Results for 'Sociology Congresses'

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  1.  18
    Problems of Philosophy and Sociology in Light of Decisions Taken at the 23rd Congress of the CPSU.M. B. Mitin - 1967 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 5 (4):3-13.
    The question of the role of science in the development of our society, and the role of the social sciences in particular, loomed large in the decisions of the 23rd Congress of the CPSU. This was a consequence of the tasks posed by the present stage of the building of communism. The proceedings and decisions of the Congress emphasized the rapid advance of science, its increasing influence upon all aspects of the material and intellectual life of society, and the need (...)
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  2. 34th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology.Eliezer Ben-Rafael - 1998 - Theory and Society 27 (445).
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    The Pan-Pacific Congress and the Study of Sociology.Editor Editor - 1923 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):159.
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    Sport and Social Order: Challenges for Theory and Practice: 2nd World Congress of Sociology of Sport in Köln 2003.Siegfried Nagel - 2004 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 1 (1):96-99.
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  5. "Static" and "Dynamic" as Sociological Categories.Theodor W. Adorno & H. Kaal - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (33):28-49.
    The connection between static and dynamic forces in society became, once again, a topic for debate at the sociological congress held in Amsterdam in 1955. The reason for this renewed interest is not far to seek. Dynamic phenomena of great intensity force themselves on the observer of the contemporary scene. Within the Soviet sphere of influence, the structure of society is undergoing radical changes. At the same time, the Orient and all those areas said, not without reason, to be “developing,” (...)
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    Sociology of science and research.János Farkas (ed.) - 1979 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
    The social aspects of modern science and technology; The cultural aspects of science; The sociology of the research process; The planning of science: bernal versus polanyi.
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    The Cognitive turn: sociological and psychological perspectives on science.Steve Fuller (ed.) - 1989 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    If nothing else, the twelve papers assembled in this volume should lay to rest the idea that the interesting debates about the nature of science are still being conducted by "internalists" vs. "externalists,"" rationalists" vs. "arationalists, n or even "normative epistemologists" vs. "empirical sociologists of knowledge. " Although these distinctions continue to haunt much of the theoretical discussion in philosophy and sociology of science, our authors have managed to elude their strictures by finally getting beyond the post-positivist preoccupation of (...)
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    Dialectical Sociology or Categorical Analysis of the “Ens Sociale”?J. Hollak - 1949 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy 2:1051-1053.
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    On the Way to ‘Unity’: Józef Chałasiński and the Search for a ‘Permissible’ Genealogy of Sociology in Post-War Poland (1945–1951). [REVIEW]Aleksei Lokhmatov - 2020 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 28 (4):519-546.
    This article deals with the public debates on the genealogy of Polish social sciences after the Second World War. The author shows how the changes in political conditions in the period between the end of the war (1945) and the ‘Stalinisation’ of Polish science at the First Congress of Polish Science (1951) influenced the ‘limits of the permissible’ in public discussions about the scientific identity of sociology. The article describes the stages in the development of public discourse on the (...)
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  10. Law, politics, society: reports of the 12th International Wittgenstein-Symposium, 7th to 14th August 1987, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.Ota Weinberger, Peter Koller & Alfred Schramm (eds.) - 1988 - Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
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    Beiträge zur Kritik der bürgerlichen Philosophie und Gesellschaftstheorie.Rolf Bauermann & Dieter Bergner (eds.) - 1981 - Halle (Saale): Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
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  12. K. Marks i sovremennostʹ, filosofii︠a︡, sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡, ideologii︠a︡: tezisy k konferent︠s︡ii.A. A. Degti︠a︡rev & V. A. Malinin (eds.) - 1984 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, Filosofskoe ob-vo SSSR.
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    Ethics & organizations.Martin Parker (ed.) - 1998 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Ethics and Organizations provides a rich and valuable overview of an increasingly important issue for management and organizations in contemporary society. Debates about equal opportunities, environmental responsibility, consumer redress, and corporate governance have given ethics a prominent place in the study of organizations in their social and natural environments. Within the organization, new management styles that seek to energize employees by manipulating their beliefs have highlighted the moral-ethical principles at issue in contemporary management. At the same time, debates around postmodernism (...)
