Results for 'Simple Conditioning'

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  1. Nj Mackintosh.Simple Conditioning - 1991 - In R Lister & H. Weingartner (eds.), Perspectives on Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 65.
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    Simple conditioning as two-stage all-or-none learning.John Theios - 1963 - Psychological Review 70 (5):403-417.
  3. Genuine Counterexamples to the Simple Conditional Analysis of Disposition: A Reply to Choi.Jaeho Lee - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (2):327-334.
    Choi (Philosophia, 38(3), 2010) argues that my counterexamples in Lee (Philosophia, 38(3), 2010) to the simple conditional analysis of disposition ascription are bogus counterexamples. In this paper, I argue that Choi’s arguments are not satisfactory and that my examples are genuine counterexamples.
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  4. The simple conditional analysis of dispositions.Sungho Choi - 2003 - Unpublished Article.
  5. Organization hurts performance in simple conditions, helps in complex ones.Lj Caplan & C. Schooler - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):490-490.
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    Theory of procedures. I. Simple conditionals.M. K. Rennie - 1969 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10 (1):97-112.
  7.  24
    Dynamic feelings about metaphors for genes: Implications for research and genetic policy.Celeste M. Condit - 2009 - Genomics, Society and Policy 5 (3):1-15.
    People respond to metaphors as much with regard to the emotions that they generate as to their referential, comparative contents. Interviews with non-geneticists about preferred metaphors for gene-environment interaction that illustrate this tendency are reported. These interviews also reveal the dynamic tendency of such emotional responses. A second set of interviews shows that lay people may preferentially use a metaphor of "virus" or "disease" for talking about genes, as opposed to the coding metaphors transmitted through the mass media and reportedly (...)
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  8. The Simple Vs. Reformed Conditional Analysis of Dispositions.Sungho Choi - 2006 - Synthese 148 (2):369-379.
    Lewis claims that Martin’s cases indeed refute the simple conditional analysis of dispositions and proposes the reformed conditional analysis that is purported to overcome them. In this paper I will first argue that Lewis’s defense of the reformed analysis can be understood to invoke the concepts of disposition-specific stimulus and manifestation. I will go on to argue that advocates of the simple analysis, just like Lewis, can also defend their analysis from alleged counterexamples including Martin’s cases by invoking (...)
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  9. A simple theory of conditionals.Adam Rieger - 2006 - Analysis 66 (3):233-240.
  10. Personal Identity, the Causal Condition, and the Simple View.Steve Matthews - 2010 - Philosophical Papers 39 (2):183-208.
    Among theories of personal identity over time the simple view has not been popular among philosophers, but it nevertheless remains the default view among non philosophers. It may be construed either as the view that nothing grounds a claim of personal identity over time, or that something quite simple (a soul perhaps) is the ground. If the former construal is accepted, a conspicuous difficulty is that the condition of causal dependence between person-stages is absent. But this leaves such (...)
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  11. Conditions affecting simple vocabulary learning.Jw Hall - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):337-337.
  12.  21
    <> engineering and scientific education conditions us to expect everything, including intelligence, to have a simple, compact explanation. Accordingly,..Marvin Minsky & Patrick H. Winston - unknown
    Engineering and scientific education conditions us to expect everything, including intelligence, to have a simple, compact explanation. Accordingly, when people new to AI ask "What's AI all about," they seem to expect an answer that defines AI in terms of a few basic mathematical laws.
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  13. Simple instrumental-conditioning in octopuses.Mr Papini & Me Bitterman - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):528-528.
  14. Defending a simple theory of conditionals.Adam Rieger - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (3):253-260.
    This paper extends the defense of a simple theory of indicative conditionals previously proposed by the author, in which the truth conditions are material, and Grice-style assertability conditions are given to explain the paradoxes of material implication. The paper discusses various apparent counter-examples to the material account in which conditionals are not asserted, and so the original theory cannot be applied; it is argued that, nevertheless, the material theory can be defended.
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    Conditions for the optimality of simple majority decisions in pairwise choice situations.Mark Gradstein - 1986 - Theory and Decision 21 (2):181-187.
