Results for 'Sofia Diana'

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  1.  22
    Remote teaching practices and learning support during COVID-19 lockdowns in Portugal: Were there changes across time?Diana Alves, Sofia Marques, Joana Cruz, Sofia Abreu Mendes & Irene Cadime - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic challenged countries, regions, schools, and individuals. School closures due to lockdowns forced changes in the teaching practices and the learning support provided to children at home. This study aimed to provide insights on the changes between the first and the second lockdowns in Portugal, concerning remote teaching practices and family support to children's education. A self-report questionnaire was filled by 144 parents of third grade students. The results show that, between the two lockdowns, there was a significant (...)
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  2. Filosofia da Mente — Uma Antologia.Sofia Miguens, João Alberto Pinto & Diana Couto - 2019 - Oporto, Portugal: University of Porto Press.
  3.  54
    Topographical Disorientation: Clinical and Theoretical Significance of Long-Lasting Improvements Following Imagery-Based Training.Maddalena Boccia, Alessia Bonavita, Sofia Diana, Antonella Di Vita, Maria Paola Ciurli & Cecilia Guariglia - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    High-fidelity simulation training for improving nursing professional values acquisition.Oscar Arrogante, Ismael Ortuño-Soriano, Ana Sofia Fernandes-Ribeiro, Marta Raurell-Torredà, Diana Jiménez-Rodríguez & Ignacio Zaragoza-García - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Nursing professional values form the basis of nursing interventions and serve as a guide for professional practice, reflecting in all interactions with patients and other healthcare professionals. As nursing professional values constitute powerful influencers in nursing practice, a strong commitment to these values is essential for nursing students to provide high-quality care. Aim To evaluate the impact of high-fidelity simulation training on first-year nursing students’ nursing professional values acquisition. Research design Quasi-experimental study using a longitudinal design with a single (...)
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  5. Involving Older Adults During COVID-19 Restrictions in Developing an Ecosystem Supporting Active Aging: Overview of Alternative Elicitation Methods and Common Requirements From Five European Countries.Kerli Mooses, Mariana Camacho, Filippo Cavallo, Michael David Burnard, Carina Dantas, Grazia D’Onofrio, Adriano Fernandes, Laura Fiorini, Ana Gama, Ana Perandrés Gómez, Lucia Gonzalez, Diana Guardado, Tahira Iqbal, María Sanchez Melero, Francisco José Melero Muñoz, Francisco Javier Moreno Muro, Femke Nijboer, Sofia Ortet, Erika Rovini, Lara Toccafondi, Sefora Tunc & Kuldar Taveter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundInformation and communication technology solutions have the potential to support active and healthy aging and improve monitoring and treatment outcomes. To make such solutions acceptable, all stakeholders must be involved in the requirements elicitation process. Due to the COVID-19 situation, alternative approaches to commonly used face-to-face methods must often be used. One aim of the current article is to share a unique experience from the Pharaon project where due to the COVID-19 outbreak alternative elicitation methods were used. In addition, an (...)
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  6. Book Review - Sofia Miguens, 2019. Uma Leitura da Filosofia Contemporânea. Figuras e Movimentos. Lisboa: Edições 70. [REVIEW]Diana Couto & Sílvia Bento - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (3):1979-1996.
  7. Interpretando “Thought & Talk”: Donald Davidson acerca das mentes animais.Diana Couto - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):81-107.
    De acordo com a interpretação mais comum na literatura filosófica, Donald Davidson – que celebremente afirmou que “uma criatura não pode ter pensamentos a menos que tenha uma linguagem” – nega que criaturas não linguísticas são criaturas pensantes. No entanto, neste artigo argumento que esta interpretação é errada. Analisando atentamente os argumentos de Davidson, procuro mostrar que ele não está a argumentar que criaturas não linguísticas não podem possuir pensamentos; em vez disso, defendo que ele está simplesmente a afirmar que (...)