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    Cognitive Relativism and Social Science.Diederick Raven, Lieteke Van Vucht Tijssen & Jan De Wolf - 1992 - Transaction Publishers.
    Modern epistomology has been dominated by an empiricist theory of knowledge that assumes a direct individualistic relationship between the knowing subject and the object of knowledge. Truth is held to be universal, and non-individualistic social and cultural factors are considered sources of distortion of true knowledge. Since the late 1950s, this view has been challenged by a cognitive relativism asserting that what is true is socially conditioned. This volume examines the far-reaching implications of this development for the social sciences. Recently, (...)
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    Henry Corbin au Congrès Descartes (1937) et la conception heideggérienne de l’histoire.Raphaël Authier - 2024 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 56 (56):253-274.
    The fact that Heidegger was finally absent from the ninth International Congress of Philosophy in 1937, despite having been invited, not only provides material for a biographical and sociological investigation into the practice of philosophy in the 1920s and 1930s, it is also of philosophical interest as far as the reception of Heidegger’s texts in France and the evolution of Heidegger’s thought are concerned. Two trajectories intersect and are examined here: that of Henry Corbin, who acted as Heidegger’s representative at (...)
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    Ethique et sociologie des valeurs: conflit ou complémentarité?: séminaire.Pierre Watté (ed.) - 1980 - Leuven: Peeters.
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    Law, politics, society: reports of the 12th International Wittgenstein-Symposium, 7th to 14th August 1987, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.Ota Weinberger & Alfred Schramm (eds.) - 1988 - Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
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    Canon and the Revolution: The Role of the Concept of Scientific Revolution in Establishing the History of Science as a Discipline.Svit Komel - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 43 (1).
    Slovenian epistemology is characterised by an idiosyncratic canon, based on three fundamental authors: Gaston Bachelard, Alexandre Koyré, and Thomas Kuhn. What binds this canon together is the attitude that the history of science should be viewed as a history of radical breaks or revolutions in scientific thought. The drawback of such an anthology of authors is not only that it is outdated, but that, from the position of this canon, it is difficult to discern the problems stemming from the approach (...)
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  19. Sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ determinat︠s︡ii︠a︡ poznanii︠a︡: tezisy dokladov nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii 19-20 senti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 1985 g.V. V. Ziben (ed.) - 1985 - Tartu: [S.N.].
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    Giornate in onore di Angelo Falzea: 15-16 febbraio 1991.Angelo Falzea (ed.) - 1993 - Milano: Giuffrè.
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    The Quest for justice: myth, reality, ideal: proceedings of a conference held at the University of Waterloo, May, 1972.Melvin J. Lerner & Michael Ross (eds.) - 1974 - Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada.
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    Social processes of scientific development.Richard Whitley (ed.) - 1974 - Boston: Routlege & K. Paul.
    Papers which arose from a conference of the International Sociological Association's Research Committee on the Sociology of Science, held in London in September 1972.
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  23. The Imperative of Integration.Elizabeth Anderson - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    More than forty years have passed since Congress, in response to the Civil Rights Movement, enacted sweeping antidiscrimination laws in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. As a signal achievement of that legacy, in 2008, Americans elected their first African American president. Some would argue that we have finally arrived at a postracial America, butThe Imperative of Integration indicates otherwise. Elizabeth Anderson demonstrates that, despite progress toward racial (...)
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  24. Verification: The Hysteron Proteron Argument.Francis Jeffry Pelletier & Bernard Linsky - 2018 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (6).
    This paper investigates the strange case of an argument that was directed against a positivist verification principle. We find an early occurrence of the argument in a talk by the phenomenologist Roman Ingarden at the 1934 International Congress of Philosophy in Prague, where Carnap and Neurath were present and contributed short rejoinders. We discuss the underlying presuppositons of the argument, and we evaluate whether the attempts by Carnap (especially) actually succeed in answering this argument. We think they don’t, and offer (...)
