Results for 'Silvio Leone'

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  1. [no title].Silvio Leone - unknown
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    Silvio Leone, Polis, Platz und Porträt. Die Bildnisstatuen auf der Agora von Athen im Späthellenismus und in der Kaiserzeit (86 v. Chr.–267 n. Chr.), Berlin – Boston (De Gruyter) 2020 (Urban Spaces 9), X, 276 S., 133 Abb., ISBN 978-3-11-065283-3 (geb.), € 119,95Polis, Platz und Porträt. Die Bildnisstatuen auf der Agora von Athen im Späthellenismus und in der Kaiserzeit. [REVIEW]Sheila Dillon - 2022 - Klio 104 (1):387-391.
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    Intracultural Awareness in Legal Language—Silvio Berlusconi’s Iconography of Law.Massimo Leone - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (3):579-595.
    Against the assumption that legal and normative systems are coextensive with geopolitical units and national spaces, the article advocates for the need to study how different legal and normative semiospheres, within the same geopolitical unit and national space, often give rise to ‘normolects’ that are transversal to socio-economic classes, ethnicities, and cultural lifestyles. The concept of legal and normative ‘imaginaries’ is useful to come to terms with the legal and normative semiotic ideology of such normolects, including their non-verbal dimension and (...)
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    Besieging the Courthouse: The Proxemics of Law Between Totalitarian Awe and Populist Rage.Massimo Leone - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (2):317-333.
    In 2006, acclaimed Italian film director Nanni Moretti released Il caimano [“the Caiman”], a surreal depiction of Silvio Berlusconi’s career as controversial businessman and politician. In one of the last sequences, an indicted Berlusconi leaves the courthouse of Milan, while his supporters besiege its premises and set them on fire. Admired for his capacity of prophetically foreseeing the developments of Italian society, Nanni Moretti’s apocalyptic vision was confirmed by reality on March 11, 2013, when a group of deputes and (...)
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    The Spiral of Digital Falsehood in Deepfakes.Massimo Leone - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):385-405.
    The article defines the research field of a semiotically oriented philosophy of digital communication. It lays out its methodological perspective, pointing out how the fake has always been at the center of semiotic research. It traces the origin of deepfakes back to the conception of GANs, whose essential semiotic workings it expounds on. It enucleates the specificities of the digital fake, especially in the production of artificial faces. It reviews the deepfake phenomenon, enunciating its most recent statistics, prevalent areas of (...)
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    Introduction to the semiotics of belonging.Massimo Leone - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):449-470.
    The article proposes a phenomenological and semiotic theoretical framework for the intelligibility of the meaning of belonging, one of the most fundamental concepts in present-day cultures and societies. After defining belonging as a spatial enunciation that brings about 1) the frontiers of a space of belonging; 2) the consequent opposition between an environment of belonging and one of non-belonging; and 3) the relation between, on the one hand, the subject of enunciation and, on the other hand, the opposition /environment of (...)
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  7. Exempla docent. How to Make Sense of Aristotle’s Examples of the Fallacy of Accident (Doxography Matters).Leone Gazziero - 2015 - Acta Philosophica 24 (2):333-354.
    Scholarly dissatisfaction with Aristotle’s fallacy of accident has traditionally focused on his examples, whose compatibility with the fallacy’s definition has been doubted time and again. Besides a unified account of the fallacy of accident itself, the paper provides a formalized analysis of its several examples in Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi. The most problematic instances are dealt with by means of an internal reconstruction of their features as conveyed by Aristotle’s text and an extensive survey of their interpretation in the Byzantine and (...)
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  8.  56
    Emotions and decision making: Regulatory focus moderates the influence of anticipated emotions on action evaluations.Luigi Leone, Marco Perugini & Richard Bagozzi - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1175-1198.
  9. On the tracks of life.Leone Gioacchino Sera - 1909 - New York,: J. Lane company. Edited by J. M. Kennedy, [From Old Catalog] & Oscar Levy.
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    The Principle of Indeterminacy and the Subjective Infinite.Leone Vivante - 1968 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):67-69.
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    From Fingers to Faces: Visual Semiotics and Digital Forensics.Massimo Leone - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (2):579-599.
    Identification is a primary need of societies. It is even more central in law enforcement. In the history of crime, a dialectics takes place between felonious attempts at concealing, disguising, or forging identities and societal efforts at unmasking the impostures. Semiotics offers specialistic skills at studying the signs of societal detection and identification, including those of forensics and criminology. In human history, no sign more than the face is attached a value of personal identity. Yet, modern forensics realizes that the (...)
