Results for 'Socaciu Emanuel-Mihail'

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  1.  40
    (1 other version)How drug patents might provide disincentives for moral bioenhancement.Emanuel Mihail Socaciu & Radu Uszkai - forthcoming - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine: An International Journal.
  2.  39
    Filosofia științelor umane. In memoriam Mihail Radu Solcan.Mircea Flonta, Emanuel-Mihail Socaciu & Constantin Vica (eds.) - 2015 - Bucharest: Editura Universității din București.
    A collective volume in memoriam Mihail Radu Solcan.
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  3. Mind the Gap! How the Digital Turn Upsets Intellectual Property.Constantin Vică & Emanuel-Mihail Socaciu - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):247-264.
    Intellectual property is one of the highly divisive issues in contemporary philosophical and political debates. The main objective of this paper is to explore some sources of tension between the formal rules of intellectual property (particularly copyright and patents) and the emerging informal norms of file sharing and open access in online environments. We look into the file sharing phenomena not only to illustrate the deepening gap between the two sets of norms, but to cast some doubt on the current (...)
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    Fusionism, Religion and the Tea Party.Uszkai Radu-Bogdan & Socaciu Emanuel-Mihail - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (33):89-106.
    This article aims to explore two different but interrelated problems. The first objective, the more abstract one, is to discuss the plausibility of fusionism as a theoretical project of bridging the philosophical gap between libertarianism and free-market conservatism. Our thesis is that while fusionism could succeed, as a strategic alliance, in promoting specific policies, the differences between libertarianism and conservatism are irreconcilable at the level of fundamental intellectual assumptions. More precisely, starting from Hayek’s objections to conservatism, we argue that the (...)
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  5. Emanuel-Mihail socaciu.Radu-Bogdan Uszkai - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (33):89-106.
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  6. Etică și integritate academică.Emanuel Socaciu, Constantin Vică, Emilian Mihailov, Toni Gibea, Valentin Mureşan & Mihaela Constantinescu - 2018 - Bucharest: Editura Universității din București.
    „Strategia noastră a fost de a gândi un text util pentru profesori, dar de a-l scrie mai ales pentru studenți. Etica este interesantă cu precădere atunci când pune în joc intuiții morale sau valori diferite și când ne confruntăm cu dileme în care decizia nu este evidentă, iar dezacordul este rezonabil. Prin urmare, am încercat să ne ferim pe cât a fost posibil de verdicte și de simpla enumerare a unor interdicții. Veți observa că, de cele mai multe ori, exercițiile (...)
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    Robert Nozick’s Evolutionist Turn in Ethics.Radu Uszkai - 2018 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):115-122.
    The purpose of the present study is that of examining what I call Robert Nozick’s “evolutionist turn” in ethics. More specifically, my aim is to provide an answer to the following question: what type of ethical theory does Robert Nozick sketch in his last book, Invariances? My first objective will be that of delineating the philosophical framework which will accommodate my future discussion, highlighting the distinction between the metaphysical and scientific approaches to ethics as proposed by Ken Binmore, but also (...)
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  8. Multiplex genetic testing.C. W. Plows, R. M. Tenery, A. Hartford, D. Miller, L. J. Morse, H. Rakatansky, F. A. Riddick, V. Ruff, G. T. Wilkins & L. L. Emanuel - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (4):15-21.
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  9. Death in the Clinic.David Barnard, Celia Berdes, James L. Bernat, Linda Emanuel, Robert Fogerty, Linda Ganzini, Elizabeth R. Goy, David J. Mayo, John Paris, Michael D. Schreiber, J. David Velleman & Mark R. Wicclair - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Death in the Clinic fills a gap in contemporary medical education by explicitly addressing the concrete clinical realities about death with which practitioners, patients, and their families continue to wrestle. Visit our website for sample chapters!
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  10. The quality of informed consent: mapping the landscape. A review of empirical data from developing and developed countries.Amulya Mandava, Christine Pace, Benjamin Campbell, Ezekiel Emanuel & Christine Grady - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (6):356-365.
    Objective Some researchers claim that the quality of informed consent of clinical research participants in developing countries is worse than in developed countries. To evaluate this assumption, we reviewed the available data on the quality of consent in both settings. Methods We conducted a comprehensive PubMed search, examined bibliographies and literature reviews, and consulted with international experts on informed consent in order to identify studies published from 1966 to 2010 that used quantitative methods, surveyed participants or parents of paediatric participants (...)