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    Les Limites de la rationalité.Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Pierre Livet & Bénédicte Reynaud (eds.) - 1997 - Paris: Editions la Découverte.
    Les fondements de la théorie du choix rationnel, dans ses multiples déclinaisons (économie théorique, théorie de la décision, théorie des jeux, théorie de l'action que l'on trouve au cœur de la philosophie analytique, etc.), ne sont plus aussi assurés en cette fin du XXe siècle qu'ils semblaient l'être durant, ou immédiatement après, la Seconde Guerre mondiale, lorsqu'un John von Neumann ou un Leonard Savage en posaient les prolégomènes. A la source des difficultés présentes, on trouve l'ambition croissante de la théorie (...)
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  26. Metodologicheskie problemy obshchestvennykh nauk: spet︠s︡ialʹnye nauki, obshchestvennye nauki i vnenauchnye faktory.S. R. Mikulinskiĭ & V. V. Denisov (eds.) - 1986 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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    Pionierin der Religionspsychologie: Marianne Beth (1890-1984).Jacob A. Belzen - 2010 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 32 (2):125-145.
    This article deals with the contributions to the psychology of religion made by Dr. Marianne Beth , an almost totally forgotten pioneer of the psychology of religion. The article especially contextualizes her initiative to turn “unbelief” into a topic for research in psychology of religion, and describes the tragic end the Nazi reign made to her development and career. Born as the daughter of a prominent Austrian Jewish lawyer living in Vienna, Marianne von Weisl received excellent intellectual training. Initially, her (...)
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  28.  33
    Temporary Necessities and Permanent Possibilities.Peter Caws - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 8:57-65.
    How is it possible to speak of structuralism at the end of the millennium, except in the past tense—historically? But has structuralism really sung its swan song? It is hard not to fall prey to the historicism that has been so pervasive in Western thought in the last two hundred years. Yet this is a congress of philosophy, not history nor sociology. What philosophy looks for in structuralism is quite different from what history, or sociology, or even anthropology (...)
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    Kirche und Wirtschaft: Fachkonferenz der Politischen Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. vom 19. bis 21. Januar 1983 in Schloss Eichholz.Michael Bartelt & Rudolf Uertz (eds.) - 1983 - Melle: E. Knoth.
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  30. Historical & theoretical discourse.Alberto Rosa & Jaan Valsiner (eds.) - 1994 - Madrid: Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje.
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    Wissenschaften und Musik unter dem Einfluss einer sich ändernden Geisteshaltung: Referate des 2. Bochumer Symposiums der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Religion/Umwelt-Forschung, 2.-5. Mai 1991.Manfred Büttner (ed.) - 1992 - Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer.
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    Kelsen, Quietism, and the Rule of Recognition.Michael Steven Green - 2008 - In Matthew D. Adler & Kenneth E. Himma, THE RULE OF RECOGNITION AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. Oxford University Press.
    Sometimes the fact that something is the law can be justified by the law. For example, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is the law because it was enacted by Congress pursuant to the Commerce Clause. But eventually legal justification of law ends. The ultimate criteria of validity in a legal system cannot themselves be justified by law. According to H.L.A. Hart, justification of these ultimate criteria is still available, by reference to social facts concerning official acceptance - facts about what Hart calls (...)
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  33.  24
    Philosophical foundations of science: proceedings of Section L, 1969, American Association for the Advancement of Science.Raymond John Seeger & R. S. Cohen (eds.) - 1974 - Boston: Reidel.
    At the 1969 annual meeting of the American Association for the Ad vancement ofScience, held in Boston on December 27-29, a sequence of symposia on the philosophical foundations of science was organized jointly by Section L of the Association and the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science. Section L is devoted to the history, philos ophy, logic and sociology of science, with broad connotations extended both to 'science' and to 'philosophy'. With collaboration generously extended by other and more (...)
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  34. Haci Bektash Veli and Bektashism in Russian Sources.Fegani Beyler - 2020 - Journal of Alevism-Bektashism Studies 21 (21):99-132.
