Results for 'Sonia Saldívar-Hull'

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  1. Paul Bloomfield.Diana Meyers, Joel Kupperman, Margaret Gilbert, Sonia Michel & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield (ed.), Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The role of theories in biological systematics.David L. Hull - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (2):221-238.
    The role of scientific theories in classifying plants and animals is traced from Hennig's phylogenetics and the evolutionary taxonomy of Simpson and Mayr, through numerical phenetics, to present-day cladistics. Hennig limited biological classification to sister groups so that this one relation can be expressed unambiguously in classifications. Simpson and Mayr were willing to sacrifice precision in representation in order to include additional features of evolution in the construction of classifications. In order to make classifications more objective, precise and quantitative, numerical (...)
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    On the decidability of the theory of modules over the ring of algebraic integers.Sonia L'Innocente, Carlo Toffalori & Gena Puninski - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (8):1507-1516.
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  4. Value transmission in the family: do adolescents accept the values their parents want to transmit?Daniela Barni, Sonia Ranieri, Eugenia Scabini & Rosa Rosnati - 2011 - Journal of Moral Education 40 (1):105-121.
    This study focused on value transmission in the family and assessed adolescents’ acceptance of the values their parents want to transmit to them (socialisation values), identifying some factors that may affect the level of acceptance. Specifically, actual value agreement between parents, parental agreement as perceived by adolescents, parent–child closeness and promotion of child’s volitional functioning, were considered as predictors. Participants were 381 family triads (father, mother and adolescent child) from northern Italy; the adolescents (46.2% male) were all high‐school students from (...)
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    Allocation of Opportunities to Participate in Clinical Trials during the Covid‐19 Pandemic and Other Public Health Emergencies.Kayte Spector-Bagdady, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Barbara E. Bierer, Luke Gelinas, Sara Chandros Hull, David Magnus, Michelle N. Meyer, Richard R. Sharp, Jeremy Sugarman, Benjamin S. Wilfond, Ruqaiijah Yearby & Seema Mohapatra - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 52 (1):51-58.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue 1, Page 51-58, January/February 2022.
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    Desiring B/ordersThe Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez"The Borderlands of Culture: Americo Paredes's George Washington Gomez and Chicano Literature at the End of the Twentieth Century.".Carl Gutierrez-Jones, John Rechy & Ramon Saldivar - 1995 - Diacritics 25 (1):99.
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    The New Realists and the American Social Evolution.Robert R. Hull - 1927 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 2 (2):252-276.
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    The problem of primary stimulus generalization.Clark L. Hull - 1947 - Psychological Review 54 (3):120-134.
  9.  14
    (1 other version)The Principles of Biological Classification: The Use and Abuse of Philosophy.David L. Hull - 1978 - PSA Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978 (2):130-153.
    In recent years two groups of taxonomists have attempted to influence the general goals and methods of biological classification. The first group, which emerged in the late 1950’s, has been called variously neo-Adansonian, numerical, computer and phenetic taxonomy. The founders of this school, Robert R. Sokal and P.H.A. Sneath, termed their unified approach to systematics “neo-Adansonian” because of the affinities which they saw between their views and those of the 18th century botanist, Michel Adanson (1727-1806). Today little mention is made (...)
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    The (Re)Turn to History: A Comment on Wiebe E. Bijker, "Do Not Despair: There Is Life After Constructivism".Richard Hull - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (2):242-244.
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    Curricular Assessment of the subject Family Comprehensive Attention.Jacqueline Legañoa Alonso, Sonia Rodríguez Ramos, Viviana Molero Porto, Magalis Castellano Zamora & Yedilma Souto Nápoles - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):301-316.
    Fundamento: El Plan D de la carrera de Estomatología concibe la existencia de una disciplina principal integradora denominada Estomatología Integral, sobre la base de la concepción de interdisciplinariedad y la mayor flexibilización curricular. Objetivo: Realizar una valoración de la asignatura Atención Integral a la Familia II del plan D de la carrera de Estomatología. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la Facultad de Estomatología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camaguey en Mayo 2015, mediante el análisis documental (...)
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    Reguły i paradoksy.Adrian Leguérinel, Sonia Kopeć & Jean-François Lyotard - 2018 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 8 (2).
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  13. Teaching & Learning Guide for: Essentialism.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (4):295-299.