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  12. Taking stock of legal ontologies: a feature-based comparative analysis.Valentina Leone, Luigi Di Caro & Serena Villata - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (2):207-235.
    Ontologies represent the standard way to model the knowledge about specific domains. This holds also for the legal domain where several ontologies have been put forward to model specific kinds of legal knowledge. Both for standard users and for law scholars, it is often difficult to have an overall view on the existing alternatives, their main features and their interlinking with the other ontologies. To answer this need, in this paper, we address an analysis of the state-of-the-art in legal ontologies (...)
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    Education and development.Leone Burton - 1969 - British Journal of Educational Studies 17 (2):129-145.
  14.  31
    Propaganda mala fide: Towards a comparative semiotics of violent religious persuasion.Massimo Leone - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (207):631-655.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 207 Seiten: 631-655.
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    Non-invasive brain stimulation as a therapeutic and investigative tool! An ethical appraisal.Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Felipe Fregni, Forrow L. Steven-Wheeler & Lachlan Forrow - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian, Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press.
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    Filosofia e teologia della vita activa: la sfera dell'agire pratico in Enrico di Gand.Marialucrezia Leone - 2014 - Bari: Edizioni di Pagina.
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  17. Je suis autre", sur quelques figures de l'altérité dans le Confessions : de la diffraction du moi à la mise en scène de l'hétérogénéité textuelle.Maria Leone - 2014 - In Jean-François Perrin & Yves Citton, Jean-Jacques Rousseau et l'exigence d'authenticité: une question pour notre temps. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Regimes semióticos do pertencimento nas metrópoles contempor'neas.Massimo Leone - 2014 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 2 (24).
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    On Muzzles and Faces: The Semiotic Limits of Visage and Personhood.Massimo Leone - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1275-1298.
    The essay investigates the anthropological concept of personhood from the point of view of the dialectics between two fundamental elements of the socio-cultural, linguistic, and semiotic construction of the self-identity of the human species: on the one hand, the human face and, on the other, the non-human muzzle. After demonstrating that their semantics is contrastively articulated in all Indo-European languages, and after showing that such contrast is featured also in several non-Indo-European languages, including those referring to supposedly alternative “ontologies of (...)
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    Time drawings: Spatial representation of temporal concepts.María Juliana Leone, Alejo Salles, Alejandro Pulver, Diego Andrés Golombek & Mariano Sigman - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 59:10-25.
  21.  29
    Religious conversion and identity: the semiotic analysis of texts.Massimo Leone - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    The way in which people change and represent their spiritual evolution is often determined by recurrent language structures. Through the analysis of ancient and modern stories and their words and images, this book describes the nature of conversion through explorations of the encounter with the religious message, the discomfort of spiritual uncertainty, the loss of personal and social identity, the anxiety of destabilization, the reconstitution of the self and the discovery of a new language of the soul.
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    Memory reconsolidation keeps track of emotional changes, but what will explain the actual “processing”?Antonio Pascual-Leone & Juan Pascual-Leone - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
    We question memory reconsolidation and emotional arousal as sufficient determinants of therapeutic change. Generating new feelings and meanings must be contrasted with activating and stabilizing the evolving memories that reflect those novel experiences. Some therapeutic changes are not attributable to a memory model alone. “Emotional processing” is also needed and is often an undeclared form of complex executive problem solving.
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    Sacred Foe: About the Face of Exemplary Evil.Massimo Leone - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (4):1115-1129.
    This essay aims to summarize and explore two issues that, in the exegetical and representational traditions of the biblical text, have triggered a myriad of semiotic intelligences. First, the nature of Cain’s face at the moment of the sacrifice refused him by the Lord, a face variously interpreted as angry, sad, dejected, depressed, dark. Second, the nature of the sign imposed by God on Cain following Abel’s fratricide. After exploring Jewish and Christian exegesis, ancient and modern, with some reference to (...)
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    Infinity, Divine Transcendence and Immanence in Or Hashem.Alexander Leone - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (1):177-182.
    Hasdai Crescas (1340-1411) fue un filósofo, rabino y figura pública que vivió en un período muy turbulento para las comunidades judías ibéricas y provenzales de la Baja Edad Media. Crescas lanzó una crítica vehemente contra el paradigma aristotélico recibido de la _falsafa_, que fue utilizado por Maimónides para sustentar y probar la existencia, unidad e incorporeidad de Dios, conceptualizado en la _Guía de los perplejos_ como el ser necesario absolutamente trascendente en relación con el ser contingente, es decir, el mundo. (...)
