Results for 'Simon Hantaï'

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  1.  10
    Le toucher, Jean-Luc Nancy.Jacques Derrida & Simon Hantaï - 2000 - Editions Galilée.
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    Paintings, 1968–1981.Simon Hantaï - 2014 - Diacritics 42 (2):9-121.
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  3. Simon Hantaï after pliage.Molly Warnock - 2020 - In Robin Schuldenfrei, Iteration: episodes in the mediation of art and archtecture. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Molly Warnock. Simon Hantaï and the Reserves of Painting. University Park, Penn.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2020. 280 pp. [REVIEW]Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (4):812-814.
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  5. Immunity to error through misidentification.Simon Prosser & François Recanati (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this collection of newly commissioned essays, the contributors present a variety of approaches to it, engaging with historical and empirical aspects of the subject as well as contemporary philosophical work.
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  6. Richard Rorty on truth, justification and justice.Simon Thompson - 2001 - In Matthew Festenstein & Simon Thompson, Richard Rorty: Critical Dialogues. Malden, MA: Polity. pp. 33--50.
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  7. An Interview with Jerry Cohen.Simon Tormey - 2012 - In Gary Browning, Dialogues with contemporary political theorists. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 74.
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    The end of dialogue in antiquity.Simon Goldhill (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    'Dialogue' was invented as a written form in democratic Athens and made a celebrated and popular literary and philosophical style by Plato. Yet it almost completely disappeared in the Christian empire of late antiquity. This book, the first general and systematic study of the genre in antiquity, asks: who wrote dialogues and why? Why did dialogue no longer attract writers in the later period in the same way? Investigating dialogue goes to the heart of the central issues of power, authority, (...)
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    Fragmenting the Wave Function.Jonathan Simon - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 11:123-148.
    This paper develops and defends a new account of B-theoretic endurantism and a new account of the metaphysics of the quantum state, and highlights the parallels between the considerations that motivate them. These new accounts are both fragmentalist, in the sense that they follow Fine (2005) in invoking a symmetric coordination relation between facts, such that facts that are pairwise incompatible (like Hugh's being happy and Hugh's being sad) can both obtain provided that they are not related by this relation. (...)
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    The Ethics of Choosing Children.Simon Reader - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book takes the contentious issue of designer babies and argues against the liberal eugenic current of bioethics that commends the logic and choice regimes of selective reproduction. Against conceptions of Procreative Beneficence that trade on a disregard for the gifts of maternal bodies, it seeks to recover a thought of maternal giving and a more hospitable ethic of generational beneficence. Exploring themes of responsibility, gift and natality, the book refigures the experience of reproduction as the site of an ethical (...)
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    Stress-Activity Mapping: Physiological Responses During General Duty Police Encounters.Simon Baldwin, Craig Bennell, Judith P. Andersen, Tori Semple & Bryce Jenkins - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Resolving the observer reference class problem in cosmology.Simon Friederich - 2017 - Physical Review D 95 (12).
    The assumption that we are typical observers plays a core role in attempts to make multiverse theories empirically testable. A widely shared worry about this assumption is that it suffers from systematic ambiguity concerning the reference class of observers with respect to which typicality is assumed. As a way out, Srednicki and Hartle recommend that we empirically test typicality with respect to different candidate reference classes in analogy to how we test physical theories. Unfortunately, as this paper argues, this idea (...)
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  13. The negative energy sea.Simon Saunders - 1991 - In Simon Saunders & Harvey R. Brown, The Philosophy of Vacuum. Oxford University Press.
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    Empathic responses and moral status for social robots: an argument in favor of robot patienthood based on K. E. Løgstrup.Simon N. Balle - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):535-548.
    Empirical research on human–robot interaction has demonstrated how humans tend to react to social robots with empathic responses and moral behavior. How should we ethically evaluate such responses to robots? Are people wrong to treat non-sentient artefacts as moral patients since this rests on anthropomorphism and ‘over-identification’ —or correct since spontaneous moral intuition and behavior toward nonhumans is indicative for moral patienthood, such that social robots become our ‘Others’?. In this research paper, I weave extant HRI studies that demonstrate empathic (...)
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    Motives and comprehension in a public goods game with induced emotions.Simon Bartke, Steven J. Bosworth, Dennis J. Snower & Gabriele Chierchia - 2019 - Theory and Decision 86 (2):205-238.