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    Explanatory pragmatism: a context-sensitive framework for explainable medical AI.Diana Robinson & Rune Nyrup - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1).
    Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is an emerging, multidisciplinary field of research that seeks to develop methods and tools for making AI systems more explainable or interpretable. XAI researchers increasingly recognise explainability as a context-, audience- and purpose-sensitive phenomenon, rather than a single well-defined property that can be directly measured and optimised. However, since there is currently no overarching definition of explainability, this poses a risk of miscommunication between the many different researchers within this multidisciplinary space. This is the problem we (...)
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    Causa finale, sostanza, essenza in Aristotele: saggio sulla struttura dei processi teleologici naturali e sulla funzione del telos.Diana Quarantotto - 2005 - [Napoli?]: Bibliopolis.
  10. Proper names, propositional attitudes and non-descriptive connotations.Diana Ackerman - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 35 (1):55 - 69.
  11. Relativism, Retraction, and Evidence.Diana Raffman - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (1):171-178.
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  12. Contrasting histories: Northern and Southern Vietnam.Diana Millar - 2012 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 47 (4):11.
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  13. Different approaches to Thutmosis III.Diana Millar - 2013 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 48 (3):54.
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  14. Environmental History in the New Curriculum.Diana Millar - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (3):67.
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  15. The Chinese in Australia 1818-1918.Diana Millar - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (3):24.
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  16. The Ins and Outs of Federation.Diana Millar - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (4):39.
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  17. Venice: A unique renaissance City.Diana Millar - 2011 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 46 (4):28.
  18.  20
    La séduction de la fiction by Jean-François Vernay (review).Diana Mistreanu - 2022 - Substance 51 (3):151-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:La séduction de la fiction by Jean-François VernayDiana MistreanuVernay, Jean-François. La séduction de la fiction. Hermann, 2019. 214pp.Published in Hermann’s prestigious “Savoirs Lettres” book series founded by Michel Foucault, Jean-François Vernay’s latest work is a compelling neurophenomenology of literary fiction. This makes it a valuable contribution to the burgeoning field of cognitive literary studies pioneered in Anglo-Saxon research in the late 1970s, but which French academia, with a (...)
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    Symbolic Geographies and Visions of Identity: A Balkan Perspective.Diana Mishkova - 2008 - European Journal of Social Theory 11 (2):237-256.
    The aim of this article is to interrogate the current mainstream interpretation of the relations between the Balkans and the West by exploring the agencies of the transmission of knowledge through which the Balkans became familiar with the West. Interest is focused on how concepts about `us' and the `other', cultural and social self-definitions were historically mediated by concepts of Europe. Issues of cultural transfer form a point of departure, in this sense suggesting that Balkan visions of Europe cannot be (...)
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    Thinking Transcendence as Ethical Relationship and Its Cultural Presuppositions: A Hermeneutical Encounter between Zhu Xi's 'Authentic Nature' and Levinas' 'Face'.Diana Arghirescu - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):556-575.
    Abstract:Through an intercultural dialogue—Chinese and Western—this article explores the possibility of building cultural diversity and pluralism in philosophy. It focuses, first, on building a dialogue between Levinas' and Zhu Xi's apparent (philosophical) affinity for ethics at the level of meaning of the concept of transcendence in the Neo-Confucian and Levinasian ethical contexts and, second, on uncovering and analyzing the inapparent differences at the level of cultural presuppositions on which this apparent affinity is based. I offer that both Levinas and Zhu (...)
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  21.  17
    Aristotle on the order of embryonic development and the homonymy principle.Diana Quarantotto - 2022 - In Sabine Föllinger, Aristotle’s ›Generation of Animals‹: A Comprehensive Approach. De Gruyter. pp. 233-268.
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  22. De Re Propositional Attitudes Toward Integers.Diana Ackerman - 1978 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):145-153.
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    Aristotle on Science as Problem Solving.Diana Quarantotto - 2020 - Topoi 39 (4):857-868.
