Results for 'Simone Kühn'

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  1.  65
    Inner experience in the scanner: can high fidelity apprehensions of inner experience be integrated with fMRI?Simone Kühn, Charles Fernyhough, Benjamin Alderson-Day & Russell T. Hurlburt - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  2.  45
    Video game training and the reward system.Robert C. Lorenz, Tobias Gleich, Jã¼Rgen Gallinat & Simone Kühn - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    An auditory multiclass brain-computer interface with natural stimuli: Usability evaluation with healthy participants and a motor impaired end user.Nadine Simon, Ivo Kã¤Thner, Carolin A. Ruf, Emanuele Pasqualotto, Andrea Kã¼Bler & Sebastian Halder - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  4.  9
    Ész, élet, egzisztencia.Dezső Csejtei, András Dékány & Ferenc Simon (eds.) - 1990 - Szeged: Társadalomtudományi Kör.
    v. 1 Egyetem, nevelés, értelmiségi lét.
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    Leere und Aufmerksamkeit: Studien zum Offenbarungsdenken Simone Weils.Rolf Kühn - 2014 - Dresden: Verlag Text & Dialog.
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    Deuten als Entwerden: eine Synthese des Werkes Simone Weils in hermeneutisch-religionsphilosophischer Sicht.Rolf Kühn - 1989 - Freiburg [im Breisgau]: Herder.
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    Tractability-preserving transformations of global cost functions.David Allouche, Christian Bessiere, Patrice Boizumault, Simon de Givry, Patricia Gutierrez, Jimmy H. M. Lee, Ka Lun Leung, Samir Loudni, Jean-Philippe Métivier, Thomas Schiex & Yi Wu - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 238 (C):166-189.
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    Simone de Beauvoir and the Colonial Experience: Freedom, Violence, and Identity, by Nathalie Nya.Zinhle ka’Nobuhlaluse - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 34 (2):368-375.
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    (1 other version)Waiting for God.Simone Weil - 1951 - Harpercollins. Edited by Joseph Marie Perrin.
    Emerging from thought-provoking discussions and correspondence Simone Weil had with the Reverend Father Perrin, this classic collection of essays contains her most profound meditations on the relationship of human life to the realm of the transcendant.An enlightening introduction by Leslie Fiedler examines Weil's extraordinary roles as a philosophy teacher turned mystic. "One of the most neglected resources of our century ", Waiting for God will continue to influence spiritual and political thought for centuries to come.
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    Gravity and grace.Simone Weil - 1963 - New York: Routledge.
    Gravity and Grace was the first ever publication by the remarkable thinker and activist, Simone Weil. In it Gustave Thibon, the priest to whom she had entrusted her notebooks before her untimely death, compiled in one remarkable volume a compendium of her writings that have become a source of spiritual guidance and wisdom for countless individuals.
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    Unethical, neurotic, or both? A psychoanalytic account of ethical failures within organizations.Simone Colle & R. Edward Freeman - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (1):167-179.
    This paper aims to integrate insights from psychoanalytic theory into business ethics research on the sources of ethical failures within organizations. We particularly draw from the analysis of sources and outcomes of neurotic processes that are part of human development, as described by the psychoanalyst Karen Horney and more recently by Manfred Kets de Vries; we interpret their insights from a stakeholder theory perspective. Business ethics research seems to have overlooked how “neurotic management styles” could be the antecedents of unethical (...)
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  12. The need for roots: prelude to a declaration of duties towards mankind.Simone Weil - 1952 - New York: Routledge.
    "What is required if men and women are to feel at home in society and are to recover their vitality? Into wrestling with that question, Simone Weil put the very substance of her mind and temperament. The apparently solid edifices of our prepossessions fall down before her onslaught like ninepins, and she is as fertile and forthright in her positive suggestions . . . she can be relied upon to toss aside the superficial and to come to grips with (...)
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    First and last notebooks.Simone Weil - 1970 - New York,: Oxford University Press.
    Introducing the Selected Works of Simone Weil Some of Simone Weil's most important thinking was done through the medium of her notebooks. She used them in several inter-related ways. First, she used them to note things she had read and was researching. Far more often, they were workbooks where she worked through her ideas. Many of the ideas in her completed essays can first be found in her notebooks, and thus the notebooks are invaluable for adding context and (...)
