Results for 'Skye Satz'

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  1.  17
    The Relationship Between Default Mode and Dorsal Attention Networks Is Associated With Depressive Disorder Diagnosis and the Strength of Memory Representations Acquired Prior to the Resting State Scan.Skye Satz, Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Rachel Ragozzino, Mora M. Lucero, Mary L. Phillips, Holly A. Swartz & Anna Manelis - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Previous research indicates that individuals with depressive disorders have aberrant resting state functional connectivity and may experience memory dysfunction. While resting state functional connectivity may be affected by experiences preceding the resting state scan, little is known about this relationship in individuals with DD. Our study examined this question in the context of object memory. 52 individuals with DD and 45 healthy controls completed clinical interviews, and a memory encoding task followed by a forced-choice recognition test. A 5-min resting state (...)
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  2. Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: The Moral Limits of Markets.Debra Satz - 2010 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    In Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale, philosopher Debra Satz takes a penetrating look at those commodity exchanges that strike most of us as problematic. What considerations, she asks, ought to guide the debates about such markets? What is it about a market involving prostitution or the sale of kidneys that makes it morally objectionable? How is a market in weapons or pollution different than a market in soybeans or automobiles? Are laws and social policies banning the (...)
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    Event valence and spatial metaphors of time.Skye Ochsner Margolies & L. Elizabeth Crawford - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (7):1401-1414.
    Recent research suggests that people's understanding of the abstract domain of time is dependent on the more concrete domain of space. Boroditsky and Ramscar (2002) found that spatial context influences whether people see themselves as moving through time (ego-moving perspective) or as time moving towards them (time-moving perspective). Based on studies of the embodiment of affective experience, we examined whether affect might also influence which spatial metaphor of time people adopt. The results of Experiments 1 and 2 showed that participants (...)
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  4.  48
    Ethics, economics, and markets: an interview with Debra Satz.Debra Satz - 2010 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 3 (1):68.
  5.  2
    Genomics and Biodiversity: Applications and Ethical Considerations for Climate‐Just Conservation.Skye A. Miner & Timothy J. Thurman - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):114-119.
    Genomics holds significant potential for conservationists, offering tools to monitor species risks, enhance conservation strategies, envision biodiverse futures, and advance climate justice. However, integrating genomics into conservation requires careful consideration of its impacts on biodiversity, the diversity of scientific researchers, and governance strategies for data usage. These factors must be balanced with the varied interests of affected communities and environmental concerns. We argue that conservationists should engage with diverse communities, particularly those historically marginalized and most vulnerable to climate change. This (...)
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  6. What Do We Owe the Global Poor?Debra Satz - 2005 - Ethics and International Affairs 19 (1):47-54.
    In this article, Satz critiques "both Pogge's use of the causal contribution principle as well as his attempt to derive all of our obligations to the global poor from the need to refrain from harming others.".
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  7.  20
    The Need for Diverse Empirical Data to Inform the Use of Polygenic Risk Scores in Prenatal Screening.Skye Adell Miner & Stacey Pereira - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (3):39-41.
    Bowman-Smart et al. (2023) suggest that the current ethical frameworks used to evaluate the use of noninvasive prenatal technologies (e.g., NIPT) are inconsistent when used to analyze the ethics of...
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  8.  12
    Presence and Pilgrims: Distinguishing the Travelers of the Past.Skye Doney - 2017 - Environment, Space, Place 9 (2):114-134.
    Abstract:This article examines the experiences of pilgrims to Trier between 1844–1933 and argues that pilgrimage is a separate practice from tourism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Scholars have treated pilgrims like tourists, especially in the twentieth century, but travelers to the Holy Coat of Trier did not think of themselves as tourists. Labeling pilgrim participants as “modern tourists” ignores their religious motivations to travel and creates a false dichotomy between “pilgrims” of the medieval and early modern period and (...)
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  9. Law week 2013-the DPP plate: UC vs ANU in the mock trial competition.Skye Masters - 2013 - Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 228:29.
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    Racing for Consent: A Feminist Relational Analysis of Informed Consent for Nondiagnostic Breast Cancer Research Biopsies.Skye A. Miner - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (2):42-60.
    Mainstream breast cancer social movements such as that of Susan G. Komen have called on all women to race or fight for the cure for breast cancer. They suggest that the fight can be won by buying and wearing pink ribbons, taking part in races and walks, donating money, and participating in research. For some patients with breast cancer, research participation may involve non-diagnostic tumor biopsies. While this clinical research is performed in the hope of gaining new knowledge through the (...)
