Results for 'Sikh Gurus '

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  1.  19
    The Sikh Gurus and the Sikh Society.Charles S. J. White & Niharranjan Ray - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):565.
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    Learning from the Sikh Gurus: Improved Decision Making for More Sustainable Futures.Parminder Singh Sahota, Maurizio Sajeva, Mark Lemon & Mehar Brar - 2016 - Philosophy of Management 15 (1):21-34.
    The Brundtland Report popularized the concept of sustainable development as meeting “the needs of the present without compromising the ability for future generations to meet their own needs.” Twenty years later a United Nations report argued that current development strategies are inadequate for achieving sustainable development beyond 2015. Any approach to sustainability requires the negotiation and reconfiguration of resources, the consideration of the different stakeholder perceptions to uncertainty and its communication and the continuous recognition of potential threats. This paper aims (...)
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    Philosophy of Sikh gurus.Gurbachan Singh Makin - 1994 - Chandigarh: Guru Tegh Bahadur Educational Centre.
    Philosophical interpretation of Sikh hymns.
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    Non-Canonical Compositions Attributed to the Seventh and Ninth Sikh Gurus.Jeevan Singh Deol - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):193-203.
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    Sikh ethics.Surindar Singh Kohli - 1974 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Description: In this short treatise on Sikh Ethics, the Adi Granth has been taken as the basic and main sourcebook of the Sikh moralcode. The path of life enunciated by the Sikh Gurus is the path of self-realisation or perfectionism; it is neither self-gratification or hedonism nor self-denial or rationalism. Emphasis in Sikh Ethics is laid on the practice of godly qualities. Their observance makes a human being godlike. The field of the body is to (...)
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    Sikh Philosophy as a Philosophy-of-Practice.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):348-353.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sikh Philosophy as a Philosophy-of-PracticeMonika Kirloskar-Steinbach (bio)Some recent publications on Indian philosophy argue that the colonial narrative about the philosophical traditions from the subcontinent was erroneous. It wrongly suggested that the erstwhile Brahmanic thought embodied by the darśanas was an exhaustive representation of philosophical activity on the subcontinent and that this activity came to a grinding halt with the onset of European modernity. In an attempt at rectifying (...)
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    The resolute Sikhs.Rājindara Siṅgha Jālī - 2016 - South Riding, Virginia, USA: Jolly Literature House.
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    History in the sikh past.Anne Murphy - 2007 - History and Theory 46 (3):345–365.
    This article offers a reading of an early eighteenth-century Punjabi text—Gur Sobha or “The Splendor of the Guru”—as a form of historical representation, suggesting reasons for the importance of the representation of the past as history within Sikh discursive contexts. The text in question provides an account of the life, death, and teachings of the last of the ten living Sikh Gurus or teachers, Guru Gobind Singh. The article argues that the construction of history in this text (...)
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    The Role of Sikh Liberalism in Promoting Communal Harmony in Today’s World.Md Mohshin Reza - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:189-209.
    This study examines the role of the principle of Sikh liberalism in promoting communal harmony in today’s world. Communal harmony has been under threat in almost all countries for decades, and bigotry, distrust, and animosity prevail among the followers of diverse faithbased communities. Individuals need to be whole-hearted, liberal in approach, and tolerant toward the followers of other communities to reduce such inconsistencies in our society. The paper explores that the ideology of Sikh liberalism can be a role (...)
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  10. In the witches cauldron.Gajindar Singh - 2004 - Mohali: Manbir G. Singh.
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    An Appreciation of Arvind Mandair's Sikh Philosophy: Exploring Gurmat Concepts in a Decolonizing World.Jeffery D. Long - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):353-363.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:An Appreciation of Arvind Mandair's Sikh Philosophy:Exploring Gurmat Concepts in a Decolonizing WorldJeffery D. Long (bio)"Sikhism," the Colonial Project, and Modernity1I do not use this adjective lightly, but in his brilliant volume Sikh Philosophy: Exploring Gurmat Concepts in a Decolonizing World (Bloomsbury, 2022) Arvind-Pal Singh Mandair goes a considerable distance toward liberating sikhī—known more widely in the academic world as Sikhism—from the conceptual constraints that have kept (...)
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  12. Sikkha lahira de samājika ādarasha.Rāma Siṅgha - 2023 - Ammritsara: Siṅgha Bradaraza.
    Essays on the social philosophy of Sikh gurus.
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    Namasakāra guradewa ko.Dilajīta Siṅgha Bedī, Rājawindara Siṅgha Jogā & Aramanjīta Siṅgha Talawaṇḍī (eds.) - 2019 - Srī Ammritasara Sāhiba: Sikkha Itihāsa Rīsaraca Boraḍa, Shromaṇī Guraduārā Prabandhaka Kameṭī.
    Contributed articles on the life, works and philosophy of Guru Nanak, 1469-1538, 1st Sikh guru.
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    Nanak, the correspondent of the ultimate.Sumeet D. Aurora - 2017 - New Delhi: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Guru Nanak: contemporary concerns and response.Dharam Singh - 2019 - Amritsar: Singh Brothers.
