Results for 'Sonakshi Negi'

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  1.  17
    Internalization of Appearance Ideals and Not Religiosity Indirectly Impacts the Relationship Between Acculturation and Disordered Eating Risk in South and Southeast Asian Women Living in the United States.Sonakshi Negi, Erik M. Benau, Megan Strowger, Anne Claire Grammer & C. Alix Timko - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveStudies that examine disordered eating in samples of Asian individuals living in the United States frequently combine all individuals of Asian descent into a single group, which can obscure important differences between groups and their experiences of acculturation. The goal of the present study was to establish the relation of acculturation, internalization of appearance ideals, and religiosity as predicting body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in women of South and Southeast Asian descent.MethodWomen of SSEA descent aged 18–51 years completed a battery (...)
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    Bhāratīya darśana.Surendrasiṃha Negī (ed.) - 2001 - Gājiyābāda, U. Pra.: Ke. Ela. Pacaurī Prakāśana.
    Contributed research articles on Indic philosophy.
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  3. The contemporary significance of primitive accumulation.Rohit Negi & Marc Auerbach - 2009 - Human Geography 2 (3).
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    Multiferroic and magnetoelectric properties of MnFe2O4/TiO3 composite films.Nainjeet Singh Negi, Kanchan Bala, Pankaj Sharma & Ravinder Kumar Kotnala - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-15.
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    Mahābhārata samāja, saṃskr̥ti darśana.Surendrasiṃha Negī - 1997 - Gajiyābāda: Ke. Ela. Pacaurī Prakāśana.
    Hindu culture and philosophy in the Mahābhārata; a study.
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    Climate change and women's voices from india.Biju Negi, Reetu Sogani & Vijay Kumar Pandey - 2010 - In Irene Dankelman, Gender and Climate Change: An Introduction. Earthscan.
  7.  9
    Svātantryottara dārśanika prakaraṇa.Surendrasiṃha Negī & Ambikādatta Śarmā (eds.) - 2005 - Sāgara: Viśvavidhyālaya Prakāśana.
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    Socio-Ecological and Religious Perspective of Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Issues, Concern and Priority for Sustainable Agriculture, Central Himalaya. [REVIEW]Vikram S. Negi & R. K. Maikhuri - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (2):491-512.
    A large section of the population (70%) of Uttarakhand largely depends upon agricultural based activities for their livelihood. Rural community of the mountains has developed several indigenous and traditional methods of farming to conserve the crop diversity and rejoice agrodiversity with religious and cultural vehemence. Traditional food items are prepared during occasion, festivals, weddings, and other religious rituals from diversified agrodiversity are a mean to maintain agrodiversity in the agriculture system. Agrodiversity is an insurance against disease and extreme climatic fluctuations, (...)
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  9.  40
    The neural mediators of kindness-based meditation: a theoretical model.Jennifer S. Mascaro, Alana Darcher, Lobsang T. Negi & Charles L. Raison - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  10. The Use of Music in the Treatment and Management of Serious Mental Illness: A Global Scoping Review of the Literature.Tasha L. Golden, Stacey Springs, Hannah J. Kimmel, Sonakshi Gupta, Alyssa Tiedemann, Clara C. Sandu & Susan Magsamen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mental and substance use disorders have been identified as the leading cause of global disability, and the global burden of mental illness is concentrated among those experiencing disability due to serious mental illness. Music has been studied as a support for SMIs for decades, with promising results; however, a lack of synthesized evidence has precluded increased uptake of and access to music-based approaches. The purpose of this scoping review was to identify the types and quantity of research at intersections of (...)
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  11.  22
    Two-stage approach to solve ethical morality problem in self-driving cars.Akshat Chandak, Shailendra Aote, Aradhita Menghal, Urvi Negi, Shreyas Nemani & Shubham Jha - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Ethical morality is one of the significant issues in self-driving cars. The paper provides a newer approach to solve the ethical decision problems in self-driving cars until there is no concrete ethical decision to all problems. This paper gives a two-way approach to solve a problem, with first being the mapping of problem to the solution already known or which has a fixed set of solutions and action priorities defined to a problem previously. Now, if no solution is found or (...)
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    Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured TiO3thin films by a modified chemical route.Kuldeep Chand Verma, Amit Kumar Sharma, S. S. Bhatt, R. K. Kotnala & N. S. Negi - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (27):2321-2332.
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    Qazaq ėstetikasynyng qūndylyqtyq-maghynalyq negīzderī.Serik Esentaevich Nurmuratov & Z. K. Shaukenova (eds.) - 2014 - Almaty: Qazaqstan Respublikasy bīlīm zhăne ghylym Ministrlīgī komitetī Filosofii︠a︡, sai︠a︡sattanu zhăne dīntanu instituty.
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    Ăbu Nasyr ăl-Farabidīn︠g︡ "Negīzgī oĭ tu̇ĭīnderī".Islam Zhemeneĭ - 2020 - Almaty: Qazaq universitetī.
  15.  14
    Jótékony nemzet: szolidaritás és hatalom a kisebbségi magyarok segítésében.Ildikó Zakariás - 2018 - Budapest: Kalligram.
    A fiatal kutató a szociológiai értelemben vett segítés elméletével és gyakorlatával foglalkozik, s ezen belül is egyrészt azzal, hogy adott helyzetben miként jönnek létre az ún. jóról alkotott elképzelések, másrészt a kisebbségi magyarok segítésének elképzeléseiből miként erednek konkrét civil cselekvések, és ezek hogyan teremtik újra a résztvevők nemzet- és magyarságképét, harmadszor pedig górcső alá kerül a civil segítés hatalmi dimenziója. A bevezetőt követően olyan témákat érint a szerző, mint a jótékonyság modelljei, az "érdemesség" szerepe, a segítő-segített pozíciók aszimmetriája (hatalom újratermelésének (...)
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    Az érzelmek jelentése és a jelentés tapasztalata.Miklós Márton & János Tőzsér (eds.) - 2018 - Budapest: L'Harmattan.
    Két, közelmúltban megrendezett filozófiai konferencia előadásaiból válogat a tanulmánykötet. A 2015-ben a kaposvári egyetemen és 2016-ban a Filozófiai Intézetben megtartott tanácskozások témája az érzelmek és a jelentés volt. Az érzelmek mibenléte, az ésszel és értelemmel való kapcsolata már a kezdetek óta foglalkoztatta a filozófusokat, érthető hát, hogy a kötet élén két filozófiatörténeti esettanulmány áll, az első az ókori sztoikusoknál vizsgálja az érzelmek és a cselekvés viszonyát, a másik a bűnös érzelmek problémáját mutatja be a skolasztika korában. A folytatásban már a (...)
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