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  11.  50
    Ten Tips for a Great Marriage according to Friedrich Nietzsche.Skye Nettleton - 2009 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 9 (2):1-9.
    Friendship is the highest form of love, according to the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, because great friends inspire each other and can even push each other towards the ideal of the Übermensch. While he was sceptical that many people would be strong enough for this kind of higher relationship, Nietzsche saw friendship as essential to a good marriage. Sex, in contrast, creates complications, because a relationship based on romantic feelings is unlikely to endure a lifetime. Furthermore, the ontological differences between (...)
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    Cut Bodies: Unica Zürn’s Agential (Sur)Realism.Skye Shannon Savage - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-11.
    This article argues that mid-century Surrealist German author Unica Zürn’s writing on the fetus and pregnancy anticipates New Materialist analyses of the liveliness of matter and the interactions of biology and history. Using philosopher-physicist Karen Barad’s theories of Agential Realism as a lens, I unite a close reading of key moments in Zürn’s oeuvre with an examination of medical practices in the midcentury and the lingering history of Nazi eugenics, demonstrating how politics and science come to both shape and deform (...)
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  13.  13
    Bringing Canada to Japan: Experiences with an embassy library.Timothy D. Skye - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 7 (3):226-230.
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    How Australian Aboriginal Tiddas (Sisters) Theologians Deal with the Threat of Genocide.Lee Miena Skye - 2015 - Feminist Theology 23 (2):128-142.
    This paper will reveal our women as active theologians, dealing with the silent threat of approaching genocide, the end of so called ‘full-bloods’ of our race. Finding ways of healing, and being activists, living in the conscious and subconscious oppression. I am so proud that in the light of this, they emerge as responsible people, living constructive and influential lives. Yet the suffering takes its toll and they die young or are sick and disabled young. I donated my Harvard Post-doctoral (...)
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  15.  26
    Trusting Oneself and Others: Relational Vulnerability and DBS for Depression.Hannah Skye Martens & Timothy Emmanuel Brown - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (4):226-227.
    The use of implanted devices that apply therapeutic stimulation to areas of the brain, or deep brain stimulation (DBS), is currently being investigated as a possible therapeutic treatment for chron...
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  16.  60
    Overcoming Narcissism.Skye C. Cleary - 2023 - Think 22 (63):31-37.
    Narcissistic personality disorder describes people who demonstrate an exaggerated sense of entitlement, lack empathy and crave admiration. But philosopher Simone de Beauvoir argued that, even if a person isn't a pathological narcissist, narcissism can be a strategy that some people use to help them cope with being undervalued. Through examples such as singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, I show how Beauvoir's philosophy gives us a framework to understand some narcissistic behaviour and possibilities for more authentic ways of being in the world.
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  17.  13
    Predicting the effectiveness of engagement and disengagement emotion regulation based on emotional reactivity in borderline personality disorder.Skye Fitzpatrick & Janice R. Kuo - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (3):473-491.
    Improving emotion regulation is central to borderline personality disorder (BPD) treatment, but little research indicates which emotion regulation strategies are optimally effective and when. Basic emotion science suggests that engagement emotion regulation strategies that process emotional content become less effective as emotional intensity increases, whereas disengagement strategies that disengage from it do not. This study examined whether emotional reactivity to emotional stimuli predicts the effectiveness of engagement and disengagement emotion regulation across self-report, general physiologic (heart rate), sympathetic (skin conductance responses), (...)
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  18. Equality, adequacy, and education for citizenship.Debra Satz - 2007 - Ethics 117 (4):623-648.
  19. Existentialism and Romantic Love.Skye Cleary - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Existentialism and Romantic Love investigates the thinking of five existential philosophers (Max Stirner, Soren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Simone de Beauvoir) to uncover fresh insights about what is wrong with our everyday ideas about romantic loving, why reality often falls short of the ideal, sources of frustrations and disappointments, and possibilities for creating authentically meaningful relationships.
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  20.  46
    Affect biases memory of location: Evidence for the spatial representation of affect.L. Elizabeth Crawford, Skye M. Margolies, John T. Drake & Meghan E. Murphy - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (8):1153-1169.
