Results for 'Shinto mythology. '

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  1.  5
    Kojiki no tōchi tetsugaku no kōsō.Nobuyoshi Shida - 1993 - Tōkyō: Shibundō.
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  2. Eastern Philosophy.Malcolm Seymour, Trevor Green, Audrey Healy, Bob Carruthers, Gary Russell, Dennis Hedlund, Alex Ridgway, Matt Hale, Alexander Fyfe, Paul Farrer, Trevor Nichols, Rana Mitter & Julius Lipner (eds.) - 2006 - Kultur.
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    In the Tracks of Buddhism. [REVIEW]J. H. P. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):565-566.
    This book was translated from the French by Marco Pallis. It is divided into three parts: in The Tracks of Buddhism, Buddhism's Ally in Japan Shintö or the Way of the Gods, and Vistas of the Mahäyäna. The first has ten short essay chapters, Originality of Buddhism, Message and Messenger, Charity and Existence, The Question of Illusion, A Buddhist Eye on Science, Cosmological and Eschatological Viewpoints, More About Human Destinies--the Function of Mercy, What is Matter and Who is Mära?, Some (...)
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  4. Shinto Yamatokyo f^ iH^ fnifc 1-2-33 Iwabuchi, Isesaki-shi, Mie-ken 516.New Sect Shinto - 1976 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 3:308.
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  5. An meshcheryakov.In Shinto & Early Japanese Buddhism - 1984 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 11:43.
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    Robert A. Davis.Mythologies Of Innocence - 2011 - In Nancy Vansieleghem & David Kennedy (eds.), Philosophy for Children in Transition: Problems and Prospects. Chichester, West Sussex,: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 210.
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    Shinto as a Religion for the Warrior Class: The Case of Yoshikawa Koretaru.Bernhard Scheid - 2002 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 29 (3-4):299-324.
    This article deals with developments of Shinto in the seventeenth century, focussing on the school of Yoshikawa Shinto. It is presented as an example of the coalition between Shinto and Neo-Confucianism intellectuals typical for that time. Pointing out the medieval predecessors of this coalition, the article argues that the theological ideas of Yoshikawa Shinto were much more indebted to medieval Shinto than is generally assumed. This is demonstrated by a doctrinal comparison as well as by (...)
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    Shinto: Una Puerta de Entrada a la Cultura Japonesa y Un Acercamiento a la Mitología Japonesa.Diego López García - 2020 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 4 (1).
    El artículo nos presenta una de las formas de acercamiento y puerta de visualización de la cultura japonesa conociendo sus métodos y costumbres. Uno de nuestros objetivos es dar a conocer cómo el Shinto interviene de manera fehaciente y práctica dentro del costumbrismo y cultura en la sociedad japonesa, y cómo este ha trascendido desde sus más remotos orígenes hasta la actualidad más contemporánea en dicha sociedad y cómo se ha extrapolado a otras culturas para alcanzar el conocimiento más (...)
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  9. Techno-animism in Japan: Shinto Cosmograms, Actor-network Theory, and the Enabling Powers of Non-human Agencies.Casper Bruun Jensen & Anders Blok - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):84-115.
    In a wide range of contemporary debates on Japanese cultures of technological practice, brief reference is often made to distinct Shinto legacies, as forming an animist substratum of indigenous spiritual beliefs and cosmological imaginations. Japan has been described as a land of Shinto-infused ‘techno-animism’: exhibiting a ‘polymorphous perversity’ that resolutely ignores boundaries between human, animal, spiritual and mechanical beings. In this article, we deploy instances of Japanese techno-animism as sites of theoretical experimentation on what Bruno Latour calls a (...)
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    Mythology, Weltanschauung, symbolic universe and states of consciousness.Gert Malan - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1):8.
    This article investigates whether different religious (mythological) worldviews can be described as alternative and altered states of consciousness (ASCs). Differences between conscious and unconscious motivations for behaviour are discussed before looking at ASCs, Weltanschauung and symbolic universes. Mythology can be described both as Weltanschauung and symbolic universe, functioning on all levels of consciousness. Different Weltanschauungen constitute alternative states of consciousness. Compared to secular worldviews, religious worldviews may be described as ASCs. Thanks to our globalised modern societies, the issue is even (...)