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  14.  32
    Lectures on philosophy.Simone Weil - 1978 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Simone Weil's Leçons de Philosophie are derived from a course she taught at the lyce;e for girls at Roanne in 1933-4. Anne Reynaud-Gue;rithault was a pupil in the class; her notes are not a verbatim record but are a very full and, as far as one can judge, faithful rendering, often catching the unmistakable tone of Simone Weil's voice as well as the force and the directness of her thought. The lectures form a good general introduction to philosophy, (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Intimations of Christianity among the ancient Greeks.Simone Weil - 1957 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Elisabeth Chase Geissbuhler.
    In Intimations of Christianity Among the Ancient Greeks , Simone Weil discusses precursors to Christian religious ideas which can be found in ancient Greek mythology, literature and philosophy. She looks at evidence of "Christian" feelings in Greek literature, notably in Electra, Orestes, and Antigone , and in the Iliad , going on to examine God in Plato, and divine love in creation, as seen by the ancient Greeks.
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    Democracy and constitutional reform: Deliberative versus populist constitutionalism.Simone Chambers - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1116-1131.
    Constitutional reform has been an important means to push populist authoritarian agendas in Hungary, Poland, Turkey and Venezuela. The embrace of constitutional means and rhetoric in pursuit of these agendas has led to the growing recognition of ‘populist constitutionalism’ as a contemporary political phenomenon. In all four examples mentioned above, democracy, popular sovereignty and direct plebiscitary appeal to the people is the rhetorical and justificatory framework for constitutional reform. This, I worry, gives democracy a bad name and reinforces the widespread (...)
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  17.  31
    Reviewing Paradox Theory in Corporate Sustainability Toward a Systems Perspective.Simone Carmine & Valentina De Marchi - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):139-158.
    The complexity of current social and environmental grand challenges generates many conflicts and tensions at the individual, organization and/or systems levels. Paradox theory has emerged as a promising way to approach such a complexity of corporate sustainability going beyond the instrumental business-case perspective and achieving superior sustainability performance. However, the fuzziness in the empirical use of the concept of “paradox” and the absence of a systems perspective limits its potential. In this paper, we perform a systematic review and content analysis (...)
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    Hierarchical organization in the temporal structure of infant-direct speech and song.Simone Falk & Christopher T. Kello - 2017 - Cognition 163 (C):80-86.
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    L'angelo e la macchina. Sulla genesi della res cogitans cartesiana.Simone Guidi - 2018 - Milano MI, Italia: FrancoAngeli.
    A widespread historiographical portrayal represented Descartes' dualism as constituted in direct contrast with Aquinas' concept of soul-form. In the wake of the many studies that have opposed this prejudice in recent decades, this book reconstructs the fifteenth and seventeenth-century debate on psychology, focusing primarily on the Jesuit context and on the intersection between Aristotelianism, Platonism, and Augustinianism in early modern France. Beginning with a rigorous investigation of the theories of the separated soul, particular attention is then given to the indirect (...)
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  20.  28
    Eye-Closure Enhances Creative Performance on Divergent and Convergent Creativity Tasks.Simone M. Ritter, Jens Abbing & Hein T. van Schie - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:383969.
    In today’s world of rapid changes and increasing complexity, understanding and enhancing creativity is of critical importance. Studies investigating EEG correlates of creativity linked power in the alpha frequency band to creativity, and alpha-power has been interpreted as reflecting attention on internal mental representations and inhibition of external sensory input. Thus far, however, there is no direct evidence for the idea that internally directed attention facilitates creativity. The aim of the current study was to experimentally investigate the relationship between eye-closure—a (...)
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  21. Behind Closed Doors: Publicity, Secrecy, and the Quality of Deliberation.Simone Chambers - 2004 - Journal of Political Philosophy 12 (4):389-410.
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  22. Gravity and Grace.Simone Weil - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (106):276-278.
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    Formative writings, 1929-1941.Simone Weil - 1987 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. Edited by Dorothy Tuck McFarland & Wilhelmina Van Ness.
    Introduction Simone Weil experienced the uprootedness of the twentieth century early and continuously. She was born in Paris in 1909, the second child of ...
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  24.  14
    Auditory-Motor Rhythms and Speech Processing in French and German Listeners.Simone Falk, Chloé Volpi-Moncorger & Simone Dalla Bella - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Diary of a Philosophy Student, Volume 1: 1926-27.Simone de Beauvoir, Barbara Klaw & Margaret A. Simons (eds.) - 2006 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    Revelatory insights into the early life and thought of the preeminent French feminist philosopher Dating from her years as a philosophy student at the Sorbonne, this is the 1926-27 diary of the teenager who would become the famous French philosopher, author, and feminist, Simone de Beauvoir. Written years before her first meeting with Jean-Paul Sartre, these diaries reveal previously unknown details about her life and offer critical insights into her early philosophy and literary works. Presented here for the first (...)