  21.  32
    Hang the DJ and Digital Dating.Skye C. Cleary & Massimo Pigliucci - 2020 - In William Irwin & David Kyle Johnson (eds.), Black Mirror and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 168–176.
    In Hang The DJ, Amy and Frank meet via an online dating system that promises that if you stick with it, it will continue gathering information until it finds your soul mate, or “ultimate compatible other,” trumpeting a 99.8% success rate. In this chapter we explore the broad issue of digital relationships from the point of view of two particular philosophies of life: Stoicism and existentialism. The episode raises a multiplicity of philosophical issues concerning the choices we make about romantic (...)
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  22. Rational Choice and Social Theory.Debra Satz & John Ferejohn - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):71-87.
  23.  17
    Interview: Aaron James.Skye Cleary - 2018 - Philosophy Now 124:17-17.
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  24.  10
    Time Will Tell How Much I Love You.Skye C. Cleary - 2018 - In Marc D. White (ed.), Doctor Strange and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 25–34.
    This chapter focuses on the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who wrote a great deal on sexual love and friendship, to help us understand Doctor Stephen Strange's relationship challenges. Nietzsche thought that sexual love is a distraction from more important things, like being a superhero. For Strange, it is actually his narcissism that is holding him back the most. It is not only Strange's brilliance and passion for wisdom that are reminiscent of Nietzsche's Ubermensch, but also his flirtation with nihilism. The (...)
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  25. The moral limits of markets: The case of human kidneys.Debra Satz - 2008 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 108 (1pt3):269-288.
    This paper examines the morality of kidney markets through the lens of choice, inequality, and weak agency looking at the case for limiting such markets under both non-ideal and ideal circumstances. Regulating markets can go some way to addressing the problems of inequality and weak agency. The choice issue is different and this paper shows that the choice for some to sell their kidneys can have external effects on those who do not want to do so, constraining the options that (...)
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  26.  10
    Ideas That Matter: Democracy, Justice, Rights.Debra Satz & Annabelle Lever (eds.) - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    The essays in this volume take off from themes in the work of eminent philosopher and political scientist Joshua Cohen. They center around three central ideas: democracy, confronting injustice, and formulating political principles and values in an interdependent world.
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  27. (1 other version)Markets in women's sexual labor.Debra Satz - 1995 - Ethics 106 (1):63-85.
  28. Markets in women's reproductive labor.Debra Satz - 1992 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 21 (2):107-131.
  29.  70
    Scanlon on the diversity of objections to inequality.Debra Satz - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (12):3367-3374.
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  30.  35
    Debating Point: Do We Really Want Doctors To Be Managers?Ani B. Satz - 1996 - Health Care Analysis 4 (1):80-84.
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    Effects of temporal delays on the ear asymmetry in dichotic listening.Paul Satz, C. Michael Levy & Mark Tyson - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):372.
  32. Memoirs of an Unconventional Mother.Martha Satz - 2001 - In Laura Duhan Kaplan (ed.), Philosophy and everyday life. New York: Seven Bridges Press. pp. 85.
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  33.  39
    A trans-disciplinary book on the maternal body and infant health: Sarah S. Richardson: The maternal imprint: the contested science of maternal–fetal effects. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021, 376 pp, $95.00 HB. [REVIEW]Skye A. Miner - 2022 - Metascience 31 (2):215-217.
  34.  38
    Violence, Aggression, and Ethics: The Link Between Exposure to Human Violence and Unethical Behavior.Joshua R. Gubler, Skye Herrick, Richard A. Price & David A. Wood - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (1):25-34.
    Can exposure to media portrayals of human violence impact an individual’s ethical decision making at work? Ethical business failures can result in enormous financial losses to individuals, businesses, and society. We study how exposure to human violence—especially through media—can cause individuals to make less ethical decisions. We present three experiments, each showing a causal link between exposure to human violence and unethical business behavior, and show this relationship is mediated by an increase in individual hostility levels as a result of (...)
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  35. Liberalism, economic freedom, and the limits of markets.Debra Satz - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (1):120-140.
    This paper points to a lost and ignored strand of argument in the writings of liberalism's earliest defenders. These “classical” liberals recognized that market liberty was not always compatible with individual liberty. In particular, they argued that labor markets required intervention and regulation if workers were not to be wholly subjugated to the power of their employers. Functioning capitalist labor markets (along with functioning credit markets) are not “natural” outgrowths of exchange, but achievements hard won in the battle against feudalism. (...)