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    Condition B effects in two simple steps.Floris Roelofsen - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (2):115-140.
    This paper is concerned with constraints on the interpretation of pronominal anaphora, in particular Condition B effects. It aims to contribute to a particular approach, initiated by Reinhart (Anaphora and semantic interpretation, 1983) and further developed elsewhere. It proposes a modification of Reinhart’s Interface Rule, and argues that the resulting theory compares favorably with others, while being compatible with independently motivated general hypotheses about the interaction between different interpretive mechanisms.
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    Whyte on desire fulfilment conditions: a simple problem.Jake Chandler - 2006 - Disputatio 2 (21):65-68.
    According to Jamie Whyte, the proper assignment of fulfilment conditions to an agent’s set of desires proceeds in three steps. First, one identifies various desire extinction and behavioural reinforcement conditions to obtain the fulfilment conditions of a certain subset of the agent’s desires. With these fulfilment conditions in hand, one then appeals to a principle connecting desire fulfilment conditions with belief truth conditions to obtain the truth conditions of a number of the agent’s beliefs. Finally, one uses these belief truth (...)
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    A study of simple learning under irrelevant motivational-reward conditions.K. W. Spence, G. Bergmann & R. Lippitt - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (5):539.
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    Computational techniques for a simple theory of conditional preferences.Nic Wilson - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1053-1091.
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  20. Dispositions, Conditionals, and Counterexamples.D. Manley & R. Wasserman - 2011 - Mind 120 (480):1191-1227.
    In an earlier paper in these pages (2008), we explored the puzzling link between dispositions and conditionals. First, we rehearsed the standard counterexamples to the simple conditional analysis and the refined conditional analysis defended by David Lewis. Second, we attacked a tempting response to these counterexamples: what we called the ‘getting specific strategy’. Third, we presented a series of structural considerations that pose problems for many attempts to understand the link between dispositions and conditionals. Finally, we developed our own (...)
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  21. The Probability of Iterated Conditionals.Janneke Wijnbergen‐Huitink, Shira Elqayam & David E. Over - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (4):788-803.
    Iterated conditionals of the form If p, then if q, r are an important topic in philosophical logic. In recent years, psychologists have gained much knowledge about how people understand simple conditionals, but there are virtually no published psychological studies of iterated conditionals. This paper presents experimental evidence from a study comparing the iterated form, If p, then if q, r with the “imported,” noniterated form, If p and q, then r, using a probability evaluation task and a truth-table (...)
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  22. Indicative Conditionals: Probabilities and Relevance.Franz Berto & Aybüke Özgün - 2021 - Philosophical Studies (11):3697-3730.
    We propose a new account of indicative conditionals, giving acceptability and logical closure conditions for them. We start from Adams’ Thesis: the claim that the acceptability of a simple indicative equals the corresponding conditional probability. The Thesis is widely endorsed, but arguably false and refuted by empirical research. To fix it, we submit, we need a relevance constraint: we accept a simple conditional 'If φ, then ψ' to the extent that (i) the conditional probability p(ψ|φ) is high, provided (...)
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  23.  39
    Learning from Simple Indicative Conditionals.Leendert M. Huisman - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (3):583-601.
    An agent who receives information in the form of an indicative conditional statement and who trusts her source will modify her credences to bring them in line with the conditional. I will argue that the agent, upon the acquisition of such information, should, in general, expand her prior credence function to an indeterminate posterior one; that is, to a set of credence functions. Two different ways the agent might interpret the conditional will be presented, and the properties of the resulting (...)
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  24. Dispositional properties and counterfactual conditionals.Sungho Choi - 2008 - Mind 117 (468):795-841.
    For the last several decades, dispositional properties have been one of the main topics in metaphysics. Still, however, there is little agreement among contemporary metaphysicians on the nature of dispositional properties. Apparently, though, the majority of them have reached the consensus that dispositional ascriptions cannot be analysed in terms of simple counterfactual conditionals. In this paper it will be brought to light that this consensus is wrong. Specifically, I will argue that the simple conditional analysis of dispositions, which (...)
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  25. The conditional analysis of dispositions and the intrinsic dispositions thesis.Sungho Choi - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (3):568-590.