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    Ethical Responsibilities for Companies That Process Personal Data.Matthew S. McCoy, Anita L. Allen, Katharina Kopp, Michelle M. Mello, D. J. Patil, Pilar Ossorio, Steven Joffe & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):11-23.
    It has become increasingly difficult for individuals to exercise meaningful control over the personal data they disclose to companies or to understand and track the ways in which that data is exchanged and used. These developments have led to an emerging consensus that existing privacy and data protection laws offer individuals insufficient protections against harms stemming from current data practices. However, an effective and ethically justified way forward remains elusive. To inform policy in this area, we propose the Ethical Data (...)
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  12. The Current State of Medical School Education in Bioethics, Health Law, and Health Economics.Govind C. Persad, Linden Elder, Laura Sedig, Leonardo Flores & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (1):89-94.
    Current challenges in medical practice, research, and administration demand physicians who are familiar with bioethics, health law, and health economics. Curriculum directors at American Association of Medical Colleges-affiliated medical schools were sent confidential surveys requesting the number of required hours of the above subjects and the years in which they were taught, as well as instructor names. The number of relevant publications since 1990 for each named instructor was assessed by a PubMed search.In sum, teaching in all three subjects combined (...)
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  13.  42
    Creativity on tap? Effects of alcohol intoxication on creative cognition.Mathias Benedek, Lisa Panzierer, Emanuel Jauk & Aljoscha C. Neubauer - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 56 (C):128-134.
  14.  48
    Research on stored biological samples: the views of Ugandans.David Wendler, Christine Pace, Ambrose O. Talisuna, Faustine Maiso, Christine Grady & Ezekiel Emanuel - 2005 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 27 (2):1.
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    Comprehension and Informed Consent: Assessing the Effect of a Short Consent Form.Leanne Stunkel, Meredith Benson, Louise McLellan, Ninet Sinaii, Gabriella Bedarida, Ezekiel Emanuel & Christine Grady - 2010 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 32 (4):1.
    The objective of this study—a substudy to a phase I bioequivalence study—was to compare the effect of standard and concise consent forms on research volunteers’ comprehension of and satisfaction with consent forms, as well as to assess the effect of select volunteer characteristics, such as financial motivations to participate in research, on their comprehension. A 36-item questionnaire measured volunteers’ comprehension, satisfaction, and motivations for participation. Volunteers were randomized to the standard Pfizer consent form or a concise, easier-to-read form. We approached (...)
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    Conserving Scarce Resources: Willingness of Health Insurance Enrollees to Choose Cheaper Options.Samia A. Hurst, J. Russell Teagarden, Elizabeth Garrett & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (3):496-499.
    Health care costs have been rising steadily in most industrialized countries. These increases are driven primarily by technological advances and, to a lesser degree, by aging of the population. Many factors make it unlikely that market forces alone will limit increases in the costs of health care. These unremitting increases make health care rationing appear both necessary and inevitable.One of the least controversial mechanisms for rationing could be to allow patients to make their own choices as to which kinds of (...)
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  17. Improving access to health care: A consensus ethical framework to guide proposals for reform.Mark A. Levine, Matthew K. Wynia, Paul M. Schyve, J. Russell Teagarden, David A. Fleming, Sharon King Donohue, Ron J. Anderson, James Sabin & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (5):14-19.
  18. Comparing the Understanding of Subjects receiving a Candidate Malaria Vaccine in the United States and Mali.R. D. Ellis, I. Sagara, A. Durbin, A. Dicko, D. Shaffer, L. Miller, M. H. Assadou, M. Kone, B. Kamate, O. Guindo, M. P. Fay, D. A. Diallo, O. K. Doumbo, E. J. Emanuel & J. Millum - 2010 - American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83 (4):868-72.
    Initial responses to questionnaires used to assess participants' understanding of informed consent for malaria vaccine trials conducted in the United States and Mali were tallied. Total scores were analyzed by age, sex, literacy (if known), and location. Ninety-two percent (92%) of answers by United States participants and 85% of answers by Malian participants were correct. Questions more likely to be answered incorrectly in Mali related to risk, and to the type of vaccine. For adult participants, independent predictors of higher scores (...)
