Results for 'Sophia Gluth'

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  1.  12
    Der apokryphe Nietzsche: auf den Spuren des Denkens von Friedrich Nietzsche in Rechtsphilosophie und -theorie.Sophia Gluth - 2021 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Wahrend Friedrich Nietzsche als eine der bedeutendsten Figuren innerhalb der deutschen Kulturgeschichte gilt, wird sein Einfluss auf den juristischen Diskurs als marginal beurteilt. Es scheint, als hatten sich die Rechtsphilosophen und -theoretiker einer vertieften Auseinandersetzung mit dem Denker enthalten. Sophia Gluth hinterfragt diesen Umstand und beleuchtet, ob und wie theoretisierende Juristen mit Nietzsche umgegangen sind. Dabei deckt sie ein Phanomen auf, das bisher weder gesehen noch beschrieben wurde: die konstante Rezeption Friedrich Nietzsches in der Rechtswissenschaft. Untersucht werden die (...)
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    Feminist Theory Out of Science.Sophia Roosth, Astrid Schrader & Lynda J. Jentsch - 2012 - Duke University Press.
    Attending to the rich entanglements of scientific and critical theory, contributors to this issue scrutinize phenomena in nature to explore new territory in feminist science studies. With a special focus on relating theory to method, these scholars generate new feminist approaches to scientific practice. Contributors probe this relationship by way of topics from poetics of human-jellyfish interactions to a feminist reconsideration of a well-known thought experiment in thermodynamics. Two contributors analyze plant-insect encounter research to spin their own symbiotically inflected account (...)
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    (1 other version)Duties of justice to citizens with cognitive disabilities.Sophia Isako Wong - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (3-4):382-401.
    Many social practices treat citizens with cognitive disabilities differently from their nondisabled peers. Does John Rawls's theory of justice imply that we have different duties of justice to citizens whenever they are labeled with cognitive disabilities? Some theorists have claimed that the needs of the cognitively disabled do not raise issues of justice for Rawls. I claim that it is premature to reject Rawlsian contractualism. Rawlsians should regard all citizens as moral persons provided they have the potential for developing the (...)
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    How similarity between choice options affects decisions from experience: The accentuation-of-differences model.Mikhail S. Spektor, Sebastian Gluth, Laura Fontanesi & Jörg Rieskamp - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (1):52-88.
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    Peirce Mattering: Value, Realism, and the Pragmatic Maxim.Dorothea Sophia - 2023 - Lexington Books.
    This book explores "real" valuation through tracing the pragmatic meanings of "mattering." Employing Peirce's overall pragmatic method and realism to understand what we mean when we say something "matters," it encourages consideration of the practices we engage in, the values attached to those practices, and their consequences.
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    Case Studies: "If I Have AIDS, Then Let Me Die Now!".Sophia Vinogradov, Joe E. Thornton, A.‐J. Rock Levinson & Michael L. Callen - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (1):24.
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    Subject and body in baṣran mu‘tazilism, or: Mu‘tazilite kalām and the fear of triviality: Sophia Vasalou.Sophia Vasalou - 2007 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 17 (2):267-298.
    In this paper, my aim is to offer some comments on the study of Mu‘tazilite kalām, framed around the study of a particular episode in the Mu‘tazilite dispute about man – a question with a deceptively Aristotelian cadence that is not too difficult to dispel. Within this episode, my focus is on one of the major arguments used by the late Baṣrans to hold up their side of the dispute, and on the relationship between the mental and the physical which (...)
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    Moral Agents and Their Deserts: The Character of Mu'tazilite Ethics.Sophia Vasalou - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Must good deeds be rewarded and wrongdoers punished? Would God be unjust if He failed to punish and reward? And what is it about good or evil actions and moral identity that might generate such necessities? These were some of the vital religious and philosophical questions that eighth- and ninth-century Mu'tazilite theologians and their sophisticated successors attempted to answer, giving rise to a distinctive ethical position and one of the most prominent and controversial intellectual trends in medieval Islam. The Mu'tazilites (...)
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  9.  13
    Kierkegaard the Greek.Sophia Scopetea - 1998 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 29:143-146.
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  10. "Their intention was shown by their bodily movements": The baṣran mu'tazilites on the institution of language.Sophia Vasalou - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2):pp. 201-221.
    Following the initiative of Abū Hāshim al-Jubbā'ī, the Baṣran Mu'tazilites rejected the view of language, dominant till then in the Islamic milieu, according to which humanity had received it by way of divine revelation, and defended the position that language had arisen by means of a human convention. On the Baṣran understanding of this convention, the connection between words and things was effected by means of a momentous act of intention to assign a name, which was revealed to another through (...)
