Results for 'Shigeru Kobayashi'

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  1. Hōgaku gairon.Shigeru Inoue, Naoki Kobayashi & Teruo Matsushita (eds.) - 1960 - Tōkyō: Seirin Shoin.
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    Network-structure of the peripheral autonomic innervation apparatus should be thoroughly evaluated.Shigeru Kobayashi - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):307-308.
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    Where conscious sensation takes place.Shigeru Kitazawa - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (3):475-477.
    Pockett has drawn an alternative conclusion from the data of Libet, Alberts, Wright, and Feinstein , and suggested that it takes 80 ms, rather than 500 ms, for the sensation evoked by a stimulus to enter awareness. Here, I suggest that our conscious sensation evolves over time, during the period from 80 to 500 ms after a stimulus, until the sensation is stably localized in space.
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  4. Are the Forms «aitiai» in the «Phaedo»?Shigeru Yonezawa - 1991 - Hermes 119 (1):37-42.
  5. Uchū shinpi to shinkō.Shigeru Aoki - 1933
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  6. Kigō-ronrigaku nyūmon.Shigeru Ishitani - 1966
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  7. Sei to shi.Shigeru Katō - 1979
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  8. Hēgeru kenkyū.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1971
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  9. Jitsuzon e no shiza.Shigeru Kohii - 1980
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    Gendai kagaku to busshitsu gainen: taishōsei to jiritsusei no benshōhō.Shigeru Machida - 1983 - Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten. Edited by Yoshishige Ario.
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    Dekaruto to josei =.Shigeru Tamai - 1990 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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    Roles of O-linked oligosaccharides in immune responses.Shigeru Tsuboi & Minoru Fukuda - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (1):46-53.
    Many functional glycoproteins are expressed on the lymphocyte cell surface. Some of them carry O-linked oligosaccharides (O-glycans), which are conjugated through serine or threonine residues. During various biological processes, including T-cell activation, a tetrasaccharide on the T-cell surface is dramatically converted to a branched hexasaccharide, called core2 O-glycan. The same structural change in O-glycans is also found on the lymphocytes from patients with immunodeficiency conditions such as Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and AIDS. Several studies revealing the roles of core2 O-glycans in immune (...)
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  13. Servant Leadership in Japan: A Validation Study of the Japanese Version of the Servant Leadership Survey.Yuka Kobayashi, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Yasumasa Otsuka, Hisashi Eguchi, Norito Kawakami, Kotaro Imamura & Dirk van Dierendonck - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Cross-Modality Information Transfer: A Hypothesis about the Relationship among Prehistoric Cave Paintings, Symbolic Thinking, and the Emergence of Language.Shigeru Miyagawa, Cora Lesure & Vitor A. Nóbrega - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:299134.
    Early modern humans developed mental capabilities that were immeasurably greater than those of non-human primates. We see this in the rapid innovation in tool making, the development of complex language, and the creation of sophisticated art forms, none of which we find in our closest relatives. While we can readily observe the results of this high-order cognitive capacity, it is difficult to see how it could have developed. We take up the topic of cave art and archeoacoustics, particularly the discovery (...)
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    The Shifting Other in Karatani Kōjin’s Philosophy.Toshiaki Kobayashi & John W. M. Krummel - 2016 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 4:17-31.
    In this article Kobayashi Toshiaki discusses the importance in all periods of Karatani’s oeuvre of the notion of an “exterior” that necessarily falls beyond the bounds of a system, together with the notion of “singularity” as that which cannot be contained within a “universal.” The existential dread vis-à-vis the uncanny other that Karatani in his early works of literary criticism had initially found to be the underlying tone in Sōseki’s works remained with Karatani himself throughout his career and is (...)
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  16. From South Asian studies to global history: searching for Asian perspectives.Shigeru Akita - 2016 - In Antoinette M. Burton & Dane Keith Kennedy, How Empire Shaped Us. London: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    World History and the Emergence of Global History in Japan.Shigeru Akita - 2010 - Chinese Studies in History 43 (3):84-96.
  18. Bijutsu.Shigeru Aoki & Tadayasu Sakai (eds.) - 1989 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  19. Kotairon no hōkai to keisei: kinsei tetsugaku ni okeru "kotai" no kenkyū.Shigeru Aoki - 1983 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  20. Ningenkan no shoruikei.Shigeru Hirota & Tomio Ozawa (eds.) - 1978
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  21. Junshi tetsugaku gaisetsu.Shigeru Horiuchi - 1938 - Tōkyō: Kōdōkan.
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  22. Gendai no hōtetsugaku.Shigeru Inoue & Mitsukuni Yazaki (eds.) - 1981
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  23. Shizenhō no kinō: shisōshiteki kōsatsu.Shigeru Inoue - 1961 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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    Shibusawa Eiichi.Shigeru Kashima - 2011 - Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū.
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    Tayōsei no jidai o ikiru tame no tetsugaku.Shigeru Kashima - 2022 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Shōdensha. Edited by Hiroki Azuma, Mikako Brady, Masaya Chiba, Yōjirō Ishii & Shigeki Uno.
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    Continuité et rupture dans les théories socio-économiques de Yasuma Takata.Shigeru Kitajima & Hiroki Yokota - 2019 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 20 (1):89-122.
    Nous avons trois objectifs dans cet article. Le premier est de montrer la pensée et le comportement de Yasuma Takata (1883-1972), auteur quasiment inconnu en Occident, mais qui donna pourtant au Japon ses premières théories sociologiques et socio-économiques générales. Le deuxième est d’examiner comment ces pensée et comportement sont liés à la responsabilité de la guerre dans la seconde guerre mondiale. Le troisième consiste à montrer que cette pensée est profondément connectée au courant de la pensée japonaise moderne à travers (...)