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  19.  10
    Bioética e humanização: vivências e reflexões.Aurélio Molina, Maria Clara Albuquerque & Emanuel Dias (eds.) - 2003 - [Recife, Brazil]: EDUPE.
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    The Ends of Human Life: Medical Ethics in a Liberal Polity.Norman Daniels, Troyen A. Brennan & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 1992 - Hastings Center Report 22 (6):41.
    Book reviewed in this article: Just Doctoring: Medical Ethics in the Liberal State. By Troyen A. Brennan. The Ends of Human Life: Medical Ethics in a Liberal Polity. By Ezekiel J. Emanuel.
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  21.  17
    Goodness of visual regularities: A nontransformational approach.Peter A. van der Helm & Emanuel L. J. Leeuwenberg - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (3):429-456.
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  22. Standing by our principles: Meaningful guidance, moral foundations, and multi-principle methodology in medical scarcity.Govind C. Persad, Alan Wertheimer & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):46 – 48.
    In this short response to Kerstein and Bognar, we clarify three aspects of the complete lives system, which we propose as a system of allocating scarce medical interventions. We argue that the complete lives system provides meaningful guidance even though it does not provide an algorithm. We also defend the investment modification to the complete lives system, which prioritizes adolescents and older children over younger children; argue that sickest-first allocation remains flawed when scarcity is absolute and ongoing; and argue that (...)
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  23.  31
    The Impact of Corporate Welfare Policy on Firm-Level Productivity: Evidence from Unemployment Insurance.Masako Darrough, Heedong Kim & Emanuel Zur - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):795-815.
    We study how changes in unemployment risk affect firms’ productivity and whether firm-initiated policies can mitigate the moral hazard problem created by increases in unemployment insurance benefits that might decrease workers’ incentives to work hard. We focus on state-specific changes in UIB levels as a quasi-natural experiment. While a large body of research has examined UIBs, including their effect on unemployed workers, few studies investigate whether UIBs have any impact on a firm’s overall productivity. Using data on firm-level total factor (...)
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    Fenomenologia literária e literatura fenomenológica sartreanas.Francisco Amsterdan Duarte da Silva & Emanuel Ricardo Germano Nunes - 2020 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 11 (24):133-158.
    A predominância dos temas literários e fenomenológicos nos textos sartrianos dos anos 1930 já chamou atenção de vários especialistas e comentadores da obra do autor. É notável, entretanto, como os exames dos textos dessa época contentam-se, no mais das vezes, em apontar o paralelismo ou a contemporaneidade entre fenomenologia e literatura ali presente, sem realçar a fundamentação que uma parece conferir à outra e que constitui uma das questões mais interessantes que a filosofia sartriana levanta. Há que se incluir, na (...)
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    Can Green Investments Increase Your Green? Evidence from Social Hedge Fund Activists.Jonghyuk Bae, Natalya Khimich, Sungsoo Kim & Emanuel Zur - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (4):781-801.
    In our study, we examine the association between hedge fund activism and a target firm’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and whether activists can promote socially responsible investments while upholding shareholders’ interests. Using different matched samples, we find a strong positive association between the target firm’s CSR in the year before it is targeted by activists and its probability of being targeted by a hedge fund. Classifying hedge fund activists into socially and non-socially responsible funds based on their objectives, we (...)
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  26. A responsabilidade civil pelo abuso do direito à liberdade de expressão em conflito com os direitos da personalidade: Uma análise do Caso Das biografias não autorizaDas.Elizângela Isidoro da Silva & Renan Emanuel Alves Pinto - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (2).
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  27. The Ethics of Research on Enhancement Interventions.Ori Lev, Franklin G. Miller & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2010 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 20 (2):101-113.
    Traditionally, biomedical research has been devoted to improvement in the understanding and treatment or prevention of disease. Building on the knowledge generated by the long history of disease-oriented research, the next few decades will witness an explosion of biomedical enhancements to make people faster, stronger, smarter, less forgetful, happier, prettier, and live longer (Turner et al. 2003; Vastag 2004; Rose 2002). As with other biomedical interventions, research to assess the safety and efficacy of these enhancements in humans should be conducted (...)
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  28. The importance of getting the ethics right in a pandemic treaty.G. Owen Schaefer, Caesar A. Atuire, Sharon Kaur, Michael Parker, Govind Persad, Maxwell J. Smith, Ross Upshur & Ezekiel Emanuel - 2023 - The Lancet Infectious Diseases 23 (11):e489 - e496.
