's twenty-year existence, what output has been realized, both in economic and cultural terms? Turning to the future, what are the fund's prospects now that the sector is facing the technological challenge of digitization? In order to evaluate the (...)
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  28.  13
    Jeux de garçons, jeux de filles dans les épigrammes funéraires grecques.Sophie Laribi Glaudel - 2022 - Clio 56:179-186.
    Parmi les épigrammes funéraires grecques consacrées aux enfants arrachés prématurément à la vie, plusieurs évoquent les jeux et les jouets de ces jeunes défunts. Si les garçons sont très présents dans ce corpus, quelques fillettes et jeunes filles ont également des activités ludiques. Cet article analyse trois textes en étudiant la dimension genrée de ces amusements et le discours sur l’enfance qu’ils livrent, tout en réévaluant nos définitions contemporaines du jouet appliquées aux mondes anciens. Notre étude porte sur l’inscription du (...)
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    Sophie Lalanne (dir.), Femmes grecques de l’Orient romain.Sophie Gällnö - 2020 - Clio 51.
    Cet ouvrage collectif porte sur la place qu’occupent les femmes dans différentes parties de l’Empire romain d’Orient hellénophone. Il résulte de trois rencontres scientifiques organisées dans le cadre du programme GRECS d’ANIHMA entre 2012 et 2014. Comme l’explique Sophie Lalanne dans son introduction, le volume ne reflète que partiellement le contenu de ces rencontres ; l’éditrice formule d’ailleurs des réflexions intéressantes sur la place de l’histoire des femmes et du genre dans le domain...
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    Astrid Schwarz. Experiments in Practice. vii + 257 pp., illus., maps, table, bibl., index. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2014. £60. [REVIEW]Ann-Sophie Barwich - 2015 - Isis 106 (4):898-899.
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  31. De la peinture comme corps à corps avec la matière: entretien avec Sophie Cauvin par Véronique Bergen.Sophie Cauvin - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:123-128.
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    Knowing What to Do: Imagination, Virtue, and Platonism in Ethics.Sophie Grace Chappell - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Sophie Grace Chappell develops a picture of what philosophical ethics can be like, once set aside from the idealising and reductive pressures of conventional moral theory. Her question is 'How are we to know what to do?', and the answer she defends is 'By developing our moral imaginations'.
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  33. Epistemic Akrasia.Sophie Horowitz - 2013 - Noûs 48 (4):718-744.
    Many views rely on the idea that it can never be rational to have high confidence in something like, “P, but my evidence doesn’t support P.” Call this idea the “Non-Akrasia Constraint”. Just as an akratic agent acts in a way she believes she ought not act, an epistemically akratic agent believes something that she believes is unsupported by her evidence. The Non-Akrasia Constraint says that ideally rational agents will never be epistemically akratic. In a number of recent papers, the (...)
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  34. Immoderately rational.Sophie Horowitz - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (1):41-56.
    Believing rationally is epistemically valuable, or so we tend to think. It’s something we strive for in our own beliefs, and we criticize others for falling short of it. We theorize about rationality, in part, because we want to be rational. But why? I argue that how we answer this question depends on how permissive our theory of rationality is. Impermissive and extremely permissive views can give good answers; moderately permissive views cannot.
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    (1 other version)Acts, Omissions and Keeping Patients Alive in a Persistent Vegetative State: Sophie Botros.Sophie Botros - 1995 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 38:99-119.
    There are many conflicting attitudes to technological progress: some people are fearful that robots will soon take over, even perhaps making ethical decisions for us, whilst others enthusiastically embrace a future largely run for us by them. Still others insist that we cannot predict the long term outcome of present technological developments. In this paper I shall be concerned with the impact of the new technology on medicine, and with one particularly agonizing ethical dilemma to which it has already given (...)
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  36.  21
    Affects, finalités et significations imaginaires : construire/configurer un {eidos} du social-historique selon Castoriadis.Sophie Klimis - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans R. Gely et L. Van Eynde (éd.) Affectivité, imaginaire et Création Sociale, Bruxelles, Publications de l'université Saint-Louis, 2010, p. 13-42. Nous remercions Sophie Klimis de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Dans le cadre de cette communication, je souhaiterais déchiffrer le choix de la parataxe « affectivité, imaginaire, création sociale », comme une invitation à interroger les différentes manières dont il est possible d'articuler les éléments ainsi énumérés, et (...) - Philosophie – (...)