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    Eça de Queiroz e Ramalho Ortigão, As Farpas, coord. Maria Filomena Mónica, Principia, S. João do Estoril, 2004.Carlos Leone - 2005 - Cultura:369-370.
    Um pouco como sucedeu com Portugal, Hoje de José Gil, esta edição de As Farpas surgiu num contexto do espaço mediático português muito marcado por um momentâneo extre­mar das suas características mais venais, o que, se teve algum proveito em termos de vendas, contribuiu também para que a recepção imediata desta edição reproduzisse acriticamente os tropos e os topos do costume sobre Eça (Ramalho é como se nem estivesse lá...). Sem lamen­tação nem indignação, não custa compreender que, além das...
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  26. The Latin “Third Man”. A Survey and Edition of Texts from the XIIIth Century.Leone Gazziero - 2012 - Cahiers de L’Institut du Moyen Age Grec Et Latin 81:11-93.
    Latin commentators came across the « Third Man » in Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi. The way they dealt with the argument is a fair illustration of how they were both faithful to the text and innovative in their understanding of its most challenging issues. Besides providing a detailed survey of all manuscript sources, the introductory essay shows that Latin interpretation originates from a mistake in Boethius’ translation which radically transformed the argument. The edition makes available for the first time a considerable (...)
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    Uno scotismo pugliese? Sulle tracce del pensiero di Giovanni Duns Scoto in terra di Puglia nei secoli XV-XVIII.Marialucrezia Leone - 2023 - Quaestio 23:353-382.
    The aim of this article is to look at the historiographical phenomenon of Scotism in the light of its diffusion in Puglia region from the period following the death of John Duns Scotus (1308) to the 18th century. The intellectual link between Scotist thought and Puglia already arose in the time immediately following Scotus’ death, with the figure of William of Alnwick (bishop of Giovinazzo in 1329/1330), and it is further confirmed and fostered by the widespread presence of Franciscan convents (...)
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    João Paulo Monteiro, Realidade e Cognição, IN-CM, Lisboa, 2004, pp. 131.Carlos Leone - 2005 - Cultura:249-250.
    Ao cabo de toda uma carreira universitária que quase pode ser confundida com a reflexão sobre Hume em língua portuguesa, a ponto de outros interesses, capazes de originar empresas como a tradução do Leviathan de Hobbes (também na INCM), serem como que laterais ao percurso do seu autor, João Paulo Monteiro publica Realidade e Cognição, uma obra que não se afasta dos domínios de gnoseologia e epistemologia contemporâneas que lhe são familiares nem da influência humeana que aqui surge explicitam...
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    José Gil, Portugal, Hoje: o Medo de Existir, Relógio d'Água, Lisboa, 2004.Carlos Leone - 2005 - Cultura:366-368.
    Um aspecto poucas vezes (se é que alguma vez) referido a propósito deste livro de José Gil é o modo como sintetiza tantos aspectos da sua obra anterior. O que é tanto mais interessan­te quanto o faz recorrendo quer a noções centrais dela como a aspectos quase desconhecidos, e isto através de uma reflexão sobre mentalidades que não é muito frequente destacar-se nos seus trabalhos. Mais ainda do que «a intensidade que uma relação com este país supõe» (p. 142), que (...)
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    Il «Parmenide» di Platone e la sua tradizione.Marialucrezia Leone - 2001 - Quaestio 1 (1):493-502.
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  31. Per una nuova edizione critica delle epistole di Massimo Planude.P. L. M. Leone - forthcoming - Byzantion.
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    Stephen C. Sieberson, Dividing Lines between the European Union and its Member States – The impact of the Treaty of Lisbon.Carlos Leone - 2011 - Cultura:287-288.
    Este trabalho, uma das primeiras obras dedicadas ao significado do Tratado de Lisboa (2007) nas suas vertentes política, histórica e jurídica, constitui não apenas uma reflexão clara e bem fundamentada sobre o seu objecto (o que já seria notável dada a sua complexidade e ainda relativa novidade) mas serve ainda ao leitor, especialista ou não nas matérias da União Europeia, como um guia para a análise do Tratado de Lisboa e do processo que lhe deu origem, a falhada «Constituição Europeia», (...)
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    L’interesse pubblico del paesaggio e l’etica di Croce.Marialucrezia Leone - 2024 - Quaestio 24:435-461.