    The idea that dispositions are an intrinsic matter has been popular among contemporary philosophers of dispositions. In this paper I will first state this idea as exactly as possible. I will then examine whether it poses any threat to the two current versions of the conditional analysis of dispositions, namely, the simple and reformed conditional analysis of dispositions. The upshot is that the intrinsic nature of dispositions, when properly understood, doesn't spell trouble for either of the two versions of (...)
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    No support for dual process accounts of human affective learning in simple Pavlovian conditioning.Ottmar V. Lipp & Helena M. Purkis - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (2):269-282.
    Dual process accounts of affective learning state that the learning of likes and dislikes reflects a learning mechanism that is distinct from the one reflected in expectancy learning, the learning of signal relationships, and has different empirical characteristics. Affective learning, for example, is said not to be affected by: (a) extinction training; (b) occasion setting; (c) cue competition; and (d) awareness of the CS-US contingencies. These predictions were tested in a series of experiments that employed simple Pavlovian conditioning (...)
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    The effect of varying conditions of reinforcement upon a simple running response.F. W. Finger - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 30 (1):53.
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    Effect of preliminary trials on rate of conditioning in a simple prediction situation.David Laberge - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 57 (1):20.
  29. Conditionals are material: the positive arguments.Adam Rieger - 2013 - Synthese 190 (15):3161-3174.
    A number of papers have argued in favour of the material account of indicative conditionals, but typically they either concentrate on defending the account from the charge that it has counterintuitive consequences, or else focus on some particular positive argument in favour of the theory. In this paper, I survey the various positive arguments that can be given, presenting simple versions where possible and showing the connections between them. I conclude with some methodological considerations.
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    The simple substitution property of the intermediate propositional logics on finite slices.Katsumi Sasaki - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (1):41 - 62.
    The simple substitution property provides a systematic and easy method for proving a theorem by an axiomatic way. The notion of the property was introduced in Hosoi [4] but without a definite name and he showed three examples of the axioms with the property. Later, the property was given it's name as above in Sasaki [7].Our main result here is that the necessary and sufficient condition for a logicL on a finite slice to have the simple substitution property (...)
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    A Simple Logic of the Hide and Seek Game.Dazhu Li, Sujata Ghosh, Fenrong Liu & Yaxin Tu - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (5):821-853.
    We discuss a simple logic to describe one of our favourite games from childhood, hide and seek, and show how a simple addition of an equality constant to describe the winning condition of the seeker makes our logic undecidable. There are certain decidable fragments of first-order logic which behave in a similar fashion with respect to such a language extension, and we add a new modal variant to that class. We discuss the relative expressive power of the proposed (...)
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  32. Conditioning against the grain.Stefan Kaufmann - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 33 (6):583-606.
    This paper discusses counterexamples to the thesis that the probabilities of conditionals are conditional probabilities. It is argued that the discrepancy is systematic and predictable, and that conditional probabilities are crucially involved in the apparently deviant interpretations. Furthermore, the examples suggest that such conditionals have a less prominent reading on which their probability is in fact the conditional probability, and that the two readings are related by a simple step of abductive inference. Central to the proposal is a distinction (...)
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    A Multiply Qualified Conditional Analysis of Disposition Ascription: Mapping the Conceptual Topography of Ceteris Paribus.Jesse R. Steinberg & Alan M. Steinberg - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (4):777-793.
    Given that an analysis of disposition ascription cannot be made in terms of a simple subjunctive conditional, we present a multiply qualified conditional analysis that places disposition ascription within an implicit fundamental causal conceptual typography within which a disposition ascription is embedded, framed, and understood. By placing the multiply qualified analysis within an implicit causal matrix involving a focal cause, pathway of influence, mechanism of action, contributing/partial cause, mediator, extrinsic moderator,, intrinsic moderator, and manifestation, we show how this analysis (...)
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  34. A simple proof of Sen's possibility theorem on majority decisions.Christian Elsholtz & Christian List - 2005 - Elemente der Mathematik 60:45-56.
