  1.  40
    Intra-household processes and the adoption of hedgerow intercropping.Soniia David - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (1):31-42.
    Although on-farm research in severalparts of Africa suggests positive prospects for theadoption of hedgerow intercropping, this paper arguesthat the implications of intra-household processeshave not been considered in sufficient details. Suchinformation is necessary for targeting the technologyto specific socio-cultural localities and categoriesof producers and for anticipating adoption trends.Based on three case materials, two from southernNigeria and one from western Kenya, it examines howthe gender division of labor, decision-making, andareas of responsibility and inter-generational landallocation patterns determine that the interests andneeds of certain (...)
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  2.  26
    Household economy and traditional agroforestry systems in western Kenya.Soniia David - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (2):169-179.
    In the cash budgets of farm householdsin western Kenya, off-farm occupations and cropsaccount for the most important sources of income. Treeand livestock products are of secondary importance incash terms, although farmers attach great importanceto trees as a source of income because of the variousnon-monetary functions they supply. The findingspresented in this paper suggest that two variables,the domestic development cycle of households andwealth, are likely to affect the adoption pattern ofcertain introduced agroforestry technologies,depending on farmers' strategies to produce treeproducts and milk (...)
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  3.  67
    Improving technology delivery mechanisms: Lessons from bean seed systems research in eastern and central Africa. [REVIEW]Soniia David & Louise Sperling - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (4):381-388.
    This article addresses concerns of technology dissemination for small farmers, specifically focusing on the diffusion of new varieties of a self-pollinating crop. Based on bean seed systems research in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, it shows four commonly-held basic assumptions to be false, namely that: first, small-scale farmers do not buy bean seed; they mainly rely on their own stocks or obtain seed from other farmers; second, that small-scale farmers cannot afford to buy seed of newly (...)
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  4.  42
    Farmer seed enterprises: A sustainable approach to seed delivery? [REVIEW]Soniia David - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (4):387-397.
    A major reason for the low adoption of modern varieties of seed among small-scale farmers in developing countries is the inability of formal, centralized seed production systems to meet their complex and diverse seed requirements. Drawing on experiences in Uganda with the common bean, the paper proposes seed production by farmer seed enterprises (FSEs) as a strategy for meeting dual objectives: to sustainably distribute and promote modern crop varieties and to establish a regular source of “clean” seed of either local (...)
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