    This study traces the fundamental stages of Benedetto Croce’s moral thought, focusing on the concept of ‘ethical-utility’ (etico-utile). In his texts, Croce understands utility as inseparable from morality. Moral action is good precisely because it is first and foremost useful. He distinguishes between a merely personal utility (which is the basis of all economic and moral action) and a utility that may develop into universal-utility (ethical- utility). Compared to the economic individual who aims at private profit, the moral person would (...)
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    Piirid ja identiteedid religioosse pöördumise puhul.Massimo Leone - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):501-501.
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    Neuropsychology still needs to model organismic processes “from within”.Juan Pascual-Leone, Antonio Pascual-Leone & Marie Arsalidou - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    To appraise developmental difficulty or mental demand, relational complexity is not enough.Juan Pascual-Leone - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (6):843-844.
    Two assertions of Halford et al. are critiqued: their claim of priority in relational complexity analysis and the sufficiency for cognitive development of their relational-complexity analysis of tasks. Critical discussion of concrete task analyses (i.e., the relational complexity of proportionality problems, of balance scale problems, and the Tower of Hanoi) serves, by way of counterexamples, to highlight problems in their method.
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  37. Transcranial magnetic stimulation and the human brain: an ethical evaluation.Megan S. Steven & Pascual-Leone & Alvaro - 2005 - In Judy Illes, Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy. Oxford University Press.
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    A obra de Freud e as suas vicissitudes.Carlos Leone - 2008 - Cultura:295-298.
    A indústria cultural tem nos aniversários mais diversos oportunidades de (auto) celebração com virtualidades cada vez mais exploradas. Neste caso interessa-nos a celebração dos 150 anos do nascimento de Freud, embora outros exemplos, à primeira vista até mais originais, fossem possíveis (como a ainda recente azáfama em torno dos 250 anos do terramoto de Lisboa). O que torna o caso dos 150 anos de Freud tão interessante é ver como em seu torno se procedeu à habitual evocação festiva, típica da...
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    Gil, Isabel Capeloa (coord.), Identidade Europeia: identidades na Europa.Carlos Leone - 2011 - Cultura:291-293.
    Este pequeno volume (160 pp.) reúne as intervenções no colóquio com o mesmo título realizado na Faculdade de Ciências Humanas no ano de 2004. O habitual lapso de tempo prolongado entre estes encontros e a publicação dos seus resultados resulta, neste caso, interessante, atendendo às evoluções que se verificaram em tantos (todos?) os temas propostos pela organização desta conferência internacional e desenvolvidos pelos participantes (no caso da intervenção de José Cutileiro, esse lapso é abert...
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    The search for the imperfect language.Massimo Leone - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (231):105-119.
    The meta-semiotic ideology that underpins most contemporary semiotics seems at odds with the one that underlies the attempt at planning and creating a new language. Semiotics, as well as modern linguistics, has increasingly evolved into a substantially descriptive endeavor, excluding any consistent normative purpose. Faithful to the epistemology of Ferdinand de Saussure, semiotics does not primarily aim at either pointing at some supposed flaws of such or such language or at proposing some new linguistic forms meant to fix them. The (...)
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    (1 other version)English Poetry: And its Contribution to the Knowledge of a Creative People.Leone Vivante & T. S. Eliot - 1950 - Southern Illinois University Press.
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  42. Notes on the Originality of Thought. The Concept of Internal Necessity. Poetic Thought and Constructive Thought.Leone Vivante - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:111-111.
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  43. Dire et vouloir dire dans les arts du langage anciens et tardo-antiques. Introduction.Leone Gazziero - 2019 - Methodos 1 (19):1-8.
    « Qu’est-ce que le langage et à quoi sert-il ? » -/- « Qu’est-ce qu’un signe linguistique et en quoi consiste sa signification ? » -/- « Quels sont les effets que les expressions linguistiques produisent, les contraintes qu’il faut respecter et les précautions qu’il convient de prendre lorsqu’on les utilise ? » -/- Ce complexe de questions, dont on peut retracer l’origine dans un certain nombre de textes de l’Antiquité, oriente depuis les enjeux fondamentaux de la réflexion sur la (...)
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  44. Sicut Aristoteles loquitur, sic exponit Boethius. Essai de “simplification” archéologique.Leone Gazziero - 2018 - In Jean-Baptiste Brenet & Laurent Cesalli, Sujet libre. Pour Alain de Libera. Vrin. pp. 149-154.