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    Suika Shintō no hitobito to Nihon shoki.Takashi Matsumoto - 2008 - Tōkyō: Kōbundō.
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    Shintō shisōshi kenkyū.Miyuki Takahashi - 2013 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
    古代の土俗的にカミ信仰は、中世になると仏教の影響を受けて、教説としての「神道」を形成する。そして近世には儒教の影響を受けて、広く学問と思想の世界を席巻していく。そこには、外来思想の流入に対する。民族の 文化的アイデンティティを追求しようとする日本人の思想的営為があった。カミ信仰の系譜。.
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    The Mythology of Reason in “Das älteste Systemprogramm”: A Hegelian Project?Martina Barnaba - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (4):403-415.
    The paper aims to investigate the thesis of the so-called Neue Mythologie within the fragment entitled “Das älteste Systemprogramm des deutschen Idealismus” [“The Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism”]. The latter presents a revolutionary project of social pedagogy linked to the use of the aesthetic character of myth and poetry in the formation of the conscience and the intellect of the people. The program, therefore, formulates a fertile dialogue between the emancipatory potential of the Enlightenment and Jena Romanticism, in that (...)
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  14. Shintō shisōshū.Ichirō Ishida - 1970 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō. Edited by Tarō Okamoto.
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    Mythological content: A problem for Milikan's teleosemantics.Tadeusz W. Zawidzki - 2003 - Philosophical Psychology 16 (4):535-538.
    I pose the following dilemma for Millikan's teleological theory of mental content. There is only one way that her theory can avoid Gauker's [(1995) Review of Millikan's White queen psychology and other essays for Alice, Philosophical Psychology, 8, 305-309] charge that it relies on an unexplained notion of mapping or isomorphism between mental state and world. Mental content must be explained in terms of the mapping relation that is required for mental state producing and consuming mechanisms to perform their biologically (...)
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  16.  13
    Mythology and theology. Second article.V. M. Naydysh - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):210-221.
    The concept of interpretation is applicable to any forms of knowledge, including systems of religious knowledge, designing the ideal model of the subject of religious veneration. The author analyzes the epistemological features of theology as a form of spiritual culture, its formation in ancient culture. It is shown that the epistemological basis for overcoming mythological consciousness was the decentralization of thinking, i.e. development of the ability of consciousness in the construction of the image, the picture of the world to correct (...)
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  17. Japanese Shintō: An Interpretation of a Priestly Perspective.James Waldemar Boyd & Ron G. Williams - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (1):33 - 63.
    This is an interpretation of the experiential/religious meaning of Japanese Shrine Shinto as taught us primarily by the priests at Tsubaki Grand Shrine, Suzuka, Mie Prefecture. As a heuristic device, we suggest lines of comparison between the thought and practice of the Tsubaki priests and two Western thinkers: the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber and the French philosopher Georges Bataille. This in turn allows the construction of three interpretive categories that we believe illuminate both the Shintō worldview and Shintō ritual (...)
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    Shinto to Kirisutokyo--Shukyo ni okeru Fuhen to Tokushu.Michio Araki - 1990 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 10:298.
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  19. Shintō no shinri.Yōun Koyama - 1932
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    Shinto research and the humanities in japan.Kamata Toji - 2016 - Zygon 51 (1):43-62.
    Three approaches to scholarship are “scholarship as a way,” which aims at perfection of character; “scholarship as a method,” which clearly limits objects and methods in order to achieve precise perception and new knowledge; and “scholarship as an expression,” which takes various approaches to questions and inquiry. The “humanities” participate deeply and broadly in all three of these approaches. In relation to this view of the humanities, Japanese Shinto is a field of study that yields rich results. As a (...)
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  21.  5
    Mythological Aspects of Supreme Power Concept by Eusebius Pamphilus.Marina Savelieva - 2024 - Conatus 9 (1):157-171.