    This study analyses the sensitivity of public goods contributions through the lens of psychological motives. We report the results of a public goods experiment in which subjects were induced with the motives of care and anger through autobiographical recall. Subjects’ preferences, beliefs, and perceptions under each motive are compared with those of subjects experiencing a neutral autobiographical recall control condition. We find, but only for those subjects with the highest comprehension of the game, that care elicits significantly higher contributions than (...)
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  16. Books etcetera-the ascent of babel: An exploration of language, mind and understanding.Simon Garrod - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (7):281.
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    Ethical Issues in Environmental Decision Making and the Limitations of Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA).Simon Glynn - 1996 - Ethics and the Environment 1 (1):27 - 39.
    This paper argues that even the most extensively refined comparative cost/benefit analysis must be supplemented by other factors, irreducible to it, if we are to develop an adequate framework to guide policy decisions affecting technological design and innovation.
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  18. Hugh J. Silverman, Inscriptions: Between phenomenology and structuralism Reviewed by.Simon Glynn - 1989 - Philosophy in Review 9 (5):200-202.
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    The Hermeneutics of God, the Universe, and Everything.Simon Glynn - 2014 - In D. Ginev, The Multidimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology. New York: Springer. pp. 359--385.
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    Defining art culturally : modern theories of art - a synthesis.Simon Fokt - 2012 - Dissertation, University of St. Andrews
    Numerous theories have attempted to overcome the anti-essentialist scepticism about the possibility of defining art. While significant advances have been made in this field, it seems that most modern definitions fail to successfully address the issue of the ever-changing nature of art raised by Morris Weitz, and rarely even attempt to provide an account which would be valid in more than just the modern Western context. This thesis looks at the most successful definitions currently defended, determines their strengths and weaknesses, (...)
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  21. Three Texts in One? An Examination of the Title Procli Diadochi Tria opuscula.Simon Fortier - 2009 - Dionysius 27.
  22. Time, quantum mechanics, and decoherence.Simon Saunders - 1995 - Synthese 102 (2):235 - 266.
    State-reduction and the notion of actuality are compared to passage through time and the notion of the present; already in classical relativity the latter give rise to difficulties. The solution proposed here is to treat both tense and value-definiteness as relational properties or facts as relations; likewise the notions of change and probability. In both cases essential characteristics are absent: temporal relations are tenselessly true; probabilistic relations are deterministically true. The basic ideas go back to Everett, although the technical development (...)
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  23. Qu'est-ce que la responsabilité ?Christian Nadeau & Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2024 - Paris: Vrin.
    Être responsable de notre conduite passée, c’est, en un sens, devoir en répondre. Cela signifie d’accepter qu’on en est l’auteur, à titre d’individu ou de membre d’un groupe. Mais cela implique aussi de devoir la défendre, c’est-à-dire de la justifier si possible ou de l’excuser et parfois d’en accepter les conséquences négatives. Bref, si nous sommes responsables, c’est que nous sommes concernés et que nous devons réagir. À la difficulté psychologique de cette prise de responsabilité s’ajoutent des défis intellectuels majeurs. (...)
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    Natural Philosophy and Public Spectacle in the Eighteenth Century.Simon Schaffer - 1983 - History of Science 21 (1):1-43.
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    (1 other version)Seriality and scientific objects in the nineteenth century.Nick Hopwood, Simon Schaffer & Jim Secord - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Nick Hopwood, Simon Schaffer and Jim Secord, “Seriality and scientific objects in the nineteenth century”, History of Science, xlviii. Series represent much that was new and significant in the sciences between the French Revolution and the First World War. From periodical publication to the cinema, tabulation to industrialized screening, series feature in major innovations in scientific communication and the organization of laboratories, clinics, libraries, museums and field - XIXe siècle – Nouvel article.
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    Introduction: Normativity, reasons, rationality.Simon Robertson - 2009 - In Spheres of reason: new essays in the philosophy of normativity. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-28.
  27. Harms and Wrongs in Epistemic Practice.Simon Barker, Charlie Crerar & Trystan S. Goetze - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 84:1-21.
    This volume has its roots in two recent developments within mainstream analytic epistemology: a growing recognition over the past two or three decades of the active and social nature of our epistemic lives; and, more recently still, the increasing appreciation of the various ways in which the epistemic practices of individuals and societies can, and often do, go wrong. The theoretical analysis of these breakdowns in epistemic practice, along with the various harms and wrongs that follow as a consequence, constitutes (...)
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  28. Cognition and explanation.Herbert A. Simon, Discovering Explanations, Clark Glymour, Andy Clark, Twisted Tales, Alison Gopnik & Explanation as Orgasm - 1998 - Cognition 8 (1).