    This guide accompanies the following articles: Sonia Roca‐Royes, ‘Essentialism vis‐à‐vis Possibilia, Modal Logic, and Necessitism.’Philosophy Compass 6/1 (2011): 54–64. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2010.00363.x. Sonia Roca‐Royes, ‘Essential Properties and Individual Essences.’Philosophy Compass 6/1 (2011): 65–77. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2010.00364.x. Author’s Introduction Intuitively, George Clooney could lose a finger and he would still be him. Also intuitively, he could not lose his humanity without ceasing to be altogether. So while he could have one less finger, he could not be other than human. These intuitions (...)
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    Psychometric Study of the Scale for the Assessment of Developmental Assets in the Neighborhood in a Sample of Chilean Adolescents.Daniela Vera-Bachmann, José L. Gálvez-Nieto, Italo Trizano-Hermosilla, Sonia Salvo-Garrido & Karina Polanco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Structure and Confirmation of Evolutionary Theory. [REVIEW]David L. Hull - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (2):431.
  16.  12
    Teleology Revisited and Other Essays in the Philosophy and History of Science by Ernest Nagel. [REVIEW]David Hull - 1980 - Isis 71:656-657.
  17.  27
    A preliminary determination of the functional relationship of effective reaction potential (sER) to the ordinal number of Vincentized extinction reactions (n). [REVIEW]Hardy C. Wilcoxon, Ruth Hays & Clark L. Hull - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (2):194.
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  18. The Future of Representative Democracy.Sonia Alonso, John Keane & Wolfgang Merkel (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Future of Representative Democracy poses important questions about representation, representative democracy and their future. Inspired by the last major investigation of the subject by Hanna Pitkin over four decades ago, this ambitious volume fills a major gap in the literature by examining the future of representative forms of democracy in terms of present-day trends and past theories of representative democracy. Aware of the pressing need for clarifying key concepts and institutional trends, the volume aims to break down barriers among (...)
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  19. Educational phenomenology : is there a need and space for such a pursuit?Sonia Pieczenko - 2019 - In Tom Feldges (ed.), Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Symbolic number: the integration of magnitude and spatial representations in children aged 6 to 8 years.Sonia White - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    The future of whiteness.Sonia Kruks - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (4):505-508.
  22. Balancing the role and responsibilities of business in society.Sonia Gawlick & Jean Brice Audoye - 2019 - In Thomas Cottier, Shaheeza Lalani & Clarence Siziba (eds.), Intergenerational equity: environmental and cultural concerns. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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  23. A Política do Pré-escolar no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro.Sonia Kramer - forthcoming - Dois Pontos.
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    Índices desde la revista Ilu desde 1995 hasta 2005.Sonia Muñoz-Alonso López - 2006 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 11:7-166.
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  25. Border Thinking, minoritized Studies, and realist Interpellations: the Coloniality of Power from Gloria Anzaldúa to Arundhati roy.José David Saldívar - 2006 - In Linda Alcoff (ed.), Identity politics reconsidered. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  26. The role of NYC Latino community gardens in community development, open space, and civic agriculture.L. Saldivar & M. E. Krasny - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21:399-412.
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    Le ragioni dell'amore: poetica, filosofia e morale in Damaris Cudworth Masham.Sonia Vazzano - 2010 - Roma: Carocci.
  28.  32
    Printing Types, Their History, Forms, and Uses; A Study in SurvivalsDaniel Berkeley Updike.Sonia Wohl - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):303-304.
  29.  14
    L'innocence de l'art.Sonia Younan - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    On chercherait en vain dans l'art contemporain la séduction du grand art. Les oeuvres ne s'adressent plus à nous et ne sont plus faites pour être regardées, car leur originalité tient à une idée. Toutes les formes de la modernité portent l'empreinte du concept. Avec les ruptures successives du XXe siècle, l'artiste a endossé l'habit du critique et la négativité s'est substituée à la pratique effective. C'est en ce sens que l'on peut parler de la fin de l'innocence de l'art. (...)
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    Philosophy of biological science.David L. Hull - 1974 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
    Compares classic and contemporary theories of genetics and evolution and explores the role of teleological thought in biology.
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  31. Mechanisms of Adaptive Behavior: Clark L. Hull's Theoretical Papers, with Commentary.Clark L. Hull, A. Amsel & M. E. Rashotte - 1985 - Behaviorism 13 (2):171-182.