    The article deals with one of the earliest Christian interpretations of the supreme secular power created by Eusebius Pamphilus, Bishop of Caesarea, during the life of the first Christian emperor Constantine the Great. It is proved that the concept by Eusebius contains mythological ideas transformed in a Christian context. In particular, the main focus of the interpretation of the Lord is the recognition of Him as Pantocrator [Παντοκράτωρ – the Lord of all] endowed with infinite power and authority over the (...)
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  22.  26
    The mythological unconscious.Michael Vannoy Adams - 2010 - Putnam, Conn.: Spring Publications.
    Preface to the second edition -- Preface to the first edition -- Psycho-mythology : meschugge? -- Dreams and fantasies : manifestations 0f the mythological unconscious -- African-American dreaming and the "lion in the path" : racism and the cultural unconscious -- "Hapless" the Centaur : an archetypal image, amplification, and active imagination -- Pegasus and visionary experience : from the white winged horse to the "flying red horse" -- The bull, the labyrinth, and the Minotaur : from archaeology to "archetypology" (...)
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  23. Shintō dōmon.Masahiro Yasuoka - 1936 - Tōkyō: Kinkei Gakuin.
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    Shinto as an Intrinsic Japanese Religion.Hidemichi Tanaka - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (3):157-173.
    Motoori often criticized China, saying “Adashi Michi ” or “Kara Gokoro.”“In China, they often say heaven’s way, heaven’s order or heaven’s reason and regard them as the most reverential and awesome things … firstly heaven is … not a thing with the mind, there cannot be such a thing as heaven’s order …” He concludes that there is no “way of nature” in China. He also mentions in his essay Tamakatsuma [Beautiful Bamboo Basket]: “We think that heaven and earth grow (...)
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    The formation of sect Shinto in modernizing Japan.Nobutaka Inoue & Mark Teeuwen - 2002 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 29:405–427.
    This essay analyzes the formation of sect Shinto in the second half of the nineteenth century. It is pointed out that the Shinto sects that constituted sect Shinto were constructed on the basis of preexisting infrastructures, which had developed in response to the profound social changes accompa- nying the modernization process of the Bakumatsu and Meiji periods. Sect Shinto took shape in a cross3re between the impact of modernization from below, and the vicissitudes of Meiji religious (...)
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    Neo-Confucian Shinto Thought in Early Tokugawa Zhu Xi Studies: Comparing the Work of Hayashi Razan and Yamazaki Ansai.Chang Kun-Chiang 張崑將 - 2018 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 49 (3-4):219-240.
    The author examines some Confucian-trained Tokugawa Japanese scholars who were concerned about the deleterious impact of Buddhism on native Shinto thought and practice. Several leading Confucian-tr...
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    Shinto and Chritianity: Dialogue for the Twenty-first Century.Kakichi Kadowaki - 1993 - International Philosophical Quarterly 33 (1):69-89.
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    Shinto Funerals in the Edo Period.Elizabeth Kenney - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 27 (3-4):239-271.
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    (1 other version)"Shinto Deities that Crossed the Sea: Japan's" Overseas Shrines," 1868 to 1945".Nakajima Michio - 2010 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 37 (1):21-46.
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    Mythologizing Performance.Claude Calame - 2021 - Kernos 34:307-311.
    Sous le titre quelque peu énigmatique de Mythologizing Performance, Richard P. Martin (R.M.) a réuni dix-sept essais publiés à différentes occasions. D’une manière ou d’une autre ces essais, plus originaux les uns que les autres, font tous suite à l’ouvrage fondamental paru en 1989, dans la même belle collection « Myth & Poetics » dirigée par Gregory Nagy à Cornell University Press, soit The Language of Heroes: Speech and Performance in the ‘Iliad’. Assurément, le recenseur ne dispose pas des...
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  31. Socrates’ Mythological Role in Plato’s Theaetetus.Yip-Mei Loh - 2017 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 11 (2):343-346.