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    Epiphanies: An Ethics of Experience.Sophie Grace Chappell - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Epiphanies is a philosophical exploration of epiphanies, peak experiences, 'wow moments', or ecstasies as they are sometimes called. What are epiphanies, and why do so many people so frequently experience them? Are they just transient phenomena in our brains, or are they the revelations of objective value that they very often seem to be? What do they tell us about the world, and about ourselves? How, if at all, do epiphanies fit in with our moral systems and our theories of (...)
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  38. The Grind: Black Women and Survival in the Inner City.Sophie Inge - unknown
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  39. Chapter Seven Neuropsychological Support to the Novelty Generation Process Tanja Sophie Schweizer.Tanja Sophie Schweizer - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov, Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Assessing intentional binding with the method of constant stimuli.Sophie Nolden, Carola Haering & Andrea Kiesel - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1176-1185.
    Intentional binding describes the phenomenon that actions and their effects are perceived to be temporally approximated. We introduced a new method of duration estimation to the research field, the method of constant stimuli. Participants freely chose to press one of two keys or experienced passive key presses. After an interval of 250 ms or 600 ms a visual effect occurred. In Experiment 1, each key produced an effect after a specific interval. In Experiment 2, both keys produced an effect after (...)
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  41. La théorie des pratiques. Quels apports pour l'étude sociologique de la consommation?Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier et Marie Plessz - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans la revue Sociologie, N° 4, vol. 4 | 2014. Nous remercions Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier et Marie Plessz de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Résumé : La théorie des pratiques est un courant d'analyse qui s'est développé en Grande-Bretagne et dans les pays scandinaves dans les années 2000. L'analyse de pratiques de consommation est l'un de ses domaines de prédilection. Se réclamant de Bourdieu et de Giddens, elle s'oppose à la fois aux analyses (...)
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  42. Mental Association Investigated by Experiment.Sophie Bryant, G. F. Stout, F. Y. Edgeworth, E. P. Hughes & C. E. Collet - 1889 - Mind 14 (54):230-250.
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    Bringing “Europe” home: Brussels-based journalists from the new EU member states.Sophie Lecheler - 2009 - Idee (Misc) 30 (6):12-16.
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    BioMachtBäume.Sophie Reyer - 2019 - Wien: Passagen Verlag.
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    L'Art D'Etre Classique.Sophie Roux - 2001 - Early Science and Medicine 6 (1):39-45.
  46.  55
    Beyond the Moral Portrayal of Social Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Approach to Who They Are and What Drives Them.Sophie Bacq, Chantal Hartog & Brigitte Hoogendoorn - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (4):703-718.
    This paper questions the taken-for-granted moral portrayal depicted in the extant literature and popular media of the devoted social entrepreneurial hero with a priori good ethical and moral credentials. We confront this somewhat ‘idealistic’ and biased portrayal with insights from unique large-scale data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2009 survey on social entrepreneurship covering Belgium and The Netherlands. Binary and multinomial logistic regressions indicate that the intention and dominance of perceived social value creation over economic value creation is indeed what (...)
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    Contested Boundaries: The String Theory Debates and Ideologies of Science.Sophie Ritson & Kristian Camilleri - 2015 - Perspectives on Science 23 (2):192-227.
    . Over the last three decades, physicists have engaged in, sometimes heated, debates about relative merits and prospects of string theory as a viable research program and even about its status as a science. The aim of this paper is to provide a deeper understanding of this controversy as a particular form of boundary discourse. Drawing on the sociological work of Thomas Gieryn and Lawrence Prelli, we bring to light the way in which protagonists appeal to, and rhetorically construct, different (...)
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    Harnessing the wandering mind: the role of perceptual load.Sophie Forster & Nilli Lavie - 2009 - Cognition 111 (3):345-355.
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    From Possibility to Properties? Or from Properties to Possibility?Sophie R. Allen - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (1):21-49.
    This paper contrasts two metaphysical accounts of modality and properties: Modal Realism which treats possible entities as primitive; and Strong Dispositionalism in which metaphysical possibility and necessity are determined by actually existing dispositions or powers. I argue that Strong Dispositionalism loses its initial advantages of simplicity and parsimony over Modal Realism as it is extended and amended to account for metaphysical rather than just causal necessity. Furthermore, to avoid objections to its material and formal adequacy, Strong Dispositionalism requires a richer (...)
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    L'identité mémorielle. Généalogie d'un tropisme contemporain.Sophie Ernst - 2009 - Rue Descartes 66 (4):100.
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