  32.  40
    Situation and human existence: freedom, subjectivity, and society.Sonia Kruks - 1990 - Boston: Unwin Hyman.
    This series presents issues which are central to 20th-century European thought, but unfamiliar to students of Anglo-American philosophy. In this book the author traces the development of the concept of situation through the work of Gabriel Marcel, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Merleau-Ponty.
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  33.  30
    Corporate moral responsibility.J. David Hull - unknown
    This dissertation argues that corporate moral responsibility can be an element of functioning corporations and is a choice that society can make. Although many in the lay community would say that of course corporations should attend to moral questions, the philosophy of how this can be rightly said is controversial. Section one (first three chapters) gives an account of the nature of functioning business corporations involving the readily observable facts about a corporation doing business, and a tripartite model of the (...)
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  34. Are Species Really Individuals?David L. Hull - 1976 - Systematic Zoology 25:174–191.
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    Science as a Process: An Evolutionary Account of the Social and Conceptual Development of Science.David L. Hull - 1988 - University of Chicago Press.
    "Legend is overdue for replacement, and an adequate replacement must attend to the process of science as carefully as Hull has done. I share his vision of a serious account of the social and intellectual dynamics of science that will avoid both the rosy blur of Legend and the facile charms of relativism.... Because of [Hull's] deep concern with the ways in which research is actually done, Science as a Process begins an important project in the study of (...)
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  36. Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity.Sonia Kruks - 2012 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity is the first full-length study of Beauvoir's political thinking. Best known as the author of The Second Sex, Beauvoir also wrote an array of other political and philosophical texts that together, constitute an original contribution to political theory and philosophy. Sonia Kruks here locates Beauvoir in her own intellectual and political context and demonstrates her continuing significance. Beauvoir still speaks, in a unique voice, to many pressing questions concerning politics: the values (...)
  37. Los límites de la democracia en el pensamiento ético-político de J. Ortega y Gasset:" La rebelión de las masas".Sonia Cajade Frías - 2001 - El Basilisco 31:31-34.
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    Participants’ awareness of ethical compliance, safety and protection during participation in pharmaceutical industry clinical trials: a controlled survey.Gerardo González-Saldivar, René Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, Jose Luis Viramontes-Madrid, Alejandro Salcido-Montenegro, Neri Alejandro Álvarez-Villalobos, Victoria González-Nava & José Gerardo González-González - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):2.
    The rapid increase of industry-sponsored clinical research towards developing countries has led to potentially complex ethical issues to assess. There is scarce evidence about the perception of these participants about the ethical compliance, security, and protection. We sought to evaluate and contrast the awareness and perception of participants and non-participants of industry-sponsored research trials on ethical, safety, and protection topics. A Cases-control survey conducted at twelve research sites in México. Previous and current participants of ISRT as well as non-participants with (...)
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    Heavy time: a psychogeographer`s pilgrimage.Sonia Overall - 2021 - London: Penned in the Margins. Edited by Oliver Barrett.
    In Heavy Time psychogeographer Sonia Overall takes to the old pilgrim roads, navigating a route from Canterbury to Walsingham via London and her home town of Ely. Vivid in her evocation of a landscape of ancient chapels, ruined farms and suburban follies, Overall's secular pilgrimage elevates the ordinary, collecting roadside objects -- feathers, a bingo card, a worn penny -- as relics. Facing injury and interruption, she takes the path of the lone woman walker, seeking out 'thin places' where (...)
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    Herder’s Critique of Pure Reason.Sonia Sikka - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 61 (1):31-50.
  41.  28
    (1 other version)Grotius, Informal Empire and the Conclusion of Unequal Treaties.Van Hulle Inge - forthcoming - New Content is Available for Grotiana.
    _ Source: _Volume 37, Issue 1, pp 43 - 60 Unequal treaties have become synonymous with the imperial practice of Western states in East Asia during the nineteenth century. They have also become a popular subject of study for historians of international law. A neglected feature of the history of unequal treaties is the way they were used and theorised upon as instruments of informal empire before the nineteenth century, in the early-modern age. Hugo Grotius in particular wrote extensively on (...)
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  42. Stylistics: pedagogical applications.Sonia Zyngier - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 12.