    The paper provides an interpretation of Aristotle’s view on scientific inquiry as problem solving. It tackles passages where Aristotle emphasises the role that the problem-solving activity has in science, and where he describes the history of humans’ problem-solving activity and the historical development of natural science as a problem-solving activity. Further, the paper examines Aristotle’s practice of raising, assessing and solving problems as well as the heuristic procedures he employs to move from ignorance to scientific knowledge. Finally, it raises a (...)
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  24.  20
    Symmetry and interpretation: a deliberative framework for judging recognition claims.Diana Elena Popescu - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (7):1204-1227.
    Can recognition theories distinguish legitimate from illegitimate claims to recognition put forward by social movements? This paper identifies an under-theorised problem of recognition theories: in viewing struggles for recognition as a force for social progress in the mould of the New Social Movements of the 1960s and 1970s, existing accounts have trouble identifying and ruling out illegitimate claims to recognition as formulated by contemporary counter-movements like white supremacists or men’s rights activists. I refer to this issue as the symmetry problem (...)
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  25.  36
    On Otherness and Sameness: A Dialogue between Zhu Xi and Levinas on Ethical Interrelatedness.Diana Arghirescu - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (3):573-593.
    Abstract:This essay develops a dialogue between Zhu Xi's thirteenth-century Neo-Confucian thought and Levinas' twentieth-century Western philosophy, around the notion of interrelatedness between individuals, between self and other. Despite the fact that Zhu Xi and Levinas belong to diff erent cultural universes and to diff erent philosophical spiritualities, and lived in diff erent historical times, they share the same interest in exploring, interpreting, and building interrelatedness, and therefore in ethics and ethical relationships. Through an intertextual and hermeneutical approach, the essay builds (...)
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  26.  18
    Aristotle on the Differences in Material Organisation Between Spoken and Written Language: An Inquiry into Part-Whole Relations.Diana Quarantotto - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (2):333-362.
    In this paper I aim at showing that, in Aristotle’s view, spoken and written language differ in their material organisation, in particular in their respective part-whole relations. I argue that, according to Aristotle, written language is an additive system (i.e. a system whose parts exist and are produced prior to what they are parts of), whereas spoken language is a non-additive system (i.e. a system whose parts cannot exist and be produced prior to what they are parts of), and that, (...)
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  27.  10
    Aristotle’s Way away from Parmenides’ Way. A Case of Scientific Controversy and Ancient Humour.Diana Quarantotto - 2016 - Elenchos 37 (1-2):209-228.
    In Physics Α, Aristotle introduces his science of nature and devotes a substantial part of the investigation to refuting the Eleatics’ theses, and to resolving their arguments, against plurality and change. In so doing, Aristotle also dusts off Parmenides’ metaphor of the routes of inquiry and uses it as one of the main schemes of his book. Aristotle’s goal, I argue, is to present his own physical investigation as the only correct route, and to show that Parmenides’ “way of truth” (...)
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  28.  19
    The Informativeness of Philosophical Analysis.Diana F. Ackerman - 1981 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 6:313-320.
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    Proper names, essences and intuitive beliefs.Diana Ackerman - 1979 - Theory and Decision 11 (1):5-26.
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  30. Is twelve-tone music artistically defective?Diana Raffman - 2003 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 27 (1):69–87.
    Worries about the artistic integrity (for lack of a better term) of twelve-tone music are not new. Critics, philosophers, musicians, even composers them- selves have assailed the idiom with a fervor usually reserved for individual artists or works. Just why it is supposed to be defective is not entirely clear, however. I want to revisit these questions by way of putting some insights from music history and theory together with some insights from the philosophy and psychology of music. To find (...)
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    Zhu Xi’s Spirituality: A New Interpretation of the Great Learning.Diana Arghirescu - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (2):272-289.