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  16. Gurū Nānaka: jīwana, darashana,ate kāwi-kalā.Surindar Singh Kohli & Bacana Siṅgha Mundara (eds.) - 1969 - Caṇḍīgaṛha: Pabalīkeshana Bioro, Pañjāba Yūnīwarasiṭī.
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  17. Philosophy of Life of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.Desh Raj Sirswal - 2018 - Lokayata: Journal of Positive Philosophy 2 (VIII):61-66.
    Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded during the 15th century in the Punjab region, by Guru Nanak Dev and continued to progress with ten successive Sikh gurus (the last teaching being the holy scripture Gurū Granth Sāhib Ji). It is the fifth-largest organized religion in the world, with over 30 million Sikhs and one of the most steadily growing. This system of religious philosophy and expression has been traditionally known as the Gurmat (literally 'of the gurus'). The (...)
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    Ḥaqq va maṣlaḥat: maqālātī dar falsafah-ʼi ḥuqūq, falsafah-ʼi ḥaqq va falsafah-ʼi arzish.Muḥammad Rāsikh (ed.) - 2002 - Tihrān: Tarḥ-i Naw.
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    Sunnatʹgirāyī-i bāztābī: mabānī-i jāmiʻahʹshināsī-i siyāsī-i Īrān (ʻaṣr-i Qājār).Karāmat Allāh Rāsikh - 2018 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Āgāh.
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    Sikhs of the Khalsa: a history of the Khalsa rahit.W. H. McLeod - 2003 - New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
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    Worldly Gurus and Spiritual Kings: Architecture and Asceticism in Medieval India. By Tamara I. Sears.Alka Patel - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
    Worldly Gurus and Spiritual Kings: Architecture and Asceticism in Medieval India. By Tamara I. Sears. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014. Pp. 300, illus. $75.
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    The Sikh moral tradition: ethical perceptions of the Sikhs in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century.Nripinder Singh - 1990 - New Delhi: Manohar.
    This study examines on the basis of historical evidence the ethical perceptions of the Sikh community at the turn of the last century.
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    Decolonizing Sikh Studies.Gurpreet Mahajan - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (1):183-185.
    A call for decolonization must begin by acknowledging the context in which Sikh Studies has emerged in the west and the struggle for respect and recognition that marks the life of minorities. As our capacity to pursue an agenda for intra-group equality is constrained by the presence of inter-group inequalities, the two concerns must go together. Besides, as a discipline, Sikh Studies should aim to expose students to diverse epistemological frameworks so that they can craft an agenda for (...)
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    Decolonizing Sikh Studies: A Feminist Manifesto.Katy Pal Sian & Rita Kaur Dhamoon - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (2):43-60.
    In celebrating the epistemological reform and empowerment of non-white peoples in the academy, we propose a manifesto that seeks to dislodge the complacencies within Sikh Studies and within Sikh communities, and invite non-Sikhs to engage with radical Sikhi social justice. By dwelling at feminist intersections of postcolonial studies, decolonial studies, and decolonization studies, we are inspired to share the radical possibilities of Sikh Studies, and we also urge Sikh Studies and Sikh people to inhabit an (...)
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    Modern Sikh Warriors: Militants, Soldiers, Citizens.Walter Dorn & Stephen Gucciardi - 2017 - Journal of Military Ethics 16 (3-4):272-285.
    ABSTRACTCentral to the mainstream Sikh identity is the concept of ethically-justified force, used as a last resort. There is no place for absolute pacifism in this conception of ethical living. Fighters and martyrs occupy an important place in the Khalsa narrative, and Sikhs are constantly reminded of the sacrifices and heroism of their co-religionists of the past. This article explores how the Sikh warrior identity is manifested in the contemporary world. It examines the Sikhs who, in the 1980s (...)
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    The Sikh perspective of human values.Guranāma Kaura (ed.) - 1998 - Patiala: Publication Bureau, Punjabi University.
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    Sikh dynamic vision.Nirbhai Singh - 2003 - New Delhi: Harman Pub. House.
    The Present Work Is A Rare Feat Of Critical And Candid Analysis Of The Religious Philosophies For Cleansing The Prevalent Shoddy Interpretations Of The Kernal Concepts Of Sikh Philosophy For Illuminating The Sikh Epiphany Of Ecstasy, Voluntarism And The Khalsa.
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    Sikh religion and philosophy.Nirmala Kumāra Jaina - 1979 - New Delhi: Sterling.
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    Writing Sikh philosophy on its own terms.N. Muthu Mohan - 2020 - Amritsar, PB: Centre on Studies in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Guru Nanak Dev University. Edited by Sukhdeep Singh.
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  30. Sikh fundamentalism: translating history into theory.Harjot Oberoi - 2010 - In Aakash Singh & Silika Mohapatra, Indian political thought: a reader. New York: Routledge.
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    The Sikhs by John Clark Archer.Kilian J. Hennrich - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (1):109-110.
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  32. The gurus speak: Complexity and organizations.Bill McKelvey, Henry Mintzberg, Tom Petzinger, Larry Prusak, Peter Senge, Ron Shultz, Y. Bar-Yam & D. Lebaron - 1999 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1 (1):73-91.