    Condorcet’s voting paradox shows that pairwise majority voting may lead to cyclical majority preferences. In a famous paper, Sen identified a general condition on a profile of individual preference orderings, called triplewise value-restriction, which is sufficient for the avoidance of such cycles. This note aims to make Sen’s result easily accessible. We provide an elementary proof of Sen's possibility theorem and a simple reformulation of Sen’s condition. We discuss how Sen’s condition is logically related to a number of precursors. (...)
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    (1 other version)Brutal Simples.Kris McDaniel - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 3:233.
    I argue that there are is no informative statement of necessary and sufficient conditions for being a mereological simple.
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    Bypassing Lewis’ Triviality Results. A Kripke-Style Partial Semantics fir Compounds of Adams’ Conditionals.Alberto Mura - 2021 - Argumenta 6 (2):293-354.
    Bypassing Lewis’ Triviality Results. A Kripke-Style Partial Semantics for Compounds of Adams’ Conditionals Alberto Mura University of Sassari Abstract According to Lewis’ Triviality Results (LTR), conditionals cannot satisfy the equa­tion (E) P(C if A) = P(C | A), except in trivial cases. Ernst Adams (1975), however, provided a probabilistic semantics for the so-called simple conditionals that also sat­isfies equation (E) and provides a probabilistic counterpart of logical consequence (called p-entailment). Adams’ probabilistic semantics is coextensive to Stalnaker­Thomason’s (1970) and Lewis’ (...)
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  37. Simple sentences, substitution, and intuitions * by Jennifer Saul.Jennifer Saul - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):174-176.
    Philosophers of language have long recognized that in opaque contexts, such as those involving propositional attitude reports, substitution of co-referring names may not preserve truth value. For example, the name ‘Clark Kent’ cannot be substituted for ‘Superman’ in a context like:1. Lois believes that Superman can flywithout a change in truth value. In an earlier paper, Jennifer Saul demonstrated that substitution failure could also occur in ‘simple sentences’ where none of the ordinary opacity-producing conditions existed, such as:2. Superman leaps (...)
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    Simple Axiomatizations for Pretabular Classical Relevance Logics.Asadollah Fallahi - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (2):359-393.
    KR is Anderson and Belnap’s relevance logic R with the addition of the axiom of EFQ: \ \rightarrow q\). Since KR is relevantistic as to implication but classical as to negation, it has been dubbed, among many others, a ‘classical relevance logic.’ For KR, there have been known so far just two pretabular normal extensions. For these pretabular logics, no simple axiomatizations have yet been presented. In this paper, we offer some and show that they do the job. We (...)
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  39. Simple Remembering.Arieh Schwartz - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-22.
    Dretske has provided very influential arguments that there is a difference between our sensory awareness of objects and our awareness of facts about these objects—that there is a difference, for example, between seeing x and seeing that x is F. This distinction between simple and epistemic seeing is a staple of the philosophy of perception. Memory is often usefully compared to perception, and in this spirit I argue for the conditional claim that if Dretske’s arguments succeed in motivating the (...)
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  40. Against conditional obligation.Daniel Bonevac - 1998 - Noûs 32 (1):37-53.
    The crucial feature of obligation sentences to which the puzzles point is that such sentences, and evaluative sentences more generally, are defeasible. They may be warranted, given some information, only to be defeated by further information. A theory that recognizes this no longer needs to see conditional obligation as anything more than a simple combination of unary obligation and the conditional.
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    On dividing chains in simple theories.Steffen Lewitzka & Ruy J. G. B. De Queiroz - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (7):897-911.
    Dividing chains have been used as conditions to isolate adequate subclasses of simple theories. In the first part of this paper we present an introduction to the area. We give an overview on fundamental notions and present proofs of some of the basic and well-known facts related to dividing chains in simple theories. In the second part we discuss various characterizations of the subclass of low theories. Our main theorem generalizes and slightly extends a well-known fact about the (...)
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    The Probability of Iterated Conditionals.Janneke van Wijnbergen-Huitink, Shira Elqayam & David E. Over - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (4):788-803.