    Haci Bektash Veli (d. 1271[?]), considered to be the founder of the Bektashism, is one of the leading representatives of Turkish-Islamic thought and belief traditions. He is a person whose influence continues today, as in the past, not only in Anatolia, but also in many countries such as Azerbaijan, Iraq, Egypt, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania and even Hungary, both as historical personality and with his mythical aspects, and his teachings. Haci Bektash Veli and his influence in the entire Turkish-Islamic world, especially (...)
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  35. Feminism in science: an imposed ideology and a witch hunt.Martín López Corredoira - 2021 - Scripta Philosophiae Naturalis 20:id. 3.
    Metaphysical considerations aside, today’s inheritors of the tradition of natural philosophy are primarily scientists. However, they are oblivious to the human factor involved in science and in seeing how political, religious, and other ideologies contaminate our visions of nature. In general, philosophers observe human (historical, sociological, and psychological) processes within the construction of theories, as well as in the development of scientific activity itself. -/- In our time, feminism—along with accompanying ideas of identity politics under the slogan “diversity, inclusion, equity”—has (...)
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    A Forgotten French Physicist: Georges Matisse (1874–1961).Enrique Wulff - 2024 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 12 (2):72-91.
    The work of Georges Matisse (1874–1961), a French physicist, philosopher, epistemologist, and translator, has been largely overlooked, particularly his contributions to the history of science in the first half of the 20th century. His work focused on the emerging field of cybernetics and provided a philosophical perspective on new physics. His books delved into the philosophical underpinnings of scientific doctrines, viewing them as systems of reference and modes of representation rather than expressions of absolute truths. Although he could not personally (...)
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  37.  42
    Социальная философия и философия истории.V. N. Shevchenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:1003-1010.
    At present, as the paper states, social philosophy and philosophy of history – are generally considered to be independent domains. This is evidenced by the fact that each of the above‐named domains has to be discussed in a separate congress section, the practice which was common for previous congresses as well. It is argued in the paper, that social philosophy and philosophy of history are the two most important aspects of the integral philosophical study of society. It is impossible (...)
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  38.  3
    What Connects Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Josef Redlich?Hubert Treiber - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (208):117-128.
    1. IntroductionIn his dissertation written under Wilhelm Hennis in 1991, Franz-Josef Ehrle was the first to write about the lecture “Probleme der Staatssoziolo-gie” (“Problems of State Sociology”) that Max Weber gave to the Vienna Sociological Society on October 25, 1917.1 Ehrle used as his source the report on the lecture published in the Neue Freie Presse on October 26, 1917.2 Ehrle also mentions a diary entry made by Josef Redlich, who was among the audience: “Thursday evening, a brilliant lecture (...)
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  39.  94
    Action Research—A Scientific Approach?Fred H. Blum - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (1):1-7.
    The concept of action-research has been developed during the last decade, mainly at the Research Center for Group Dynamics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and at the Commission for Community Interrelations of the American Jewish Congress—centers founded by the late Kurt Lewin whose original and creative mind has made many contributions to social-psychological and sociological research. I owe my acquaintance with this new approach to the Research Center, particularly to Ronald Lippitt and Alvin Zander. Yet most of the following observations (...)
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    Repackaging the “Package Deal”: Promoting Marriage for Low-Income Families by Targeting Paternal Identity and Reframing Marital Masculinity.Jennifer M. Randles - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (6):864-888.
    In the 1996 overhaul of federal welfare legislation, Congress included provisions to promote employment, marriage, and responsible fatherhood to prevent poverty among low-income families. Little previous research has focused on how marriage promotion policies construct paternal identity. Drawing on data from an 18-month study of a federally funded relationship skills program for low-income, unmarried parents, I analyze how responsible fatherhood policies attempt to shape ideas of successful fatherhood and masculinity in the service of the government’s pro-marriage, antipoverty agenda. The program (...)
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    New reproductive technologies, ethics and gender: The legislative process in Brazil.Debora Diniz - 2002 - Developing World Bioethics 2 (2):144–158.