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  36. International Economic Justice.Debra Satz - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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  37.  26
    Attending to the Sound of Feelings: An ERP Investigation of Vocal Emotion Perception Deficits in Traumatic Brain Injured Patients.Sufani Christopher, Rushby Jacqueline & McDonald Skye - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  38.  19
    Respecting Autonomy and Balancing Benefits by Disclosing the Secondary Finding of Klinefelter’s.D. Micah Hester & Skye Adell Miner - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (10):89-91.
    Mr. Robinson’s case raises clear concerns regarding whether, when, and even how to disclose unexpected genetic findings when doing genomic research. The American...
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  39.  41
    Impairment in predicting reward value when contingencies change after severe traumatic brain injury.Osborne-Crowley Katherine, McDonald Skye, Rushby Jacqueline & Le Pelley Mike - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  40.  15
    Probing Protocols: The Genital Examination as a Pedagogical Event.Erica Mcwilliam & Skye O'donnell - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (3):85-101.
    The authors interrogate genital examinations as events in which both client and practitioner are `produced' as relational subjects in quite specific ways. This article explores the way one female sex health worker talks about her work as a form of cultural exchange, noting what she requires of her clients and seeks to give of herself. Of particular importance is the way the practitioner produces the client as a social subject amenable to intimate examination, while resisting some traditional means for doing (...)
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  41. Countering the wrongs of the past: the role of compensation.Debra Satz - 2007 - In Jon Miller & Rahul Kumar (eds.), Reparations: interdisciplinary inquiries. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  42. Feminist perspectives on reproduction and the family.Debra Satz - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  43.  59
    Free to Lose: An Introduction to Marxist Economic Philosophy, John Roemer. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988, x + 203 pages. [REVIEW]Debra Satz - 1990 - Economics and Philosophy 6 (2):315.
  44.  8
    Prenatal genetic testing and discrimination against the disabled: A conceptual analysis.Ani B. Satz - 1999 - Monash Bioethics Review 18 (4):11-22.
    This article examines the conceptual claim that prenatal genetic testing, given the option to abort disabled fetuses, discriminates against the disabled. The claim is examined in the context of both external quality of life judgments and women’s competing interests in and right to reproductive freedom. The conceptual claim to discrimination fails in both contexts if moral standing is not attributed to the fetus.
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  45.  87
    Marxism, Materialism and Historical Progress.Debra Satz - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 19 (sup1):391-424.
    The theory of historical materialism is the core commitment of Marx’s social theory. More than his views on markets, philosophical methods, the state and social institutions, it is this theory which sets Marx’s views apart from alternative traditions in political philosophy. Marx believes that there is a tendency for societies to make moral and material progress. The point of Marx’s theory of historical materialism is to offer a theory of the mechanisms which produce this tendency. However, in Marx’s own formulation, (...)
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  46.  19
    More than the sum of the parts: complexity in physics and beyond.Helmut Satz - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Complexity is one of the most promising fields of modern science, and this book explores the new perspectives opening up when we consider systems made up of many similar or identical constituents.
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  47.  96
    Toward a humanist justice : the political philosophy of Susan Moller Okin.Debra Satz & Rob Reich (eds.) - 2009 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    The late Susan Moller Okin was a leading political theorist whose scholarship tried to integrate political philosophy and issues of gender and the family. This volume stems from a conference on Okin, and contains articles by some of the top feminist and political philosophers working today. Their aim is not to celebrate Okin's work, but to constructively engage with it and further its goals.
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  48.  67
    In Defense of A Mandatory Public Service Requirement.Debra Satz - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 91:259-269.
    This paper defends mandatory national service as a response to democratic decay. Because democracy cannot be maintained by laws and incentives alone, citizens must care about the quality and attitudes of their society's members. In an age of increasing segregation and conflict on the basis of class and race, national service can bring citizens from different walks of life together to interact cooperatively on social problems. It offers a form of ‘forced solidarity’. The final sections of the paper consider objections (...)
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    Neural correlates of impaired vocal emotion perception: New insights from principal component analysis.Kershaw Kelly, Rushby Jacqueline, McDonald Skye, De Blasio Frances, Sufani Christopher, Fisher Alana & Iredale Jaimi - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  50.  37
    Ethics 1940–65.Debra Satz - 2015 - Ethics 125 (3):807-810,.
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