    This essay analyzes the spiritual dimension of Zhu Xi's thought as reflected in his commentary on the four inner stages of the Great Learning (the Daxue《大學》). I begin with a presentation of the notions “spirituality,” “religion,” and “practice,” and of the interpretative methods used. I then examine the signification of Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucian numinous root as embodied in the luminous moral potentiality, investigate from this perspective each one of the four inner stages of the Great Learning, and point out the (...)
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    In Honor and Memory of Sumner B. Twiss.Diana Fritz Cates, Irene Oh, Bruce Grelle, Simeon O. Ilesanmi, John Kelsay, Paul Lauritzen, David Little, Ping-Cheung “Pc” Lo & Kate E. Temoney - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):545-566.
    Sumner B. (Barney) Twiss, who died in 2023, was for ten years a General Editor of the Journal of Religious Ethics (JRE). He was a frequent contributor of articles, a member of the JRE Editorial Board, and a member of the journal's Board of Trustees. In this article, colleagues and students reflect on some of his many contributions, not only to the JRE but to the broader discursive fields of comparative religious ethics and human rights.
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    First-person authority and the internal reality of beliefs.Diana Raffman - 1998 - In C. Macdonald, Barry C. Smith & C. J. G. Wright, Knowing Our Own Minds: Essays in Self-Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The paper is a response to Davies, arguing that he misdiagnoses the difficulties with the architecturalist and externalist arguments he targets. Whether or not there are independent grounds for the principles limiting the transfer of epistemic warrant across known entailments, the problem with both types of argument is that they equivocate. It is shown that, in each case, if the premise I have mental property M, expresses something about which the subject is non‐empirically authoritative, it should be viewed as empty (...)
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    Ascribed meaning: a critical factor in coping and pain attenuation in patients with cancer-related pain.Diana P. Barkwell - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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    Indigenous Australia and the pre-legal society in HLA Hart’s The Concept of Law.Diana Anderssen - 2023 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 48 (1):1-37.
    The continuing existence and operation of the traditional law of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples has – relatively recently – been explicitly acknowledged in Australian law. In emerging case law on the subject, the High Court of Australia has confirmed the common law recognition of the survival of Indigenous Australian law. However, in determining what it is that is recognized by the common law – in interpreting Indigenous Australian ‘traditional laws and customs’ – the High Court has disregarded the (...)
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    Epistemology in Perspective: A Discussion in Support of a Perspectival Cause of Knowledge.Diana D. - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
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  37. A influência de Schopenhauer em Vivekananda e a polêmica do “neo-hinduísmo”.Diana Chao Decock - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 15 (2):e88528.
    A influência de Arthur Schopenhauer na doutrina moral de Swami Vivekananda tem sido um tema polêmico e de debate acadêmico. Paul Hacker argumentou que Vivekananda foi influenciado pela interpretação "equivocada" de Schopenhauer da fórmula sânscrita tat tvam asi (isso és tu), originalmente desprovida, segundo ele, de conotação moral. Hacker sustentou que a ética tat tvam asi tornou-se um elemento crucial no pensamento "neo-hindu", mobilizando a Índia a introduzir um engajamento moral que até então não existia na tradição. Neste artigo, investigaremos (...)
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    Dossiê Sabedoria Oriental.Diana Chao Decock - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (2):03.
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    O encontro de Schopenhauer com o pensamento indiano: influência e legitimidade.Diana Chao Decock - 2016 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 7 (2):27.
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    Sobre a religião universal em Vivekananda.Diana Chao Decock - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (2):63.
    Este artigo analisa o conceito de religião universal em Vivekananda. No Parlamento Mundial das Religiões, o pensador indiano apresenta o hinduísmo e uma fonte teórica para embasar o pluralismo religioso. Ao percorrer suas principais palestras nos Estados Unidos e na Europa, demonstrar-se-á como Vivekananda concebe a religião universal sob a óptica da filosofia Vedānta.
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    Ptolemy of Egypt.Diana Delia & Walter M. Ellis - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):767.