    Plato, as a poet, employs muthos extensively to express his philosophical dialectical development, so the majority of his dialogues are comprised of muthoi. We cannot separate his muthos from his philosophical thought, since the former has great influence in the latter. So the methodology of this paper is first to discuss the dialogue "Theaetetus" to find out why he compares Socrates to the Greek goddess Artemis; then his concept of Maieutikē will be investigated. At the beginning of Plato’s "Theaetetus", Socrates (...)
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    Shinto: The Way of Japan. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):817-817.
    Reminiscent of the approach to Japan of Lafcadio Hearn, Ross evokes a picture and mood of Shinto in Japanese life. Conscious of the difficulties that understanding Shinto can present to the Western thinker, Ross combines personal experiences with historical discussion of the myths, festivals, rites, and development of Shinto. Ross succeeds in giving the reader a "feel" for Shinto and its influence as well as arousing his curiosity for further study.—R. J. B.
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    Ancient Mythology in “La Princesse Maleine” by Maurice Maeterlinck: Intertextual Analysis.Dmytro Chystiak, Bujar Tafa, Jeton Kelmendi & K. Morve Roshan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1690-1699.
    The article is devoted to the reconstitution of the mythological worldview of the well-known European Symbolist writer Maurice Maeterlinck based on his famous drama ‘Princess Maleine’ that made a great impact on the development of the ‘new drama’ in the end of the 19th century. This analysis is performed in the context of the study of the symbolist semiotic system in French-speaking tradition. The lingua-poetic and mythopoeic intertextual analysis done, we have found that the mythological model in the play is (...)
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  34. Shinto religion and japanese cultural evolution.Richard K. Beardsley - 1960 - In Gertrude Evelyn Dole (ed.), Essays in the science of culture. New York,: Crowell.
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    Rewriting Mythology: Tautegory, Ontology, and the Novel.Deborah Casewell - 2022 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (1):119-141.
    In Schelling’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Art, he outlines an aesthetic theory of the novel and how it communicates truth, based around his Identitätssystem. In doing so, he understands truth as symbolic, where the symbolic is tautegorical. In his later lectures on mythology he instantiates a new understanding of ontology and mythology as tautegorical, and makes gestures towards how to understand aesthetic forms based on these new accounts. This paper explores how that new aesthetic understanding of truth, ontology, and (...)
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    Zen and Shinto.Chikao Fujisawa - 1959 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
    How do the Japanese about their native philosophy, Shinto, a decade and a half after its abolishment as a state religion by the Western Allies? // What is its relationship to Buddhism, and particularly to Zen? // How modern can this very ancient creed ever be? // These are some of the questions considered in this study by Dr. Chikao Fujisawa, who specialized in the study of traditional Japanese philosophy and its effect on modern society. // Zen and (...) is a strong plea to rectify the steps taken to eradicate Shinto, the very substance of Japanese life and thought. At the same time, it offers new insight into the amazing adaptability of the Japanese psyche--its depth, vitality and universality--and its remarkable capacity to assimilate foreign thought and ideas, and thus contribute to the world's hope for permanent peace. // Dr. Chikao Fujisawa was a Japanese philosopher and historian, and he lectured on the topics at Nihon University. He believed in preserving Japanese customs, and as such he was a strong supporter of reintroducing Shinto and Zen traditions to Japan's youth. (shrink)
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  37. State shinto within the larger process of westernization.Jun'ichi Isomae - 2007 - In Timothy Fitzgerald (ed.), Religion and the secular: historical and colonial formations. Oakville, CT: Equinox. pp. 93.
  38. Shinto: The Way of Japan.F. H. Ross - 1965
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    Shinto Man.Joseph J. Spae - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (4):547-549.
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    Neo-Confucian Shinto Thought in Early Tokugawa Zhu Xi Studies: Comparing the Work of Hayashi Razan and Yamazaki Ansai.Chang Kun-Chiang - 2018 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 49 (3-4):219-240.
    The author examines some Confucian-trained Tokugawa Japanese scholars who were concerned about the deleterious impact of Buddhism on native Shinto thought and practice. Several leading Confucian-trained scholars appealed to Zhu Xi’s thought in various ways to reinforce and preserve Shintoism and its original spirit.