    The COVID-19 pandemic revealed numerous weaknesses in pandemic preparedness and response, including underfunding, inadequate surveillance, and inequitable distribution of countermeasures. To overcome these weaknesses for future pandemics, WHO released a zero draft of a pandemic treaty in February, 2023, and subsequently a revised bureau's text in May, 2023. COVID-19 made clear that pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reflect choices and value judgements. These decisions are therefore not a purely scientific or technical exercise, but are fundamentally grounded in ethics. The latest (...)
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    Gestión y liderazgos en los emprendimientos sociales: el caso del sector no lucrativo chileno.Mario H. Radrigán R., Ana María Dávila R. & Francesco Emanuel Penaglia Vasquez - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 32.
    Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro han sufrido grandes cambios. Dejó de ser un sector empobrecido, donde se recibían como donaciones aquel dinero que les sobraba a los grandes empresarios, y donde sólo tenían cabida las personas voluntarias. Hoy en día es un sector marcado por el trabajo de personas profesionales y por ser organizaciones capaces de llenar los espacios que ha dejado el Estado sin atender. Además de ser organizaciones inteligentes, con estructuras flexibles, que les permiten responder de manera (...)
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    Research Benefits for Hypothetical HIV Vaccine Trials: The Views of Ugandans in the Rakai District.Christine Grady, Jennifer Wagman, Robert Ssekubugu, Maria J. Wawer, David Serwadda, Mohammed Kiddugavu, Fred Nalugoda, Ronald H. Gray, David Wendler, Qian Dong, Dennis O. Dixon, Bryan Townsend, Elizabeth Wahl & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2008 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 30 (2):1.
    Controversy persists over the ethics of compensating research participants and providing posttrial benefits to communities in developing countries. Little is known about residents' views on these subjects. In this study, interviews about compensation and posttrial benefits from a hypothetical HIV vaccine trial were conducted in Uganda’s Rakai District. Most respondents said researchers owed the community posttrial benefits and research compensation, but opinions differed as to what these should be. Debates about posttrial benefits and compensation rarely include residents' views like these, (...)
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    Moral Standards for Research in Developing Countries from "Reasonable Availability" to "Fair Benefits".Maged El Setouhy, Tsiri Agbenyega, Francis Anto, Christine Alexandra Clerk, Kwadwo A. Koram, Michael English, Rashid Juma, Catherine Molyneux, Norbert Peshu, Newton Kumwenda, Joseph Mfutso-Bengu, Malcolm Molyneux, Terrie Taylor, Doumbia Aissata Diarra, Saibou Maiga, Mamadou Sylla, Dione Youssouf, Catherine Olufunke Falade, Segun Gbadegesin, Reidar Lie, Ferdinand Mugusi, David Ngassapa, Julius Ecuru, Ambrose Talisuna, Ezekiel Emanuel, Christine Grady, Elizabeth Higgs, Christopher Plowe, Jeremy Sugarman & David Wendler - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (3):17.
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    A better approach to goodness: Reply to Wagemans (1999).Peter A. van der Helm & Emanuel L. J. Leeuwenberg - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (3):622-630.
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  33. Assessing the effect of a shorter consent form on comprehension in healthy volunteers.L. Stunkel, M. Benson, L. McLellan, N. Sinaii, G. Bedarida & E. Emanuel - 2010 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 32 (4):1-9.
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  34. 10. Uma Narayan, Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism Uma Narayan, Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism (pp. 668-671). [REVIEW]Judith Jarvis Thomson, Dan W. Brock, Paul J. Weithman, Gerald Dworkin, F. M. Kamm, J. David Velleman & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 1999 - Ethics 109 (3).