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  27. Gēmu no rinkai: agōn to shisutemu.Yasuo Kobayashi (ed.) - 1983 - Tōkyō: Asahi Shuppansha.
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    Preferential penetration path of gallium into grain boundary in practical aluminium alloy.M. Kobayashi, H. Toda, K. Uesugi, T. Ohgaki, T. Kobayashi, Y. Takayama & B. -G. Ahn - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (28):4351-4366.
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    Turing pattern formation without diffusion.Shigeru Kondo - 2012 - In S. Barry Cooper, How the World Computes. pp. 416--421.
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    Hagfish (cyclostomata, vertebrata): Searching for the ancestral developmental plan of vertebrates.Shigeru Kuratani & Kinya G. Ota - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (2):167-172.
    The phylogenetic position of the hagfish remains enigmatic. In contrast to molecular data that suggest monophyly of the cyclostomes, several morphological features imply a more ancestral state of this animal compared with the lampreys. To resolve this question requires an understanding of the embryology of the hagfish, especially of the neural crest. The early development of the hagfish has long remained a mystery. We collected a shallow‐water‐dwelling hagfish, Eptatretus burgeri, set up an aquarium tank designed to resemble its habitat, and (...)
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  31. Seiyō shigaku shisō shi.Shigeru Kurobane - 1970
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  32. Motoori Norinaga no shisō to shinri.Shigeru Matsumoto - 1981
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  33. Pasukaru to tetsugaku.Shigeru Miyake - 1941
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  34. Jikken keikaku hō.Shigeru Mizuno - 1963
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    Nihon Bukkyō o kaeta Hōnen no sen'eisei: Shinran ni totte no "Shinshū".Shigeru Nezu - 2017 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
    「地獄に落ちても後悔しない」――親鸞が比叡山を捨ててまで求めた、法然の教えとは!? その教えと歩みを探った、著者渾身の一冊。.
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    Gūzen to hitsuzen: benshōhō to wa nani ka.Shigeru Suzuki - 1982 - Tokyo: Yūhikaku.
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    Risei to ningen.Shigeru Suzuki - 1989 - Kyōto-shi: Bunrikaku.
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  38. KyōIku Genri.Shigeru Tochihara - 1971
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  39. Uematsu Arinobu.Shigeru Uematsu - 1979
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  40. Do animals have" theory"?—naive biology in pigeons—.Shigeru Watanabe - 2006 - In D. Andler, M. Okada & I. Watanabe, Reasoning and Cognition. pp. 2--205.
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    Reinforcing property of music for non-human animals: Analysis with pigeons.Shigeru Watanabe, Takako Suzuki & Yumiko Yamazaki - 2009 - In David Papineau, Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 121--1.
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    Spatial Learning in Japanese Eels Using Extra- and Intra-Maze Cues.Shigeru Watanabe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:536819.
    Japanese eels ( Anguilla japonica ) were trained on a spatial-learning paradigm in a pool placed in an experimental room where several extra-maze cues were present. Four tubes were placed in the pool, of which one was open and could be entered by the eels. The open tube was placed at a fixed position in the pool and contained a triangular block that served as an intra-maze cue. The eels learned to identify the open tube, and their performance was maintained (...)
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  43. Plato’s Concept Of Temperance In The Charmides.Shigeru Yonezawa - 2007 - Existentia 17 (3-4):161-182.
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    Socrates and Democracy.Shigeru Yonezawa - 2001 - Polis 18 (1-2):91-105.
    The aim of this paper is to reveal Socrates as a thorough democrat. In the first section, I will disprove the credibility of Xenophon’s Memorabilia, a common source for scholars who view Socrates as an antidemocratic thinker. I will then argue, in the second section, that the views of a few scholars who portray Socrates as a prodemocratic thinker represent a far-from-satisfactory depiction of his political views. In the third section, I will then demonstrate that Socrates’ criticism of democracy is (...)
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    Socrates’s conception of philosophy.Shigeru Yonezawa - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):1.
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    Yasunobu Fujiwara, The Political Philosophy of Hegel. Tokyo, Ochanomizu-Shobo, 1982, pp.317.Shigeru Yukiyasu - 1985 - Hegel Bulletin 6 (1):32-34.
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    The Emergence of Hierarchical Structure in Human Language.Shigeru Miyagawa, Robert C. Berwick & Kazuo Okanoya - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Systems Underlying Human and Old World Monkey Communication: One, Two, or Infinite.Shigeru Miyagawa & Esther Clarke - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:469108.
    Using artificially synthesized stimuli, previous research has shown that cotton-top tamarin monkeys easily learn simple AB grammar sequences, but not the more complex AnBn sequences that require hierarchical structure. Humans have no trouble learning AnBn combinations. A more recent study, using similar artificially created stimuli, showed that there is a neuroanatomical difference in the brain between these two kinds of arrays. While the simpler AB sequences recruit the frontal operculum, the AnBn array recruits the phylogenetically newer Broca’s area. We propose (...)
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  49. Quantum Mechanics of the Composite System and Its Subsystems.Shigeru Machida & Akio Motoyoshi - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (1):45-57.
    We revisit the EPR problem and make clear what is a correct comprehension of its problem. When one applies the quantum mechanics correctly, it will be shown that there is no paradox. According to these lines of thought, a quantum teleportation scheme without resort to the von Neumann projection postulate is presented.
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  50. Nihon to Chōsen no Shushigaku.Shigeru Fukuda - 2016 - Tōkyō: Kenbun Shuppan.
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