    In this article, I will analyse the conduct of the Brazilian legislative process regarding new reproductive technologies, mainly the moral assumptions of three categories that are essential to the debate: the status of the child generated by these techniques; the number of embryos transferred in each cycle ; and the issue of women’s eligibility for such techniques. The analysis will be a sociological study of the Brazilian legislative debate, using feminist perspectives in ethics as the theoretical reference. The focus will (...)
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  42.  12
    Les débuts de la science politique dans les milieux chrétiens.Rudolf Rezsohazy - 1985 - Res Publica 27 (4):509-520.
    The social problem incites the Belgian catholics to study scientifically the human collectivity. As early as the nineteen-eighties learned societies are ouded, seminars, congresses, lectures are organized, a review is launched. At the Catholic University of Louvain the School of Political and Social Sciences is inaugurated in 1892. The sociological approach of the problems becomes wide-spread.All this movement is prepared by the work of a pioneer : Edouard Ducpétiaux. He opens the way by his numerous publications and realizations in (...)
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  43.  6
    Wissenschaften und Musik unter dem Einfluss einer sich ändernden Geisteshaltung: Referate des 2. Bochumer Symposiums der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Religion/Umwelt-Forschung, 2.-5. Mai 1991.Manfred Gesellschaft Zur Förderung der Religion/Umwelt-Forschung & Büttner (eds.) - 1992 - Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer.
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  44. Pravo i borʹba ideĭ v sovremennom mire: Kritika sovremennykh burzhuaznykh kont︠s︡ept︠s︡iĭ prava: Materialy nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Moskva, 24-26 dekabri︠a︡ 1979 g.Irina Maksimovna Vaĭlʹ (ed.) - 1980 - Moskva: In-t gosudarstva i prava.
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    The Logic of Personal Knowledge: Essays Presented to Michael Polanyi on his Seventieth Birthday. [REVIEW]P. M. C. Davies - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:201-206.
    This collection of essays celebrates the seventieth birthday of one of the great scientist-philosophers of the century. The list of subscribers in the front of the book contains the names of some of the most distinguished scientists, academics, writers and educators living today, not to mention the names of organizations like the Fund for the Republic and the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and of more than twenty universities, colleges and research institutes throughout the world. In all, one hundred and seventy-eight (...)
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    Uneasy sacrifice: The politics of United States famine relief, 1945–48. [REVIEW]Amy L. Bentley - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (4):4-18.
    The United States, which committed itself to alleviating the severe post-World War II global famine, failed to meet its relief commitments. Relief efforts failed largely because voluntary attempts at reducing consumption proved too difficult, and the U. S. government refused to return to mandatory rationing of food despite evidence indicating the majority of Americans, especially American women, would have welcomed such a move. Contributing to officials' opposition to mandatory post-war rationing were the revived ideology of government non-interference; a strong government/agriculture (...)
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  47. ERS Annual Congress Barcelona 2010.Annual Congresses - forthcoming - Hermes.
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  48. Extracts from Air Force A-7D Brake Problem Hearing Before the Subcommittee on.Ninety-First Congress, First Session & Jerome R. Pederson - 1983 - In James Hamilton Schaub, Karl Pavlovic & M. D. Morris, Engineering professionalism and ethics. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co.. pp. 354.
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    The Problems of Values in the Modern Theory of Education.Nina Nalivaiko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:209-219.
    The issues that we raised go beyond the framework of just pedagogical research, since they cover an area of research in the juncture of the sciences about the human being. We are talking about the interdisciplinary analysis and integration of the fundamental foundations of the solution of the problems of both theoretical and constructive-designing character. At that, the philosophy of education carries out its regulatory function determining directions and boundaries of the research. The philosophy of education inscribes itself in the (...)
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    Coping with Existential Threats and the Inevitability of Asking for Meaningfulness.Peter Novak - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:107-111.
    How philosophy is educating humanity will be explained regarding an actual example concerning the new public health paradigm or health promoting research. The central point of reference is the discussion of the decisive substantiation of the work of medical sociologist, Aaron Antonovsky; his approach to salutogenesis is opposed to the usual approach of pathogenesis. Here, emphasis is put on "Sense of Coherence". It will be shown that, in contrast to Antonovsky's original intention, the relation to the natural sciences and scientific (...)
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