    Aux prises avec une archive en pleine expansion et une littérature secondaire dont la masse a atteint et, notamment depuis son tournant numérique, largement dépassé un seuil critique, l’archéologie philosophique a fait le deuil du rêve micrologique de « tout lire, tout étudier » que Michel Foucault s’était pourtant donné pour idéal régulateur en s’interdisant d’effectuer un tri en amont des « choses dites dans une culture, conservées, valorisées, réutilisées, répétées et transformées ». Il importe désormais moins de décrire la (...)
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  45. “Vertendo vel etiam commentando in Latinam redigam formam” (In Aristotelis peri hermeneias commentarium. Editio secunda, II, 79.23 - 80.1). Boèce ou l’art de bien traduire (en commentant) et de bien commenter (en traduisant).Leone Gazziero - 2017 - Rursus 10:1-117.
    Celebrated as the equal to the great philosophers of old, namely Plato and Aristotle, whom – as Cassiodorus put it – he taught to speak Latin better than they spoke Greek, Boethius aspired to fully emancipate Roman culture from its Greek models through translations and exegesis so faithful they would leave nothing more to be desired from the original. The essay focuses on Boethius philhellenism, without complexes insofar as it had little to do either with the mixed feelings of his (...)
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  46. “ἐὰν ὡσαύτως τῇ ψυχῇ ἐπὶ πάντα ἴδῃς” (Platonis Parmenides, 132a 1 - 132b 2). Voir les Idées avec son âme et le “Troisième homme” de Platon.Leone Gazziero - 2014 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 32 (1):35-85.
    Few arguments from the past have stirred up as much interest as Aristotle’s “Third man” and not so many texts have received as much attention as its account in chapter 22 of the Sophistici elenchi. And yet, several issues about both remain highly controversial, starting from the very nature of the argument at stake and the exact signification of some of its features. The essay provides a close commentary of the text, dealing with its main difficulties and suggesting an overall (...)
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    The Effects of Animacy and Syntax on Priming: A Developmental Study.Leone Buckle, Elena Lieven & Anna L. Theakston - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  48. Présuppositions linguistiques et enjeux philosophiques des paralogismes liés à la forme de l’expression dans les Réfutations sophistiques d’Aristote.Leone Gazziero - 2016 - In Godart-Wendling Béatrice & Raïd Layla, B. Godart-Wendling et L. Raïd (éd.), A la recherche de la présupposition, London, Iste Editions, 2016. Iste. pp. 33-52.
    Pour des raisons essentiellement liées à la vocation des textes où la notion de présupposition a fait son apparition, c’est la présupposition d’existence qui s’est imposée la première à l’attention des philosophes du langage. Elle a également déterminé l’orientation des débats en les focalisant sur quelques problèmes traditionnels, au premier chef desquels le problème de l’absence de référence de certaines expressions et celui des imperfections du langage naturel. Contrairement aux noms propres et aux descriptions définies, les termes qui signifient des (...)
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  49. Et quoniam est quis tertius homo. Argument, exégèse, contresens dans la littérature latine apparentée aux Sophistici elenchi d’Aristote.Leone Gazziero - 2013 - Archives D’Histoire Doctrinale Et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 80 (1):7-48.
    Les commentateurs latins ont rencontré pour la première fois le « Troisième homme » d’Aristote dans le chapitre vingt-deux des Sophistici elenchi. Cette rencontre illustre bien à la fois leur respect de la lettre et la radicalité de certaines de leurs innovations. Influencée par la traduction de Boèce, leur exégèse de l’argument a tenu compte de l’ensemble des indications du texte tout en lui conférant une tournure inédite.
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  50. "Utrum figura dictionis sit fallacia in dictione. et quod non videtur". A Taxonomic Puzzle or how Medieval Logicians Came to Account for an Odd Question by an Impossible Answer.Leone Gazziero - 2016 - In de Libera Alain, Cesalli Laurent & Goubier Frédéric, A. de Libera, L. Cesalli et F. Goubier (éd.), Formal Approaches and Natural Language in Medieval Logic. Barcelona - Roma, Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Etudes Médiévales. pp. 239-267.
    One of the singularities of Latin exegesis of Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi, is that it arbitrarily brought together two families of fallacies, the «figure of speech» and the «accident», despite the fact that they are on either side of the divide between sophisms related to expression and sophisms independent of expression, a divide that lays at the heart of Aristotle’s taxonomy of sophistic arguments. What is behind this surprising identification? The talk is meant to show that it actually originates from a (...)
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