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    Schopenhauer and the Aesthetic Standpoint: Philosophy as a Practice of the Sublime.Sophia Vasalou - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    With its pessimistic vision and bleak message of world-denial, it has often been difficult to know how to engage with Schopenhauer's philosophy. Schopenhauer's arguments have seemed flawed and his doctrines marred by inconsistencies; his very pessimism almost too flamboyant to be believable. Yet a way of redrawing this engagement stands open, Sophia Vasalou argues, if we attend more closely to the visionary power of Schopenhauer's work. The aim of this book is to place the aesthetic character of Schopenhauer's standpoint (...)
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  12.  41
    Aristotle on Female Animals: A Study of the Generation of Animals.Sophia M. Connell - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle's account of female nature has received mostly negative treatment, emphasising what he says females cannot do. Building on recent research, this book comprehensively revises such readings, setting out the complex and positive role played by the female in Aristotle's thought with a particular focus on the longest surviving treatise on reproduction in the ancient corpus, the Generation of Animals. It provides new interpretations of the nature of Aristotle's sexism, his theory of male and female interaction in generation, and his (...)
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  13.  22
    Red Foxes in the Filing Cabinet: Günter Tembrock's Image Collection and Media Use in Mid‐Century Ethology*.Sophia Gräfe - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (1-2):55-86.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 1-2, Page 55-86, June 2022.
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    'Produced by either God or Satan ': Neural network approaches to delusional thinking.Sophia Vinogradov, John H. Poole & Jason Willis-Shore - 1998 - In Dan J. Stein & Jacques Ludik, Neural Networks and Psychopathology: Connectionist Models in Practice and Research. Cambridge University Press.
  15.  29
    Scientific knowledge in the age of computation: Explicated, computable and manageable?Sophia Efstathiou, Rune Nydal, Astrid Laegreid & Martin Kuiper - 2019 - Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science 34 (2):213.
    We have two theses about scientific knowledge in the age of computation. Our general claim is that scientific Knowledge Management practices emerge as second-order practices whose aim is to systematically collect, take care of and mobilise first-hand disciplinary knowledge and data. Our specific thesis is that knowledge management practices are transforming biological research in at least three ways. We argue that scientific Knowledge Management a. operates with founded concepts of biological knowledge as explicated and computable, b. enables new outputs and (...)
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    Prevalence and Stigma of Postpartum Common Mental Disorders in the Gurage Region of Ethiopia: A Mixed-Methods Observational Cohort Study.Sophia Monaghan, Meseret Ayalew Akale, Bete Demeke & Gary L. Darmstadt - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objectives: Mental disorders are vastly underdiagnosed in low-income countries that disproportionately affect women. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of common mental disorders in newly postpartum women, and stigma associated with mental health reporting in an Ethiopian community using a validated World Health Organization survey.Methods: The Self Reporting Questionnaire for psychological distress was administered in Amharic by nurses to 118 women aged 18–37 years who had given birth in the prior 3 months in the Glenn C. Olsen Memorial Primary Hospital (...)
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  17.  8
    Raumöffner und Impulsgeber für Zivilcourage.Sophia Oppermann & Jan Krebs - 2019 - Polis 23 (2):24-25.
  18.  36
    An Ancient Virtue and Its Heirs: The Reception of Greatness of Soul in the Arabic Tradition.Sophia Vasalou - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (4):688-731.
    This essay examines the reception of the ancient virtue of greatness of soul (or magnanimity) in the Arabic tradition, touching on a range of figures but focusing especially on Miskawayh and even more concertedly on al‐Ghazālī. Influenced by a number of Greek ethical texts available in Arabic translation, both of these thinkers incorporate greatness of soul into their classifications of the virtues and the vices. Yet a closer scrutiny raises questions about this amicable inclusion, and suggests that this virtue stands (...)
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    Ethics as Medicine: Moral Therapy, Expertise, and Practical Reasoning in al-Ghazālī’s Ethics.Sophia Vasalou - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (3):468-508.
    The idea that ethics might be fruitfully understood in analogy with, or indeed as a form of, medicine has enjoyed a long and distinguished history. A staple of ancient philosophical thinking, it also achieved wide expression in the Islamic world. This essay explores the role of the medical analogy in the work of the eleventh-century Muslim intellectual Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī. Al-Ghazālī’s use of this analogy offers a unique vantage point for approaching several key features of his ethics of virtue, as (...)
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  20.  48
    Personal identity as a task.Sophia Vasalou - 2008 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 51 (3):288 – 311.