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    White Mythology: From Linear to Virtual Value Chains in E-Business.Stephen Sheard - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (1):67-84.
    This article examines the development of the concept of the value chain from the linear to the virtual conception of the chain, through the evolution of the literature from Michael Porter’s writings of the mid 1990s to the theorists of e-business and e-commerce in the later 1990s I argue that Porter’s account employs white metaphors and that writings on the virtual value chain both extend the white metaphors of Porter’s linear chain, and suggest a pronouncedly metaphysical system of thought — (...)
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    The Mythological Paintings in the Macellum at Pompeii.Judith M. Barringer - 1994 - Classical Antiquity 13 (2):149-166.
    This article attempts to establish and examine the context of the two remaining mythological paintings in the Macellum, the central market of Pompeii. Panels of Io and Argos and of Penelope and Odysseus grace the interior walls, and while the identification of the Penelope figure has been the subject of debate, she clearly derives from Greek prototypes of Penelope, both material and theatrical. Indeed, scholars suggest that the Io panel and perhaps the Penelope painting as well are copies of Greek (...)
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    Christmas Mythologies: Sacred and Secular.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2010 - In Scott C. Lowe (ed.), Christmas: Philosophy For Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 59–69.
    On the 24th and 25th of December every year two very different stories are told: one in people’s homes, by the fireplace or Christmas tree, to pyjamaed but excited and sleepless children; the other to people of all ages in the more imposing setting of candlelit churches and cathedrals. I want to ask, in this essay: Does the telling of these two stories have anything in common? What can we learn by comparing them? The first one, the one I call (...)
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  44. Hirata Atsutane no Fukko Shintō to Kirisutokyō: Honkyō gaihen no kenkyū.Harukichi Sakamoto - 1986 - Ōsaka-fu Ibaraki-shi: Sakamoto Ina.
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  45. The mythological being of reflection : An essay on Hegel, Schelling, and the contingency of necessity.Markus Gabriel - 2009 - In Mythology, Madness, and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism. Continuum.
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    Cosmic Beavers: queer counter-mythologies through speculative songwriting.Kathryn Yusoff, David Ben Shannon & Sarah E. Truman - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (6):84-96.
    In this article, the authors introduce the concept of a “queer counter-mythology.” They do so by discussing a speculative song they wrote as an enactment of research-creation. Research-creation names an interdisciplinary scholarly praxis where artist-scholars create the artefacts they want to think-with, rather than analysing existing cultural productions. The song discussed in this article, “Cosmic Beavers,” proposes a queer counter-mythology that reimagines the historical, colonial archive by foregrounding the stories of giant, trans-dimensional beavers who shred Lewis and Clark and use (...)
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    The mythological in the postmodern paradigm: a historiographic study.Sofia Rezvushkina - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:67-82.
    Introduction. The lexeme “myth” is ordinary for a modern person, but its meaning is a vague circle of definition. The author sets the question — how does modern man understand the myth, how does he use it, and what approaches to studying the manifestations of the mythological are used in modern science. But in order to correctly answer these questions, it is necessary to clarify the concept of “modernity”. According to the author, it is possible to correctly substantiate the concept (...)
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    African Mythology, Femininity, and Maternity.Ismahan Soukeyna Diop - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores feminine archetypes and mythological figures in African and European traditions with an underlying goal of describing the foundations of social status for women. The author provides a rich corpus of mythology and tales to illustrate aspects of female and mother-daughter relationships. Diop analyzes the symbolic aspects of maternity and femininity, describing the social meaning of the matrix, breasts, and breastfeeding. A retrospective of female characters in African literature brings an interesting approach to explore the figures of femininity (...)
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  49. Mythology, Madness, and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism.Markus Gabriel - 2009 - Continuum. Edited by Slavoj Žižek.
    A hugely important book that rediscovers three crucial, but long overlooked themes in German idealism: mythology, madness and laughter.
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  50. Mythology of the Given.Ernest Sosa - 1997 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 14 (3):275 - 286.
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