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    Heidegger, Morality and Politics: Questioning the Shepherd of Being.Sonia Sikka - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Heidegger has often been seen as having no moral philosophy and a political philosophy that can only support fascism. Sonia Sikka's book challenges this view, arguing instead that Heidegger should be considered a qualified moral realist, and that his insights on cultural identity and cross-cultural interaction are not invalidated by his support for Nazism. Sikka explores the ramifications of Heidegger's moral and political thought for topics including free will and responsibility, the status of humanity within the design of nature, (...)
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    Bridging the explanatory gaps: What can we learn from a biological agency perspective?Sonia E. Sultan, Armin P. Moczek & Denis Walsh - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100185.
    We begin this article by delineating the explanatory gaps left by prevailing gene‐focused approaches in our understanding of phenotype determination, inheritance, and the origin of novel traits. We aim not to diminish the value of these approaches but to highlight where their implementation, despite best efforts, has encountered persistent limitations. We then discuss how each of these explanatory gaps can be addressed by expanding research foci to take into accountbiological agency—the capacity of living systems at various levels to participate in (...)
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  45.  56
    (1 other version)The philosophy of biology.David L. Hull & Michael Ruse (eds.) - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Drawing on work of the past decade, this volume brings together articles from the philosophy, history, and sociology of science, and many other branches of the biological sciences. The volume delves into the latest theoretical controversies as well as burning questions of contemporary social importance. The issues considered include the nature of evolutionary theory, biology and ethics, the challenge from religion, and the social implications of biology today (in particular the Human Genome Project).
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  46. Apresentação: A comunicação internacional no contexto da globalização.Sonia Virginia Moreira - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (1):7-9.
    Os conceitos que tratam do processo de globalização, originários da economia a partir da década de 1980, se aplicam para a comparação e análise de alguns paradoxos ainda hoje presentes no campo da comunicação internacional. Assim como uma ‘nova ordem econômica’ versou sobre a mundialização dos negócios, na área da comunicação o desequilíbrio na circulação de informação entre países industrializados e em desenvolvimento deu origem a intensos debates internacionais que resultaram no documento oficial que tratava de uma ‘nova ordem da (...)
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    fundación de la nación de Haití: los pasados coloniales como un problema del presente.Gabriel Martínez Saldívar - 2024 - Dianoia 68 (93):205-232.
    En las discusiones sobre decolonialidad y memoria histórica existe una problemática difícil de soslayar: el pasado colonial parece perdurar y permanecer anacrónicamente en el presente de las naciones independizadas a través de estructuras de dominación, explotación y segregación. Este artículo aborda esta experiencia de “lo colonial en lo poscolonial” a partir de las siguientes preguntas: ¿qué concepción de la verdad histórica sustenta la idea de los pasados coloniales como un problema del presente? Y, ¿qué tipo de interpretación del pasado y (...)
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  48. John Carvalho's Thinking with Images, An Enactivist Aesthetics.Sonia Sedivy - 2022 - Contemporary Aesthetics 20.
    John Carvalho’s Thinking with Images, an Enactivist Aesthetics argues that puzzling artworks can draw us into a special activity – thinking when we don’t know what to think – which is valuable because it takes us beyond our skills and understanding. Enactivism is the theory of mind that best explains such thinking. The book illustrates this proposal with four chapters that detail Carvalho’s highly personal or individual encounters with enigmatic works of art. I raise two concerns. First, the four illustrative (...)
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  49. Filosofía, transformación de conflictos y Paz.Sonia París Albert - 2010 - In Irene Comins Mingol & Sonia París Albert (eds.), Investigación para la paz: estudios filosóficos. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial.
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    Cornelius Castoriadis y el imaginario político.Sonia Arribas - 2008 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 8:105-132.
    Este artículo reconstruye la teoría de Cornelius Castoriadis sobre el imaginario político de las sociedades desde una perspectiva lingüística. Después de analizar detalladamente sus características principales, se argumenta que el concepto del imaginario es muy similar al planteamiento de Friedrich Nietzsche sobre lo dionisíaco. Siguiendo a Nietzsche en su autocrítica y posterior abandono de su esquema dual de Dionisos y Apolo, y gracias a su método genealógico y lingüístico de lo político y social, el artículo concluye con una lectura alternativa (...)
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