    Iterated conditionals of the form If p, then if q, r are an important topic in philosophical logic. In recent years, psychologists have gained much knowledge about how people understand simple conditionals, but there are virtually no published psychological studies of iterated conditionals. This paper presents experimental evidence from a study comparing the iterated form, If p, then if q, r with the “imported,” noniterated form, If p and q, then r, using a probability evaluation task and a truth‐table (...)
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    A simple continuous theory.James E. Hanson - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    In the context of continuous first-order logic, special attention is often given to theories that are somehow continuous in an ‘essential’ way. A common feature of such theories is that they do not interpret any infinite discrete structures. We investigate a stronger condition that is easier to establish and use it to give an example of a strictly simple continuous theory that does not interpret any infinite discrete structures: the theory of richly branching [Formula: see text]-forests with generic binary (...)
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  44. Simple sentences, substitution, and intuitions • by Jennifer Saul.Jennifer Duke-Yonge - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):174-176.
    Philosophers of language have long recognized that in opaque contexts, such as those involving propositional attitude reports, substitution of co-referring names may not preserve truth value. For example, the name ‘Clark Kent’ cannot be substituted for ‘Superman’ in a context like:1. Lois believes that Superman can flywithout a change in truth value. In an earlier paper , Jennifer Saul demonstrated that substitution failure could also occur in ‘simple sentences’ where none of the ordinary opacity-producing conditions existed, such as:2. Superman (...)
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    (1 other version)The simple theory of colour and the transparency of sense experience.Jim Edwards - 1998 - In C. Macdonald, Barry C. Smith & C. J. G. Wright (eds.), Knowing Our Own Minds: Essays in Self-Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 371.
    An argument is offered that externalism can compromise the first‐person transparency of mental contents. The premises are John McDowell's view that experience is passively structured by concepts, and the Simple Theory of Colour advocated by John Campbell, according to which those properties that are the actual semantic values of colour concepts are just as they appear to normal observers under standard conditions. An example is offered to suggest that it must be an epistemic possibility that the semantic values of (...)
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    Simple Collective Identity Functions.Murat Ali Çengelci & M. Remzi Sanver - 2010 - Theory and Decision 68 (4):417-443.
    A Collective Identity Function (CIF) is a rule which aggregates personal opinions on whether an individual belongs to a certain identity into a social decision. A simple CIF is one which can be expressed in terms of winning coalitions. We characterize simple CIFs and explore various CIFs of the literature by exploiting their ability of being expressed in terms of winning coalitions. We also use our setting to introduce conditions that ensure the equal treatment of individuals as voters (...)
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    A simple continuous theory.James E. Hanson - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. In the context of continuous first-order logic, special attention is often given to theories that are somehow continuous in an ‘essential’ way. A common feature of such theories is that they do not interpret any infinite discrete structures. We investigate a stronger condition that is easier to establish and use it to give an example of a strictly simple continuous theory that does not interpret any infinite discrete structures: the theory of richly (...)
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  48. Conditional predictions.Stefan Kaufmann - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (2):181 - 231.
    The connection between the probabilities of conditionals and the corresponding conditional probabilities has long been explored in the philosophical literature, but its implementation faces both technical obstacles and objections on empirical grounds. In this paper I ?rst outline the motivation for the probabilistic turn and Lewis’ triviality results, which stand in the way of what would seem to be its most straightforward implementation. I then focus on Richard Jeffrey’s ’random-variable’ approach, which circumvents these problems by giving up the notion that (...)
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    Retention and subsequent extinction of a simple running response following varying conditions of reinforcement.F. W. Finger - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 31 (2):120.
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    A Simple and Non-Trivial Ramsey Test.Andreas Holger - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):309-325.
    This paper expounds a simple and non-trivial Ramsey Test. Drawing on the work of Peter Gärdenfors, it aims to help establish an epistemic alternative to the semantics of variably strict conditionals by Robert Stalnaker (in: Rescher (ed), Studies in logical theory, Blackwell, Oxford, 1968) and David Lewis (Counterfactuals, Blackwell, Oxford, 1973). The novelty of the present contribution lies in considering the framework of Preferred Subtheories as model of belief change upon which conditionals are defined. The resulting semantics avoids triviality (...)
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