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    Understanding Management Gurus in a Week.Bob Norton & Cathy Smith - 1998
    What are management gurus? Who are they? Why do we need them? This informative and practical guide analyses the value to be gained from reading the gurus, sets the growth of gurudom in context and traces the lines of development of the major schools of thought from their beginnings to the present day.
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    Understanding Sikh rehat maryada.Gurabak̲h̲asha Siṅgha Gulashana - 2015 - Essex, UK: Khalsa Pracharak Jatha.
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    Cruel Comforters: Management Gurus as Outsourced Thinkers.Kazem Chaharbaghi & Victor Newman - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (1):135-146.
    The influence of popular management gurus derives from two factors: the willingness of their management audience to outsource or subcontract thinking and the ability of gurus to deliver apparently relatively simple messages to an audience that probably does not want or need to think deeply, while retaining their leadership status. As managers look to management gurus to provide them only with reasons to be, to behave or act as opposed to reasons to think, per se, the nature (...)
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    The Sikhs in Relation to Hindus, Moslems, Christians, and Ahmadiyyas. A Study in Comparative Religion.Ananda K. Coomaraswamy - 1947 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 67 (1):67.
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    Yoruba Gurus: Indigenous Production of Knowledge in Africa.Toyin Falola - 1999 - Africa World Press.
    "Toyin Falola, one of the most prominent interpreters of Yoruba History, has written an outstanding and brilliant pioneer book that reveals valuable knowledge on African local historians. This is one of the most impressive books on the Yoruba in recent years and the best so far on Yoruba intellectual history. The range of coverage is extensive, the reading is stimulating, and the ideas are innovative. This is indeed a major contribution to historical knowledge that all students of African history will (...)
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    Gurus-Meister-Gelehrte. Phänomenologie und Transformation des charismatischen Lehrmeisters.Christian Feichtinger & Johannes Thonhauser - 2009 - Disputatio Philosophica 11 (1):25 - 44.
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    Gurus and Griots: Revisiting the research informed consent process in rural African contexts.Richard Appiah - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundResearchers conducting community-based participatory action research (CBPAR) in highly collectivistic and socioeconomically disadvantaged community settings in sub-Saharan Africa are confronted with the distinctive challenge of balancing universal ethical standards with local standards, where traditional customs or beliefs may conflict with regulatory requirements and ethical guidelines underlying the informed consent (IC) process. The unique ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural diversities in these settings have important implications for the IC process, such as individual decisional autonomy, beneficence, confidentiality, and signing the IC document.Main textDrawing (...)
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    The Sikh vision, problems of philosophy and faith.Wazir Singh - 1992 - New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications.
    This book portrays the Supreme Reality in five facets, discusses the issues of Divine Ordinance and Grace, humanism and peace, suffering and death from Sikh perspective.
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    The Sikhs, A Study in Comparative Religion.John Clark Archer - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (4):726-728.
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    Gurus in the Boardroom: The New Contemplative Corporations.Joseph X. Kennedy - 2022 - Listening 57 (1):15-22.
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    Sikh Fundamentalism.W. H. McLeod - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):15-27.
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    Gurus, Logical Consequence, and Truth-Bearers: What Is It that Is True?Shapiro St E. Wa Rt - 2005 - In Bradley P. Armour-Garb & J. C. Beall, Deflationary Truth. Open Court Press. pp. 153.
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    Early Sikh Tradition: A Study of the Janam-sākhīsEarly Sikh Tradition: A Study of the Janam-sakhis.Charles S. J. White & W. H. McLeod - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (2):418.
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    Celebration of the Sikh ceremonies: according to the code of Sikh conduct & conventions as published by the SGPC, Amritsar = Sikkha sam̆sakāra.Labh Singh Moher - 2005 - [S.l.: [S.N.].
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    Essays on Sikh philosophy.N. Muthu Mohan - 1997 - Chandigarh: Institute of Sikh Studies.
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    Hinduism, Gurus and Globalization.Shandip Saha - 2007 - In Peter Beyer & Lori Gail Beaman, Religion, globalization and culture. Boston: Brill. pp. 6--485.
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    Prem sumārag: the testimony of a sanatan Sikh.W. H. McLeod (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This translation of Randhir Singh's text of the Prem Sumarag (or Param Sumarag) presents an extended Sanatan account of Sikh ceremonies, Sikh ideals, and the Sikh way of life, thus providing a fresh insight into the history of Khalsa Rahit.
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    Diasporic Impulses: Sikh Philosophy as an Assemblage.Arvind-Pal S. Mandair - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):364-378.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diasporic Impulses:Sikh Philosophy as an AssemblageArvind-Pal S. Mandair (bio)Let me begin this response by thanking the editors of Philosophy East and West for generously allowing space for this review forum on my recent book, Sikh Philosophy: Exploring Gurmat Concepts in a Decolonizing World (Bloomsbury, 2022), and thanking the reviewers Monika-Kirloskar Steinbach, Ananda Abeysekara, and Jeffery Long for their careful readings of this work. "Sikh Philosophy" names (...)
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