  35. Mihail Neamtu: Jean-Luc Marion, De surcroît. études sur les phénomènes saturésRadu M. Oancea: Magda King, A Guide to Heidegger's Being and TimeAndrei Timotin: Andreas Michel, Die französische Heidegger-Rezeption und ihre sprachlichen KonsequenzenGabriel Cercel: Alfred Denker, Historical Dictionary of Heidegger's PhilosophyCristian Ciocan: John B. Brough & Lester Embree (eds.), The Many Faces of TimePaul Balogh: Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Heidegger's Concept of TruthPaul Marinescu: Cristina Lafont, Heidegger, Language, And World-DisclosureCristian Ciocan: Eliane Escoubas & Bernhard Waldenfels (eds.), Phénoménologie française et phénoménologie allemandeAndrei Timotin: Eckard Wolz-Gottwald, Transformation der Phänomenologie. Zur Mystik bei Husserl und HeideggerCristian Ciocan: Martin Heidegger, Ontology - The Hermeneutics of FacticityAndrei Timotin: Arkadiusz Chrudzimski, Die Erkenntnistheorie von Roman IngardenVictor Popescu: Jocelyn Benoist, L'apriori conceptuel. Bolzano, Husserl, SchlickCris. [REVIEW]Mihail Neamţu, Andrei Timotin, Gabriel Cercel, Cristian Ciocan, Paul Balogh, Paul Marinescu, Victor Popescu, Adina Bozga, Holger Zaborowski & Mihai Caplea - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (3):418-495.
    Jean-Luc MARION, De surcroît. Études sur les phénomènes saturés ; Magda KING, A Guide to Heidegger’s Being and Time ; Andreas MICHEL, Die französische Heidegger-Rezeption und ihre sprachlichen Konsequenzen ; Alfred DENKER, Historical Dictionary of Heidegger’s Philosophy ; John B. BROUGH & Lester EMBREE, The Many Faces of Time ; Daniel O. DAHLSTROM, Heidegger’s Concept of Truth ; Cristina LAFONT, Heidegger, Language, And World-Disclosure ; Eliane ESCOUBAS & Bernhard WALDENFELS, Phénoménologie française et phénoménologie allemande ; Eckard WOLZ-GOTTWALD, Transformation der Phänomenologie. (...)
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    Attentional bias towards happy faces in the dot-probe paradigm: it depends on which task is used.Dirk Wentura, Liliann Messeh & Benedikt Emanuel Wirth - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (2):217-231.
    Two recent articles [Gronchi et al., Citation2018. Automatic and controlled attentional orienting in the elderly: A dual-process view of the positivity effect. Acta Psychologica, 185, 229–234; Wirth & Wentura, Citation2020. It occurs after all: Attentional bias towards happy faces in the dot-probe task. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(5), 2463–2481] report attentional biases for happy facial expressions in the dot-probe paradigm, albeit in different directions. While Wirth and Wentura report a bias towards happy expressions, Gronchi et al. found a reversed effect. (...)
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    Psychological and Behavior Changes of Consumer Preferences During COVID-19 Pandemic Times: An Application of GLM Regression Model.Larisa Ivascu, Aura Emanuela Domil, Alin Emanuel Artene, Oana Bogdan, Valentin Burcă & Codruta Pavel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The life we considered normal was disrupted due to measures taken to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. Quarantine, isolation, social distancing, and community containment have influenced consumer behavior and contributed to the rapid development of e-commerce. In pandemic times, even those unfamiliar with the online environment have had to adapt and make acquisitions in this new manner. Hence, we focused our research on measuring the perception of consumers on how the restrictive measures imposed to limit the spread of (...)
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    Excavating awareness and power in data science: A manifesto for trustworthy pervasive data research.Michael Zimmer, Jessica Vitak, Jacob Metcalf, Casey Fiesler, Matthew J. Bietz, Sarah A. Gilbert, Emanuel Moss & Katie Shilton - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Frequent public uproar over forms of data science that rely on information about people demonstrates the challenges of defining and demonstrating trustworthy digital data research practices. This paper reviews problems of trustworthiness in what we term pervasive data research: scholarship that relies on the rich information generated about people through digital interaction. We highlight the entwined problems of participant unawareness of such research and the relationship of pervasive data research to corporate datafication and surveillance. We suggest a way forward by (...)
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    Informed Consent: Practices and Views of Investigators in a Multinational Clinical Trial.Lindsay Sabik, Christine A. Pace, Heidi P. Forster-Gertner, David Wendler, Judith D. Bebchuk, Jorge A. Tavel, Laura A. McNay, Jack Killen, Ezekiel J. Emanuel & Christine Grady - 2004 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 27 (5):13-18.
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    (1 other version)El cuerpo vivido y el enfoque simple. Una lectura fenomenológica de la identidad personal.Juan Francisco Franck & Pablo Emanuel García - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-13.