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  26.  42
    Fighting Depression: Action Video Game Play May Reduce Rumination and Increase Subjective and Objective Cognition in Depressed Patients.Simone Kühn, Fabrice Berna, Thies Lüdtke, Jürgen Gallinat & Steffen Moritz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  27.  44
    Gravity and Grace.Simone Weil - 1952 - New York: Routledge.
    _Gravity and Grace_ shows Weil's religious thoughts and ideas, drawn from many sources - Christian, Jewish, Indian, Greek and Hindu - and focusing on suffering and redemption. It brings the reader face to face with the profoundest levels of existence as Weil explores the relationship of the human condition to the realm of the transcendent.
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    Heuristics as tales from the field: the problem of scope.Simone Guercini - 2019 - Mind and Society 18 (2):191-205.
    The scope of a heuristic decision making rule is a product of its fit to the context, the extension to which a heuristic can be applied successfully. To achieve effective outcomes, decision makers may use a few heuristics with large scopes or many with narrow scopes. Through a directed review of the literature combined with ethnographic research, this paper contributes to the debate on the problem of scope in three types of heuristics, namely, multipliers, thresholds, and calends. The scope of (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir: De la mémoire aux projets.Editors Simone de Beauvoir Studies - 1990 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 7 (1):67-70.
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  30. Moral Motivation across Ethical Theories: What Can We Learn for Designing Corporate Ethics Programs?Simone De Colle & Patricia H. Werhane - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (4):751 - 764.
    In this article we discuss what are the implications for improving the design of corporate ethics programs, if we focus on the moral motivation accounts offered by main ethical theories. Virtue ethics, deontological ethics and utilitarianism offer different criteria of judgment to face moral dilemmas: Aristotle's virtues of character, Kant's categorical imperative, and Mill's greatest happiness principle are, respectively, their criteria to answer the question "What is the right thing to do?" We look at ethical theories from a different perspective: (...)
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  31. Rhetoric and the Public Sphere.Simone Chambers - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (3):323-350.
    The pathologies of the democratic public sphere, first articulated by Plato in his attack on rhetoric, have pushed much of deliberative theory out of the mass public and into the study and design of small scale deliberative venues. The move away from the mass public can be seen in a growing split in deliberative theory between theories of democratic deliberation (on the ascendancy) which focus on discrete deliberative initiatives within democracies and theories of deliberative democracy (on the decline) that attempt (...)
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    La mise en images du corps handicapé dans l’art contemporain.Simone Korff Sausse - 2010 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 4 (2):82-93.
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  33. Filosofia e teologia in dialogo nella «cristologia filosofica» di Xavier Tilliette.Simone Stancampiano - 2006 - Studium 102 (6):843-866.
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    Deleuze and the Postcolonial.Simone Bignall & Paul Patton (eds.) - 2010 - Edinburgh University Press.
    This is the first collection of essays bringing together Deleuzian Philosophy and postcolonial theory. Bignall and Patton assemble some of the world's leading figures in these fields to explore rich linkages between two previously unrelated areas of study.
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    Urbanity and Generic Blackness.AbdouMaliq Simone - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):183-203.
    As urbanization assumes planetary scales under variegated market regimes, spaces and opportunities for collective provisions of care are constrained. Long honed relational skills and the use of heterogeneous relationships for economic opportunity are disentangled in favor of intensely individuated adaptations to precarious livelihoods. Urban life increasingly becomes a continuously updated series of interoperable standardizations and probabilistic calculations. Yet endurance for large numbers of urban residents remains predicated on indifference to and acts of detachment from prevailing modes of urban power, in (...)
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  36.  53
    When Marcel Mauss’s Essai sur le Don becomes The Gift: variations on the theme of solidarity.Simone Bateman - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (6):447-461.
    Since the early 1970s, Marcel Mauss’s Essai sur le Don, translated into English as The Gift in 1954, has been a standard reference in the social science and bioethical literature on the use of human body parts and substances for medical and research purposes. At that time, three social scientists—political scientist Richard Titmuss in the United Kingdom and sociologist Renée C. Fox working with historian Judith Swazey in the United States—had the idea of using this concept to highlight the fundamental (...)
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  37. First and Last Notebooks.Simone Weil & Richard Rees - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (177):274-276.
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    Questionnaire Measures and Physiological Correlates of Presence: A Systematic Review.Simone Grassini & Karin Laumann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Postcolonial Agency: Critique and Constructivism.Simone Bignall - 2010 - Edinburgh University Press.