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  29. Silence (hening), provokasi hidup beragama.Simon Petrus L. Tjahjadi - 2018 - In F. Wawan Setyadi & A. Sudiarja, Meluhurkan kemanusiaan: kumpulan esai untuk A. Sudiarja. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.
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    Temporal clustering and sequencing in short-term memory and episodic memory.Simon Farrell - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (2):223-271.
  31. Cosmopolitanism and the law of peoples.Simon Caney - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (1):95–123.
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    In the Name of Phenomenology.Simon Glendinning - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    The attempt to pursue philosophy in the name of phenomenology is one of the most significant and important developments in twentieth century thought. In this bold and innovative book, Simon Glendinning introduces some of its major figures, and demonstrates that its ongoing strength and coherence is to be explained less by what Maurice Merleau-Ponty called the 'unity' of its 'manner of thinking' and more by what he called its 'unfinished nature'. Beginning with a discussion of the nature of phenomenology, (...)
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  33. The justice of justification.Anthony Simon Laden - 2010 - In James Gordon Finlayson & Fabian Freyenhagen, Habermas and Rawls: Disputing the Political. New York: Routledge.
  34. Normative systems of discovery and logic of search.Jan M. Zytkow & Herbert A. Simon - 1988 - Synthese 74 (1):65 - 90.
    New computer systems of discovery create a research program for logic and philosophy of science. These systems consist of inference rules and control knowledge that guide the discovery process. Their paths of discovery are influenced by the available data and the discovery steps coincide with the justification of results. The discovery process can be described in terms of fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence such as heuristic search, and can also be interpreted in terms of logic. The traditional distinction that places (...)
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  35. What is Probability?Simon Saunders - 2004 - Arxiv Preprint Quant-Ph/0412194.
    Probabilities may be subjective or objective; we are concerned with both kinds of probability, and the relationship between them. The fundamental theory of objective probability is quantum mechanics: it is argued that neither Bohr's Copenhagen interpretation, nor the pilot-wave theory, nor stochastic state-reduction theories, give a satisfactory answer to the question of what objective probabilities are in quantum mechanics, or why they should satisfy the Born rule; nor do they give any reason why subjective probabilities should track objective ones. But (...)
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    Dictionary of Philosophy.Simon Blackburn - 2005 - Oxford ;: Oxford University Press UK.
    This best-selling dictionary is written by one of the most famous philosophers of our time, and it is widely recognized as the best dictionary of its kind. Comprehensive and authoritative, it covers every aspect of philosophy from Aristotle to Zen. With clear and concise definitions, it provides lively and accessible coverage of not only Western philosophical traditions, but also themes from Chinese, Indian, Islamic, and Jewish philosophy. Entries include over 500 biographies of famous and influential philosophers, in-depth analysis of philosophical (...)
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    The Concept of ‘Function’ in Cassirer’s Historical, Systematic, and Ethical Writings.Simon Truwant - 2015 - In J. Tyler Friedman & Sebastian Luft, The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 289-312.
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    Do microenvironmental changes disrupt multicellular organisation with ageing, enacting and favouring the cancer cell phenotype?Simon P. Castillo, Juan E. Keymer & Pablo A. Marquet - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000126.
    Cancer is a singular cellular state, the emergence of which destabilises the homeostasis reached through the evolution to multicellularity. We present the idea that the onset of the cellular disobedience to the metazoan functional and structural architecture, known as the cancer phenotype, is triggered by changes in the cell's external environment that occur with ageing: what ensues is a breach of the social contract of multicellular life characteristic of metazoans. By integrating old ideas with new evidence, we propose that with (...)
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    Analyzing polysemiosis: language, gesture, and depiction in two cultural practices with sand drawing.Jordan Zlatev, Simon Devylder, Rebecca Defina, Kalina Moskaluk & Linea Brink Andersen - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (253):81-116.
    Human communication is by defaultpolysemiotic: it involves the spontaneous combination of two or moresemiotic systems, the most important ones beinglanguage,gesture, anddepiction. We formulate an original cognitive-semiotic framework for the analysis of polysemiosis, contrasting this with more familiar systems based on the ambiguous term “multimodality.” To be fully explicit, we developed a coding system for the analysis of polysemiotic utterances containing speech, gesture, and drawing, and implemented this in the ELAN video annotation software. We used this to analyze 23 video-recordings of (...)