    In this paper, I explore a mode of concern with the question of personal identity in which the latter is raised as a problem of a practical order. What provokes this is a concern with the experience of discontinuity within the self and with the perception of continuity as a fragile and uncontrollable good. I discuss the relation which this practically oriented perspective bears to the philosophical form of engagement with personal identity, and the reasons which make the perspective of (...)
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  21.  21
    Cooperative inference: Features, objects, and collections.Sophia Ray Searcy & Patrick Shafto - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (5):510-533.
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    Stepping Up or Stepping Back: FDA Roles in Producing and Shaping Knowledge of Pediatric Covid-19 Vaccines.Sophia Bessias & Elizabeth Lanphier - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (10):26-28.
    We agree with Svirsky, Howard, and Berman that the US Food and Drug Administration plays various roles, only one of which is the technical review and evaluation of product safety and e...
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  23.  17
    Virtues of Greatness in the Arabic Tradition.Sophia Vasalou - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Sophia Vasalou investigates the 'virtues of greatness' in the Islamic world. Examining the virtue of magnanimity in ancient philosophical ethics and the 'greatness of spirit' in the Arabic tradition, she traces the genealogy of these ideals, explores the influences that shaped them, and highlights the contemporary relevance of these ideals.
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    Contractualism and Agent-relative Constraints.Sophia Reibetanz - 1996
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    Faces of Inequality: A Theory of Wrongful Discrimination.Sophia Reibetanz Moreau - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    This book defends an original and pluralist theory of when and why discrimination wrongs people, in particular, through unfair subordination, through the violation of their right to a particular deliberative freedom, or through the denial to them of access to a basic good.
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  26. John Mouracade, ed., Aristotle on Life Reviewed by.Sophia Connell - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (6):432-434.
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    The expression of wonderment.Sophia Vasalou - 2007 - Philosophical Investigations 30 (2):138–155.
    In this paper, I consider certain remarks raised by Wittgenstein in his Lecture on Ethics in connection with the effability of absolute value. My focus is on the expressions we use to talk about the experience of wonderment at the existence of the world, which he dismisses as nonsensical owing to the way they deviate from the conditions of ordinary usage (specifically, to wonder at something, one must be able to imagine its contrary). I suggest that the concept of imagination (...)
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    Peraḳim be-toldot ha-raʻayon ha-medini bi-Yeme ha-Benayim.Sophia Menache - 2007 - [Tel Aviv]: Miśrad ha-biṭaḥon.
  29.  12
    Comparing Attachment Networks During Middle Childhood in Two Contrasting Cultural Contexts.Sophia D. Becke & Stephan Bongard - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Gute Absichten, tragisches Outcome.Sophia Bröchtel - 2025 - Ethik in der Medizin 37 (1):71-73.
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    Nurses’ Behavioral Intentions Toward Euthanasia of Severely Ill Preterm Infants and Neonates.Sophia Dombe, Bernard Barzilay, Silvia Koton & Nili Tabak - 2015 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 6 (2):43-50.
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  32. Confucianism and Democracy: Four Models of Compatibility.Sophia Gao & Aaron J. Walayat - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Humanities 6 (2-3):213-234.
    In recent years, Philosophy Departments at universities in China and worldwide have experienced a renaissance in discussion on Confucian thought. As the country draws from indigenous traditions, rather than leaning completely on the importation of Western liberalism and Marxism, Confucianism has critical implications for politics, ethics, and law in modern China. At the same time, democracy never left the conversation. Democratic concepts cannot be ignored and must be disposed of, acknowledged, or incorporated. The relationship between Confucianism and democracy has been (...)
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  33.  8
    Pemphigus Vulgaris.Sophia Valesca Görgens - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (4):623-623.
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    Ibn Taymiyya's Theological Ethics.Sophia Vasalou - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Icon of modern-day fundamentalist movements, firebrand religious purist, tireless polemicist against the intellectual schools of his time-the Ibn Taymiyya we know is a thinker we often associate with hard attitudes and dogmatic stances. Yet there is another Ibn Taymiyya that stands out from the pages of his work, the thinker who fashions himself as a master of the via media and as a defender of the harmony between human reason and the religious faith. The aim of this book is to (...)
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    Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation and Its Compatibility With Autonomous Agency.Sophia H. Gibert - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (2):88-90.
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  36. Is it possible to give scientific solutions to Grand Challenges? On the idea of grand challenges for life science research.Sophia Efstathiou - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 56:46-61.
    This paper argues that challenges that are grand in scope such as "lifelong health and wellbeing", "climate action", or "food security" cannot be addressed through scientific research only. Indeed scientific research could inhibit addressing such challenges if scientific analysis constrains the multiple possible understandings of these challenges into already available scientific categories and concepts without translating between these and everyday concerns. This argument builds on work in philosophy of science and race to postulate a process through which non-scientific notions become (...)