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  42. Groundhog Day and the Good Life.Diana Abad - 2012 - Film-Philosophy 16 (1):149-164.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 One of the most important questions of moral philosophy is what makes a life a good life. A good way of approaching this issue is to watch the film Groundhog Day which can teach us a lot about what a good life consists in - and what not. While currently there are subjective and objective theories contending against each other about what a good life is, namely hedonism and desire satisfaction theories on the (...)
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  43. 18 From the Looks of Things: The Explanatory Failure of Representationalism.Diana Raffman - 2008 - In Edmond Leo Wright, The Case for Qualia. MIT Press. pp. 325.
    Representationalist solutions to the qualia problem are motivated by two fundamental ideas: first, that having an experience consists in tokening a mental representation1; second, that all one is aware of in having an experience is the intentional content of that representation. In particular, one is not aware of any intrinsic features of the representational vehicle itself. For example, when you visually experience a red object, you are aware only of the redness of the object, not any redness or red quale (...)
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    Memoria en la transición: la desaparición forzada en las sentencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de países en postdictadura y postconflicto.Diana Maite Bayona Aristizábal & Liliana Andrea Reyes Ortiz - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
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    Peace as Awakening to the Other: A Comparative Hermeneutics of Levinasian Face and Qisong’s Chan Buddhist Notion of Inherent Nature ( Xing 性).Diana Arghirescu - forthcoming - Comparative and Continental Philosophy.
    This essay presents an analysis of Levinas’ and Qisong’s perceptions of the peace as an awakening to the other and its context. Based on an analysis of their views, it suggests that we as a society need to develop an ethical sensitivity, and also to base it otherwise than on an ethically neutral ontology. The first section examines Levinas’ perception of the Western ideal of peace and presents its ontological presupposition of the “sufficiency of being.” The second section interprets his (...)
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  46.  41
    Justicia en los estados de América del sur.Diana Milagros Dueñas Roque - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-23.
    El problema radica en la imprecisión del tipo de justicia adoptado en las Constituciones Políticas de América del Sur; tal ausencia genera que el sistema de justicia y la igualdad social sean implementados de forma inadecuada. La finalidad es proponer la aplicación de la justicia conmutativa en la administración de justicia y la justicia distributiva en la igualdad. La metodología utilizada es el enfoque cuantitativo, diseño transeccional, descriptivo. Los resultados presentan desacuerdo y desconfianza en el sistema de justicia y que (...)
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    Critical notice.Diana Ackerman - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (4):785-799.
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  48. Plantinga, proper names and propositions.Diana F. Ackerman - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 30 (6):409 - 412.
    The view of names that plantinga advances in "the nature of necessity" seems to have unacceptable consequences for names in propositional attitude contexts. In this paper, I argue that he is unsuccessful in his attempt to avoid these consequences.
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    Values and Value Orientations of Adolescents and Young People in Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic Situations.Diana Antoci - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):288-310.
    The article offers a theoretical analysis of the incorrect overlapping of the terms competence and value, value and belief, the confusion in using the terms value and value orientation and, as a result, the definitions of the concepts value and value orientation are proposed. The study aims to determine the dynamic and specifics of value manifestation in contemporary adolescents and young people in pre-pandemic and pandemic situations. The main part of the article is dedicated to the presentation of obtained experimental (...)
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    Between Heart-Mind and Names: Interrelatedness in the Chan Scholar-Monk Qisong’s Thought.Diana Arghirescu - 2021 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 13 (3):220-234.
    ABSTRACT This essay explores in depth one aspect of a topic that looms large in Song dynasty (960–1279) philosophy—the mutual interaction between Confucianism and Chan Buddhism. Under these reciprocal influences, both experience meaningful and definitive changes. This Song philosophical legacy became emblematic, and has remained so until now, of the Chinese way of thinking. Yü Ying-shih describes this exchange as a bi-directional development: “the process of Confucianization of Northern Song Buddhism,” in other words, “the process of becoming proficient as Confucian (...)
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