    El artículo aporta elementos fenomenológicos para reforzar algunas afirmaciones del enfoque simple en el contexto del debate sobre la identidad personal. Para esto se describe, en primer lugar, la propuesta de Geoffrey Madell y se introduce la noción fenomenológica del cuerpo propio (Leib). En segundo lugar, se muestra cómo la reducción vital propuesta por Francisco Leocata evita una posible interpretación inmanentista de la fenomenología, y favorece el desarrollo de una noción encarnada del yo y la posibilidad de entender el mundo (...)
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    Buddhism: A Very Short IntroductionLes Philosophies bouddhistes.E. G., Damien Keown & Emanuel Guillon - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (3):496.
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    Making Vaccines Available to Other Countries Before Offering Domestic Booster Vaccinations.G. Owen Schaefer, Rj Leland & Ezekiel Emanuel - 2021 - JAMA 326 (10):903–904.
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    Fairly Prioritizing Groups for Access to COVID-19 Vaccines.Govind Persad, Monica E. Peek & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2020 - JAMA 1 (16).
    Initial vaccine allocations for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) will be limited. It is crucial to assess the ethical values associated with different methods of allocation, as well as important scientific and practical questions. This Viewpoint identifies three ethical values, benefiting people and limiting harm; prioritizing disadvantaged populations; and equal concern for all. It then explains why these values support prioritizing three groups: health care workers; other essential workers and people in high-transmission settings; and people with medical vulnerabilities associated with (...)
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    A Manual on Manners and Courtesies for the Shared Care of Patients.J. D. Stoeckle, L. J. Ronan, L. L. Emanuel & C. M. Ehrlich - 1997 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 8 (1):22-33.
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    Research oversight through new lenses: the consortium to examine clinical research ethics.Jeremy Sugarman, Lisa A. Eckenwiler & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2002 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (1):9-10.
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    Normal Visual Acuity and Electrophysiological Contrast Gain in Adults with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder.Ludger Tebartz van Elst, Michael Bach, Julia Blessing, Andreas Riedel & Emanuel Bubl - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  47. Should Pediatric Patients Be Prioritized When Rationing Life-Saving Treatments During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ryan M. Antiel, Farr A. Curlin, Govind Persad, Douglas B. White, Cathy Zhang, Aaron Glickman, Ezekiel J. Emanuel & John Lantos - 2020 - Pediatrics 146 (3):e2020012542.
    Coronavirus disease 2019 can lead to respiratory failure. Some patients require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support. During the current pandemic, health care resources in some cities have been overwhelmed, and doctors have faced complex decisions about resource allocation. We present a case in which a pediatric hospital caring for both children and adults seeks to establish guidelines for the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation if there are not enough resources to treat every patient. Experts in critical care, end-of-life care, bioethics, and (...)
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  48. (1 other version)To lie or to mislead?Felix Https://Orcidorg Timmermann & Emanuel Https://Orcidorg Viebahn - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (5):1481-1501.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that lying differs from mere misleading in a way that can be morally relevant: liars commit themselves to something they believe to be false, while misleaders avoid such commitment, and this difference can make a moral difference. Even holding all else fixed, a lie can therefore be morally worse than a corresponding misleading utterance. But, we argue, there are also cases in which the difference in commitment makes lying morally better than misleading, (...)
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    Social Choice Should Guide AI Alignment in Dealing with Diverse Human Feedback.Vincent Conitzer, Rachel Freedman, Jobst Heitzig, Wesley H. Holliday, Bob M. Jacobs, Nathan Lambert, Milan Mosse, Eric Pacuit, Stuart Russell, Hailey Schoelkopf, Emanuel Tewolde & William S. Zwicker - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Forty-First International Conference on Machine Learning.
    Foundation models such as GPT-4 are fine-tuned to avoid unsafe or otherwise problematic behavior, such as helping to commit crimes or producing racist text. One approach to fine-tuning, called reinforcement learning from human feedback, learns from humans' expressed preferences over multiple outputs. Another approach is constitutional AI, in which the input from humans is a list of high-level principles. But how do we deal with potentially diverging input from humans? How can we aggregate the input into consistent data about "collective" (...)
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    Derrida and Europe beyond identity.Mihail Evans - 2019 - Journal for Cultural Research 23 (3):288-305.
    ABSTRACTFrom his Problem of Genesis in Husserl’s Philosophy to the address given on the fiftieth anniversary of Le monde diplomatique just before he died in 2004, Derrida made constant ref...
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