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    Das unterschlagene Erbe.Sophia Prinz - 2017 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2017 (2):76-91.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body has so far been widely neglected in the debate on practice theory. This failure is surprising considering Merleau-Ponty’s early contribution of a number of fundamental insights – including bodily practice as a theoretical basic unit, the priority of “practical sense” and “implicit knowledge” over consciousness, and the collectivity of practice. The article addresses these approaches in detail, examining them relative to corresponding concepts from Bourdieu and Foucault. It turns out that both theorists owe more (...)
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  38. Interdisciplinarity in action.Sophia Efstathiou & Zara Mirmalek - 2014 - In Nancy Cartwright & Eleonora Montuschi, Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    African women, pandemics and religion: Exploring religion, resilience and responsibility.Sophia Chirongoma & Linda W. Naicker - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):2.
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    Kierkegaard og græciteten: en kamp med ironi.Sophia Scopetea - 1995 - København: Reitzel.
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  41. Validity as a thick concept.Sophia Arbeiter - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10):2937-2953.
    This paper presents a novel position in the philosophy of logic: I argue that _validity_ is a thick concept. Hence, I propose to consider _validity_ in analogy to other thick concepts, such as _honesty_, _selfishness_ or _justice_. This proposal is motivated by the debate on the normativity of logic: while logic textbooks seem simply descriptive in their presentation of logical truths, many have argued that logic has consequences for how we ought to reason, for what we ought to believe, or (...)
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  42. What is discrimination?Sophia Moreau - 2010 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 38 (2):143-179.
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    Educating Virtue as a Mastery of Language.Sophia Vasalou - 2012 - The Journal of Ethics 16 (1):67-87.
    That only those who have mastered language can be virtuous is something that may strike us as an obvious truism. It would seem to follow naturally from, indeed simply restate, a view that is far more commonly held and expressed by philosophers of the virtues, namely that only those who can reason can be virtuous properly said. My aim in this paper is to draw attention to this truism and argue its importance. In doing so, I will take the starting (...)
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  44. 'Nous alone enters from outside' Aristotelian embryology and early Christian philosophy.Sophia Connell - 2021 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 2 (15):109-138.
    In a work entitled On the Generation of Animals, Aristotle remarks that “intellect (nous) alone enters from outside (thurathen)”. Interpretations of this passage as dualistic dominate the history of ideas and allow for a joining together of Platonic and Aristotelian doctrine on the soul. This, however, pulls against the well-known Aristotelian position that soul and body are intertwined and interdependent. The most influential interpretations thereby misrepresent Aristotle’s view on soul and lack any real engagement with his embryology. This paper seeks (...)
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    Differentiating risks to academic freedom in the globalised university in China.Sophia Woodman & Tim Pringle - 2022 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (4):642-651.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 4, Page 642-651, May 2022. Academic freedom in China is unquestionably under threat from various quarters. Yet the assumption that only the logics of authoritarian Communist Party power shape the terrain in which scholars operate provides us with a limited perspective on these threats. The Chinese academy has become deeply entangled with transnational forces, and is increasingly driven by similar business logics to those in play in universities around the world. We argue that (...)
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    Relative Age Effect on Youth Female Volleyball Players: A Pilot Study on Its Prevalence and Relationship With Anthropometric and Physiological Characteristics.Sophia D. Papadopoulou, Sousana K. Papadopoulou, Thomas Rosemann, Beat Knechtle & Pantelis T. Nikolaidis - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  47.  39
    The history of job (in)security: Why private law theory may not save work law.Sophia Z. Lee - 2023 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 24 (1):147-179.
    This Article uses a history of the push for job security in the United States during the late 20th century to assess New Private Law (NPL) theory. The history recounts the rise and fall of common law and statutory approaches to replacing at-will employment with termination for just cause only. Applying NPL theory to that history, the Article argues that NPL theorists’ current approach to defining their topic of study and distinguishing it from public law is inconsistent within and across (...)
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    Executive Functions and Language: Their Differential Influence on Mono- vs. Multilingual Spelling in Primary School.Sophia Czapka, Annegret Klassert & Julia Festman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Changes in business students' value orientations after the COVID‐19 outbreak: An exploration.Sophia Town, James Weber & Noémi Nagy - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (S1):253-282.
    Business and Society Review, Volume 127, Issue S1, Page 253-282, Spring 2022.
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  50. Epistemic Coercion.Sophia Dandelet - 2021 - Ethics 131 (3):489-510.
    In cases of self-gaslighting, the subject worries that other people will be skeptical of one of her beliefs—for instance, the belief that she has been sexually harassed. Prompted by this worry, she...
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