    This book complements and balances the attention given by postcolonial theory to the revitalisation and recognition of the agency of colonised peoples. Simone Bignall argues that a non-imperial concept of ethical and political agency and a materialist philosophy of transformation are embedded within a minor tradition of Western philosophy. 'Postcolonial Agency'provides a significantly new understanding of the processes of social transformation faced by many societies as they struggle with the aftermath of empire. It also offers a valuable new way (...)
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    Oppression and Liberty.Simone Weil - 1988 - Routledge.
    _Oppression and Liberty_ is one of Simone Weil's most important books on political theory.Here she discusses political and social oppression, its permanent causes, the way it works and its contemporary forms. Simone Weil's writings on oppression and liberty continue to be as valid and thought-provoking today as they were in her lifetime.
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  41. Tra antichità e modernità. Studi di storia della filosofia medievale e rinascimentale. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina e Andrea Strazzoni.Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina & Andrea Strazzoni (eds.) - 2019 - Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino.
    The 26 essays collected in this volume explore some crucial aspects of the philosophical and scientific traditions of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Using a historical-philological approach, the volume brings to light unpublished documents and offers new reconstructions of the intellectual paths of authors such as Meister Eckhart, Nicole Oresme, John Buridan, Siger of Brabant, William of Ockham, Peter Pomponazzi, and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.
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  42. Liberation theology and leaning in latin America.Simone Conceição & Augusto Marcos Fagundes Oliveira - 2007 - In Sharan B. Merriam, Non-Western Perspectives on Learning and Knowing. Krieger Pub. Co..
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    Manifesto per un animalismo democratico.Simone Pollo - 2021 - Roma: Carocci editore.
  44.  31
    City of Potentialities: An Introduction.AbdouMaliq Simone - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):5-29.
    This introduces a series of articles in a themed section entitled City of Potentialities: Race, Violence and Invention. The section concerns how we might think more specifically about how to act in domains where complexity is both a resource for the imagination and an impediment to action. What kinds of dilemmas do residents face and what kinds of practices do they engage in in order to continuously gather up the tools and possibilities to endure in volatile urban conditions, where volatility (...)
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    From the field of consciousness to the social field.Aurora Simone - 2022 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10 (1):239-256.
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    Ethik der Normalität: zur Evolution moralischer Semantik in der Moderne.Simone Horstmann - 2016 - Berlin: Lit.
    Kann es das Normale in der Ethik geben, muss Normalität auch dort Berücksichtigung finden, wo mithin einzig Normen regulativen Charakter beanspruchen? Die Arbeit fragt danach, inwieweit Normalität als moralfähige Semantik der Moderne zu verstehen ist. Dabei wird deutlich: Normalität ist der Ethik nicht fremd, sie findet sich vielfach in ethischen Anwendungsdiskursen und kann insbesondere für die Theologische Ethik als moderne Verfeinerung der Natur(rechts)-Semantik aufgefasst werden, die von natural-gegebenen Zweckstrukturen absieht und Moral als Konstruktionsleistung entwirft.
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  47. Retrospective construction of the judgement of free choice.Simone Kühn & Marcel Brass - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):12-21.
    The problem of free will lies at the heart of modern scientific studies of consciousness. Some authors propose that actions are unconsciously initiated and awareness of intention is referred retrospectively to the action after it has been performed [e.g. Aarts, H., Custers, R., & Wegner, D. M. . On the inference of personal authorship: Enhancing experienced agency by priming effect information. Consciousness & Cognition, 14, 439–458]. This contrasts with the common impression that our intentions cause those actions. By combining a (...)
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    On science, necessity, and the love of God.Simone Weil - 1968 - New York [etc.]: Oxford University Press. Edited by Richard Rees.
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    The Climate of Science-Art and the Art-Science of the Climate: Meeting Points, Boundary Objects and Boundary Work.Simone Rödder - 2017 - Minerva 55 (1):93-116.
    This paper reports experiences from an art-science project set up in an educational context as well as in the tradition of placing artists in labs. It documents artists’ and scientists’ imaginations of their encounter and analyses them drawing on the concepts of “boundary object” and “boundary work”. Conceptually, the paper argues to broaden the idea of boundary objects to include inhibitory boundary objects that hinder rather than facilitate communication across boundaries. This focus on failures to link social worlds brings the (...)
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  50. The Paradox of Foundation: Descartes’ Eternal Truths and the Evil Genius.Simone Guidi - 2024 - In Paul Allen & Flavia Marcacci, Divined Explanations. The Theological and Philosophical Context for the Development of the Sciences (1600-2000). Boston: BRILL.
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