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  40. Reflections on ether.Simon Saunders & H. R. Brown - 1991 - In Simon Saunders & Harvey R. Brown, The Philosophy of Vacuum. Oxford University Press. pp. 27--63.
  41. Newton at the crossroads.Simon Schaffer - 1984 - Radical Philosophy 37:23-28.
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    “Temporal clustering and sequencing in short-term memory and episodic memory”: Correction to Farrell (2012).Simon Farrell - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (4):899-899.
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    The Logic of Modernity and Ecological Crisis.Simon Lumsden - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (3):277-296.
    This paper examines the theory of sustainable development presented by Jeffrey Sachs in The Age of Sustainable Development. While Sustainable Development ostensibly seeks to harmonise the conflict between ecological sustainability and human development, the paper argues this is impossible because of the conceptual frame it employs. Rather than allowing for a re-conceptualisation of the human-nature relation, Sustainable Development is simply the latest and possibly last attempt to advance the core idea of western modernity — the notion of self-determination. Drawing upon (...)
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    Ways to Knowledge-First Believe.Simon Wimmer - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):1189-1205.
    On a widely suggested knowledge-first account of belief, to believe p is to phi as if one knew p. I challenge this view by arguing against various regimentations of it. I conclude by generalizing my argument to alternative knowledge-first views suggested by Williamson and Wimmer.
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    Hale on Logical and Absolute Necessity: What You Put In Is What You Get Out.Simon H. Babbs & Joshua Mendelsohn - 2022 - Argumenta 14.
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    Democracy Will Never be the Same Again: 21st Century Protest and the Transformation of Politics.Simon Tormey - 2015 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 17:107-128.
    This paper looks at the current wave of protests and demonstrations and asks whether what we are witnessing is the emergence of a new movement against austerity and in favour of democracy, as many suggest. The wider context is the crisis of representative politics, which is in turn transforming the nature of mobilisation, contestation and politics more generally. In place of traditional organisational structures, we are seeing the emergence of cloud, swarm and connective initiatives with characteristics that challenge and supplant (...)
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    (1 other version)From filters to fillers: an active inference approach to body image distortion in the selfie era.Simon C. Tremblay, Safae Essafi Tremblay & Pierre Poirier - 2021 - AI and Society (1):33-48.
    Advances in artificial intelligence, as well as its increased presence in everyday life, have brought the emergence of many new phenomena, including an intriguing appearance of what seems to be a variant of body dysmorphic disorder, coined “Snapchat dysmorphia”. Body dysmorphic disorder is a DSM-5 psychiatric disorder defined as a preoccupation with one or more perceived defects or flaws in physical appearance that are not observable or appear slight to others. Snapchat dysmorphia is fueled by automated selfie filters that reflect (...)
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    (1 other version)An African ethic of hospitality for the global church: a response to the culture of exploitation and violence in Africa.Simon Mary Asese Aihiokhai - 2017 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 6 (2):20-41.
    Barely seventeen years into the twenty-first century, our world continues to be plagued by endless wars and violence. Africa is not immune from these crises. As many countries in Africa celebrate more than fifty years of independence from colonial rule, Africa is still the poorest continent in the world. Religious wars, genocides, ethnic and tribal cleansings have come to define the continent’s contemporary history. Corruption, nepotism, dictatorship, disregard for human life, tribalism, and many social vices are normalized realities in many (...)
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    Making a case for an economic alternative for our globalized world: insights from the margins.Simon Mary Asese Aihiokhai - 2019 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 8 (3):77-88.
    Economic inequality is a pressing issue that the global community must address in an urgent and detailed manner if global peace is to be sustained. This paper makes the claim that viable alternative solutions to global economic inequality can be found outside the boundaries of western capitalism. This claim is defended via three movements: first, a critique of Christian teachings on the common good is presented as a pathway to this economic alternative. Second, insights from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (...)
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    “Did Somebody Say Computers?” Professional and Ethical Repercussions of the Vocationalization and Commercialization of Education.Simon Adetona Akindes - 2000 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 20 (2):90-99.
    The federal and corporate initiative to technologize education has transformed schools, colleges, and universities into a new frontier for the computer industry. While educational institutions have maintained an equivocal relationship with markets and the state, they had striven to preserve a simulacrum of independence until the early 1980s. Then, neoconservative ideologies and their accompanying discourse on restructuring education discovered in the computer the ideal neutral tool to promote, in its virtual clothes, their gospel. The Clinton administration and big corporations, taking (...)
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